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Full text of "Transactions of the Entomological Society of London"

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Part I. (TRans., p. 1-188, Proc., i-xvi) was published 21 June, 1911 
“cian | ee ee 189-500, _,, XVii—xxxii) e 21:Oct. 

. v4 wy 501-767, 

> Vv. (ee ——_ ,,,___ I xxxi-eeiv) s 19 April ,, 

4 SER -IREEY 10 Feb., 1912 


FouNDED, 1833. 


OFFICERS and COUNCIL for the SESSION 1911-1912. 






CommanDER JAMES J. WALKER, M.A., R.N., F.L.S. 


Otber Members of Council. 


MALCOLM BURR, D.Sc., F.L.S., E.ZS., etc. 




J. R. te B. TOMLIN, M.A. 


Resident Librarian. 


List of Fellows... “fe Bes a a ~ ze ate ies ix 
Additions to the Library x ue ES ve ae i .. XXVili 
Errata... ees nis Bac oe cob He us “i we XLvil 
I. On the Forms and Geographical Distribution of Acraea lycoa, 
Godt., and Acraea johnstoni,Godm. By Harry ELTRINGHAM, 
M.A. FB ZS .y ee tet 1 
II. Some cndeerbed Budeeritias ie Tater ve feaeew By 
Sir Grorcr H. Kenrics, F.E.S.. ate 16 
III. A Revision of the Genus ane Serv. (Dermaptera, By 
Matcorm Burr, D.Sc., F.L.S8., F.Z.8., F.E.S. 21 

IV. Descriptions of some hiner unknown, or little tan ae Wiarvad 
and Pupae of South African Rhopalocera, with notes on their 
Life-histories. By Marcaret E. Fountaine, F.E.S. . we 48 
V. Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria. The Sphegidae. 
(Being Part V of the work commenced by the late EpwarpD 
SaunpeErs, F.R.S., in Trans. Ent. Soc. 1901, p. 515.) Revised 
and completed by "the Rev. F. D. Morice, M.A. , FES. 62 
VI. Experiments in 1909 and 1910 upon the ectounielution heewens 
lepidopterous larvae and pupae and their surroundings. By 
ELIzABETH BripGEs. Communicated by Prof. E. B. Pouron, 
D.Sc., M.A., F.B.S., ete. ... 136 
VII. On the eo Mapes of Latiorina iipcciend) ee an . amyr- 
mecophilous Plebeiid “ Blue” eee By T. A. ‘CHAPMAN, 
MDPHAs. 2. 148 
VIII. The ees of Orgyia aatendead (ant. By 7. A. CHAPMAN, M. D. 160 
IX. New Genera and Species of Striphnopterygidae and Lasiocampidae 

in the British Museum. Described by Cur. Aurivituius ... 161 

X. Notes on Insect Enemies in the Tropics and their influence on 
Mimicry. By HE. A. Cocxayng, F.L.S8., F.ES. ... ass 168 

XI. The Hybernation of Vanessa atalanta in Captivity. oy L. W. 
Newman, F.E.S. af 173 

XII. Further Observations on Wenapoeny Son Brenan ata 
Slavery in Ants. By Horace Sr. J. K. Donisruorps, F.Z.S. 175 

XIII. Two new species of Lycaenopsis from Borneo (Sarawak). BY 

Dr. T. A. CHAPMAN. aa 184 

XIV. Description of a new nymphaline Butterfly ou Brae Tadiae 
By Hamitron H. Druce, F.L.S., etc. ... 187 

XV. New and unrecorded species of aves Heterocera from 
Japan. By A. E. Wireman, F.E.S : 189 

XVI. Bryocorina nonnulla aethiopica aeecoe ab O. “M. Bromo 
Hon. F.E.S., et B. Poprrus, cum tabula colorata ia 408 

XVII, A factor in the production of mutual resemblance in alned 
species of Butterflies; a presumed Miillerian combination of 
Euploeas in South India and Amauris in South Africa. sh 
Linut.-Cotonet N. Manners, F.Z.8., F.E.S. ... Ley 417 

XVIII. Description de quelques espéces tiservalles de Lucanides appar- 
tenant aux collections du British Museum. Par M. Henri 
Bo1LEau, F.E.S. aa 426 

XIX. On the Hymenopterous Parasites of Gplegpiare. Tie Stele 
ment. By Ernest A. Evwiotr, F.Z.8., and CraupE Morey, 
BE ZiSe acs mia Mia nee a a. 452 

(- way ~) 


XX. On the Persistence of Bacilli in the Gut of an Insect during 
Metamorphosis. By A. Bacor, F.E.S. nae ean oie 

XXI. On the British (and a few Continental) species of Scoparia, 
Hw. By T. A. Cuapman, M.D., F.Z.S. a jam aad 

XXII. Notes on the Genus Catasticta, with descriptions of new 
species. By Percy I. Larny, F.Z.S8., F.E.S., and W, F. H, 
RoOsENBERG, F.Z.S.,F.E.S.... tis ad ‘< eee b 

XXIII. South African A culeate Hymenoptera in the Oxford Museum. 
By the late Cor. C. T. Bincuam, F.Z.8. With Introduc- 

tion by Pror. E. B. Poutron, D.S8c., M.A., F.R.S. <i 

XXIV. A Contribution to the Life History of Hesperia sidae, Esp. 
By Harovp Powe tt, F.E.8. ... cis jus “aa <n 

XXV. Some Remarkable Ant-friend Lepidoptera of Queensland. By 
F. P. Dopp, F.E.8. With Supplement, by E. Meyrick, 

XXVI. An Enumeration of the Rhynchota collected during the Ex- 
pedition of the British Ornithologists’ Union to Central 

Dutch New Guinea. By W. L. Distanr = ity oe 

XXVII. Report on a collection of Bombyliidae (Diptera) from Central 
Africa, with description of new species. By Pror. Marto 

Bezzi1, Turin, Italy a ges tf ge aap ae 

XXVIII. Parthenogenesis in Worker Ants, with special reference to 
two colonies of Lasius niger, Linn, By W. C. Craw ey, 

B.A., F.ES. = +A as ot its a oe 

XXIX. Experiments on the Formation of Colonies by Lasius 
Suliginosus 92. By Horace Sr. J. K. DonisTHorPr, 

F.Z.S., and W. C. CRAWLEY, B.A. ... nie ede --. 664 

XXX. Descriptions of South American Micro-Lepidoptera. By 

E. Meyrick, B.A., F.R.S. Se = 5 oe (OTD 
XXXI. New species of Hawaiian Hymenoptera, with notes on some 

previously described. By R. C. L. Perkins, D.Sc., M.A., 

F.E.S. co : 719 

XXXII. Notes on Hawaiian Hemiptera, with descriptions of new 
species. By R. C. L. Perkins, D.Sc., M.A., F.E.S.... 728 
XXXTII. On the nictitans group of the Genus Hydroecia, Gn. By the 
Rev. C. R. N. Burrows, F.E.S. a4 weg vad a 
XXXIV. On the Dates of the Publications of the Entomological Society 
of London. By the Rev. GrorcE Wueeter, M.A.,F.Z.8. 750 

Proceedings for 1911 He wa ae ane ats =. a i-cx 
Annual Meeting... a af fas — eq aa wae exi 
President’s Address Ae “ee ie ae +c a fe exvii 
General Index ae xP 3a she = a Bi ay elvi 
Special Index oe xi a oo a py ae PAA elxii 


Plates I, II, See pages 15 | Plates XXXTII, XXXIV. 

Plates III-VI. 8 20 See pages 451 
Plate VII, VIII. * 47 | Plates XXXV-XLIV. ,, 516-518 
Plates IX, X. a 61 | Plates XLV, XLVI. uy 527 
Plates XI-X XVII. » 157-159 | Plate XLVIL. is 576 
Plate XXVIII. " 186 | Plate XLVIII. mn 590 
Plate XXIX. > 188 | Plate XLIX. Z 604 
Plates XXX, SEKI: |, 407 | Plate L. = 656 

Plate XXXII. ¥ 416 Plates LI-LVIII, Fa 749 

Hist of Fellows 




Date of Marked * deceased during the year. 

1900 AvRivituius, Professor Christopher, Stockholm. 

1905 Boxtvar, Ignacio, Paseo de Recoletos Bajo, 20, Madrid. 

1911 Comstock, Professor J. H., Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 

1901 Fasre, J. H., Sérignan, Vaucluse, France. 

1894 Foret, Professor Auguste, M.D., Chigny, prés Morges, Switzerland. 

1906 GaneLBAuER, Custos Ludwig, Hof-Musewm, Vienna. 

1898 Grassi, Professor Battista, The University, Rome. 

1908 OsERTHUR, Charles, Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, France. 

1906 Reuter, Professor Odo Morannal, The University, Helsingfors, 

1895 * ScuppER, Samuel Hubbard, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. 

1885 * SNELLEN, P. C. T., Rotterdam. 

1911 WasMany, Fr. Erich, 8.J., Valkenburg (L.) Ignatius Kolleg, Holland. 

1893. Wartrenwyt, Dr. Carl Brunner von, Schénbirgstrasse 3, Vienna. 

1898 Weismann, Dr. August, Frevburg, Baden. 


Marked + have compounded for their Annual Subscriptions. 
Marked * deceased during the year. 

Date of 

1908 AckERLEY, F. B., c/o Imperial Tobacco Co., P.O. Box 1159, 
Johannesburg, South Africa. 

1901 + ApairR, Sir Frederick E. 8., Bart., Flixton Hall, Bungay. 

1877 Apams, Frederick Charlstrom, F.Z.S., 50, Ashley-gardens, Victoria- 
street, S.W. 

1877 Avams, Herbert J., Roseneath, London-road, Enjield, N. 

1902 ApKIN, Benaiah Whitley, Trenoweth, Hope-park, Bromley, Kent. 

oe Gs 

1885 ApKIN, Robert, (CounciL, 1911- ), Wellfeld, Lingards-road, Lewis- 
ham, 8.E. 

1904 Acar, E. A., La Haut, Dominica, B. W. Indies. 

1904 ALprErson, Miss E. Maude, (v. Rosrnson, Lady). 

1911 AwnpeERson, T. J., Entomologist, Dept. of Agriculture, Nairobi, 
British East Africa. 

1910 + ANpDREweEs, H. E., 8, North Grove, Highgate, N. 

1899 Anprews, Henry W., Shirley, Welling, S.O., Kent. 

1901 AwnnineG, William, 39, Lime Street, E.C. 

1908 + AnrRAM, Charles B., Somerdale Estate, Ootacamund, Nilgiri Hills, 
S. India. 

1911 ArmstroNG, Lionel, Govt. Entomologist to Gold Coast, Eversley, 
Harpenden, Herts. 

1907 ArRNoLp, G., M.Sc., A.R.C.S., Curator, Rhodesia Museum, Bulawayo, 
S. Africa. 

1899 + Arrow, Gilbert J., (CouncrL, 1905-7), 87, Union-grove, Clapham, 
S.W.; and British Museum (Natwral History), Cromiell-road,S.W. 

1911 AsHBy,»Edward Bernard, St. Bernards, Bulstrode-road, Hounslow, 

1907 — AsHBy, Sydney R., 119, Greenvale-road, Eltham-park, Kent. 

1886 ArmorE, E. A., 48, High-street, King’s Lynn. 

1850 ¢ AveBuryY, The Right Honble. Lord, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.G.S., 
etc., (PRES., 1866-7, 1879-80; V.-Pres., 1862, 1868, 1876, 1881, 
1888 ; CouncIL, 1855-7, 1859-61), High Elms, Farnborough, Kent. 

1901 Bacor, Arthur W., York Cottuge, York-hill, Loughton, Essex. 

1904 + BaGNaLL, Richard §., Penshaw Lodge, Penshaw, Durham. 

1909 BaGwe..-PureFoy, Capt. Edward, 34, Sloane-Court, 8.W. 

1903 Batpock, G. R., Oakburn Villa, Enfield Highway, Middlesex. 

1886 Bankes, Eustace R., M.A., Norden, Corfe Castle, Wareham. 

1890 Barcuay, Francis H., F.G.S., Zhe Warren, Cromer. 

1886 BarGaaut, Marchese Piero, Piazza S. Maria, Palazzo Tempi No. 1, 
Florence, Italy. 

1895 Barker, Cecil W., The Bungalow, Escombe, Natal, South Africa, 

1902 BarravD, Philip J., Bushey Heath, Watford. 

1911 Barrett, J. Platt, Westcroft, South-road, Forest Hill, 8.E. 

1907 Barrtvert, H. Frederick D., 1, Myrtle-road, Bournemouth. 

1894 + Bateson, Prof. William, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow of St. John’s College, 
Cambridge, The Manor House, Merton, Surrey. 

1908 Bayrorp, E. G., 2, Rockingham-street, Barnsley. 

1904 Bayne, Arthur F., c/o Messrs. Freeman, Castle-street, Framlingham, 

1896 + Beare, Prof. T. Hudson, B.Sc., F.R.S.E., (Councin, 1909- ), 10, 
Regent Terrace, Edinburgh. 

1908 Brcwer, Major Edward F., Cranfield House, Polzeath, St. Minver, 

1908 Beck, Richard, Red Lodge, Porchester-road, Bournemouth. 

( xi) 

1905 Beprorp, The Duke of, K.G., Pres. Z.S., ete., Woburn Abbey, Beds. 

1899 BeEpwe tt, Ernest C., Bonnicot, The Grove, Coulsdon, Surrey. 

1904 Brnetsson, Simon, Ph.D., Lecturer, University of Lund, Sweden ; 
Curator, Entomological Collection of the University. 

1906 Benratt, E. E., The Towers, Heybridge, Essex. 

1885 BrtHunn-BakeR, George T., F.L.S., F.Z.S., (Vick-PRESIDENT, 
1910— ; Counctn, 1895), 19, Clarendon-road, Edgbaston, Birm- 

1895 Brvan, Lieutenant H.G. R., R.N., 38, The Common, Woolwich. 

1891 Braper, W. H., F.L.S., 34, Cromavell-road, Hove, Brighton. 

1904 Buack, James E., Nethercroft, Peebles. 

1904 Buatr, Kenneth G., 23, West Hill, Highgate, N. 

1889 BrLaNpFoRD, Walter F. H., M.A., F.Z.S., (V.-PREs., 1896 ; SEc., 
1897-8 ; Councin, 1894-9), The Paragon, Blackheath. 

1885 Buatuwayt, Lt.-Col. Linley, F.L.S., Hagle House, Batheaston, 

1909 BLENKARN, Stanley A., Norham, Cromwell-road, Beckenham. 

1904 Buss, Maurice Frederick, Coningsburgh, Montpelier-road, Ealing, W. 

1886 BuioomrieLtp, The Rev. Edwin Newson, M.A., Guestling Rectory, 

1903 Bogus, W. A., The Bank House, Watchet. 

1911 Boreav, H., 99, Rue de la Cote St. Thibault, Bois de Colombes, 
Seine, France. 

1907 Bonnet, Alexandre, 54, Boulevard Bineau, Newilly-sur-Seine, 
Seine, France. 

1891 Booru, George A., 6, North-road, Preston. 

1902 Bostock, E. D., Holly House, Stone, Staffs. 

1904 * BourGcEots, Jules, Ste. Marie-aux-Mines, Markirch, Germany. 

1888 Bower, Benjamin A., Langley, Willow Grove, Chislehurst. 

1894 + Bowuss, E. Augustus, M.A., Myddelton House, Waltham Cross. 

1910 Boyp, A. Whitworth, The Alton, Altrincham, Cheshire. 

1852 + Boyp, Thos., Woodvale Lodge, South Norwood Hill, 8.E. 

1893 Brapant, Edouard, Chateau de Morenchies, par Cambrai (Nord), 

1905 Bracken, Charles W., B.A., 5, Carfrae Terrace, Lipson, Plymouth. 

1907 Bratn, Charles Kimberlin, Government Experimental Station, Rose- 
bank, Cape Colony. 

1904 BripGEeMAn, Commander The Hon. Richard O.B., R.N., 44, Lowndes- 
square, S.W. 

1877 Brices, Charles Adolphus, Rock House, Lynmouth, R.S.O., 
N. Devon. 

1870 Brices, Thomas Henry, M.A., Rock House, Lynmouth, R.S.O., 
N. Devon. 

1894 Bricut, Percy M., Fairfield, Wimborne-road, Bournemouth. 

1909 Brirren, Harry, Prospect House, Salkeld Dykes, Penrith. 

1902 Brovuauton, Captain T. Delves, R.E., R. A. and R. E. Mess, Malta. 

1878 Broun, Major Thomas, Mount Albert, Auckland, New Zealand. 

al { x }) 

1904 Brown, Henry H., Crossgate House, Cupar, Fife, N.B. 

1910 Browne, Horace B., M.A., 118, Sunny Bank, Hull. 

1911 Brurzer, Rev. Henry William, Great Bowden Vicarage, Market 

1909 Bryant, Gilbert E., Fir Grove, Esher, Surrey. 

1898 + BucHan-Hepsurn, Sir Archibald, Bart., J.P., D.L., Smeaton- 
Hepburn, Prestonkirk. 

1907 Botuerp, Arthur, F.S.A., Wimboro, Midsomer Norton, Somerset- 

1902 Butier, Arthur Percival, Royal Societies Club, 8.W. 

1896 ¢ Burr, Malcolm, D.Sc., F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.G.S., A.R.S.M., (Councrn, 
1910- ), Castle Hill House, Dover. 

1909 Burrows, The Rev. C. R. N., The Vicarage, Mucking, Stanford-le- 
Hope, Essex. 

1868 + Butier, Arthur G., Ph.D., F.L.S., F.Z.S., (Sec., 1875; Councit, 
1876), The Lilies, Penge-road, Beckenham. 

1883 Burier, Edward Albert, B.A., B.Se., 56, Cecile-Park, Crouch 
End, N. 

1902 Burver, William E., Hayling House, Oxford-road, Reading. 

1905 BurrEerFievp, Jas. A., B.Sc., Comrie, Eglinton Hill, Plumstead. 

1904 Byart, Horace A., B.A., Berbera (vid Aden), Somaliland Protectorate. 

1902 Cameron, Malcolm, M.B., R.N., H.M.S. “ Attentive,’ Home 

1885 CaMPBELL, Francis Maule, F.L.S., F.Z.S., ete., Byrnllwydwyn, 
Machynlleth, Montgomeryshire. 

1898 Canpkzr, Léon, Mont St. Martin 75, Liége. 

1880 CanspaxrE, W. D., Sunny Bank, South Norwood, 8.E. 

1889 Cant, A., 33, Festing-road, Putney, S.W.; and c/o Fredk. Du Cane 
Godman, Esq., F.R.S., 45, Pont-street, S.W. 

1890 Capper, Samuel James (President of the Lancashire and Cheshire 
Entomological Society), Huyton Park, Liverpool. 

1894 Caraccroto, H., H.M. Customs, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British 
West Indies. 

1910 Carrer, E. Wace, M.D., F.R.S.E., Morningside, Granville-road, 
Dorridge, and The University, Birmingham. 

1892 CaRPENTER, The Honble. Mrs. Beatrice, 22, Grosvenor-road, S.W. 

1910 Carpenter, Geoffrey D. H., B.A., Uganda Medical Service, 
Uganda Protectorate. 

1895 CARPENTER, Professor G. H., B.Se., B.M., B.Ch., Royal College of 
Science, Dublin. 

1898 CARPENTER, J. H., Redcot, Belmont-voad, Leatherhead, 

1868 CARRINGTON, Charles, Meadowcroft, Horley, Surrey. 

1911 Carson, George Moffatt, Entomologist to the Government of New 
Guinea, Port Moresby, New Guinea. 

1895 Carrer, Sir Gilbert, K.C.M.G., Greycliffe, Lower Warberry-road, 

(? cmuiy, ) 

1906 Carter, H. J., B.A., Ascham, Darling Point, Sydney, N.S. Wales. 

1900 Carter, J. W., 15, Westfield-road, Manningham, Bradford. 

1900 Cassa, R. T., M.R.C.S., Ballaugh, Isle of Man. 

1903 Carre, John Rowland, Nettleton Manor, Caistor, Lincolnshire. 

1889 + Cave, Charles J. P., Ditcham Park, Petersfield. 

1900 CHAMBERLAIN, Neville, Westbourne, Edgbaston, Birmingham. 

1871 CuHampton, George C., F.Z.S., A.L.S., (Councit, 1875-7; LIBRARIAN 
1891— ), Heatherside, Horsell, Woking; and 45, Pont-street, 

1891 CHAPMAN, Thomas Algernon, M.D., F.Z.S., (V.-PREs., 1900, 1904-5, 
1908 ; Councrt, 1898-1900, 1903-5, 1907-9), Betula, Reigute. 

1910 CHARNLEY, J. R. 

1897 CHAWNER, Miss Ethel F., Forest Bank, Lyndhurst, R.S.O., Hants. 

1902 CHEESMAN, E. M., c/o Mr. John Garson, 150, Umbilo-road, Durban. 

1908 Cuerry, B. Chourappa, The Government Musewm, Bangalore, India. 

1889 CuHristy, William M., M.A., F.L.S., Watergate, Emsworth. 

1909 CuusBs, Ernest C., Curator, Durban Museum, Natal, South Africa. 

1909 Curark, C. Turner, F.Z.S., Medina, Pilston, Barnstaple. 

1908 Cuark, Edgar L., Congella, Natal. 

1867 * CLARKE, Alex. Henry, 109, Warwick-road, Earl's Court, S.W. 

1908 CxLuTTERBUCK, Charles G., Heathside, 23, Heathville-road, Gloucester. 

1908 CxiurreRBucK, P. H., Indian Forest Department, Naini Tal, United 
Provinces, India. 

1904 CocKkayNe, Edward A., 16, Cambridge-square, London, W. 

1899 CoLLiIn, James E., (Councit, 1904-6), Sussex Lodge, Newmarket. 

1906 CoLtiIncE, Walter E., M.Se, F.L.S., 55, Newhall-street, Bir- 

1911 Corton, Sidney Howard, 14, Chesterfield-street, Mayfair, W. 

1892 Cowan, Thomas William, F.L.S., F.G.S., F.R.M.S., Upcott House, 

1867 Cox, Herbert Ed., Claremont, Jamaica. 

1895 CRaprREE, Benjamin Hill, The Oaklands, Levenshulme, Manchester. 

1909 Crawtey, W. C., Tollerton Hall, Nottingham. 

1906 CrawsHay, The Rev. George A., M.A., Melchbourne Vicarage, 
Sharnbrook, 8.0., Beds. 

1890 Crewe, Sir Vauncey Harpur, Bart., Calke Abbey, Derbyshire. 

1880 + Crisp, Sir Frank, LL.B., B.A., J.P. 

1907 Crort, Edward Octavius, M.D., 28, Clarendon-road, Leeds. 

1902 * CrutrweLL, The Rev. Canon Charles Thomas, M.A., Hwelme 
Rectory, Wallingford. 

1908 Cuxrrn, Millais, M.B., F.R.C.S., The Palace Hotel, Shanghui. 

1908 Curtis, W. Parkinson, Aysgarth, Poole, Dorset. 

1901 Davpp, Edward Martin, Hohenzollernstrasse 18, Zehlendorf, bei Berlin. 
1900 Dauerisn, Andrew Adie, 21, Prince’s-street, Glasgow. 

1907 Dawgs, Felix L., 13, Humboldt-strasse, Steglitz, Berlin. 

1886 Danwnart, Walter, Donnington, 75, Vanbrugh Park, Blackheath, S.E. 












(( -xaey’ ) 

Davey, H. W., Inspector of Department of Agriculture, Geelong, 
Victoria, Australia. 

Davipson, James D., 32, Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh. 

Dawson, William George, Manor House, Abbots Morton, Worcester. 

Day, F. H., 26, Currock-terrace, Carlisle. 

Day, G. O., Sahlatston, Duncan's Station, Vancouver Island, British 

Distant, William Lucas, -(V.-PRreEs., 1881, 1900; Sxc., 1878-80 ; 
CounciL, 1900-2), Shannon-lodge, Selhurst-road, South Norwood, 

Dixey, Frederick Augustus, M.A., M.D., Fellow and Bursar of 
Wadham College, (PRreEs., 1909-10; V.-PREs., 1904-5, 1911; 
CounciL, 1895, 1904-6), Wadham College, Oxford. 

Dorsson, H. T., Ivy House, Acacia Grove, New Malden, 8.O., 

Dosson, Thomas. 

Dopp, Frederick P., Kuranda, vid Cairns, Queensland. 

Dotuman, Hereward, Hove House, Newton-grove, Bedford-park, W. 

Dotiman, J. C., Hove House, Newton-grove, Bedford-park, W. 

Doncaster, Leonard, M.A., The University Musewm of Zoology, 

DontstHorRPE, Horace St. John K., F.Z.S., (Vice-PRresIpEnt, 
1911— ; Counc, 1899-1901, 1910— ), 58, Kensington-mansions, 
South Kensington, 8.W. 

Dovueias-Crompton, Sydney. 

Downes-SHaw, Rey. Archibald, Kettlestone Rectory, Fakenham, 

Druce, Hamilton H. C. J., F.Z.S., (Councit, 1903-5), 43, Circus- 
road, St. John’s Wood, N.W. 

Druce, Herbert, F.L.S., F.Z.S8., (Councrn, 1885, 1892), 43, Circus- 
road, St. John’s Wood, N.W. 

Drury, W. D., Rocquaine, West Hill Park, Woking. 

DunveGeon, G. C., The Imperial Institute, South Kensington. 

DUKINFIELD-JonEs, E., Castro, Reigate. 

Durrant, John Hartley, (Counct, 1911- ), Merton, 17, Burstock- 
road, Putney, S.W., and British Museum (Natural History), 
Cromwell-road, South Kensington, S.W. 

Eaues-Waire, J. Cushny, 47, Chester-terrace, Eaton-square, S.W. 

Eastwoop, John Edmund, Enton Lodge, Witley, Godalming. 

Eaton, The Rev. Alfred Edwin, M.A., (Counci, 1877-9), Rich- 
mond Villa, Northam, R.S.O., N. Devon. 

EckrorpD, George, F.Z.S., c/o Sir Morgan Tuite, Bart., Kilruane, 
Nenagh, co. Tipperary, Ireland. 

EpexstEn, Hubert M., The Elms, Forty Hill, Enfield, Middlesex. 

Epwarps, F. W., Kingswear, Cornwall-road, Harrow. 

Epwarps, James, Colesborne, Cheltenham. 








Epwarps, Stanley, F.L.S., F.Z.S., 15, St. Germans-place, Black- 
heath, S.E. 

Exxiort, E. A., 16, Belsize Grove, Hampstead, N.W. 

Exuis, H. Willoughby, Holly Hill, Berkswell, Warwickshire. 

Exuis, John W., M.B., L.R.C.P., 18, Rodney-street, Liverpool. 

ELTRiInGHAM, Harry, M.A., F.Z.S., Eastgarth, Westoe, South Shields, 
and Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford. 

Ewes, Henry John, J.P., F.R.S., F.LS., F.Z.S., (PRres., 1893-4 ; 
V.-Pres., 1889-90, 1892, 1895 ; CounciL, 1888-90), Colesborne, 

Enook, Frederick, F.L.S., 13, Tufnell Park Road, London, N. 

ErHerinGE, Robert, Curator, Australian Museum, Sydney, N.S.W. 

Evustack, Eustace Mallabone, B.A., Challacombe Rectory, Parra- 
combe, R.S.0., N. Devon, and Wellington College, Berks. 

Evans, Frank J., The Botanical Department, Trinidad, B. WI. 

FarRMBOROUGH, Percy W., Lower Edmonton, Middlesex. 

FEATHER, Walter, Voi, British Hast Africa. 

Feiruam, H. L. L., P. O. Box 46, Johannesburg, Transvaal. 

Fenn, Charles, Hversden House, Burnt Ash Hill, Lee, S.K, 

Fenwick, Nicolas Percival, The Gables, New-road, Esher. 

Fenwick, Norman Percival, Junior, The Gables, New-road, 

Fenyss, A., M.D., 61, Hast Colorado-street, Pasadena, California, 

FERNALD, Prof. C. H., Amherst, Mass., U.S.A. 

Fiera, J. Digby, F.L.S., Boys’ Modern School, Leeds. 

Fircu, Edward A., F.L.S., (Src., 1881-5 ; CounciL, 1879, 1886), 
Brick House, Maldon, Essex. 

FLEET, Wilfred James, Imatra, King’s Road, Bowrnemouth. 

Fiemyne, The Rev. W. Westropp, M.A., Coolfin, Portlaw, Co. 

FietcHer, T. Bainbrigge, R.N., Agricultwral Research Institute, 
Pusa, Bengal, India. 

1883 + FLercuer, William Holland B., M.A., Aldwick Manor, Bognor. 



FLoERSHEIM, Cecil, 16, Kensington Court Mansions, S.W. 

Foxker, A. J. F., Zierikzee, Zeeland, Netherlands. 

Foutxkegs, P. Hedworth, B.Sc., Harper-Adams Agricultwral College, 
Newport, Salop. 

Fountainé, Miss Margaret, 1, Zhe Studios, Sheriff-road, West 
Hampstead, N.W., The Rev. Canon, D.Sc., M.A., F.L.S., (PReEs., 1901-2 ; 
V.-Pres., 1903 ; Sec., 1886-96), Harley Vicarage, near Reading. 

FrasgER, Frederick C., Capt., M.D., I.M.S., Assist. Superint., Govt. 
Maternity Hospital, Madras, India. 

FREKE, Perey Evans, Southpoint, Limes-road, Folkestone. 

FreMuin, H. Stuart, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., St. Stephens, St. Albans. 


1903 Frencn, Charles, F.L.S., Government Entomologist, Melbourne, 
Victoria, Australia. 

1910 Frissy, G. E., 40, Windmill-street, Gravesend. 

1908 FroaGarr, Walter W., F.L.S., Government Entomologist, 138, George- 
street, Sydney, New South Wales. 

1891 Frowawk, F. W., Ashmount, Rayleigh, Essex. 

1906 + Fry, Harold Armstrong, P.O. Box 46, Johannesburg, Transvaal 

1900 Fryer, H. Fortescue, The Priory, Chatteris, Cambs. 

1907 Fryer, John Claud Fortescue, The Priory, Chatteris, Cambs. 

1876 Futter, The Rev. Alfred, M.A., The Lodge, 7, Sydenham-hill, 
Sydenham, 8.E. 

1898 Funuer, Claude, Government Entomologist, Pielermaritzburg, Natal. 

(iat ) 

1887 GaHAN, Charles Joseph, M.A., (Sec., 1899-1900 ; CouncIL, 1893-5, 
1901), 8, Lonsdale-road, Bedford Park, W.; and British Museum 
(Natural History), Cromwell-road, 8.W. 

1910 Garckeg, Emile, M.LE.E., Witton House, Maidenhead. 

1892 GARDE, Philip de la, R.N., 8, Queen’s-terrace, Exeter. 

1890 GaRDNER, John, Laurel Lodge, Hart, West Hartlepool. 

1901 ¢ GarDNER, Willoughby, F.L.S., Deganwy, N. Wales. 

1910 Grary, T. H., Enderby, Leicestershire. 

1899. GrELpDaRT, William Martin, M.A., 27, Beawmont-street, Oxford. 

1906 + Grass, Arthur Ernest, F.L.S., F.R.H.S., Kitchener's Meads, St. Albans. 

1908 GrFFARD, Walter M., P.O. Box 308, Honolulu, Hawaii. 

1907 Gres, Henry Murray, Head Keeper of Zoological Gardens, Perth, 
W. Australia. 

1902 GitLaNnpers, A. T., Park Cottage, Alnwick. 

1904 Grwtrat, Francis, B.A., c/o Rey. G. Gilliat, Haselbury Vicarage, 
Crewkerne, Somerset. 

1865 +t Gopman, Frederick Du Cane, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S.,(PRes., 
1891-2; V.-PrEs., 1882-3, 1886, 1889-90, 1902; Councr, 1880- 
1, 1900), South Lodge, Lower Beeding, Horsham; and 45, Pont- 
street, S.W. 

1886 + GoopricH, Captain Arthur Mainwaring, Brislington House, near 

1904 Goopwin, Edward, Canon Court, Wateringbury, Kent. 

1898 Gorpon, J.G. McH., Corsemalzie, Whauphill, R.S.O., Wigtownshire. 

1898 Gorpon,R.S.G. McH.,Corsemalzie, Whauphill, R.S.O., Wigtownshire. 

1855 Goruam, The Rev. Henry Stephen, F.Z.S., (Councrt, 1882-3), High- 
croft, Great Malvern. 

1910 Gorrmann, A. M.S.,94, Niddastrasse, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. 

1909 Gowpey, Carlton C., B.Sc., c/o Dr. A. Gowdey, 209, Camden-road, 

1911 Graves, P. P., Club de Constantinople, Constantinople, Turkey. 

1891 | GreEeN, E. Ernest, Government Entomologist, Royal Botanic 
Gardens, Peradeniya, Ceylon ; and Mote Hall, Bearsted, Kent. 

(( xen'y,’) 

1910 Green, Herbert A., The Central Fire Station, Durban, Natal. 

1894 GreEeEn, J. F., F.Z.S., West Lodye, Blackheath, S.E. 

1898 GREENSHIELDS, Alexander, 38, Blenheim-gardens, Cricklewood, 

1893 + GreENWwoopD, Henry Powys, F.L.S., Whitsbury House, Salisbury. 

1888 GrirFituHs, G. C., F.Z.S., Penhurst, 3, Leigh-road, Clifton, Bristol. 

1894 GrimsHaw, Percy H., Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh. 

1905 Grist, Charles J., Elgin House, Knockholt, Sevenoaks, 

1909 Grosvenor, G. H., M.A., Blakedown, nr. Kidderminster. 

1906 GurRNeEy, Gerard H., Keswick Hall, Norwich. 

1910 Gurney, William B., Asst. Govt. Entomologist, Department of 
Agriculture, Sydney, Australia. 

1906 Hatt, Arthur, 7, Park-lane-mansions, Croydon. 

1890 + Hatz, Albert Ernest, Cranfield House, Southwell, Notts. 

1885 Hatt, Thomas William, Stanhope, The Crescent, Croydon. 

1898 Hamuyn-Harris, R., D.Sc., F.Z.S., F.R.M.S., Director of the Queens- 
land Museum, Brisbane, Australia. 

1891 Hampson, Sir George Francis, Bart., B.A., F.Z.S., (V.-PREs., 1898 ; 
CounciL, 1896-8), 62, Stanhope-gardens, 8.W. 

1891 Hawnpoury, Frederick J., F.L.8S., Brockhurst, E. Grinstead. 

1905 + Hancock, Joseph L., 5466, Lexington Avenue, Chicago, U.S.A. 

1903 Harg, E. J.. Dunham, Boscombe, Hants. , 

1904 Harris, Edward, St. Conan’s, Chingford, Essex. 

1897 * Harrison, Albert, F.L.S., F.C.S., Delamere, Grove-road, South 
Woodford, Essex. 

1910 Harwoop, Philip, 23, Northgate End, Bishop’s Stortford. 

1910 Hawksuaw, J. C., Hollycombe, Sussex. 

1910 Hepesgs, Alfred van der, 42, Kensington Park Gardens, W. 

1910 HenpeErson, J., Clifton, Ashbourne, Derby. 

1898 Hero, Francis A., B.A., Abbeyfield, Harpenden. 

1903 Herrop, William, W.B.C. Apiary, Old Bedford-road, Luton, 

1908 Hewirr, C. Gordon, D.Sc., Central Experimental Farm, Dept. of 
Agricultwre, Ottawa, Canada. 

1876 + Hituman, Thomas Stanton, Hastgate-street, Lewes. 

1907 Hoar, Thomas Frank Partridge, Mercia, Albany-road, Leighton- 

1888 Hopson, The Rev. J. H., B.A., B.D., Rhyddington, Clifton Drive, 

1902 Hots, R.§., c/o Messrs. King and Co., Bombay. 

1910 Ho.rorp, H. Oliver, Elstead Lodge, Godalming, Surrey. 

1887 Ho.tianp, The Rev. W. J., D.D., Ph.D., 5th Avenue, Pitisburg, 
Penn., U.S.A. 

1898 Hotman-Hunvt, C. B., Asst. Entomologist, Department of Agri- 
culture, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. 

1910 Ho.umes, Edward Morrell, Ruthven, Sevenoaks. 

G xviii) 

1901 Hopson, Montagu F., L.D.S., R.C.S.Eng., F.L.S., 30, Thurlow-road, 
Rosslyn Hill, N.W. 

1897 Horne, Arthur, 60, Gladstone-place, Aberdeen, 

1903 Hoveuron, J. T., 1, Portland-place, Worksop. 

1907 t Howarp, C. W., Entomologist Department of Agriculture, Box 255, 
Lourengo Marques, Portuguese East Africa. 

1900 Howes, George W., 812, George-street, Dunedin, New Zealand. 

1907 Howzert, Frank M., M.A., Wymondham, Norfolk. 

1865 + Hupp, A. E., 108, Pembroke-road, Clifton, Bristol. 

1888 Hupson, George Vernon, Hill View, Karori, Wellington, New 

1907 Huaues, C. N., 3, Wyndham Place, Bryanston-square, W. 

1897 ImaaeE, Prof. Selwyn, M.A., (Councrt, 1909-), 20, Fitzroy-street, 
Fitzroy-square, W. 

1908 Irpy, Captain Leonard Paul, Brook House, Eastry, S.0., Kent. 

1891 IsapELy, The Rev. John, Sunnycroft, St. Sennen, R.S.O., Cornwall. 

1907 Jack, Rupert Wellstood, Government Entomologist, Department 
of Agriculture, Salisbury, Rhodesia. 

1907 Jackson, P. H., 112, Balham-park-road, S.W. 

1907 Jacopt, Professor A., Ph.D., Director of the R. Zoological and 
Anthrop.-Ethnographical Museum, Dresden, Saxony. 

1911 Jacoss, Capt. J. J., R.E., 2, Sowthport-street, Gibraltar. 

1910 Jacogps, Lionel L., P. O. Bow 445, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, 

1869 Janson, Oliver E., Cestria, Claremont-road, Highgate, N.; and 44, 
Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury, W.C. 

1898 Janson, Oliver J., Cestria, Claremont-road, Highgate, N. 

1886 JENNER, James Herbert Augustus, Hast Gate House, Lewes. 

1899 Jennies, F. B., 152, Silver-street, Upper Edmonton, N. 

1909 Jepson, Frank P., Department of Agriculture, Suva, Fiji Islands. 

1886 JouN, Evan, Llantrisant, R.S.0., Glamorganshire. 

1907 Jounson, Charles Fielding, Mayfield, Brinington Crescent, Stockport. 

1889 Jonnson, The Rev. W. F., M.A., Acton Rectory, Poyntz Pass, 
Co. Armagh. 

1908 Jotcry, James J., The Homestead, Abbots Brook, Bourne End, Bucks. 

1888 Jones, Albert H., (Counctt, 1898-1900; TREASURER, 1904- ), 
Shrublands, Eltham, Kent. 

1910 Jones, Ernest P., 7, Sherwin-street, Nantwich-road, Crewe. 

1894 + Jorpan, Dr. K., (V.-PReEs., 1909 ; CouncrL, 1909- ), The Museum, 

1910 Josxpn, E, G., 23, Clanricarde-gardens, W. 

1910 Joy, Ernest Cooper, Eversley, Dale-road, Purley. 

1902 Joy, Norman H., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Bradfield, Reading. 

1884 Kane, W. F. de Vismes, M.A., M.R.L.A., Drumleaske House, 


by seis ¥) 

1884 Kappen, A. W., F.L.S., Linnean Society, Burlington House, W. 

1876 ¢ Kay, John Dunning, Leeds. 

1896 + Kayr, William James, (Councizt, 1906-8), Caracas, Ditton Hill, 

1907 Ketuy, Albert Ernest McClure, Assistant Entomologist, Department 
of Agriculture, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, S.A. 

1902 Kemp, Stanley W., The Indian Museum, Calcutta. 

1890 Kenrick, Sir George H., Whetstone, Somerset-road, Edgbaston, 

1904 KersHaw, G. Bertram, Ingleside, West Wickham, Kent. 

1906 Keynes, John Neville, M.A., D.Sc., 6, Harvey-road, Cambridge. 

1900 Keys, James H., Morwell, Freedom-villas, Lipson-road, Plymouth. 

1911 Kuunan, Kunui, M.A., Asst. Entomologist to the Govt. of Mysore, 
Bangalore, South India. 

1889 Kine, J. J. F. X., Lecturer on Economic Entomology at the West of 
Scotland Agricultural College, 1, Athole Gardens-terrace, Kelvin- 
side, Glasgow. 

1861 Kirey, William F., F.L.S., (Sec., 1881-5 ; Counctt, 1886), Hilden, 
46, Sutton Court-road, Chiswick, W. 

1889 KuapALEK, Professor Franz, Karlin 263, Prague, Bohemia. 

1887 | Kier, Sydney T., F.LS., F.R.AS., Hatherlow, Raglan-road, 

1908 Kyipsrn, Jens Marius. 

1911 Kune, Thien Cheng, Guardian Superintendent of Chinese Students 
in British India, c/o The Curator, Mysore Govt. Museum, Banga- 
lore, India. 

1910 Latpraw, William, The Cedars, Eustern-road, Romford, Essex. 

1910 Lakin, C. Ernest, M.D., F.R.C.S., 2, Park-crescent, Portland-place, W. 

1911 + Lampory, W. A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Oni Camp, Lagos, W. Africa. 

1868 Lana, Colonel A. M., C.B., R.E., Box Grove Lodge, Guildford. 

1901 Laray, Percy I., Fox Hall, Enfield. 

1895 Larrer, Oswald H., M.A., Charterhouse, Godalming. 

1908 Lawn, G. W., Tudor House, Wealdstone, Harrow. 

1899 Lea, Arthur M., Government Entomologist, Musewm, Adelaide, 
S. Australia. 

1901 Lerten, George F., 45, Cuthbert’s Buildings, West-street, Durban, 

1910 Leics, H.8., The University, Manchester. 

1909 LericgH-CuLareE, Reginald L., c/o Messrs. Allen & Gledhill, Solicitors, 

1900 LericH-Puiuuies, Rev. W. J., Garfield, Clevedon, Somerset. 

1892 Les.iz, J. Henry, 84, Hwron-road, Tooting Common, S.W. 

1898 LeTaBriper, Ambrose G., Guards Club, Pall Mall, S.W. 

1903 + Levert, The Rev. Thomas Prinsep, Frenchgate, Richmond, Yorks. 

1876 Lewis, George, F.L.S., (Counc, 1878, 1884), 87, Frant-road, 
Tunbridge Wells. 

( a =) 

1908 + Lewis, John Spedan, Spedan Towers, Hampstead, N.W., and 277, 
Oxford-street, W. 

1892 Licurroor, R. M., Bree-st., Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope. 

1908 Lister, W. K., Street End House, Ash, near Dover. 

1903 Lirrier, Frank M., Box 114, P.O., Launceston, Tasmania. 

1865 ¢ Luewetyy, Sir John Talbot Dillwyn, Bart, M.A. F.LS., 
Penllergare, Swansea, 

1881 + Luoyp, Alfred, F.C.S., Zhe Dome, Bognor. 

1885 + Luoyp, Robert Wylie, (Councrr, 1900-1), I, 5 and 6, Albany, 
Piccadilly, W. 

1903 LorrHousr, Thomas Ashton, The Croft, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough. 

1908 Lonespon, D., 20, Holland-park, W. 

1904 + Lonestarr, George Blundell, M.D., (V.-PRes., 1909; CounciL, 
1907-9), Highlands, Putney Heath, S.W. 

1899 Lounssury, Charles P., B.Sc., Government Entomologist, Cape 
Town, S. Africa. 

1894 Lown, The Rev. Frank E., M.A., St. Stephen’s Vicarage, Guernsey. 

1893 Lower, Oswald B., St. Oswalds, Bartley Crescent, Wayville, South 

1901 Lower, Rupert 8., Davonport-terrace, Wayville, South Australia. 

1909 Lucas, Dr. T. P., Wakefield-buildings, Adeluide-street, Brisbane, 

1898 Lucas, William John, B.A., (CounctL, 1904-6), 28, Knight’s Park, 
Kingston-on- Thames. 

1880 Lupron, Henry, Courtlands, Chelston, Torquay. 

1903 Lye.t, G., Junr., Gisborne, Victoria, Australia. 

1901 Lyman, Henry H., M.A., F.R.G.S., 74, MeTavish-street, Montreal, 

1909 Lyon, Francis Hamilton, 89, Clarence Gate-gardens, Upper Baker- 
street, N.W. 

1906 McCarrison, D. L., Indian Police Forces, Madras Club, Madras. 

1887 M‘DougatL, James Thomas, Dunolly, Morden-road, Blackheath, 

1910 Macpougatt, R. Stewart, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., Edinburgh Uni- 

1888 Mackinnon, P. W., Lynndale, Mussoorie, N.W.P., India. 

1900 Mackwoop, The Hon. F. M., M.L.C., Colombo, Ceylon. 

1911 Macrean, Dr. Ivan Clarkson, M.D., B.Se., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 
28, Hill-street, Knightsbridge, S.W. 

1899 + Mary, Hugh, B.Sc., (CouncrL, 1908-10), Almondale, Buckingham- 
road, South Woodford, N.E. 

1911 Mauurnson, Rufus, Oakland, Windermere. 

1905 Matty, Charles Wm., M.Sc., Graham’s Town, Cape Coloiy. 

1887 Manpers, Lieut.-Colonel Neville, R.A.M.C., F.Z.S., c/o Sir C. 
McGrigor, 25, Charles-street, St. Jumes’s-square, 8.W. 

1892 Manssringg, William, 4, Norwich-road, Wavertree, Liverpool. 


1894 f Marswatt, Alick, Auchinraith, Bexley, S.O., Kent. 

1895 MarsHatt, Guy Anstruther Knox, F.Z.S., (Councin, 1907-8), 
6, Chester-place, Hyde Park-square, W. 

1896 Marswatt, P., M.A., B.Se., F.G.S., University School of Mines, 
Dunedin, New Zealand, 

1856 | Marswaty, William, V.M.H., F.R.H.S., Auchinraith, Bexley, S.O., 

1897 Martinrav, Alfred H., 54, Holly-lane, W. Smethwick. 

1910 + Mason, C. W., St. Denis, Shaftesbury, Dorset. 

1895 Massey, Herbert, Ivy-Lea, Burnage, Didsbury, Manchester. 

1865 -MarnHew, Gervase F., F.L.S., Paymaster-in-chief, R.N., (CounciL, 
1887), Lee House, Dovercourt, Harwich. 

1887 MatrHews, Coryndon, Stentaway, Plymstock, S. Devon. 

1900 Maxwe.t-Lerroy, H., Imperial College of Science and Technology, 
South Kensington, S.W. 

1899 May, Harry Haden, Blackfriars House, Plymouth. 

1904 MerapE-Watpo, Geoffrey, Hever Warren, Edenbridge, Kent, and 
British Musewm (Natural History), Cromwell-road, S.W. 

1872 f Metpoua, Professor Raphael, F.R.S., F.C.S., (PREs., 1895-6 ; 
V.-PREs., 1881, 1884, 1897, 1903, 1908 ; Sxc., 1876-80 ; CouNcIL, 
1874-5, 1884-5, 1889-92, 1903, 1907-8), 6, Brunswick-square, 

1885 Metvitt, James Cosmo, M.A., F.L.S., Meole Brace Hall, Shrewsbury. 

1887 MERRIFIELD, Frederic (PrEs., 1905-6 ; V.-PRES., 1893, 1907 ; SEc., 
1897-8 ; CouncIL, 1894, 1899), 14, Clifton-terrace, Brighton. 

1906 Merriman, Gordon, The Quick Laboratory, New Museums, 

1905 Merry, Rev. W. Mansell, M.A., St. Michael’s, Oxford. 

1888 Meyer-Darcis, G., 5, Viale Poggio Imperiale, Florence. 

1880 Meyrick, Edward, B.A. F.RS., F.Z.S., Thornhanger, Marl- 

1894 Mratz, Louis Compton, F.R.S. (Councrn, 1903, 1908), Norton Way 
N., Letchworth. 

1908 MrppueTon, Ivan E., 11, High-street, Serampore, Bengal. 

1883 Minzs, W. H., The New Club, Calcutta. 

1910 Minar, F. Grahame, The Tangga Batu Rubber Co., Malacca, 
Straits Settlement. 

1906 MircHeLi-Hepers, Frederic Albert, 62 d: 65 London Wall, London, 

1905 Mrrrorp, Robert Sidney, C.B., 35, Redcliffe-square, S.W. 

1879 Monreiro, Dr. Antonio Augusto de Carvalho, 70, Rua do Alecrinar, 

1902 Montcomery, Arthur Meadows, 34, Shalimar Gardens, Pembridge- 
road, North Acton, W. 

1899 Moors, Harry, 12, Lower-road, Rotherhithe. 

1907 Moorg, Mrs. Catharine Maria, Holmefield, Oakholme-rd., Sheffield. 

1886 Morean, A. C. F., F.L.S., 135, Oakwood-court, Kensington, W. 

( <a) 

1889 + Morice, The Rey. F. D., M.A., Fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford, 

PRESIDENT, (V.-PREs., 1902, 1904 ; CounciL, 1902-4), Brunswick, 
Mount Hermon, Woking. 

1895 + Morey, Claude, The Hill House, Monk's Soham, Suffolk. 



Morner, Count Birger, Consul for H.M. the King of Sweden, 
Sydney, Australia. 

Mortimer, Charles H., Royton Chase, Byfleet, Surrey. 

Morron, Kenneth J., 138, Blackford-road, Edinburgh. 

Mose Ly, Martin E., 21, Alexwandra-court, Queen’s-gate, S.W. 

Moser, Julius, 59, Bulow-strasse, Berlin. 

Mostey, 8. L., The Musewm and Technical College, Huddersfield. 

Moss, Rev. A. Miles, Helm, Windermere. 

Mouton, John C., The Hall, Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts, 

MounseEy, J. Jackson, 24, Glencairn-crescent, Edinburgh. 

1901 + Murr, Frederick, H.S.P.A. Experiment Station, Honolulu, Oahu, H.T. 
1869 + Miuuer, Albert, F.R.G.S., (Councrn, 1872-3), c/o Herr A. Miiller- 






Mechel, Grenzacherstrasse, 60, Basle, Switzerland. 
Muscuamp, Percy A. H., Institut, Stiifa, nr. Zurich, Switzerland. 
MusHaom, John F., 53, Brook-street, Selby, Yorks. 

NEAvVE, 8. A., B.A., Mill Green Park, Ingatestone. 

Nevinson, E. B., Morland, Cobham, Surrey. 

Newman, Leonard Woods, Bexley, Kent. 

NewstTeEaD, Alfred, The Grosvenor Museum, Chester. 

NewsteEaD, Robert, M.Sc., A.L.S., Hon. F.R.H.S., Dutton Memorial 
Professor of Entomology, The School of Tropical Medicine, Univer- 
sity of Liverpool. 

NicHotson, Gilbert W., M.A., M.D., Cancer Hospital Research 
Institute, Brompton, 8.W. 

NicuHoson, William E., School Hill, Lewes. 

Nix, John Ashburner, Tilgate, Crawley, Sussex. 

NorripGe, Thomas, Ashford, Kent. 

Norsk, Lt.-Colonel C. G., Timworth Hall, Bury St. Edmunds. 

Norsk, H. A., Botanical Department, Trinidad, B.W.LI. 

OBERTHUR, René, Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine), France. 

1893 + OGLE, Bertram S., Steeple Aston, Oxfordshire. 



OLDAKER, Francis A., M.A., The Red House, Haslemere. 
OLIviER, Ernest, Ramillons, prés Moulins (Allier), France. 

Paag, Herbert E., Bertrose, Gellatly-road, St. Catherine's Park, S.E. 

PeaD, Clement H., Box 252, Bulawayo, South Africa. 

PEARSON, Douglas, Chilwell House, Chilwell, Notts. 

PérinGuEy, Dr. Louis, South African Museum, Cape Town, South 

1903 + Perkins, R. C. L., M.A., D.Sc., F.Z.S., Park Hill House, Paignton, 

Devon, and Board of Agriculture, Division of Entomology, 
Honolidu, Hawaii. 

emia -) 

1879 PrERKINsS, Vincent Robert, Wotton-under-Edge. 

1907 ¢ Perrins, J. A. D., 3rd Seaforth Highlanders, Daxenham, Malvern. 

1897 Puiniips, Hubert C., M.R.C.S., L.S.A., 262, Gloucester-terrace, Hyde- 
park, W. 

1903 ¢ Putuires, Montagu A., F.R.G.S., F.Z.S., 22, Petherton-road, High- 
bury New Park, N. 

1901 Pickett, C. P., 28, Colwith-road, Leytonstone, S.E. 

1891 PierRcz, Frank Nelson, 1, The Elms, Dingle, Liverpool. 

1903 PincHER, Colonel Jesse George, I.M.S., F.R.C.S., 133, Gloucester. 
road, Kensington, S.W. 

1910 Pinuar, A. Raman, University Union, Edinburgh, and Trivan- 
dram, India. 

1885 Pout, J. R. H. Neerwort van der, Driebergen, Netherlands. 

1870 ¢ Porritt, Geo. T., F.L.S., lm Lea, Dalton, Huddersjield. 

1884 + PouLTon, Professor Edward B., D.Sc., M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.GS., 
F.Z.S., Hope Professor of Zoology in the University of Oxford, 
(Pres., 1903-4 ; V.-Pres., 1894-5, 1902, 1905 ; CouncrL, 1886-8, 
1892, 1896, 1905-7), Wykeham House, Banbury-road, Oxaford. 

1905 Powe.., Harold, 7, Rue Mireille, Hyéres (Var), France. 

1906 Pratt, H.C., Government Entomologist, Federated Malay States, 
Kuala Lumpur, Malay States. 

1908 Prarr, William B., 10, Lion Gate Gardens, Richmond, Surrey. 

1878 Prick, David, 48, West-street, Horsham. 

1908 PripEaux, Robert M., Woodlands, Brasted Chart, Sevenoaks. 

1904 PrisKE, Richard A. R., 9, Melbourne Avenue, West Ealing. 

1911 Provuproot, Rev. Samuel, 6, Lyme-grove, Altrincham, Cheshire. 

1893 Prout, Louis Beethoven, (CounciL, 1905-7), 62, Graham-road, 
Dalston, N.E. 

1910 Punnert, Professor Reginald Crundall, M.A., Caius College, 
Cambridge. * 

1900 Rarnsow, William J., The Australian Musewm, Sydney, N.S. W. 

1907 Raywarp, Arthur Leslie, 3, Albert Mansions, Lansdowne Road, 

1893 Ret, Captain Savile G., late R.E., Zhe Elms, Yalding, Maidstone. 

1898 Rewron, R. H., c/o Perkins and Co., Ltd., Brisbane, Queensland. 

1898 Reuter, Professor Enzio, Helsingfors, Finland. 

1910 De Rus#-Puinipr, G. W. V., c/o Grindlay & Co., Hustings-street, 

1894 * Ripine, William Steer, B.A., M.D., Stamlands, Buckerell, Honiton. 

1908 Rrppon, Claude, M.A., 28, Walton-street, Oxford. 

1905 Rosrnson, Herbert C., Curator of State Museum, Kuala Lumpur, 

1904 Rosinson, Lady, Worksop Manor, Notts. 

1892 Roprnson, Sydney C., 10, Inchmory-road, Cutford, S.E. 

1869 ¢ Roprnson-Dovetas, William Douglas, M.A., F.L.S., F.R.G.S., 
Orchardton, Castle Douglas. 

alll xxiv ) 

1908 RoGers, The Rev. K. St. Aubyn, M.A., Rabai, Mombasa, British 
East Africa. 

1909 * Rotnason, Wm. Alfred, Lamorna, 7'rwro, Cornwall. 

1886 Rosg, Arthur J., 1, Harewood-road, 8. Croydon. 

1907 Rosrnspera, W. F. H., 57, Haverstock-hill, N.W. 

1868 Roruney, George Alexander James, Pembury, Tudor-road, Upper 
Norwood, S.E. 

1894 + Roruscaiip, The Honble. Nathaniel Charles, M.A., F.L.S., F.Z.S., 
(CounciL, 1904), Arwndel-house, Kensington Palace Gardens, W. 

1888 ¢ RoruscuiLp, The Honble. Walter, D.Se., F.L.S., F.Z.S., (Councrn, 
1900), Zoological Museum, Tring. 

1890 RovuriepaE, G. B., Tarn Lodge, Heads Nook, Carlisle. 

1887 Rownanp-Brown, Henry, M.A., (V.-PRes., 1908, 1910; Sec., 
1900-10), Oxhey-grove, Harrow Weald. 

1910 RupGeE, Miss Carlotta, 1, Hamilton House, Grove-end-road, St. 
John's Wood, N.W. 

1910 Rupee, Charles Henry, 1, Hamilton House, Grove-end-road, St. 
John’s Wood, N.W. 

1898 RussELL, A., Wilverley, Dale-road, Purley. 

1892 RussEL1, S. G. C., 19, Lombard-street, E.C. 

1899 RyweEs, William E., B.A., 14, Arthur-street, Nottingham. 

1905 Sr. Quintin, W. H., Scampton Hall, Rillington, York. 

1906 Sampson, Colonel F. Winn, 20, Arundel Mansions, 8.W., and Junior 
Carlton Club, Pall Mall, 8.W. 

1910 Saunvers, H. A., Brookfield-house, Swanage. 

1886 SaunpErs, Prof. Wm., Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. 

1901 Scuauvs, W., F.Z.S., 97, Elm Park Gardens, S.W. 

1907 ScHMassMan, W., Bewlah Lodge, London-road, Enfield, N. 

1881 Scouuick, A. J., 8, Mayfield-road, Merton Park, Wimbledon. 

1911 Scorer, Alfred George, Hill Crest, Chilworth, Guwildford. 

1909 Scorr, Hugh, B.A., University Musewm of Zoology, Cambridge. 

1911 Scorr, Perey William Affleck, Chinese Imperial Customs Service, 
Hangchow, China. 

1911 SExovs, Cuthbert F., M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Agra, Barton-on- 
Sea, New Milton, Hants. 

1911+ Sennett, Noel Stanton, 32, Bolton-gardens, S. Kensington, 8.W. 

1862 Swarp, David, M.A., M.B., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S. (Pres., 1887-8 ; 
V.-Pres., 1889, 1891-2, 1896, 1902-3; Sxc., 1867; Counc, 
1893-5, 1902-4), Lawnside, Brockenhurst, Hants. 

1902 SHarp, W. E., 9, Queen’s-road, South Norwood, 8.E. 

1886 SHaw, George T. (Librarian of the Liverpool Free Public Library), 
William Brown-street, Liverpool. 

1905 SHetpon, W. George, Youlgreave, South Croydon. 

1901 | SHELFoRD, Robert, M.A., F.Z.S., (Counctt, 1907-8), University 
Museum (Hope Department), Oxford. 

1900 | SHePHEARD-Watwyyn, H. W., M.A., Dalwhinnie, Kenley, Surrey. 








(c\ eay ) 

Sicu, Alfred, (Councin, 1910- ), Corney House, Chiswick, W. 

* SILVERLOCK, Oscar C,, c/o P. M. O. Livingstone, Esq., N.W. Rhodesiu, 

S. Africa. 
Smes, James A., 2, The Bryn, Whitehall-road, Woodford, Essex. 
Srmmonps, Hubert W., Sussex View, Tunbridge Wells. 
SLaDEN, Frederick William Lambart, The Firs, Ripple, Dover. 
Surpper, The Rev. T. J. R. A., M.A., Tivetshall Rectory, Norwich. 
Storer, Gerard Orby, F.Z.S., J.P., Badminton Club, Piccadilly, W. 
Sty, Harold Baker, Mapledean, Ringley-avenue, Horley. 
SmauutMay, Raleigh S., Homeside, Devonshire Park, Eastbourne. 
Smirn, Arthur, County Museum, Lincoln. 
Smiru, B. H., B.A., Edgehill, Warlingham, Surrey. 
Sorp, Erasmus John Burgess, F.R.Met.S, 
Soutn, Richard, (Councin, 1890-1), 96, Drakefield-road, Upper 
Tooting, S.W. 
Speyer, Edward R., Ridgehurst, Shenley, Herts. 
SranpeEv, Richard S., F.L.S., (Councrt, 1906), Townlands, Lindfield, 
Sranuey, The Rev. Hubert George, Marshfield Vicarage, Cardiff. 
Srarsgs, C. L. B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., The Limes, Swanley Junction, 
SrepBine, Henry, Chasewood, Rownd Oak Wood, Weybridge. 
StTeNTON, Rupert, St. Edward’s, St. Mary Church, Torquay. 
SroneHay, Hugh Frederick, Lieut. E. Surrey Regt., Kinsale, Co.Cork. 
SrrRicKLaAnpD, T. A. Gerald, Southcott, Poulton, Fairford. 
Strupp, E. A. C., Kerremens, British Columbia. 
Strupp, E. F., M.A., B.C.L., Oxton, Exeter. 
Swanzy, Francis, The Quarry, Sevenoaks. 

Swierstray, Commr. T., Ist Assistant, Transvaal Museum, Pretoria. 
SwinHog, Colonel Charles, M.A., F.L.S., F.Z.S., (V.-PRES., 1894 ; 
Councin, 1891-3 ; 1902-4), 6, Gunterstone-road, Kensington, W. 

SwinuHog, Ernest, 6, Gunterstone-road, Kensington, W. 
Swinton, A. H., Oak Villa, Braishfield, Romsey, Hants. 
Swynverton, C. F. M., Mt. Chirinda, Melsetter, S.-E. Rhodesia. 

Tait, Robt., junr., Roseneath, Hurborough-road, Ashton-on-Mersey. 
Tazot, G., 17, Steeles-road, Haverstock-hill, N.W. 

Tautz, P. H., Cranleigh, Pinner, Middlesex. 

Taytor, Charles B., Gap, Lancaster County, Penn., U.S.A. 
TayLor, Frank, Technological Museum, Sydney, N.S.W. 

Taytor, Thomas Harold, M.A., Yorkshire College, Leeds. 

* Terry, Frank Wray, P.O. Box 411, Honolulu, Hawaii. 

Terttey, Alfred, M.A., 22, Avenwe-road, Scarborough. 

THEOBALD, F. V., M.A., Wye Cowrt, Wye. 

THompson, Matthew Lawson, 40, Gosford-street, Middlesbrough. 

THORNLEY, The Rey. A., M.A., F.L.S., “ Hughenden,” Coppice-road, 

( soem) 

1907 Tintyarp, R. J., BA., Kuranda, Mount Errington, Hornsby, New 
South Wales. 

1911 Topp, R. G., The Limes, Hadley Green, N. 

1897 Tomy, J. R. le B., M.A., (Counctn 1911- ), Stoneley, Alexandra- 
road, Reading. 

1907 Tonee, Alfred Ernest, Aincroft, Reigate, Surrey. 

1907 TraGarpu, Dr. Ivar, The University, Upsala, Sweden. 

1859 ¢ TRimEN, Roland, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S., (PREs., 1897-8; V.-PREs., 
1896, 1899 ; CounctL, 1868, 1881, 1890), Fawley, Onslow-crescent, 

1906 TryYHANE, George E., Pedro Miguel Canal Zone, Panama. 

1906 Turtocn, Major James Bruce Gregorie, The King’s Own Yorkshire 
Light Infantry; Head Quarters, South China Command, Hong 

1895 Tunatry, Henry, 13, Begmead-avenue, Streatham, S.W. 

1910 Turati, Conte Emilio, 4, Piazza S. Alessandro, Milan, Italy. 

1898 Turner, A. J., M.D., Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, Australia. 

1893 TurNER, Henry Jerome, (Councit, 1910- ), 98, Drakefell-road, 
St. Catherine’s Park, Hatcham, 8.E. 

1906 Turner, Rowland E.,(Councrt, 1909-10), 21, Emperor’s Gate, S.W. 

1894 Turner, Thomas, Cullompton, Devon. 

1893 Uricu, Frederick William, C.M.Z.S., Port of Spain, Trinidad, 
British West Indies. 

1904 7 VauGuan, W., Badulla, India. 

1866 * VERRALL, George Henry, (PREs., 1899, 1900; V.-PREs., 1892-3, 
1902, 1907; Sec., 1873-4; CounciL, 1891, 1897-8; 1903-4, 
1907-8), Sussex Lodge, Newmarket. 

1909 Vivier, Leopold A., The Carmelite Stone House, Rye, Sussex. 

1911 Vrrauts, R., Commis de 1 classe, Pnom-Penk, Cambodia, French 

1895 WacHeEr, Sidney, F.R.C.S., Dane John, Canterbury. 

1899 Wane, Albert, 12, Cadogan-place, Preston, Lancashire. 

1897 Watnwricat, Colbran J., (CounciL, 1901), 45, Handsworth Wood- 
road, Handsworth, Birmingham. 

1878 WatkeEr, James J.. M.A., R.N., F.L.S., (Councit, 1894, 1897-8 ; 
Secretary, 1905- ), Aorangi, Lonsdale-road, Summertown, 

1863 + Watiace, Alfred Russel, O.M., D.C.L. Oxon., F.R.S., F.LS., 
F.Z.S., (PREs., 1870-1; V.-PREs., 1864, 1869; CouNcIL, 1866, 
1872), Broadstone, Wimborne, Dorset. 

1866 + WatsrncHaM, The Right Honble. Lord, (PREs., 1889-90 ; V.-PREs., 
1882, 1888, 1891-2, 1894-5; Councrn, 1896), British Museum 
(Natural History), Cromwell-road, 8.W. 

1910 Warp, John J., Rusinurbe House, Somerset-road, Coventry. 


(: xvi») 

WaRREN, Brisbane C.S., Innis, Claygate, Surrey. 

WarREN, Wmm., M.A., East Croft, Langdon-street, Tring, Herts. 

WarteERHOUSE, Charles O., I.S.0., (PRES., 1907-8 ; V.-Prxs., 1900, 
1909 ; CounciL, 1873, 1882-3; 1898-1900), Ingleside, Avenue- 
gardens, Acton, W. 

1901 +} WATERHOUSE, Gustavus A., B.Sc., F.C.S., Allonrie, Stanhope-road 



Killara, New South Wales, Australia. 

Watson, The Rev. N. Beresford, S#. Martin's Vicarage, St. Philip, 
Barbados, W. Indies. 

Wess, John Cooper, 218, Upland-road, Dulwich, S.E. 

WELLMAN, F. Creighton, M.D., U.S. Musewm, Washington, U.S.A. 

1876 | WestERN, E. Young, 36, Lancaster Gute, Hyde Park, W. 











WHEELER, Francis D., M.A., LL.D., Bracondale Cottage, Lower 
Hellesdon, Norwich. 0 

WHEELER, The Rev. George, M.A., F.Z.5., (SecrETARY, 1911- ), 37, 
Gloucester-place, W. 

Wuite, Edward Barton, M.R.C.S., Cardiff City Mental Hospital, 

WuitE, Harold J., 42, Nevern-square, Kensington, S.W. 

Wuitenouss, H. Beckwith, M.S., F.R.C.S., 52, Newhall-street, Bir- 

WuirtineHaM, Rev. W. G., Knighton Rectory, Leicester. 

Wickwar, Oswin 8., Charlemont, Gregory-road, Colombo, Ceylon. 

Wiaarns, Clare A., M.R.C.S., Entebbe, Uganda. 

Witemay, A. E., H.B.M. Consul, Manila, Philippine Islands. 

Wittcocks, Frank C., Entomologist to the Khedivial Agricultural 
Society, Cairo, Egypt. 

WiuiaMs, C. B., Mostyn-road, Merton, Surrey. 

WotteEy-Don, F. H., Millarville P. O., Alberta, N.W.T., Canada. 

Woop, H., Kennington, near Ashford, Kent. 

Woop, The Rev. Theodore, The Vicarage, Lyford-road, Wandsworth 
Common, 8. W. 

WoopsRIDGE, Francis Charles, The Briars, Gerrard’s Cross, S.O., 

YerBuRY, Colonel John W., late R.A., F.Z.S., (Councin, 1896, 
1903-5), Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, S.W. 

YoupaLE, William Henry, F.R.M.S., 21, Belle-Isle-street, Work- 

( xxviii ) 



Aperz (Gottfrid). Lefnadsforhallanden och Instinkter inom Familjerna 
Pompilidae och Sphegidae, 1IT. 

[Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. Band 45, No. 12, 1910.] 
By Exchange. 

ANNANDALE (N.). Fauna of British India. Freshwater Sponges, Hydroids 

and Polyzoa, 1911. The India Office. 
Notes: Correction as regards the Ceylon species of Phlehotomus. 
{Spolia Zeylanica, Vol. VII, Pt. XX VII, May 1911.] 

The Author. 

Avurivittius (Chr.). Svensk Insektfauna, 13. Steklar Hymenoptera, 1. 
Gaddsteklar Aculeata, Formicidae. Stockholm och Uppsala, 

Von Dr. I. Tragirdh in Natal und dem Zululande gesammelten 
[Ent. Tidskr., 1908.] 
Neue oder wenig bekannte Coleoptera Longicornia, 10. 
[Arkiv for Zoologi. Band 4, 1908.) 
{Deukschr. mediz.—naturw. Ges. Bd. XIII, 1908.] 
Neue Coleoptera Longicornia. 
[Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr., 1908, ] 
——_—— Cerambyciden aus den Grenzgebieten zwischen Peru und Bolivien, 
[Arkiv for Zoologi. Band 5, 1908.] 
————— Diagnosen neuer Lepidopteren aus Afrika, 9. 
[Arkiv for Zoologi. Band 5, 1909.] 

——-—— Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera und Heterocera (Pars I), von Madagaskar, 

den Comoren und den Inseln Ostafrikas. 
[Reise in Ostafrika in den Jahren 1903-1905. Wissensch. Ergebn. 
Zweiter Band, 1909. } 
———— Carl von Linné als Entomolog. 
[Jena, 1909. ] 
———— Neue oder wenig bekannte Coleoptera Lonyicornia. 
[Arkiv for Zoologi. Band 7, 1910.} 

——_—— Schmetterlinge Gesammelt in Westafrika, von Leonardo Fea in den 
Jahren 1897-1902. 

[Ann. Museo Civico di Storia Nat. Genova, 1910.] 

——_—— Wissenschaftliche ergebnisse der Schwedischen zoologischen expedi- 
tion nach dem Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den umgebenden 
massaisteppen Deutsch-Ostafrikas 1905-1906. Coleoptera, 11 ; 
Cerambycidae, 21; Curculionidae. Lepidoptera, 9. 1908-1910. 

The Author. 

AusTEN (E. E.). A Handbook of the Tsetse-Flies. London, 1911. 
By Exchange. 
Racor (A. W.). The persistence of Bacillus pyocyaneus in pupae and 
imagines of Musca domestica raised from larvae experimentally 
infected with the Bacillus. 
{ Parasitology, Vol. IV, No. 1, March 31, 1911.] The Author. 

( xi ) 

Bangs (C. 8.). A Manual of Philippine Silk Culture. 
{Philippine Journ. Sci., Manila, 1911.] 
Philippine Bureau Science. 
Barser (T. C.). Damage to Sugar Cane in Louisiana by the Sugar-Cane 
Borer (Diatraea saccharalis, Fab.). 
LU. 8. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Circular No. 139, 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
BarGaGut (P.). Di un Altro insetto nocivo al Populus canadensis, Desf. 

[Atti R. Accad. Georgofili, Vol. VIII, 1911.] The Author. 
Beare (T. Hudson). Retrospect of a Coleopterist for 1910. 
[Entom. Rec., Vol. XXIII, 1911.] The Author. 

Bericur iiber die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen im Gebiete der Entom- 
ologie wahrend des Jahres 1907-1909. 
{Published in 1909-1911. By W. La Baume, K. Griinberg, G. Illig, 
R. Lucas, F. W. Rithe, H. Schouteden, G. Seidlitz, and E. 
Strand. | Purchased. 
BERNHAUER (M.) et ScuusBert (K.). [See Coleopterorum Catalogus. ] 
BisHorr (F. C.). An annotated bibliography of the Mexican Cotton Boll 
(U.S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Circular No. 140, 1911.] 

——-— The distribution of the Rocky Mountain Spotted-fever Tick. 
[U. S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Circular No. 136, March 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
———— [See Hunter (W, D.).| 
Bortvak (Ignacio). Analecta Orthopterologica. 
[An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., Tomo VII, 1878]. 

———— Notas Entomoldgicas. 
[An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., Tomo X, 1881.] 
———— Sobre la estructura de las patas prensoras de la Mantispa perla, 
[An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1882. ] 
———— Artrépodos del Viaje al Pacifico. Insectos : Neurdpteros y Ortépteros. 
[Madrid, 1884. ] 
———— Ortdépteros de Africa del Museo de Lisboa. 
{Jorn. Sci. Math., Phys. e Nat., 2d serie, Nos. III, IV, 1889, 1890.] 
———— Diagnosis de Ortépteros Nuevos. 
[An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., Tomo XIX, 1890. ] 
Ortdépteros recogidos en las Azores por el Sr. Affonso Chaves. 
[Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1891.] 
———— Noticias Entomoldgicas. 
[Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1892.] 

—-— Liste des Orthoptéres recueillis en Syrie par le Dr. Th. Barrois. 
[Rev. Biol. du Nord de la France, Tome V, 1892-1893. ] 

———— Voyage de M. Ch. Alluaud dans le territoire d’Assinie (Afrique 
occidentale) en juillet et aodt, 1886. Orthoptéres. 
{Ann. Soe. Ent. Fr., 1893.] 

———— Viaje de M. Ch. Alluand a las Islas Canarias. Ortépteros de las Islas 
[Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1893.] 
————— Tableau pour la détermination des espéces du genre T'rywalis, F. 
[Feuille des Jeunes Nat., No. 275, Sept. 1893.] 
———— Ad cognitionem Orthopterorum Europae et confinium. 
[Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1893, 1894. | 

Ortépteros recogidos por el Sr. Uraz en la cuenca del Rio Atalapo, 
afluente del Amazonas. 
[Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1896, ] 
————. Taentosoma sanchezt, gen. et sp. nov. 
[Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1897.] 

- az ) 

Bottvar (Ignacio). Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regione vicine : 
Nouvelle espéce cavernicole de la famille des Blattaires. 
[Ann. Mus. Civico Storia Nat. Genova, 1897.] 

——_—-— Insectos recogidos en Cartagena por D. José Sanchez Gomez. 
[Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1897.] 

Nueva especie de Mantido europeo (A meles paut). 
[ Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1898.) 

————— Contributions 4 l'étude des Acridiens espéces de la faune Indo et 
{Ann. Mus. Civico Storia Nat. Genova, 1898. ] 

Ortépteros recogidos en Marruecos por D. Jerénimo Olcese. 
[Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1898.] 

——-—— Ortépteros nuevos de Borneo y de Nueva Guinea. 
[Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1898.] 
———— Notas entomoldgicas (Aphlebia chavesi, sp. nov., and Anaxiphus 
averni, Costa). 
[Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1898.] 
———— Revisién de los Pirgomorphinos de la Seccién ‘‘ Ommexechae.” 
[Revista Chilena de Hist. Nat., Tomo III, 1899.] 
——-—— Observaciones acerca de la primera mérfosis de la Langosta (Stau- 
ronotus maroccanus, Thunberg). 
[Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1899.] 
Dos formas larvarias de Lampiridos. 
[Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1899.] 
———— Anaételia, género nuevo de Forfictilido de las Islas Canarias. 
[Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1899. ] 
——— El género Taeniopoda, Stal. 
[Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1901.] 
——— Un nuevo Ortdéptero mirmecéfilo Attaphila bergi. 
{Comun. Museo Nac. Buenos Aires, Tomo I, 1901.] 
——-——. Les Orthoptéres de St. Joseph’s College 4 Trichonopoly (sud de 
l’Inde), Parts I-III. 
{Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1897, 1900, 1902.] 
———— Nuevo Helioscirtus de Rio de Oro. 
[ Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1902.] 
——-——— Apuntes para el estudio de los Pérlidos de Espana. 
[Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1902.] 
———— Observaciones sobre la Ephippigera coronata, A. Costa. 
{Ann. Mus, Zool. Napoli (Nuova Serie), Vol. L, 1903. | 
Contributions a l'étude des Mecopodinae. 
[Ann. Mus, Nat. Hung., I, 1903. ] 
Nuevas especies de Eumastacinos. 
[Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1903.] 
————- El género Phymateus, Thunberg. 
[Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1903. ] 
————— Algunos Conocefalinos Sud-Americanos. 
[ Revista Chilena de Hist. Nat., Ano VII, 1903.] 
Notas sobre los Pirgomérfidos (Pyrgomorphidae), I, Subfam. 

{Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1904. ] 
———— Notas sobre los Pirgomérfidos (Pyrgomorphidae). 
[ Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1904, 1905.] 
————-— Sobre algunos Decticinos Africanos., 
[Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1905. 
———— (Ignacio). Ortdépteros Acridioideos de la Guinea Espanola, 
{Mem. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., Tomo I, 1905.} 

() Seat) 

Botivar Nueva especie de Xzphidzum de las Azores. 
[Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1905.] 
———— Conocéphalides de la Nouvelle-Guinée appartenant au Musée de 
[Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., ITI, 1905.] 
———— El genero Tetraconcha, Karsch. 
[Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1906.] 
———— Rectificaciones y observaciones ortopteroldgicas. 
[Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1906.] 
———— Fasgonurideos de la Guinea Espanola. 
[Mem. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., Tomo I, 1906.] 
Los Pamphagus de Marruecos. 
[Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1907.] 
——-— Revision des Ephippigerinae. 
[Ann. Sci. Nat., Neuvieme série, V, 1907. | 
———— Description d’une espéce nouvelle d’Orthoptére de la famille des 
Blattidés (Ectobia kervillez, Bol.). 
[Bull. Soc. des Amis Sci. Nat. Rouen, 1907.] 
———— Note sur les Orthoptéres recueillis par M. Henri Gadeau de Kerville 
en Khroumirie (Tunisie). 
[Voyage Zool. en Khroumirie, Paris, 1908. } 
————Uber die Gattung Amorphoscelis, Stal. 
[Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr., 1908. ] 
———— Mantidos de la Guinea Espanola. 
[Mem. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., Tomo I, 1908.] 
—-— Dos nuevas especies de Hololampra de Marruecos. 
[Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1908. 

———— Algunos Ortépteros nuevos de Espana, Marruecos y Canarias. 
[Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1908. ] 

re AER gel. nov., nuevo género préximo al Acrida (L.), 
[Bol, Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1908.] 
———— Acridiens d’Afrique du Musée royal d’Histoire naturelle de 
[Mém. Soc. Ent. Belg., Tome XVI, 1908.] 
———— Orthoptera, Fam. Acridiidae, Subfam. Pyrgomorphinae. 
[Wytsman’s Gen. Ins. 90™* fascicule, 1909. | 
El Argas reflexus en Espana. 
[Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 1909. ] The Author. 
BRAUCcHER (R. W.). [See Quarntance (A. L.).] 
Brown (H. Rowland). Notes on a Butterfly Hunt in France in 1910. 
[Entomologist, 1910 and 1911.] The Author. 
Berr (Malcolm). Dermaptera. 
[Wiss. Ergebn. Deutsch. Zentr.-Afric. Exped., 1907-1908. ] 
The Author. 
Fauna of British India, Dermaptera (Earwigs), 1910. 
The India Office. 
—— A Revision of the Genus Diplatys (Serv.) (Dermaptera). 
[Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1911. ] 
——_—— Brachypterous Earwigs. 
[Entomologist, June 1911. ] 
———— Note sur la Distribution en Angleterre du Forficula lesne?, Finot. 
[Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1911.] 
Notes on the Forficularia.—X VIII. More new Species. 
[Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., July 1911.] 
——~—— Notes on the Forficularia.—XIX. On little-known Earwigs from 
[Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., July 1911.] 

¢ . <xah  ) 
Burr (Malcolm). On some South African Dermaptera (Earwigs) in the 
South African Museum, Cape Town. 
{Ann. 8. African Museum, Vol. X, Pt. 1, 1911.] 
———— Ueber einige interessante Dermapteren der Dohrn’schen Sammlung. 
({Stett. Ent. Zeit., 1911.] 
———— Vorlaufige Revision der Labiiden. 
{Deutsche Ent. National-Bibliothek, II, 1911.] The Author. 
Busck (A.). Descriptious of Tineoid Moths (Microlepidoptera) from South 
[Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., Vol. XL, 1911.] 
The Smithsonian Institution. 
CarpPENTER (G. H.). Injurious Insects and other Animals observed in 
Ireland during the year 1910. 
{Econ. Proc. Royal Dublin Soc., Vol. II, 1911.] By Exchange. 
Caupett (A. N.). [See Curries (R. P.).] 

Cuampion (G. C.). [See Gopman (F. D.), Biologia Centrali-Americana. | 
CHITTENDEN (F. H.). A list of Insects affecting stored cereals. The 
Mexican Grain-beetle. ‘The Siamese Grain-beetle. 

(U.S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No, 96, Pt. 1, March 1911. ] 
Notes on various Truck-crop Insects. 
{U. 8S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 82, Pt. 7, 1911.] 
The Asparagus Miner (dgromyza simplex, Loew) }. 
[U.8. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Circular No. 135, March 1911.] 
The Broad-nosed Grain Weevil. The Long-headed Flour Beetle. 
[U. 8S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 96, Pt. 2, 1911.] 
The Lesser Grain-borer. The Larger Grain-borer. 
(U.S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 96, Pt.3, March 1911.) 
——-— The Fig Moth. 
[U. 8. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 104, 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
-— The Southern Beet-webworm. 
{U. S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 109, Pt. 2, 1911.] 
and Popenor (C. H.). Carbon Tetrachlorid asa substitute for Carbon 
Bisulphid in Fumigation against Insects. 
[U.S, Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 96, Pt. 4, 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Ayric. 
CockrereE_t (T. D. A.). Bees in the Collection of the United States National 
Museum, I. 
[Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XX XIX, 1911.] 
—— Bees in the Collection of the United States National Museum. 
[Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., Vol. XL, pp. 241-264, 1911.] 
Names applied to Bees of the Genus WVomada found in North 
{Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XLI, pp. 225-243, 1911.] 
The Smithsonian Institution. 
CoLroprerorum Caratocus. Junk (W.) editus a Schenkling (S.). Berlin, 
Pars 27. Raffray (A.). Pselaphidae. 
28. Gebien (H.). Tenebrionidae, ITI. 
29. Bernhauer (M.) et Schubert (K.). Staphylinidae, II. 
30. Dalla Torre (K. W. von). Cioidae. 
31. Dalla Torre (K. W. von). Aglycyderidae, Proterrhinidae. 
» 32, Csiki (E.). Hydroscaphidae, Ptiliidae. 
33. Dalla Torre (K. W. von). Nosodendridae, Byrrhidae, 
» 34. Kubnt (P.). Erotylidae. 
Ritsema (C.). Helotidae. 
» 35. Weise (J.). Chrysomelidae: Hispinae. 
36. Pic (M.). Anthicidae. 
» 37. Gebien (H.). Tenebrionidae,1V. Trictenotomidae. 
38. Gillet (J. J. E.). Scarabaeidae: Coprinae, I. Purchased. 

C mem |} 

Coox (O. F.). New Tropical Millipeds of the Order Merocheta, with an 
example of kinetic evolution. 
[Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XL, 1911.] 
Notes on the distribution of Millipeds in Southern Texas, with 
descriptions of New Genera and Species from Texas, Arizona, 
Mexico and Costa Rica. 
[Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XL, 1911.] 
The Hothouse Milliped as a New Genus. 
[Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., Vol. XL, 1911.] 
The Smithsonian Institution. 
Crawrorp (D. L.). American Psyllidae, I-III (Triozinae); IV (A Partial 
Revision of the Subfamilies). 
[Pomona Journ, Entom., Vols. IT, III, 1910-11.] The Author. 
————(J.C.). New South American Parasitic Hymenoptera. 
[Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol, XX XIX, 1910.] 
———— Descriptions of New Hymenoptera, I. 
[Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XX XIX, 1911.] 
Descriptions of New Hymenoptera, II. 
[Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XL, 1911.] 
———— Descriptions of New Hymenoptera, III. , 
[Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XLI, 1911.] 
The Smithsonian Institution. 
Crossy (C. R.). On certain Seed-infesting Chalcis-Flies. 
[Cornell Univ. Agric. Exper. Station, Bull. No. 265, April 1909. ] 
———— The Apple Red Bugs. 
[Cornell Univ. Agric. Exper. Station, Bull. No. 291, 1911.] 
The Author. 
Csixr (E.). [See Coleopterorum Catalogus. ] 
Currie (R. P.) and Caupett (A. N.). An Index to Circulars 1 to 100 of the 
Bureau of Entomology. 
[U.S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Circular No. 100, 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
CusHMaN, (R. A.). Notes on the Peach and Plum Slug. 
[U. 8S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 97, 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
Datta Torre (K. W. von). [See Coleopterorum Catalogus. ] 
Dzan (W. Be: The Sorghum Midge (Contarinia [Diplosis| sorghicola, 

[U. 8. Dept. Agric., Bull. No. 85, Pt. 4 (revised), April 1911]. 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
Dr Rut-Paitiez (G. W. V.). Notes on some Butterflies from the Indian 
[Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 1911. ] The Author. 

Doane (R. W.). An Annotated List of the Literature on Insects and 
Disease for the year 1910. 

(Journ. Econ. Ent., Vol. IV, No. 4, 1911.] The Author. 
Doenin (Paul). Hétérocéres nouveaux de l'Amérique du Sud. Fase. IT, IIT, 
and IV, 1911. The Author, 

DonistHoRPE (H. St. J. K.). Amphisbatis tncongruella, Stn., probably 
myrmecophilous in the Larval Stage, and a few notes on some 
other Myrmecophiles. 

[Entom. Rec., Vol. XXIII, No. 6, 1911.] 
————  Lasius miztus, Nyl., in Britain. 
[Entom. Rec., Vol. XXIII, No. 9, 1911.] 
———— Myrmecophilous Notes for 1910. 
[Entom. Rec., Vol. XXIII, 1911.] 
Fourmis et leurs hétes. 
[ler Congrés Intern. d’Entom, 1910. Issued 1911.] The Author. 
Dvueaar (B. M.). See GRrossENBACHER (J. G.). 
Fiske (W. F.). [See Howarp (L. O.).] 


( <¥aly ) 

Foret (A.). Fourmis du Musée de Bruxelles. Fourmis de Benguela 
récoltées par M. Creighton-Wellman, et Fourmis de Congo 
récoltées MM. Luja, Kohl et Laurent. 

{Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., Tome LIII, 1909.] 

Fourmis d’Espagne récoltées par M. O. Vogt et Mme. Cécile Vogt. 
[Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., Tome LIII, 1909.] 

——-—— Ameisen aus Guatemala, u.s.w., Paraguay und Argentinien. 
[Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr., 1909.] 

———— Apercu sur la distribution géographique et la phylogénie des 
[ler Congrés Intern. d’Entom. 1910.] 
———— Formicidae. 
[Fortsetzung von, Bd. II. X. Insecta 3te Ser., Jena, 1910.] 

———— Fourmis d'Afrique surtout du Musée du Congo Belge. 
{Rev. Zool. Africaine, Vol. I., Fase. 2, 1911.] 

————— Die Ameisen des K. Zoologischen Museums in Miinchen. 
[Sitz. Konigl. Bayer. Akad. der Wissens., 1911. ] 
———— Fourmis de Bornéo, Singapore, Ceylan, ete. 
[Revue Suisse Zool., Vol. XIX, 1911.] 

—————— Fourmis nouvelles ou intéressantes, 
[Bull. Soc. Vaudoise des Sciences Nat., Vol. XLVII, 1911. } 

Sur le Genre Metapone, n.g., nouveau groupe des Formicides et sur 
quelques autres formes nouvelles. 
[Revue Suisse Zool., Vol. XIX, 1911.]} The Author. 

Fosrer (8. W.). Life-history of the Codling Moth and its Control on Pears 
in California. 
[U. S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 97, Pt. 2, 1911.] 
U.S, Dept. Agric. 
Frocecarr(W. W.). Friendly Insects. 
[Dept. Agric. N.S. W., Farmers’ Bull. No. 34, Dec. 1910. ] 

———— The Diamond-backed Cabbage Moth. 
[Agric. Gazette, N. 8. W., Oct. 1910.] 

The French Bean Fly (daromyea ee te Coquillet). 
[Agric. Gazette, N. S. W., Feb. 2, 1911.] 

———— The Nasal Fly of Shee ‘uibiva se in Australia. 
[Agric. Gazette, N.S. W., March 2, 1911.] 
——_——— Pests and Diseases of the Coconut Palm. 
[Dept. Agric. N. S. W., Science Bull. No. 20, May 1911.] 
The Author. 

Fuiitaway (David T.). Description of a new Coccid Species, Ceroputo 
ambigua, with notes on its Life-history and Anatomy. 
{Proc. Davenport Acad. Sciences, Vol. XII, June 1910.] 
Davenport Acad, Sciences. 

Gerpten (H.). [See Coleopterorum Catalogus. | 
Gress (A. E.). An Algerian Holiday. 
{Entomologist, April and May 1911. ] The Author. 
Gopman (F. D.). Biologia Centrali-Americana, Pts. CCIX, CCX, CCXIa, 
1911; JZnsecta, by G. C. Champion, D. Sharp and Lord 

. [Coleoptera concluded in Pt. CCOXIa.] The Editor. 
GrrEN (E. Ernest). Insects associated with the Cotton Plant in Ceylon. 
{Paper read before the Board of Agriculture on Oct, 18, 1909.) 
Entomological Notes. 
{Tropical Agriculturist, Vols. XX XIII, Nos. 3,5 (1909), XXXIV, 
No. 2 (1910). ] 
——— Entomological Notes. 
{Spolia Zeylanica, Vol. VII, Pt. 26, Dec. 1910.] 


GREEN (E. Ernest). Notes on Current Literature. Economic Entomology. 
[Tropical Agriculturist, Vol. XXXIV, No. 3, 1910.] 

—_ — Eotacioncal Notes: Tea Chests Damaged by Boring Beetles, 

[Tropical Agriculturist, Vol. XXXVI, No. 1, Jan. 1911.] 

—-—— Entomological Notes: Remedy for Slugs and Snails. 
[Tropical Agriculturist, Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, Feb. 1911.] 
———— Entomological Notes: Tea Tortrix. 
[Tropical Agriculturist, Vol. XXXVI, No. 4, April 1911.] 
———— On some Coccidae affecting Rubber Trees in Ceylon, with descrip- 
tions of New Species. 
[Journ. Economic Biology, Vol. VI, May 1911.] 
—-— The Rubber Slug. 
{Circulars and Agric. Journ. Royal Botanic Gardens, Ceylon, Vol. V, 
No. 22, Aug. 1911.] The Author. 
GROSSENBACHER (J. G.) and Duccar (B. M.). A Contribution to the 
Life-history, Parasitism, and Biology of Botryosphaeria ribis. 
{New York Agric. Exper. Station, Techn. Bull. No. 18, July 1911.] 
N. York Exper. Station. 
Guppy (P. L.). The Life-history and Control of the Cacao Beetle (Stezra- 
stoma depressum, L,). 
[Dept. Agric., Trinidad, Circular No, 1, May 1911.] 
Dept. Agric., Trinidad. 
———— [See Uricu (F. W.).] 
———— and Tuornrton (T.). The Cotton Stainer Bug. 
[Board of Agric., Trinidad and Tobago, Circular No. 6, 1911.] 
Dept. Agric., Trinidad. 
Hampson (Sir G. F.). Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae, Vol. X 
(text and plates), 1910-1911. By Exchange. 
Hetier (K. M.). Finfter Beitrag zur Papuanischen Kaferfauna. 
[| Abhandl. Kénigl. Zool. Anthr. Ethn. Mus, Dresden, Band XIII, 
1910. | The "Author. 

Hink (James §.). Robberflies of the Genera Promachus and Proctacanthus. 
[Ann. Entom. Soc. America, Vol. IV, No. 2, June 1911.] 
Ohio State University. 
Hopaxiss (H. E.). The Apple and Pear Membracids. 
[N. York Agric. Exper. Station, Geneva, N. York, Techn. Bull. No. 
17, Dec. 1910.] LV. York Exper. Station. 
Hormeren (Nils). Termiten studien. 2. Systematik der Termiten die 
Familien Mastotermitidae, Protermitidae und Mesotermitidae. 

[Kungl. Svenska Vetensk. Akad. Hand]. Band XLVI, 1911. ] 
By Exchange. 

Horpxtins (A. D.). [See Kraus (E. J.).] 
Horton (J. R.). [See Jonzs (P. R.). | 
Howarp (L. O.). Remedies and Preventives against Mosquitoes. 
[U.S. Dept. Agric., Farmers’ Bull. No. 444, April 1911. ] 
—-— House Flies. 
{U. S. Dept. Agric., Farmers’ Bull. No. 459, 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
———— and Fiske (W. F.). The Importation into the United States of 
the Parasites of the Gipsy Moth and the Brown-tail Moth. 

[U. 8. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 91, 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 

Hunter (W. D.) and Bisuorr (F. C.). Some of the more important Ticks 
of the United States. 
[Year-book Dept. Agric. for 1910.] U.S. Dept. Agric. 
and BisHorr (F. C,). The Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Tick. 
[U.S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 105, 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 


( “Sxxvi .) 

JANET (Charles). Note sur la Phylogénése de I’ Insecte, Rennes, 1909. 
——~-—— Sur la Morphologie de |’Insecte, Limoges, 1909. 
———— Sur la Morphologie des Membranes Basales de 1|’Insecte. 
{Mém. Soe. Acad. de l’Oise, 1909. | 
—- Sur la Parthénogénése Arrhénotique de la Fourmi ouvrieére. 
[Mém Soc. Acad. de l’Oise, 1909. ] 
-———— Sur l’Ontogénése de I’Insecte, Limoges, 1909. ] 
—-—w— Sur un Nématode qui se développe dans la téte de Formica fusca. 
[Mém. Soc. Acad, de l’Oise, 1909.] The Author. 
JENNE (E.L.). [See QuainTance (A. L.).] 
JOHANNSEN (O. A.). The Mycetophilidae of North America, Pt. 2. 
Maine Agric. Exper. Station, Bull. No. 180, 1910.] 
——-—— (O. A.). Insect Notes for 1910. 
[Maine Agric. Exper. Station, Bull. No. 187, Jan. 1911.] 
Maine Agric. Exper, Station. 
Jounson (Fred). Spraying Experiments against the Grape Leaf-hopper in 
the Lake Erie Valley. 
LU. 8. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 97, Pt. 1, 1911.] 
———_— Vineyard Spraying Experiments against the Rose-chafer in the 
Lake Erie Valley. 
[U. S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 97, Pt. 3, 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
Jones (P. R.) and Horton (J. R.). The Orange Thrips: a Report of Pro- 
gress for the years 1909 and 1910. 
[U. 8. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 99, Pt. 1, 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
Kettoee (V. L.). An Experiment in Double Mating. 

(Science, N.S., Vol. XX XIII, May 1911.] The Author. 
—--——and Paine (J. H.). Anoplura and Mallophaga from African 

[ Bull. Entom. Research, Vol. II, July 1911.] 

———— ———— Mallophaga from Birds and Mammals. 
{Entom. News, Vol. XXI, 1910.] 
———— ———— Mallophaga from Bolivian Birds, 
[Entom. News, Vol. XXII, 1911.] 
ee Mallophaga from Californian Birds. 
[Entom. News, Vol. XXII, 1911.] The Authors. 
Ketty (E. O. G.). The Maize Billbug (Sphenophorus maidis, Chittn.). 
[U. S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 95, Pt. 2, April 
1911.] U.S. Dept. Agric. 
KeErRREMANS (Ch.). Monographie des Buprestides. Vol. V, Livr. 9-18, 1911. 
Kersuaw (J. C.). [See Murr (F.).] 
Kravs (KE. J.) and Hopxtins (A. D.). A Revision of the Powder-Post 
Beetles of the family Lyctzdae of the United States and Europe. 
[U.S. Dept. Agric., Techn. Ser., No. 20, Pt. III, 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
Kreiwi (A.) und Rreen (Johann). Physiologische Untersuchungen itiber 
Tierstimmen. Stridulation of Gryllus campestris. 
[Sitz. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Band CXIV, 1905.] 

The Authors. 
Kuunt (P.). [See Coleopterorum Catalogus. ] 

Lerroy (H. Maxwell-). Indian Insect Life. 
[Tropical Agriculturist, Vol. XX XIII, No. 6, 1909. ] 

——— Insecticides: Mixtures and Recipes for use against Insects in the 
Field, the Orchard, the Garden, and the House. 
[Agric. Research Instit. Pusa, Bull. No. 23, 1911.] 

The Author. 

(7 Sex Vi: -) 

Lerroy (H. Maxwell-). The Training of an Economic Entomologist 
[Journ. Econ. Biology. Vol. VI, 1911.] 
The Auther. 
——— Note on Entomology Boxes. 
[ Parasitology, Vol. IV, No. 21, 1911.] 
The Author. 
Nomenclature of Hconomic Insects. 
[Journ. Econ. Biology, Vol. VI, 1911.] 
The Author. 

Marcuat (Paul). Sur une nouvelle espéce de Thrips (Thysanopt.) nuisible 
aux Ficus en Algérie. 
[ Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1908.] 

———— Notes sur les Coatteshites de Europe et du nord de l'Afrique. 
[Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1908. ] 

—-— Le Lecanium du Robinia. 
[Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., Tome LXV, 1908. ] 

—- Contribution 4 l'étude biologique des Chermes (cinquiéme note). 
[Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., Tome LXV, 1908. ] 

—————. La ponte des Aphelinus et Vintérét individuel dans les actes liés a la 

conservation de l’espéce. 
[Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1909.] 

La génération sexuée chez les Chermes des Pins aux environs de 
[Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1909. ] 
—— Contribution 4 ]’étude des Coccides de |’Afrique occidentale. 
[Mém. Soc. Zool. Fr., Tome XXII, 1909.] 

La Sériciculture, l’Apiculture, les Insectes utiles ou nuisibles aux 
[Rapport de Exposition d’Agric. Coloniale. Paris, 1910.] 
——— Contributions 4 l’étude biologique des Chermes. 
[Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1910-11.] 
——— Physiologie des Insectes. 
[Dict. de Physiologie. Paris, Vol. IX.] The Author. 
Martratr (C. L.). The Periodical Cicada in 1911. 
[U. 8S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Circular No. 132.] 

———— The Mango Weevil (Cryptorhynchus mangiferae, Fab.). 
[U. 8. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Circular No. 141, 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 

Marsu (H. O.). The Hawaiian Beet-webworm. 
[U. 8. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 109, Pt. 1, 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 

MenveEs (Candido). Lzthocolletes et Nepticulae novae ex Lusitania. 
[Broteria, Zool., Vol. IX, 1910.] The Author. 

Mortey (Claude). Ichneumonologica Britannica : The Ichneumons of Great 
Britain. Vol. IV, Tryphoninae. London, 1911. Purchased. 

Movtton (Dudley). Synopsis, Catalogue, and Bibliography of North 
American Thysanoptera, with descriptions of New Species. 
[U. 8S. Dept. Agric., Techn. Ser., No. 21, 1911.] 

———\ The California Peach-borer (Sanninoidea opalescens, Hy. Edw.). 
[U.S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Ent., Bull. No. 97, Part 4, Oct. 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
Murr (F.) and Kersuaw (J. C.). On the Homologies and Mechanism of the 
Mouth-parts of Hemiptera. 
[Psyche, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, 1911.] 

——_—— ———— On the later Embryological stages of the head of 
Pristhesancus papuensis (Reduvirdae). 
[Psyche, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, 1911.] The Authors. 

@ x xxviii ) 

Newstegap (R.). A Revision of the Tsetse-Flies (Glossina), based on a study 
of the male genital armature. 
{ Bull. Entom. Research, Vol. II, 1911.] 
———— On the genital armature of the males of Glossina medicorum, Austen, 
and Glossina tabaniformis, Westwood. 
[ Bull. Entom, Research, Vol. IT, 1911. ] 
———— Observations on African Scale Insects (Coccidae) (No. 3), and On a 
New Genus of Psyllidae from Nyasaland. 
[ Bull. Entom. Research, Vol. II, 1911.] 
—-— The Papataci Flies (Phlebotomus) of the Maltese Islands. 
{Bull. Entom. Research, Vol. II, 1911.] The Author. 
Opinions rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomen- 
clature, 30-37. 
[Smithsonian Publication 2013, July 1911.] 
The Smithsonian Institution. 
Osporn (Herbert). Remarks on the Genus Scaphotdeus, with a Revised 
Key and Description of new American Species. 
[Ohio Naturalist, Vol. XI, No. 3, Jan. 1911.] 
Ohio State University. 
PatnE (J. H.). [See Kutxroae (V. L.).] 
Parcu (Edith M.). Gall Aphids of the Elm. 
[Maine Agric. Exper. Station, Bull. No. 181, May 1910. ] 
——-—— Four rare Aphid Genera from Maine. 
[Maine Agric. Exper. Station, Bull. No. 182, June 1910.] 
———— Macrosiphum destructor and Macrosiphum solanifolit. 
[Maine Agric. Exper. Station, Bull. No. 190, June 1911.] 
Maine Agric. Exper. Station. 
PatreRSON (I.L.). Investigations into the Habits of certain Sarcophagidae, 
with an introduction by W. F. Fiske. 
[U. 8. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Techn. Ser., No, 19, Pt. III, 
Marclr 1911. | U. 8. Dept. Agric. 
Paitiuirs (W. J.). The Timothy Stem-borer: a new Timothy Insect 
(Mordellistena ustulata, Lec.). 
[U.S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 95, Pt. 1, March 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
————(E.F.). Bees. 
[U. 8S. Dept. Agric., Farmers’ Bull. No. 447, 1911.] 
——_-— The Occurrence of Bee Diseases in the United States (Preliminary 
[U. 8. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Circular No. 138, May 1911.] 
—-—— The Treatment of Bee Diseases, 
[U. 8S. Dept. Agric., Farmers’ Bull. No. 442, May 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
Pirrce (W. Dwight). Notes on Insects of the order Strepsiptera, with 
descriptions of New Species. 
[ Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XL, pp. 487-511, 1911.] 
The Smithsonian Institution. 
PruatKau (Félix). Recherches experimentales sur les fleurs entomophiles 
peu visitées par les Insectes, rendues attractives au moyen de 
liquides sucrés odorants. 
[Mém. Acad. Royale Belg., Ser. 2, Tome II,1910.] By Exchange. 
PorENnoE (C. H.). The Indian-meal Moth and “ Weevil-cut”’ Peanuts. 
[U.S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Circular No. 142, Sept. 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
———— [See CuitTEenpEn (F. H.).] 
QuatnTance (A. L.) and Jenne (E. L.) and Scorr (BE. W.) and BraucHEerR 
(R. W.). The One-spray method in the control of the Codling 
Moth and the Plum Curculio. 
(U.S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 80, Pt. 7 (revised), 
March 1911, ] U.S. Dept. Agric. 

(Cy es) ) 

Rarrray (A.). [See Coleopterorum Catalogus. | 
REGEN (Dr. Johann). Kastration und ihre Folgeerscheinungen bei Gryllus 
campestris, Li. 
[Zool. Anzeiger, Bd. XX XV, 1910.] 
—-— Untersuchungen iiber die Atmung von Insekten unter anwendung 
der Graphischen Methode. 
[Pfliiger’s Archiv, Bd. 138, Bonn, 1911.] The Author. 
———— [See Krernn (A.).] 
Reports, Twenty-first and twenty-second, of the New Hampshire College, 
Agricultural Experiment Station. 
(Bulletin No. 151, Nov. 1, 1910.] The College. 
———— to the Local Government Board on Public Health and Medical 
Subjects (New Series, No. 53). Further Reports (No. 4) on 
Flies as Carriers of Infection, 1911. Local Govt. Board. 
Ricarpvo (Gertrude). A Revision of the Species of Tabanus from the 
Oriental Region, including notes on Species from Surrounding 
‘Countries. , 
[Records of the Indian Museum, Vol. IV, No. 6, 1911. ] 
The Author. 

Ritsema (C.). [See Coleopterorum Catalogus. ] 

Ritter (Wolfgang). The Flying Apparatus of the Blowfly. 
{Smithsonian Misc. Coll., Vol. LVI, No. 12, 1911.] 
The Smithsonian Institution. 
Rouwer (S. A.). On some Hymenopterous Insects from the Island of 
[Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XXXIX, 1911.] 
—_—-+— Descriptions of New Species of Wasps, with Notes on Described 
[Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XL, 1911.] 
——— — New Sawflies in the Collections of the United States National 
[Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., Vol. XLI, 1911.] 
The Smithsonian Institution. 
——-—— The Glenotypes of the Sawflies and Woodwasps, or the Superfamily 
[U. S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Techn. Ser., No. 20, Pt. IT, 
——~—\ — Studies in the Sawfly Genus Hoplocampa. 
[U. S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Techn. Ser., No. 20, Pt. IV, 
1911.] U. S. Dept. Agric. 
Sack (P.). Aus dem Leben unserer Zuckmiicken (Chironomiden). 
[Bericht der Senckenb. Naturforsch. Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am 
Main, 1910.] 
The Senckenb. Naturf. Gesellschaft. 
Satem (Dottssa V.). Primo Contributo ai Rincoti Afidi e Coccidi della 
[Nat. Sicil. An. XX, 1908.] The Author. 
Sasscer (E. R.). Catalogue of recently described Coccidae, III. 
[U. S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Techn. Ser., No. 16, Pt. IV, 
1911. ] U.S. Dept. Agric. 

ScHMIEDEKNECHT (O.). Opuscula Ichneumonologica. Fasc. I-X XI, 1902- 

A. E. Gibbs. 
Scuupert (K.). [See BERNHAUER (M.).] 
Scorr (HE. W.) [See Quarnrance (A. L.).] 

Setys Lonccuamps (Baron Edm.). Collections Zoologiques. Fasc. V (pre- 
miére partie), Megaloptera; XII, XIII, Libellulinen. 

@ xl ) 

Suarp (D.). [See Gopman (F. D.), Biologia Centrali-Americana. } 
Serr (P.). Catalogue Raisonné des Lépidoptéres du Département des 
Bouches-du-Rhone et la Région de la Sainte-Baume. 
[Ann. Musée d’Hist. Nat. de Marseille, Zoologie,Tome IX ,1904-1905. | 
The Author. 
SkinnER (H.). Colias nastes streckeri, Gr. Grum-Grshimailo. Lycaena 
enoptes, battotdes and glaucon. A new Argynnis and a new 
Parnassius. A new variety of Megathymus yuccae, A new 
variety of Chionobas. 
[Ent. News, Vol. XXII, 1911.] 

—- The Boreal American Species of Chlorippe (Doxocopa, Apatura). 
[Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., Vol. XX XVII, No. 3, 1911.] 

——— The Larger Boreal American Hesperidae, including Eudamus, 
Eryctdes, Pyrrhopyge and Megathymus. 
[Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. Vol. XX XVII, No. 3,1911.] 
———— Two kinds of War—one is considered necessary, and the other 
is not. 
[Ottawa Naturalist, July 1910.] The Author. 
Smit (T. O.). [See Curry (B. E.).] 
Smytu (E.G.). Report on the Fig Moth in Smyrna. 
U.S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 105, 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
Snyper (T. E.). Damage to Telephone and Telegraph Poles by Wood- 
boring Insects. 
[U.S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Circular No. 144, 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
Sputer (Arnold). Die Schmetterlinge Europas. 
[Band IV. Die Raupen. Stuttgart, 1910.] Purchased. 
Stewart (F. C.). Notes on N. Y. Plant Diseases, I. 
[N. York Agric. Exper. Station, Geneva, N. Y. , Bull. No. 328, Dec. 
1910, ] N. York Agric. 'E wper. Station. 
THORELL (T.). Kongliga Svenska Fregatten Kugenies Resa omkring jorden 
under befal af C. A. Virgin aren 1851-1853. Aranider 1910. 
By Exchange. 
THORNTON (T.). [See Guppy (P. L.).] 
TURNER (H.J.). Luperina (?) (Apamea) guenee’, Doubleday, as a Species, 
and as a British Species. 
[Entom. Rec., Vol. XXIII, Nos. 3-8, 1911.] The Author. 
Uricu (F. W.). The (Canao Thrips (Heliothrips rubrocinctus, Giard). 
[Board of Agric., Trinidad, Feb. 24, 1911.] 

Identification of the Sugar-Cane Froghopper. 
[Proc. Agric. Soc. of Trinidad and Tobago, Vol. X, 1911.] 
The Author. 

-and Guppy (P. L.). Preliminary Notes on some Insects affecting 
the Coconut Palm. 
[Board of Agric. Trinidad and Tobago, Circular No. 5, 1911.] 
The Board. 

Van Dine (D. L.). The Sugar-Cane Insects of Hawaii. 
[U.S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 93, 1911.] 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
Viereck (H. L.). New Species of reared Ichneumon-flies. 
[Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., Vol. XXXIX, 1911.] 

——_—-— Descriptions of one New Genus and eight New Species of Ichneu- 
[Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., Vol. XL, 1911.] 

— —— Descriptions of six New Genera and thirty-one New Species of 
[Proc. U.S, Nat. Mus., Vol. XL, 1911.] 


Viereck (H. L.). Descriptions of one New Genus and three New Species 
of Ichneumon-flies. 
[Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XLI, 1911.] 
The Smithsonian Institution. 
WaALsSINGHAM (Lord). [See Gopman (F. D.), Biologia Centrali-Americana. | 

WesstErR (F. M.). The Lesser Clover-Leaf Weevil. 
[U. 8. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Bull. No. 85, Pt. 1, 1911.] 
———— The Alfalfa Weevil (Phytonomus murinus, Fab.). 
[U. 8S. Dept. Agric., Bureau Entom., Circular No. 137, 1911.} 
U.S. Dept. Agric. 
WEIsE (J.). [See Coleopterorum Catalogus. ] 
Wickuam (H. F.). Fossil Coleoptera from Florissant, with descriptions of 
New Species. 
[Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. XXX, 1911.] 
The Author. 

WitpermvuTi (V.L.). The Alfalfa Caterpillar (Hurymus eurytheme, Boisd.). 

U.S. Dept. Agric., Circular No. 133, April 1911.] 
: U.S. Dept. Agric. 

@ xii ) 

Periodicals and Publications of Societies. 



Lonpon, Ontario. The Canadian Entomologist. Vol. XLIII, 1911. 
By Exchange. 

Ontario. Entomological Society of Ontario. 41st Annual Report. 1910. 
By Exchange. 
Davenport. Proceedings Davenport Academy of Science. 1910. 
The Academy. 
New York. New York Entomological Society. Journal. Vol. XXIX. 

Parts 1, 2, and 3, 1911. Purchased. 
Zoologica. Vol. I, Part 4, 1910. New York Zool. Soc. 
PuitapELtPuia. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings. 
Vol. LIII, Parts 1 and 2, 1911. By Exchange. 
American Entomological Society. Transactions. Vol. XXXVII, 
1911. By Exchange. 
Entomological News, Vol. XXII, 1911. By Exchange. 

WASHINGTON. Smithsonian Institution. Annual Report, 1910. 
United States National Museum. Proceedings. Vol. XX XVIII, 1911. 

Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. Vol. 
XII, Parts 1, 2, and 3, 1911. Purchased. 



Barpados. West Indian Bulletin. The Journal of the Imperial Agricul- 
tural Department for the West Indies. Vol. X, Parts 3 and 4; 
Vol. XI, Parts 2, 3, and 4, 1911. 
Agricultural News. Vol. X, 1911. 
The Agricultural Department. 


BomBay. Natural History Society. Journal. Vol. XXI, No. 1, 1911. 
By Exchange. 
CotomsBo. Spolia Zeylandica. Vol. VII, 1910-11. The Colombo Museum. 

Pusa. Report of the Agricultural Research Institute and College, Pusa, 
1910-11. The India Office. 
Sarawak. Ninth Report on the Sarawak Museum. The Museum. 

( xliii ) 

New ZeALanp. New Zealand Institute. Transactions and Proceedings. 
Vol. XLIII, 1911. The Institute. 
PerrH. Journal Agricultural Department of West Australia. Vol. XIX, 
1910. The Society. 

Sypngy. Linnean Society of New South Wales. Proceedings, 1911. 
By Exchange. 


BupapEst. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. Vol. IX, 

1911, Parts 1 and 2. By Exchange. 
Brinn. Verhand. der naturf. Vereines in Briinn. Bd. XLVIII. 
By Exchange. 

Vienna. K.-k. zoologische-botanische Verein (Gesellschaft) in Wien. 
Verhandlungen. Band LX, Hefte9 and10. Band LXI, Hefte 
1 to 6. By Exchange. 
Wiener entomologische Zeitung. Bd. XXX, 1911. 
Wiener Entomologischen Vereines Jahres-Bericht. XXI, 1910. 
By Exchange. 

BrussEts. Société Entomologique de Belgique. Annales. Vol. LV, 1911. 
Mémoires. Vol. XIX, 1911. By Exchange. 

Annuaire de l’'Academie Royal de Belgique. 1911. 
The Academie. 

1* Congrés International d’Entomologie. Aott 1910. Vol. IT, 

Mémoires. Subscribed for. 
Carn. Société Frangaise d’Entomologie. Revue. Tome XXVIII, Parts 
7-10, 1910-11. Purchased. 
CHATEAUROUX. Le Frélon. XVII, 1909-11. Purchased. 

Paris. Soc. Entom. de France. Annales, Vols. LX XIX, 3-4, LXXX, 1-2. 
By Exchange. 

Bulletin. 1907-9. 
TovuLousE. Bulletin de la Soc. d’Hist. Toulouse. Tome XLIII, Parts 

1-2, 1910. By Exchange. 
BERLIN. Deutsche entomologische Gesellschaft. Deutsche entomologische 
Zeitschrift. Bd. LV, 1911. By Exchange. 

Deutsche entomologische National-Bibliothek. Band 2, 1911. 

By Exchange. 
Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaftliche Insektenbiologie. Band VII. 

Heft 2. Feb. 1911. Lord Avebury. 
Entomologischer Verein in Berlin. Berliner entomologische 
Zeitschrift. Band 55,1910-11. Band 56, Hefte 1 and 2, 1911. 

By Exchange. 
DRESDEN. ‘‘Iris.” Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift. Band XXIV 

Heft. 11 and12. Beiheft 2,1910. Band XXV, 1911-12. 
By Exchange. 


( xliv ) 

Municu. Mitteilungen der Miinchner entomologischen Gesellschaft, 1911. 
Hefte 1-2. The Publisher. 

Stettin. Entomologischer Verein. Entomologische Zeitung. Jahr. LX XII, 
1911. By Exchange. 

WiesBADEN. Nassauischer Verein fiir Naturkunde. Jahrbiicher. Jahr 
LXIYV, 1911. By Exchange. 


LivErRPOOL. J.ancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society. 34th Annual 

Report and Proceedings. 1911. The Society. 
Lonpon. <Avnals and Magazine of Natural History. 1911. Purchased. 
Atheneum. 1911. The Publishers. 
Bulletin of Entomological Research. Vol. 2, Parts 1-4, 1911-12. 

City of London Entomological aud Natural History Society. Trans- 
actions. 1910. The Society. 
Entomologist (The). 1911. R. South. 
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 1911. The Editors. 

Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation. Vol. XXIII, 1911. 

Linnean Society of London. Zoology, Transactions, Journal and 
Proceedings. 1911. by Exchange. 
Naturalist (The). 1911. By Exchange. 
Nature, 1911. The Publishers. 
Quekett Microscopical Club. Journal. 1911. The Club. 

Royal Agricultural Society. Journal. Vol. LX XT, 1910. 
The Society. 

Royal Microscopical Society. Journal. 1911. By Exchange. 
Royal Society. Proceedings. 1911. By Exchange. 
Royal Society. Philosophical Transactions. 1911. 

South London Entomological and N. H. Society. Proceedings. 
1910-11. The Society. 

Zoological Society. Transactions and Proceedings. 1911. 
By Exchange. 

Zoologist (The). 1911. The Publisher. 
MANCHESTER. Manchester Entomological Society, Reports for 1910. 

The Society. 
Tar Hacue. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. Jahr. 1911. By Exchange. 
Entomologische Berichten. Vol. II, Parts 55-60. 1910-11. 
By Exchange. 

FLorENcE. Societa Entomologica Italiana. Vol. XLII, 1910-11. 

Portici. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria. Vol. 
We ois By Exchange. 

Porticr and Frorencr. Redia, Giornale de Entomologia. Vol. VII 

(aly. ) 


Moscow. Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Bulletin. 1910. 
By Exchange. 

St. Prererspure. Annuaire du Musée Zoologique. Tome XVI, Parts 1, 2, 

F. D. Godman. 
Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae. Tome XL, Parts 1, 2, 
1911. By Exchange. 
Revue Russe d’Entomologie. Tome X, 1910. Tome XI, 1911 
Parts 1-3. The Society. 
SrockHotm. Arkiv for Zoologi. Vol. VII, 1911. By Exchange. 

Entomologisk Tidskrift. Arg. 32. 1911. 
By Exchange. 

GunxvaA. Bulletin de la Société Lepidoptérologique de Genéve. Vol. I, 
1905-9. Vol. II, Parts 1 and 2, 1910-11. Purchased. 

ScHAFFHAUSEN and Brrne. Schweizerische entomologische Gesellschaft. 
Mittheilungen. Bd. XII, Hft. 2, 1910. By Exchange. 

(i xlvir:) 



Page 75, line 3 from top (excluding Head-line), for Biskra read Bone. 

Page 90, line 7 from bottom, for edentata read tridentata. 

Page 105, line 5 from top, for Echium read Sedum. 

Page 130, line 13 from top, for rotundifolia read rutxifolia. 

Page 130, line 2 from bottom, for rotundifolia read rutwifolia. 

Page 131, line 19 from top, for Chlorophora read Chrozophora. 

Page 133, line 7 from bottom, for Chlorophora read Chrozophora. 

Page 196, line 19 from top, for Spoelotis read Spaelotis. 

Page te under Anommatus 12-striatus, Mill. This paragraph should 

“Mr, E. A. Fitch exhibited an apparently new species of Belytzdae, 
captured by the Rev. A. Matthews among a colony of Anummatus 12-striatus, 
Mill,, in rotten wood at a depth of three to four feet below the surface of 
the ground”’ (Meeting of Ent. Soc., July 5th, 1882; Proceedings, pp. xii, xiii). 

Page 468, lines 4, 5 and 9 from top, for Cephalonomyta read Cephalonomia. 

Page 467, line 14 from top, for Aulicus read Aulacus. 

Page 472, line 15 from bottom, for Gallerucella read Galerucella. 

Page 477, line 14 from bottom, for Aprum read APIoN. 

Page 488, top line, for Rhopalomestes read Rhopalomesttes. 

Page 517, line 17 from bottom, ey eC . serpy 

Pea KIS, Hind 1d fom bottom, \ for Wittlesia read ctlesia. 

Page 555, line 15 from top, for flavirons read flavifrons. 

Page 555, line 14 from bottom, for abicollis read albicollis. 

Page 607, line 6 from bottom 

Page 609, line 5 from top, 

Page 621, line 8 from top, for paszllus read pustllus. 

Page 749, lines 2 and 3 from bottom, transpose crinanensis and americana. 

Page 754, line 9 of Table, for i-xiii read i-xxxv. 

Page 763, line 8 from top, for Jan. Ist, 1841 read Feb. Ist. 

Page 763, line 5 from bottom (excluding note), for Dec. Ist, 1846 read 
Jan. 1st, 1847. 

Page 763, in last two dates, for 1847 read 1848. 

"\ for melampogon read melanopogon. 


Page lxiii, line 10 from bottom, for Omi read Oni. , 

Page lxx, top line, for South read North, 

Page Ixx, line 3 from top, for Mr. G. V. Hudson, F.E.S., read Mr. 
Creagh O’Connor. 

Page lxxx, line 5 from top, for comz read coms. 


Plates XL and XLIV, for Witrtes1a read WITLESIA. 
Plates XXXV—XLIV. The photographs are by Mr. F. Noad Clark, and 
are attributed in error to Mr. A. E. Tonge. 

In Plates LVI and LVII the names of the species figured have been 
transposed. Plate LVI represents Hydroecia americana, and Plate LVII, 

H. crinanensis. 






For THE YEAR 1911. 

Wednesday, February Ist, 1911. 
Mr. G. T. Bernune-Baker, F.L.S., F.Z.8., in the Chair. 

Nomination of President. 

Rey. G. Wueeter, one of the Secretaries, announced that 
the Council had nominated the Rev. F. D. Morics, M.A., for 
the Presidency for the current year. 


Species oF THE GENUS Henicontus.—Mr. W. J. Kaye ex- 
hibited the following species of Heliconius : H. plessent, H. 
melpomene aglaope form rubripicta, H. melpomene aglaope 
form adonides, H. plessent niepelti of Group I, H. notabilis 
and H. erato estrella form feyeri of Group Il. It was re- 
marked that until the recent discovery of these newer forms, 
H. notabilis had always been considered as a very constant 
and well-differentiated species. In 1908 Riffarth separated 
the very similar H. plessent from H. notubilis, and in the 
same year Niepelt described the remarkable new forms of 
both these species with streaked hind-wing; 1. rubripicta and 
adonides being streaked like H. melpomene aglwope in Group I, 
and feyeri and ilia being streaked like H. erato estrella in 
Group II. It seemed now to be possible and even likely that 
H. melpomene aglaope would eventually be proved to be 

PROG. ENT, SOC. LOND., I. 1911. A 

al (mi) 
linked with HZ. plesseni through these newly-discovered forms, 
and that this species would then have to be sunk as a sub- 
species of H. melpomene. Similarly, H. notabilis through ilia 
and feyert was probably only a subspecies of H. erato, though 
the material was insufficient at present to form a conclusion. 
All these different forms were from eastern Ecuador. 

A new TacHyporus.—Dr. NicHotson showed two speci- 
mens of Zachyporus fasciatus, nov. sp., taken at Wicken Fen 
from under sedge-refuse, the one in April, the other in 
August 1910. This species is intermediate between 7’. 
solutus, Er., and 7’. chrysomelinus, L. It differs from the 
former in the shape of the antennae, which are of the same 
length, but are not thickened towards the apex ; by its finer 
puncturation throughout ; by the pronounced broad black band 
on the elytra; and by the fact that the marginal bristles of 
the elytra are long and stout, as in 7’. chrysomelinus, and not 
short and fine, as in 7’. solutus. 

exhibited several very interesting forms of the little-known 
species Luperina gueneei, sent to him for examination by 
Mr. A. Murray of St. Anne’s-on-Sea, Lancashire, and with 
them he showed both fresh and worn examples of various 
forms of JL. testacea, a closely-allied species with which it 
had been placed by Guenée, when first discovered many years 
ago. He communicated the following note :— 

“ Doubleday described LZ. gueneei as a species (Ent. Ann., 
1864, p. 123), but it has always been confused with J. 
testacea. An examination and comparison of series of these 
two species seem to make it quite impossible to confuse them ; 
the facies of Z. testacea, on the one hand, is very constant 
and quite distinctive, while, on the other hand, the delicate 
soft texture of the surface of Z. gueneet is equally distinctive. 
The two new forms exhibited are much more markedly dis- 
tinct, both from the type and from each other, than is the 
so-called var. bawteri, of which the difference from the type 
form has been recently expressed as ‘ merely due to the pale 
grey ground-colour having, in course of time, assumed a 
somewhat ochreous tinge.’ In passing I may say that an 
examination of the quite fresh and worn examples of both the 

{ Viti’) ) 
typical Z. gueneet and the var, bawferi in the box quite dispels 
this view. 

‘The first of the new forms to which I wish to call atten- 
tion is quite typical LZ. gueneet in texture, shade of colour, and 
in markings, with this very marked difference, that the sub- 
marginal area, between the dark marginal lunules and the 
submarginal line, is much paler than any other portion of the 
wing, throwing out by contrast these dark lunules very con- 
spicuously. In the worn specimen this feature is even more 
apparent than in the perfectly fresh example. In var. baxteri 
I note that this same area, instead of being lighter or uniform 
with, is distinguishably darker than the general wing-colour. 
I have called this new form ab. murrayi, from its captor. 

“The second new form, of which there are three specimens 
in the box, are undoubted L. gueneez in all their characters 
but depth of colour. I believe these are the first melanic 
specimens which have been obtained so far. All the mark- 
ings are much intensified, the ground-colour is much darker 
than in typical examples, very dark grey with, in a good 
light, faint flushes of a ferruginous tint. The contrast 
between ground-colour and markings is very much stronger 
than in any of the other forms. In the worn specimen of this 
form this contrast appears almost equally strong. There is 
no trace of the ‘ochreous tinge’ of the type nor of the 
typical ‘ pale grey ground-colour.’ This form being so distinct, 
I have thought it might well be termed var. fusca.” 

VARIETIES OF CoLEopTERA.—Mr. G. C. CHampion exhibited 
on behalf of Mr. J. H. Kays the black variety of Athous 
haemorrhoidalis, F., from Dartmoor, recorded by the latter in 
the Ent. Mo. Mag., xlvi, p. 262 ; and also a red variety of the 
g of Agabus bipustulatus, L., from the same locality. 

The Rev. A. T. Stirr, who was present as a visitor, was intro- 
duced by Dr. Cuapman, and exhibited some 2nd-brood speci- 
mens of the var. hutchinsoni of Polygonia c-album. He remarked 
that they were bred from Wye Valley larvae, received from 
Mr. L. W. Newman, F.E.S., Sept. 24th, 1910. The larvae fed 
upon nettle, and pupated between Oct. 1st and Oct. 10th. 
Emergence commenced on Oct. 16th, and the last butterfly 


( iv) 
appeared Oct. 26th. Of the twenty specimens which emerged, 
10 are referable to var. hutchinsoni, and 10 are normal, the 
latter showing both the variegated and plain undersides. Of 
the var. hutchinsoni, three appear to be intermediate between 
that var. and the type, the undersides of the wings being 
distinctly var. hutchinsont, and the uppersides not dis- 
tinguishable from the type. The vars., including the inter- 
mediates, emerged on October 16th, 19th (3), 20th, 21st (2), 
22nd, 23rd and 26th, 1910. It is believed that there is no 
record of var. hutchinsoni having ever been bred in the 2nd 
brood of c-album. Mr. Newman writes: “I have bred 
thousands of c-albwm of the second brood in various years, 
and never one hutchinsoni, and I have never heard of any 
one else doing so.” He added that by the kindness of Mr. 
Newman he was enabled to show a series of Ist brood var. 
hutchinsoni for comparison. 

Mr. H. Rowxianp-Brown and the Cuatrman both observed 
that on the Continent they had taken hybernated specimens 
of P. c-album of the hutchinsoni form. 


Dr. O. M. Revurer communicated a paper entitled “ Bryo- 
corina nonnulla Aethiopica descripta ab O, M. Reuter et B. 

Commander WALKER, one of the Secretaries, read a paper 
on behalf of Col. Manners, entitled “A factor in the pro- 
duction of mutual resemblance in allied species of buttertlies : 
a presumed Miillerian combination of Huploeas in South India 
and Amauris in South Africa.” 

The methods adopted in his experiments, and the conclusions 
drawn from them by the author, were to some extent the 
subject of criticism both by Mr. G. A. K. Marsmatn and Dr. 
CuapmMAN. Mr. Merririetp added a few observations with 
regard to the comparative immunity of Pierine butterflies from 
the attacks of birds. 

Vote of Condolence. 

A vote of condolence with the family of the late Mr. J. W. 

Turr was moved from the Chair, all the Fellows present 

signifying approval by rising. 

Wednesday, March Ist, 1911. 

Mr. G. T. Bernune-Baker, F.L,S,, F.Z,S., in the Chair, 

Eleotion of Fellows, 

The following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the 
Society : Messrs. Lionen Armstrone, Government Entomolo- 
gist to the Gold Coast, Gold Coast, West Africa ; J. Pharr 
Barrett, 30, Endwell Road, New Cross, 8.E.; the Rev. Henry 
Witiu1amM Brurzer, B.A., Great Bowden Vicarage, Market 
Harborough ; Messrs. P. P. Graves, Club de Constantinople, 
Constantinople; Tarmn Cuene Kune, Guardian Superintendent 
of Chinese Students in British India, c/o the Curator, Mysore 
Government Museum, Bangalore, India; the Rev, A MILEs 
Moss, Helm, Windermere; Dr. CutHpert F. Setovus, M.D., 
M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Agra, Barton-on-Sea, New Milton, Hants. 


A BeretLte New tro Brirain.—Dr. NicHorson showed six 
specimens of Choleva fuliginosa, Er., an addition to the list 
of British beetles, from Alphington, Devon. This species 
closely resembles C. nigrita, Er., from which it differs by the 
posterior border of the thorax being slightly bisinuate, and 
its posterior angles produced backwards. The anterior tibiae 
of the ¢ are also broadly and abruptly dilated in the middle 
of their inner sides. From C’. nigricans, Spence, it differs by 
its smaller size, shorter antennae, less sinuate and produced 
thorax, and by the above ¢ character, This species is mixed 
in several collections with (’. nigrita, and is probably widely 
distributed in this country. Mr. Dollman has taken it at 
Harrow, Mr. Donisthorpe at Hartlepool, Mr. Taylor in the 
Isle of Wight, and it is also in the Bates collection. 

Larvak or CLEARWINGs.—Mr. L. W. Newman exhibited some 
sticks (the off-shoots of birch stumps) containing larvae of 
Aegeria culiciformis, indicating a new way of collecting this 
species ; from some of the sticks, a bird, probably the Great 
Tit (Parus major), had laboriously picked out the larvae. 


Also sticks of Salix capraea containing larvae of Trochiliwm 
bembeciforme, one of these showing the cap formed over the hole 
prepared for emergence. This species is not usually supposed 
to form a cap. The larvae were not, as is generally thought, 
confined to living wood, some of those exhibited being in 
dead twigs. Also a living specimen of A, culiciformis, a 
species which the exhibitor remarked was easily forced. 

The Hon, N.C. Rorascuitp remarked on the special interest 
of the exhibit of 7. bembeciforme, observing that he was 
unaware of the formation of a cap by this species. 

TERATOLOGICAL SpecrmENs.—Mr. G. T. Brraune-BakErR 
showed a specimen of Hrebia ceto which had been swept from 
the herbage without its head, which was probably held fast 
by a spider; nine hours after capture this insect had still 
been capable of fluttering strongly. He also exhibited a 
specimen of Hrebia var. adyte, with a half-developed right 
hindwing; a specimen of EF. eriphyle with no left hindwing, 
and a Melitaea varia with no right hindwing; in the two 
latter there was no trace of the wing having ever been 

Frea Eacs.—Mr. A, Bacot communicated the following 
note :-—At our meeting on the 16th Nov., 1910, the Hon. 
N. C. Roruscuixp pointed out the distinction between Cteno- 
cephalus canis and C. felis. I had a few days previously 
examined the ova of fleas taken from a dog’s, and also from a 
cat’s bed, and found that they differed in size and shape. 
Imagines have now been reared from these eggs, and I find 
I have both the species exhibited by the Hon. N. C. Roths- 
child. Measurements are as follows—(C. felis: length ‘5 mm, 
to 510 mm., width about ‘310 to ‘320 mm.; nearly but not 
quite circular in cross section. C. canis has a larger egg 
ranging from about 540 to ‘6 mm. in length, and from °365 
to 375 in width. The difference is sufficient to be easily 
appreciable to the naked eye, when the eggs are close together 
ona slide. The egg of C. fasciatus (one of the rat fleas) is 
smaller and more slender, a very regular oval as a rule, ‘560 
to ‘6 mm. in length, by °3 mm. in width. It has a more shiny 
surface than that of (’. canis which is dulled in comparison. 
The ova of Pulex writans are larger again and vary consider- 

ably in shape, some being almost regular ovals, others decidedly 
tapering. At the stage at which Iam comparing them they are 
less white, appear slightly yellow when compared with (. 
fasciatus, from which they are easily distinguished under a low- 
power lens. One of the short oval variety measured ‘560 mm. 
by 320 mm., a blunt-ended oval. Two of the tapering form 
measured, the one 630 by °350 mm. at the blunt end, and 
‘275 mm. at the narrow end; the other ‘650 by °350 mm. at 
one end, and ‘275 mm. at the other. 


Mr. A. Bacor read a paper entitled: “On the Persistence 
of Bacilli in the Gut of an Insect during Metamorphosis.” 

Commenting on this paper Dr. CHapman observed that 
among many points of interest, it suggested to him one 
which he did not remember to have seen mooted. In moult- 
ing (referring chiefly to Lepidoptera) provision for increase of 
size is not the only object in view, but also the removal of 
various possible microbic enemies. In “laying up” for a 
moult, a larva almost invariably first empties the alimentary 
canal ; at the actual moult, not only the skin, but the lining 
membranes of the tracheae and of much of the alimentary 
canal are cast also. The threads drawn from the mouth and 
anus, consisting of the linings of the primae viae, often seem 
long enough to represent the whole tube ; if this be so, then 
bacillary inhabitants would be got rid of, and in any case 
must be so to a great extent. It would be interesting to 
know what is the precise hiatus between the oral and anal 
portions, and what provision there is for establishing an 
aseptic condition of this portion of the tube. 

Messrs. Ernest A. Exuiorr and CraupE Moriry communi- 
cated “ A first supplementary paper on the Hymenopterous 
Parasites of Coleoptera.” 

Notice of Lecture. 

The Rev. G. WHEELER, one of the Secretaries, announced 
that he had been requested by Professor Sedgwick to draw 
the attention of Fellows to the Inaugural Lecture to be 


( viii) 

delivered the following day by Mr. H. Maxwetr-Lerroy, at 
the Imperial College of Science and Technology, where he has 
lately been appointed Lecturer on Entomology. 

Letter of Condolence. 

The Secretary then read to the Society the following letter, 
received by Dr. CuapmMan from M. Cartes OpertTHiir, one 
of the Honorary Fellows, with regard to the late Mr. J. W. 

“ Rennes, le 11 février, 1911. 

“Mon cumr CoLtiaur,—J’ai été trés affecté en apprenant la 
mort de M. Tutt. C’est une perte immense pour |’Entomo- 
logie! La capacité de travail dont était doué M. Tutt, faisait 
mon admiration. Les ouvrages qu'il a laissés sont des monu- 
ments impérissables, dans lesquels le savant Auteur a poussé 
Vanalyse jusqu’ aux limites les plus voisines de la perfection. 
M. Tutt se documentait avec un soin extréme ; il ne consentait 
i aucune ignorance ; il voulait tout connaitre exactement. Je 
considérais sa bonne foi et sa sincérité comme absolues. M. 
Tutt emporte dans la tombe toute mon estime et tous mes 

“Je vous prie, mon cher Collégue, de faire part de mes 
sentiments 4 nos honorables Collégues de la Société entomo- 
logique de Londres, de leur dire combien sympathiquement je 
nVassocie au deuil de l’Entomologie anglaise. 

“ Veuillez agréer expression bien cordiale de tout mon 

affectueux dévouement. 

Special Meeting. 
It was announced that a Special Meeting for the election of 
President would take place immediately before the Ordinary 
Meeting on March 15th. 

( & )) 

Special Meeting, Wednesday, March 15th 1911. 
Rev. GrorcE WHEELER, F.Z.8., Secretary, in the Chair. 

The letter summoning the Special Meeting was read by the 
Chairman, and, no other Candidate having been proposed, the 
Rev. F. D. Morice, M.A., was declared to have been elected 
President for the current year. 

Ordinary Meeting, Wednesday, March 15th, 1911. 
Rev. F. D. Mortcs, President, in the Chair. 

The President, on taking the Chair, addressed a few words 
to the Society, thanking them for their choice of him for the 
post, and expressing regret for the circumstances which had 
made an election necessary. 

Election of Fellows. 

The following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the 
Society :—Messrs. Georce Morrarr Carson, Entomologist to 
the Government of New Guinea, Port Moresby, New Guinea; 
ALFRED GEORGE Scorer, Hill Crest, Chilworth, Guildford ; 
Percy Witiiam AFFLECK Scott, Chinese Imperial Customs 
Service, Hangchow, China; Norn Stanton SENNETT, 32, 
Bolton Gardens, South Kensington, 8.W.; James A. Simgs, 
2, The Byre, Whitehall Road, Woodford, Essex; P. H. 
Tautz, Cranleigh, Nower Hill, Pinner, Middlesex; R. G 
Topp, The Limes, Hadley Green, N.; R. Viratis, Commis de 
1° classe, Trésor, Pnom-Penk, Cambodia, French Indo-China ; © 
Rey. W. G. WirrincHamw, Knighton Rectory, Leicester. 

Appointment of Vice-Presidents. 

The PrEsIDENT announced that he had appointed Dr. F. A. 
Drxety, M.A., M.D., F.B.S., and Messrs. G. T. BrtHune- 
Baker, F.L.S., F.Z.S., and H. St. J. DonistHorpst, F.Z.S., to 
act as Vice-Presidents for the current year, 


QurEN Ants In Nests or oTHER Specres.—Mr. H. Donis- 
THORPE exhibited a nest of Lasius wmbratus, Nyl., which had 
accepted a 2 L. fuliginosus. The wmbratus nest was dug up by 
Mr. Crawley and the exhibitor at Weybridge on December 8th, 
and contained about 400 § % and thirty virgin (winged) ? ?. 
On December 13th a deiilated 9 L. fuliginosus was put into a 
small plaster nest with a dozen of the wmbratus 3 9; she 
was slightly attacked, but not in any way injured, and tried 
to conciliate the 3 % by stroking them with her antennae ; 
she protected her waist by crossing the back legs over it, and 
her neck by pressing the head back against the thorax. The 
umbratus 9 & were increased to over twenty, and on December 
20th the /uliginosus 2 and all the 9 9 were introduced into the 
big nest. She endeavoured to join the wmbratws where they 
were most numerous, and some of those that had previously 
been with her protected her when any of the others endeavoured 
to attack her. By December 21st she was accepted by the 
whole nest, and has been treated as their queen ever since. 
Only one or two % % occasionally threatened her with their 
jaws, though the first fuliginosus 9 placed in the nest was 
killed. The § &% killed most of their own virgin ? 9. 

Mr. W. C. Crawtry also exhibited a case containing a 
colony of Lasius umbratus with a L. fuliginosus 2? as queen, 
a case of ‘‘temporary social parasitism” suspected, but not 
hitherto demonstrated. The other half of the case contained, 
for comparison, a colony of LZ. niger with a L. umbratus queen, 
a similar case of “temporary social parasitism” known to the 
exhibitor since 1896. He mentioned that deilated ? 2 do 
not always behave as if fertilised, the ? in this nest being 
restless, as the winged ? 9 are before the marriage flight. 

Dr. CHapmMan began a discussion as to whether this form of 
“parasitism ” was in the long run profitable to the parasitised 
species, by weeding out the weaker nests; the PREsIDENT, 
Mr. VERRALL, and Mr. G. A. K. MarsHatt also joined in the 

exhibited a box of specimens of Selenia bilunaria, and read the 
following note on the question whether temperature in the 


pupal stage may affect the size of the imago in some Hetero- 
cera.—‘ I exhibit 134 specimens of Selenia bilunaria, belong- 
ing to five separate ‘families’ (by a ‘family’ I mean 
offspring of the same parents), some of the pupae of each 
‘family’ having been at a ‘forcing’ temperature, about 
80° F., the rest of each family at a ‘cool’ temperature, 
about 42° to 53° F. In looking through my rather numerous 
collection of the effects of temperature on geometrid moths I 
had been struck with the apparent difference in size between 
those in which the pupae had been forced and those in which 
they had not been forced. This seemed to me especially 
marked in the cases of Selenia bilunaria and S. tetralunaria, 
but it seemed also more or less noticeable with Pericallia 
syringaria and some of the genus Zonosoma, including Z, 

“The difference in mass between the summer and the 
winter phase of Se/enia is well known, and in a paper I read 
before the International Entomological Congress at Brussels 
last year I gave reasons for the conclusion that the cause of 
this difference is temperature in the /arval stage. But the 
specimens I am now exhibiting appear to indicate that 
temperature during the pupal stage may cause substantial 
difference in mass, at least so far as wing-expanse may 
be taken as a measure of that. Knowing, however, how 
deceptive general appearance often is, and in order to be sure 
of my facts where the circumstances admitted of certainty, I 
selected as many as five families which struck me as indicating 
this difference in a marked degree, and I caused the wing 
expanse of each individual to be carefully measured by a 
qualified observer, Mr. Ricks, one of the staff of the Brighton 
Municipal Science College. The measurements were made with 
a Vernier microscope, reading to ;,'55 part of a centimetre, but 
I am informed that the results cannot be relied upon to a 
greater accuracy than ,j, of a centimetre, 7. ¢. about 54,5 of 
aninch. The following tables epitomise the results— 

| | | 
Males | Females 
Cooled. Foreed. Cooled. Forced. 
| | 
«|, | Average |» | Average | Percentage || 1 Average | Average Percentage 
Family No.) expanse | No.) ‘expanse | Difference. expanse liane expanse Difference. 
I 6 3°93 2 3°88 1 IES; 7 411 4 3°89 on 
II D)| 8-84) Wave Bisuenie » 2078 3] 4:93 2 3°86 9°5 
aT MeO e-es eee as B47 | 10-4 9| 417 | 9 3°88 75 
IV |12| 387 | 4] 2345 | 122 | 17] 208 | 7 | 8:95 07 
10 | 3°77 8 3°32 13°6 | 14 8°85 | 4 3°80 i853 
— ee i ! —— os l 
All 39 | 3°84 23 3°37 13°6 | 46 4:02 | 20 3°89 | 3:3 

“Treating all the families as one family, the results are as 
follows :— 

eee Se RS 

were Average wing | Increase of | Percentage | 
ey Description. expanse. ~ | the cooled, | of increase. 
39 Cooled males 3°84 \ 

eR Es eee ee : "47 13°9 | Males 
23 Forced males 3°37 J 
46 Cooled females 4°02 \ 
- ‘14 3°6 Females 

26 Forced females 3°88 J 

“Tt will be observed that in every one of the five families the 
cooled are, on the average, larger than the forced, the differ- 
ence ranging in the males from 1°3 to 20:8 per cent. (averaging 
13°6 or 13°9), in the females from 0-7 to 9:5 per cent. (averag- 
ing 3'3 or 36). It seems to me that the difference is too 
great and too diffused, embracing, as it does, each sex in five 
separate families, to be explained in any other way than this: 
that it is caused by something that, in consequence of the 
difference in temperature, happened to either those forced or 
those cooled, or both of them, in the pupal stage. ‘The only 
loophole I can see for error in this explanation is that the 
whole of the families were not preserved, some having been 
sacrificed for breeding purposes, so it may be that a larger 
proportion of those forced was preserved than of those cooled. 
The differences of aspect—colour, intensity, and to some ex- 

( yar 3} 

tent form of markings—caused by pupal temperature are of 
course well recognised, and these differences are fully ex- 
emplified in the exhibits. But I think they show also other 
differences partaking of a structural character. Those which 
have been cooled appear to me to be more strongly den- 
ticulated, though, before fully accepting this view, I think 
there should be careful measurement; and there is certainly 
a difference in the thickness of the scaling, as may be per- 
ceived by holding them up to the light, those forced appearing 
more opaque than the others, and having a smoother surface. 

“T should perhaps mention that the imagines I exhibit all 
seemed healthy and vigorous, and that, besides these families, 
I have many others that appear to show similar results, and 
in no one of these other families, of which [ have a large 
number, have I been able to observe any directly opposite 
results. I should be very glad if those who have the op- 
portunity would test the results, especially as regards mass, 
and suggest that this might be done by weighing a large 
number of forced pupae and of cooled pupae, shortly after 
pupation, and again shortly before emergence. The great 
difficulty here would be with the forced ones, as their pupal 
period would be only about ten days, but it is no greater 
than close watching could cope with. The summer pupae, 
producing the summer phase, are much more amenable to 
temperature than those pupating in autumn, and I should be 
happy to supply eggs this spring to those who have the 
means of trying this experiment accurately and are willing 
to do so. If I had consulted only my own reputation I 
should have held back this paper until I could have made 
further research, with particular reference to the points on 
which I have suggested further inquiry, but I am afraid that 
if I waited for that it might never be done; and I do think 
that there is sufficient in the facts I have put forward to 
justify me in bringing the matter before the Society as one 
worthy of consideration and of further observation.” 

There was a short discussion on the subject, in which the 
Rev. G. Wuzeter, Dr. Lonestarr, and Dr. CHApMaN joined. 

Srerzoscoric Pxorocrara.—Mr. H. Main exhibited a 
stereoscopic photograph of the cocoon of Chirysopa flava, 

( hxiv 2) 

opened to show the hybernating larva, and of the larva taken 
out of the cocoon to show how it lies coiled up with its tail 
over its head. 

Gigantic Psycuip Cases.—Mr. O. E. Janson exhibited 
larvae and cases of a Psychid from Amboyna, the cases being 
beautifully constructed and closely covered on the exterior 
with small spines, intermixed with larger spines or thorns. 
The largest of the cases measured 9 ins. in length. 


Dr. CHAPMAN read a paper on “The British and a few 
Continental Species of the Genus Scoparia,’ and showed 
photographs of the genitalia, and a drawing to illustrate the 


The SEcRETARY announced that the Conversazione was fixed 
for Wednesday, May 17th, and that the Linnean Society had 
kindly placed their Rooms at the disposal of the Society for 
that occasion, and were generously lending their lantern, 
making no charge for light or for the current for the lantern. 
He also announced that Professor Poulton and Mr. Enock 
had consented to give lectures on that occasion. As the 
arrangements with the Linnean Society preclude the sale of 
tickets, it will be necessary to ask for a subscription towards 
the expenses (for refreshments, printing, postage, &c.) from 
those who apply for them, and also strictly to limit the 
number for which each Fellow may apply. Details will 
shortly be circulated. 

Vote of Thanks. 

On the motion of Mr. Rowianp-Brown, seconded by the 
Rev. G. WHEELER, a vote of thanks was unanimously passed 
to the President and Council of the Linnean Society for their 
kindness and generosity, and the Secretary was instructed to 
convey to them a notification of the same. 

Cae ') 

Wednesday, April 5th, 1911. 
The Rey. F. D. Morice, M.A., President, in the Chair. 

Hlection of Fellows. 

The following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the 
Society : Messrs. H. W. Davey, Inspector of the Department 
of Agriculture, Geelong, Victoria, Australia; H. Bormnav, 
99 rue de la Céte St. Thibault, Bois de Colombes, Seine, 
France ; Rurus Maturinson, Oakland, Windermere. 


The PresipENT announced the death of Mr. P. C. T. 
SNELLEN, of Rotterdam, the oldest Honorary Fellow of the 
Society, and moved that an expression of sympathy be for- 

warded to his family ; this was seconded by Mr. Gahan and 
carried unanimously. 


CaNADIAN Prerips.—Mr. Ropert ADKIN exhibited on behalf 
of Mr. Lachlan Gibb of Montreal, Canada, three specimens 
(two males and one female) of a Pieris taken by Mr. Gibb at 
Lost River, Canada, in May 1910, together with series of 
P. oleracea and P. rapae from the same and other Canadian 
localities for comparison. Mr. Gibb, in forwarding the speci- 
mens, had pointed out that the three in question differed from 
P. oleracea in having the body more grey, the base, and in 
the case of the female the apices of the forewings, more 
suffused with grey, and in the female having spotted fore- 
wings; also that their habits in the field were different, in 
that their flight was more robust, and that they inhabited 
open grassy places, whereas P. oleracea was found only in 
woods. He also mentioned that P. rapae was not an in- 
digenous species, but was said to have been introduced into 
Canada some sixty years ago, and had not only thoroughly 
established itself, but had become one of the commonest 
butterflies, whereas /P. oleracea, an indigenous species, ap- 
peared to be rapidly declining in numbers, and it had been 
suggested that the introduced species was driving it out. He 

( =vi (}) 

asked the opinion of the fellows upon the three specimens, 
and suggested the possibility of their being the result of 
natural hybridisation between P. oleracea and P. rapae. 

Dr. Dixzy was of opinion that the three specimens in 
question were certainly not hybrids, and even probably only 
a variety of P. oleracea; he pointed out that they differed 
less from the P. oleracea exhibited than did the series of 
P. vapae from one another. Mr. RowLanp-Brown observed 
that the greater or less amount of grey suffusion was a 
common form of variation in the genus. Dr. Lonestarr 
agreed with Dr. Dixny, and remarked that P. rapae was 
certainly not an indigenous species in Canada. 

Earwics From Hykres.—Mr. W. J. Lucas showed three 
specimens of Huborellia moesta, Géné, received on April 3rd 
from Hyéres, from Dr. Chapman, with four others of the 
same species. Both sexes were shown ; but they look rather 
alike owing to there being little difference in the callipers. 
E. moesta is quite black. There are just the rudiments of 
elytra, but no wings. Antennae dark fuscous, legs partly so, 
partly black. He remarked that A. annulipes, which Com- 
mander Walker takes in Kent, is something like this, but 
not so dark, and without rudimentary elytra; it has also 
some white segments to the antennae, 

CenTRAL AMERICAN Nxeoponerip.—Mr, Lucas also exhibited 
a large ant, one of three specimens found this year at Swanage 
in a bunch of bananas, supposed to have come from Jamaica. 

The PrestpEent observed that the specimen belonged to the 
genus Meoponera, and was probably WV. theresiae, Ford, a 
Central American species. He added that the genus was a 
curious one, combining the possession of a sting with the 
single abdominal node characteristic of the stingless ants. 

Bar anp ParasrticaL Direreron.—Mr. F. Muir exhibited 
two specimens of the bat Miniopterus schreiberst, with Q Asco- 
dipteron embedded at the base of the ear. He also showed 
specimens and enlarged drawings of the ¢, ? winged and 
wingless, larva and puparium of the Ascodipteron, and read 
the following note :—‘ These all came from Amboyna (Dutch 
E. Indies). The male and winged female hatch out as normal 
imagines; the female, after finding her host, cuts her way 

(xvii ') 

under the skin at the base of the ear, and then casts her legs 
and wings; her abdomen then develops to an enormous 
extent, and entirely envelops her head and thorax, so that 
she appears as a ‘ bottle-shaped’ grub without legs or head. 
The larvae develop in the uterus in the usual pupiparous 
manner, and when full grown pass out through the vagina 
and fall to the ground, where they immediately pupate, hatch- 
ing out as imagines in about thirty to thirty-one days. This 
species I have named Ascodipteron speiserianum, after Dr. Paul 
Speiser, the authority on this group of flies. I took another 
species in North Queensland, living on the same species of bat.” 

Forcep APHANTOPUS HYPERANTHUS.—Mr. L. W. Newman ex- 
hibited, on behalf of Mr. G. B. Oliver, of Wolverhampton, a 
series of A. hyperanthus bred during January and February, 
1911, from ova laid by a Leamington 9 in July, 1910. The 
larvae were fed in glass-topped metal boxes in a warm room 
(the fire being out at night). The specimens, though rather 
small, showed a great tendency to produce large spots both on 
the upper and under side, A few captured specimens from 
the same locality, selected for prominent spotting, served to 
add emphasis to this tendency in the forced specimens. 

Loneicorn BEETLE rrom Hykres.—Mr. H. J. Turner ex- 
hibited living specimens of a Longicorn Beetle, Agapanthia 
asphodeli, sent by Dr. Chapman from Hyéeres. 

Commander WaLkER observed that he had found it in 
Malta (the only common longicorn there), and also at 
Gibraltar in the early spring, and always on asphodel. 

Wednesday, May 3rd, 1911. 
The Rev. F. D. Moricr, M.A., President, in the Chair. 


The PrestDENT announced the death of two Fellows of 
the Society, the Rev. Canon CrurrweLL, and Mr. W. A. 
Rotuason, and said a few words with regard to the career 
of each. Dr. Dixey also gave a short appreciation of Canon 


(¢ Sacyniy -}) 


The PresipENT informed the Society that the authorities of 
the Science Museum had persuaded the Government to allow 
them to take a portion of the land belonging to the Natural 
History Museum at South Kensington, for the purpose of 
erecting new buildings of their own, thereby precluding 
much-needed additions to the Natural History Museum, 
especially in the Entomological Department, and called on 
Mr. G. T. Beroune-Baker to submit to the Society a Resolu- 
tion on the subject, which had already been unanimously passed 
by the Council. 

Mr. Brernunr-Baxker fully explained to the Society the 
position of affairs. He said that owing to differences of 
opinion which had arisen between the authorities, the land 
in question had been definitely assigned in 1899 to the 
‘Trustees of the British Museum (of which the Natural History 
Museum is an integral part), and that the Spirit Building had 
been erected on this land at a cost to the nation of about 
£35,000. The Trustees of the British Museum had now 
been asked to hand this land over to the Science Museum, 
and on their refusal had been over-ridden by the Government. 
In order to strengthen the hands of the Trustees, it was 
hoped that all the Societies interested in Natural History 
would pass Resolutions against this forcible expropriation, 
since the Spirit Building would have to be erected (at much 
greater cost and of about twice its present size) on the only 
ground available for extending the Zoological, and especially 
the Entomological, accommodation of the Museum, He then 
read the following Resolution :— 

““The Council and Fellows of the Entomological Society of 
London have heard with grave anxiety that it has been pro- 
posed to build a part of the contemplated extension of the 
Science Museum on land belonging to the Natural History 
Museum. It has been represented to the Society that this 
would involve the demolition of the Spirit Building, and its 
re-erection between the main part of the Museum and one of 
the public roads. 

“Tt appears to the Society that the rebuilding of the Spirit 
Room in this position would involve the occupation of ground 

 oxis |) 

which it has hitherto been permissible to regard as available 
for the extension of the main building, and particularly of the 
Insect Rooms, in which they feel themselves justified in taking 
a special interest. 

‘“They would point out that the collections of Insects con- 
tained in the Natural History Museum form at-present but 
an inadequate and incomplete representation of Entomology. 

tecognising as they do that the rooms in question are already 

filled almost to their utmost capacity, and that the space 
which can be put at the disposal of the many students of this 
branch of Zoology has been seriously restricted of late by the 
growth of the collections, the Society feel themselves justified 
in expressing to the Trustees of the British Museum the hope 
that they will take every possible step to avoid the calamity 
that would be implied by the diminution of the area available 
for the enlargement of the Museum.” 

He further moved that a copy of the Resolution be sent to 
each of the Trustees of the British Museum, to the Prime 
Minister, and to the President of the Board of Education. 

Dr. Dixy, in seconding the motion, remarked that an 
attempt had been made on the part of some of the authorities 
at the Science Museum to represent Zoology as a matter of 
small account in comparison with the Chemical Sciences. He 
deprecated such comparisons, but remarked that in this case 
they were wholly beside the mark; that a bargain is a 
bargain, and that the land in question having been assigned 
by the Government to the Natural History Museum when 
the matter was under discussion, there ought to be no possi- 
bility of its being taken away for the purposes of any scientific 
or other body whatever, especially when it is so badly needed 
by the body in actual possession. 

Mr. C. O. WaTERHOUSE explained a large plan which he had 
prepared of the Zoological portion of the Museum, showing 
the piece of land which the Government propose to alienate, 
the position of the present Spirit Building, the proposed site 
for its re-erection, and the only possible site for the extension 
of the Zoological wing, and pointed out how the latter would 
be cramped, and the very necessary light shut out, by the pro- 

posed new position of the Spirit Building. He added that the 


whole of the present Entomological Rooms, utterly inadequate 
as they are, were only a makeshift, the original plan of the 
Museum regarding them as mere store-rooms. He also read 
a letter showing how far the scheme of spoliation had already 
advanced, and how urgent was the necessity for immediate 

The Rev. G. WHEELER added that, bad as things looked if 
the Spirit Building were erected on the proposed site close to 
Queen’s Gate, yet they would be even worse in the very 
possible event of the owners of the land or houses at the 
other side of the road objecting to the close proximity of the 
Spirit Building, as it would then have to be pushed further 
back towards the Museum, not merely reducing and damaging 
the available space for extension, but making it totally 
impossible to build any extension at all. 

The resolution was carried unanimously. 

Mr. H. Rowianp-Brown then moved that “If a deputation 
be appointed to wait on Mr. Runciman with regard to this 
matter, the Officers and Council of the Entomological Society 
desire to be represented on it.” 

This was seconded by Mr. BrerHuns-Baker and carried 
unanimously, and Mr. C. O. WatErHousE said that he would 
see that it was made known in the right quarters. 


A Rare British Brerne.—Commander J. J. Wa.kEr 
exhibited, on behalf of Mr. Gro. Brown, of Coatbridge, 
Lanarkshire, living specimens of Helophorus tuberculatus, Gyll., 
hitherto exceedingly rare as a British insect. These were 
taken by Mr. Brown at the end of April, walking about on 
bare dry peaty soil on the moors near Coatbridge. 

ABNORMAL BretLteE.—Mr. O. E. Janson exhibited a new 
and remarkable Lamellicorn beetle, belonging to the Cremasto- 
chilides group of the Cetoniidae, in which the anterior tarsi 
were unmistakably six-jointed. He believed this was the first 
known instance in the whole of the Coleoptera where the tarsal 
joints exceeded five. The specimen was received in a collection 
made by Dr. Bayon in Uganda, and sent to him for determina- 
tion by Dr. Gestro, the Director of the Civic Museum, Genoa. 


Mr. C. O. WaTERHOUSE suggested that it was probably an 
abnormal specimen, six-jointed tarsi being so far unknown in 
Entomology. Mr. G. C. CHAMPION expressed concurrence in 
this opinion. 

hibited a drawer of Delamere Forest Aplecta nebulosa, bred 
last year from var. robsoni 3 and var. thompsoni 9, by himself 
and Mr. H. Main. He said: “Only fifty moths were bred, 
26 / of the grey form, 42 / of robsoni and 32% of thompsoni. 
This result quite negatives our idea that the form robsoni was 
a heterozygote, or hybrid (so called) and that the grey form 
and thompsoni were homozygotes, or pure. We had been led 
to this conclusion by the results previously reported as being 
obtained by ourselves and by Mr. Mansbridge. From a large 
brood, both parents vobsont, we had previously bred 25 7 
grey, 51% robsoni, and 24 / thompsoni, obviously Mendelian 
proportions. From several broods, both parents grey, we had 
bred only the grey form. From the grey form crossed with 
thompsoni, Mr. Mansbridge had obtained only robsoni, and 
from the grey form crossed with robsoni he had bred 50 / 
robsoni and 50 / grey. These two latter broods were very 
small, but all the results pointed to the conclusion mentioned 
above, and appeared to be parallel to the well-known case of 
the Andalusian fowl, where we have also three forms, a black, 
a white (splashed with black or blue), and a blue, the latter 
being the hybrid, and the two former being pure. However, 
the results obtained last year show that the problem is not so 
simple as this, and that it will require further experiments 
before it can be solved.” 

FeMALEs OF Lastus mrxtus.—Mr. DonistHorPE exhibited 
three 99 of Lasius mixtus, Nyl., a race of L. wmbratus, Ny)., 
and a @ of the latter for comparison. He remarked that there 
were only two records of its capture in Britain—at Bickleigh, 
near Plymouth, by Bignell, and in the Isle of May by Grim- 
shaw, who both recorded ¢ 4, 2 2, and $9. One of his 
specimens was taken at Weybridge last year, and another at 
Mickleham, in company with Mr. Crawley, where they each 
took a specimen last month. The third was captured this 
year by Mr. Dollman in Richmond Park. He pointed out 



the difference between this race and wnbratus, and said 1t was 
probably widely distributed. He added that Mr. Evans had 
sent him 2 ? and 096 from the Isle of May to name. 

brought for exhibition examples of Agriades thetis (bellargus) 
ab. 2 coelestis, Obthr., taken last August at Dompierre-sur- 
Mer, Charente-Inférieure. He said that so far as is known 
at present, this brilliant form of the blue Q is confined in 
western Europe to the west and south-west of France ; roughly 
speaking, between the valley of the Loire and the Gironde, 
where it occurs locally not unfrequently ; the blue form of 
A. coridon 9, var. syngrapha, also being found in the same 
calcareous region. Examples from Angouléme, Charente, 
and from Auzay, Vendée, as well as from Dompierre-sur-Mer, 
are figured by M. Charles Oberthiir in his ‘‘ Lépidoptérologie 
Comparée,” fase. iv, pl. xix. 

SomE New Species anp Forms or Iyp1an Burrerriies.— 
Mr. G. W. V. be Rué-Puitire exhibited several new Indian 
butterflies and communicated the following notes upon 
them :— 

“ Kuploea mulciber, Cramer, var. duarseri g. The large 
Indo-Malayan genus Huploea is divided into several. groups or 
sub-genera, according to the nature or position of the sex 
marks on the male insect. The new form falls into the sub- 
genus 7'repsichrois, Hiibner, in which the male mark consists 
of a large patch of specialised scales on the upperside of the 
hindwing. The only distinct representative of this sub-genus 
in India is the common Z. mulciber, Cramer = EL. midamus, L. ; 
and, pending further material, the new insect is being treated 
as a distinct variety of this species. A full description of 
duarseri was published in the “‘ Journal of the Bombay Natural 
History Society,” vol. xx, p. 755. It differs from 2. muleiber— 
a normal specimen of which is shown for purposes of com- 
parison—in the almost entire absence of pale violescent spots 
on the upperside of the fourewing—spots which are a constant 
and striking feature of the latter. The specimen was taken 
near the foot of the Bhutan Hills, in November, 1908. 

“Charaxes raidhaka, mihi ¢. <A detailed description of this 
new species appeared in the “ Records of the Indian Museum,” 

(0) saa." .) 

vol. ii, p. 285 (Oct., 1908), and a further note thereon was 
published in the ‘‘ Bombay Natural History Society’s Journal,” 
vol. xx, p. 757. ‘It is closely allied to the widespread Indian 
C. fabius, Fabricius, and approaches some of the Malayan 
forms of the genus. The type exhibited was taken up a hill- 
stream in dense forest on the Bhutan frontier (1500 ft.) in 
June, 1908. On another visit to the locality last year (1910) 
I saw what I am almost sure was another specimen; but the 
flight of all insects of the genus is extremely powerful and 
swift, and in the difficult country it evaded the net. 

“ Buripus consimilis, Westwood, new dimorphic Q form 
torsa. There are two species of Luripus in India—F. consimilis, 
_ Westwood, and F. halitherses, Doubleday. The 9° of the latter 
is polymorphic, the various forms mimicking different species 
of the protected genus Huploea. Only one form of the 2 of 
E. consimilis has hitherto been found ; and the discovery that 
there is also a second, mimicking a protected species, is 
thus particularly interesting. The normal or common ¢ of 
E. consimilis possibly mimics a protected white Pierid. In 
the new form now shown, the indigo blue markings on the 
upperside of the forewing have been so extended as to become 
the base colour of the wing; and the insect, in flight, is almost 
indistinguishable from the protected Huploea diocletiana, Fab., 
also found in the locality. A full description of the new type 
of 2 appears in vol. xx of the “ Journal of the Bombay Natural 
History Society,” p.758. It was captured in forest country in 
the Bhutan Terai (500 ft.), in November, 1908. For purposes 
of comparison, a type specimen of the model Z. diocletiana and 
one form of 9 Huripus halitherses (named L. isa), which also 
mimics L. diocletiana, are also exhibited. 

“Cyaniris parishii, mihi g. This new species of a most 
interesting genus was taken by me at an elevation of 5000 ft. 
in the Khasi Hills, Assam, during the rainy season. It was 
described in the “Journal of the Bombay Natural History 
Society,” vol. xx, p. 763 (1910). 

** Nacaduba ardates, Moore, var. dima g. This insect 
appears to be a somewhat distinct variety of the common Indian 
NV. ardates. It differs from the parent form in the shade of 
purple on the upperside, and in the very dark tint and shorten- 


( | axa 4) 

ing of the basal striga on the underside. The specimen 
comes from the foot of the Naga Hills in N.E. India, and was 
described at p. 764 of the “Journal of the Bombay Natural 
History Society,” already referred to. 

“ Terias silhetana, Wallace. The normal colouring of this 
species is, as shown in the example exhibited, a bright rich 
citron yellow. A quaint sport or aberration is also shown, in 
which the ground-colour is a very light creamy white, while 
patches and specks of the ordinary citron yellow are scattered 
irregularly over the wings.” 

PIERIS OLERACEA AND P. RapAE.—Dr. Drixey, referring to 
Mr. Apkin’s exhibit at the previous meeting, said that having 
examined the three specimens in question, he was decidedly of 
opinion that they were a form of P. oleracea; he added that 
although one specimen is spotted and two are not, all three 
are 2 9. 

HYBERNIA MARGINARIA.—Mr. H. M. Epetsren exhibited 
three generations of Hybernia marginaria, being the result of a 
pairing between a dark ¢ and 9 taken wild in Epping Forest 
in 1908. The 1909 brood did not vary much from the parents. 
The 1910 brood produced specimens with dark margins, and 
three unicolorous males. The 1911 brood produced specimens 
with lighter margins and dark interiors, but no unicolorous 
specimens. The darkest males and females were paired in 
each case. These dark forms have only appeared in Epping 
Forest the last few years. 

Living Berrites.—Mr. G. C. CHAmpion sent round living 
specimens of Corymbites purpureus and Morimus lugubris, taken 
by Dr. Cuapman at Amélie-les-Bains, Pyrénées Orientales. 

A Woop-soring Larva.—Mr. L. W. Newman showed a 
stick of Salix capraea containing larvae supposed to be those of 
the “Wood Wasp.” He pointed out that the larvae make 
caps like Aegeria andrenaeformis, and that the cocoon is exactly 
like that of a ‘‘clear-wing,”’ and the workings very like those 
of Aegeria. 

A discussion arose on this exhibit, in which the PREsIDENT, 
Mr. DontstHorPE, Dr. CHAPMAN, and other Fellows took part, 
and in which widely different views were expressed even as to 
the order to which the larvae in question belonged. 

(1 xxurr) 

Eneuish Hytorcus Pinastri.—Mr. A. G. Scorer exhibited 
a specimen of Hyloicus (Sphinx) pinastri, of whose British 
origin he had no doubt. It was caught near Aldeburgh, and 
sent to him by John Bates, who had been in his employment 
as page-boy. Another specimen was taken at the same time, 
but this he had not seen. 

GYNANDROMORPHIC SpEcIMEN.—Mr. Scorer also exhibited a 
gynandromorphic specimen of Gonepteryx rhamni, taken by 
himself at Salisbury, on September 2, 1894. It was evenly 
divided, the right side being @ and the left ¢. 

Errictent Rentaxinc Boxrs.—Dr. K. Jorpan exhibited 
some insects from India in one of Mr. Newman’s relaxing 
boxes, which had remained throughout their journey as fresh 
as if just captured, and were in perfect condition for setting. 
He remarked also that they were entirely free from mould or 
stain. These particular butterflies had been papered, but 
Dr. JorpDAN explained that it was better merely to place them 
between layers of cotton wool, as paper was apt to contain 
acids or other deleterious matter. 

Inrerestinc Leprpoprera.—Dr. Jorpan also exhibited the 
Saturniid moth, Dysdaemonia kadeni, in its resting attitude. 
The hindwings are for the greater part concealed under the 
forewings, only the anal area and the tail projecting. The 
abdomen being bent towards the left side, the insect in this 
attitude resembles a crumpled dry leaf, and recalls the much 
smaller Bombycid—also exhibited— Sorocabu anomala, which, 
as is well known, assumes a similar attitude when at rest. 
He further exhibited a species of Cosmosoma, Family Syntom- 
idae, partly covered with a white wool. According to the 
collector (A. H. Fassl), ‘‘the insect when touched ejects from 
a fold on the underside of the abdomen a white wool, which 
completely envelops the specimen.” The hitherto unknown 
female of Ogyris meeki, Roths., a Lycaenid from New Guinea, 
was likewise shown, together with the male and several 

A WELL-ARRANGED CoLLection.—Mr. Hawxsuaw exhibited 
several drawers of Lepidoptera, beautifully arranged and set ; 
placed on squared paper, and with the written history of 
every insect accompanying it. Mr. Hawksuaw explained that 

nal . 

(, exaevay se ) 

the drawers were all interchangeable and were arranged 
perpendicularly like books, instead of horizontally as usual. 


ComMANDER WALKER, one of the Secretaries, communicated 
the following papers :— 

“Some African anda few Australian Aculeate Hymenoptera 
in the Oxford Museum,” by the late Col. Brycuam, with a 
prefatory note by Prof. Poutron ; communicated by RowLanp 

“A contribution to the Life-history of Hesperia (Syrichthus) 
sidae,” by Haroirp Powetu. 

‘‘ Biological Notes on Indian Pierine Larvae,’ by Capt. 

Wednesday, June 7th, 1911. 
The Rev. F. D. Moricr, President, in the Chair. 
The South Kensington Site. 

After reading the Minutes, the Secretary observed that he 
had exceeded his instructions with regard to the Memorial 
passed at the last meeting, and had sent it to the Zimes, where 
it had appeared, and to the principal Press Associations, as 
well as (at the request of Mr. Waterhouse) to the Director of 
the Natural History Museum. This was approved by the 

Vote of Thanks. 

The PRESIDENT proposed that the thanks of the Society be 
given to the Rev. G. WHEELER for his work in connection 
with the Conversazione. Mr. WHEELER replied in a few 
words and gave an abstract of the accounts, showing that 
all expenses were paid, including those incurred for the 
postponed Conversazione last year, and that a small balance 
would remain. 


bited specimens of Barypithes pellucidus, Boh., from Oxford, 

Cf eevax 

Enfield, and Tavistock respectively, and for comparison, 
B. duplicatus, Keys, from the Blean Woods and Birchington, 

Mr. F. B. Jennines remarked that he took B. pellucidus 
on buttercups and inquired whether any were present where 
these specimens were taken. Commander WALKER replied 
that there were no flowers at all, only short grass, in the 
locality where his Oxford specimens were taken. 

Myrmecopuitous Lepipoprera.—Commander WALKER also 
showed a series of specimens illustrating the life-history of 
Cyclotorna, Meyrick, a genus of Myrmecophilous Lepidoptera, 
from Queensland, sent by Mr. F. P. Dopp with his paper on 
the insects subsequently read. 

Myrmecopuinous Acart.—Mr. DonistHorps exhibited live 
specimens of Antennophorus uhlmanni, Haller, on the 5 o 
from a nest of Lasiws wmbratus at Woking. Only two 
specimens have been taken before in Britain—by Michael, 
in an ants’ nest at Land’s End. 

Also Uropoda philoctena fastened on the strigil of a % of 
the same ant from the same locality. This species is new 
to Britain. 

ProBaABLE NEw Species or HypopErMa.—Mr. C. O. WaTER- 
HOUSE exhibited larvae of a species of Hypoderma received 
by the Secretary from India from Mr. J. E. Mippieton, with 
a note that they had been taken from a gazelle and were 
probably an undescribed species. Mr. WaternousE took 
charge of them for the Museum, but expressed the strongest 
doubts as to the possibility of determining a species of 
Hypoderma from the larvae. There is, however, no Indian 
Hypoderma described hitherto. 

A New Species or Mymar.—Mr. F. Enock exhibited a 
photomicrograph of a new species of J/ymar, accompanied by 
one of M. pulchellus for comparison, and read the following 
note :— 

“It is with no small amount of pleasure that I am able to 
record the discovery of another species of that most remark- 
able genus of ovivorous parasites, Mymar, Hal., popularly 
known as the Battledore-wing Fly, so named from the shape 
of the anterior wings, which resemble a long-handled battle- 


( (xXxvbHie ) 

dore, while the posterior pair are but mere bristles about one- 
sixth the length of the anterior, to which they are united by 
three small hooks. 

“This new species I was fortunate in capturing. last Satur- 
day, June 3rd, 1911, at Burnham Beeches, where I had been 
sweeping for Mymaridae, but with very poor results—only 
twelve common species. Noticing some long grass, I swept it. 
Sitting down to examine the small heap of minute bits of sharp 
grass stems and seeds at the bottom of my net, I saw the 
familiar form of Mymar struggling to get free from the débris, 
and knowing that directly it did, it would ‘ hop, skip and jump,’ 
I quickly placed a phiai over it, and corked it safely. I then 
saw that its left antenna was broken. 

“On reaching home I killed my twelve common species, 
and then Wymar, in the thirteenth phial. Proceeding to set 
it out, I found the battledore wings in a tangle, and 
endeavoured to brush them out; a small piece of ‘fluff’ 
kept getting in the way, so placing the fly under my micro- 
scope to see which way I could best remove the ‘ fluff,’ I 
focussed it, and for some moments I could not believe my 
own eyes, for instead of ‘fluff’ it was the posterior wing 
three times the length of an ordinary one of Mymar pul- 
chellus, and I began to realise that I had before me a new 
species—for not only were the posterior wings greatly 
elongated into a very narrow battledore with six long hairs 
on the lower margin, but the anterior wings were surrounded 
with sixty long hairs—instead of the thirty-five of Mymar 
pulchellus. In other respects the colour was much the same. 

‘‘ As soon as I could, I made a photomicrograph of it of 
thirty diameters magnification. 

“Considering the importance of this addition to the little- 
known British Mymaridae, I felt that it had appeared at a 
very opportune time, when so many distinguished visitors 
had come for the Coronation of His Most Gracious Majesty 
King George V, so I suggested to Mr. Waterhouse that we 
should christen it IMymar regalis.” 

Mr. C. O. WatERHOUSE commented on the extreme interest 
of this discovery, remarking that the M/ymaridae have very 
small hindwings, in Mymar they are reduced to a mere bristle ; 

Ce acixe* *) 

the gap between this and Stephanodes, for example, which is 
very great, is partially bridged by Mr. Enock’s discovery, and 
possibly other links may be found in the future. 

ArricAN CuHaraxes.—Mr. H. Rownann-Brown exhibited 
some drawers of Miss Founrainn’s bred series of African 
Charaxes. PRoressor PouLTon commented on these, regretting 
that the parent had not been preserved with the corresponding 
offspring in each case. 

A Pompitip Mimickep sy A Repuviip Bue.—Dr. CHArpMan 
exhibited a box of. insects to illustrate a case of mimicry, on 
which he read the following note :— 

“In March and April, both at Hyéres and at Amélie-les- 
Bains, my attention was attracted to a Reduviid bug, P2rates 
hybridus, Scop. I followed up one or two on the wing, 
taking them for Pompilid Hymenoptera, and when they settled 
on the ground their movements were precisely those of 
Pompilus when hunting on the ground—sharp, active, jerky, 
and taking wing at once if alarmed. The red colouring on 
the elytra was, when running, much like the red of a Pompilid 
body between or under the wings. After the first one or two 
specimens one of course easily distinguished the bug for what 
it was. 

“One would, at first, take this for a case of Batesian 
mimicry, but on picking up the bug, it often occurred that 
one was stung, about as sharply as many Pompilids do, and 
some are fairly proficient therein. The sting was of course 
the thrust of the beak or proboscis, of which not a few Reduviid 
bugs can make effective weapons of defence. The sting not 
only enhances the resemblance to an Aculeate, but gives a 
thoroughly Miillerian aspect to the association. 

‘There are very many bugs of similar form and brilliant 
coloration, Pyrrhocoris, etc. These are mostly slow-moving 
and harmless, and have, I imagine, no connection with the 
species under notice, but are probably cases of warning 
coloration of distasteful morsels. 

“In the Cambridge Nat. History, Dr. Sharp quotes Seitz as 
recording a Reduviid at Corcovado in Brazil that exactly re- 
sembles a wasp of the genus Pepsis, and moves in the same 
wasp-like manner, and Prof. Poulton tells me of a British 

(OPeaome’ #)) 

Reduviid observed by Mr. Hamm, with precisely the same 

An UNbrxXPLAINED AssociaTion.—Dr. CHAPMAN also read 
the following note on a nest of Polistes gallica :— 

“ At Hyéres, on March 29th, 1911, at 10.30 a.m., witha gale 
from the east (Sirocco), sky overcast and a few drops of rain ; 
I found, on turning over a stone, under its edge a small nest of 
Polistes gallica. The nest consisted of eight small cells, in 
each of five of which was one egg. It could not have been 
founded very long. Under it (above it before the stone was 
turned over) there rested not one ? but two 9 2 side by side. 
The advancement of the nest showed that it was impossible for 
one of these to be a worker reared in the nest. 

“Were they working together, or was one only a casual 
visitor, taking shelter during the inclement weather? In the 
latter case would it not have been regarded and treated as an 
enemy, instead of both resting together in a _ thoroughly 
friendly way?” 

Living Larvar or CaLLopurys avis.—Dr, CHAPMAN also 
exhibited some well-grown larvae of Callophrys avis from the 

Hemipterous Mimics or Hymenoprera.—Prof. . Pouuron 
exhibited on behalf of Mr. A. H. Hamm, assistant in the 
Hope Dept. of the Oxford University Museum, a case of 
insects illustrative of certain associations of mimetic British 
Hemiptera-Heteroptera with their Hymenopterous models, 
and communicated the following paper from him :— 

“The examples of mimicry mentioned below may be well 
known to entomologists : certainly the ant-like appearance of 
Nabis has been often described. My chief object is to record 
the fact that the Hemiptera are to be found in the localities 
frequented by their models, and often in their company. 
Field observations are especially important in the mimics of 
insects, such as the Hymenoptera Aculeata, with extremely 
characteristic habits and movements. 

“ Alydus calcaratus, L.—During one of my visits to S. 
Devon (August, 1899), I was collecting Aculeates on and 
about the heather at Bovey Tracey, and took what I thought 
was a Pompilid. On looking into the net I was surprised to 

(es sexexat 1!) 

see nothing but an ordinary-looking, although very active, 
Coreid bug. While still watching it running about the net, 
the bug opened its wings to take flight, and exposed the 
bright red patch which covers two-thirds of the abdomen. 
The resemblance which had at first deceived me is not, how- 
ever, solely due to the colouring ; for the short, jerky flight 
and manner of running in and about the herbage, so charac- 
teristic of the Pompilidae, is also a marked feature in the 
movements of A. calcaratus. The bug is also to be found in 
the localities haunted by the Pompilidae. Within a few yards 
of the spot where I netted the above specimen and on the 
same day (Aug. 10th, 1899), [captured a 9 Pompilus viaticus, L. 
Again, in the New Forest, on Aug. 14th, 1908, I captured an 
example of A. calcaratus and Salius exaltatus, F. 2 in close 
proximity. On many other occasions, but always in sandy, 
heathy localities, I have seen this Coreid mimic, and its 
Pompilid-like movements and appearance have invariably 
attracted my attention. 

“The observations recorded above refer to the mature 
insect: I now propose to speak of the earlier stages. On a 
sand-bank just outside Beaulieu Road Station, in the New 
Forest, I observed (Aug. 10th, 1908) what I at first mistook for 
Formica rufa, L. Knowing, however, that the ant is not 
found in this spot my curiosity was aroused, and looking more 
closely I saw that the insect was an immature bug. Within a 
short distance several other examples were found. These Mr. 
E. A. Butler has kindly determined for me as very young 
specimens of A. alcaratus, L. In this stage the bugs are 
remarkably ant-like, resembling most closely the common 
F. rufa, although at Beaulieu they were running about in 
company with Formica fusca, Latr., race fusco-rufibarbis. This 
latter ant, which was very abundant, itself somewhat resembles 
a smalldark F. rufa. On Aug. 14th I found another immature 
Alydus in the same spot under precisely similar conditions. 

“We thus see that the same species of bug, in two different 
phases of its life-history, mimics forms belonging to two widely- 
separated families of the Hymenoptera. 

“ Pilophorus, sp.—I have also had various opportunities of 
observing two other species of Heteroptera which are remark- 

Cex) 5) 

ably ant-like in their earlier stages. During the year 1900, 
when I was living in St. Mary’s Road, Oxford, there was in 
the garden a rather old, diseased apple-tree, badly infested 
with cotton-blight, Sesiids, Aphides, ete. Ants of the species 
Lasius niger, L., were always journeying up and down the 
trunk, and in their company were many individuals of an 
immature Capsid bug, which Mr. E. A. Butler identifies as a 
species of Pilophorus, probably P. cinnamopterus, Kb. At 
this stage the bugs were remarkably ant-like, and there can 
be little doubt that this mimetic resemblance as well as the 
companionship of the ants is advantageous to them. 

“ Nabis lativentris, Boh.—At Wellington College, Berks, on 
Aug. 10th, 1907, I found animmature example of the Reduviid 
bug, Nahs lativentris, Boh., actually in the ant-run and in 
company with Lasius fuliginosus, Latr. Again at Bembridge, 
Isle of Wight, on July 8th, 1909, another immature specimen of 
the same species was found in company with Lasius niger. Itis 
well known that these immature bugs possess a large, whitish 
patch on each side of the first abdominal segment, obliterating 
its breadth and giving it the appearance of a narrow, ant-like 
waist. This species, like the preceding, no doubt derives benefit 
from its close resemblance to ants and association with them. 

“T wish to thank Mr. EK. A. Butler for kindly determining 
this species for me. ‘The examples now exhibited I have 
given to the Hope Department, where they will be accessible 
to all students of insects.” 

Mr. DonistHorPE observed that he had already made and 
published the same observations on the same species, with the 
exception of the Pompilid, and that it was very interesting 
that Mr. Hamm should have independently recorded the same 
circumstances, The PreEstpENT observed that in countries 
which might be called the headquarters of the Pompilids, and 
where they were divided into three groups, so far as colouring 
is concerned, viz. black, yellow and black, and red and black, 
he had frequently noticed that each group was accompanied 
by other insects of various orders, of the same coloration 
in each case. He suggested that the question of mimicry 
involved in the cases under discussion has a much wider scope 
than any to which British insects alone can supply an answer. 

(oe Rech + } 


Prof. Poutton exhibited the trophonius parent and the 
fifty-five offspring reared from her egys by Mr. G. F. Letcu, 
F.E.S, of Durban. This very interesting family had been 
accompanied by the following notes written by Mr. Leigh :— 

** Durban, 
“* Sept. 24th, 1910. 

“T should have sent you this brood of cenea last mail, 
but I was away from Durban. I feel certain you will be very 
pleased with it, as it is certainly the most extraordinary lot 
I have ever reared from ova, and includes all three forms of 
the ? and also two specimens of another very fine variety. 
I am sending all to you, including these two varieties. This 
brood has taken up a great deal of time, and I have bestowed 
the greatest care upon them all through—about eleven weeks 
inal]. [think the result will prove this, as I have only had 
seven deaths, and only one real cripple in the whole lot. 

* As usual when breeding a number of specimens there is 
a greater proportion of females. There were great differences 
in the duration of the larval stage, some individuals feeding 
up very quickly, and others slowly, and also taking longer to 
change their skin and to pupate. I am certain that this also 
happens in wild larvae. ‘The duration of the pupal state, 
however, varied very little. The first eight specimens bred 
took as nearly as possible two months from ovum to imago. 
At this time of the year I am sure the complete cycle would 
not exceed six weeks, but the parent of this brocd was 
captured in our mid-winter (dry season), and consequently 
the food-plant was very dried up until the rains of about the 
last four days, This, in my opinion, accounts for the fact 
that the larvae did not feed so freely as they would have done 
at this time of the year. 

“T think this is a very interesting brood, and the results 
undoubtedly show that the hippocoon form is the rarest of the 
three female forms here, and this is really as it ought to be, 

for Amauiris dominicanus which it mimics is very scarce now. 
PROC. ENT. SOC. LOND., 111. 1911. C 


( (zie) 

Quite independently of this family, all collectors here now 
find the hippocoon form is getting rarer in the wild state, 
while trophonius is not so scarce. The very fine varieties, 
Nos. 36 and 48, with a pattern including elements from all 
the three other forms must now certainly rank as another 
distinct female form, for I have bred two others this year, 
One of these is in the Transvaal Government Museum, Pre- 
toria, and the other Mr. A. D. Millar received in exchange. 
Mr. Millar also captured a damaged specimen in his own 
grounds, and another has been taken by Mr. Haygarth. 

‘Most of the females in this lot seem to me to be rather 
browner than usual on the underside. You will notice that 
two of the trophonius forms resemble the parent in possessing 
the brown suffusion of the white subapical bar of the fore- 
wing.* One cenea is a nice variety with one of the spots on 
the fore-wing brown instead of white.t All the specimens, 
with two or three exceptions, are larger than any I have bred 
from ova before, owing no doubt to the larvae being sleeved 
in the early stages on the living food-plant. I shall always 
adopt this method in future. The parent of this family was 
captured at Pinetown, Natal, and it is interesting that the 
two specimens similar to Nos. 36 and 48 that I bred early in 
the year, were also reared from Pinetown larvae. 

“G, F. Lries.” 

Later in the year 1910 Mr. Leigh succeeded in breeding 
two more examples of the new eight form of female, as stated 
in the following extracts from letters received from him :— 

* Durban, 
“* Nov. 26th, 1910. 

“‘T have bred one more of the fine variety of P. cenea 9 
similar to the two sent you. This one, curiously enough, is also 
from the ova of a trophonius 2 , so all five here bred are from 
that form of parent. 

“T have bred in all about 250 P. dardanus cenea from 
different parents: obtaining only 8 Azppocoon form of the ?, 
about 14 trophonius and 120 cenea, the others being males.” 

* Careful examination of the set specimens reveals this character in all 
the four ¢rophonius offspring, see p. xxxvili.—H. B. P. 

+ This character is also present in other specimens, see pp. XXXVii, 
Xxxvilil.—E. B. P. 

( xxxy’ )} 
** Durban, 

** Dec. 10th, 1910. 
“This form seems now likely to establish itself in this part 
of the country, as I have bred another one from a wild larva 
found at Sydenham, about three miles from here. It was a 

very large, splendid specimen. 
“G. F. Lerten.” 

The female parent of the family exhibited was captured by 
Mr. Leigh on June 26, 1910, at Pinetown, Natal (about 
1000 ft.). She laid sixty-two eggs on June 27th—28th. The 
parent is a typical trophonius with a slight fulvous suffusion 
in the costal section and also along vein 5 of the subapical 
bar of the fore-wing, and without an apical spot. The spot 
within the fore-wing cell is divided, the detached outer end 
being greyish and obscurely defined. The large costal part of 
the marking is rather broad and short, in the form of an 
isosceles triangle with its base towards the costa. Hereditary 
influence is clearly manifest among the offspring, in the 
frequency with which the spot is divided, and less frequently 
in the appearance of the detached end and the form of the 
costal section. 

The offspring, consisting of 25 males, 22 cenea females, 4 
trophonius females, 2 hippocoon females, and 2 leighi females, 
emerged in the order and pupated on the dates shown in the 
following table :— 

Offspring of trophonius female of Papilio dardanus cenea 
captured June 26, 1910, at Pinetown, Natal. 

No. Date a = ales Date ‘Co Sex and 2 form. 
1 August 13 August 26 Cenea 2 
2 5 ag A, aan 26 Cenea Q 
3 spr eed Spumeith Male 
4 eg ts) Bie eH Male 
5 Felts son) 428 Male 
6 eae 6 Press: Cenea 2 
7 aa eho Al arts, Male 
8 Be Ld 21728 Male 
9 Se we alts eat!) Cenea 2 


| Date of Pupation 

nei (1910). 

10 August 16 
1s Gu LO 
12 aera 
13 sal”, 
14 pau La 
15 oe ols 
16 Seale 
17 hilo 
18 soe 2 
19 pene 
20 ay AU 
21 egy 
22 eee AsO 
23 sis) eal 
24 ee 
25 eo 
26 ln OE} 
27 eos 
28 ee ae 
29 45 WOE 
30 Pod 
31 nary 1d 
32 sae ee 
33 aye ae 
34 jjutead 
35 ng) A 
36 ee 
37 ue DG 
38 nae 
39 + ZO 
40 iy L2G 
41 9) Hee 
42 eG 
43 ip ae 
44 ni. ee. 
45 A 45) 
46 54 «20 
47 sae, 220 
48 ngs ee 
49 ae ee, 
50 jee all 
51 a MT 
52 fn ete 
53 seh 
54 A el 
55 pe ell 



Date of Emergence 

August 29 


September 1 




Sex and @? form. 

Cenea 2 
Trophonius 2 
Cenea @ 
Cenea @ 
Flippocoon @ 
Cenea 2 
Trophonius 2 


Cenea 2 
Cenea @ 

Cenea 2 

Cenea 2 




Trophonius ? 
Trophonius 2 
Leight ? 



Cenea 2 
Cenea 2 
Cenea 2 


Cenea ? 

Cenea 2 


Cenea 2 
Conca Q 
Cenea 2 
Cenea 2 
Cenea @ 

The proportion of the female forms in this very interesting 
family most nearly approaches that of Family 4, bred in 1906 
from a hippocoon parent (Trans. Ent. Soc., 1908, p. 429). The 
present family contains, however, nearly three times as many 

() mxxvai )) 

cenea (22 to 8), and, above all, the two remarkable leighi 
forms. In the numbers of ¢trophonius, 4 as against 3, and 
of hippocoon, 2 as against 3, there is a close resemblance 
between the two families. 

The 25 male offspring exhibit the transition usually 
found in Natal between a somewhat heavily marked sub- 
marginal band to the hind-wing and one in which the costal 
and inner gaps are clearly indicated. The series is a normal 
one with nothing remarkable about either of the extremes. 

Several of the cenea offspring exhibit the influence of the 
trophonius parent in the richer deeper tinge of the basal 
patch of the hind-wing—an effect which is particularly dis- 
tinct in Nos. 17, 6, 14, 1, 45, and 53, increasing in the order 
of these numbers. A similar influence of the trophonius 
parent upon the cenea offspring was observed in 1906 (Trans. 
Ent. Soc., Plate XVII, fig. 8, and Description, p. 313) and 
of hippocoon upon cenea in 1908 (Trans. Ent. Soc., p. 436). 
This parental influence upon the tint of offspring belonging 
to a different form is extremely interesting, especially when, 
as in most cases, no other visible effect is produced. 

In describing the spots of the fore-wing the terminology 
suggested in Trans. Ent. Soc., 1908, p. 433, is followed. 
The submarginal spots (a) (8) and (y) are normal in 15 
specimens. (a) is so minute as to be nearly invisible in 
23 and 41: it is wanting and (3) minute in 40 and 47: 
both are wanting and (y) minute in 1 and 54. The missing 
spots are present on the under surface of all these specimens. 
The apical spot (6) is wanting from both surfaces of 1, 45, 
and 53. 

All the spots of the fore-wing upper surface are white 
in 6, 15, 23, and 47, and in 17, 22, 27, and 42 except for a 
faint yellowish tinge of the inner marginal border of the 
principal spot (1). In speaking of “spots” I do not include 
the streak along the inner margin (in 15, 27, 42, 51, 55, 
and minute traces in a few others), or the extension down- 
wards and outwards from spot (1) into interspace 1) (in 
23, 27, 41, the right side of 15, and slight indications in 
several others). The above-mentioned markings where pre- 
sent in this family are invariably ochreous. (1) is darkest 


(( aexvall, >) 

ochreous in | and 9 in which the other spots are pale 
yellowish, the tint being most distinct in spot (3). In the 
12 remaining specimens (1) is pale yellowish and the other 
spots white except (3) and more rarely (5) which in some 
specimens are very faintly tinged with yellow. 

Spot (2a) between (2) and (3) is present and of large size 
in 15, 23, and 42, minute in 6, 17, 27, 25 and 45, minute 
and only on the left side of 41. It is present on the under 
surface of all these and a few others. A new spot (3a) not 
hitherto described is placed in the angle between veins 7 
and 8, where they diverge from each other, in 9 and 45. <A 
minute spot (4a) is present in a single specimen 52. 

Spot (5) within the cell is divided into two in the usual 
manner in about half the specimens of cenea: it is small in 
a few and minute in 54, 

The 22 cenea offspring are thus a very interesting set, 
tending on the whole, as in Natal specimens generally, to 
resemble the Amauwris albimaculata and the white-spotted 
forms of A. echeria. The appearance of the same peculiarity, 
such as the division of spot (5) in many individuals supports 
the evidence brought forward in 1908 (Trans. Ent. Soc., pp. 
443-5) that modifications of minute elements in the pattern 
are certainly hereditary. 

Of the 2 hippocoon offspring, No 16 possesses the apical 
spot (3) of the fore-wing, while No. 13 resembles the parent 
in being without it. Spot (5) in both resembles the parent, but 
not so completely as that of the 4 trophonius. 

Of the 4 trophonius offspring, two, Nos. 33 and 34, possess 
the apical spot, while Nos. 11 and 19 are without it. All 
four exhibit the faint fulvous suffusion of the costal section 
of the subapical bar—a condition more strongly developed in 
No. 33 than in the parent. 

Papilio dardanus, new female form leighi. 

There can be no doubt that this variety, bred in Natal by 
Mr. Leigh six times in 1910 and also captured twice in Natal, 
possesses sufficient stability to rank as one of the female forms 
of dardanus. 1 therefore propose to name it the eight form in 
honour of the naturalist who was the first to breed P. dardanus, 

(i  seaxixz ) 

the most interesting of butterflies, from known parents. Further 
convincing evidence of its stability as a form is seen in the 
fact that it also occurs almost unchanged so far away from 
Natal as the N.E. corner of the Victoria Nyanza. A 
specimen collected by Mr. A. H. Harrison about 1903 at 
‘“‘Unyori,” N.E. of Kisumu, differs from the Natal specimens 
no more than the other female forms of P. dardanus from 
these two remote localities are known to differ. “ Unyori,” as 
Mr. C. A. Wiggins informs me, is certainly a rendering of 
‘‘Nyangori,” a forested locality at a height of about 5000 ft. 
to the N.E. of the great lake. Mr. Harrison’s specimen 
was figured 4 of the natural size, by the present writer in 
Trans. Ent. Soc., 1906, Plate XX, fig. 1. It is there spoken 
of as “intermediate between planemoides and cenea.” The 
figure here referred to may stand as an adequate repre- 
sentation of the Jleighi form described below, the slight 
differences between it and the Natal specimens, as also 
between the two latter, being indicated in the description. 
Fore-wing upper surface. All the markings possess a rich 
fulvous tint closely resembling that of planemoides, becoming 
paler in closest proximity to the costa in the two Natal 
specimens. The three paler markings are: spot (4), between 
veins 8 and 9, the costal end of spot 5, within the cell, and 
the apical spot (8), between veins 7 and 8. ‘This increasing 
paleness towards the costa is also often seen in planemoides. 
In form and position the subapical bar is that of trophonius 
and hippocoon, while the other markings are those of cenea. 
In this latter form, the principal spot (between veins 2 and 3) 
may be extended downwards and outwards into the next 
interspace between veins 2 and 1), as may be seen in the 
examples represented on Plate XXVI, figs. 18, 19, and 21, 
of Trans. Ent. Soc., 1908. In the leighi form the same 
tendency is manifested to an equal extent in specimen 48, 
to a slightly greater extent in 36. The latter furthermore 
possesses the linear marking along the inner margin which 
is also often seen in cenea; e.g. in the original of Fig. 15 
referred to above. In the Unyori (Nyangori) example (Plate 
XX, fig. 1, Trans. Ent. Soc., 1906) the principal spot extends 
downwards much further and is continuous with the linear 


marking. In this latter example the subapical bar is also 
more fully developed and a faint extension of it intrudes 
into the space between veins 3 and 4 and a still fainter 
extension between 3 and 2, thus tending to bridge over the 
interval between the bar and the principal spot. The Unyori 
specimen in fact differs from the two Natal specimens in its 
slightly nearer approach to the pattern of planemoides. 

Lind-wing upper surface. ‘The submarginal spots, resembling 
those of planemordes, are fulvous, becoming pale towards the 
costal end of the series. The paleness begins in the pair of 
spots in interspace 5, while those in 6 and 7 are nearly white. 
This increasing paleness is far less marked in the Unyori 
specimen. In form and size the great basal patch resembles 
that of cenea and is somewhat smaller than in planemoides. 
In 48 it is sharply demarcated from the black ground-colour, 
while in 36 a more gradual transition is afforded by a 
sprinkling of dark scales. The latter condition exists in 
the Unyori specimen, and both are common in cenea. The 
colour of the patch in 48 and in the Unyori example resem- 
bles that of a rather deeply-tinted cenea, the Unyori example 
differing, however, in its duller shade. The patch of 36 
exhibits an approach to the whiteness of planemoides in its 
pale yellow tint, which contrasts sharply with the rich colour 
of the other markings. 

Both Natal specimens possess the intense black ground- 
colour and comparatively short fore-wings of the Natal cenea, 
while the Unyori specimen possesses slightly longer fore-wings 
and the duller fuscous tint of planemoides. 

The under surface of both wings. The pattern of the under 
surface closely resembles that of the upper, as in both cenea 
and planemoides. The chief difference, in both these forms, 
is due to the duller, browner shade of the black ground-colour 
of the parts exposed in the resting position. Many of the 
markings also tend to spread and to become less sharply 
demarcated. The general effect of these changes in back- 
ground and markings is that the whole of the exposed pattern 
looks obscure and dull as compared with the upper surface. 
There is a clear indication of the “costal gap” (Trans. Ent. 
Soc., 1904, p- 683) on the under surface of 36, the pale colour 


of the basal patch streaming outwards in the 5th interspace 
(between veins 5 and 6). This feature, also commonly found 
in cenea, planemoides and other forms, is very faintly indicated 
in 48, and barely visible in the Unyori example. 

I select as the type specimen 48 in the Hope Department, 
Oxford University Museum, choosing it rather than 36, 
because of the deeper tint of the hind-wing patch. This tint 
is also found in the Unyori specimen, and is probably more 
typical of the Jezghi form than the much paler shade of 36. 

In addition to the individual differences between these 
three specimens described above it may be added that the 
spot in the cell is undivided in 36, but divided in the other 
two, the detached extremity being nearly obsolete in the Unyori 
(Nyangori) example. The submarginal spot (a) is wanting 
from 48 (although present on the under surface), but not 
from either of the other specimens. The apical spot (6) is 
well developed in all. 

The planemoides form is entirely unknown in Natal, and 
indeed in areas far to the north of it, and hence it is im- 
possible to adopt the plausible interpretation of leighi as a 
hybrid between cenea and a male bearing the planemoides 
tendency, or vice versa. We are therefore driven to the 
hypothesis that the /ezghi form is a persistent definite stage 
in the evolution of planemoides. 

My friend Mr. Roland Trimen. F.R.S., has kindly sent me 
(August 14, 1911) the following account of three specimens 
in his collection which possess the leighi pattern, but differ in 
the uniform ochreous tint of all the markings :— 

“As regards the curious form of ? P. dardanus you write 
about, which Leigh has sent from Natal, and which you say is 
really the same as the one you figured in Trans. Ent. Soc., 1906, 
Pl. XX, f. 1, from N.E. of Victoria Nyanza, I have been look- 
ing up my lot of the 8. African sub-species, and find 3 examples 
which approximate your fig. 1. The first and second of these 
you will find noted in my “S. Afr. Butt.,” iii, p. 249 (under 
‘‘B.h.” in the text), and treated there as linking hippocoon 
and trophonius; the St. Lucia Bay example was taken by 
Col. H. Tower in 1867, and the Delagoa Bay one by Mrs. 
Monteiro in 1883. The third was captured at Morakwen. 

( xiii) 

Delagoa Bay, by Rev. H. Junod, 22nd January, 1891. In 
all three the inner-marginal fore-wing patch and the hind-wing 
patch are larger than in your fig. 1, but vary in size. All the 
markings in all three are rather strongly tinged with dull 
ochreous-yellow. Your fig. 1 is not coloured, but you give 
some account of the colouring in the “ Explanation” and at 
pp. 293-4, from which I gather that the tint of the fore-wing 
(but not that of the hind-wing) markings is much deeper and 
richer, and more like that shown by planemoides, than any one 
of my three ? 9 exhibits. In my specimens ai/ the markings 
are of about the same pale ‘buff’ tint, with only a slight 
inclination to a rufous tinge. 

‘‘T can quite imagine a tendency of planemoides to crop up 
occasionally in the progeny of the 8S. African sub-species, 
notwithstanding the remoteness of the equatorial model. 
indeed, something of this kind is noticeable in Cape Colony, 
where the /ippocoon form is occasionally met with as far as 
P. cenea extends, although its model Amauris dominicanus 
is wholly absent.” 

An Kast African variety of the female dardanus, described 
and figured by Aurivillius as mixtws (Arch. f. Zool. Bd. 3, 
No. 23 (1907), T. 2, f. 2), presents many points of resemblance 
- to leighi, but is intermediate between this form and the East 
African planemoides described below. Mixtus differs from 
leight and approaches the example of planemoides in the 
greater development of the fulvous marking along the inner 
margin of the fore-wing, in the greater length and size of 
spot 5 (within the cell), and in the whiteness and the much 
greater size of the hind-wing patch. Mixtus also apparently 
differs in the far paler tint of the fulvous markings. 

In such a protean species as dardanus I do not think it is 
convenient to give separate names to all the single varieties 
and transitional specimens, but in leighi we have a form that 
is not only distinguishable but possessed of sufficient stability 
to appear again and again over a very wide area. Furthermore, 
it is the only planemoides-like form known in Natal. 

TRIM., FROM THE Coast oF British East Arrica.—Prof. 
Pou.ton also exhibited an example of the planemoides female 

( xiii) 

captured in August 1910, in forest country (less, and probably 
much less, than 100 ft. elevation) between Jilore and Malindi. 
Jilore is about 70 miles N. of Rabai and 19 W. of Malindi. 
The specimen, which was kindly presented to the Hope 
Department by the Rev. K. St. Aubyn Rogers, M.A., F.E.S., 
had been taken by a native collector. The pattern of the 
fore-wing closely resembles that of the specimen collected by 
Mr. A. Harrison at Nyangori about 1903, and represented on 
Plate XX, fig. 3, of Trans. Ent. Soc. for 1906. It is there 
described as intermediate “between planemoides and hippo- 
coon.’ The exhibited specimen differs from the figure in 
its approach to the pattern of leighi, the spot within the cell 
(undivided) being widely separated from the subapical bar and 
the latter only connected with the greatly enlarged principal 
spot (1) by scattered fulvous scales between veins 3 and 4. 
Below vein 3 the pattern almost precisely reproduces the appear- 
ance represented in Fig. 3, above referred to, the hippocoon- 
and trophonius-like extension of the pale pattern along the 
inner margin towards the base of the wing being slightly more 
evident in the coast specimen. The hind-wing is also hippo- 
coon-like in the great size of the white patch, which is far 
larger than in normal specimens of planemoides. 

The occurrence of planemoides on the E. coast, so far from 
its Planema models, is of high interest, as also is the fact that 
this, the only specimen hitherto recorded from the area in 
question, should not be a typical example but one exhibiting 
several ancestral features. 

The specimen may be compared with another very interest- 
ing example, captured Sept. 22, 1901, in forest country 
about ten miles inland from Mombasa, near Changamwe, 
by Mr. C. A. Wiggins, F.E.S. While the pattern is almost 
precisely as in the exhibited specimen, the colouring is that 
of trophonius, or rather of its modification niobe, Auriv. ; for 
the subapical bar of the fore-wing is fulvous like the other 
markings. The specimen also lacks the scattered scales 
connecting the bar with spot (1). The increasing lightness 
of the markings towards the costa of the fore-wing, spoken 
of on p. xxxix, is well marked. Except for this change the 
fulvous colouring is of a uniform pale shade like that of the 


y Sscliiye, 4) 

trophonius (and niobe) of P. dardanus tibullus and dardanus 
dardanus—a shade very different from the richer, deeper 
fulvous of planemordes. 

HEREDITY IN THE FemMaLe Forms or HyrouimNas MISIPPUS. 
—Professor Pouiron exhibited a series of thirty-five females 
of the type form, together with their female parent, of the 
inaria form, captured Aug. 15, 1910, by Rev. K. St. Aubyn 
Rogers, M.A., F.E.S., at Rabai, near Mombasa. The males 
were liberated and the females emerged from the pupa on the 
following dates :— 

Sept. 15, 1910—sixteen, 4 with a slight, 2 with a rather 
more pronounced white patch on the hind-wing ; Sept. 16— 
nine, 1 with slight, 2 with more pronounced white patch ; 
Sept. 17—eight, 5 with slight indication of the patch; 
Sept. 18—two, 1 with slight indication of patch. 

The female parent is a typical ¢naria, with no indication of 
the white patch on its hind-wing. The female offspring were 
all typical misippus. 

This result compares in a most interesting manner with 
those obtained on two other occasions. The first of these is 
the family of fifty inaria females bred in 1908 by Mr. Rogers 
from an intermediate female parent, also from Rabai (Proc. 
Ent. Soc., 1909, pp. xxxvi, xxxvli). This latter parent was 
‘intermediate between the type and the inaria form, but on 
the whole nearer the former ... the whole of the female 
offspring were inaria—not a single type form, not a single 
intermediate.” The second is the family bred in 1904 by 
Mr. G. F. Leigh, F.E.S., from an intermediate female captured 
in the Durban district. Of the eight female offspring four 
were typical misippus, three typical inaria, and one inter- 
mediate (Trans. Ent. Soc., 1904, pp. 689, 690, Plate XX XII). 

Thus there have been bred from inaria or intermediate 
females, first, equality of inaria (including intermediate) and 
misippus ; secondly, inaria alone; thirdly, mzsippus alone. 
These results are consistent with the Mendelian relationship, 
if we assume (1) that the intermediate female behaves in 
heredity like ¢narva, (2) that misippus is dominant over inaria, 
(3) tnat the first male parent was a heterozygote, the second 
carried the tendency of inaria, the third that of misippus. 

C, txlya } 

Poutton exhibited a female parent of the dubia form captured 
on March 19, 1911, at Oni, 70 miles E. of Lagos, by Mr. 
W. A. Lamborn, together with a selection from the offspring 
reared from its ova. The offspring included both dubia and 
anthedon. Thus Mr. Lamborn had been able to verify the 
suggestion made in Trans. Ent. Soc., 1902, p. 492: “If Mr. 
Marshall’s conclusion [advanced, on pp. 491-2, that tlie 
Eastern Euralias, wahlbergi, Wallgr., and mima, Trim., are 
the forms of a single species] be established, it follows that 
the corresponding and closely-allied mimetic West African 
forms Luralia anthedon and EL. dubia, connected like wahlbergi 
and mima by intermediate varieties, are similarly the di- 
morphic forms of a single species.” Mr. Marshall’s conclusion 
concerning the Eastern species was confirmed by the late 
Mr. A. D. Millar in 1909 (Trans. Ent. Soc., 1910, p. 498), 
and the further prediction about the Western species is 
now, in 1911, verified by Mr. W. A. Lamborn. The Western 
problem is, however, the more complicated and interesting 
of the two; for Hwralia dubia is not a simple mimetic form 
like mima, but is itself modified in the Oni district into three 
subordinate forms, in mimicry of (1) Amauris egialea, Cram., 
with much yellow in the hind-wings, (2) the most strongly 
white-marked of the local forms of Amauris psyttalea, Plotz, 
(3) Amauris hecate, Butl., and the darkest forms of A. psyttalea 
which closely resemble them. The hereditary influence of 
the parent dubia upon its dubia offspring was clearly evident 
in Mr. Lamborn’s families. 

[It may be added that Mr. Lamborn has now bred families 
from three dubia parents of various forms, and one from 
an anthedon parent, all captured at Oni in March of the 
present year. Both anthedon and dubia appeared in all the 
families. The numbers of the offspring are very large, and 
the two forms always bear a simple numerical relationship 
to each other, such as we should expect to see in a Mendelian 
pair. At the date of the meeting (June 7) only two of 
these families, both from dubia parents, had arrived in this 
country.—E. B. P., Aug. 7, 1911.] 

C aii.) 

Instances or Mimicry, Protective REsEMBLANCE, &C., FROM 
THE Lagos District.—Mr. W. A. LamBorn, who was intro- 
duced by Prof. Poutron, had intended to show at this meeting 
the cases which he had exhibited at the Conversazione, but 
owing to a misunderstanding, they had not arrived. He 
made, however, the following observations :— 

“ Prof. Poulton’s account of the mimicry of certain Danaine 
butterflies by Euralias induces me to mention that I recently 
took at one sweep of my net two butterflies, an Amauris 
psyttalea, Plotz, and a Huralia dubia, which were flying round 
and round each other in a manner suggestive of courtship. 
Their movements on the wing were so active that I was 
unable to recognise them before capture, and it seemed to me 
evident that the one must have been deceived by the mimetic 
resemblance to its own species exhibited by the other. 

“In the exhibit which I had hoped to bring to your notice is 
a West African Hypsid moth determined by Prof. Poulton as 
Deilemera, probably antinori, Oberth., with the cocoon from 
which it emerged. The cocoon bears a large number of creamy 
white semi-transparent frothy spheres which bear a very 
strong resemblance to the cocoons of Braconid parasites. 
The cocoon was formed during the night by a larva in my 
possession, and it bore these structures when I first saw it. 
Their resemblance to the cocoons of the parasites was so 
marked that I did not make a very careful examination, and 
I did not discover their spuriousness till the moth came out. 
Prof. Poulton has since pointed out that the structures are 
very loosely heaped up on the cocoon, and that they are also 
noticeable on the silky material in the immediate neighbourhood 
of the cocoon, facts which tend to suggest still-more strongly 
that the structures are Braconid cocoons. ‘They doubtless 
have a protective function. A bird, for instance, would soon 
learn that a cocoon bearing the Braconid cocoons does not 
contain a pupa worth eating, and it is reasonable to suppose 
that it would likewise pass by a cocoon bearing structures 
which resemble them in such a remarkable way. 

‘“‘T have obtained some light on the relationship between 
the ‘brands’ or patches of peculiar scales on the wings of 
male Danainae and the double tuft of hairs which can: be’ 

C xlva } 

protruded from the posterior extremity of the body. In 
January of this year I observed a male Amauris niavius, L., 
settle on the upper surface of a leaf with its wings expanded. 
The insect flexed its abdomen, making the dorsal surface 
convex, so that the extremity of the body was brought level 
with the brands, and the tufts were then thrust out. By 
alternately flexing and straightening out the abdomen the 
tufts were passed to and fro over the surface of the brands 
as though some secretion was being conveyed from the one 
to the other. Prof. Poulton has suggested that the greasy 
appearance of the brands may be probably interpreted on the 
hypothesis that they serve to retain and distribute a scent 
employed in courtship brought to them by the tufts.” 

Dr. Lonestarr said that he was satisfied that in Huploea 
and Danaida chrysippus the characteristic scent was not caused 
by the tufts and brands, though these were very likely the 
cause of another volatile scent which certainly existed in these 
cases. Female Danaids have a scent as well as males; the 
scent common to both being nauseous, while that peculiar to 
the male is probably a help in courtship. 

Prof. Pouuron remarked that the brands actually are greasy, 
and not merely look so, and that they may for a time hold 
the scent transferred to them by the tufts. 

Dr. JorpDAN observed that the discovery in Natal of inter- 
mediates between cenea and planemoides, which from previous 
experience had been supposed not to exist, made it impossible 
any longer to argue from their non-existence in favour of the 
sudden, as opposed to the gradual, evolution of dimorphic 

Com. J. J. WaLKER read the following paper :— 
“Some remarkable ant-friend Lepidoptera of Queensland.” 

By F. P. Dopp, F.E.S8., with Supplement by E. Meyrick, 
B.A... PRS. 



Wednesday, October 4th, 1911. 

The Rey. F. D. Morice, President, in the Chair. 

Election of Fellow. 

Mr, C. B. WiiiiAms, of 20, Slatey Road, Birkenhead, was 
elected a Fellow of the Society. 

Votes of Condolence. 

The decease was announced by the Prestpent of Dr. SAMUEL 
H. Scupper, of Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A., one of the oldest of 
the Honorary Fellows ; of Mr. A. H. Crarke; of Mr. ALBERT 
Harrison, lately a member of the Council, and of Mr. G. H. 
VERRALL, a former President of the Society. 

The PRESIDENT, in a short speech, proposed a vote of con- 
dolence with the relatives of Mr. VERRALL, which was seconded 
by Prof. PouLton. 

A vote of condolence with the relatives of the late Mr. ALBERT 
Harrison was proposed by the Rev. G. WHEELER, and seconded 
by Mr. W. J. Kaye; and a similar vote in the case of Dr. 
ScupDER was proposed by Mr. Cuampion, and seconded by 
Prof. Poutron, all the Fellows present signifying approval 
by rising. 


Ants FRoM Rannocu.—Mr. DonistHorePE exhibited speci- 
mens (¢ ¢ and$%) of Formica pratensis, De G. (congerens, 
Nyl.), taken at Rannoch in June, also $99 f /. sanguinea 
captured in the same region, a new locality for it; and ? ? and 
&% of anew race of Formica rufa, also from Rannoch. Mr. 
Donisthorpe said that the nest of the last-named was a small 
mound made of heather, etc., superficially like an easecta nest, 
ou a moor away from woods. The habits of the ants were 
different from those of rufa; the 2 9 have long golden hairs 
on the scale and base of thorax and abdomen, and the scale 
more emarginate in the § §. 

hibited a specimen of MWelanargia galathea, var. lugens, taken at 

Vat odie} 

Digne in July last. It is an entirely dark brown (almost black) 
form, with no white markings, though the ordinary markings are 
just traceable in a slightly lighter shade. He remarked that 
a similar specimen was described and figured in the Bulletin 
de la Société lépidoptérologique de Geneve (vol. i., plate 6). 
Commander WALKER observed that a similar example had 
also occurred in England at Chattenden Roughs, Kent, in 
July 1872. This insect is figured in the “ Entomologist,” 
vol. vi., p. 57 (1873), and is now in the collection of Mr. 
A. B. Farn. 
A RemMarRKABLE Oxytetus.—Mr. Norman H. Joy exhibited 
a remarkable specimen of Oxytelus taken at Tresco, Scilly 
Isles, April 1908. In many respects it is quite intermediate 
in character between O. sculptus and O. laqueatus, Marsh., 
having the large eyes of the former, and the sculpture of the 
neck and structure of the first joint of the antennae of the 
latter. The penultimate joints of the antennae are, however, 
different from either of these. It is probably a species new to 
science, but may possibly be a hybrid of these two species. 
SpeciEs oF Liopes.—Mr. Joy also showed Liodes stenocoryphe, 
Joy, 3, taken by Mv. W. E. Sharp, at Forres, in 1910, as well 
as its near allies for comparison, the aedoeagus being shown 
in each case. He also exhibited Liodes picea, Ill, taken 
by Mr. Tomlin and Mr. Joy at Dalwhinnie, Inverness-shire, 
in September, when the larva was also found feeding on a 
small underground fungus; L. dubia, King, and its various 
varieties. ‘he extremes of these varieties are very distinct- 
looking forms, yet if enough material is collected from various 
localities no constant specific characters can be found, as so 
many intermediate forms are met with. JL. algirica, Rye, is 
almost certainly only another variety of this species. 
PaRTHENOGENESIS IN Lastus NicER.—Mr. W. C. Craw iry 
exhibited a mixed colony of Lasius wmbratus and L. niger. 
This colony consists of a 9 LZ. wmbratus, which was accepted 
in 1908 by a queenless colony of L. niger, During 1909 and 
1910 only nzger 9 & came to maturity in the nest ; those, there- 
fore, that hatched in 1910 must have been from parthenogenetic 
eggs laid by the niger § 9. Over a dozen of these latter 

were dissected, and found to contain no receptaculum seminis. 
PROC. ENT. SOC. LOND., 111. 1911. D 


In 1911 the 3 & of wmbratus began to appear, and at present 
the yellow and black ants are in about equal numbers, and 
live together in complete amity. 

Mr. DonisTHORPE commented on the interest of Mr. Crawley’s 
experience, remarking that while it had formerly been supposed 
that parthenogenetically laid ova produced only g g, Mr. 
Crawley had shown, and proved by dissection, that 9 9 were 
capable of parthenogenetically producing § 9. 

The Prestpent observed that parthenogenesis was not 
unusual in sawflies, and mentioned that in one species, Croesus 
varus, Vill., which bad been founded on a ¢ specimen, the 
original specimen was the only ¢ ever recorded, though the 
2 wasa well-known insect, and had been reared through several 
generations in captivity, no ¢ ever making its appearance. 

Dr. M. Burr remarked that the common “ stick insect,” 
Bacillus rossi, is largely parthenogenetic, and has been bred 
parthenogenetically for more than twelve consecutive genera- 
tions. Mr. C. O. Warernouse and others joined in the 

Meanic Lirnosia.—Mr. E. A. Cockayne exhibited a 
melanic specimen of Lithosia deplana, g, taken in Surrey last 

SiciniAn Ruopatocera.—Mr. J. Prarr Barrer exhibited 
some species of Sicilian butterflies taken this year, in contrast 
with corresponding British species, which he described as 
cases of “ painting the lily.” The species contrasted were 
Buchloé cardamines and EL. damone, Gonepteryx rhamni and 
G. cleopatra, Hipparchia semele and var. algirica. Small 
southern forms were also exhibited of Z. cardamines and 
Leptosia sinapis. 

AxpinE Lycarntps.—Dr. Cuapman exhibited living larvae 
of Albulina pheretes, and a living imago of Latiorina orbitulus, 
and read the following notes :— 

“In my. paper on Latiorina orbitulus, I suggested the 
probability that <Albulina (Lycaena) pheretes had a larva 
without a honey gland, and that on this ground it was possibly 
related to L. orbitulus (Trans. 1911, p. 153). I have, during 
the past summer, succeeded in testing the truth of this 
hypothesis, by obtaining the hitherto unknown of larva of 


A. pheretes. In the result it appears that the hypothesis was 
incorrect. The larva of A. pheretes possesses a honey gland 
and fans. 

“To the warm weather during August and September it is 
probably owing that three of my larvae have reached the 
last instar, a result not often, I suspect, occurring in this 
species, a distinct effort to produce a second or autumnal 
brood ; I am therefore able to exhibit the larva in the 3rd, 
4th, and 5th (or last) instars. I hope to give a fuller account 
of the early stages in the near future. I may remark that ZL. 
orbitulus also afforded ‘forward’ larvae this season, and I 
exhibit a living butterfly of this autumnal emergence which 
left the pupa on October 2nd ; but Vacciniina optilete, without 
exception, stopped at the 3rd or hibernating instar.” 

In reply to a question whether he had seen ants in company 
with the larva of A. pheretes, Dr. Chapman replied that the 
larvae were bred from ova, so that he had not seen them in a 
wild state, but added that ants were abundant in the locality 
from which the ova came. 

Two TortTRIcIDAE NEW TO Scrence.—Mr. J. H. Durrant 
exhibited two new British species of Rhyacionia Hb. (= Retinia 
Gn. ; Hvetria Hb. Meyr.) 

Rhyacionia purdeyi, sp. n., taken among Scotch firs at Folke- 
stone at the end of July 1911, by Mr. W.Purdey, a very distinct 
species intermediate between sylvestrana Crt. and duplana Hb., 
easily distinguishable from the former by the ferruginous apex 
of the fore-wings and the slightly different direction of the 
fasciae, and from the latter by its more regular and distinct 
striation, as also by its brighter ferruginous coloration, 
which occupies a greater proportion of the wing-sur!ace, 
especially towards the dorsum. 

Rhyacionia logaea, sp. u., from Forres, Scotland (W. Salvage 
and H. McArthur), closely allied to duplana Hb. and posticana 
Ztst., but the much longer ciliations in the antennae of the ¢ 
will at once separate /ogaea from these species. . posticana 
is a broader-winged insect than duplana and logaea, and the 
hind-wings are distinctly darker and less pointed. The type ¢ 
of this new species is the specimen figured as duplana by 

Barrett (British Lepidoptera, XI., pl. 476, fig. 2); the ? is 
D 2 

de Siar? 9) 

similar but smaller than the g, and somewhat more distinctly 
marked, it is, however, hardly so clearly and neatly fasciate 
as is the 2 of duplana Hb., moreover the direction of the 
fasciae is not precisely similar, and the dark scaling along the 
tornus of the fore-wings is a good distinguishing character 
in logaea. Specimens doing duty as duplana and posticana in 
British collections should be carefully examined—these will 
probably be found to be mostly loyaea. At present Mr. 
Durrant said he had only seen two specimens of dupluna. 
These were purchased from Meek by Lord Walsingham, as 
British, in 1868, and it would certainly be satisfactory to 
examine others with a better record. These two specimens of 
duplana, Hb., ¢ and 9, as also both sexes of posticana, were 
exhibited for comparison. 

CoLiaps FROM BerksHIRE.—Mr.J. H. Durrant also exhibited 
eighteen specimens of Colias taken by himself in a field of lucerne 
at Barcote, near Faringdon, Berks, from September 4-10, 1892. 
These comprised both /yale (2) and edusa (14) and two aber- 
rations of the latter, one of a very light orange colour (ab. 
helicina) and the other a fine ab. delice. All the specimens of 
C’. edusa were of a yellowish-orange tint. 

SyMPetRuM ronscotompu.—Mr. W. J. Lucas exhibited 
specimens of Sympetrum fonscolombii, and read the following 
note :— 

‘“On August 4 last, ata pond in the south of the New 
Forest, I saw some dragonflies of the genus Sympetrum, very 
much more brilliant than the common S. striolatum. After 
some time I managed to capture one, and found it to be a 
male of S. fonscolombii, a species very seldom taken in Britain, 
and quite new to the Forest. It isa restless insect, which settles 
very frequently, but, nevertheless, is very difficult to capture. 
I visited the pond again on August 7, 8, 25 and 29, and as a 
consequence of the five visits obtained a short series, all but 
one being males. SS. fonscolombii is usually considered to be 
a casual visitor only to our shores; but one or two things in 
this case seem rather to throw doubt on this supposition. 
For one thing the date is a late one, then the insects on my 
first visit to the pond were very fresh; again, one was a 
female, which looked even fresher than the males; further, 

(im ) 

females seem seldom to join migratory swarms. Previous 
captures of the insect in Britain are: (1) One 2? in Stephens’ 
Cabinet in the British Museum, szpposed to have been taken 
near London. (2) A ¢ taken in 1881 at Deal, now, I believe, 
in the Dover Museum. (3) Seventeen males taken by Mr. C. A. 
Briggs at Ockham Common, Surrey, in June 1892. (4) A? 
taken in Cornwall, by Mr. Boyd, in June 1903. (5) Two males 
taken June 24, 1908, by Mr. E. R. Speyer, near Shenley, 
Ilerts, and one 2 captured by him at Aldenham Reservoir, 
on July 29 of that year.” 

Dr. F. A. Drxry read a letter received by him from Mr, 
E. A. Acar, of Dominica, West Indies, on the subject of 
the Separation of the Sexes of Hypolimnas misippus, in which 
the writer remarked that in that island, although haunting 
similar localities, the 9 remains on the coast while the ¢ is 
to be met with some distance inland. The former is scarcely 
ever to be seen in conrpany with the d¢ of its own species, 
though it flies with Danaida plexippus, of which it is a mimic. 
Mr. Agar suggested that it looked as if ‘both sexes were 
aware that if they flew in close association it would give 
the show away,” which implies intelligence of too high an 

Dr, Dixty remarked that it was a common experience that 
one sex of a butterfly at any given time was more in evidence 
than the other. Of course, in such cases it was certain 
that the other sex must be somewhere. Mr. Millar, of 
Durban, had drawn his attention to the fact that, speaking 
generally, the males were more apt to be on the wing during 
the morning, and the females in the later hours of the day. 
Mr. A. R. Wallace mentions that the males and females of 
certain South American Pierines, of which the males are 
practically ordinary white butterflies and the females are 
Ithomiine mimics, have different habits and do not fly together. 
The females accompany their models in flight, which suggests 
the significance of the habit. The fact that some means of 
protection required the adoption of a corresponding habit to 
make them effective, of course did not carry with it any 
assumption of consciousness on the part of the insect of the 

( iw ) 

significance of its behaviour. The habit was of the nature 
of a reaction or response, which, like other adaptations, had 
grown up under the influence of natural selection. 

Dr. Lonestarr observed that in North Africa certain species 

of Teracolus gave abundance of ¢ ¢ in the morning, whilst in 

the afternoon the 9 9 predominated greatly. 

Commander Waker, Mr. G. A. K. MarsHaui and Pro’. 
Poutton also took part in the discussion. 

Poutton exhibited the cocoon of the Hypsid moth Deilemera 
antinori, Oberth., which Mr. W. A. Lamporn described (see 
p. xlvi), and had intended to exhibit on June 7 last. He 
stated that Mr. Lamborn had written on September 4, since 
his return to the Lagos district: ‘The larva passes the cocoon- 
like bodies through the anus, as you surmised.” A little 
later, on September 10, Mr. Lamborn had written: ‘“ I cannot 
add more precise information as to the way in which the 
cocoons are formed, for the larvae which have hitherto spun 
up, did so at atime when I could not conveniently observe 
them. I saw, however, a few more of the Braconid-cocoon- 
like bodies passed per anum at the end of the cocoon opposite 
that at which the larva was spinning, and when several had 
accumulated the larva turned round and distributed them.” 

THE Lacos Disrrict.—Prof. Pouiron also exhibited examples 
from three of the all-female broods obtained by Mr. W. A. 
Lamborn, viz. from Companies 2 and 3 and from Family | 
in the table printed below. These three sets were chosen 
because they prove that the unisexual batches are not neces- 
sarily associated with either of the forms of encedon in the 
locality. Thus Family 1 was all /ycia, Company 3 all encedon, 
while Company 2 was as nearly as possible half and half 
(23 to 24). The table clearly shows, in a condensed form, all 
the results hitherto obtained in this species by Mr. Lamborn. 
Out of the three families, one was all-female ; out of the seven 
companies, three. Furthermore, the results obtained from 
the two sets of wild larvae strongly suggest that both were, 
in chief part, composed of the scattered individuals of an all- 
female batch, intermixed, in the June-July series, with an 


earlier bisexual brood, in the December series with a later 

Encedon|| Lycia 
1910 ———__ ]—__— History 
aes 19 
Company 1 46 “32° ; From bateh of eggs on single leaf 
<a aie hea 24 | “93° a i b 
a 3 35 | = 5 is 
ae ee 6/2 || 4] 1 a“ ie 
A 5 6 | 16 A F ¥ : 
Age: | Sl auld = - 
cece if 2/1 7/6 lis - a 
Family 1 48 From ¢ and @ lycia captured in cop. r 
spo is ane ‘19 | 13° : From 3} and 2 lycia of Company Le ar 
hay 3 bt | 6 | 13 | Froma captured 9 Bireda oe . 
Wild Larvae wad 8 | 5 | 26 | Emerged June 26-July 13, 1910. Only females 
appeared after July 7: 3 encedon and 24 lycia 
(sek tescia 17 | 3 | 18 | Emerged December 10-24, 1910. The 3 males 
appeared with 2 9 lycia, December 23—4 

It is to be noted that the three all-female companies were 
bred from eggs laid normally in the wild state, and the con- 
clusion is inevitable that a large proportion of such companies 
is the normal occurrence. On the other hand, the figures 
suggest that all-male companies are not normally produced. 
Males, however, were more numerous than females in all the 
bisexual batches except Company 6 and Family 3; and the 
males often emerged earlier than the females. The common 
occurrence of the unisexual companies obviously promotes 
interbreeding, and the advantages of interbreeding, acting as 
selective criteria, may have increased the tendency to produce 
nothing but females as scon as it appeared. 

These results have been submitted to Mr. L. Doneaster, 
who agrees with Prof. Poulton in thinking it probable that the 
lycia form, although far commoner in the district, is recessive. 
Mr. Doneaster wrote, September 26: ‘‘ On the data available I 
am inclined to think encedon is dominant. ‘The Family 2 from 
parents ex Company 4 is hardly explicable on any other view, 
and, as you say, the existence of several pure /yciw broods 

( lvi_ ) 

suggests it strongly. The arguments for the dominance of 
lycia appear to be the brood from Company 7 (but out of a total 
of sixteen it is not very unusual to get such departures 
from the expected 1 : 1 ratio), and the fact that lycia is the 
common form in the locality. This, however, is not of great 

Mr. Doncaster has suggested, and Prof. Poulton has for- 
warded to Mr. Lamborn the lines of future experiments, which 
it is hoped will throw more light on the Mendelian relation- 
ships, and, above all, on the unisexual broods of this 
interesting Acraea. 

Is THE FEMALE oF A. ALCIOPE, HrEw.—Prof. Poutron ex- 
hibited a series of eight A. alciope and five A. aurivillii bred 
in the present year by Dr. G. D. H. Carpenter from thirteen 
small larvae found on a single leaf of the food-plant on 
Damba Island, in the Victoria Nyanza to the east of Entebbe. 
The result entirely confirmed the conclusions of Mr. Eltring- 
ham and Dr. Jordan, as published in the Proceedings for 
November 17, 1909 (pp. Ixvii-lxix). 

Deprepations BY Minute Ants.—-The Rev. G. WHEELER 
exhibited some living %% of a small ant, identified by 
Mr. DontstHorPe as Monomorium pharaonis, imported from 
Madeira, and now settled in England, together with several 
butterflies whose bodies and heads had been devoured by 
them while in the setting box. Mr. WHEELER observed that 
these insects had all been killed in the cyanide bottle, whilst 
others in the same setting box which had been injected with 
oxalic acid were left untouched. Mr. R. W. Liroyp remarked 
that there were two other small species of foreign ants which 
had also domiciled themselves in houses in England. Several 
Fellows joined in the discussion, Mr. C. J. Gawan observing 
that these ants were reported to be very destructive to the 
common bug, and were rather to be encouraged, whilst Com- 
mander WaLker said that he had found them very destructive 
to his entomological specimens on board ship, but that on the 
only oceasion when he had known of their occurrence in 
company with bed-bugs, the two had lived together in perfect 
amity. The Rey. G. WuEELER replied that when they infest 

© ivi) 

the larder there are obvious drawbacks to encouraging these 
ants, but that he had almost entirely got rid of them by 
painting all corners formed by walls, floor, ceiling or shelves 
with paraffin. Mr. DonisrHorrE feared that the relief would 
be only temporary, since the 9? ? generally live in the 

Insects SEEKING HicH GrounD.—The PresIpDEnT said that 
about the beginning of July this year, he had noticed, while 
collecting near El Guerrah, the junction for Constantine, 
Biskra and Alger, both sexes of the yellow and black Leucospis 
gigas, and of another red and black Leucospis, flying in great 
numbers, with a loud humming noise, round a cairn of stones 
on the top of a hill, and suggested that the common instinct 
to seek high places might provide a meeting-ground for the 
sexes. He had been surprised to find these insects together 
in such numbers, as, being parasitic on different species, they 
would be likely to be separated. 

Prof. Poutton referred to his communication ‘A possible 
explanation of insect swarms on mountain tops” (Proc. Ent. 
Soc. 1904, p. xxiv.), and suggested that the instinct referred 
to by the President would probably be especially useful in the 
case of parasitic insects whose hosts might naturally be separ- 
ated, as some means of providing a meeting-place would be 
particularly necessary. 


Commander WALKER read the following papers :-— 

(1) Report on a collection of Bombyliinae (Diptera) from 
Central Africa, with descriptions of new species, by Prof. 
Mario Bezzi, Turin, Italy (communicated by G. A. K. 
Marsnatt, F.E.S.). 

(2) An enumeration of the Rhynchota collected during the 
Expedition of the British Ornithologists’ Union to Central 
Dutch New Guinea. By W. L. Distant. 

(3) Oestridae Cavicolae, by Ivan E. Mippreton, F.E.S., of 
Serampore, India. The last is given in extenso. 

“Tt is with a view to furthering investigation that I propose 
to devote a paper to this very interesting group of flies. 

( lviii_) 

“They consist of six genera, each containing one or more 
known species, viz.— 
1. The genus Cephalomyia, Macquart. 

Dee if Oestrus, Linné. 

3. ‘5 Rhinoestrus, Brauer. 

4, 53 Pharyngobolus, Brauer. 
5. 5 Pharyngomyia, Schiner. 
6. < Cephenomyia, Latreille. 

“Tt may be instructive to deal briefly with the genera as 
classed above, mentioning the order of animals they utilise as 
hosts for their young, viz.: The Cephalomyia—1 species—is 
common to the Bos bubalus and Camelidae; the Oestrus— 
8 species—to the Cavicornia ; the Rhinoestrus—2 species—to 
the Equus caballus and Hippopotamidae ; the Pharyngobolus— 
1 species—to the Proboscideu ; the Pharyngomyia—|1 species— 
to the Cervidae; and the Cephenomyia—T species—to the 

“The flies belonging to the sub-family in which I am interested 
do not cause injury by biting animals, but cause great dis- 
comfort by depositing their eggs on the inner surface of the 
nostrils, from whence the larvae, in the case of the first three 
genera, find their way into the maxillary and frontal sinuses ; 
in the fourth and fifth, into the pharynx; and the sixth, into 
the sub-lingual cavities ; while it is interesting to note that 
the female flies invariably select male animals as the medium 
for the propagation of their kind. This process generally takes 
place in the spring, and it is not till the following winter that 
the fully developed larvae are ejected by the animals that 
harboured them. The larvae then creep away into holes and 
crevices, where they shrink and pupate; from whence the 
imago emerges to carry on again the cycle thus completed. 

“‘T shall refrain from giving a detailed description of each 
genus as there is no dearth of literature on the subject, but 
pass on to a less well-known use to which the larvae are put. 
When travelling through Rajputana in the year 1903, my 
attention was drawn to a small trade carried on between the 
hakims (native physicians) and the camel-drivers, with the 
larvae from their animals. Inquiries led to the discovery 

: (© shies.) 

that the larvae were used by the Aakims as a specific for 
epilepsy. This mode of treatment was not unknown to the 
ancients. It was mentioned from the tripod of Delphi that 
the larvae from the heads of goats were prescribed as a remedy 
for this disease ; and on the authority of Alexander Trallien 
we are informed that Democrates consulted the oracle. This 
cure has been tried by me in several instances with fairly 
good results, and I believe that were it taken up and further 
experimented with, it would prove an inestimable boon to 
many sufferers from this terrible ailment.” 

Wednesday, October 18th, 1911. 

The Rev. F. D. Moricr, President, in the Chair. 
Election of Fellows. 

The following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the 
Society :—Mr. Sipney Howarp Corton, 1a, Chesterfield Street, 
Mayfair ; Captain J. J. Jacops, R.E., 2, Southport Street, 
Gibraltar ; Mr. Kunur Kuunay, M.A., Assistant Entomologist 
to the Government of Mysore, Bangalore, South India; Dr. 
Ivan Cruarkson Macrean, M.D., B.Sc., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 
28, Hill Street, Knightsbridge, 8.W.; Mr. Frank Taytor, 
The Technological Museum, Sydney, New South Wales. 

Dates of Society's Publications. 

The Secretary made an appeal to the Fellows for any MS. 
notes which they might possess throwing any light upon the 
exact dates of issue of the earlier Transactions and Proceed- 
ings, especially from 1840 to 1850,and 1868 to 1878 inclusive. 
The dates most urgently needed are those of the Proceedings 
from 1840 to 1846 inclusive. 


Papitio (TACHYRIS) MELANIA, Fabr.—Dr. F. A. Drxey ex- 
hibited a pair of each of the following species—Tachyris 
melania, Fabr., 7’. celestina and Catophaga ega, Boisd., and 
remarked upon them as follows :— 


(oat ) 

“ Papilio melania was described by Fabricius in 1775, and 
figured by Donovan (Ins. N. Holl., 1805), Much doubt has 
prevailed as to the identification of Fabricius’s species. 
Boisduval’s P. melania, according to A. R. Wallace, is the 
female of Catophaga ega, Boisd. Wallace himself said, in 
1867, ‘The Papilio melania of Fabricius has not yet been 
properly identified, and probably never will be.’ He was no 
doubt unaware that Fabricius’s type was preserved in the 
Banksian Cabinet, where it may still be seen. 

“Tn 1884, Miskin applied the name 7’. melania to the female 
of Tachyris celestina, Boisd. Until quite recently the British 
Museum possessed no specimens of Fabricius’s insect, except the 
type (which was not included in the general Collection). The 
specimens that appeared in the Collection as C. melania were 
Pieris (Catophaga) zoe of Vollenhoven, the Batchian form of C. 
jacquinotti, Luc. Meanwhile, the true P. melania of Fabricius 
had been re-described by Miskin in 1888 as Tachyris asteria. 

“Mr. G. A. Waterhouse has now sent home specimens which 
are undoubtedly of the species described by Fabricius and 
represented by Donovan. It is said by Mr. Waterhouse to 
be rare and no doubt very local. Four of these specimens 
are in the British Museum, and a pair, male and female, 
here exhibited, have been presented to the Hope Department. 
These were captured at Kuranda, near Cairns, in North 
Queensland. Fabricius’s type is in bad condition, but there 
can be no possible doubt that Mr. Waterhouse’s specimens 
have been correctly identified. 

“ Now that the true melania has at last come to light it is 
seen to be not a Catophaga allied to ega or paulina, but a 
Tachyris belonging to the group which contains 7’. celestina 
and 7’. nero. It is a peculiarly handsome and distinctively 
marked butterfly ; and it is probable that only its presumable 
rarity, and the battered condition of the type specimen, have 
permitted the erroneous identifications which have been cur- 
rent for so many years.” 

SHELDON exhibited a living larva of Colias nastes, var. werdandt, 
which he had bred from an ovum deposited by a 9 captured 
at Abisko in Swedish Lapland; the natural food-plant is 


Astragalus alpinus, L., but in captivity the larva fed upon 
white clover. 

SoutHerN Nevuroprera.—Mr. W. J. Lucas exhibited two 
specimens of WNemoptera bipennis, Illig. (lusitanica, Leach), 
taken by Mr. A. H. Jones: one in the Cork woods at Almorima, 
Spain, on May 5th, 1911, and the other at Linea, Gibraltar, 
on the 28th. Also a specimen of Lertha barbara, Klug, taken 
by Mr. H. Powell at Aflou, Oran, Algeria, on June 30th, 
1911, and given to him by Dr. Chapman. 

Mr. E. DuxtyrieLp-Jonges observed that the former species 
was a day-flier, and that the long, narrow hind-wings were not 
employed for flight but merely trailed behind the insect. 
Dr. CHapMAN said that his experience at Bejar, where the 
insect was common, was that it only flew towards dusk and 
until it got too dark to see it. 

Srrex nocritio.—Mr. W. J. Lucas also exhibited a large 
specimen of Sivex noctilio, taken by himself at Leith Hill, 
Surrey, walking on the road, on September 8th, 1911. 

A CoLEorTERON NEW TO Britain.—Mr. H. Sr. J. Donis- 
THORPE exhibited a species of Coleoptera new to Britain, Lesteva 
luctuosa, Fauvel, which he had taken in moss in a water- 
fall on the high ground in the Isle of Eigg, near Mull, on 
September 17th, 1911. 

Brep Erastria vENUstTULA.—Mr. H. M. EpEtsten showed 
some bred specimens of Hrastria venustula; the larvae had fed 
readily on flowers of Potentilla tormentilla, and on garden 
forms of Potentilla, strawberry, and bramble blossoms, and 
later on lettuce leaves, which they seemed to prefer. They 
pupated below the surface of the ground in a strong cocoon. 

A Mate “ Stick-1nsecr.’—Mr. K. G. Buarr exhibited a ¢ 
and two 99 of a “stick-insect” (?Lonchodes sp.), which is 
usually parthenogenetic, the ¢ being excessively rare, and 
which he had bred for several generations without any 
specimen of this sex appearing. 

Mr. C. O. Wateruouss said he had bred three generations 
of this Phasmid and had had many hundreds of specimens, 
and he congratulated Mr. Blair on having the only male he 
had ever seen or heard of. He mentioned that of the speci- 
mens he had bred, one deposited between January 18th and 

(‘sce 3) 
July 28th, 1910, 467 eggs, after which it died. He found 
that as a rule the eggs hatched in about five months after 
being laid, but a few were hatched sooner. The females 
generally began ovipositing when they were five or six months 

Deias From New Guinea Movuntains.—Dr. K. Jorpan 
exhibited 46 forms of Delias from the mountains of New 
Guinea. The first of these peculiar mountain species were 
discovered late in the nineties in the Owen Stanley Range, 
British New Guinea, by a German, E. Weiske, and described 
by C. Ribbe in 1900, with the exception of D. albertisi and 
D, discus, which had already been known for some time. 
Since then A. S. Meek and lately also Messrs. Pratt have 
considerably added to the number. Whereas in other districts 
of the Oriental Region at the most seven or eight species 
generally four to six) may be found in any locality, a sur- 
prising number are met with in the mountains of New Guinea 
from 3,000 or 4,000 ft. upwards. In suitable localities of 
the Owen Stanley Range no less than 24 species have been 
obtained, of which 18 are confined to the higher altitudes. 
These mountain Delias are known from three ranges—the 
Owen Stanley Mountains in British territory, the Snow 
Mountains in Southern Dutch New Guinea, and the Arfak 
Mountains in the north-west of the island—and we have also 
two species from a high altitude on the German-British 
boundary. It is most interesting to find (1) that each moun- 
tain range has its own forms, the geographical differences 
often being surprisingly great and undoubtedly of specific 
value; (2) that most of these forms represent each other, 
although they may be specifically distinct, and (3) that several 
species are known only from one or two ranges. 

The exploration of these mountains being very incomplete, 
we may expect that representatives of most of the species as 
yet only known from one or two places will be obtained in 
the other mountains as well. <A similar assemblage of Delias 
undoubtedly also exists in those high chains of the island 
which the collector has not yet touched. 

Braziuian Spuinetps.—The Rev. A. Mites Moss exhibited 
the following Sphingids from Para, which had been identified 

( Isiii ) 

by Dr. Jorpan. Amphimoea walkeri, Isognathus excelsior, 
Grammodia caicus, with pupa spun up in a leaf, Hemeroplanes 
inuus, Epistor gorgon, g and 9, Pholus phorbas, Xylophanes 
nechus, with chrysalis, and Y. cosmius, 9, the first known 
specimen of this sex, as well as a larva, probably of some 
species of Hemeroplanes. 

New Entomological Post at Cambridge. 
The Presipent mentioned that the University of Cam- 
bridge had decided to appoint a Demonstrator in Medical 

Wednesday, November ist, 1911. 
The Rev. F. D. Moricz, M.A., President, in the Chair. 

Election of Honorary Fellows. 

The PrestpENT announced that the Council proposed Fr. 
Eric Wasmann, of Valkenburg, Holland, as Honorary Fellow 
in the place of the late Herr P. C. T. Syutien, of Rotterdam, 
and Prof. J. H. Comstock, of Cornell University, U.8.A., for the 
vacancy caused by the death of Dr. 8. H. Scupper, of Cam- 
bridge, Massachusetts, both of whom were then elected. 

Election of Fellows. 

The following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the Society :— 
Messrs. T. J. ANDERSON, Teaninich, Craig Millar, Midlothian ; 
Epwarp Bernarp Asupy, 33, Park Road, Whitton, Middle- 
sex; W. A. Lampourn, M.R.CS., L.R.C.P., Omi Camp, Lagos, 
W. Africa; J. Jackson Mounszy, 24, Glencairn Crescent, 


A Scarce CoLzopreron.—Dr. NicHorson showed a specimen 
of Aleochura discipennis, Muls. and Rey, taken in the early 
part of this year from moss in a small wood at Alphington, 
Devon. As there were several other carrion beetles with it, 
it is very likely that a dead animal rested on this spot last 
year. This species was introduced in 1907 by Mr. Champion 

( -Ixiv) 7) 

on the authority of specimens captured by the late Dr, Capron, 
and by Commander Walker in the Chatham district, and it has 
been recently taken by Dr. Sharp in the New Forest. It 
appears to be rare on the Continent. 

TERATOLOGICAL Specimens.—Mr. J. R. Le B. Tomiiy ex- 
hibited a teratological specimen of the rare beetle 7'riarthron 
maerkeli, swept in the Wellington College district, Berks, this 
summer. It has the last two joints of left antenna completely 
soldered together, making a two-jointed instead of a three- 
jointed club. Also a specimen of Longitarsus melanocephalus (?) 
taken by Mr. J. Collins at Oxford, with legs and tarsi 
remarkably thickened. 

Nortaern Nevroptera.—Mr. W. J. Lucas exhibited five 
specimens, three ¢ ¢ and two? 2? of Panorpa germanica, taken 
by Col. Yerbury, four at Dingwall in May, and one at Lock- 
inver in July. One ¢ is practically immaculate, and the 
other two nearly so; the 9 from Dingwall is sparsely spotted, 
while the one from Lockinver is more nearly normal. Five 
normal specimens from Surrey and Hants were shown for 

A TrRavetLeD Insect.—Mr. C. J. GAnan exhibited a living 
specimen of Aspidomorpha silacea, Boh., an African species 
of Cassididae, which had been sent by Mr. G. St. John Mild- 
may from Nyali in British East Africa on October 7th, 
1eaching London on October 28th. 

POLYCTENIDAE VivipaARous.—Dr. K. Jorpan, who has lately 
been engaged on an examination of the specimens of Poly- 
ctenidae contained in the collection of the British Museum, 
announced that these insects, which are parasitic on bats in 
the tropics, are viviparous like the parasitic Orthopteron 
Hemimerus. The young are born at a very advanced stage, 
but yet differ considerably from the adult. Two of the forms 
(spasmae and tulpa) described as distinct species, and lately 
placed in two different genera, are immature and adult 
examples of the same species. 

Dr. CuapMAN remarked upon certain supposed instances of 
viviparous butterflies, saying that the idea originated in a 
mistake, the eggs having been ready to be laid at the time 
of the parents’ death. 

( Hxx ) 

Rare British aND Importep CoLeoprera.—Mr. Harwoop 
exhibited two specimens of Micrurula melanocephala taken 
near Bishop’s Stortford by sweeping in the evening, which 
he believed to be var. brunnea, Heer. Also two specimens of 
Ocypus cyaneus taken by Mr. W. H. Harwood at Colchester, 
one in May and the other in June of this year, the first 
specimens taken in the district for nineteen years. Also a 
species of Coccinella taken in a case of Tasmanian apples at 

SounpD MADE By A Lonaicorn Larva.—Dr. K. Jorpan asked 
for information with regard to the following experience : 
When out late one night in the Bihar Mts. in Hungary, 
he heard, at short intervals, a subdued sound, decidedly more 
like chirping than knocking, which he attributed to some 
small species of Orthoptera. He located it to a telegraph- 
pole about fifteen yards away ; but on examining the pole the 
sound proved to issue from underneath the bark, and here a 
fairly large larva (smaller than a full-grown larva of Rhagium 
inquisitor) of a Lepturid Longicorn beetle was found, which 
retreated so hastily into its hole that it could not be secured. 
Is it known of any Longicorn larva that it produces an 
imitation grasshopper-song 4 

Arrican Species oF AcrRaEA.—Mr. H. EtrrincHAm ex- 
hibited specimens of African Acraeas, to show that wide 
differences of colour and pattern may occur in a single species, 
and conversely, that certain species which can scarcely be 
distinguished by their outward appearance are nevertheless 
very distinct, as shown by the structure of the male armature. 
Thus A. astrigera, Butl., from E. Africa merges gradually 
into the same author’s A. pseudolycia, through an inter- 
mediate form named f. brunnea. A. astrigera is a brilliant 
orange-and-scarlet form, whilst pseudolycia is black-and-white. 
In the same way A. humilis, Sharpe, was found to be speci- 
fically identical with A. orestia, Hew. The exhibitor remarked 
that he had been pleased to learn only that morning that 
his conclusions in regard to the latter species had just been 
confirmed by breeding, details of which he hoped to be able 
to publish on a future occasion. Mr. Eltringham further 
showed examples of A. chambezi, Neave, and A. mansya, Eltr. 

PROC. ENT. SOC. LOND., 111. 1911. E 

(_ xvi )) 

These species could only be distinguished at sight by a 
difference in the position of one of the hind-wing spots, but 
the male armature showed differences of structure which were 
as great as those distinguishing any other species of African 

Several new species and forms were also shown, including 
A. lofua, Eltr., ¢ and 9, A. grosvenori, Eltr., ¢, A. aureola, 
Eltr., ¢, A. ella, Hltr., ¢, A. cinerea subsp., alberta, Eltr., 
d, A. periphanes f. acritoides, Eltr., ¢, and A. astrigera 
f. brunnea, Eltr., g and ¢. 

Dr. JorpaN remarked on the extreme variability of the 
genus and its allies, geographically, individually, and even in 
the characters of the genitalia. 

Mr. Breruune-Baker remarked on the unreliability of the 
genitalia in certain Licaenidae. 

The PresipENt stated that the ¢ genitalia were, as a rule, 
reliable in the Aculeata, but in the Venthredinidae the ¢ 
genitalia were quite useless for specific determination, though 
the ? 2 afford excellent characters. 

The Hon. Wattrer Rotuscuitp remarked on the identity 
of the ¢ genitalia in certain distinct species of J/acroglossinae. 

Com. WALKER read the following paper on “The Effect of 
‘Temperature on Animal (especially Insect) Life,” by A. G. 
Butuer, Ph.D., F.L.S. :— 

‘* Lieut.-Colonel N. Manders’ paper on ‘ A Factor in the Pro- 
duction of Mutual Resemblance in Allied Species of Butterflies’ 
(Trans. Ent. Soc. 1911, part ii, pp. 417-425) is of especial 
interest to me, inasmuch as it supports the facts already 
proved with regard to the effect of a superhumid warm tem- 
perature in intensifying and deepening the colouring in both 
insects and birds. 

“Tt is now well known that the wet-season forms of butter- 
flies inhabiting tropical climates are as a rule more boldly 
marked, with more vivid and deeper colouring, than those 
which emerge in the dry season. It is also a fact that when 
a brown ground-colour deepens until it approaches black it is 
liable to be glossed with purple or blue: we see this not only 

( Ixvii ) 

in many insects, but also in many birds, the genera Merula 
and Corvus being examples. 

“Prof, C. William Beebe, Curator of Birds in the New York 
Zoological Society, published a most valuable paper in 1907 
entitled ‘Geographic Variation in Birds, with especial reference 
to the effects of humidity,’ in which he gave a full account 
of most instructive experiments carried out by him in the case 
of three species of American birds, a superhumid atmosphere 
having greatly increased the amount of black in the plumage 
in quite a short time. 

“In the same article Prof. Beebe refers to a paper by Mr. 
Seth-Smith in the ‘Avicultural Magazine,’ in which an attempt 
was made to show that Munia castaneithorax (one of the small 
Australian weaving-finches) was only a moist climatic phase 
of M. flaviprymna, which inhabits a much drier region ; he 
also reproduces the excellent plate which accompanied Mr. 
Seth-Smith’s paper, and which shows a complete series of 
intergrades between the two supposed species, several of which 
had come into existence after the importation of I. flaviprymna 
to this country. 

“ Mr. Seth-Smith believed that our moist climate had immedi- 
ately produced reversion to the chestnut-breasted type, a 
possibility quite conceivable if the birds were imported early 
in a wet summer, but I think not otherwise; for in 1907 I 
turned a pair into an outdoor aviary with very little cover, 
and one of these lived there throughout the moist winter of 
1907-8 without acquiring the slightest change of colouring ; 
so that heat, as well as humidity, seems to be a necessary 

“Without question a great deal too much has been made of 
protective assimilation ; I believe myself that many creatures 
of related genera simply resemble one another because there 
has been no object in differentiating their colouring; their 
structure has been slowly modified, but the pattern and 
colours being more or less protective have been retained and 
even their tendency to vary has retained its impetus towards 
a fixed gradation in one direction ; so that in the /thomiinae 
we have a series of genera, all equally protected, the species 

in which are often remarkably alike. A similar case occurs 
E 2 

( lxviii ) 

in the two S. American starlings, Leistes superciliaris and 
Trupialis defilippii, which closely resemble each other in 
pattern, colouring, and even in many of their habits, both 
being ground-birds nesting in marshy land, both taking a 
short flight in the air to utter their execrable songs, and both 
stooping to conceal their crimson breasts at the approach of 

‘‘ Again, many supposed mimetic forms are known not to 
occur together ; in some cases the one is a mountain form, the 
other confined to the plains (a case of this kind was com- 
mented upon some years since at a meeting of our Society, 
when a Lycaenid with an orange patch in the front wings was 
supposed to be a copy of a Teracolus*); in others the distribu- 
tion of the supposed mimetic forms is entirely different. 

“Tt has been asserted that Nature does not, like History, 
repeat itself; but this is a great mistake, for I have not 
infrequently been struck by resemblances between butterflies 
and moths inhabiting different countries ; as an instance, the 
little Agaristid moth Ophthalmis lincea and its near allies are 
remarkably like some of the species of the New World butterfly 
genus Lymnas. 

“Ts it absurd to suppose that variation tends to run in 
accordance with fixed laws and in one direction when not 
interfered with by change of temperature? I think not, for 
we note similar variations running through large groups of 
species: in the Argynnides, for instance, the black markings 
on the upper surface and the silver markings on the under 
surface run together into large patches. And if this is the 
case with species of the same genus, why not in genera of the 
same family ? 

‘Seasons undoubtedly affect whole subfamilies of butterflies 
in a similar manner, and this seems to me to indicate that the 
variation in related forms is to a great extent limited to certain 
fixed lines.”’ 

The following papers were also communicated :— 

‘“‘ Parthenogenesis in Worker Ants, with special reference to 
two colonies of Lasius niger, Linn.,” by W. C. Crawtey, B.A. 

* I was not present at the meeting, but I believe I am correct in the 
above statement. 

tains *-) 

“ A Monograph of the genus Acraea,” by H. Evrrincuam, 

Wednesday, November 15th, 1911. 
The Rev. F. D. Morticr, M.A., President, in the Chair. 

Election of a Fellow. 

The Rev. Samuet Provuproot, 6 Lyme Grove, Altrincham, 
Cheshire, was elected a Fellow of the Society. 


The Prestpent announced that Mr. J. H. Durrant, a 
member of the Council, had presented to the Society an 
excellent photographic portrait of Lord WatsineHam, a 
former President of the Society, and that the Council had 
arranged to have it framed and hung in the Library. He 
offered the thanks of the Society to Mr. Durrant for the 

Nomination of Officers and Council. 

The Rev. G. WHEELER, one of the Secretaries, announced 
that the Council had nominated the following Fellows to 
serve as Officers and Members of the Council for the ensuing 
year :—President, the Rev. F. D. Morticr, M.A.; Treasurer, 
Apert Hua Jones ; Secretaries, Commander J. J. WALKER, 
M.A., R.N., F.L.S., and the Rev. Grorgce WHEE ER, M.A., 
F.Z.8.; Librarian, GkorcE Cuarues Cuampion, A.LS., F.Z.S. ; 
Other Members of the Council, Rospert ApDKIN, GrorcE T. 
Betuune-Baker, F.L.S., F.Z.S., Matcotm Burr, D.Sc., F.L.S., 
F.Z.8., etc. Horace St. J. Donistoorpr, F.Z.S., Jonn 
Hartitey Durrant, Stantey Epwarps, F.L.S., F.Z.S., A. E. 
Gipzs, F.L.S., F.R.H.S., W. E. Saarp, Atrrep Sicu, J. R. 
LE B. Tomurn, M.A., Henry Jerome TuRNER, CoLBRAN J. 


A New Zeauanp WeeEvit.—Commander WALKER exhibited 
three specimens of Phaedrophilus o’connori, Broun, a large 


and handsome weevil from Mount Quoin, Kaitoke, South 
Island, New Zealand. The specimens were taken by Mr. 
G. V. Hudson, F.E.8., of Wellington, N.Z., at an elevation 
of 3,900 ft., in December 1910. 

A Rare Tortrix.—Commander WaAtLkeEr also exhibited a 
specimen of the rare Tortrix, Phalonia (Eupoecilia) implicitana, 
Wocke, taken by Mr. H. G. Champion at Shoreham, Sussex, 
August 1911. 

A New British Ant.—Mr. W. C. Crawtey exhibited a 9? 
and a 8 of Leptothorax tuberum, Fabr., subspecies corticalis, 
Schenk, new to Britain, found with two larvae in an empty 
beech-nut at Pangbourne, Berks, April 24, 1904. It was 
named by Forel as a var. with long spines. 

A CoccINELLID AND Mimosa Gum.—Mr. N. 8. SENNETT 
exhibited some Coccinellids as found on Mimosa trees, and 
read the following note :—‘‘ J have here for exhibition several 
specimens of Chilocorus bipustulatus which I took recently at 
Mont’ Estoril in Portugal. On examining the small exuda- 
tions of gum on the Mimosa trees, I discovered these beetles, 
presenting what I take to be a remarkable though hitherto 
unrecorded case of Protective Mimicry, feeding and resting 
on the bark in considerable numbers, and I procured speci- 
mens of the bark and a number of the beetles, which I have 
mounted as I found them. It will be noticed that the narrow 
transverse reddish band about the middle of each elytron gives 
to the insect a remarkable semblance of semi-transparency 
which perfectly coincides with the appearance of the globules 
of gum. I have also included in this case a few specimens of 
the lichen which is abundant on all these trees, and amongst 
which the beetles probably find the Aphides on which they 
subsist. As far as I am aware, the Mimosa tree is not 
indigenous to Portugal, but it is, of course, quite possible 
that the beetles were introduced with the trees. It would be 
interesting to find out why this particular species requires 
protective disguise, as the Coccinellidae as a family would 
appear to be remarkably immune from the depredations of 

Mr. G. C. Cuampron observed that the species was a native 
of Britain and not uncommon. 

© iit) 

Brep Pyrameis carDuI.—Mr. L. W. Newman showed a 
long series of Pyrameis cardui, bred from 9 2 captured at 
Folkestone on September 2nd last. Ova were laid at once 
and placed ina hot-house kept at about 80 degrees; they 
hatched on September 7th and larvae fed up very rapidly 
on stinging-nettle, the first pupating on September 30th. 
Imagines started to emerge about a week later, and all were 
out by October 16th—some 500 in all. Considerable variation 
occurred, the most noteworthy being the large apical white 
spot on a few having black scaling so thick as almost to obscure 
it, while in others this black scaling was present but was not 
so intense. A fair percentage were very pink, and a few very 
devoid of this colour. Minor variation, such as an extra 
spot, was represented, but the majority of the brood were 

Rare Diprera.—Mr. H. W. Anprews exhibited two rare 
species of Diptera from North Kent, viz. Syrphus lineola, Ztt., 
a g, taken at Bexley on July 8th, and Sciomyza simplex, Fln., 
both sexes, taken in the Thames Marshes on June 23rd and 
July Ist, all in the present year. 

Mr. J. E. Couuin remarked that he had only taken the latter 
species at Ringwood and in Suffolk. 

Cockayne exhibited a Geometer taken at Tongue, Sutherland, 
July 5th, 1906, closely resembling Cidaria (Dysstroma) 
concinnata, Steph., specimens of which were placed below for 
comparison. ‘This species, first clearly differentiated by Prout 
(Ent. Record, xx, p. 143), has only been recorded once, and 
that doubtfully, from the mainland of Scotland. No other 
specimens were taken either resembling that exhibited or of 
typical C’. rwssuta. 

Some Locan Forms or MaganareGiA GALaTHeA.—Mr. J. 
Pratt Barrett exhibited a drawer of Melanargia galathea 
containing :—English specimens, altitude under 500 ft., with 
oneaberration. Specimens from the Alps, (1) Brigue, 2,000 to 
3,000 ft., paler than (2) and probably larger ; (2) Bérisal, over 
5,000 ft.,dark. From the Apennines, (3) Pracchia, near Pistoja, 
3,000 ft., the smallest form, dark. From Calabria, (4) Gioja 
Tauro, Plain of Radicena, near sea-level, large and very dark ; 



(5) Palmi, Monte Elia, 1,000 ft., very dark ; (6) Aspromonte, 
above Scylla, over 2,000 ft. very dark. From Sicily, (7) 
Mount Etna, over 3,000 ft., moderate size, paler ; (8) Monte 
Cicci (near Messina), 2,000 ft., large and dark; (9) Monte 
Scuderi, 1,000 ft., very large and rather pale; (10) Messina 
(Gravitelli), 500 to 800 ft., large and dark (var. procida) ; 
(11) Megara Hybloea, sea-level nearly, large and_ pale; 
(12) Syracuse, sea-level nearly (var. syracusana, Zell.). The 
last were taken near the River Anapo, where galathea was 
plentiful near a cornfield. Mr. Barrett observed that Zeller’s 
description of “ syracusana” is very simple; ‘‘larger ; 
abdomen, back ashen; belly white.” One underside was 
exhibited to show the latter peculiarity, and the undersides 
were described as being even more interesting than the upper. 
The exhibitor added that it is seldom wise to make deductions 
from limited information, but that there seemed reason to 
think that high altitude reduces the size of this butterfly, but 
that with regard to blackness on the other hand, specimens 
from near sea-level in Calabria were equally dark with those 
taken over 2,000 ft. up the mountain. 

A Gigantic Spiper.—Mr. A. E. Tonek exhibited a very 
fine Mygale from California, together with a newspaper cutting 
giving (from an eminently unscientific point of view) an 
amusing account of its capture on a child’s arm by its 
terrified but determined mother. 

AN ‘“‘ImiTation”” Larva.—Mr. J. R. te B. Tomi showed 
a specimen which he said was not strictly an entomological 

exhibit, but from its curious resemblance to a caterpillar 
might be of momentary interest to Fellows. It was in reality 
a species of West Indian oyster (Ostrea frons, L.) which 
attaches itself to twigs. 

Professor Pountron remarked that both this and the Cocci- 
nellid exhibited by Mr. Sennett were probably cases of 
accidental resemblance. 

Ruopesian Insects as Prey.—Professor E. B. Pouuron 
exhibited the following specimens sent to him by Mr. C. F. M. 
Swynnerton, both of which had been captured on the outskirts 
(3,800 ft.) of Chirinda Forest, Gazaland, 8.E. Rhodesia. 

1. The feniale form hippocoon of Papilio dardanus cenea, Stoll, 

«  oxnt >) 

rescued, September’ 8, 1911, by one of his native collectors 
from a M’lanje Bulbul (Phyllostrephus milanjensis). The head 
was wanting, and there were symmetrical injuries at the anal 
angle of the hind-wings similar to those so often seen in living 

2. Two wings of Precis archesia, Cr., ©, and the fragments 
of a Blattid, probably of the genus Deropeltis, taken June 25, 
1911, from a spider’s web. When noticed four days earlier the 
wings of the Precis were still attached to its body, and the 
latter had been attacked in the manner characteristic of a 
largish spider. The butterfly had probably sheltered in the 
thatch to which the web was fixed. 

Insects.—Professor Pouuron also exhibited specimens sent 
by Mr. J. C. Moulton from Sarawak, and said that before 
doing so, and reading Mr. Moulton’s account of them, he 
wished to acknowledge the kind help he had received from 
Mr. C. J. Gahan, who had compared several of the Coleoptera 
with the types, and had described one new species of Daphisia, 
and also the kind assistance rendered to him by Sir George 
Hampson. He then communicated the following paper by 
Mr. J. C. Moulton :— 

*‘ Among some recent additions to the insect collections in 
the Sarawak Museum, I noticed certain curious species which, 
by their remarkable resemblance to species belonging to very 
different families, afforded excellent examples illustrating the 
theory of mimicry. As some of these new captures prove to 
be new species, and as unfortunately they add to their rarity 
and value by being unique specimens, I have thought it 
advisable to send them to England for lasting preservation in 
some well-known entomological museum, where they will be 
safe from the ravages of a tropical climate and at the same 
time easily available for inspection and study. With this end 
in view it seemed a good opportunity first to draw attention 
to the meaning of the coloration exhibited by these insects, 
and so I am asking my friend and former teacher, Professor 
Poulton, to be kind enough to exhibit the little collection on 
my behalf at one of the meetings of the Entomological Society 
before giving them a permanent place in the Hope Collection. 


(Cy iseaiv: " ) 

“‘ Before proceeding further, mention must be made of an 
extensive memoir by Mr. R. Shelford, which appeared in the 
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London for 1902 
(pp. 230-284, plates xix—xxili), on the subject of ‘Mimetic 
Insects and Spiders from Borneo and Singapore.’ As his 
account in a general way covers certain of the instances 
mentioned here, the following notes may be regarded simply 
as a humble supplement to that memoir. 

I. Miwetric LEPIpoPTERa, 

“1, Moth (Fam. Callidulidae) mimicking a butterfly (Fam. 

“The moth in this case is Callidula abisara, Moore, a common 
day-flying species, which flies low and slowly for short dis- 
tances, frequenting shady jungle paths or half sunlit patches 
in mountain forests. The yellow-chrome underside is un- 
doubtedly procryptic and is not noticeable in flight, though 
when at rest the wings are folded perpendicularly over the 
head and body, and the insect becomes invisible. The upper- 
side, it will be noticed, has a simple pattern consisting of a 
dark tawny-fuscous ground-colour relieved in the fore-wing by 
a conspicuous subapical orange bar. 

“ The Hesperid (Koruthaiolos xanites, Butl.) has exactly the 
same pattern on the upperside, but its underside resembles the 
upper, and possesses the usual dark ground-colour typical of 
this section of Bornean Hesperidae. On one occasion, while 
collecting on Mount Matang (near Kuching), at an altitude of 
2,000 ft., I watched this Hesperid flying slowly along the side 
of the path in front of me, stopping every few yards and then 
fluttering on again, and I was astonished to notice the re- 
semblance in its flight to the moth, an example of which I had 
captured on the path about ten minutes before. 

‘“‘The advantage of this pattern to the moth is at once 
evident, for with its slow flight and a pattern resembling any of 
the swiftly flying Hesperidae the advantage would be nil, but 
given a slow flight and a pattern resembling a slow flying 
Hesperid, then the advantage becomes very real. The instance 
may be classed under the heading of pseudaposematic mimicry, 

( Mesxv: §) 

since the moth is very probably palatable and the Hesperid 
the reverse. 

“ Two other Hesperids, occurring in Sarawak, bear the same 
upperside pattern, viz. Kerana gemmifer, Butl., and the larger 
K. armata, Druce. Both are fairly common species, occurring 
in the same locality as Koruthaiolos xanites, and possibly 
present a case of synaposematic mimicry, but I do not know 
their flight, and so refrain from further comment. 

“2. Moth (Sub-fam. Chalcosiinae) mimicking a butterfly 
(Fam. Pieridae). I had for some time suspected the 9 of the 
Chalcosid moth Mimeuploea (Pidorus) inclusus, W1k., of being 
a mimic of the common Pierine, Zerias hecabe, L., but it was not 
till the capture of the ? of an interesting allied species Chalcosia 
(Cyclosia) hecabe, Jord., in May last, that I felt at all positive 
about it. The majority of Sarawak females of J/. (P.) inclusus, 
which is common enough, have a black hind-margin to the 
fore-wing, the inner edge of which is moderately even, and not 
indented in that marked manner characteristic of the Pierine, 
Terias hecabe. Now the ? of Chalcosia (Cyclosia) hecabe has 
this very indentation reproduced, and possessing also a 
pale yellowish ground-colour, is an excellent mimic of the 
Pierine.* MM. (P.) inclusus, on the other hand, exhibits only 
a very slight tendency towards this indentation in the black 
hind-marginal border. This common Chalcosid flies slowly and 
for short distances in open sunny places, and settles on the 
upperside of leaves; it is abundant, though, of course, not to 
be met with in anything like the numbers that may be seen of 
T. hecabe anywhere in Sarawak. It settles with fore-wings 
folded over the hind-wings, presenting a flat surface, so that 
the hecabe-pattern is conspicuous. For the theory of mimicry 
between these two species it is, of course, unfortunate that the 
Pierine invariably settles with wings closed and erect, nor does 
this Pierine, when settled, open and close its wings slowly, so 
that one can see the upperside pattern, as do some of the Papi- 
lios, e. g. P. agamemnon. But in flight there is no doubt that 
the moth is sufficiently like the Pierine to be mistaken for it. 

* Both these 9 ?, together with their ¢ ¢, which are entirely 
unlike Terias hecabe, are figured in Seitz, Gross-Schmett., x, pl. 3,4 
(1907).—E. B. P. 

(. ieooya | |) 

‘* Terias hecabe can be seen frequently in closely packed 
‘flocks’ of 50 to 100 individuals settled on damp spots by 
the side of many rivers in Sarawak, and they should form an 
easy prey to any bird or insect enemy ; but although I have 
often watched them thus settled together with other larger 
brilliant yellow Pierines, I have never seen them attacked ; 
and when disturbed, instead of dispersing and flying away, 
they fly round and round in a thick cloud just over the same 
place, thus presenting an easy capture with the net. 

‘Various writers have noted the common occurrence of this 
species in the East, and certainly in Sarawak it is one of the 
commonest butterflies. 

‘‘Mr. Shelford mentions the resemblance of J. (P.) inclusus 
to a Verias, as an instance of mimicry, in his table (J. c., 

p. 257). 

Il. Mimeric CoLroprera. 

“1. Between Clerids and Longicorns. 
‘*(a) The black-and-white-spotted pattern, which we notice 
in the Longicorn (Fam. Lamiidae, Sub-fam. Phytoeciinae), 
Daphisia pulchella, Pascoe, a beautiful mimic of the little Clerid 
Callimerus bellus, Gorham. This resemblance is described and 
figured in Mr. Shelford’s memoir (J. ¢., p. 247, pl. xxiii, f. 53 and 
55), but it is such a beautiful example that I venture to send 
for exhibition the model and mimic from the same locality and 
taken in the same fortnight. 
“(b) The black-and-yellow-spotted pattern, adopted by a 
Longicorn synaposematic association into which enters the 
Clerid Callumerus mysticus, Gorh. 
“This Longicorn association is composed of 
(i) The common and almost certainly highly distasteful 
Cerambycid, Caloclytus annularis, Fab. Figured by Mr. 
Shelford as Chlorophorus annularis (1. c., pl. xx, f. 31). 

(ii) The Lamiid (Sub-family Phytoeciinae) Daphisia clytoides, 

“This species, kindly described by Mr. C. J. Gahan in 
the appendix to this paper, was figured by Mr. Shelford as 
Daphisia sp. % (pl. xx, f. 34). 

( dxewii ) 

(iii) The rare Lamiid Cylindrepomus laetus, Pasc., var. Figured 
by Mr. Shelford as Cylindrepomus? form of comis, Pasc. 
(pl. 2x, £33): 

“ Professor Poulton has attached some interesting remarks 
on the far-reaching mimetic effects of this Caloclytus-pattern, to 
Mr. Shelford’s account of the association (/.c., pp. 250-2). It 
is therefore pleasant to record the entry of a member of a 
totally distinct family of Coleoptera into this synaposematic 
combination, thus affording an instructive comparison with 
the first Clerid-Longicorn instance given above, in which the 
Clerid functioned as model instead of mimic. 

“2. Between Hispids and Longicorns. 

“On a recent collecting expedition up the Limbang River in 
Sarawak (April 1910), we were fortunate enough to capture a 
little Longicorn which bore a remarkable resemblance to the 
spinose Hispidae of the genus Dactylispa. Dr. Chr. Aurivillius 
has kindly examined it for me, and finding it new to science, 
he proposes to describe it (or has already described it) under 
the name of Plaxomicrus hispoides (Phytoeciinae).* I send 
with it for exhibition a specimen of the common Hispid, 
Dactylispa longicuspis, Gestro, which was taken in the same 
district and month (possibly on the same day). It should be 
noted that all the Sarawak Museum examples of this species 
of Dactylispa come from the region watered by the Limbang, 
Trusan and Lawas Rivers, all of which are adjacent and 
debouch into Brunei Bay. 

“The little tufts of hair on the elytra of the Longicorn, so 
formed as to resemble the spines on the Hispid, recall the 
instance of another Longicorn (Zelota spathomelina, Gahan), 
exhibiting a somewhat similar development (but bearing of 
course an entirely different pattern from that of the Hispid-like 
Longicorn), on this occasion in mimicry of the spined Endo- 
mychid, Spathomeles turritus, Gerst. Mr. Shelford figures and 
records this latter instance (/. ¢., p. 247, pl. xxiii, f. 56, 57). 
He also mentions the presence of the larger red and black 
Hispidae with mimetic Longicorns in his great Lycoid dis- 
tasteful association, but I believe that this is the first instance 

* Mr. C. J. Gahan considers that the species more probably belongs 
to the allied genus Chreonoma.—E. B. P. 

( Iexvint ) 

known of a Longicorn going to the length of pseudo-spine- 
development on the elytra in mimicry of a Hispid. 

Eaplanation of Exhilntion. 
I. Mimetic LepiportTera. 

1, The Butterfly (Fam. Hesperidae), Koruthaiolos xanites, 
Butler, mimicked by 
. The Moth (Fam. Callidulidae), Callidula abisara, Moore. 
Locality: near Kuching, Sarawak, April 1909. Both at 
the 4th mile, ‘Rock Road,’ the Hesperid on 
the 10th, the moth on the 24th. 
3. The Butterfly (Fam. Pieridae), Terias hecabe, L., mimicked 
4, The 2 of the Moth (Sub-fam. Chalcosiinae), Mimewploea 
(Pidorus) inclusus, Walk. 
. The 2 of the Moth (Sub-fam. Chalcosiinae), Chalcosia 
(Cyclosia) hecabe, Jord. 
Localities: Kuching, Sarawak, July 27, 1896 (No. 3), and 
Madihit, Limbang R., Sarawak, 1911, Ne. 4 
on May 21, No. 5 on May 26. 



Il. Mimetic CoLreortera. 

1. The Longicorn, Daphisia pulchella, Pascoe, mimic of 
. The Clerid Callimerus bellus, Gorham. 
Locality : Matang Road, near Kuching, Sarawak, July 1911. 
No. 1 on the 12th, No. 2 on the 25th. 
3. The Longicorn (Fam. Lamiidae), Daphisia clytoides, Gahan, 
synaposematic mimic. 

4. The Longicorn (Fam. Lamiidae), Cylindrepomus laetus, 
Pasc., var., synaposematic mimic. 

. The Longicorn (Fam. Cerambycidae), Caloclytus annularis, 
Fab., synaposematic model. 



6. The Clerid, Callimerus mysticus, Gorham, pseudaposematic* 

* More probably synaposematic in view of the fact that another 
species of the same genus is the model of Daphisia pulchella (see 
p. Ixxvi). There are in fact details in the pattern of Daphisia 
clytoides which suggest its possible secondary mimetic association 
with the Clerid. Observations during life would be particularly 
valuable in settling this point.—E. B. P, 

G iecix’,\) 

Localities: Nos. 3 and 4, Mt. Matang (3,600 ft.), near 
Kuching, Sarawak, June 1900, and (3,200 ft.) 
July 30, 1909. 
No. 5, Danau, near Kuching, November 18, 
1909. Also taken at Lawas among other 
places. A common species in Sarawak. 
No. 6, Lawas, August 26, 1909. 
7. The Lamiid Longicorn Plaxomicrus hispoides, Auriv. 
mimic of 
8. The Clerid, Dactylispa longicuspis, Gestro. 
Locality: R. Limbang, April 1910.” 


Daphisia clytoides, Gahan, sp. n. 

Brownish black. Head, prothorax, scutellum and body beneath 
with a rather dense covering of tawny-yellow pubescence, a similar 
pubescence forming bands and spots on the elytra; head marked 
with a median black band on the vertex; prothorax with four 
longitudinal black bands—two on the disc and one on each side ; 
these bands, which stop short before base and apex, are closely and 
rather strongly punctured ; the tawny-yellow marks on the elytra 
consist of (1) a sutural band which widens out at the base and 
spreads across each elytron to the shoulder, and which also widens 
out near the apex, (2) a short oblique band given off on each side 
from the sutural band just before the middle, (3) an elongate, club- 
shaped spot or band running from the outer end of the oblique band 
towards the base, (4) a round spot on each elytron placed close to 
the sutural band about half-way between the middle and the apex. 
Metathorax with one, and the abdomen with a row of blackish spots 
along each side. Where the elytra are blackish in colour, they are 
seen to be rather strongly punctured. 

Length 11, breadth 3 mm. 

Hab. Borneo: Matang, 3,600 ft. 

The actual specimen here described is figured by Mr. Shel- 
ford in Proc. Zool. Soc., 1902, on p. 25 and pl. xx, f. 34. 

Cylindrepomus laetus, Pasc., var. 

From the type form of C. laetus, this variety differs chiefly by the 
colour of the pubescence covering the prothorax and forming the 
bands on the elytra, the colour being yellowish-brown instead of 
ashy-grey as in the type. It differs also in having the short sutural 


( exe) 

band at the apex of the elytra continued forward to join the postero- 
median transverse band, and the latter is a little more arcuate than 
is the corresponding band in the type. 

Hab. Borneo: Matang. 

This variety is figured by Mr. Shelford as “? form of comi 
(Zc., pl. xxp8. 38). 

A New Arrican Lycannrp.—Professor Poutron exhibited 
six male examples of a remarkable Lycaenid, all captured, 
Nov. 22, 1910, in the Uhehe District (3,000-3,500 ft.) of 
German East Africa, by Mr. 8. A. Neave, F.E.S. The 
pattern and brilliant colours, which were extraordinary in 
a Lycaenid, strongly suggested, on both upper and under 
surface, the appearance, although on a smaller scale, of an 
Acraea of the type of A. anemosa, Hew. Mr. Neave wrote to 
Professor Poulton from Mombasa, Jan. 6, 1911 :— 


“JT had a very fairly successful journey across German Kast 

“T got afew good Lepidoptera, the most interesting in the 
way of mimicry being a large Lycaenid which I do not re- 
member having seen before. I took six individuals all from 
one spot. 

“The first one I saw completely took me in (though I 
watched it for nearly five minutes while waiting for a net to 
come up) not so much by its appearance as by its attitude. 
It was sunning itself at the top of a grass-head with the wings 
expanded but the primaries making an angle of 45 degrees 
with the body and covering the secondaries, exactly as many 
Acraeas sun themselves. All the time I was watching this 
first specimen I was quite satisfied that I had got hold of a 
new Acraea, the idea of a Lycaenid in such an attitude and 
position never entering my head. I subsequently took in the 
same spot five others, some of them doing the same thing, 
others on the wing. The flight was less powerful than that 
of Mimacraea marshalli, Trim.” 

Mr. H. H. Druce and Mr. G. T. Beraune-Baker stated 
that the species was entirely new to them. 

An AxpnormaL CoLeopreron.—Mr. Srantey Epwarps ex- 
hibited a specimen of Oxynopterus audowini, a beetle from 
Borneo, with abnormal antennae, apparently gynandromor- 



Plates XL and XLIV, for WirrLesia read WITLESIA. 
Plates XXXV—XLIV. The photographs are by Mr. F, Noad Clark, and 
are attributed in error to Mr. A. E, Tonge. 

In Plates LVI and LVII the names of the species figured have been 
transposed. Plate LVI represents Hydroecia americana, and Plate LVII, 
H,. crinanensis. 

The date of the first set of Proceedings, for 1840, on p. 763, should be 
Feb, Ist, 1841, instead of Jan. Ist, 1841, 

The fourth date from the end, Dec. 1st, 1846, should be Jan. Ist, 1847. 
The last two dates should be 1848, not 1847. 

(Tice: -') 

phous, and explained that Mr. Gahan had dissected it and 
found the genitalia to be entirely 9. 

Scarce Coxteoprera.—Mr. H. C. Doiuman exhibited the 
following species of Coleoptera :—Philonthus intermedius, 
Bois. ; ab. donisthorpei, Dollman, described in the Ent. Rec., 
December 1910; Stenus formicetorwm, Mann., introduced as 
British in the Ent. Rec., April 1911; Bembidium quadrv- 
pustulatum, Dej., an example from Ditchling, Sussex, August 
17, 1911; Hypophloeus linearis, F., retaken at Oxshott, in July 
of this year; a species hitherto taken in Great Britain only 
in Surrey, at Oxshott and Woking; Mycetoporus forticornis, 
Fauv. (one specimen from the New Forest), with J. clavicornis, 
Steph., for comparison ; Philonthus corruscus, Gr., taken from 
a dead rabbit at Ditchling ; Stenws morio, Gr., from Ditchling, 
taken in October 1910. 

H. Exrrineuam exhibited a bred series of Acraea orestia, 
Hew., containing the typical form, and also the A. humitis 
of Miss E. M. Sharpe, thus demonstrating the truth of the 
conclusion at which he had previously arrived as to the 
specific identity of these two forms. The exhibit was 
accompanied by an extract from a letter received by Professor 
Poulton from Dr. G. D. H. Carpenter, who had bred the series 
at Damba Island, Victoria Nyanza, and who had generously 
presented the specimens to the Hope Department at Oxford. 
Dr. Carpenter’s note was as follows: ‘‘ Reared, September 
11 [1911], larvae found very young, feeding all together on 
one leaf, cheek by jowl. I took them for alctope larvae, 
and was much surprised by the ultimate result. Pupae and 
larvae were both exactly like alciope so far as I could tell, 
but I had no alciope larvae to compare with them at the 
time, as no idea of a different species was suggested.” 

Mr. ExrrtncHam also exhibited a coloured drawing of the 
larva of alciope in order to give an idea of the appearance of 
the larvae from which oresiia had been bred. He also showed 
three ¢ black and yellow Acraeas, one of which was the 
A, circeis of Drury from Sierra Leone. The other two while 
differing in appearance from A. circeis were themselves exactly 
alike, but for the fact that the two tarsal claws of the second 

PROU. ENT. SOC. LOND., v. 1911. F 

(desi 4) 

and third pairs of feet were equal and similar in one specimen 
and unequal and dissimilar in the other. He pointed out 
that in all the African Acraeas, except about sixteen species, 
the male tarsal claws were unequal. A. circeis was amongst 
the latter, and in many cases of close similarity of pattern 
this feature provided a ready means of distinction. In such 
cases, however, there was as a rule some difference of pattern 
correlated with the structural difference in the claws. The 
present case was an exception to that rule. He had hitherto 
regarded the form now exhibited, which was recognisably 
different from A. circeis, as A. servona, but the discovery of 
a form identical in appearance with the supposed servona, 
and differing only in the structure of the claws, raised a 
serious difficulty, inasmuch as the type of servona was a 
female, and since all female Acraeas had equal claws, it was 
quite impossible to say to which of these males the type 
servona belonged. There were female examples in the series 
from which the present specimens had been taken, but they 
were all alike. The equal and the unequal clawed forms 
must apparently be regarded as different species in spite of 
the absence of difference in wing pattern. If the females 
of both these species were as similar in appearance as the 
males the true identity of A. servona would never be dis- 
covered. The male armature of these species was of a very 
simple character, and afforded but little evidence of a specific 

In answer to an inquiry from Mr. Brrnune-Baker, Mr. 
Eltringham said that he had made many preparations of the 
? organs, but that in this group of Acraeas they did not 
provide distinctive characteristics. A long and interesting 
discussion followed on the question of the importance of the 
tarsal claws as a means of specific distinction, and on the 
possible correlation of uneven claws in the gand the abdominal 
sac in the 2, in which the Presipent, Professor PouLton, both 
the SrecreTaries, and Messrs. GAHAN, CoLLIN, WATERHOUSE 
and JANSON joined. 

Descriptions oF British RHopaLoceRA.—Mr. CHAMPION 
called attention to a paper by M. Roger Vérity in the 
‘Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France,” Séance 

(.cbexaat } 

du 11 Octobre, 1911, on new Scottish races of Hrebia aethiops, 
Esp. (race caledonia), Satyrus semele (race scota), and Parage 
megaera (race caledonia). 


The following papers were communicated :—‘ Descriptions 
of South American Micro-Lepidoptera,”’ by E. Meyrick, B.A., 

“‘New Species of Hawaiian Hymenoptera, with notes on 
some previously described,” by R. C. L. Perrys, D.Sc., 

“ Notes on Hawaiian Hemiptera, with descriptions of new 
Species,” by R. C. L. Perxrns, D.Sc., M.A., F.E.S. 

“Experiments in the Formation of Colonies by Lasius 
fuliginosus, 2 ¢,” by Horace DonistHorps, F.Z.S., and 
W. C. Crawtey, F.E.S. 

Wednesday, December 6th, 1911. 

The Rev. F. D. Moricr, M.A., President, in the Chair. 
Election of Fellows. 

THE following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the 
Society: Dr. Beckwith Wuitenouse, 52 Newhall Street, 
Birmingham; Messrs. F. W. Epwarps, Kingswear, Cornwall 
Road, Harrow ; Doucnias Pearson, Chilwell House, Chilwell, 
Notts; B. H. Smirx, B.A., Edgehill, Warlingham, Surrey ; 
C. F. M. Swynnerton, Mt. Chirinda, Melsetter, 8.E. Rhodesia. 


A Paasmip New To Scrence.—Mr. C. J. Gawan exhibited 
an insect recently brought to the British Museum, and recog- 
nised by him as belonging to Prisopus, a remarkable and 
specially interesting genus of Phasmidae. It was found at 
Xapury, on the river Acre in the Amazon Valley by Mr. F. G. 
Fisher, who had very kindly offered to present it to the 

Museum. The species of Prisopus inhabit tropical America, 
F 2 

( tesavy ) 

and appear to be very rare, very few specimens having yet 
found their way into public or private collections. The one 
now exhibited was new, and he proposed to name it Prisopus 
fisheri in honour of its discoverer. It resembled other species 
of the genus in its general style of colour and in its adaptational 
structure, but could be readily distinguished from them by 
the very prominent hump or swelling near the base of each 
wing-cover, and more especially by the strong triangular pro- 
cess projecting from each side of the metathorax just in front 
of the hind coxae. These characters, it would be observed, 
were only part of the general scheme of structure and colora- 
tion by which the insect was eminently adapted for conceal- 
ment while living at rest on the bark of a tree. ‘That was in 
fact the place where it was found. Mr. Fisher, he said, could 
not recall whether it was on a sapling or on a small tree, but 
he was quite certain that it was either the one or the other ; 
and he found it in the day-time. ‘The district was part of a 
forest track in a low-lying alluvial plain, with no rocks or 
mountain streams anywhere near. ‘These facts he wished to 
emphasize, because now he had to call attention to a story 
handed down to us from the year 1866 and implicitly believed 
in by different writers up to the present time. In that year 
Andrew Murray published a paper in the “ Annals and Maga- 
zine of Natural History,” giving an account of the aquatic 
habits of the Prisopi, and pointing out with a great wealth of 
detail all the wonderful adaptations of structure which fitted 
these insects for living attached to stones under the water 
of swiftly running mountain streams. No one hitherto had 
questioned the truth of that account, notwithstanding that it 
depended upon “the veracity of the person” who first told 
the story to Mr. Alexander Fry, from whom Murray derived 
it, adding to it, however, by the exercise of his imagination 
all the details necessary to ensure its acceptance. The story 
might possibly have had some slight foundation in fact, 
but he believed it to be essentially untrue. Prisopus /labelli- 
Jormis, the species to which Murray’s account more particu- 
larly applied, presented exactly the same kind of adaptation 
as those to be seen in the specimen shown that evening; and 
it was impossible to believe that the two insects could have 

(leony: \) 

such different habits of life. The purpose of those adaptations 
was perfectly obvious, as he felt certain every Fellow present 
would admit. He had confidence, therefore, in stating that 
the Prisopi, so far as their habits were concerned, were not 
at all exceptional, but were just like all the other members of 
the same family, the habits of which were well known and 
well understood. From this he was led to offer some remarks 
about another genus of Phasmidae which had an interest of 
the same kind. The genus Cotylosoma has on each side of the 
metathorax a row of five remarkable leaf-like structures ; and 
Wood-Mason, the author of the genus, had no hesitation in 
describing these as tracheal gills. Dr. Sharp and Mr. Water- 
house had questioned this interpretation of the structures. 
He had himself recently examined them; and finding the 
presence in them of numerous pigment spots, and the complete 
absence of tracheae, he was quite convinced that they were 
not tracheal gills. They were, however, structures of a peculiar 
and very interesting character, for which it was difficult to 
find anything quite analogous in other families of insects; but 
he believed their function was merely procryptic, and that 
they were developed in harmony with other features, to effect 
the concealment of the insect from its enemies. They were 
movable, and, looking like diminutive wings, suggested a 
possible explanation of the use to which the primitive wings 
were first put in the terrestrial ancestors of the winged insects. 
That Cotylosoma had the habits of other Phasmidae was clearly 
enough shown by the account MacGillivray had given of 
C’. carlottae, a species very closely related to the one described 
by Wood-Mason. He states that “it was said to be found on 
the trunks of trees,” exactly what we should be led to expect 
from the description he had given of the colours of the insect— 
colours that “altogether reminded him of some kinds of 
lichens,” His description of this species, under the name of 
Prisopus carlottae, although published several years before the 
papers written by Murray and Wood-Mason, was evidently 
not seen by either of them; nor had they the advantage of 
seeing fresh specimens in which the original colours of the 
insects were still retained. Had they been so fortunate as to 
have seen a specimen like the one passed round that evening, 


they might, perhaps, have told a very different story about 
the habits of the Prisopi. 

Mr. C. O. WatrerHousE observed that he had written the 
paper to which Mr, Gahan referred for the purpose of 
throwing doubt on the story of the aquatic habits of the 
genus Prisopus, in which he had no belief. 

LEUCANIA PALLENS AND L, FAvIcoLoR.—Mr. Soutn exhibited 
a drawer of Leucanid moths captured and reared by the 
Rev. W. P. Waller in the Woodbridge district of Suffolk. In 
the first series were three specimens, selected from thirty, 
that were reared in June 1908 from ova deposited by a female 
captured at sugar in a marsh near Woodbridge in June 1907. 
The female parent, also shown, was apparently referable to 
L. pallens, but of her offspring twenty-three specimens were 
of the typical favicolor form, and the other seven were 
examples of the yellow form of favicolor—ab. lutea, Tutt. The 
next series of twenty-four specimens showed the progeny 
of a female favicolor taken in the same marsh, July 1910. 
The majority of these specimens were not separable from 
pallens, nine were typical favicolor, and the others intergrades, 
but favoured pallens more than favicolor. In a letter sent 
with the insects, Mr. Waller, referring to the moths reared 
in 1911, wrote: ‘Is it possible this female paired with a male 
pallens ?—or have we here a species still in the making, not 
yet fixed, if I may so express it?”’ Mr. South observed that 
seeing that Mr. Waller had reared favicolor from eggs laid 
by a pallens-like female, and obtained pallens from the ova of 
a female favicolor, the obvious inference was that there was 
cross-pairing in each case. It was, however, curious to note 
that although all the moths resulting from the pallens ova 
were of the favicolor form, less than half of the moths from 
Javicolor ova were of the female parent form. 

Turning to the interesting series of L. pallens taken at 
sugar at Waldingfield in the Woodbridge district, it would 
be seen that some of the specimens comprised therein bore 
a close resemblance to some forms of /avicolor. Possibly 
these particular specimens were hybrids, or perhaps more 
correctly heterozygotes, and it would seem probable that the 
pallens-like female of Series 1 was also a_ heterozygote. 
From the evidence afforded by the material submitted, one 

( ‘heexvii ) 

was led to the conclusion that favicolor is probably not a 
true species, but, as Mr. Waller puts the case, “a species 
still in the making.” Mr. South added that he understood 
that favicolor cannot be separated from pallens by any 
difference in the genitalia, and was informed that cross- 
pairings of pallens and favicolor are not uncommon in the 
habitat of the latter. He was, therefore, inclined to suppose 
that favicolor is a salt-marsh development of pallens. 

A CoLrorTERON New vo Brirain.—Mr. DoNnistHORPE 
exhibited a specimen of Hryx fairmatrei, Reiche, a species 
of Coleoptera new to Britain, one of several taken by him 
in Sherwood Forest on July 11, 1908. He also showed a 
French specimen of the same species, and examples of Hryx 
atra, F., the other known British species, for comparison. 

Ruoparocera from Larptanp.—Mr. W. G. SHetpon showed 
a collection of Rhopalocera made by him in Jemtland and 
Swedish Lapland in June and July 1911. The species in- 
cluded were: Hesperia centaureae, H. andromedae, Chrysophanus 
(Loweia) amphidamas, var. obscura, C. (Rumicia) phlaeas, var. 
hypophlaeas, Vacciniina optilete, Polyommatus icarus, Plebeius 
argyrognomon, var. aegidion, Pieris napi, var. bryoniae, Colias 
nastes, var. werdandi, Aglais urticae, and ab. polaris, Brenthis 
freya, B. frigga, B. aphirape, var. ossianus, B. thore, var. 
borealis, B. euphrosyne, Oeneis norna, O. jutta, O. bore, Erebia 
lappona, E. embla, E. ligea, var. adyte. 

He also exhibited the following Heterocera taken during 
the same expedition: Anthrocera exulans, var. vanadis, Anarta 
melaleuca, A. cordigera, A. melanopa, Plusia hochenwarthi, and 

exhibited a large number of specimens of Luperina nickerlii, 
of which the British form or race has been hitherto known 
as Luperina gueneet, together with series of other races from 
the Continent. He called attention to his former exhibit of 
gueneet, and to the notes which he had contributed with 
Dr. Chapman’s aid to the “ Entomologists’ Record” during the 
present year, and said that it had been practically proved that 
gueneet was the British form of the Bohemian species nicherli. 
At the conclusion of his notes he had asked for any informa- 
tion which continental workers might be able to give. As 


( lx=xviti \) 

a result M. Oberthiir, with his accustomed kindness, had 
referred him to his published notes on an allied form which 
he had named graslini, and subsequently had given him a con- 
siderable amount of material for comparison and investigation. 
This material he was exhibiting that evening with the 
material he had previously possessed, and with a very fine 
series of the gweneet form which he had just received from 
Mr. Baxter, of St. Anne’s-on-Sea. 

The conclusions to be drawn from these investigations were— 

1. That nickerlii, gueneei, and graslini were one and the 
same species, which assumption was confirmed by an examina- 
tion of the genitalia (exhibited). 

2. That Guenée erred in 1862 in identifying the Doubleday 
specimen of gueneet with var. A. of his Luperina testacea, 
which latter was undoubtedly a form of L. testacea. 

3. That var. B. of Guenée’s L. testacea was nickerlii, with 
which it had originally been identified by Dr. Nickerl himself. 

Mr.. Turner also called attention to the interesting speci- 
mens of JZ. testacea from various continental localities and 
from Algeria, and of LZ. dwmerilii from Rennes and Algeria, 
which he had received from M. Oberthiir. 

EreEBIA AETHIOPS.—Mr. TuRNER also exhibited a long series 
of Erebia aethiops from many continental localities and also 
from Aviemore, Scotland. He made the exhibit at the 
suggestion of Dr. Chapman, with reference to an article in 
the “Bull. Soc. Ent. France,” No. 15, 1911, by M. Roger 
Verity, in which the Scotch (Galashiels) race of this species 
was named var. caledonia, distinguishing it from the typical 
Alpine race by its smaller size, its comparatively narrow and 
longer wings, its narrow fawn-coloured band which does not 
contain more than three small ocelli (the Alpine race often 
has four or five), and its underside with the transverse band 
very often less distinct. Generally speaking, the Scotch speci- 
mens exhibited showed these characteristics, being smaller 
than almost every race placed in the box. 

Mr. Turner at the same time called attention to the 
growing tendency to name aberrations, a course which often 
resulted in multiple names being bestowed on some one form. 
In illustration of his remark he instanced the case of the 
small aberration of Pieris napi. In the October number of the 

Oy txxeax) :.) 

“‘ Entomologists’ Record,” Mr. Muschamp, of Staefa, had named 
some very small specimens of this species as ab. minima. In 
the November number of the same magazine M. Lambillion, 
of Namur, wrote, saying that he had named this aberration 
in 1902 as ab. napella, and about the same time the Baron 
Crombrugghe, of Brussels, had called it ab. minor. While he 
(Mr. Turner) was afraid it was quite impossible to prevent 
the naming of aberrations, races, etc., still it was quite 
possible in his opinion to regulate it. He looked forward to 
the future power, influence and authority of the International 
Congress of Entomology, and threw out the suggestion that 
there should be a permanent international committee chosen 
by the Congress who should consider each new name proposed, 
and that no name should be considered valid until it had 
received the sanction of that committee. If only all the 
chief magazines and all the principal systematists would 
support this committee and recognize only the names re- 
commended by them, the multiple naming, which often occurs 
from mere ignorance, would practically disappear. 

Dr. CHapman remarked that local races required special 
names if any forms did so, and that he had already remarked 
upon the Scotch form of Z. aethiops, though without naming 
it, and had observed that this small form had the genitalia 
proportionately small, which was very far from being universal 
in small local races. 

A long and important discussion took place on the subject 
of varietal, and especially aberrational, names, in which the 
PresipENT, Prof. Poutton, Dr. Jorpan, and Messrs. GAHAN 
and WHEELER took part; Prof. Poutton remarking that 
the subject was one on which a discussion might well take 
place after previous notice, as it was really too important to 
be dealt with offhand. 

Races at Enrespe.—Prof. Poutton exhibited a series of 
specimens bearing upon the view, again recently advanced, 
that changes of colour and pattern in allied forms are due to 
climate, and especially to moisture. The western specimens 
were all collected or bred by Mr. W. A. Lamborn, just above 
sea-level, in the Lagos district. The Uganda specimens were 

( xe) 

collected by Mr. C, A. Wiggins, at about 4000 ft., in the 
neighbourhood of Entebbe. The average rainfall at Epe, near 
Mr. Lamborn’s locality, Oni, 70 miles east of Lagos, is about 
equal to that of Entebbe, being 60°5 inches to 59:1. The first 
example was Planema epuea, Cram., and its Uganda sub-species 
epaea paragea, Grose-Smith. In the latter the fuscous ground- 
colour had been greatly increased, while correspondingly 
reduced pale-yellowish markings represented the conspicuous 
fulvous of the western male and white of the western female. 
Thus the sexual dimorphism of pattern, marked in the west, 
is lost in the far duller Uganda race. Together with these 
were exhibited the males and females, of Papilio cynorta, F., 
from the same localities. While the males showed no appre- 
ciable change, the western female was a beautiful mimic of 
the female epaea and the more eastern female (peculiaris, 
Neave), an equally beautiful mimic of the dingy-looking 
paragea. In this latter case a climatic cause could hardly be 
invoked, for it is unreasonable to suppose that the male and 
female larvae and pupae are exposed to different conditions 
or that they differ in their sensitiveness to climatic influ- 
ence. It may well be argued, however, that we should not 
expect a Papilionine and an <Acraeine to exhibit the same 
kind of susceptibility. But even the investigation of other 
Planemas (Acraeinae) at Entebbe does not support the con- 
clusion that the pattern of paragea is a climatic effect. ‘Thus 
it is seen in the exhibited specimens that the rich fulvous 
and black P. consanguinea, Auriv., from the Lagos district 
becomes the pale yellowish and black sub-species arenaria, 
K. M. Sharpe, at Entebbe. 

When we pass from the western to the eastern side of the 
geographical range, Plamena epaea becomes a duller, darker- 
looking butterfly ; Planema consanguinea, on the contrary, a 
far lighter and paler butterfly. If, neglecting the immense 
difference in general appearance, attention be fixed on the 
fact that the fulvous pigment of the male epaea and both sexes 
of consanguinea becomes pale yellow in the east, we are met 
by the fact that the male Planema alcinoe, Feld., from Lagos, 
preserves the very same fulvous tint unchanged at Entebbe, as 
do the male montana, Butl., form of P. aganice, Hew., the male 
P. macarista, E. M. Sharpe, and both sexes of P. pogget 

( 2&xci- )) 

nelsoni, Grose-Smith. Further evidence against the hypo- 
thesis of climatic influence was derived from Mr. Wiggins’s 
series of P. paragea, in which were found the two remarkable 
specimens exhibited to the meeting. In one of these, a male 
captured June 26th, 1910, the yellow markings had almost 
entirely disappeared, while in the other, a female, taken Aug. 
29, 1909, they were immensely extended, especially on the 
hind-wing, where the pale expanse was even two or three 
times as large as the white area of the female epuea from 
Lagos. Here was a single individual in which the normal 
change in the eastern part of the range was reversed, the 
insect being lighter and paler instead of dingier in appearance. 
Such a variety throws strong light upon the origin of mimetic 
resemblance ; for this pale individual presents considerable 
likeness to P. arenaria, and affords the foundation upon 
which a close resemblance might be developed by selection. 
There can hardly be any example as yet known which better 
enables us to understand the production of mimicry between 
forms closely allied but superficially very different in appear- 
ance: yet in its production the operation of climatic influence 
is extremely improbable, and we are thrown back upon causes 
of variation at present unknown and mysterious. 
Poutton exhibited a set of the mimetic Pseudacraeas and their 
models collected by Mr, C. A. Wiggins in the neighbourhood of 
Entebbe, viz. :— 

macarista, E. M. Sharpe, 6. hobleyi, Neave, 6. Also a 2 with 
pogaget nelsoni, Gr.-Sm., 6 and 9°. the colouring of the ¢. 
macarista, @. hobleyi, 2. 

alcinoe, Feld., 2. (This model was 
not exhibited. ) 

tellus platyxantha, Jord. terra, Neave. 6 and @. 

paragea, Grose-Smith, g and @°. obscura, Neave, g and ?. (The 
3 was not exhibited. ) 

( -xeH ) ) 

The above series contrasted remarkably with a set of 17 
Pseudacraeas collected by Dr. G. D. H. Carpenter on Damba 
Island, on the Equator, in the Victoria Nyanza, about 20 miles 
S.E. of Entebbe. Dr. Carpenter wrote of this island on 
Sept. 30th, 1911: “It is practically covered with forest and 
jungle formed by the running wild of the banana plantations 
since the inhabitants were deported to the mainland.” The 
various forms and the times at which they were captured—all 
except one in the jungle—are shown below :— 


Ist half May. | 1 6 terra (typical). 

Teese Livan lle Qacenna (typical). 

1 @* terra (transitional towards ? hobleyi: subapical 
f.w. bar white, and fulvous area reduced and pale. 
Slight but distinct traces of the fulvous patch at the 
base of the h.w. underside). 

2nd half Aug. | 2 6 terra (typical). 

2 g ” ” 

29 ,, (slightly transitional towards  hobley?. Sub- 
apical f.w. bar pale in one and nearly white in the 

Ist half Sept. | 1 3 terra (typical). 
1 2 99 ” 
2 $ hobleyi (1 typical, 1 with h.w. bar fulvous instead 

of white). 

2nd half Sept. | 1 2 hobleyi (typical). 
(17th-30th.) | 1 @ terra (beautifully transitional to ebscura). 

1 g obscwra (with distinct traces of the fulvous colouring 
of terra on f.w. inner margin). 

1 @ obscura (subapical f.w. bar white as in ? hobleyi, 
but narrower, and the remaining white pattern of the 
latter very faintly visible. 

1. Proportions oF THE Mimetic FoRMS AND OF THE 
Mopre1ts.—The proportions in the Entebbe District are well 
shown by the following figures, which summarise nearly 

* This specimen was captured on the shore. 

Ce xent ) 
the whole of this material collected by Mr. Wiggins between 
May 23rd and Aug. 31st, 1909.* :— 

macarista 6... 81 hobleyi 6, ... 35 
pogget nelsoni 3, 11 5 @ (with 
. a Real $ colours) 1 
93 36 (38°7 per cent. of the models). 

macarista 9, 39 
alcinoe ¢, il 

hodleyi 2 , 28 (56°0 per cent. of the models). 

tellusplatyxantha 6,75 | terra 5, 7 

29 2? eS ? 14 ”? a ? la 
89 18 (20°2 per cent of the models). 
epaed paragea, 12 obscura, 0 

The percentage of the three commonest mimics is thus much 
higher than we should expect ; but on Damba Island, so far as 
could be judged from Dr. Carpenter’s collections between the 
beginning of May and the end of September, the results are 
far more astonishing. The only Planema models in the whole 
collection are a single female macarista and a single female 
pogger nelsoni in the second half of August, and a single male 
macarista captured on Aug. 8-9. All these specimens were 
taken in the jungle. In spite of the immense predominance 
of P. terra, not asingle Planema tellus platyxantha appeared in 
the collection, nor was there a single P. epaea paragea. Even 
more striking was the absence of P. arenaria, by far the 
most abundant Planema in the forests near Entebbe.t 

* Quoted from ‘‘Mem. I. Congr. Internat. d’Ent., Brussels,” Vol. II, 
p. 483, 1910. This paper contains a nearly complete list of captures, be- 
tween the above-mentioned dates, of all the species concerned, except 
Planema paragea and Pseudacraca obscura. The proportions of these two 
latter were taken from a list recently prepared by Mr. C. A. Wiggins and Prof. 
Poulton. In the course of this work it was found that one or two days’ 
captures had been accidentally omitted from the paper referred to above. 

t The results quoted above are not due to the captor’s selection, and, 
so far as the limited numbers go, may be depended upon in attempting 

to form an estimate of the proportion of models and mimics in the jungle. 
This was Dr. Carpenter’s first experience of these extraordinarily close 

(¢ Give”) 

Not only is there this extraordinary difference in the pro- 
portions of the models, but the proportions of the mimetic 
forms to one another are also remarkably different from those 
of the mainland, terra being far more predominant over 
hobleyi in the island than hobleyi is over terra on the 

Maintanp.—The table on p. xcii. shows a quite unusual number 
of transitional forms. Transition is indicated in various 
directions,—between ferra and obscura, between terra and 
2 hobleyi, between terra and ¢hobleyi, between obscura and 
? hobleyt. 

3. PosstpLe Causes or THE ABOVE DirFERENCES.—It is highly 
improbable that these remarkable differences are connected 
with climate or season of the year; for the contrasted sets of 
captures were made in almost the same months. The period 
was, moreover, long enough to exclude the effects of the 
seasons beginning and ending on different dates in different 
years. The most probable explanation appears to be that, 
in the condition of the jungle on Damba Island, there is some- 
thing unfavourable to Planemas, and that, in the absence or 
relative scarcity of the models, the mimetic resemblance of the 
Pseudacraeas is no longer rigidly maintained by selection. 
The pattern of Ps. terra is found among the protean mimetic 
forms of ewrytus, L., on the west coast, and even the colour as 
well as the pattern in a Nigerian mimic of the male Pl. epaea.* 
I suggest that in an area where these mimetic patterns are less 
strongly selected, there is a tendency, checked elsewhere, for 
them to run into each other, and also to move in the direction 
of the western ewrytus forms, from which there can be little 
doubt that the mimetic Pseudacraeas of Uganda originally 
developed. It is to be hoped that Dr. Carpenter may be able 

mimics, and he had not at the time learnt to distinguish them from their 
models. He states in a letter dated Dec. 5th, 1911: ‘‘I was much 
surprised to hear that I had sent more Pseudacraeas than Planemas, and 
thought I had done the opposite.” —E. B. P. 

* Figured by Dr. Karl Jordan in the publication of ‘‘I. Congr. Internat. 
d’Ent.,” 1910, Vol. II, pl. xxii, fig. 22a. Good examples of. pattern but 
not colour resemblance are shown in his pl. xxiii, figs. 26a, 27a. 

(  xey--:) 

to obtain the material, by breeding as wellas by capture, by 
which this hypothesis will be confirmed or refuted. 

Freitp.—Prof. Poutron exhibited four males and one female 
of Planema alcinoe, captured Aug. 10th, 1911, in the forest 
one mile E. of Oni, near Lagos, by Mr. W. A. Lamborn, 
under the conditions described by him in the next paragraph, 
dated Aug. 13th. Prof. Pouuron said that he was not aware 
of similar observations having been made upon Lepidoptera, 
in which group the unsuccessful males have often been seen 
to disperse as soon as pairing takes place. It is to be noted 
that in a family of P. aleinoe bred by Mr. Lamborn the males 
emerged Sept. 8th-llth, 1911, the females not until Sept. 

“‘T found five Planemas in a confused mass on a thin bough. 
Careful examination revealed that four were males and one a 
female. A male and female were in coitu, both resting on 
the upper side of the little bough facing opposite ways ; 
another male rested underneath, his head in the same direc- 
tion as that of the female, His claspers gripped her abdomen 
immediately in front of the claspers of his more successful 
rival, the penis of No. 2 being extruded and forced to one 
side. A 3rd male grasped a wing of the female so firmly 
with his legs that the membrane was crumpled up: he re- 
mained motionless. The 4th male grasped and crumpled up 
the opposite wing in a similar way, all the time making efforts 
to obtain hold of any portion at all of her anatomy with his 

TuE Cocoons AND Eaes or THE Bompycrp Motu, NorasuMA 
koLGA, Druce.—Prof. Poutton exhibited the cocoon of JV. 
kolga together with the moth which had emerged from it. 
The compact cocoon itself was reddish, with an outer imperfect 
covering of yellow silk. In some cocoons, including the one 
exhibited, the silk of this loose and open network formed 
dense little masses here and there which, being bright yellow 
in colour, much resembled the cocoons of Braconid parasites. 
Prof. Poulton had written to Mr. Lamborn to inquire whether 
these structures were always present in the natural state, as 
it seemed possible that the loose covering had been lost in 

(9 evr 3 

the manipulation of some of the artificially bred specimens. 
Prof. Poutton also exhibited a wall-like mass of egg-shells in 
which the arrangement to “break joint,’ as described by 
Mr. Lamborn, was clearly visible. This keen observer had 
written, Aug. 25th, 1911— 

“You will see, by egg-shells now sent, how wonderfully the 
eggs are disposed—in the form of a little wall, the eggs being 
in rows one above the other and each egg placed so as to 
cover the adjacent halves of two eggs below it. There is a 
fine opalescence too about the egg mass in a good light.” 

These specimens together with the remainder of those 
exhibited by Prof. Poutton were obtained by Mr. Lamborn 
at, or near, Oni Camp. 

exhibited a large family of these moths—80 in number— 
together with their female parent, and 67 of the cocoons from 
which they had emerged. The exhibit had been recently 
received from Mr. W. A. Lamborn, who had bred the moths 
from eggs laid Aug. 13-18, 1911. Concerning the habits of 
the larva Mr. Lamborn had written, Sept. 19th— 

“In regard to the structures like Braconid cocoons I do 
not think there is much to add to what I have already written. 
The larva spins a few threads in the usual way. The hinder 
extremity of the body is gradually raised until it is brought 
to about an angle of 20° with the rest of the body, the larva 
meanwhile continuing to spin. When it has been in this 
position a few seconds the little mass is passed per anum, 
the larva ceasing work only during the actual passing of it. 
When several little masses have accumulated, the larva turns 
round, weaves silk over each and in turn drags each off by 
the silk and deposits it in the desired position.” 

In reply to further questions as to the details of the larval 
procedure Mr. Lamborn wrote, Nov. 12th— 

“In regard to the cocoons of Deilemera antinorvi the larva 
passes spheres per anum usually one at a time with an interval 
of perhaps half a minute between them. Sometimes two are 
passed, one following immediately on the other. When two 
or three spheres have accumulated at its ana] extremity the 

( xevii_ ) 

larva turns round, weaves a few turns of silk round one and 
drags it away to the required position, I believe by means of 
these silk threads. It then fixes it by a few further turns of 
silk, and then removes the remaining spheres one by one in a 
similar way. The silk spun over the spheres is white. The 
spheres vary in colour even when first passed, some being 
yellowish and often containing one or two bubbles darker 
than the rest, others being much paler. I think that the 
latter darken with age. The time occupied in spinning over 
a single sphere is just a few seconds, and I think the silk 
serves asa handle. I have not observed the whole process of 
cocoon formation, for it takes some hours, the larvae frequently 
commencing at night, and I have not seen the final stages at 
all, but I shall look into the various points you mention.” 

Concerning the cocoon of the allied southern and eastern 
species of Deilemera,—D. leuconoe, Hopff., Mr. G. F. Leigh had 
written to Prof. Poutron on Oct. 27th, 1911— 

*T noticed what you say about the cocoon, and, in a short 
discussion some years ago at the Durban Field Naturalists’ 
Society, I pointed out this very thing ; for when I first bred 
this species I actually threw away three or four cocoons of 
the first lot, thinking that ichneumonid parasites had emerged 
from the larvae. I have bred hundreds of the insects, of 
which there are two forms of imago, one black-and-white, 
the other black-and-buff. The larva is_ black-and-white, 
slightly hairy, as may be seen in blown specimens sent by me 
to the British Museum and Tring Museum. It feeds on a low 
plant, but always climbs up on to a fence, wall or trunk of a 
tree to make its cocoon. The larva is protected and distaste- 
ful to birds, Mantis, ete. The cocoon is formed of a substance 
very much like jelly, which, as long as the pupa is alive re- 
mains soft; if, however, the pupa dies the substance becomes 
dry and shrinks also, The pupae will live if the substance 
that forms the cocoon is taken off. The colour of the pupa is 
light brown. The cocoon-like bodies vary in tint, but are 
generally yellow, although I have had them white like very 
small pieces of boiled rice. The duration of the pupal state is 
very short, not more than a week. The larva is attacked by 
an ichneumon of apparently the same species as that which is 

PROC. ENT. Soc. LonD., v. 1911. G 


( xevil ) 

bred from the three Papilios, demodocus, Esp., nieuws, L., and 
cenea, Stoll. The parasitic larva, after leaving the host, spins 
a thread almost 14 inches long, attached by one end to the 
twig of a tree or to a wall. At the lower end of this thread 
it constructs a parti-coloured cocoon—grey-and-black. There 
is another species of Deilemera I found in the Comoros that 
makes its cocoon in the same way. I fancy it feeds there on 
the small fig-trees, as I found the pupae only on those trees.” 

Genus Marmara.—Prof. Poutton said that he had been 
shown by Mr. J. H. Durrant the spherical bodies scattered 
over the cocoon of the Tineid moth Marmara salictella, 
Clemens, and had no doubt that they were secreted by the 
larva and passed by the anus as in Dedlemera. It would be 
interesting to observe whether any of the common parasites 
of Tineids construct cocoons to which the spheres bear any 
marked resemblance. At first sight the appearance suggested 
is rather that of a mass of spiders’ eggs such as are often seen 
in chinks of bark. Here, too, it is important to ascertain by 
experiment whether spiders’ eggs are in any way specially 

Although the Tineid spheres are much smaller than those 
of Deilemera, each of them is similarly made up of several 
bubbles, and the resemblance is so remarkably close that it 
is appropriate to quote in this place the observations that 
have been hitherto recorded concerning them. The references 
to Marmara have been kindly given by Mr. Durrant. 

Clemens wrote of J. salictella in 1863 (‘ Ent. Soc. Phila.,” 
ii, p. 7; reprinted in Stainton’s ed. of Clemens’ papers on 
“Tin. of N. Am.,” 1872, p. 212)— 

‘Tt leaves its mine at maturity to weave a white, semi- 
transparent cocoon within some crevice of the bark of the tree 
on which it feeds or upon the ground. The exterior of the 
cocoon is covered with little froth-like globules, which resemble 
minute pearls.” 

Busck wrote of the same species in 1903 (‘ Proc. Ent. Soc. 
Wash.,” v, p. 210)— 

“The writer has bred it for several seasons, and gave some 
notes before the Washington Ent. Soc., on its unique mode 

(o xer=}, ) 

of ornamenting its cocoon, which deserves fuller treatment. 
Such will be given shortly in a separate paper.” 

Finally in 1907 Busck stated of Marmara opuntiella, Busck 
(in “ Ent. Soc. Wash.,” viii, p. 97)— 

‘At the last larval molt it assumes the cylindrical form 
with normal legs and spins the characteristic cocoon with the 
peculiar globular ornamentations as do the other species of 
the genus.” 

Tue Arracks oF Tacuinip Fiies upon THE AFRICAN Dan- 
AINE Genus AmauRis.—Prof. Poutton exhibited 5 specimens 
of Amauris psyttalea, Plotz, being all that Mr. W. A. Lamborn 
“obtained from 25 pupae, the rest being parasitized by Tachi- 
nidae” (Oct. 3rd, 1911). All 5 butterflies had emerged Sept. 
20th, 1911. Seventeen dead pupae from the same company, 
12 of the Tachinid flies, and a number of their puparia were 
also exhibited. Mr. E. E. Austen had recognized 2 species of 
Sturmia in 4 of the flies submitted to him. In the same 
letter Mr. Lamborn spoke of another company of A. psyttalea 
in which “every single pupa was parasitized in this way.” 
Prof. Poulton pointed out the bearing of these and Mr. 
Guy Marshall’s earlier observations on the extraordinary 
assumption of the late Hrich Haase, that the specially pro- 
tected species of Lepidoptera are immune from the attacks of 

LaMBoRN IN THE Lacos District.—Prof. Poutron exhibited 
material illustrating the following records received in letters 
from Mr. Lamborn— 

1.—WMyrina silenus, F. 
March 3rd, 1911. 
“The food-plant, which bears a fruit much like a little fig, 
grows here and there in the primitive forest round Oni camp. 
The larva of Zuchromia lethe, F., also feeds upon it, as well as 
that of a Sphingid moth. The larvae are green with white 
tubercles and are not very conspicuous on the food-plant, 
though found in all positions on it, on both sides of the leaves 
and frequently on growing buds at the end of stems. They 

pupate anywhere ; frequently on the upper side of a leaf. It 


is very common to find the larvae attended by ants of various 
kinds, which run all over them, and the larvae do not notice 
them in the least even when feeding. The pupae also seem to 
attract ants.” 

2.—Hypolycaena philippus, F. 
March 3rd, 1911. 
|: “ The larvae of all these have been found all round about Oni 
camp ; for the food-plant grows abundantly in the clearing. 
The larvae are found sometimes on the upper side of a leaf 
even during the heat of the day, and they are leaf-green in 
colour. Both larvae and pupae attract ants to a remarkable 
degree. I have learnt that if ants are running about on the 
food-plant without flowers, larvae are almost certainly on it, 
and if there are no ants I do not trouble to make an ex- 
haustive search. My first half-dozen larvae were placed in 
a box covered with fine muslin. On the following morning I 
discovered that our house ants, a different species from those 
on the plants, had eaten a hole in the muslin and were 
swarming over the larvae. I then put two thicknesses of 
muslin over the box, but the ants again ate it through, and 
so now, as they do not seem to hurt the larvae, I do not 
trouble to remove them. ‘The pupae are placed indifferently 
on upper or under side of a leaf and frequently head down- 
wards on a stem, and ants congregate about them during the 
whole period of pupation. The ants work hard in an en- 
deavour apparently to cover up the pupae with débris. They 
heap up little particles of sawdust, larval droppings, etc., 
round pupae on the floor of the box, and some attempt is 
even made to cover the pupae on the side walls. I found to- 
day on the outside of the roof of the box a little collection of 
débris with which ants were busily covering a fissure in the 
wood which led through to a pupa on the inner side of the 
roof. Some larvae have pupated on the floor of the box, but 
this does not affect the wing-development of the butterflies, 
for they always seem to find a suitable position in time. I 
have from time to time lost other butterflies which have not 
been able to develop properly owing to their pupae having 
fallen down. By the way, the larvae are usually green, but 


T now have a scarlet one of, I believe, the same species. The 
pupae are sometimes green and sometimes perfectly grey- 

3.—Oboronia punctata, Dew. 

The observations on this remarkable species are of special 

Sept. 10th, 1911. 

“T made a little discovery to-day which has much delighted 
me. In accordance with your suggestion I have been investi- 
gating the contents of ants’ nests and to-day found two 
Lycaenid larvae. I must write about this when I get perfect 
insects. The particular nest of ants was constructed on the 
head of a plant [Costus afer] which had borne numerous bell- 
shaped flowers. These were eaten down more or less level, 
and then the ants had piled up earthy-looking vegetable 
débris over the mouths of the remaining parts of the flowers. 
I found the larvae each thus sealed up loosely in the base of 
what had been a flower. I removed the débris and carefully 
brought the flower-head home, and the ants are now again 
moving quietly to and fro on it. I think these larvae may 
be Oboronias, for these are the flowers which seem to have a 
special attraction for them, as I think I have mentioned.” 

Sept. 19th, 1911. 

** You will have received my first Oboronia punctata from a 
pupa. This was found in the calyx of one of the flowers 
which I have mentioned, the opening of which was sealed by 
débris deposited by ants. I will not attempt to describe the 
flowering head, for I intend to send one; but, roughly, there 
are a number of bell-shaped flowers springing from a common 
dome-shaped base. Only one or two of the flowers come into 
bloom at once, and over the other immature buds ants build 
up a covering of the débris, themselves occupying the inter- 
stices between the buds and keeping their larvae and eggs 
there. I have now found several Oboronia larvae, some with 
the ants in the interstices, and others in calices from which the 
flowers have fallen out or the flower-buds been eaten away, 

( ci ) 

The larva feeds on the flower-buds, biting out a circular aper- 
ture through the calyx, by which it obtains ingress, and 
gradually eating the bud out till only the empty calyx remains. 
The ants, too, enter with the larva and crawl all over it, 
stroking it with their antennae, and they are very constant 
in their attentions to the pupa too, several always remaining 
with it, though the calyx which contained it was put away 
without anything else in a glass-lidded box. Some of the 
ants’ nests contain a large number of individuals, and I have 
not been able to look them through satisfactorily as yet, but 
I have obtained 6 larvae out of 7 nests, 2 nests having 2 
larvae apiece. I must get some help before I can explore any 
more, as the ants bite, and I do not want to cut off the flower- 
heads, as there are not a great number. I am trying now to get 
a family of Oboronias, but it is likely to be difficult, as the food- 
plant dies so soon. I think this plant must be that determined 
at Kew as Costus afer, Ker.-Gawl (Scitamineae), a specimen 
being sent home in the first consignment of plants.” 

The flower-head was sent to Kew and determined as C. afer, 
sens. lat. 

The next letter (Oct. 3rd, 1911) gave an account of Mr. 
Lamborn’s attempt—in all probability a successful one—to 
breed Oboronias from a known parent— 

“T believe the Oboronias now sent to be the offspring of 
the female whose remains are packed with them. She was 
eaten by the ants. With a view to obtaining a family of 
them I selected a good head of the food-plant in our clearing 
at Oni, and cleared it of all ants and their débris, removing at 
the same time all dead matter. I went over it again the next 
day, and the following morning I pushed it through a hole in 
the floor of a box, closing up all the space round it with 
cotton-wool. I then put the Oboronia female inside and 
covered the box with muslin in front. In the course of a 
couple of days the ants got in and formed a nest composed of 
sawdust, etc., over the flowering head. The butterfly died 
and was mostly eaten up by the ants. I was not able to look 
for eggs or larvae, but when I did pick the flowering head to 
pieces I found a few pupae which I feel confident must have 
been the progeny of that insect.” 

( *eili *) 

The following observations, recorded in the same letter, 
show that all ants are not equally benevolent in their treat- 
ment of the Oboronias— 

“On Oct. 5th I obtained a half-grown larva of Oboronia 
punctata and placed it on a stem on which ‘tree driver’ 
ants [evidently O¢ecophylla smaragdina, F., race longinoda, 
Latr.] were running up and down. The first driver that 
came along investigated it hurriedly with his antennae and 
then gripped its anal extremity in his jaws and held on. 
More ants came down. Some passed on without noticing the 
larva, others just touched it with their antennae and then 
went on. Seven or eight thus passed it by, and the next ant 
stood over its hind extremity and discovered on the dorsal 
aspect of, I think, the second segment some material which it 
ate. I actually saw it take up the semi-solid material and 
eat it. This ant then ran off. The larva meanwhile had 
been endeavouring to crawl away, but it was firmly anchored 
to one place by the ant which had seized it. Another ant 
then came along and seized it by the head and dragged so 
that it became much extended. Two more ants then seized 
it at the sides. At this point I was obliged to come away ; 
but they must have killed the larva, for it was very feeble 
when I last saw it, and they doubtless ate it.” 

This uncompromising treatment of the larva of O. punctata 
is all the more interesting because W. M. Wheeler (“ Ants, 
their Structure, Development and Behavior,’ New York, 
1910, p. 358) speaks “especially” of @. smaragdina, when 
mentioning the “principal attendants” of Lycaenid larvae. 
This distinguished authority continues :— 

“(. smaragdina in that country [India] and in Australia, 
is, in fact, constantly found with many species of the cater- 
pillars and often keeps them in the silken nests and 
‘cow-sheds’ described in a previous chapter.” 

A postscript, dated Oct. 9th, to the letter last quoted, 
records that ‘‘a moth larva also lives on the Oboronia plant 
among the ants. An imago has just come out.” Mr. Lam- 
born furthermore states that the ants pay no attention to 
these larvae, which are probably protected against them in 
some way. Examples of the moth, the Pyralid (Schoenobiinae) 

( \ety »)) 

Obtusipalpis saltusalis, Schaus, were exhibited with the 
Oboronias and the flower-head. 

4 and 5.—Lycaenesthes larydas, Cram., f. kersteni, Gerst.., 
and L. sylvanus, Drury. 

Bred examples of these two species were also shown. 
Mr. Lamborn had recorded, Oct. 16th, 1911, of ten larvae 
of Jarydas—of which only a single specimen survived and 
produced, on Oct. 10th, the exhibited imago—that they had 
been ‘carefully attended by ants.” Of the two sylvanus, 
emerging Oct. 11th and 12th, he had written in the same 
letter, ‘“‘these larvae also were attended by ants: in fact, 
the presence of a considerable number of ants attracted my 
attention to them.” 

Prof. Poutron said that he had written to Mr. Lamborn, 
asking him to send specimens of the actual ants in attendance 
on each species of Lycaenid larva, as their determination 
would add immensely to the value of these most interesting 

LeMOLEA, H. H. Druce (S-sievata, HoLtitAnp).—Prof. Pounton 
exhibited specimens and gave an account of observations sent 
by Mr. Lamborn, which threw further light on the letter 
written Jan. 1891, by the Rev. A. C. Good, Ph.D., from 
West Africa—a letter from which Dr. W. J. Holland had 
inferred that the larvae of SS. lemolea are aphidivorous 
(‘‘ Psyche,” vol. vi, 1892, p. 201). The following extracts 
from Mr. Lamborn’s letters, together with an investigation 
of his material, indicate that their food consists of Coccidae. 

“ Sept. 17th, 1911. 

‘‘T have now found another kind of Lycaenid larva, perhaps 
Spalgis lemolea, consorting with aphides or tiny Coccidae.” 

“ Sept. 9th. 
** My newest Lycaenid larvae were found on Sunday after- 
noon, Sept. 17th, associated on the under side of leaves with 
other insects which I believe to be Coccids, I must write of 


them when the butterflies emerge, but I believe they will 
turn out to be Spalgis lemolea, H. H. Druce, for I have seen 
several of these near the tree in the clearing, and have not 
made out why they come there in the face of a strong breeze 
which is now blowing almost constantly.” 

“* Oct. 3rd. 

“ All the larvae were found among Coccids on a shrub in 
Oni clearing. I will send Coccids. Each larva bore a ccver- 
ing of grey material, which looked to me as if composed of 
east skins of Coccids; and I think they must have eaten 
these or their products, for they did not eat leaves. I am 
told that the plant they were on is a species of Croton, but I 
rather doubt it. The larvae were all found on the under side 
of leaves, and always among the Coccids.”’ 

Rey. A. C. Good, in the letter referred to above, described 
these Lycaenid larvae as follows : ‘‘The body was all covered 
over with a whitish substance, not a part of the body, and 
which I took to be the remains of plant-lice with which the 
underside of the leaves on which the larvae were found 
abounded. I think that these caterpillars must have fed 
upon these white plant-lice, for I could not detect that they 
had eaten the leaves” (/. c., p. 202). 

One of the larval skins sent by Mr. Lamborn has been 
examined by Mr. R. 8. Bagnall, who finds that the grey 
material is “ mostly composed of what I presume to be the 
‘ woolly’ excretion of a Coccid, but also contains the remains 
of an insect which I regard as a Coccid—chiefly on account 
of the short antennal joints, short tibia and single-jointed 

Prof. R. Newstead, who has examined Mr. Bagnall’s pre- 
parations, wrote on Jan. 10, 1912— 

“The remains in part (portions of detached legs and 
antennae) are undoubtedly those of a species of Coccidae 
belonging, I believe, to the Dactyloprvinae and nearly related to 
one of the following genera: Dactylopius, Targ., Pseudococcus, 
Sign., or Hriococcus, Targ. The numerous long hairs attached 
to the fragments of skin are, however, quite unlike those of 
any species of Coccid with which I am familiar ; indeed, they 


( em) 

seem to be quite unique, and may belong to a totally different 

Dr. K. Jorpan remarked that it was quite surprising that 
Prof. Poulton’s correspondents in Uganda got so many speci- 
mens of Pseudacraea while that genus is generally scantily 
represented by individuals in West African collections. He 
further observed that among the specimens exhibited were 
some intermediates, which supported his contention that 
obscura, terra and others are only forms of one species. 

BraZILIAN Syntomips.—Mr. W. J. Kaye exhibited a drawer 
full of Syntomidae that had been collected by himself in 
8. Brazil in the early part of 1910. Allusion was made to 
the richness in some localities, numerically as well as in 
species, of this family which is very specially developed in 
S. America. It was pointed out that there were certain 
types of coloration which recurred in widely different and 
not closely related species. Instance was made of Mesolasia 
paula and Dinia aeagrus, Which although found in the same 
district did not fly together, and moreover had a very 
different flight one from the other. Similarly Macrocneme 
leucostigma was like Antichloris eriphia, yet there was no 
confusing the two in the field. A more remarkable case 
was Callopepla inachia 9, which was extremely like an 
Oenochromine moth, Scea flammea. These insects had, how- 
ever, very different habits. The Syntomid flew and settled 
on a creeper in the early morning in the full sun, while the 
Oenochromid flew slowly in very shady woods. The former 
was rapid in its movements and the latter was very slow. 
It was hard to believe that this was not a case of mimicry, 
for a bird could, of course, fly in the open as well as in the 
forest and see the two insects in pretty quick succession. 
When settled the two insects were very alike, although in 
flight they were so different. Such closeness of resemblance 
when the two insects did not occur together was noteworthy 
and points to either a great difference in edibility or in the 
numerical ratio of the one to the other. At the Alto da 
Serra two species of Huagra, EL. azurea and FE. splendida were 
always together. It was curious that H. splendida should not 
belong to the genus Agyrta, as in Guiana two exactly similar 

( evii ) 

species, Huagra coelestina and Agyrta micilia, belonged to 
different genera and there the two were always in company. 
On neuration there was no doubt as to the position of 
splendida being in the genus Hwagra as placed by Sir G. 

Appended is a list of the species exhibited— 

Tipulodes ima, Bdv., taken March Ist ; Loxophlebia fininigra, 
Kaye, April 17th; TZrichura grandis, Kaye, Feb. 27th ; 
Trichura dixanthia, Hmps., Cosmosoma elegans, Butl., March 
2nd; Cosmosoma w«anthistis, Hmps., March Ist; Napata 
eucyane, Feld., March 2nd; Agyrta dux, Wlk., March Ist ; 
Dinia aeagrus, Cram., Feb. 27th ; Dixophlebia quadristrigata, 
March Ist; Mesolasia paula, Schs., March 2nd; Saurita 
tenuis, Butl., March lst; Mallodeta sanguipuncta, Druce, 
March 2nd; Saurita melanifera, Kaye, March 2nd, all at 
Guaruja. Sawrita intricata, Wik., Feb. 20th; Isanthrene 
pertyi, H. 8. Feb. 18th; Meotrichura nigripes, Heyl., Feb. 
21st; Chrysostola dycladioides, Heyl., Feb. 18th; Tewcer sub- 
plena, Wlk., Feb. 19th; Correbia lycoides, W1k., Feb. 17th; 
Dycladia lucetius, Stoll., Feb. 16th, all at Rio. Corewra 
atavia, Hmps., March 6th; Huagra azurea, Wlk., Huagra 
splendida, Butl., Feb. 23-March 6th; Leucotmemis bella, 
Kaye, March 6th; Callopepla emarginata, W1ik., Feb. 23rd ; 
Cosmosoma pheres, Cram., March 6th; Napata splendida, 
H. 8., March 2nd; Psewdosphex jonesi, Kaye, March 6th ; 
Mesothen perflava, Kaye, Feb. 23rd; Pheia haemapera, Schs., 
March 3rd; Leucotmemis pleuraemata, Hmps., March 3rd ; 
Argyroeides ophion, Wlk., March 5th; Nyridela chalciope, 
Hiib., March 4th; Amycles dolosa, Wlk., March 6th; Cos- 
mosoma hanga, H. 8, March 2nd, all at Alto da Serra. 
Argyroeides sanguinea, April 12th; Chrysostola variegata, 
Kaye, April 12th; Pseudosphex noverca, Schs., April 12th ; 
Cyanopepla orbona, Druce, April 4th—12th ; Callopepla inachia, 
Schs., April 4th-l2th; Cyanopepla jucunda, Wlk., April 
4th-12th ; Napata castra, Hmps., April 4th-12th; Hurota 
hermione, Berg., April 10th; Psewdosphea polybioides, Burm., 
April 13th; Mesolasia melanobasis, Druce, April 2nd—14th, at 
Fernandes Pinheiro. JJacrocneme leucostigma, Perty, March 
7th-llth ; Cosmosoma plutona, Schs., March 11th; Ctenucha 

( eviii ) 

divisa, Wlk., March 11th, at Castro. Hucereon latifascia, 
Wlk., Feb. 16th, at Rio. Paraethria triseriata, H. 8., April 
14th, at Castro. Phoenicoprocta teda, W\k., March 27th, at 


The following additional note, to accompany an illustration 
of Mymar regalis (v. p. Xxvil.) was communicated — 

Description of a new species of the Hymenopterous 
genus Mymar. 

By Frep. Enock, F.L.S., F.E.S. 

At a recent meeting of this Society I exhibited a specimen 
of a new species of the genus Mymar, which 1 proposed to 
call Mymar regalis, Since then I have been fortunate enough 
to secure other examples of both sexes. This enables me now 
to give a fuller description of the species. 

Mymar regalis, Knock. (Plate A., g, 9.) 

Pale rusty yellow, shining. Head slightly darker, the eyes 
and frontal ridge black. Abdomen slightly darker than the 
thorax, with the apical third nearly black. Hind wing thread- 
like, two-thirds the length of the front wing, slightly widened 
at the apex ; legs paler than the thorax, the apical joint of the 
tarsi brown. 

g. First and second joints of the antennae yellow, the rest 
brown. Apex of the hind wing with five or six long ciliae. 

Q. First and second joints of the antennae rusty yellow, 
the third and fourth dark brown, the fifth lighter, the sixth, 
seventh and eighth almost yellow, the club dark brown, 
appearing almost black. 

Length -8 mm. 

Hab. Burnuam Beecues, Buckinghamshire. 

The most manifest difference between this species and 
M. pulchellus is the length of the hind wing, which instead 
of stopping where the hooklets join the front wing, is pro- 
longed for about two-thirds the length of the front wing. 
The dilated apical portion of the front wing is slightly 

Geer) '") 

different in form, and is surrounded by about fifty to sixty 
hairs, whereas in J. pulchellus there are only about thirty-five. 
The hind wing of the male has five or six ciliae at the apex: 
the female has only two or three. 

The first specimen was taken by myself when sweeping 
grass on June 3rd, as already recorded (p. xxvii). On the 
8th and 21st I captured three other examples: and having 
taken home some roots of grass from the spot where I took 
them, I succeeded in obtaining during July both sexes. 

Two females emerged on July 31st. 

Mr. Waterhouse captured a male on July 3rd. 

The following papers were also read— 

“On the nictitans Group of the genus Hydroecia, Gn.,” by 
the Rev. C. R. N. Burrows. ; 
“On the Dates of the Publications of the Entomological 
Society,’ by the Rev. G. WuHeEeEtEr, M.A., F.Z.S. 

Vote of Thanks. 

Mr. WHEELER mentioned the great amount of gratuitous 
help which had been given to him in the matter of these 
dates by Messrs. Taylor & Francis, Mr. C. F. Roworth, 
Messrs. West, Newman & Co., and above all by Messrs. 
Longmans, Green & Co., who had given him the dates on 
which they had received every part of every volume from 
1834 to 1911. He proposed a vote of thanks to each of 
these firms, which was seconded by Mr. J. H. Durrant, and 
carried unanimously. 


The Presipent said he had received a letter from Mr. 
T. H. L. Grosvenor, stating that Colley Hill, Reigate, a famous 
entomological and botanical locality, would come into the 
hands of the speculative builder in February next unless it 
were previously purchased by the “ National Trust,” in order 
to preserve it, and asking for subscriptions from one shilling 
upwards. He added that the Treasurer would willingly receive 
any subscriptions that the Fellows present liked to give, and 
would hand them over to the proper quarter. 

The Presipent further reminded the Society of the Second 

al (i sex,” 

International Congress which is to take place at Oxford this 
year from August 5th to 10th. He hoped that the Society 
would be strongly represented. 

He also stated that after consultation it was hoped that 
the dinner at the Holborn Restaurant, on the evening before 
the Annual General Meeting, which the late Mr. Verrall had 
for so many years generously given, might be able to be 
carried on, and announced that it would take place on 
January 16th, the hosts on this occasion being himself and 
certain other Entomologists who had subscribed for the purpose. 

‘stjeso1 IvwAW 
‘ojoYd ‘YIOUT “Pasay 

“yaymsquaH *O 

( gx j 

Wednesday, January 17th, 1912. 

The Rev. F. D. Moricr, M.A., President, in the Chair. 

Mr. R. Wvyuiz Luoyp, one of the Auditors, read the 
Treasurer’s Balance Sheet, showing a balance in favour of the 
Society of £32 10s. 11d. On the proposal of Mr. O. E. Janson, 
seconded by Mr. W. J. Lucas, it was adopted unanimously. 

The following Report of the Council was then read by the 
Rev. George WHEELER, one of the Secretaries :— 

Report of the Council. 

During the Session 1911-12 two of our Honorary Fellows 
have died, namely, Mr. P.,C. T. Snellen, of Rotterdam, and 
Dr. 8. H. Scudder of Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. ; these vacan- 
cies were filled by the election of Fr. Erich Wasmann of 
Valkenburg, Holland, and Prof. J. H. Comstock of Cornell 
University, U.S.A. The number of Ordinary Fellows elected, 
(thirty-four), is smaller than last year, but our losses from all 
sources are considerably below the average: seven Fellows 
have resigned, three names only have been removed from the 
list for non-payment of subscription, while one which had been 
removed has been replaced, and the following eight Fellows 
have died: M. Jales Bourgeois, Mr. Alex. H. Clarke, the Rev. 
Canon C. 'T. Cruttwell, Mr. Albert Harrison, Mr. W. A. Rollason, 
Mr. Oscar Silverlock, Mr. F. W. Terry, and Mr. G. H. Verrall. 
In addition to these we have received information during 
this year of the death of another of our Fellows, Dr. E. C. 
Reed, Director of the Museum at Concepcion, Chile, which 
took place before the end of last session; our losses therefore 
number twenty-one in all, and the additions to our Society 
thirty-seven, bringing our roll to a total of five hundred and 



seventy-seven, again a record number, consisting of twelve 
Honorary and five hundred and sixty-five ordinary Fellows. 

The Transactions of the Society for 1911 form a volume of 
seven hundred and sixty-seven pages, containing thirty-four 
memoirs by the following authors: Prof. C. Aurivillius, A. 
Bacot, Prof. Mario Bezzi, the late Col. C. T. Bingham, Henri 
Boileau, Miss E. Bridges, Malcolm Burr, D.Se., F.L.S., F.Z.S., 
Rev. C. R. N. Burrows, T. A. Chapman, M.D., F.Z.S. (four), 
K. A. Cockayne, F.L.S., W. C. Crawley (part author of one 
paper with H. St. J. K. Donisthorpe) (two), W. L. Distant, 
F, P. Dodd, H. St. J. K. Donisthorpe (part author of one 
paper with W. C. Crawley) (two), Hamilton H. C. J. Druce, 
F.Z.S., Ernest Elliott, F.Z.S. (joint author with Claude 
Morley F.Z.S.), H. Eltringham, M.A., F.Z.S., Miss Margaret 
Fountaine, Sir George Kenrick, Bart., Percy I. Lathy (joint 
author of a paper with W. F. H. Rosenberg, F.Z.8.), Lieut.- 
Col. Neville Manders, R.A.M.C., F.Z.S., Edward Meyrick, 
B.A,, F.R.S., F.Z.8., Rev. Francis David Morice, M.A. (part 
author with the late Edward Saunders, F.R.S.), L. W. New- 
man, R. C. L. Perkins, M.A., D.Sc. F.Z.S. (two), Harold 
Powell, Prof. O. M. Reuter (joint author with B. Poppius), Rev. 
George Wheeler, M.A., F.Z.S., and A. E. Wileman. Of these 
eighteen refer to Lepidoptera, seven to Hymenoptera, three to 
Hemiptera, one each to Coleoptera, Dermaptera and Diptera, 
and three are of general entomological interest. 

These papers are illustrated by 58 plates, consisting of 
12 chromo-plates, 3 three-colour plates, 2 black lithographs, 
3 line-blocks and 38 half-tone blocks. ‘The entire cost of 4 of 
the chromo-plates (£54) was borne by Sir George Kenrick, and 
half the cost of another by Dr. Chapman, who also gave the 
original drawings and blocks for 35 of the half-tone plates ; 
Mr. Eltringham gave the drawings for one chromo-plate and 
for one of the lithographs, M. Boileau those for one of the 
three-colour plates and one of the line-blocks, Messrs. Reuter 
and Poppius those for another of the three-colour plates, and 
Dr. Burr those for the other two line-blocks. In addition to 
these the Proceedings contain one half-tone plate, the original 
of which was given by Mr. F. Enock. The Proceedings 
occupy one hundred and ten pages, and contain a large 

« ear: } 

amount of valuable information connected with the exhibits 
at the meetings, in addition to several short papers of interest. 

The attendance at the Ordinary Meetings has been, on 
almost every occasion, very large, and the exhibits during 
the year have certainly not fallen below the average either 
in number or interest. 

One of our former Presidents, Mr. F. Merrifield, again 
offered a handsome donation to the Travel Grant, an offer 
which has been generously renewed for the coming season. 
No other application having been received by the Council, and 
Mr. Merrifield having expressed his entire willingness that 
under those circumstances the grant should be given in two 
consecutive years to the same applicant, Mr. B. C. 8. Warren, 
one of our Fellows, was again the recipient, and went for an 
entomological tour in the Pyrenees and elsewhere in Southern 

A successful Conversazione was held on May the 17th, by 
the kind permission of the Linnean Society, in their Rooms 
at Burlington House, and the Council wishes again to put on 
record its grateful sense of their generosity, owing to which 
the subscriptions given to this object by our Fellows have 
not only paid the expenses of this year’s function, but have 
enabled the Treasurer to write off a debt of over £6, formerly 
charged to the general expenses of the Society, which had 
been previously incurred on a similar occasion. 

Our Society took its share in the successful attempt to 
prevent the contemplated alienation of a part of the ground 
assigned to the Natural History Museum, and we may con- 
gratulate ourselves, as well as the Museum authorities, on the 

A second International Entomological Congress is to be 
held in Oxford in August next, from the 5th to the 10th, 
at which many of our Fellows will doubtless be present. 

The Treasurer reports that after carrying forward to 1912 
£15 15s. for subscriptions paid in advance, investing £47 5s. 
in Consols for three life compositions, and paying all bills 
rendered to date, there remains an available cash balance 
in favour of the Society of £32 5s. 11d. 

The subscriptions for the year are £11 11s. in excess of 

PROC, ENT. SOC. LOND., Vv. 1911. H 


( exw, ) 

1910; an increase of £33 10s. 3d. is shown in the amount 
of donations, and a satisfactory increase of £42 16s. 3d. in the 
amount realized by sales of Transactions, but there have been 
corresponding increases in the cost of their production, the 
net balance of £32 5s. 11d. corresponding approximately with 
the balance of £30 11s. 10d. for the previous year. 

The Librarian reports that forty-seven volumes and a large 
quantity of separata and the usual periodicals and publications 
of Societies have been added to the Library during the past 
twelve months, a list of which will be included in Part V. of 
the Transactions. Two hundred and ninety-five volumes have 
been issued for home use, as against a total of two hundred 
and fifty-seven in the previous year. The Library has also 
bee largely used for the purpose of reference. 

On the proposal of Mr. Craupr Morty, seconded by Mr, 
StantEy Epwarps, the Report was adopted unanimously. 

No other nominations having been received by the Secre- 
taries, it was proposed by Mr. H. Mary, and seconded by 
Mr. A. Bacort, that the Officers and other members of the 
Council nominated by the Council be elected en bloc. Mr. 
R. W. Luoyp raised the objection that no other names having 
been received, the Council’s nominees were ¢pso facto elected ; 
this objection was ruled by the Presipent to be effective, and 
on the suggestion of Mr. H. Main he declared the following 
to be duly elected :—President, the Rev. F. D. Morice, M.A. ; 
Treasurer, Albert Hugh Jones; Secretaries, Commander J. J. 
Walker, M.A., R.N., F.L.S., and the Rev. George Wheeler, 
M,A., F.Z.8.; Librarian, George Charles Champion, A.L.S., 
F.Z.8. ; other members of the Council: Robert Adkin, George 
T. Bethune-Baker, F.L:S., F.Z.8., Malcolm Burr, D.Sce., F.L.S., 
F.Z.8., Horace St. J. K. Donisthorpe, F.Z.8., John Hartley 
Durrant, Stanley Edwards, F.L.S., F.Z.S., A. E. Gibbs, F.L.S., 
F.R.H.S., W. E. Sharp, Alfred Sich, J. R. le B, Tomlin, 
M.A., Henry Jerome Turner, Colbran J. Wainwright. 

The Rev. F. D. Moricr, the President, then delivered an 
Address, at the close of which Dr. F. A. Dixry proposed and 
Prof. W. Barrson seconded a vote authorizing the publication 

( sexy) 

of the Address, and thanking the President for the same and 
for the series of seven plates which he had presented to illus- 
trate it, and also for his services during the past session. This 
was carried unanimously, and the President replied with a 
few words of thanks. 

A vote of thanks to the Officers for their services during 
the past year was then proposed by Mr. C. O. WaTERHOUSE, 
in reply to which Mr. A. H. Jonus and the Rev. G. WHEELER, 
the only two Officers then present, returned thanks. 


( cxv ) 


Balance Sheet for the Year 1911, 

Balance in hand, Ist Jan., 

1911, and at Bankers .... 30 11 10 | 
Subscriptions for 1911 464 2 0 
Arrears... ite oo ed 
Admission Fees. 42 0 0 
Donations .. 84 911 
Sales of Transactions 106 9 6 
Interest on Investments :— 

Consols... 2 eed. 1455 
Westwood Bequest :— 

Birmingham 3 

per cents. 615 4 
——31 9 9 
Subscriptions in Advance 15 15 0 
3 Life Compositions Boo (3) tl) 
£847 7 O 
Ga th 

Received from Mr. Frederic 
Merrifield PAL (Oe (0) 

Subscriptions in arrear 

considered good ... ... 70 O O 
Cost of £1,104 11s. 3d. 

Consols. Present value 

at the price of 77% on 

30th December, 1911, 

£851 18s. Od. : 1,044 3 0 
Cost of £239 12s. 4d. 

Birmingham 38 per cents. 

Present value at the 

price of 855 on 30th 

December, 1911, £204 

nb Res y: Bae Shea ease OO OUnO 
Balance in hand ... Be) by lil 
Additional Assets :— 

Contents of Library, and 

unsold Stock. 
£1,396 8 11 

Less total depreciation of £237 7s. 

A. Hucu Jones, Treasurer. 

3rd January, 1912. 

Sy wid. 
Printing pak Hee etc. 335 7 O 
Plates, ete. aaA 209 910 

Rent and Office "Ex. 
penses ... LOS aoe 
Books and Binding ... 44 1 2 

Investment in Consols as 
per contra 47 5 0 

Subscriptions in Advance, 

per contra carried to 
1912 ee 15,15 0 

Balance in hand and at 
Bankers Pe Be 
£847 7 O 



Paid to Mr Bs Cl 8: 
Warten tc. -<y esheets Zi 10.10) 


Cost of printing, etc., Parts 3,4 and 5. 

Audited, compared with vouchers and 
found correct— 

R. W. Luioyp. 
Hamitron H. Druce. 

7d. in the value of the Securities. 

€ \exyu ) 



I Finp it difficult either to speak, or not to speak, of 
the unprecedented and most inauspicious circumstances under 
which we entered upon the Session now expiring—circum- 
stances which were fraught with deep personal sorrow for 
many ; with awe, astonishment, perplexity, and disappoint- 
ment of anticipations for all—circumstances, which caused 
this Session to commence, as no Session has ever before 
commenced, with an Interregnum, and but for which, at this 
very moment, not I but another would be occupying this 
Chair and delivering this Address. 

These things cannot be forgotten, but it seems useless and 
only painful to dwell upon them. I turn, therefore, to con- 
sider facts as they now stand. What may we infer, from 
such evidence as is before us, as to the position and prospects 
of the Society now and in the immediate future ? 

You have heard the Report of the Council, and it cannot 
be necessary for me to say over again what is said there 
already. You will not have failed to notice the encouraging 
symptom of yet another rise in the total number of our 
Fellows. Most of you are far better judges than I of 
financial matters, and the Treasurer’s accounts are before you 
to speak for themselves. I shall only refer to an item which 
is surely hopeful—a considerable increase in the profits from 
sale of Transactions. 

These Transactions to my mind are—not necessarily the 
most valuable part of the work which such a Society as ours 
does or can do; but at least they are a very valuable part of 
it, and certainly they are that part which is most influential 
in placing the Society and its work on a pedestal of eminence 
in the eyes of the general scientific public. By them, more 

( exvall 7) 

than by anything else, our credit sinks or rises in those 
circles to whose judgment we cannot be indifferent. Even 
a straw may show which way the wind blows; and as it is 
probable that no copy of our Transactions is ever sold except 
to some one moving in the circles to which I have just 
alluded, I cannot but infer from a substantial rise in their 
sales at least a certain rise in their reputation among those 
for whose approval we most care. 

I dislike boasting, but I think it is generally allowed that 
our Transactions, taken one year with another, are not sur- 
passed in the quality of the Papers contained in them, nor the 
beauty and scientific value of the Plates, nor the care and 
skill with which their Editor performs his thankless, inces- 
sant, and most laborious task, by those of any Entomological 
Society in the world. And as long as such a standard can 
be maintained, without bringing the Society to actual bank- 
ruptcy, I am not inclined to “despair of the Republic.” 
Scientific societies, I believe, generally manage to exist, as 
long as they are doing really first-rate work, and are known 
to do so by those who can judge of it. 

The full utility, however, of a Society like ours probably 
cannot be ascertained either from outside opinion however 
competent, or from any definite and tangible facts which can 
be expressed in figures or inferred from statistics. Thus I 
believe—but from the nature of the case can produce no proofs 
of it—that year by year, partly at least through the influence 
of this Society, individual Fellows (unknown to me personally) 
are being stimulated to do good work (which I am not quali- 
fied to put a value upon, even if I knew of it): that (equally 
without these things coming to my notice) workers on parallel 
lines of research are being drawn by it into helpful association 
and intercourse with one another, and made acquainted with 
older and more experienced workers in the same line, thus 
gaining help, information, advice, etc.,, for which—but for 
attending our Ordinary Meetings—they would not have known 
where to apply, ete., etc. To what extent this is happening 
in one session as compared with another is very hard—in fact, 
I should say, quite impossible—to ascertain, and cannot be 
inferred from the most suggestive of reports. 

tenis +) 

However, of the general vitality of the Society in one 
session as compared with another—whether it is alive and 
vigorous and likely for a while to continue so—we can 
probably judge in a rough way from such tests as the average 
attendance at our Ordinary Meetings, the number of exhibits, 
the amount of interest that appears to be excited by them 
and the discussions arising out of them. Here, again, are 
matters which can only be partially indicated by reports and 
statistics, but then it is always possible to get further indi- 
cations by the simple process of attending oneself at the meet- 
ings and taking note of what goes on. I myself, for instance, 
have been a pretty regular attendant at our meetings during 
a good many years ; and without making comparisons, which 
are always odious, I should not hesitate to say that the meet- 
ings of the closing session have been particularly well attended, 
and that as to frequency of exhibits, and the supply generally 
of interesting objects and observations—I have only at times 
regretted that they were too many to receive proper attention 
within the limits of the time at our disposal. 

On the whole, putting together what we have heard from 
the Council, and my own experiences of our meetings, and 
my opinion (so far as I am competent to form one) of the 
quality of last year’s Transactions so far as they have been 
yet published, I think—and I hope you will think so too— 
that the Barometer of the Society’s fortunes points at the 
present time to “Settled. Fair.” 

Eventful as the year 1911 has been from many points of 
view, | am not aware that it has been especially eventful in 
matters directly interesting to us as entomologists, or as 
Fellows of this Society. Once, indeed, in its course, as we 
all know, a black cloud gathered on the horizon; and not 
only every entomologist, but every one interested in Natural 
History in any sense throughout this country, heard with real 
terror that our Government had consented to an outrageous 
proposal to deprive the Natural History Museum at South 
Kensington of land long ago definitely allocated to it, and 
absolutely necessary—I do not say for any adequate future 
extension of its buildings, but even for such extension as is 
demanded by its immediate and imperative needs. Happily, 


( \exx ) 

saner counsels prevailed. We shall not be so foolish, nor 
so ungrateful to societies more influential than our own, and to 
individuals outside our own body, who organised the campaign 
which saved the cause, as to pretend that it was our own arm 
which brought us the victory ; but at least we may feel glad 
that, both as a society and as individuals, we ranged ourselves 
under the leaders to whom that victory was due, and followed 
wherever they led us, till the fight was won. And I am very 
sure that nowhere—not in the Museum itself, not in the hearts 
of its most potent champions—was there more anxiety over its 
danger, and rejoicing over its escape, than in the Entomological 
Society of London. 

It seems a sort of ‘‘ bathos” to turn from a matter of such 
grave concern to congratulate the Society on the successful 
Conversazione held by it last May. But it is only proper that 
we should remember and acknowledge the great kindness of 
the Linnean Society in placing their splendid Rooms at our 
disposal, And those who know, as I do, how magnificently my 
friend Mr. Wheeler toiled and slaved to make it a success, or 
who listened to the Lectures and examined the Exhibits, will 
feel that as a Society we owe great thanks to not a few of our 
individual Fellows for their public-spirited exertions. Person- 
ally, as I had to stand shaking hands at the top of the staircase 
most of the evening, my enjoyment was, perhaps, rather mono- 
tonous. But I know that the Conversazione was thoroughly 
enjoyed by many who were present at it; and I may say that 
I know also of more cases than one in which those who were 
then the Society’s guests have since become its Fellows. 

T ought not to leave unmentioned a coming event in which 
at least as individuals it may be presumed that we all feel 
interested, and in which at the proper time I hope that, as a 
Society, we may be allowed to express our interest. I allude, 
of course, to the International Congress of Entomologists which 
will assemble next autumn at Oxford, under the presidency of 
Professor Poulton. I believe it will be felt not a duty only, 
but a pleasure, by every British entomologist, to do anything 
that may lie in his power to contribute to the success of that 
very important gathering. And for any information that any 
one here may wish to receive on the subject, I venture to refer 

¢ ;eou ) 

him to Dr. Malcolm Burr, who will, I am certain, be both able 
and willing to furnish it. 

The list of losses sustained in the Session now closing by 
deaths among our Fellows is not a long one. But such losses, 
to be truly estimated, must be weighed, not counted. And so 
estimated they are serious indeed. 

Honorary Fellows. 

Prerer Cornetius Topras SNELLEN, of Rotterdam, was our 
senior honorary Fellow, elected so long ago as 1885. He 
died (wt. 77) on March 29th of last year. He is principally 
known by a magnificent work on “The Lepidoptera of the 
Netherlands,” the first volume of which (published in 1867) 
dealt with the “ Macros,” the second, appearing twenty years 
afterwards (when he was already on our roll of Hon, Fellows), 
with the “Micros.” Recently he assisted in producing an 
important work on “The Rhopalocera of Java.” 

SamueL Husparp Scupper, formerly of Boston and after- 
wards of Cambridge, U.S.A., was elected Hon. Fellow in 1895, 
and died (zt. 74) on May 7th, 1911. He was an Entomologist 
of world-wide celebrity, and author of innumerable works deal- 
ing for the most part with American Lepidoptera, some of a 
popular character, others standard monographs of the highest 
scientific importance. The mere list of writings by him which 
were in our Society’s library so long ago as 1893 occupies 
many pages of the Catalogue published in that year. He 
was also a leading authority on the subject of Fossil Insects, 
and in connection with his researches on that subject became 
further renowned as an Orthopterist and a Neuropterist. 
Fuller details of his career and writings may be found in 
almost all the leading scientific periodicals.* 

Ordinary Fellows. 

Oscar C. SILvERLOcK became a Fellow in 1909, and died on 
March 22nd, 1911. Iam unable to state his exact age; but 

* The vacancies on our roll of Hon. Fellows caused by the deaths 
of these two great Naturalists have been filled by the election of Father 
ae Wasmann, S.J. (Holland), and Professor John Henry Comstock 

(ema ~)) 

I know that he was a young and remarkably promising ento- 
mologist, in whom the late E. Saunders took considerable 
interest. In one of his visits to Woking he succeeded in add- 
ing a new Bee and a new Fossorial Wasp to the British 
List; and as these were found in a locality that had been 
frequently searched by Saunders, myself, and many others, he 
must have been either a very expert collector or exceptionally 
fortunate. He was formerly science-master in a Grammar 
School, and at one time competed for a vacant post in the 
Natural History Museum. Ultimately, he was employed by 
the British South African Company to investigate the “ Tsetse ” 
Fly and other noxious insects. His death was sudden and 
tragical. He was drowned in the Zambesi River, his boat 
having been capsized by a hippopotamus. 

The Rev. CHartes THomMAs CruttwEtL (Canon of Peter- 
borough and Vicar of Kwelme) became a Fellow in 1902, and 
died (xt. 63) on April 4th, 1911. 

His career at Oxford University was exceptionally brilliant, 
and he maintained his reputation as a Classical and Theological 
scholar by the publication of many well-known works on such 
subjects. He was also the occupant of distinguished posts in 
the scholastic profession, having been successively Headmaster 
of Bradfield and Malvern Colleges. 

For obvious reasons it was impossible for Mr. Cruttwell to 
make much more than a recreation of Entomology. But in 
such leisure as he had he was a zealous collector both of Macro- 
and Micro-Lepidoptera, and likewise of Coleoptera. He pub- 
lished (I believe) on such subjects nothing beyond occasional 
records of captures, and I do not remember to have met him 
at any of our Ordinary Meetings ; but he was undoubtedly 
one who must have attained considerable eminence in Natural 
History had it been possible for him seriously to aim at it. 

WitirAmM ALFRED Ro.Liason became a Fellow in 1909, and 
died at Truro, where he had been Art Master since 1899 in 
the Central Technical Schools, on April 23rd, 1911. He was 
a man of exceptional gifts and culture in many ways, an 
artist, a musician, etc., and also an ardent and laborious 
entomologist; and his sudden death, at the age of 48, 
came as a great shock to friends and admirers in many places. 

(| ox ) 

He seldom visited London ; and personally I knew him only 
by correspondence as to his captures of Hymenoptera in 
Cornwall, many of which were of considerable interest, and 
of which he published a list in “ Ent. Mo. Mag.,” April 1911, 
the month in which he died. He had previously corresponded 
with Mr, E. Saunders on the same subject. For many years 
he had devoted much time to the British Lepidoptera, and 
had executed a series of coloured drawings of their larvae, 
with the intention of publishing, ultimately, an illustrated 
text-book on the subject. Had he been spared, I feel con- 
vinced that he would have made great additions to our 
knowledge of the Cornish fauna. He had only studied the 
Hymenoptera for a few years at most, but his knowledge 
of them was already far from superficial. 

ALEXANDER Henry CLArk, who died (xt. 74) on July 
25th, 1911, was one of our oldest Fellows, elected so long ago 
as 1867. Succeeding his father many years ago as the senior 
partner in a leading firm of solicitors in the City, and remain- 
ing in that position until his death, he was naturally unable to 
indulge his strong natural interest in Entomology to the full; 
and of late years increasing age and failing health made it 
impossible for him to bea frequent attendant at our meetings, 
or at those of the South London Society, to which he also 
belonged. But he was to the last, so far as health and leisure 
permitted it, an enthusiastic collector of Lepidoptera, and his 
name occurs frequently in the works of our leading writers 
on that subject—South, Tutt, ete. He contributed frequent 
notes on captures and biological observations to the “ Entom. 
Record,” and his capture of Orrhodia erythrocephala, F. (then a 
great rarity) in 1859 excited considerable interest at the time. 
Even his leisure could not be exclusively devoted to Ento- 
mology, for he was also seriously interested in many very 
different branches of study, e.g. Botany, Ancient History, 
and even Assyriology. 

Apert Harrison was born in 1860, became a Fellow in 
1897, and died suddenly of haemorrhage on the brain on 
August 27th, 1911. From 1908 to 1910 he was a Member 
of the Council. As London manager for an important sugar- 
refinery in Liverpool he was necessarily much occupied with 


(. cxxiv) ) 

its business; but he was, notwithstanding, a serious worker 
in entomology, and a most regular attendant, and frequently 
an exhibitor, both at our own meetings and at those of the 
South London Society, of which in 1899 he was President. 
He published little, but what he has published has attracted 
considerable attention from competent judges. Most of his 
work was connected with the Lepidoptera. He was asso- 
ciated with his friend and brother-in-law, Mr. Hugh Main, 
in forming a collection of those insects, largely consisting 
of bred specimens; and also in breeding-experiments and 
observations, mainly directed to the solution of questions 
connected with Variation, Inheritance of Characters, Mendel’s 
Law, etc. I am glad to see it stated in ‘ Ent. Mo. Mag.,” 
November 1911, that the collection and work will be continued 
by his fellow-worker. Mr. Harrison was a member of many 
scientific societies, the Linnean, Zoological, Microscopical, 
Chemical, etc., etc. His interests were by no means con- 
fined to entomology; and though, as an entomologist, he 
was best known for his work on the Lepidoptera, he was 
not unacquainted with, nor uninterested in, other branches 
of our science. 

Grorce Henry VERRALL, born at Leweson February 7th, 
1848, became a Fellow in 1866, served for a short time as Hon. 
Secretary and frequently as a member of the Council, and was 
President in the Sessions 1899-1900. He died on September 
22nd, 1911. Mr. Verrall may almost be called the creator of 
British Dipterology, and its present comparative popularity 
is undoubtedly due for the most part to his researches and 
his personal influence. 

Too often, when the chief authority on a special subject 
passes away, large stores of accumulated but as yet unpublished 
knowledge perish with him. Wemay well rejoice that, in this 
case, it is far otherwise ; and that Mr. Verrall has bequeathed 
his experience as well as his collections of books and insects to 
one who has long shared his labours, and is equipped at all 
points to take them up from the point where they were laid 

Primo avolso non deficit alter 
Aureus et simili frondescit virga metallo. 

( ‘exxv }j 

Of Mr. Verrall’s great but uncompleted Monograph I am 
only qualified to say that it is universally recognised as worthy 
of its eminent author. 

My personal reminiscences of Mr. Verrall commence from 
the time when he was President. I listened, with delight 
which I shall never forget, to both of the Addresses which he 
delivered in that capacity at the Annual Meetings. Vividly 
can I recall the pleasant voice, the polished style, the trans- 
parent clearness with which he propounded and justified his 
real opinions on a subject, and the merry twinkle in his eye, 
as from time to time he startled his hearers with a deliberate 
paradox, or made ideas and practices which he disapproved seem 
not so much objectionable as harmlessly ridiculous, Strong 
common sense, wide reading and experience always present in 
the background but obtruded as little as possible, graceful 
courtesy to his audience and even to his opponents, and above 
all a sort of infectious good-humour which made him simply 
irresistible—such are my recollections of him on _ these 
ocasions, and, indeed, whenever I have had the pleasure of listen- 
ing to him. First and foremost, I must think of him as 
naturally a strong and most kindly personality ; secondly, as 
one polished and fortified by wide and varied experiences of 
men, and things, and the thoughts of others ; and thirdly, as one 
of the foremost and most influential specialists of our times. 

It was in his capacity as a member of the Entomological 
Club, and not asa Fellow of our own Society, that Mr. Verrall 
extended year by year to all sorts and conditions of entomolo- 
gists those splendid hospitalities which so many of us, have 
frequently enjoyed; and I therefore refer to them only to 
express my strong personal hope that the institution—for 
such it had become—of his Annual Supper may in some way 
be perpetuated as a memorial to him. (The perpetuity of 
another of his generous and thoughtful plans for the benefit 
of his fellow-entomologists is happily assured already by 
arrangements of his own making—the preservation of Wicken 
Fen.) Also, as only concerning us indirectly (though we are 
naturally glad to reckon among our Fellows men of mark 
and influence in other spheres), I shall here only allude to Mr. 
Verrall’s distinguished and useful career in business, as a 

( cxzvi, -) 

magistrate, an occupant of many local offices, and a Member of 
Parliament. That career may be summed up in a single trite 
quotation: ‘‘There was nearly nothing that he did not touch, 
and whatever he touched he adorned.” 

JuLES BourGeors became a Fellow in 1904. He died within 
the present Session, but at what age, and on what exact day, 
I am unable to state. He was the chief authority on a 
Coleopterous group—the Lycidae ; and I hear that he possessed 
an important collection of these insects (containing many 
(“types”), which he has bequeathed to the Paris Museum. 
He resided, I believe, in Alsace-Lorraine. 

Frank Wray Terry, born at Battersea on February 14th, 
1877, became a Fellow in 1910, and died at New York on 
November 8th, 1911. 

The life which has closed so prematurely was full of the 
brightest promise ; a life surely worth living, and, in the 
strictest sense of the term, an exemplary life. 

Commencing in 1892, with his foot, as it were, on the 
lowest step of the ladder, as a boy employed in the Insect 
Room of the Natural History Museum, he soon became an 
expert in the preparation and mounting of objects, and ac- 
quired by degrees a good general knowledge of Entomology 
and other branches of Natural History. Thus he fitted him- 
self to discharge the duties involved in accepting an opportunity 
which presently offered itself. In 1902, together with our 
late Fellow Mr. Kirkaldy, he was engaged by the Sugar- 
Planters’ Association of Hawaii to investigate the life-history 
of various insect-pests. His work was performed with ability, 
zeal, and success, and to all appearance he seemed destined to 
take a foremost rank among economic entomologists, After 
eight years thus spent, he revisited England on leave; but he 
was impatient, though feeling far from well, to resume his task ; 
and it was on his way back to Hawaii that the end came. 

Such a career must recall the old saying, not surely a whole 
truth, but at least a half truth, “Those whom the gods love 
die young.” 

Among entomological workers outside our own Society who 
have passed away since our last Annual Meeting, I can only 

( \cmeviy ) 

name a few: though doubtless there are others whom, but for 
lack of knowledge, I should be bound to mention. 

Oscar Scuuuz, the author of important papers on the sub- 
ject of Gynandromorphism among the Lepidoptera; Max 
WisxorTt, of Breslau, who bequeathed to the University 
Museum of that town a famous collection of varieties, gynan- 
dromorphic specimens, etc., among the Lepidoptera ; EpouaRD 
Prager (aet. 93!), of Neuchatel, author of a great work on 
Eetoparasites ; Fenix Piateau, widely known as a foremost 
authority on the eye-sight, flight, etc., of Insects ; Dr. Hone- 
son, of Redhill, described in the “ Entomologists’ Record ” 
last March, on the high authority of Dr. Chapman, as “ one 
of our more thoughtful entomologists”; and Mrs. EpiTx 
Wot.aston, who shared the travels and studies of her late 
husband, the famous Coleopterist, and contributed on her own 
account to the literature of the Lepidoptera. 

Nor can the list of our losses be meetly closed without 
allusion to two great men, whom in common with the whole 
scientific world we have had to mourn in the year just past. 
Neither, I believe, was professedly an Entomologist, nor 
directly connected with our Society (tales cum fuerint, utinam 
nostri fuissent /), but each was supremely eminent in his own 
department of Biology; and each was an illustrious veteran, 
who, like Homer’s Nestor, had achieved greatness in an age 
of heroes, and survived to be a leader among their children’s 
children—Sir JoserpH Datton Hooker, the prince of modern 
Botanists, and to some of us revered yet more, as the bosom- 
friend and confidant of Darwin; and Sir Francis GaA.ton, 
not a friend only but a relative of Darwin, a chief pioneer in 
the scientific study of Heredity (so supremely interesting at 
this time to every serious investigator of Nature), and the 
recognised founder of ‘‘ Kugenics.” 

I come now to the duty, imposed on me by long custom, 
but not (I believe) by any positive enactment, of announcing 
a “special subject”? and addressing you upon it. That duty 
has been described, from this chair, and on an occasion like 
the present, as a responsibility which many men might not 
unreasonably hesitate to accept, however highly they would 

(| exxviii ) 

appreciate the honour of presiding over the Meetings of this 
Society. Per contra another of our ex-Presidents lately told 
me that he viewed it, and always had viewed it, not as a 
task but as an opportunity. For myself, I know only too 
well that I should be taking myself a great deal too seriously, 
if I allowed the possible consequences of anything that I may 
say to-night either to weigh upon my conscience overmuch, 
or to thrill me with exulting anticipations. So without 
preface I will announce as my “special subject ”’— 


or, in plain English, The Saws (so called) of Sawflies. 

This is a matter of which it may be assumed that we all 
know something; for it would be difficult to name a text- 
book or popular work of any kind dealing with Entomology 
in general which does not figure the organ just mentioned 
and expatiate on its marvellous adaptation to the work in 
which it is employed. Summed up roughly, the general 
outline of the story comes to this—that there is a Group, or 
Genus, or Species (which to call it is usually left to the taste 
of the reader), at any rate there is an Insect among the 
Hymenoptera called a Sawfly, which lays its eggs in plants, 
and that, for this purpose, Nature has armed it with a 
marvellous tool, differing (as Réaumur says in an oft-quoted 
and highly rhetorical passage) from human saws only in its 
greater perfection, and in the material of which it is formed. 
This tool is described as, so to speak, the aird ré or absolute 
ideal of a saw—the Divine Original, of which the human saw 
is an inferior copy—a saw of which every tooth is denticulated, 
and thus becomes a saw itself. It is added (after a remark 
of Newport’s) that though never ceasing to be “a saw” it is 
also ‘“‘a lancet and a file.” With this instrument it saws 
“wood,” or “leaves,” or “ stems,” or “‘ branches,” etc. Weare 
not, as a rule, told anything as to the exact nature of the 
incisions made; whether they are simple holes, or broad 
excavations, or grooves, such as our saws make, and such as 
might be expected to be made by a “saw of saws.” Now 
and then, however, a writer says that the saw “both cuts 
and pierces,” or another that “it does not pierce (as a sting 

( Sexxix 2) 

does), but only cuts.” We may or may not be told that 
really it is “not one saw, but a pair of saws,” and that these 
play alternately, and help each other, one making a cut 
and the other deepening it; and this duplication is, some- 
times—perhaps not actually said—but at least hinted, to be 
an additional mark of superiority to the human saw. Again 
it may or may not be told us that the saw is a “ tenon saw,” 
one which has a solid support, or back-piece, to prevent it 
from being deflected, and possibly broken, as it travels along. 
In the usual descriptions of its form, I think I may say 
without exaggeration, that no aspect of it is ever alluded to 
except the lateral—that in which practically all entomological 
objects are presented in ordinary microscopical preparations. 
It seems to be tacitly assumed that, as is really the case 
with an ordinary saw, a sufficient notion of its shape for all 
practical purposes can be given by disregarding the question 
of its thickness and representing it as an object of only two 
dimensions. Finally, we learn that the saw, when not in 
use, is concealed within ‘a sheath.” 

In this 7éswmé, no doubt I have accidentally made 
omissions, and probably done less than justice to some of the 
authors whose works I have in mind. But I have really tried 
to give a faithful picture of the sort of impression which as 
a whole they would leave on a reader not caring too much to 
inquire into minutiae, but desiring to have a broad general 
notion of the facts. Such a broad general notion of pheno- 
mena outside the sphere of his own particular studies, is all 
that even a professed entomologist can fairly expect, or be 
expected, to possess, And as long as the main facts com- 
municated to him are true and the inevitable omissions and 
ignoring of exceptions and difficulties and apparent incon- 
sistencies in the story are not sufficient to put a really false 
colour on the substantial import of the phenomena described, 
he has perhaps no reason to find fault with the description. 

But I think that, as I proceed, I shall be able to convince 
you that the narrative which I have tried to summarise, and 
which, to the best of my belief, generally passes current as 
substantially correct, contains along with a great deal of fact 
much also which is fantastic in its exaggeration, omissions 

PROC. ENT. SOC. LOND., v. 1911. I 


( ex, ) 

which really make misconceptions inevitable, and suggestions 
of falsehood, even where nothing actually false is stated. The 
result is a distorted picture, where even the realities are seen 
in false perspective, and which, though ultimately derived 
from certain extremely veracious and careful reports of eye- 
witnesses, is inconsistent with itself and with the truth. 

Assuming that I am correct in this, I think it is not 
difficult to see how and why the story has become distorted— 
and the same cause, exactly, seems to me to explain its 

The average intelligent human mind is, of course, not like 
a sheet of white paper, ready to receive any marks made upon 
it, and to retain them equally. It is more like a photographic 
film, sensitive to certain rays and practically blind to others, 
and a ray, to take full effect upon it, must have a certain 
minimum of strength and fall on it in certain directions. ‘To 
drop metaphor, the public which reads and reflects on any 
account of a natural phenomenon reported to it by an author 
whom it believes to be reliable, and in such a form as does 
not tax its reasoning powers too severely, but which is neither 
competent nor inclined to undertake an independent investi- 
gation of the facts—this public, I say, is strongly impressed 
by certain of such accounts, and hardly at all by others, 
chiefly if not entirely in proportion as they do or do not 
appeal to certain of its own pre-existing ‘‘ Obsessions.” The 
average human mind has Tastes of its own, just as the body 
has, some of which are especially insistent in particular ages, 
but some of them at least seem to be universal, immemorial, 
and ineradicable. It has a taste, for instance, and always has 
had, for anything which is frankly Paradowical, such as a Fire- 
breathing Dragon or a Flesh-eating Plant, or an animal which 
can turn itself inside out, or be frozen hard without being 
seriously the worse for it. It has a taste for anything which, 
if I may say so, seems to run into extvemes whether in the 
direction of the Infinite or the Infinitesimal—Giants and 
Dwarfs, Aphides producing. offspring by the quadrillion per 
annum ; carcases consumed (as Linné says) more speedily 
by a Blowfly than by a Lion: exquisitely elaborate structures 
only just visible at the highest powers of our most powerful 

(" Gxxxi, ) 

microscopes, etc. Then there is the TZeleological taste which 
—to parody Wordsworth’s phrase—-makes the “heart leap up 
when it beholds”’ anything in Nature which has the appearance 
of Design. We are all, I believe, teleologists of some school 
or other at heart, and inclined, I will not say to exaggerate, 
but at any rate to lay full stress on any phenomenon—how- 
ever we account for it—in which it seems evident that a 
structure is advantageous to its possessor and suitable for 
the uses that are actually made of it. Lastly, I notice a taste 
which may be called the Anthropomorphic obsession—the 
readiness ingrained in human intelligence to see its own 
productions imitated or anticipated by Nature—that which 
makes us pleased and even eager to be told of lower animals 
practising human occupations, and employing tools or other 
appliances like our own—Fishes which are Anglers or Elec- 
tricians ; Communism, Parasitism, and Commensalism among all 
sorts of lowly animals ; Insects accepting or refusing Sovereigns 
to reign over them, and paying court to them when accepted ; 
masons, carpenters, and upholsterers among the Bees; Ants 
which maintain soldiers, kidnap slaves, build towns, store 
provisions, grow vegetables, keep cows and milk them ; Insects 
armed with rapiers, broadswords, poison-flasks and explosives ; 
digging pit-falls; weaving nets; carrying umbrellas, lamps, 
scent-bottles, fiddles and fiddlesticks, spurs, combs and brushes, 
instruments like those of human surgeons, or tools like those 
of human workmen. Sometimes, no doubt, such stories rather 
amuse than seriously interest us. But even amusement is a 
kind of interest, and the things which are able to amuse a 
man are no bad indication of his normal mental tastes. 

Now what, meaning no offence, I shall for the moment call 
the popular legend of The Sawfly and its Saws, seems to 
me to appeal to every one of those obsessions or tastes of the 
normal human intelligence to which I have alluded. 

The phenomenon described in that legend, when first related 
to any one, must certainly appear surprising. Nor is it one 
which is seen so often as to have become familiar to us and 
no longer paradoxical, The almost inconceivable delicacy. 
minuteness, and elaboration of the saws is another point which 

is constantly pressed upon our notice. And the general con- 


(( texsexi |) 

ception of an insect which saws wood as we do, but with an 
implement which is not only adapted but “ideal” for that 
purpose, and which, but for its perfections and minuteness, 
would be identical with the saws of human carpenters— 
surely this is the ne plus ultra of Teleology and Anthropo- 
morphism combined. 

So much for the causes of its popularity, but how have thay 
affected its truth? Mainly, it seems to me, as follows. 

To all intents and purposes the whole of the literature from 
which English readers, except a few specialists, derive their 
ideas upon the subject has arisen out of a single set of observa- 
tions—those of Réaumur on a species previously undescribed, 
but identical, in my opinion, beyond a doubt with what is 
now known all over Europe as Arge (or Hylotoma) rosae of 
De Geer. 

These observations were made with extreme care and com- 
pleteness in every respect, and reported in the minutest detail. 
Réaumur watched repeatedly the living insect in the act of 
excavating fresh shoots of the rose, and subsequently laying 
an egg in the excavation. He tells us exactly what he saw 
from first to last, how much with the naked eye, and how 
much with lenses, how the insect stood and generally com- 
ported itself, how and when precisely the “saw” became 
visible, how it entered the stem, and how much he could see, 
or was at times unable to see, of the movements made by it. 
Besides this, he gives a number of figures (which I reproduce 
in the plates appended to this Address) showing both sexes of 
the insect, the excavations, the eggs, and the instrument used 
in the operation—this instrument as a whole, and also its 
separate component parts and attachments to the body, being 
shown in several different aspects, and at various magnifica- 
tions. In every single positive statement made by him as to 
the facts which he observed he is, I feel certain, absolutely to 
be trusted. Only it must not be forgotten that he only pro- 
fesses to record the operations of a single species, and that he 
distinctly affirms his belief that not all Sawflies work in exactly 
the same manner. 

It is only when Réaumur sums up the general impressions 
made upon him by his observations, that an unprejudiced 

( exon ) 

reader may begin to find him unconvincing. Admirably 
honest though he was as a witness, he was also a rhetorician, 
and an advocate of particular views. One cannot but feel 
that he sometimes exaggerates (or at least over-emphasises) 
certain phenomena, and (though never actually suppressing 
them) lays small weight upon others, because all through his 
narrative he was obsessed by a desire to find the analogy 
between the insect’s saw and the human saw as complete as 
possible. Even where he recognises and admits real differences, 
he seems anxious to believe them to be non-essential. He 
might have shown, I think, from his own facts and figures, 
that to think of the implement as merely one kind of saw 
(however idealised gua saw) gives an inadequate and really 
unworthy conception of its actual powers, and adaptation to 
several quite different functions. But to show this, or to see 
it himself, seems simply not to have occurred to him. Other- 
wise, even if it had seemed to him to spoil his story, I believe 
he would have shown it! Besides this anthropomorphic bias, 
Réaumur was also a convinced and enthusiastic upholder of 
Teleology in the old sense of the word. Ido not know what 
were his precise theological views, but his attitude to ‘‘ Nature 
and Nature’s God ” was exactly that of the eighteenth-century 

Such, if I can judge it fairly, was the actual story which 
Réaumur introduced to the scientific world ; perfectly correct 
as to the facts, and told with great clearness and unusual full- 
ness of detail—for pure literary excellence scarcely ever 
paralleled, unless in our own times by the writings of Fabre— 
but soaring into highest eloquence, exactly when the narrator 
ceases to narrate, and begins to moralise and generalise. 
When, however, that story passed from the original author 
into the hands of translaters and compilers of text-books, who 
were themselves obsessed by the same ruling ideas as 
Réaumur, but were comparatively uninterested in the details 
qualifications, and explanations which he had so carefully in- 
troduced into his own story—not unnaturally they fastened 
on everything in it which was most striking and satisfactory 
to their own mental tastes (the rhetoric, the hyperboles, the 
strained analogies and so forth), while they omitted, as though 


( exxmiv. ) 

irrelevant and tedious, whatever did not seem to bear upon 
the main thesis, namely, that the God of Nature has furnished a 
certain insect with the essential archetype of an unimprovable 
Tenon Saw. 

I feel sure that if any one whose ideas of a Sawfly and its 
operations are derived from any modern text-book will take 
the trouble to see what Réaumur really had to say on the 
subject, he will be simply amazed to find how much more 
intelligible and convincing the story is in its original shape, 
and will feel as I do, what a pity it is that Réaumur’s 
work, which was once in the hands of every entomologist in 
Europe, should have become what is called a Classic—that is 
to say, a book which every one has heard of and no one 
reads ! 

I will now indicate briefly a few reasons which convince me 
that the Sawfly’s implement, as a whole, cannot properly be 
called a saw, ideal or otherwise. By saying as a whole, I 
mean to save myself from denying that certain small parts of 
it may act in a sense as saws. Consider what we mean by 
sawing as opposed to other methods of dividing solid sub- 
stances. <A toothed edge (the teeth nearly always “set ”’—i. e. 
deflected alternately to right and left) is applied more or less 
horizontally to some such material as a piece of wood, and 
this the ‘‘ teeth” scratch, tearing away and pushing before 
them small fragments (sawdust), and gradually forming a 
groove of increasing depth, but constant width (this being 
determined by that of the “ set”), into which a considerable 
portion of the blade slowly and evenly descends. Such a 
descent would obviously be impossible if the thickness of the 
saw, at any part of it which was to enter the groove, should 
exceed the width of that groove, or (which comes to the same 
thing) the space included between the tips of the teeth. If the 
teeth were not deflected at all, the blade would have to be 
thinner still—practically an object of only two dimensions, 
length and breadth. Next, the blade being already partly 
embedded, the teeth have to go on scratching, and in whatever 
direction they move the blade must, of course, move too. If it 
cannot do so, the saw is said to “jam,” and the work cannot 
proceed. Accordingly, not only must the blade be limited as 

( "éxxxv =) 

to its thickness, but its surfaces must practically be simple 
planes. A piece of corrugated iron could not act as a saw, 
however one of its edges might be denticulated. A sort of 
“sawing ” may, no doubt, be done with a file or a rasp, but it 
can hardly be considered as ideal carpentry. 

Now, if we look at almost any Sawfly’s implement in any 
aspect but the lateral, we shall notice that it is utterly unlike 
any conceivable blade of a true saw. It is generally of very 
unequal thickness, and particularly thick in parts of it which, 
we know as a fact, do enter into the incisions made by it. 
Sometimes it is not blade-like at all, but more resembles a 
spear-head, or some horrible barbed instrument of torture or 
savage warfare—admirably adapted to mangle substances but 
certainly not to ‘‘saw” them. Some even of those which at 
first sight are comparatively possible saws (about as much so 
as a rasp) prove on closer examination to have their sides 
corrugated and armed with erect processes, to an extent which 
would make it impossible for them to pass evenly through any 
substance less soft than butter. Again, even in the lateral 
view of some so-called saws (Cladius, Lophyrus, ete.), it is 
seen at once that the serrations do not form a continuous 
line of ‘‘teeth” along the lower margin, but run in parallel 
rows across the blade (transversely). The notion of a saw 
embellished by additions which add to its powers those of 
certain other tools, is at first attractive and seems conceivable. 
But when any one has really thought out the necessary action 
of an instrument shaped like many of these so-called saws on 
such materials as they are known to be employed upon, and 
has seen the movements made by them when actually so 
employed by the living insects, he will inevitably come to the 
conclusion that though the process does include a kind of 
“sawing,” or perhaps rather ‘‘carving,” this is neither its 
sole nor even its chief ingredient. The real essence of the 
operation is first to pierce, then to mangle and lacerate, and 
also to carve (but hardly to saw in the strictest sense) wntil 
a pin-prick has become enlarged into a pocket. There is no 
“saw-dust,” no ‘ groove” formed by clearing away and abolish- 
ing some part of the material operated on. Even the tooth- 
like undulations of the inferior margin, which have obtained 


( “cusagi- ») 

for the implement its popular name, probably never really act 
as saw-teeth, and are sometimes only tooth-like in the lateral 
view (foreshortened !). There is splitting, rasping, and general 
lacerating of tissues by the passage through them of the 
entire instrument; and (generally not wpon the so-called 
teeth but rather between them) there are certain extremely 
minute denticulations (without, however, any “ set”) which 
no doubt do the finer parts of the work—that which I called 
just now the carving. But a “real” saw—tenon saw or 
otherwise—and much more an “ideal” saw—the Sawfly’s 
“saw” is not! 

Réaumur’s once-famous “ Mémoire ” on this subject appeared 
in 1740, and to it, as has been said already, may be traced 
practically everything that has been written in this country, as 
to the manner of employment of the so-called Saws. But he was 
not the first who witnessed and thoroughly investigated the 
phenomenon. An Italian physician had put on record some 
years before a set of observations upon it, in some ways 
hardly inferior to Réaumur’s own. The real discoverer of the 
Sawfly and its Saw I believe to have been Vallisnieri, who 
published at Padua in 1726 a paper which appears to me in 
many ways a most remarkable production. Réaumur acknow- 
ledges in the most candid and generous fashion his obligations 
to Vallisnieri ; and any one who compares the observations (and 
still more the plates which illustrate them) of the two authors, 
will see that these obligations must have been very real. I 
am glad to have an opportunity for mentioning with respect 
a most original and thoughtful naturalist, whose services to 
science in general and to Entomology in particular seem to 
be almost universally and very undeservedly forgotten. 
In fact, except as the eponym of a genus in Botany, few of 
us, I suppose, have ever heard of him at all. His works are 
now hardly to be procured; though (thanks to Mr. Janson 
and Dr. Gestro) I have at last obtained a copy of his treatise 
on our present subject, and am able to reproduce herewith its 
curious and interesting illustrations on a smaller scale. There 
is a copy also in the British Museum Library at Bloomsbury 
(but not at South Kensington), and another—a reprint with- 
out the illustrations—in the Linnean Society’s Library. 

( jexzxyu } 

Others, no doubt, exist in libraries; but the above are all 
that I have come across. My knowledge of Italian is very 
limited, but with the help of a dictionary I have managed 
to work through the whole of his observations on what he 
calls the Mosca de’ Rosai, and to get a general idea of other 
treatises contained in the same volume, and more or less 
connected with it (though they cover a great variety of subjects, 
and are not entirely confined to Entomology). I gather an 
impression that the work was published with two main objects ; 
partly to confute views current in his day but now universally 
abandoned on the subject of Spontaneous Generation ; and 
partly to suggest a scheme of his own for a fresh classification 
of insects based entirely upon the differences of their life- 
histories. This notion, I must think, has proved to be some- 
what of an ignis fatwus ; for we all know now that similarities, 
whether of structure or habits, may be merely analogical and 
indicative of no real affinity; and yet I do not think that 
such a notion would have occurred at all at the beginning of 
the eighteenth century to a man who was not somewhat in 
advance of his contemporaries, and certainly @ priori it is not 
without considerable plausibility. However, returning to my 
present subject—the story of the Sawfly—I am bound to say 
that Vallisnieri’s treatment of it gives me a high idea of him, 
as a careful and thoughtful observer, an admirable describer, 
and a learned all-round naturalist and man of letters. Almost 
at the beginning of his account he makes a remark, which 
later writers (as far as I know) have not repeated, and which 
seems to me to be one of the most sensible and suggestive 
things that have yet been said on the subject—namely, that the 
process is analogous to that of ploughing ; it is furrowing of a 
suitable soil for the reception of seeds to be presently sown in 
it. This, to my mind, is both a truer and a more far-reaching 
simile than the more obvious one of the saw: it takes into 
account the ultimate objects of the whole operation ; it gives a 
truer notion of that which is most essential in the form and 
working of the organ—namely, that, whatever else it be, it is 
most certainly and obviously a wedge, and must inevitably act 
as such on every substance which it penetrates : 7. ¢. it proceeds 
mainly by pushing and, as it were, “ shouldering ” asunder the 



material through which it passes, dividing it more by splitting 
than by scratching, though it may at the same time, and, no 
doubt, does, lacerate them in more ways than one. Thus it is 
with that primitive type of plough, so well described by Virgil, 
and still, as I am assured, surviving in Italy, certainly till 
quite recently, and very likely to the present day. So it is 
with many other weapons and tools both artificial and natural, 
spear- and arrow-heads, pointed stakes, and conical bullets ; 
nails, screws, and drills ; tusks, horns, claws; and even the 
radicles of germinating plants. All these are essentially 
“ wedges,” and act accordingly. And it is to this class of tools 
—and not to that of tools which proceed, like a saw, by 
scratching particles loose and removing them in the form of 
sawdust—that I should refer the Sawfly’s implement, in 
consideration both of its form, when viewed all round, and 
not (as it too often is) in one aspect only—literally a ‘‘ one- 
sided view” !—and also of its actual progress through the 
material operated on, as I have repeatedly watched it in the 
operations of the living insect. 

I fear I am growing tedious, but I want to make clear one 
chief object of my Address. For the conception of the ideal 
saw, I want to substitute the conception of an elaborate and 
complex organ of quite another type—rather an ideal wedge, 
whose essential powers are supplemented by others, 7. e. it can 
rasp, scour, and otherwise lacerate, according to peculiarities 
of armature in particular cases ; but, on the whole, it cleaves 
its way, as a ship’s prow through the water, or a ploughshare 
through the soil. If I can make this point clear, I shall be 
able to say much of what remains to be said more briefly, and 
with less of tiresome detail. 

I shall now enumerate the separate pieces of which the 
complex organ, called as a whole the terebra, invariably con- 
sists. Of these there are ten in all, or it would perhaps be 
better to say jive pairs ; each piece being duplicated—simply, 
I believe, because of the general principle of bilateral sym- 
metry which we find in every insect-structure, and not because 
of any advantage which such duplication gives to the organ 
for performing its special functions. The same number of 
pieces, similarly duplicated, occur in the corresponding organs 

(CASGxexTx > )) 

of the Aculeate Hymenoptera, where the function is quite 
different ; and also (as Lacaze-Duthiers has shown) in many 
insects belonging to other orders. Of these five pairs, three 
are completely chitinised, and these are visible at all times, as 
parts of the insect’s exoskeleton: they never actually enter 
themselves into the substances which are excavated, but serve 
only (1) to protect the two other pairs (which do enter the 
incisions) when they are not thus occupied, and (2) to com- 
municate to them certain of the movements which they have 
to make. 

Two of these chitinised pairs of pieces make up what is 
commonly called the “‘saw-sheath.” It is not, however, a 
sheath like that of a sword, enclosing the implement all round ; 
but only in the sense in which the handle of a clasp-knife 
might be called a “sheath” for its blade. The terebra, 
however, is in two respects at least unlike a clasp-knife ; inas- 
much as (1) when the blades become sheathed their cutting 
edges face outwards and not inwards, and (2) while sheathed 
it is concealed entirely. ‘The third pair of chitinised pieces 
appear to act as levers, producing movements (of advance and 
retreat alternately) in the cutting instrument itself. They are 
called, after Kriapelin, “the triangular plates.” 

As for the tool itself, it consists of two pairs of pieces—not 
completely chitinised, but partly corneous, and partly frail 
and membranous. As a whole, it is commonly called the 
ovipositor, and the ovipositor it is: but, regarded as to its 
penetrating functions, and its characters indicative of such 
functions, I shall venture to call it the Scalpellum—anglicé 
“penknife,” or (as surgeons term that type of blade) a 
‘ scalpel.” ; 

The upper (or posterior) pair, often called the “ supports,” 
are partially bound together above (by membrane at least), or 
even practically soldered together ; and are also articulated to 
the base of the ‘“saw-sheath,” and fied (by a wire-like pro- 
longation of their inferior thickened margins) to the body of the 
insect ; so that neither of them can advance, or retire, without 
being accompanied by the other, nor can they ever move away 
from the saw-sheath altogether, but only be rotated on its base, 
as on a pivot. Viewed from beneath, they appear as a 

(hex) y) 

cylindrico-conical trench or half-tube, which narrows gradually 
towards its apex; their sides are ribbed or corrugated, and 
are sometimes armed with spine-like projections, pencils of 
strong bristles, etc., ete. (See Plate Il, Fig. 10.) 

The “ saws,” as they are commonly called, viz. the lower (or 
anterior) pair of the two pairs which together make up the 
scalpellum, are not actually connate, either with each other, or 
with the supports ; but, like the latter, they are ‘‘ wired” to 
the insect’s abdomen, and also are connate with (indeed they 
seem actually to grow out of) a portion of its ventral surface 
—this portion not being chitinised any more than are the 
‘‘saws” themselves. They are completely separable from the 
“supports” by dissection, but, I believe, never are so separ- 
ated in the living insect. Whether ‘‘ sheathed ” or in action, 
their wire-like and shallowly sulcated upper margins cling to 
the under margins of the supports, along which they can slide 
backwards and forwards, on the principle of “flange and rail,” 
but from which they never actually part company. Unless, per- 
haps, at their inferior margins, it is impossible for them to be 
in actual contact with each other ; and I believe that, in fact, 
each makes cuts or scratches entirely by itself, independently 
of the other. These inferior margins are nearly always visibly 
serrate, or serrately undulate, in a particular point of view, 
viz. the lateral; but, as I have already said, the real cutting 
effected by them is probably due to other almost incredibly 
minute (and really saw-like) denticulations. Often the sides 
of the “ saws ” are armed with rasp-like processes, and usually 
obliquely corrugated—these corrugations more or less cor- 
responding with those of the ‘“‘supports”’; and it is the apices 
of these corrugations that form the projections commonly 
spoken of as ‘the teeth.” 

I must pass entirely over the special and often very para- 
doxical forms assumed by some of the above ten pieces in the 
terebrae of particular genera and species. The phenomena are 
extremely interesting, but it is simply impossible to discuss 
them adequately now ; and any one interested in the matter 
can easily examine them for himself. I will merely refer to 
various examples of them which are to be found in the Plates 
accompanying this paper. 

(“exis ) 

We all know that the saws of human workmen differ much 
both as to shape and size in general, and as to particular 
details (as the size and form of the individual teeth, the spaces 
between them, their wider or narrower “ set,” etc.). Carpenters 
and cabinet-makers have their rip-saws, dovetail-saws, keyhole- 
saws, etc. Special types of the same tool are employed by 
workers in metal. More than twenty “named varieties” of 
saw are listed by the dealers in surgical instruments—e. g. the 
spoon-saw (a type in which I seem to recognise certain peculi- 
arities shared by it with the Sawflies’ organs), the amputation- 
saw, ete. Every such variation in form indicates some difference 
in the circumstances of its use, ¢.g. as to the precise nature 
and situation of the incision to be formed or the character of 
the material operated on—seasoned timber, sappy living wood, 
gold, copper, ivory, bone, ete. And an expert would recognise 
at once in any such case the function especially associated with 
the peculiarities of a particular type of instrument, and could 
infer the former from the latter or vice versa. 

One would expect to find similar correspondences between 
form and function in comparing the many varied types of 
natural “saws.” The substances on which they operate differ 
physiologically in their essential structure, comprising, e.g. 
acrogenous, exogenous and endogenous organisms. Some, again, 
are comparatively dry and hard, others very moist and ad- 
hesive. The incisions produced vary in shape and situation ; 
and the precise actions required to produce them must vary 
also. Notwithstanding, I have so far quite failed to establish 
any such undoubted correlation between the special characters 
of particular “ saws,” or types of “ saw,” and the differentiae of 
the operations performed by them. I cannot but think that 
some interesting results would be obtained from an investiga- 
tion of this matter, embracing a thorough study of the 
structures and operations of all the known species, But such 
an investigation could be made only by an entomologist who 
was also an expert in botany, in physiology, and in theoretic 
and practical mechanics. 

Nor can I believe that, even so, it could be made possible to 
infer in every case the functions from the structure. It does 
not seem to be at all a universal law, that an organ is more or 

( exli ») 

less highly developed and elaborated in accordance with any 
obvious peculiarity in its actual work. And it is certain—a 
fact which for many reasons I find exceedingly puzzling—that 
some ovipositors, apparently highly adapted for employment 
as excavating tools, are in reality never so used at all; but are 
possessed by insects which either make no visible perforation 
whatever, or at most just prick or scratch slightly the surfaces 
on which they oviposit, and leave the eggs not embedded in 
their resting-place, but merely adhering to it. 

I come now to another matter which very much interests 
me, but with which I can now deal only in a most cursory and 
inadequate way, viz. the actual relation of those ten “ pieces ” 
to the original abdominal-segments, out of which we must 
suppose them to have been developed by adaptation to their 
present functions. Briefly, I regard the abdomen of a Sawfly 
as consisting theoretically of ten segments, each having two 
distinct components, one ventral, the other partly dorsal and 
partly lateral (but with no visible differentiation of the sides 
and the back—the lateral regions, however, being indicated in 
all the segments except the 10th, by bearing each a spiracle). 
Of these segments, or (as Packard calls them) “ uromeres,” the 
Ist or basal one (=the “ propodeum ” or “ median segment ”’) is 
practically incorporated during pupation into the complex struc- 
ture called the thorax, and is often ignored in enumerations of 
the abdominal segments. The 10th and 9th are to a certain 
extent fused into one, which bears one pair only of spiracles, 
but, at its extreme apex, a pair of lateral palpiform appendages, 
called the cerct. This fusion occurs, I believe, not during 
pupation but in the embryonic stage. So at least I understand 
the statements which I find in books which I have consulted 
on this matter. Uromeres 2 to 7 can be recognised without 
difficulty as complete rings or annuli (each with its two plates 
and its pair of spiracles) in the imago of every 2 Sawfly. The 
dorsal, or dorso-lateral, plate of uromere 8 is also normal ; and 
the dorsal plate following this and forming the apex of the 
entire dorsum is also normal in its general appearance, except 
as to bearing cerci—though, as aforesaid, I take it to be 
really compounded of two uromeres, the 9th and the 10th, 
The ventral plates of uromeres 10, 9, and 8 are represented, I 

C sexi, ») 

believe, by the entire terebra, inclusively of its chitinised and 
corneous pieces and the membranous connections uniting 

Of the chitinised paired “ pieces,” I refer the pair forming 
the apex of the ‘“‘saw-sheath” to the 10th uromere, those 
which form its base to the 9th, and the pair which act as 
levers (=the “triangular plates” of Kripelin) to the 8th. 
I draw this inference from their actual positions and attach- 
ments to one another, which I cannot account for to my 
own satisfaction on any other view: but I cannot pretend to 
have traced their ontogenetic development, which alone could 
settle the matter finally. Of the non-chitinised pairs, I refer 
the so-called ‘‘supports” to uromere 9, and the so-called 
‘‘saws” to uromere 8. But here, again, I have only studied 
the phenomena in the imago. 

I shall now make a few remarks on the movements which 
are mechanically possible to an organ constructed and situate 
as is the scalpellum, and which I have actually witnessed 
as made by or occurring in it. 1.—As a whole, it can be 
pushed by pressure from behind into any substance suffici- 
ently yielding, completely up to its hilt, i.e. up to its junction 
with the sheath ; but no farther, because the sheath never 
itself enters the incision. In this movement its part is 
entirely passive, as when a nail is driven home by taps or 
pressure on its head. 2.—Also as a whole (‘‘supports” and 
“saws” together, it can be rotated by muscles contained in 
the saw-sheath, the base of which serves it for a pivot. In 
this case, if the base of the saw-sheath remain stationary, the 
point of the scalpellum describes an are of a circle, but, if the 
pivot move the are described is (roughly speaking) that of 
an ellipse. (Bearing the above facts in mind, it becomes 
possible to calculate from the length of the scalpellum and 
the extent to which its base is known to move, the maximum 
depth and breadth of such an incision as can be formed by it.) 
3.—However the “supports” move, the “saws” must be 
carried along with them, moving in this respect only as 
passenger's, and not independently. 4.—The “supports” have 
no entirely independent motion, either together or separately ; 
except that, to a limited extent, they can stretch asunder 


( Texliv: 4 

laterally, and so widen and again contract the space contained 
between them (e. g. during the passage between them of an egg 
for which they have helped to form a nidus.) 5,—They can, 
however, do, and even must, take a part, which may be called 
independent, in performing the processes of excavation and 
oviposition. Their mere form compels them to act as does a 
wedge, and their special armature in particular cases involves 
their performance of various other functions, which may be 
summed up in the general phrase, ‘laceration of the tissues 
through which they travel.” 6,—The so-called “saws”’ have 
separate motions of their own, independent of such as are 
communicated to them by the supports. These movements 
are limited, however, to sliding backwards and forwards, 
along the lower margins of the supports, to such an extent as 
their attachment to the abdomen permits. And these are the 
only movements made by them, wnless the supports move also, 
7.—The entire process is the work of the scalpellum as a 
whole ; the characters indicating its wedge-like action reside 
mainly in the “supports”; those which entitle it to be 
called in any sense a ‘“‘saw” must be sought in the lower 
margins of the so-called “saws proper,” those which enable it 
to act as a “rasp” or “comb,” partly in the sides and back 
of the supports, and partly in the sides of the saws. 

And now, to the few detailed records of observations on the 
operation as performed by the living insects which are vouched 
for by their authors as witnessed by themselves—and it is 
surprising how few they are; in fact, I can only cite three 
such records, those of Vallisnieri, Réaumur, and Newport, 
though I dare not deny that others may have escaped my 
notice—however, to these few signed affidavits of eye-witnesses 
1 will add another of my own. 

In the summer of 1910 I was enabled through the great 
kindness of a correspondent—Miss Ethel Chawner, of Lynd- 
hurst, who has long studied the habits of these insects and 
immensely increased our knowledge of them, and who (I am 
pleased to add) is a Fellow of this Society—to observe the 
phenomenon repeatedly in the case of a species, viz. Phymato- 
cera aterrima, Klug, whose particular method of operating, and 
the nature of the material on which (by preference) it works, 

¢ ‘ealy. ) 

make it especially easy to observe its operations satisfactorily. 
This species is normally attached to Polygonatum (anglicé 
Solomon’s Seal), and works by forming a continuous series 
of pouches situated between the outer cuticle and the inner 
substance of a stem, which cuticle is so far transparent that, 
even when the scalpellum has become buried under it “ up to 
the hilt,” every part of it and every movement made by it is 
still distinctly visible. The creature becomes so absorbed in 
its work that it can be taken up, stem and all, and watched 
even with a lens of short focus, without the least risk of 
frightening it, or causing it to fly away. (The species observed 
by Réaumur and Vallisnieri form pockets between the rind 
and inner substance of young rose-stems; and the former 
author notes that, while the instrument was actually buried 
in the stem, its movements could be followed by the eye no 
longer.) Phymatocera is also a much more rapid worker than 
Arge, working no doubt on more unresisting materials: so 
that many more repetitions of the process can be witnessed 
during a given time than is the case with Arge; and yet it 
works with such deliberation, that there is full time to note 
the different movements of the scalpellwm, and the effect 
produced by each on the substances traversed by it. 

Early on the morning of May 18th, 1910, the weather being 
at the time particularly bright and snnny, I opened a box 
received on the previous night from Miss Chawner, and found 
in it three freshly emerged 9? of Phymatocera, and the 
earthen cocoons from which they had emerged during their 
journey—also a small stock of Polygonatum (leaves, flowers, 
and stems). I cut three stems toa convenient length, stuck 
them upright in earth at the bottom of a glass jar covered 
above with fine netting, introduced the insects into the Jar, 
and awaited results. Almost immediately one of the insects 
flew on to a stem; walked slowly not quite up to (but nearly 
up to) its top; and then turned round, and stood quite still, 
head downwards. Its position was perfectly normal and 
symmetrical, like that of a fly at rest on a window-pane. It 
might have been standing to have its photograph taken! 
The tarsi of each leg were evenly stretched to their full 
length, but slightly curving so as to clasp the convex surface 

PROC. ENT. SOC. LOND., v. 1911. K 

( cxlva } 

of the stem transversely, the insect standing practically on 
the apices of its tibiae, which themselves were perpendicular 
to the stem. The wings were folded; the antennae evenly 
porrected and motionless—as indeed was the whole insect, 
except the apex of its abdomen—during the entire process. 
No part of the creature actually touched the stem, except the 
tarsi and the apices of the tibiae, until the work actually 
commenced ; head, thorax, and abdomen formed, as it were, 
a straight line, parallel to the longitude of the stem. 
Presently the apex of the abdomen was moved slowly, as 
though in hesitation, towards the stem, till the hairs clothing 
the apical plates of the saw-sheath (but not these plates them- 
selves !) appeared to touch it. I was convinced, and so still 
am, that these hairs were feeling and exploring the material 
with their sensitive tips. After a moment or two, the insect 
seemed to have satisfied itself that all was as it should be. 
The saw-sheath was again lifted into its original position,’ 
and the scalpellum was gradually protruded—looking exactly 
like the blade of a penknife as one opens it, only that its 
cutting edge (or rather edges) faced away from, and not 
towards, the handle—till it stood out at right angles to its 
sheath (or as nearly so as can be stated of an object which 
was not strictly rectilinear). Next, it was driven or pushed, 
not all at once but by a succession of stabs, into the stem 
(as a nail is by a hammer—the hammer in this case being the 
whole tip of the abdomen), until it was completely embedded 
in the stem, and the base of the saw-sheath was in actual 
contact with the latter, so that progress in this direction was 
necessarily now arrested. It did not pierce the stem directly 
towards its centre, but somewhat obliquely (on this occasion 
on the right of the insect’s body, but in other cases I have 
seen it turned towards the /eft/). Consequently no part of 
the scalpellum became much more deeply sunk below the 
surface of the stem than another; and its apex was at all 
times as clearly visible as its base. Directly it entered the 
stem (the tip of the support, as I think, actually commencing 
the incision) the saws began to slide backwards and forwards, 
driving their pointed tips further and further into the material, 
of course in the same direction as that in which the whole 

(exivir } 

scalpellum was moving. ‘Their advances and retreats in no 
way synchronised with the movements of the latter as a whole. 
And, so far as I could see, the movements of the two saws 
were independent of each other. They were certainly not 
simultaneous, nor did they seem to me—as both Réaumur 
and Vallisnieri state—to follow each other in regular alterna- 
tion. My impression was that each saw from time to time 
encountered and overcame more or less resistance from the 
material, and that the pace at which they were moving varied 
accordingly. During its descent the scalpellum as a whole 
occasionally slightly (but only very slightly) altered its 
direction ; now pressing its back, and now its sides, against 
the sides of the incision, and so widening the latter slightly 
in one direction or another. Thus it descended, till it was 
buried up to the hilt in a deep hole, or as it were a sheath, 
whose dimensions were practically identical with its own. 
At this point the modus operandi completely changed. Very 
slowly and gradually, and with occasional retreats in an 
opposite direction, the tip of the scalpellum began to move 
round in an arc towards the basal part of the insect’s venter, 
the saws all the time continuing to slide, so that they were 
cutting their way, and were also being carried by the 
supports, in the direction in which the whole instrument was 
now rotating. The effect of this was particularly conspicuous 
at the mouth of the incision, which could distinctly be seen 
to be growing gradually into a long clean-cut slit (situated 
longitudinally as regards the stem), Meanwhile, the insect’s 
abdomen, before quite straight, became a little hunched. Its 
tip, and accordingly also the base of the saw-sheath and that of 
the scalpellum itself, drew slowly more and more towards the 
thorax. ‘This movement pressed the cutting edges harder and 
harder against the tissues which they were severing, and the 
slit forming the mouth of the whole incision grew longer and 
longer. All the while, the whole serrated and denticulate 
edges of the “saws” were hard at work, sliding faster and 
faster, and being pushed harder and harder, in the direction 
towards which they were advancing, by the pressure from 
behind, caused by the movement which the instrument as a 
whole was making, viz. swinging round on its pivot-like (but 
K 2 

( exlviii ) 

moving) base further and further in that direction in which 
it was originally projected. Reflection will show how this 
movement was sure to end, and did end. The scalpellwm 
ultimately worked its way towards the insect’s belly till it 
had worked itself clear of the stem altogether, and left behind 
itself a more or less quadrant-shaped pouch or pocket, as deep 
as its own length and slightly longer at the mouth than it 
was deep. The sides of this pouch were scoured and torn, 
bleeding sap profusely, owing to the manglings which had 
created it—the wound, in fact, was such as would result from 
thrusting a spear-head into living flesh and tearing it out 
again, not perpendicularly but in a lateral direction. 

The nidus being now completed, the insect prepared for 
oviposition. The hunched abdomen straightened itself out 
again ; and the scalpellwm returned to its “ half-cock” position, 
just as it stood before the incision commenced. It then re- 
entered the stem precisely at the point where it had first 
entered it, and once more buried itself up to the hilt, on this 
oceasion naturally meeting no resistance worth mentioning, 
but still appearing to proceed with a certain amount of 
circumspection, and, as it were, to grope about with its tip, 
in search of the absolute bottom-corner of the pocket. This 
reached, a long greenish egg was extruded from near the 
base of the saw-sheath, entered the base of the scalpellum, 
and was gradually pushed or squeezed along its hollow 
interior, till it tumbled out from between the two “saws” 
not at but just before their apices, and so rolled into the 
bottom of the pocket. The sca/pellwm was immediately pulled 
straight upwards out of the pocket by the reascending tip of 
the abdomen, and the process was completed. 

I should have said that the passage of the egg into the 
interior of the ovipositor (= scalpellum) was accompanied by 
strange and quite indescribable agitations at the base of this 
organ—it seemed to wriggle and rock like a cork tossing among 
big waves. According to both Réaumur and Vallisnieri, not an 
egg alone, but a drop of some viscous venom is extruded from 
the abdomen, for the purpose, as they suppose, of preventing 
the wound in the plant from healing up again. This I can 
neither affirm nor deny from my own observations. The 

( Vexlix }) 

wound was undoubtedly flooded, and the scalpellum smeared 
(and perhaps somewhat clogged) by messy green semi-fluid 
matter. But whence exactly this proceeded I could never 
quite feel sure. 

The first egg being thus laid, the insect at once proceeded 
to repeat the entire process. She walked one step down the 
stem, and stood exactly as at first. The tip of the ovipositor 
was again inserted, this time not into entirely new ground, 
but into the lower corner of the slit which had been made 
already in the cuticle ; accordingly it 7e-entered the completed 
pocket, but at that part of it which was most distant from 
the corner which contained the egg already laid. This being 
so, if we remember that the pocket was a sort of quadrant, 
it will be apparent that, before the scalpellum could again 
become completely buried, it would once more encounter 
resistance, and would have to commence the stabbing process 
once again, and, in short, to start a fresh incision opening 
(so to speak) out of the first one. This is what it did. It 
stabbed its way along, till again it was buried up to the hilt 
in a hole of nearly its own dimensions ; and then, exactly as 
before and by identical movements, expanded this hole into 
a sub-quadrant-shaped pocket: again came out of the pocket, 
and returned to ‘‘half-cock,” etc., etc., as before described. 
Then followed the second oviposition, which was throughout 
a precise replica of the first. So now two eggs lay each in a 
little corner or nidus of its own, at an equal distance from the 
long clean slit which was the mouth of the entire excavation. 

Another step downwards by the insect succeeded, and 
again as before a pocket was formed and an egg laid in it. 
And so the work went on without interruption for an hour 
and a half, while I watched it through a hand-lens of con- 
siderable power. During this time 15 eggs in all were 
duly deposited (all in one long line and approximately equi- 
distant from one another), and a pocket formed to receive 
another. But, at this point, something went wrong. An 
egg was produced, but for some reason failed to enter the 
ovipositor, and tumbled to the ground. Thereupon the insect 
struck work, and my observations had to cease. 


However, I had many opportunities of repeating them, both 
on the three insects first received (as aforesaid) from Miss 
Chawner, and on dozens of others which were either sent to 
me by her afterwards, or emerged from earth-cocoons received 

from the same source. The operations were always exactly 

similar; except that the number of eggs laid in immediate 
succession varied from 3 or 4 only, in some cases to as 
many as 20 (and possibly even more in others). The insects 
were indefatigable, and prolific almost beyond belief. My 
first three females produced more than a hundred eggs before 
they were three days old! All these eggs were produced 
parthenogenetically, and from most of them in due course 
came larvae, which fed and fattened on the backs of Poly- 
gonatum leaves (see Plate I, Fig. 2) with which from time to 
time I supplied them. 

I found by trying a few experiments, that it made no 
difference whatever to the insects whether I planted the 
stems upright, or obliquely, or upside down. Nor did they 
care themselves whether they moved as they worked upwards 
or downwards. Two would sometimes work on the same 
stem at the same time in opposite directions. But they 
never attempted to work transversely to the stem; and 
though I will not stop to prove it, I think it would be 
easy to show that they would have been very foolish to 
attempt it. 

Sometimes I tried them with other plants than Poly- 
gonatum. These were generally examined by the insects, 
but not approved. Sometimes, however, they consented to 
work on stems of Convallaria (Lily of the Valley), forming 
rows of confluent pockets in the usual way, and depositing 
eggs which I believe duly produced larvae. Once, also, a few 
eggs were laid in the usual style on some other plant. I 
have unluckily mislaid my original note on this; but, if my 
memory serves me, the plant was an /7vs. 

Once, when an insect had just completed her ovipositions, 
and the scalpellum was plunged to its hilt in a third incision, 
which in another moment it would have begun to widen into 
a pocket, a sudden idea occurred to me, and I soused the 
whole thing—inseect, stem, and all—with pure sulphuric ether. 

(chi } 

The insect was killed instantaneously ; without time to with 
draw its ovipositor, or make any movement to speak of. 
My object was not mere murder, but the desire to secure 
a pictorial record of the phenomenon as it actually takes 
place. A photograph which I took of it immediately after- 
wards (see Plate I, Fig. 2) shows clearly enough for my 
purpose—on a slightly larger scale—(1) the attitude of the 
insect itself at this stage, (2) the extended saw quite visible 
beneath the cuticle of the stem, (3) the long fissure which 
serves as a single mouth for all the pockets, and (4) even 
the two eggs deposited already resting each in its separate 
corner or nidus. (The original object is now in the Natural 
History Museum at South Kensington.) 

Since I made these observations, I have often carefully 
thought them over—weighing in my own mind, or trying 
to do so, the real import and importance of this or that detail 
in the process, and asking myself what on the whole was the 
most reasonable view to take of the ovipositor considered as 
a tool. The result is that I consider it certainly not the 
equivalent or ideal of an ordinary saw. It is a tool of that 
class which do their work largely by acting as wedges—in 
a word by splitting. But it also mangles and scratches the 
substances worked on, and this doubtless has an advantageous 
result in loosening their natural cohesions and liberating 
fluids which the egg will require as it grows. (N.B.—The 
Sawfly’s eggs grow considerably while in situ, and meantime 
much contraction and drying up of tissues occurs around 
them (see Plate I, Figs. 3 and 4). Both in form and in 
some of its movements the organ reminds me of certain 
features characterising various human tools—but rather per- 
haps those of the surgeon than those of the carpenter. And 
I should say the same of the sort of results which are 
achieved by it. Actual sawing, producing anything equiva- 
lent to sawdust or to the groove made by a normal saw, 
does not take place. Cutting or carving does enter into the 
process, but rather as an accessory than as an essential. The 
same may be said of the rasp-like features of certain ovi- 
positors. They assist the work, but it could be done without 
them. What appears to me to be essential and indispensable 


is—first the piercing-power, then the splitting-power, and 
lastly the lacerating-power. 

These are combined in an instrument which may in certain 
respects resemble, but cannot be identified with, any tool 
employed by human artificers unless it similarly combines 
them. The usual comparison to a éenon saw is particularly 
unsatisfactory, as suggesting that the “support” takes no 
active share in the process, and also, prima facie at least, 
suggesting that it accompanies the movements of the “ saws.” 

Finally, any notion of the tool is misleading which makes 
us think of it simply as a plate, or pair of plates. It is 
emphatically an object of three dimensions, and all must 
be taken into consideration before we can form opinions as 
to its mechanical potentialities and probable action and their 

On commencing the inquiries of which this Address is the 
outcome I consulted, and often copied out in extenso, a great 
many descriptions of the process contained in the works of 
celebrated scientific authors. Looking now over these extracts 
in the light of my subsequent investigations, truth compels 
me to say that in nearly all of them a few grains of truth are 
combined with an immense amount of misunderstandings and 
misleading suggestions. Several of them make no profession 
to rest on any special investigation of the phenomena by their 
authors, but are frankly simple compilations. These I may 
pass over; but one or two, which have been put forth by 
really outstanding scientific authors as embodying truths 
before unknown which they have discovered in their own 
researches or can vouch for as having been accepted by them 
on sufficient evidence, contain what appear to me such mis- 
leading notions that it would be false modesty to shrink 
from commenting upon them. Thus, I take up two standard 
text-books on Microscopy, each of them the work of a justly 
celebrated author, a pioneer in more branches of science than 
one, and a Fellow of the Royal Society. 

1.—One of these authors describes at great length the 
microscopical characters of ‘The Saw of the Sawfly.” He 
gives figures, in which I believe I can recognise with con- 
fidence two portions of the organ in question as it exists in 


All figures on this Plate refer to the same species, viz. Phymatocera 
aterrima, K1,, and are photographed from nature. 

1. Eggs removed from the abdomen of a ? —not yet laid! 

2. 9 in act of excavating a stem of Polygonatwm. Two eggs have 
been deposited, and a third excavation commenced. ‘The 
saw is seen through the cuticle, under which it has been 

3, Stem of Polygonatwm freshly operated on, showing a long 
pouch under the cuticle containing eggs. 

4, The same stem a few days later (more highly magnified). The 
stem is becoming shrivelled ; the eggs have grown larger 
and appear as a chain of dark oval spots. 

. Young larva feeding on the back of a Polygonatwm leaf. 
. Earthen cocoon, in which the larva pupates. 
, 8. Pupating larvae extracted from such cocoons. 
9. Apex of abdomen in the 9 imago. The “saws,” etc., are 
enclosed in their “ sheath.” 
10, Right half of a complete Terebra— 
a, saw; b, support; c, triangular plate; d, basal portion of 
sheath ; e, apex of sheath. 
11. A single saw viewed laterally. 
12. Its support in the same aspect. 
13. Saws and supports together, viewed dorsally. 
14. Details of saw near its base (x about 200). 
15. Apex of a saw and its support, similarly magnified. 


Piate 1 (reproduced from photographs taken by F. D. Morice). 


André & Sleigh, Ltd. 

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Figures 1-6 belong to the sp. figured in 1726 by Vallisnieri, viz. 
Arge (= Hylotoma) pagana, Pz. (cf. Plates IV, V). 
1. Support. 2. Saw. 3. Apex of support. 4. Apex of saw. 
(Note the lateral comb-like projections, and cf. Fig. 5 !) 
5. The whole excavating organ viewed dorsally. 
6. The whole excavating organ highly magnified and viewed 
laterally—but without pressure ! 

Figures 7-10 are of Réaumur’s sp. figured in 1740, viz. Arge 
rosae, de Geer. (Cf. Plates VI, VII.) 
. Excavating organ viewed dorsally. 8. Saw. 9. Support. 
10, Pencil-like projecting bristles on sides of the support, near its 
inferior margin, and springing from the “costae” which 
strengthen the support. 


The remaining Figures illustrate various forms of the organ 
in different insects. 

11. Saws and supports of Abia sericea, L., showing their basal 
attachments (hypopygiwm, etc.), flattened out by slight pres- 

12. Part of a saw (on left) and support (on right) of T'richiosoma 

tibialis, Leach (the sp. attached to Crataegus /) 

13. Saw of Lophyrus pini, L. (Note the distance between the 
actual upper margin and the sulecate wire-like thickening 
which joins the saw to its support !) 

14. Support of Lophyrus pini. L. (ventral view). (Note the great 
width of the organ at its base in this aspect !) 

15. Supports of Nematus abdominalis, Pz. pressed asunder and 
viewed ventrally. 

16. Saw of Nematus abdominalis, Pz. 

17. Saws of Cladius pectinicornis, Fourcr., showing their basal 
attachments. : 

18. Supports of Cladius pectinicornis, Fourcr. (They are connate, 
practically, at the actual apex.) 

19, Saw and support of Cephus pygmaeus, L. 

20. Apex of “dart” in sting of Apis mellifica, L. (the Hive-bee), 
for comparison with the previous figure. 



PLATE 2 (reproduced from photographs taken by F. D. Morice). 



André & Sleigh, Ltd. 

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This, and the next two Plates, are photographs of Plates illustra- 
ting Vallisnieri’s Treatise on the “ Mosca de’ Rosai” = Arge pagana, 
Pz. (all more or less reduced as to size). 

1-3 show the insect at work on rose-stems. 
4 is intended to give an idea of the miniuteness of the excavating 
5-6 show eggs lying in a double row in an excavation, 
7-8 show eggs in different stages. 
. Larvae feeding on the leaves, 
10. Cocoons formed by larvae. 
11. Larva magnified. 
12. Cocoons magnified. 
13. Cocoon split open and viewed from behind. 
14. Pupa. 
15. Cast skins. 
16. ¢ of the insect. 
17. Apparently some other species; ovipositing (according to the 
author) on the midribs of the leaves only. 


3 (after Vallisnicri). 


André & Sleigh, Ltd 


(Cf. Explanation of Plate IIT.) 

1. Wings of A. pagana. 

2. Apex of abdomen viewed ventrally. Saws, etc., contained in 
their sheath. 

3. Apex of abdomen viewed ventrally, with saws, etc., exserted. 

4. Supports viewed ventrally. 

5. Leaf showing tracks left by a feeding larva. 

6. Cut rose-stem, within whose pith a larva has buried itself. g is 
the larva extracted. (It may be doubted whether this is the 
same species.) 

Pirate 4 (after Vallisnicri). 

André & Sleigh, Lto 

(Cf, Explanation of Plate IIT.) 


1. Part of saw and support viewed together laterally, highly 

2. Supports lying between their saws, viewed ventrally. (The 
artist seeins to have made some error in figuring the backs of 
the saws, and this has puzzled Réaumur.) (Cf. his remarks 
on it.) 

3, 4. Lateral views of the saw. (These are practically correct !) 

5, 6. Supports in different aspects. 

7. Section of entrance to the cavity through which the eggs pass. 

Puate 5 (after Vallisnicri). 


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André & Sleigh, Lta 



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(This and the following Plate are photographs on a reduced scale 
from Plates in Réaumur’s “ Mémoires,” Vol. v.) 

1, 2, 3 represent larvae of A. rosae. 
4. Foot of a larva (magnified). 
5. Cocoon made by a larva on a leaf, for want of earth in which to 
pupate ! 
6, 7, 8. Cocoons; entire, and partially broken (intentionally) to 
show their construction, 
9. Grains of earth forming outer shell of cocoon. 
10, 11, 12. Different views of the imago (12 isa ¢). 
13-18 show the excavations (and eggs in Fig. 18 !) at various magni- 
fications, and at various stages in the growth of the eggs. 

PLate 6 (after Réaumur). 

PL. 14.- PI +4 4-Mere .3- deltist: des Lisectes Tor. 5 


André & Sleigh, Ltd, 

(Cf. Explanation of Plate VI.) 


1, 2, 3 seem to be more or less copied from Vallisnieri’s figures—to 
show the difference between this oviposition and that of 
Réaumur’s species. (Réaumur, however, may have taken 
them from nature, for he says that he had seen such eggs, but 
failed to discover the insect producing them.) 

, 5. Antennae of A. rosae (4 6,5 @). 

A different species, excavating midrib of rose-leaf. (Possibly a 

Pristiphora ?) 

Apex of abdomen viewed ventrally (saws concealed), 

8. The same (but saws, etc., partly exserted), 

9-12. Various views of saws, supports, ete., dissected out. (Cf. the 
corresponding figures in Plates V (Vallisnieri’s) and II (photo- 
graphed from nature). 

13-14. These figures (as the author tells us) refer to some other 
species. I cannot identify it with confidence. 



Piate 7 (after Réaumur). 

144 Alea. 3. del Mist des Insectes Tom: §. 

Be: 45 peg. 


ee “~ 4 io 

Haassarad seul) 

André & Sleigh, Ltd. 

( cliii ) 

one of our commonest British species, Zenthredo mesomela 
of Linné. He also quotes at great length from a translation 
of Réaumur’s “ Mémoires,” and proceeds to notice phenomena 
which he believed that author—and indeed all others—to have 

The true saw, he tells us, is not the object commonly so 
called ; but another, as yet undetected, and figured by him 
now for the first time. What has been called the saw is only 
a sheath, in which the real saw is enclosed during quiescence. 
He describes minutely such characters of this object as are 
visible in the lateral view of it, and explains how, precisely, 
it is adapted to the functions which he assigns to it. 

Now—will you believe me?—-this previously undiscovered 
“true saw” is simply one of the “supports.” It had been 
figured and described quite adequately both by Réaumur and 
Vallisnieri. And the edge of it which the later author sup- 
poses to be its cutting edge, is that which is at all times in 
contact with the upper margin of the veritable cutting- 
instrument, and is consequently owt of contact with the 
materials which it is said to act upon! 

2.—The mistakes of the other author are not of his own 
making. But he lends his great authority to support a 
strange notion imparted to him by an entomological friend. 
He tells us that this friend had watched repeatedly the opera- 
tions of Sawflies, and had found out that Réaumur and others 
were mistaken in supposing that the eggs travel through the 
instrument which makes the incision. The latter instrument, 
he says, after making its incision is immediately re-enclosed 
within the sheath, and so remains while another quite distinct 
organ—the real ovipositor—is protruded from the abdomen, 
conveying with it an egg, which it guides into its proper 

As to this I can only say that I have never seen a scalpellum 
re-enter its sheath between the two operations of excavation 
and oviposition ; that I have watched again and again an egg 
enter and pass through the same organ which had prepared 
just before, a receptacle for it; and that, after dissecting 
literally hundreds of Sawflies belonging to various genera 
and species, I have never found anything in the least resem- 


( cliv ) 

bling the supposed independent ovipositor. An _ ovipositor 
other than the scalpellum does not exist, and I cannot conceive 
what the observer can have mistaken for one. 

3.—Burmeister’s well-known “ Manual” (p. 197 of Shuckard’s 
Translation) makes statements not unlike those just discussed. 
“The terebra,” he says, “‘does not pierce firm substances, but 
merely guides the eggs into already existing cavities ; but the 
aculeus forms the cavity itself for the egg, pierces into bodies 
not firmer than itself, and as a defensive instrument it wounds 
very severely.” On this I would remark, in addition to 
what has been said above, that it is exceptional among the 
Hymenoptera to use the aculeus as a defensive weapon ; and 
that such as habitually so use it, viz. the social Bees and 
Wasps, do not also employ it to form cavities for receiving 

4.—The ambitious, and in many respects very excellent, 
monograph of Lacaze-Duthiers inquires, with much detail and 
many figures, into the morphology and homologies of the 
terebra and its parts; but the author can hardly have 
witnessed its actual operations. For he insists that the 
blades commonly called the saws must obviously, like an 
ordinary saw, be applied to the substances they have to sever 
edgewise and not like an “aculeus” point first. ‘The instru- 
ment, he says in so many words, “ does not make a hole but a 
slit.” I hope I have convinced you that it does both ! 

5.—Lastly, in the 8th edition of a well-known work by the 
justly celebrated American Entomologist and late Honorary 
Fellow of our own Society, Professor Packard, I find an 
account, in which, taking it simply as it stands, I can 
positively discover no sort of meaning whatever. Its words 
are these— 

The ovipositor or saw consists of two lamellae the lower edge of 
which is toothed and fits in a groove in the under side of the upper 
one, which is toothed above, both protected by the usual sheath-like 

How two lamellae can have two edges, a lower and an upper 
one, which are fitted together in a groove ; and what is meant 
by the under side of an upper edge ; and how a tool could act 
when its toothed edge was enclosed within a portion of itself, 

( clv ) 

to me at least is altogether inconceivable. I cannot help sus- 
pecting that the author’s real meaning has suffered a total 
eclipse, through some accidental omission or transposition of 
words during printing, which has converted an intelligible 
though evidently somewhat inadequate account into simple 

I have now only to crave your indulgence for unintended but 
doubtless unavoided deficiencies in this Address—omissions, 
superfluities, errors as to fact, faults of judgment or faults of 
taste, things that might better have been said otherwise, or 
on another occasion, or not said at all. Also I must acknow- 
ledge the kindness of many friends and colleagues, whom I 
have troubled in various ways with my doubts and difficulties, 
especially when I first took up the matter, and was dis- 
covering mares’ nests in every possible direction. Above all 
I must thank Miss Chawner ; and I hope to show my grati- 
tude in deeds rather than in words by worrying her on 
many future occasions for such help as has been so valuable 
to me on the present occasion—or, I should say rather, so 
altogether invaluable. 

(tebyi- ) 


The Arabic figures refer to the pages of the ‘ Transactions’; the Roman 
numerals to the pages of the ‘ Proceedings.’ 
The President’s Address is not separately indexed. 


Acari, myrmecophilous, exhibited, xxvii. 

Acraea, African species of, exhibited, lxv ; monograph of the genus, Ixix. 

aurivillit is female of A. alciope, proved by breeding, exhibited, lvi. 

encedon from Lagos, all-female batches of, exhibited, liv. 

lycoa and A. johnstoni, on the forms and geographical distribution 

+ orestia and A. humilis, bred series of, exhibited, 1xxxi. 

Africa, some Bryocorina from, described, iv, 408; a factor in the production 
of mutual resemblance in allied species of butterflies: a presumed 
Miillerian combination of Huploeas in South India and Amauris in 
South, iv, 417; Aculeate Hymenoptera in the Oxford Museum from, 
xxvi, 528; Charaves from, exhibited, xxix; Papilio dardanus, f£. plane- 
moides from British East, exhibited, xlii; with descriptions of new 
species, report on a collection of Bombyliinae (Diptera) from Central, 
lvii, 605; species of Acraea from, exhibited, lxv; new Lycaenid from, 
exhibited, xxx ; contrasts in colouring between certain species of butter- 
flies from the Lagos district and their geographical races in British 
East, exhibited, Ixxxix; descriptions of some hitherto unknown, or 
little-known larvae and pupae of Rhopalocera from South, 48. 

Ayriades thetis, ab. coelestis, exhibited, xxii. 

Alpine Lycaenids, exhibited, 1. 

Amaurts, in South Africa, a factor in the production of mutual resemblance 
in allied species of butterflies: a presumed Millerian combination of 
Euploeas in South India and, iv, 417; attacks of Tachinid flies upon the 
African Danaine genus, exhibited, xcix. 

America, Neoponerid from Central, exhibited, xvi; descriptions of Micro- 
Lepidoptera from South, bxxxiii, 673. 

Ants, in nests of other species, Queen, exhibited, x ; some remarkable Lepido- 
ptera of Queensland, friends of, xlvii, 577; from Rannoch, exhibited, 
xlviii; depredations by minute, exhibited, lvi; new British, exhibited, 
Ixx; observed in the Lagos district, some Lycaenid larvae tended by, 
xcix ; further observations on temporary social parasitism, and slavery 
in, 175. 

Aphantopus hyperanthus, forced, exhibited, xvii. 





( .elyai. ;) 

Aplecta nebulosa, varieties of, exhibited, xxi. 

Australia, Aculeate Hymenoptera in the Oxf ord Museum from, xxvi, 528. 

Bacilli in the gut of an insect during metamorphosis, on the persistence of 
vii, 497. 

Barypithes pellucidus, exhibited, xxvi. 

Bat and parasitical Dipteron, exhibited, xvi. 

Beetle, new British, exhibited, v; from Hyéres, Longicorn, exhibited, xvii ; 
rare British, exhibited, xx ; abnormal, exhibited, xx; living, exhibited, 

Berkshire, Coliads from, exhibited, 1ii. 

Bombyliinae (Diptera) from Central Africa, with descriptions of new species, 
report on a collection of, lvii, 605. 

Borneo, two new species of Lycaenopsts from Sarawak, 184, 

Boxes, efficient relaxing, exhibited, xxv. 

Brazil, Sphingids from, exhibited, lxii ; Syntomids from, exhibited, evi. 

British, beetle, new, exhibited, v ; Scoparia, xiv, 501; beetle, rare, exhibited, 
xx; Hyloicus pinastri, exhibited, xxv ; Ornithologist’s Union to Central 
Dutch New Guinea, an enumeration of the Rhynchota collected during the 
expedition of the, lvii, 591; Coleoptera, new, exhibited, lxi, lxxxvii; 
Coleoptera, rare, exhibited, lxv; Ant, new, exhibited, lxx ; Rhopalocera, 
descriptions of, Ixxxii; Museum, description de quelques espéces nouvelles 
de Lucanides appartenant aux collections du, 426. 

Bryocorina nonnulla Aethiopica descripta, iv, 408. 

Butterflies, a presumed Millerian combination of Euploeas in South India 
and Amauris in South Africa; a factor in the production of mutual 
resemblance in allied species of, iv, 417; new Indian, exhibited, xxii; 
from the Lagos district and their geographical races at Entebbe, contrasts 
in colouring between certain species of, exhibited, Ixxxix. 

Callophrys avis, living larvae of, exhibited, xxx. 

Cambridge, new Entomological post at, lxiii. 

Canadian Pierids, exhibited, xv. 

Catasticta, with descriptions of new species, notes on the genus, 519. 

Charaxes from Africa, exhibited, xxix. 

Cidaria concinnata, probable specimen of, exhibited, lxxi. 

Clark, A, H., notice of the death of, xlviii. 

Clearwings, larvae of, exhibited, v. 

Coccinellids found on Mimosa trees, exhibited, lxx. 

Coleoptera, varieties of, exhibited, iii; a first supplementary paper on the 
Hymenopterous parasites of, vii, 452 ; new British, exhibited, ]xi, lxxxvii; 
scarce, exhibited, lxiii, 1xxxi; rare British and imported, exhibited, Ixy ; 
abnormal, exhibited, lxxx. 

Coliads from Berkshire, exhibited, lii. 

Colias nastes, var. werdandi, larva of, exhibited, lx. 

Collection, well-arranged, exhibited, xxv. 

Colouring between certain species of butterflies from the Lagos district and 
their geographical races at Entebbe, contrasts in, exhibited, Ixxxix. 

Colour-relation between lepidopterous larvae and pupae and their surround- 
ings, experiments in 1909 and 1910 upon the, 136. 

Conversazione, announcement as to, xiv, xxvi. 

Council for 1911-12, nomination of, lxix. 

( elyii ) 

Cruttwell, Canon C. T., notice of the death of, xvii. 

Damba Island as compared with those from the Entebbe district, Pseudacraeas 
of the hodleyi group on, exhibited, xci. 

Dates of the Society’s publications, enquiry as to, lix; paper on, cix, 750, 

Deilemera antinorii, cocoon of, exhibited, liv ; spherical bodies on cocoons of, 
exhibited, xevi. 

Delias from New Guinea mountains, exhibited, Ixii. 

Diplatys, a revision of the genus, 21. 

Diptera, bat and parasitical, exhibited, xvi; rare, exhibited, lxxi. 

Earwigs from Hyéres, exhibited, xvi. 

English Hyloicus pinastr7, exhibited, xxv. 

Entebbe, contrasts in colouring between certain species of butterflies from 
the Lagos district and their geographical races at, exhibited, Ixxxix ; 
Pseudacraeas of the hobleyi group on Damba Island as compared with 
those from the district of, exhibited, xci. 

Entomological post at Cambridge, new, Ixiii. 

Entomology, notice of lecture on, vii. 

Erastria venustula, bred, exhibited, 1xi. 

Erebia aethiops, exhibited, Ixxxviii. 

Euploeas in South India and Amauris in South Africa, a factor in the produc- 
tion of mutual resemblance in allied species of butterflies: a presumed 
Miillerian combination of, iv, 417. 

Euralia anthedon and FE. dubia, proved by breeding to be forms of a single 
species, exhibited, xlv. 

Fellows, election of, v, ix, xv, xlviii, lix, xiii, ]xix, Ixxxiii. 

Flea eggs, note on, vi. 

Gynandromorphie specimen, exhibited, xxv. 

Harrison, Albert, notice of the death of, xlviii. 

Hawaiian, Hymenoptera, with notes on some previously described, new 
species of, lxxxiii, 719; Hemiptera, with descriptions of new species, 
notes on, Ixxxili, 728. 

Heliconius, species of the genus, exhibited, i. 

Hemiptera, mimics of Hymenoptera, exhibited, xxx; with descriptions of 
new species, notes on Hawaiian, Ixxxiii, 728, 

Heredity in the female forms of Hypolimnas misippus, exhibited, xliv. 

Hesperia (Syricthus) stdae, a contribution to the life history of, xxvi, 563. 

High ground, insects seeking, lvii. 

Honorary Fellows, election of, lxiii. 

Hybernation of Vanessa atalanta in captivity, 173. 

Hybernia marginaria, exhibited, xxiv. 

Hydroecta, on the nictitans group of the genus, cix, 738. 

Hyéres, earwigs from, exhibited, xvi; Longicorn beetle from, exhibited, xvii. 

Hyloicus pinastr?, English, exhibited, xxv. : 

Hymenoptera, -Aculeata in the Oxford Museum, South African and a few 
Australian, xxvi, 528; Hemipterous mimics of, exhibited, xxx; with 
notes on some previously described, new species of Hawaiian, Ixxxiii, 
719; -Aculeata (Sphegidae), collected in Algeria, 62. 

Hymenopterous parasites of Coleoptera, a first supplementary paper on the, 
vii, 452. 

Hypoderma, probable new species of, exhibited, xxvii. 

Ko Moline) 

Hypolimnas misippus, heredity in the female forms of, exhibited, xliy; 
separation of sexes in, Nii, 

‘“‘Tmitation”’ larva, exhibited, lxxii. 

India, and Amaurts in South Africa, a factor in the production of mutual 
resemblance in allied species of butterflies: a presumed Miillerian com- 
bination of Huploeas in South, iv, 417 ; new species and forms of butter- 
flies from, exhibited, xxii; biological notes on Pierine larvae from, xxvi; 
description of a new Nymphaline butterfly from British, 187. 

Insects in the tropics, and their influence on mimicry, notes on enemies of, 168. 

Japan, new and unrecorded species of Lepidoptera Heterocera from, 189, 

Lagos district, instances of mimicry, protective resemblance, ete., from, xlvi; 
all-female batches of Acraea encedon, bred in, liv; and their geographical 
races at Entebbe, contrasts in colouring between certain species of butter- 
flies from the, exhibited, Ixxxix; some ant-tended Lycaenid larvae 
observed in the, xcix. 

Lapland, Rhopalocera from, exhibited, Ixxxvii. 

Lasiocampidae, new genera and species of, 161. 

Lastus fuliginosus, experiments in the formation of colonies by, lxxxiii, 664. 

», mixtus, females of, exhibited, xxi. 
» niger, parthenogenesis in, exhibited, xlix; paper on, Ixviii, 657. 

Latiorina (Lycaena) orbitulus, an amyrmecophilous Plebeiid butterfly, on the 
early stages of, 148. 

Lepidoptera, interesting, exhibited, xxv; myrmecophilous, exhibited, xxvii; 
of Queensland, some remarkable ant-friend, xlvii, 577 ; Heterocera from 
Japan, new and unrecorded species of, 189. 

Leucania pallens and L, favicolor, exhibited, 1xxxvi. 

Liodes, species of, exhibited, xlix. 

Lithosia, melanic, exhibited, 1. 

Longicorn larva, sound made by a, Ixv. 

Lucanides appartenant aux collections du British Museum, description de 
quelques espéces nouvelles de, 426. 

Luperina gueneet, variation in, exhibited, ii. 

3,  nickerlii and allies, exhibited, Ixxxvii. 

Lycaenids, Alpine, exhibited, 1; new African, exhibited, lxxx ; observed in the 
Lagos district, some ant-tended larvae of, exhibited, xcix. 

Lycaenopsis from Sarawak, Borneo, two new species of, 184. 

Marmara, spherical bodies on cocoons of Tineid genus, xcviii. 

Melanargia galathea, black, exhibited, xlviii ; some local forms of, exhibited, 

Melanic Lithosia, exhibited, 1. 

Metamorphosis, on the persistence of bacilli in the gut of an insect during, 
vii, 497. 

Micro-Lepidoptera, descriptions of South American, Ixxxiii, 673. 

Mimicry, a factor in the production of mutual resemblance in allied species 
of butterflies: a presumed Miillerian combination of Euploeas in South 
India and Amauris in South Africa, iv, 417; of Pompilid by Reduviid 
bug, exhibited, xxix; of Hymenoptera by Hemiptera, exhibited, xxx ; 
protective resemblance, etc., from the Lagos district, instance of, xlvi; 
by certain Sarawak insects, instances of, exhibited, 'Ixxiii; notes on 
insect enemies in the tropics, and their influence on, 168. 


Mymar, new species of, exhibited, xxvii; paper on, cviii. 

Myrmecophilous Lepidoptera, exhibited, xxvii ; Acari, exhibited, xxvii. 

Natural History Museum as site of new Science Museum, resolutions as to 
land proposed to be taken from, xviii, xxvi. 

Neoponerid, Central American, exhibited, xvi. 

Neuroptera, southern, exhibited, lxi ; northern, exhibited, Ixiv. 

New Guinea, an enumeration of the Rhynchota collected during the expedition 
of the British Ornithologists’ Union to Central Dutch, lvii, 591; 
mountains, Delias from, exhibited, lxii; some undescribed butterflies 
from Dutch, 16. 

New Zealand weevil, exhibited, lxix. 

Worasuma kolga, cocoons and eggs of Bombycid moth, exhibited, xcy. 

Northern Neuroptera, exhibited, Ixiv, 

Nymphaline butterfly from British India, description of a new, 187. 

Obituary. J. W. Tutt, iv, viii; P.C. T. Snellen, xv; Canon C. T. Crutt- 
well, W. A. Rollason, xvii; Dr. S. H. Seudder, A. H. Clark, Albert 
Harrison, G. H. Verrall, xlviii. 

Odontopera bidentata in connection with their colour surroundings, experi 
ments with the larva and pupa of, 136. 

Oestridae Cavicolae, lvii. 

Officers for 1911-12, nomination of, Ixix. 

Oryyia splendida (dubia), on the larva of, 160. 

Oxford Museum, some African and a few Australian Aculeate Hymenoptera 
in the, xxvi, 528. 

Oxytelus, a remarkable, exhibited, xlix. 

Papilio dardanus cenea, £. trophonius, exhibition of new female form leight 

bred from, xxxili. 
= », £. planemotdes from British East Africa, exhibited, xlii. 
99 (Tachyris) melania, exhibited, lix. 

Parthenogenesis in Lasius niger, exhibited, xlix ; paper on, Ixviii, 657. 

Phasmid new to science, exhibited, Ixxxiii. 

Pierids, Canadian, exhibited, xv. 

Pierine larvae, biological notes on Indian, xxvi, 

Pieris oleracea and P. rapae, exhibited, xxiv, 

Planema alcinoe, observations on the courtship of, xev. 

Polistes gallica, note on, xxx. 

Polyctenidae viviparous, Ixiv. 

Polygonia c-album, var. hutchinsont, exhibited, ili. 

Pompilid mimicked by Reduviid bug, exhibited, xxix. 

Presentation to Society, lxix. 

President for 1911-12, nomination of, i, ix. 

Pseudacraeas of the hobleyt group on Damba Island as compared with those 
from the Entebbe district, exhibited, xci. 

Psychid cases, gigantic, exhibited, xiv. 

Publications, enquiry as to dates of the Society’s, lix ; paper on, cix, 750. 

Pyrameis cardut, bred, exhibited, Ixxi. 

Queensland, some remarkable ant-friend Lepidoptera of, xlvii, 577. 

Rannoch, ants from, exhibited, xlviii. 

Reduviid bug, Pompilid mimicked by, exhibited, xxix. 

Relaxing boxes, efficient, exhibited, xxv. 

els. 4 


Rhodesian insects as prey, exhibited, xxii. 

Rhopalocera, Sicilian, exhibited, 1; descriptions of British, Ixxxii; from 
Lapland, exhibited, Ixxxvii; descriptions of some hitherto unknown, or 
little-known larvae and pupae of South African, 48. 

Rhynchota collected during the expedition of the British Ornithologists’ Union 
to Central Dutch New Guinea, an enumeration of the, Ivii, 591. 

Rollason, W. A., notice of the death of, xvii. 

Sarawak, exhibition of instances of mimicry by certain insects from, lxxiii. 

Science Museum, site for new, resolutions as to, xviii, xxvi. 

Scoparia, the British (and a few Continental) species of the genus, xiv, 501. 

Scudder, Dr. Samuel H., notice of the death of, xlviii. 

Separation of sexes in Hypolimnas misippus, liii. 

Sicily, Rhopalocera from, exhibited, 1. 

Sirex noctilio, exhibited, 1xi. 

Snellen, P. C. T., notice of the death of, xv. 

Sound made by a Longicorn larva, lxv. 

Southern Neuroptera, exhibited, 1xi. 

Spalgis lemolea, food of the carnivorous Lycaenid larva, exhibited, civ. 

Sphegidae, Hymenoptera-Aculeata collected in Algeria, 62. 

Sphingids, Brazilian, exhibited, Ixii. 

Spider, a gigantic, exhibited, Ixxii. 

Stereoscopic photograph, exhibited, xiii. 

“ Stick-insect,”” male, exhibited, 1xi. 

Striphnopterygidae, new genera and species of, 161, 

Sympetrum fonscolombit, exhibited, 1ii. 

Syntomidae from Brazil, exhibited, evi. 

Tachinid flies upon the African Danaine genus 4 mauris, attacks of, exhibited, 

Tachyporus, a new, exhibited, ii. 

Temperature, experiments on pupae, x; on animal (especially insect) life, 
effect of, Ixvi. 

Teratological specimens, exhibited, vi, Ixiv. 

Tortricidae, new, exhibited, li. 

Tortrix, rare, exhibited, lxx, 

Travelled insect, exhibited, lxiv. 

Tutt, J. W., notice of the death of, iv, viii. 

Uropteryx sambucaria in connection with their colour surroundings, experi- 
ments with the larva and pupa of, 136. 

Vanessa atalanta in captivity, the hybernation of, 173. 

Variation in Luperina quencet, exhibited, ii. 

Verrall, G. H., notice of the death of, xlviii. 

Vice-Presidents, appointment of, ix. 

Weevil from New Zealand, exhibited, Ixix. 

Wood-boring larva, exhibited, xxiv, 

PROC. ENT. SOC. LOND., v. 1911. L 

( elxii ) 


The Arabic figures refer to the pages of the ‘ Transactions’; the Roman numerals 
to the pages of the ‘ Proceedings, 

abducalis (Hypena), 260 
ao (Rhynchina), 260 
abicollis (Scolia), see albicollis (Scolia) 
abietella (Phalaena), 362 
abieticola (Eurytoma), 487, 489 
abisara (Callidula), Ixxiv, Ixxvill 
ablualis (Adrapsa), 253 
abnormis (Crabro), 727 
abolineola (Eriopus), 210 
Abraxaphantes, 319 
Abraxas, 318, 319 
Abrostola, 245 
abruptus (Thyridanthrax), 626, 627 
absorpta (Carige), 321 
Acantharades, 597 
Acanthocampa, 396, 397 
acanthocini (Metastenus), 466 
Acanthocinus, 466 
acanthomerus (Stizus), 116 
acephalus (Coeliodes), 484 
Aceris (Coceus), 469 
Achaea, 242 
Acherontia, 273 
Acherontianae, 273 
Acidalia, 320, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336 
Acidalianae, 333 
Acontia, 214, 230 
acontialis (Orthaga), 367 
Acontianae, 234 
Acosmeryx, 278, 279 
Acraea, liv, lv, lvi, Ixv, lxvi, xix, 
lboogs Doodh bsoare hy ai, 25 11, @, 
7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 18, 14, 15, 60, 171 
Acraeinae, xc 
Acrobasis, 362, 363 
acrocosma (Coptotelia), 702 
Acronicta, 748 
Acronycta, 156, 215, 216, 217, 218, 506 
Acronyctinae, 205 
actaeata (Hupithecia), 330 
»,  (Tephroclystia), 330 

adelphella eee ae x), 361 
ai (Phycis), 361 
(Salebr ia), 361 
admirabilis (Lophopteryx), 296 
Adrapsa, 252, 253 
adspectans (Crabro), 727 
adyte (Erebia), vi 
aeagrus (Dinia), evi, evil 
aedea (Heterusia), 350 
», (Papilio), 350 
Aedia, 247 
/Kdoeagus, 154 
aedilis (Astynomus), 466 
Aegeria, V, Vi, XXiv 
aenea (Tachytes), 99 
aenescens (Naranga), 231 
aeneum (Apion), 478 
aeneus (Diplolepis), 491 
aenigmatica (Cnephasia), 682 
aestivalis (Calosoter), 460 
aethiops (Diplatys), 22, 23, 29, 31,42,43 
» (Erebia), Ixxxviii 
,,  racecaledonia(Erebia), xxxiii, 
Ixxxviii, lxxxix 
Le (Eulocastra), 231 
Aetroxys, 465 
afer (Diodontus), 69 
, (Sphex), 76 
, (Thyridanthray), 625 
affinis (Anadiasa), 167 
», (Catasticta), 521 
,, (Pteromalus), 469 
africana (Myrmilla), 541 
africanus (Delias), 18 
»» (Oxybelus), 182 
Agabus, iii 
agamemnon (Papilio), xxv 
aganice, f. montana (Planema), xe 
Agapanthia, xvii 
agathon, var. caphusa (Aporia), 188 
3 var. phryxe (Aporia), 188 

(celxati: ) 

Agelastica, 472 
agilis (Odynerus), 726 
agitata (Boarmia), 308 
», (Duliophyle), 308 
», ab. diluta (Duliophyle), 308 
», (Xandrames), 808 
Aglais, Ixxxvii 
Agraptochlora, 344 
Agriades, xxii, 154 
agrili (Eurytoma), 458 
Agrilus, 458 
Agriotes, 458, 459 
Agrotera, 374 
Agrotinae, 195 
Agrotis, 196 
Agylla, 193, 194 
Agyrta, cvi, evii 
Alaparus (Eulophus), 478 
alaris (Discolia), 553 
», (Seolia), 553 
Alathetus, 592 
albella (Stenoma), 711 
albertisi (Delias), ]xii 
albescens (Villa), 624, 625 
albicilia (Endotricha), 368 
albicincta (Cerceris), 85 
albicollis (Dielis), 555 
(Elis), 555, 556 
“i (Scolia), 555 
- (Sphex), 555 
albicosta (Cirphis), 200 
aA (Leucania), 200 
albicostata (Cymatophora), 281 
Ae (Pelosia), 392 
(Polyploca), 281 
albidisca (Euplexia), 206 
(Hadena), 206 
a (Trachea), 206 
albidus (Systoechus), 607 
albifuscalis (Glyphodes), 382 
albilunalis (Glyphodes), 381 
albimaculata (Amauris), xxxviii, 3, 9, 
421, 422, 423, 424 
albina (Catasticta), 525 
albipennis (Microgaster), 458 
2 (Systole), 470 
albiscutellaris (Bruchus), 470 
albisectus (Parasphex), 75 
” (Sphex), 75 
albisignata (Elydna), 221, 222 
albistigma (Acronycta), 217 
15 (Olulis), 258 
ps (Zethes), 258 
albistrigata (Gelasma), 341 
albistyla (Mutilla), 529 
albocoerulea (Lycaenopsis), 186 
albofasciaria (Zamacra), 396, 397 
albofasciata (Catasticta), 523 



albohirtum (Lepidoderma), 457 
albonotata (Bryophila), 211 
He (Chytonix), 211 
albopunctalis (Hypena), 264 
alboradiata (Phyllalia), 162 
albosignata (Caradrina), 221 
albosparsus (Bruchus), 470 
albotecta (Lepidoderma), 457 
albotomentosa (Ammophila), 73 
alboundulata (Hemithea), 338 
us (Memoria), 338 
Albulina, 1, li, 153, 154 
alceae (Carcharodus), 567, 572 
aleinoe (Planema), xc, xci, xciii, xev 
alciope (Acraea), lvi, 1xxxi 
Alecis, 311, 312, 315 
aleyone (Mutilla), 536 
alecto (Mutilla), 533 
Aleochara, Ixiii 
Aleurodes, 455 
algira (Ammophila), 73 
», (Eremochares), 72, 73 
algirica (Liodes), xlix 
aliena (Notodonta), 291 
alienata (Odontomutilla), 547 
alienus (Lasius), 180 
Alloderus, 480 
Allodonta, 290 
alma (Catasticta), 521, 522, 525 
», (Euterpe), 521 
alni (Agelastica), 472 
5, (Orchestes), 480 
alpina (Eudoria), 505, 507, 514 
altaica (Acronycta), 217 
alticeps (Centrotus), 601 
»,  (Ibiceps), 601 
alula (Hyperalonia), 652, 654 
aluminias (Capua), 674 
Alydus, xxx, xxxi 
Alysia, 459, 473, 484 
Alyson, 111 
Amalus, 485 
amastris (Catasticta), 520, 522 
‘e (Euterpe), 520 
Amatissa, 346 
Amauris, iv, xXxiil, xxxvili, xlii, xlv, 
xvas xlvil, xcix,, 3, 8,9) 0421, 422) 
423, 424 
ambidens (Tachytes), 100 
ambigua (Gelasma), 341 
(Spoelotis), 196 
»,  (Thalassodes), 341 
ambigualis (Scoparia), 501, 502, 
507, 508, 509, 510, 
512, 513 
5 var. syriaca (Scoparia), 513 
Amblychia, 307 
Amblymerus, 491 



I 2, 


( hay ~)) 

Ambulicinae, 276 

americana (Hydroecia), 740, 745, 746, 

747, 748, 749 

Ammophila, 64, 65, 71, 72, 73, 74 
Ammoplanus, 68 
Amoebe, 328 
Amoebotricha, 327 
amoena (Nonagria), 211 
amoenaria (Euchloris), 339 

an (Phorodesma), 339 

5 (Uliocnemis), 337 
Amorpha, 277, 278 
Ampelophaga, 278, 279 
amphicoma (Dichomeris), 695 
amphicrena (Coptotelia), 703 

annandalei (Diplatys), 22, 28, 29, 42 
annexa (Cerceris), 82, 84 
annularis (Caloclytus), Ixxvi, ]xxviii 
+ (Chlorophorus), Ixxvi 
annulipes (Anisolabis), xvi 
xs (Aphycus), 475 
»,  (Oneocephalus), 597 
Anobium, 460, 461, 488 
Anodonta, 761 
anomala (Sorocaba), xxv 
Anommatus, 456 
Anoratha, 258, 259 
Anoxus, 462 
anseraria (Acidalia), 332 
7 (Asthena), 332 

amphidamas, var. obscura (Chrysopha- 
nus), Ixxxvil 

Antaeotricha, 708, 709, 710 
Antarchaea, 249 

” 3 Antaxia, 457 

Amphidasis, 136, 309 
amphidasyaria (Boarmia), 314 
Amphidasys, 311 
Amphimoea, Ixiii 
amphitritaria (Nemoria), 840 
ampliata (Cymatophora), 282 
amurensis (Amorpha), 277, 278 
var. sinica (Amorpha), 278 
Amyeles, evii 
Anacampsis, 694 
anacardii (Salamis), 55 
Anadiasa, 167 
anaitis (Catasticta), 524 
analis (Liacos), 552 
», (Oxybelus), 132 
»»  (Triliacos), 552 
Anarpia, 506, 507, 513 
Anarta, ]xxxvii 
Anastoechus, 605, 609, 610 
Anceryx, 275 
anceus (Acosmeryx), 279 
Ancistromma, 66, 105 
andalusiacus (Philanthus), 93 
andrenaeformis (Aegeria), xxiv 
andrewsalis (Pyrausta), 389 
andrewsi (Eurycyttarus), 347 
andromedae (Hesperia), 1xxxvii 
anemosa (Acraea), Ixxx, 60 
Anerastianae, 356 
angeronaria (Amblychia), 307 
angulata (Mutilla), 546 
Ss (Odontomutilla), 546, 547 
»,  (Rivula), 267 
angustatus (Diplatys), 21, 28, 25, 80 
angustea (Eudoria), 507, 515 
angustus (Perilampus), 461 
Anisodes, 299 
Anisolabis, xvi 
Anisotoma, 454 

antennata (Mimesa), 727 
antennatum (Callidium), 465 
antennatus (Sphecius), 125, 127, 128, 
Antennophorus, xxvii 
Antestia, 594 
Anthaxia, 457 
anthedon (Euratia), xlv 
anthonomi (Catolaccus), 483 
Anthonomus, 483 
Anthophila, 62 
anthracina (Nesoprosopis), 725 
Anthrax, 606, 616, 618, 620, 621, 622, 
Anthribus, 469 
Anthrocera, Ixxxvii 
antica (Lithosia), 393 
Antichloris, evi 
antinorii (Deilemera), xlvi, liv, xevi 
antirrhini (Gymnetron), 481 
Apamea, 207, 209, 210 
Apanteles, 152, 453 
Apatela, 216 
apaturina (Catasticta), 520, 526 
Apenesia, 456, 486 
Aphaena, 600 
Aphantopus, xvii 
aphirape, var. ossianus 
Aphycus, 475 
apicalis (Aulacus), 463 
,,  (Exoprosopa), 653 
»,  (Labena), 458 
»,  (Odoniella), 412 
»,  (Sypna), 246 
apicipunctata (Acidalia), 334 
Apion, 476, 477, 478 
apionis (Holaspis), 476 
»,  (Semiotus), 477 
Apium, see Apion, 477 


(clay, } 

Aplecta, xxi 
Apoda, 349 
Aporia, 188 
Appias, 172 
apricans (Apion), 476 
aptalis (Paraponyx), 371 
arabs (Oxybelus), 131 
Aradidae, 597 
Aradophagus, 491 
Aradus, 597 
arboricola (Nysius), 732, 734 
Archanara, 224, 225 
archesia (Precis), Ixxiii, 56 
Archonias, 522 
arcta (Miana), 209 
Arctiadae, 191, 391 
Arctianae, 391 
arctides (Apamea), 209 

»,  (Hadena), 209 

»,  (Oligia), 209 
arcuata (Urodonta), 293 
ardates (Nacaduba), xxiii 

5, var. dima (Nacaduba), xxiii 
ardescens (Conistra), 204 

5 ab. purpurea (Conistra), 204 

3 (Dasycampa), 204 
arenaria (Cerceris), 88, 89 

a5 (Planema), xc, xci, xciii 
arenarum (Stizus), 63, 123 
Arenostola, 224 
argentatum (Pison), 727 
argenteiventris (Mutilla), 532 
argentifrons (Exoprosopa), 636, 643 
argentilinearia (Decetia), 352 

o (Mimozethes), 352 
argocosma (Paraptila), 677 
Argynnides, Ixviii 
Argyramoeba, 615, 616, 620, 621, 623 
Argyroeides, evii 
argyrognomon, var. aegidion (Plebeius), 

argyrolepis (Litorrhynchus), 630 
argyrophora (Exoprosopa), 636, 643 
Argyroploce, 689, 690, 691, 692 
Arichanna, 317, 318 
aristolochiae (Papilio), 170, 171 
arithmeticus (Astichus), 463 
armata (Kerana), xxv 
armatus (Ascogaster), 475 
armicollis (Magdalalis), 487 
arnearia (Corymicca), 396 
Aromia, 464 
Arrowi (Hemisodoreus), 441, 442 
Artaxa, 272 
artemisia (Mutilla), 529 
Arthrolytus), 460 
aruana (Mictis), 596 
arundinis (Hypera), 472, 479 

arundinis (Phytonomus), 479 
asclepiadis (Abrostola), 245 
i (Noctua), 245 
Ascodipteron, xvi, xvii 
Ascogaster, 475 
Asecodes, 483 
asela (Euploea), 169, 171, 418, 419 
asella (Bombyx), 350 
», (Heterogenea), 350 
asellus (Gymnetron), 482 
asiatica (Hydroecia), 747, 748, 749 
»,  (Pachytelia), 397 
Asinduma, 233 
askoldis (Trachea), 208 
aspersa (Hypocala), 246 
asperulus (Amalus), 485 
53 (Ceuthorrhynchus), 484 
asphodeli (Agapanthia), xvii 
Aspidomorpha, lxiv 
Aspiloptera, 624 
assimilata (Nodaria), 256 : 
assimilis (Ceuthorrhynchus), 484 
assimulans (Nesoprosopis), 725 
astarte (Barymutilla), 550 
Astata, 94 
Astatus, 94, 95, 96 
asteria (Tachyris), 1x 
Asteroscopus, 284 
Asthena, 331, 332 
Astichus, 463 
astragali (Apion), 478 
astrarche (Lycaena), 150 
astrigera (Acraea), lxv 
»,  #. brunnea (Acraea), Ixv, xvi 
Astynomus, 466 
atalanta (Vanessa), 173, 174 
Atanycolus, 457 
atavia (Coreura), cvii 
ate (Dasylabris), 544 
Ateleopterus, 456 
ater (Proctotrypes), 453 
aterrima (Eurytoma), 481 
Athetis, 218 
Athous, ili 
atlantica (Hydroecia), 740, 745, 746, 
748, 749 
atomalis (Scoparia), 501, 502, 503, 507, 
508, 509, 510, 511, 512 
atra (Eryx), ]xxxvii 
atrata (Dolichomutilla), 542 
,,  (Proteostrenia), 306 
atrator (Bracon), 481 
»,  (Meteorus), 463 
atrocyanea (Ammophila), 72 
be (Psammophila), 72 
atropos (Mutilla), 529 
atropurpureus (Eupelmus), 470 
atrovittata (Brachionycha), 284, 285 


() “clxvt .) 

atrovittata (Microphalera), 284 
atrovittatus (Asteroscopus), 284 
(Microphalera), 284, 
atrox (Oedipoda), 607 
Attagenus, 457 
Attelabus, 475 
attenuatum (Trypoxylon), 131 
Atteria, 676 
attonita (Oxycriptis), 692 
Aucha, 214 
audouini (Oxynopterus), Ixxx 
Aufidus, 602 
Aulacodes, 372, 373 
Aulacus, 463, 464 
Aulicus, 467 
aurata (Euproctis), 272 
aurea (Pyrinioides), 353 
», (Rhodoneura), 353 
aureicollis (Campsomeris), 555 
aureola (Acraea), Ixvi 
»,  (Dielis), 556, 558 
»» (Elis), 556, 558 
»,  (Scolia), 558 
aureomaculata (Catasticta), 525 
aureopuncta (Kuplexia), 208° 
aureus (Bruchus), 470 
auricoma (Kurytoma), 487,489, 490, 491 
auriferana (Chrysoxena), 685 
aurimargo (Circobotys), 384 
aurivillii (Acraea), lvi 
australiensis (Heterarthrellus), 456 
autumnalis (Systoechus), 607 
avis (Callophrys), xxx 
Avitta, 251 
axis (Hemisodoreus), 439, 440 
aygulus (Anthrax), 620, 621 
azurea (Euagra), evi, evil 
Bacillus, 1, 497, 499 
Bactra, 689 
badiata (Amoebotricha), 327 
Baeturia, 599 
bajularia (Phorodesma), 539 
bajulus (Hylotrypes), 464 
balanini (Ephialtes), 485 
Balaninus, 485, 486 
Bapta, 298, 299 
barbara (Bembex), 129 
sp (Cb erdave))s bel 
Barcinus, 596 
Bargaglii (Eurytoma), 489 
baridil (Bracon), 485 
Baridius, 485 
Baris, 485 
Barymutilla, 546, 549, 550 
Barypithes, xxvi, xxvii 
basalipunctata (Gorty na), 220 
5 (Hydroecia), 220, 221 
basalis (Antaeotricha), 709 


basalis (Entedon), 470 
(Hyperaeschra), 295 
,, (Litorrhynchus), 630 
,, (Palimpsestes), 282 
basilinea (Notodonta), 292 
basistrigalis (Scoparia), 501, 502, 503, 
505, 507, 510, 512 
Bassus, 478 
batrachoides (Exoprosopa), 
646, 648 
bathrogramma (Orphnolechia), 711 
bella (Leucotmemis), evii 
bellargus (Agriades), 154 
.; ab. coelestis (Agriades), xxii 
bellicosus (Cremastus), 152 
bellus (Callimerus), 1xxvi, ]xxviii 
Belomicrus, 133 
Belyta, 477 
belzebul (Lomatia), 614 
bembeciforme (Trochilium), vi 
Bembex, 129, 130 
Bembidium, Ixxxi 
beroe (Mutilla), 545 
»» (Stenomutilla), 545 
Bertula, 254 
betularia (Amphidasis), 136 
o ab. nigra (Biston), 309 
A (Geometra), 309 
HA (Lycia), 309 
betularius, var. fumosarius(Biston), 309 
betuleti (Byctiscus), 475 
»,  (Rhynchites), 475 
biangulifera (Ozola), 320 
(Zarmigethusa), 320 
biatomea (Rivula), 267 
bicolor (Antaeotricha), 710 
,, (Diplatys), 22, 27, 36, 38, 40 
»,  (Hylesinus), 489 
», (Labia), 36 
bidentata (Amoebe), 328 
ms (Geometra), 303 
a (Gonodontis), 303 
. (Odontopera), 136, 137, 144 
(Phalaena), 328 
bidentatus (Pityogenes), 492 
xe (Stauropus), 287 
bidentis (Diplolepis), 492 
bifasciata (Calymnia), 223 
up (Grammesia), 223 
A (Strangalia), 466 
bifasciatum (Rhagium), 465 
bifidella (Polyocha), 357 
bifurcalis (Parthenodes), 373 
biguttatus (Endomychus), 456 
biguttula (Hadjina), 220 
4s (Mamestra), 220 
bilinea (Polia), 197 
bilinealis (Antarchaea), 249 

637, 645, 

( clxvil ) 

bilineata (Macalla), 364 
biloba (Drymonia), 295 
», (Hyperaeschra), 295 
»» (Semidonta), 295 
bilunaria (Selenia), x, xi 
bimaculata (Diplolepis), 491 
binotata (Ricania), 601 
bipars (Oeceticoides), 347 
bipartitus (Laelius), 467 
bipennis (Nemoptera), 1xi 
bipuncta (Schistophleps), 195 
bipunctatus (Oxybelus), 132 
bipunctella (Hypsotropha), 356 
bipunetifera (Schoenobius), 356 
(Tripanaea), 356 
bipustulatus (Agabus), ii 
- (Attelabus), 475 
Pe (Chilocorus), lxx 
Birmanicus (Nigidius), 446 
bisacutum (Latirostrum), 258 
biskrensis (Tachytes), 99 
bispinosa (Ploiaria), 761 
Biston, 309, 310, 311, 312 
bithys (Catasticta), 524 
bitinctella (Nephopteryx), 359 
biundularia (Tephrosia), 316 
biustus (Leptostylus), 466 
bivirgae (Acronycta), 217 
bivittellus (Crambus), 353 
blackburni (Nesoprosopis), 725, 727 
,, __(Nysius), 733 
Blacus, 467 
Blanaida, 169 
blandula (Bryophilina), 215 
Bleptina, 253, 254, 255 
Boarinea, 316 
Boarmia, 308, 312, 318, 314, 315, 316 
Boarmianae, 298, 396 
bohemani (Apion), 476 
boisduvalii (Sagra), 471 
boleti (Cis), 463 
boliviana (Catasticta), 519 
boliviensis (Catasticta), 519 
Bombyliinae, lvii 
Bombylius, 605, 606, 607 
Bombyx, 243, 289, 350, 351 
Bomolocha, 265 
bodps (Astatus), 95, 96 
bore (Oeneis), lxxxvii 
borealis (Bruchophagus), 469 
Borkhausenia, 695 
bormansi (Diplatys), 21, 
32, 33, 36, 
Borolia, 201 
Bostrichus, 491 
Bostrychus, 462 
Bothromyrmex, 182 
Botys, 376 380, 388, 390 

23, 26, 30, 

Brachionycha, 284, 285 
Brachymerus, 133 
Brachyrhynchus, 491 
Brachysyinbola, 718 
Brachytarsus, 469 
Bracon, 462, 465, 479, 481, 488, 485, 
488, 489, 490 
branicki (Urodonta), 293 
braueri (Nysson), 109 
Brenthis, Ixxxvii 
brevicornis (Passaloecus), 70 
(Rhopalicus), 479 

brevifascialis (Syngamia), 377 
Brevipecten, 248 
brevipennis (Ilema), 393 

PF (Lithosia), 393 

Ny (Semiotus), 477 
breviventris (Pachylarthrus), 470 
brevivittalis (Bertula), 254 

(Mastigophorus), 254 

bruchicida (Sparthiophila), 469 
bruchivorus (Meraporus), 470 
Bruchophagus, 469, 470 
Bruchus, 469, 470 
brumosa (Acronycta), 216 
brunnearia (Ectropis), 316 

“ (Tephrosia), 316 
brunneri (Bembex), 129 
brutus (Charaxes), 54 
bryographa (Peronea), 687 
Bryomoea, 212 
Bryomoia, 212 
Bryophila, 211, 212, 213 
Bryophilina, 214, 215 
Bupalus, 300, 301 
bupresticida (Cerceris), 77, 78, 79, 80 
buprestoides (Melasis), 458 
Busiris (Entedon), 477 
Byctiscus, 475 
byrsinitis (Stenoma), 713 
Cacoecia, 678 
caeca (Caradrina), 222 
caelestis (Entedon), 458 
caeruleolineata (Hastina), 332 
Cafius, 454 
caicus (Grammodia), | xiii 
Calandra, 486, 487 
Calandrae (Pteromalus), 486 
c-album (Polygonia), iv 

5, var. hutchinsoni (Polygonia), 
iii, iv 

calear (Proctotrypes), 453 
calearatus (Alydus), xxx, xxxi 
Calcaritis, 307 
calculator (Microdus), 475 
caldarena (Acraea), 60 
caliginosa (Bleptina), 253 

BS (Hypena), 262 


(Gla 5) 

callidii (Aetroxys), 465, 468 
,,  (Hetroxys), 465, 468 
Callidium, 465 
Callidryas, 171 
Callidula, lxxiv, Ixxviii 
Callidulidae, xxiv, Ixxviii 
Callimerus, Ixxvi, xxviii 
Callimome, 489 
Calliphara, 591 
Callopepla, evi, evii 
Callophrys, xxx, 155 
Callopistria, 210 
calmariensis (Galeruca), 472 
i (Galerucella), 472 
Caloclytus, Ixxvi, Ixxvii, Ixxviii 
calopteryx (Stizus), 120 
Calosota, 461 
Calosoter, 460 
Calosphex, 75, 76 
Calymnia, 214, 222, 223 
Calyptus, 476 
campanulae (Cleopus), 481 
A (Miarus), 481 
campestris (Cicindela), 452 
Campoplex, 471, 484, 492 
Campsomeris, 555, 556, 558 
Camptochilus, 353 
camptocladius (Anthrax), 621, 622 
canaliculatus (Lyctus), 454, 462 
candida (Stilpnotia), 395 
candidaria (Bapta), 299 
candiope (Charaxes), 52, 54 
Canephora, 397 
canesceus (Elis), 555 
Canidiella, 479 
canis (Ctenocephalus), vi 
Canna, 215 
capicola (Mutilla), 544 
»  (Stenomutilla), 544 
capitalis (Tachysphex), 105 
capito (Cerceris), 86, 87, 88, 92 
,,  (Dischistus), 611 
Capnodes, 250, 251 
capnoptera (Exoprosopa), 637, 645, 648 
Caprilia, 396 
Capsidae, 729 
Capua, 674, 675 
capucinus (Bostrychus), 462 
caraborum (Prosacantha), 452 
Caradrina, 221, 222 
Carcharodus, 567, 572 
cardamines (Euchloe), 1 
cardui (Pyrameis), 1xxi 
Carige, 321 
carlottae (Cotylosoma), Ixxxv 
Md (Prisopus), Ixxxv 
carphitis (Antaeotricha), 710 
Carposina, 673 

Carposinidae, 673 
carthami (Hesperia), 568 
caryae (Xorides), 467 
caspica (Cerceris), 82, 83 
Cassida, 473, 474 
Cassididae, ]xiv 
castanea (Acosmeryx), 279 
castaneiceps (Corgatha), 227 
castaneum (Tetropium), 468 
ss var. hirtum (Nicobium), 461 
castra (Napata), evil 
Catada, 257 
Catasticta, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523; 
524, 525, 526, 527 
catella (Achaea), 242 
catenalis (Nacoleia), 378 
Catephia, 247 
Catocala, 239, 240, 242 
Catocalinae, 238 
catocaloida (Acronycta), 217 
Catogenus, 456 
Catolaccus, 483, 484 
Catophaga, lix, lx 
caudatus (Platigaster), 473 
»,  (Sigalphus), 476 
5S (Thersilochus), 474 
caustolomaria (Corymica), 300 
caveata (Argyroploce), 691 
Cechenena, 280 
Cecidostiba, 490 
cecilia (Mutilla), 549 
Celama, 191, 192 
Celeopsyche, 227 
celestina (Tachyris), lix, lx 
cembrae (Scoparia), 503, 507, 511, 512 
cenea (Papilio), xevili, 50 
centaureae (Hesperia), 1xxxvii 
Centrotus, 601 
centuriella (Scoparona), 506, 507, 510, 
Cephalomyia, lviii 
Cephalonomia, 459, 460, 490, 492 
Cephalonomyia, 463 
Cephenomyia, lviii 
cepheus (Barymutilla), 549 
»,  (Mutilla), 549 
cerago (Noctua), 204 
Cerambycidae, Ixxviii 
Cerambyx, 464, 465 
Cerastis, 204 
Ceratarcha, 380 
cerberus (Catasticta), 520 
Cerceris, 63, 64, 65, 66, 77, 78, 79, 80, 
81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 
90, 91, 92, 93 
Cercopidae, 602 
Cercopis, 602 
Cerocephala, 461, 487, 488, 491 

() (elie) 

cervicalis (Seymnus), 455 
cervicornis (Kulophus), 458 
cervus (Lucanus), 435 
cespitalis (Pyrausta), 390 
ceto (Erebia), vi 
Cetoniidae, xx 
ceuthorrhynchi (Encyrtus), 484 
a (Selitrichus), 484 
Ceuthorrhynchidius, 485 
Ceuthorrhynchus, 484 
ceylonica (Nola), 192 
ceyx (Lycaenopsis), 185, 186 
Chabrias (Asecodes), 483 
¥i (Cirrospilus), 483 

Chabuata, 198 
Chaerocampa, 278, 280 
Chaetostricha, 475 
Chaleidites, 474 
chalciope (Nyridela), cvii 
chalcodora (Ethmia), 718 
Chaleosia, xxv, Ixxviii 
Chaleosianae, 350 
Chalcosiinae, Ixxv, lxxviii 
chambezi (Acraea), lxv 
Chamopsis, 415, 416 
champa (Moma), 242 

» var. ainu (Moma), 242 

“5 (Trichosea), 242 
Chamus, 413, 414, 415 
charadrophilus (Odynerus), 720 
Charaxes, Xxli, xxili, xxix, 51, 52, 53, 

54, 55 
charaxus (Mutilla), 529 
Chasminodes, 225 
Cheiropachus, see Cheiropachys, 460, 

Cheiropachys, 460, 480, 488, 490 
Chelidonii (Aleurodes), 455 
chelifer (Chelodynerus), 726 
Chelodynerus, 726 
Chilo, 354 
Chilocorus, lxx 
chimaera (Ornithoptera), 16, 17, i8 
chinensis (Nesoprosopis), 725 
Chionamoeba, 615 
Chittendeni (Plastanoxus), 463 
Chittendenii (Anoxus), 462 
Chlaenius, 453 
Chlamys, 471 
chlamytis (Tetrastichus), 471 
Chlorion, 74 
chlorizans (Baris), 485 
chlorochroa (Machimia), 697 
Chlorophorus, lxxvi 
chlorotica (Bembex), 129 
choaspitis (Lobophora), 331 

a (Trichopteryx), 331 

Choleva, v 

Cholius, 506, 507 
chordostoma (Cryptolechia), 704 
Chreonoma, Ixxvii 
chrysanthema (Atteria), 676 
chrysidia (Pseudostegania), 333 
chrysidice (Pseudostegania), 333 
chrysippus (Danaida), xlvii 
a f. dorippus (Danaida), 5 
. (Danais)s 7a liz 
Se (Platigaster), 477 
chrysippusalis (Oligostigma), 371 
Chrysobothris, 458 
chrysolopha (Catasticta), 526 
Chrysomela, 472 
chrysomelae (Eulophus), 472 
chrysomelinus (Tachyporus), ii 
Chrysopa, xiii 
Chrysophanus, Ixxxvii 
chrysoplaca (Anacampsis), 694 
Chrysostola, evii 
chrysostoma (Capua), 675 
chrysotricha (Discolia), 552 
30 (Scolia), 552 
Chrysoxena, 685 
Chytonix, 211, 212 
Cicada, 599 
Cicadidae, 599 
cicatricosa (Marasmia), 376 
ciceri (Bruchus), 470 
Cicindela, 452 
Cidaria, Ixxi, 324, 325, 326, 332 
cilia (Chasminodes), 225 
», (Leocyma), 225 
cilialis (Pyrausta), 390 
Cimex, 591 
cinerea, subsp. alberta (Acraea), Ixvi 
»,  (Catasticta), 521 
», (Formica), 657 
cinnamommea (Anisotoma), 454 
cinnamopterus (Pilophorus), xxxii 
cioni (Entedon), 483 
cionobius (Entedon), 483 
Cionus, 483 
circeis (Acraea), ]xxxi, lxxxii 
Cireobotys, 384 
circumdatus (Melamphaus), 596 
Cirphis, 200, 201 
Cirrospilus, 479, 480, 483 
Cis, 462, 463 
cithaeron (Charaxes), 54, 55 
citrago (Cosmia), 205 
», (Noctua), 205 
citrina (Gangarides), 283 
citroleuca (Cnephasia), 683 
clarescens (Bactra), 689 
claripennis (Sphecius), 125, 126, 127, 
128, 129 
clava (Apamea), 210 


clava (Eriopus), 210, 211 
clavicornis (Mycetoporus), 1xxxi 
clavifera (Stenoma), 715 
clelia (Mutilla), 545, 549 
», (Stenomutilla), 545 
cleopatra (Gonepteryx), | 
Cleopus, 481 
cleorides (Paragona), 266 
clisias (Cnephasia), 685 
cloantha (Mutilla), 540 
- (Precis), 56 
clotho (Campsomeris), 556 
3»  (Dielis); 556,557, 559 
»,  (Blis), 556, 557, 559 
clypeatus (Crabro), 134 
NA (Thyreus), 134 

elzx, *') 

comitans (Nysius), 736 
communis (Pteromalus), 473 
comparata (Barymutilla), 550 

- var. affecta (Barymutilla), 


55 (Mutilla), 550 
compedita (Solierella), 131 

oF (Sylaon), 131 
conchitis (Eulia), 681 
concinna (Kubyjodonta), 309 

As (Machimia), 697 
concinnata (Boarmia), 312 

Fa (Cidaria), xxi 

A (Dysstroma), lxxi 
confectus (Entedon), 465 
confusa (Cyrtopeltis), 729, 730 

elytoides (Daphisia), Ixxvi, 1xxviii, »,  (Lygranoa), 321 

Cnephasia, 677, 682, 683, 684, 685 
Coccidae, civ, ev 
Coccinella, Ixv, 455 
Coccinellae, 472 
Coceinellid, 455 
Coccinellidae, 1xx 
Coccoteris, 594 
Coccus, 469 
Codrus, 453 
Coecilius (Eulophus), 469 
coelata (Pseudomicronia), 345 
coelebs (Dielis), 555 
Sy CENLIS) Sooo 
coelestina (Euagra), evii 
Coeliodes, 484, 488 
coeliodis (Catolaccus), 484 
Coeloides, 466, 480 
coenobita (Bombyx), 243 
AS (Panthea), 243 
Coenocalpe, 323 
coenosulus (Nysius), 734, 737 
coeruleus (Omophlus), 474 
cognataria (Amphidasis), 309 
Coleocentrus, 467 
Coleoptera, 1xi 
Colias, lii, lx, Ixxxvii 
colla (Catasticta), 520, 525 
collaris (Dielis), 554, 555 
»,  (Blis), 554, 555 
», (Hyperaeschra), 294 
;,  (Mecinus), 482 
»  (Tiphia), 554 
Collix, 322 
Colobochyla, 252 
colon (Cheiropachys, 488 
Coloptera, 73 
Colpa, 558 
comatus (Stauropus), 288, 289 
comis (Cylindrepomus), Ixxvii, Ixxx 
,, (Larentia), 325 

3 (Planema), 5, 6 
>,  (Plusia), 244 
»,  (Rivula), 268 
confusemaculatus (Anthrax), 621 
confusor (Monochammus), 467 
confusorius (Ichneumon), 475 
congerens (Formica), xlviii 
conglobata (Ethmia), 717 
coniceps (Nesoprosopis), 723, 724 
conifer (Odynerus), 727 
coniotalis (Metasia), 386 
Conistra, 203, 204 
conjuncta (Dasychira), 270 
A (Heterogenea), 348 
He (Limacodes), 348 
“3 (Natada), 348 
connexa (Catocala), 240 
conradti eons, 416 
o (Diplatys), 21, 28 26, 32, 44 
consanguinea (Pla anema), 
consanguis (Brevipecten), “D418 
consimilis (Euripus), xxiii 

a f. torsa (Euripus), xxiii 
ae (Evergestis), 385 
NA (Kentrochrysalis), 275 

D6 (Pityophthorus), 491 
consocians (Formica), 179 
consonaria (Boarmia), 316 

- (Ectropis), 316 

. (Geometra), 316 
consorta (Amatissa), 346 
conspicualis (Scoparia), 502 
conspureatus (Anthrax), 621 
constabilis (Monima), 394 
constellata (Coptotelia), 701 
contigualis (Pyrausta), 390 
continua (Perigea), 209 

a (Prospalta), 209 
convergens (Hippodamia), 455 
conviva (Baeturia), 599 

», (Cicada), 599 

CG ‘eleai? ) 

cooki (Nesodynerus), 726 
Coptotelia, 700, 701, 702, 703 
Coquillettii (Ratzeburgia), 468 
cora (Catasticta), 521 
», (Euterpe), 521 
cordigera (Anarta), 1xxxvii 
core (Kuploea), 418, 419, 421 
Coreidae, 594 
Coremia, 326 
coreta (Euploea), 418, 419, 421 
Coreura, ¢evii 
Corgatha, 227, 228 
coriacea (Diplatis), 44 
»,  (Forficula), 44 
coridon, var. syngrapha (Agriades), 
cornigera (Cerocephala), 461, 487 
coronata (Apenesia), 456 
Correbia, evii 
correlata (Amoebotricha), 327 
corrivalaria (Acidalia), 333 
corruscus (Philonthus), Ixxxi 
corticalis (Diplolepis), 491 
corvula (Antaeotricha), 710 
corydon (Agriades), 154 
corylata (Cidaria), 326 
»,  (Geometra), 326 
»,  (Hydriomena), 326 
Corymbites, xxiv 
Corymica, 299, 300, 396 
Cosinia, 204, 205, 222, 223 
cosmius (Xylophanes), xiii 
Cosmopsaltria, 599 
Cosmoscarta, 602, 603 
Cosmosoma, xxv, cvii 
Cossidae, 191, 348 
Cossus, 348 
costae (Tachysphex), 102 
costaemacula (Zethes), 250 
costalis (Schoenobius), 355 
», var. parvalis (Schoenobius), 

costimacula (Nola), 192 
costipuncta (Phiala), 164 
Cotylosoma, lxxxv 
coxalis (Kohlia), 115 
Crabro, 64, 65, 138, 134, 135, 727 
Crabronidae, 135 
Crambina, 506 
Crambinae, 353 
Crambus, 353, 354, 358 
Craspedia, 334 
crassa (Lembeja), 599 
erassicornis (Didineis), 111 

43 (Stizus), 119 
erassineura (Eurytoma), 488 
crassistriga (Hyloicus), 274, 275 
crataegata (Rumia), 136 

crataegella (Dipleurina), 506, 507, 513 
craterosema (Eulia), 678 
Creatonotus, 391 
Cremastochilides, xx 
Cremastus, 152, 468 
crenata (Gluphisia), 289 
Creophilus, 453, 459 
cretaceus (Eunotus), 480 
cretea (Ourapteryx), 301 
Crimia, 597 
crimnodes (Borkhausenia), 695 
crinanensis (Hydroecia), 741, 742, 743, 
744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749 
Criocephalus, 466 
Crioceris, 471 
cristata (Mutilla), 536 
crocalis (Phlyctaenodes), 385 
Crocidophora, 384 
Croesus, 1 
croixi (Diplatys), 36 
Crossocerus, 65, 134 
cruciata (Saperda), 466 
Crypsicomata, 300 
crypterythrus (Odynerus), 720 
Cryptoblabes, 363, 364 
Cryptocephalus, 471 
Cryptolechia, 704 
Cryptus, 464, 467, 487 
Ctenocephalus, vi, vii 
Ctenopseustis, 681 
ctenopterus (Systoechus), 607, 609 
Ctenucha, evli 
Cucula, 318 
Cucullia, 203 
Cucullianae, 203 
cuculus (Odontosia), 294 
culiciformis (Aegeria), v, vi 
Cupido, 150 
cuprea (Miresa), 348 
curculionoides (Attelabus), 475 
% (Diplolepis), 481 
curculionum (Eurytoma), 478, 481, 482 
curta (Oligostigma), 371 
curtipennis (Reduviolus), 729 
curvata (Euproctis), 271 
curvifera (Paricana), 600 
curviferalis (Hypena), 260 
curvilinea (Leucania), 202 
45 (Meliana), 202 
rf (Rivula), 269 
cyanator (Cryptus), 464 
cyanea (Discolia), 551 
»,  (Scolia), 551 
cyanealis (Nacoleia), 379 
cyanescens (Stizus), 115 
eyaneus (Ocypus), Ixv 
cyaniceps (Eupelmus), 470 
cyanipes (Scutellera), 591 


(telxsat, ) 

Cyaniris, xxiii, 154 
Cyanopepla, evii 
eyclica (Perigea), 209 
Cycloneda, 455 
Cyclosia, Ixxv, Ixxviii 
Cyclotorna, xxvii, 577, 588, 589, 590 
Cyclotornidae, 590 
Cylindrepomus, Ixxvil, 1xxviii, ]xxix 
Cylindrogaster, 31, 35, 38 
Cymatophora, 281, 282 
Cymatophoridae, 191, 280 
cynorta (Papilio), xe 
cyparissias (Kuphorbia), 468 
Cyrtojana, 161, 162 
Cyrtopeltis, 729, 730 
cytheris (Mutilla), 533 
dacica (Cerceris), 82 
», Var. magnifica (Cerceris), 82, 83 
», var. opulenta (Cerceris), 82, 83 
Dactylipsa, Ixxvii, lxxix 
Dactylopiinae, ev 
Dactylopius, ev 
Dadica, 221 
daemonius (Nesocrabo), 727 
dahlbomi (Bembex), 130 
daimenes (Pteromalus), 480 
d’Albertisi (Delias), 18 
dallasi (Nysius), 732 
damone (Euchloé), 1 
Danaida, xlvii, liii, 5 
Danainae, xlvi 
Danais, 170, 171, 172 
Daphisia, Ixxiii, Ixxvi, Ixxviii, ]xxix 

dardanus (Papilio), xxxvili, xxxix, xli, 

Dasycampa, 204 
Dasychira, 270, 271, 288 
Dasylabris, 537, 543, 544 
Dasylabroides, 540 
datanidia (Fagitana), 211 
A. (Nephelodes), 211 

daubei (Plusia), 245 
daveyi (Isotamia), 627, 628 
davidis (Anceryx), 275 

»,  (Hyloicus), 275 
Decetia, 352 
decimator (Procinetus), 468 
decipiens (Molybdamoeba), 617, 619 
decipirus (Mutilla), 532 
decisus (Dindymus), 596 
decussata (Striglina), 352 
defectata (Larentia), 333 

65 (Pseudostegania), 333 

definita (Boarmia), 315 
DeGeeri (Kupelmus), 469 

Deilemera, xlvi, liv, xevi, xevii, xeviii 

Deilephila, 278 

Deilinia, 299 

Deiopeia, 237 

deipyrus (Tetrastichus), 465, 489 
delecta (Chrysobothris), 458 
delectulus (Nysius), 736, 737 

delectus (Nysius), 732, 733, 734, 736, 

deletaria (Bapta), 298 
Delias, lxii, 16, 18, 19 
delicatior (Uliocnemis), 336 
delicatulus (Gastroplakaeis), 166 
a (Gorytes), 114 

xlii, 1 5 (Harpactus), 114 
55 f. cenea (Papilio), xxxiii, | Demas, 243 

XXXIV, Xxxv, _xxxvi, | dembowskii (Notodonta), 291 

XXXViil, Xxxvili, xxxix, | demodocus (Papilio), xevili 

xl, xli, xlii, xlvii, lxxii 

dardanus (Papilio), xliv 
f. hippocoon (Papilio), xx xiii, 


Sogn eooobe sdb dhe 
xhiii, 1xxii 

f, leighi (Papilio), xxxiv, 
OO | SOSH, | pdo.drahl 
Sosapin, Sooobey ohh odhve 

f. mixtus (Papilio), xlii 

f. niobe (Papilio), xliii 

f. planemoides (Papilio), 

xoedbey edly dhe, Sd hih obit. 
xliv, xlvii 

tibullus (Papilio), xliv 

f. trophonius (Papilio), 
SOON | | Re-Oahe, XXXV, 

RoCabiG Sidhly Sdkvhy sdhhy 

demoleus (Papilio), 49, 50 
dendroctoni (Cecidostiba), 490 
Dendrophilus, 454 
| denigrator (Atanycolus), 457 
dentata (Catasticta), 522 
dentatus (Apoda), 349 
(Heterogenea), 349 
(Limacodes), 349 

ss (Phloeosinus), 490 
denticlathrata (Pomasia), 329 
denticollis (Physophoroptera), 409 
dentifascia (lodis), 341 
dentiferus (Litorrhynchus), 630, 632 
dentipes (Dinetus), 106 

5, (Odontomerus), 457, 488 
deplana (Lithosia), xlix 
deplanatus (Pteromalus), 484 
depressus (Pytho), 475 
| Dermestes, 457 
| Deropeltis, 1x xiii 


despicata (Barymutilla), 549 
Destolmia, 284, 285 
destructor (Scolytus), 488 
dewitzi (Philoponus), 94 
Diacrisia, 392 
diadematus (Dischistus), 610 
Dialithoptera, 193 
diana (Saturnia), 344 
Dianthoecia, 206 
Diaparsis, 486 
Diceropyga, 599 
Dichagyris, 229 
Dichomeris, 695 
dicissa (Geometra), 342 
Didineis, 111 
didyma (Apamea), 207 

»,  (Kuplexia), 207 

3 (Noctua), 206 
dieckmanni (Geometra), 339 

5 (Megalochlora), 339 

Dielis, 457, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558 
difficilis (Nesoprosopis), 727 
diffusa (Naranga), 231 
diffusus (Anthrax), 620, 621, 622 
dilatatus (Litorrhynchus), 632, 634 

»,  (Platymischus), 454 
Dilinia, 298, 299 
diluta (Lyramorpha), 594 
dimidiata (Colpa), 558 

& (Exoprosopa), 636, 640, 641, 

642, 643 
dimidiatipennis (Dielis), 554 
e (Elis), 554 

dimidiatus (Elachestus), 474 
Be (Nysson), 110 

Dindymus, 596 

Dinetus, 106 

dingana (Leptoneura), 61 

Dinia, evi, evii 

diocletiana (Euploea), xxiii 

Diodontus, 64, 68, 69, 70, 71 

Diomea, 250, 251 

Dioryctria, 361, 362 

Diospilus, 458, 462, 484 

Diplatys, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 
99, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 

39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 
Dipleurina, 506, 507, 513 
Diplolepis, 481, 490, 491, 492 
Diploptera, 62 
Dirades, 346 
directa (Trichotaphe), 694 
disa (Amauris), 424 
Dischistus, 605, 610, 611, 612 
discipennis (Aleochara), |xiii 
discisigna (Leucinodes), 257 

“ (Nodaria), 257 
Discocephalinae, 592 


discoidea (Saperda), 467 
Discolia, 551, 552, 553 
discolor (Cercopis), 602 
;, (Cosmoscarta), 602 
,,  (Garaeus), 304 
»,  (Hygrochroa), 304 
»»  (Scolia), 555 
fo) (stizus); tl; 1s 

discriminata (Exoprosopa), 636, 641, 

642, 643 
discus (Delias), ]xii 
disjuncta (Hemithea), 337 
7 (Trigonodes), 247 
dispar (Bracon), 462 
»,  (Discolia), 552 
»  (Scolia), 552 
disputabilis (Palarus), 108 
dissimilis (Boarmia), 314 
35 (Proxenus), 219 
distans (Hygrochroa), 303, 304 
»  (Pericallia), 303 
distincta (Catasticta), 523 
i (Lissonota), 474 
distinctus (Entedon), 480 
. (Omophlus), 474 
Dithecodes, 343 
divergens (Camptochilus), 353 
diversella (Polyocha), 357 
dives (Ammophila), 72 
,, (Kremochares), 72 
», (Spatalia), 297 
divisa (Cereopis), 602 
», (Cosmoscarta), 602 
,, (Ctenucha), evii 
divitalis (Stericta), 366 
divitiacus (Entedon), 480 
dixanthia (Trichura), evii 
Dixophlebia, evii 
dizona (Villa), 624 
doerriesi (Spatalia), 297 
Dohertyi (Lucanus), 435, 436 
dohrni (Diplatys), 26, 33 
Dolbina, 274 
Dolichomutilla, 533, 534, 541, 542 
dolosa (Amycles), evii 
domestica (Musca), 497, 498 
r (Scleroderma), 464 
domesticum (Anobium), 460 
3 (Scleroderma), 461, 464 
dominicanus (Amauris), xxxiii, xlli 
Doreatoma, 462 
Dorchaschema, 468 
dorsigera (‘Toxocampa), 248 
doryca (Cicada), 599 
», (Cosmopsaltria), 599 
Doryctes, 461, 462 
dorycus (Euagoras), 597 
,,  (Pristhesancus), 598 


dorycus (Zelus), 597 
dotata (Noctua), 241 

», (Ophiusa), 241 
doubledayaria (Amphidasis), 309 
doublieri (Hymenorus), 474 
Doumeti (Pteromalus), 470 
Drepana, 351 
Drepanidae, 191, 351 
dresdensis (Dorcatoma), 462 
dryas (Satyrus), 168 
Drymonia, 288, 295, 296 
Dryocaetes, 491 
dryope (Eurytela), 59 
dubia (Euralia), xlv, xlvi 
(Liodes), xlix 

», (Orgyia), 160 
dubiosata (Philereme), 322 

rr (Scotosia), 322 
dubiosus (Odynerus), 726 
dubitalis (Scoparia), 503, 507, 508, 509, 



ductilis (Trigonoderus), 460 
dulcamarae (Haltica), 473 

, (Psylliodes), 473 

dulcissima (Nolasena), 236 
5 (Paracrama), 236 
Duliophyle, 308 
dumerilii (Luperina), 1xxxviii 
dumetorum (Nesoprosopis), 723, 724 
duodecempunctatus (Cryptocephalus), 

ss ingratella (Scoparia), 

duodecem-striatus (Anommatus), 456 
duplana (Rhyacionia), li, lii 
duplicata (Gelastocera), 234 
duplicatus (Barypithes), xxvii 
duplicifimbria (Striglina), 852 
dura (Mutilla), 534 
dux (Agyrta), evii 
Dycladia, evii 
dycladioides (Chrysostola), evii 
Dyscritina, 35, 38, 45, 46 
Dysdaemonia, xxv 
Dysdercus, 596 
Dysodius, 597 
Dysstroma, ]xxi 
eatoni (Cerceris), 85 
(Harpactopus), 74 
(Miscophus), 131 
(Sphex), 74 
,, (Tachysphex), 102 
Eceopteroma, 234 
Eedicius, 593 
echeria (Amauris), xxxviii, 3, 9, 422, 
423, 424 
jacksoni (Amauris), 421 
f. steckeri (Amauris), 4 







echerioides (Papilio), 49, 50 
echthroides (Cryptus), 487 
a (Helcostizus), 487 

ecostatus (Odynerus), 726 
Ectatops, 596 
Ectenus, 594 
Ectropis, 316, 317 
Edema, 229 
eduardi (Tachysphex), 103 
edusa (Colias), lii 
ab. helice (Colias), lii 

,, ab, helicina (Colias), lii 
efllorescens (Hypocala), 247 
ega (Catophaga), lix, lx 
egena (Cyclotorna), 588, 589, 590 
egens (Nesodynerus), 726 | 
egialea (Amauris), xlv 
Elachestus, 474 
Elachistid, 482 
electrias (Argyroploce), 691 
elegans (Cosmosoma), evii 
(Macalla), 364 
(Polysphincta), 461 
(Thyridanthrax), 625, 649 



| elegantulus (Hemisodorecus), 439, 440, 

55 (Oxybelus), 133 
Elemana, 593, 594 
Elis, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559 
ella (Acraea), Ixvi 
elongatulus (Crabro), 134 
es (Crossocerus), 134 
elongatus (Delias), 19 
»,  (Pteromalus), 481 
eluta (Hemithea), 337 
Elydna, 221, 222 
Elymnias, 170, 171, 172 
emarginata (Callopepla), evii 
(Cerceris), 63, 80, 81 
33 (Leipoxais), 166 
embla (Erebia), Ixxxvii 
emeris (Catasticta), 519 
Emmalocera, 358 
encamina (Machimia), 696 
encaustella (Acrobasis), 363 
encedon (Acraea), liv, lv 
- f. daira (Acraea), 5 
Encyrtus, 455, 469, 472, 478, 484, 489 
endoica (Catasticta), 526 
Endomychobius, 456 
Endomychus, 456 
Endotricha, 367, 368 
Endotrichinae, 367 
Enispa, 225, 226 
Enmonodia, 238 
Entedon, 458, 465, 469, 470, 475, 477, 
480, 483, 484, 485 
epaea (Planema), xe, xci, xciy 


€ “eleexy. |) 

epaea paragea (Planema), xc, xci, xciii { Kuborellia, xvi 

epeoliformis (Nysson), 109, 110 
var. ditior (Nysson), 109 
Ephialtes, 458, 464, 465, 466, 467, 485 
Ephoria, 307 
Epicrocis, 361 
Epione, 305, 307 
Epipaschianae, 364 
Epiplemidae, 352 
Epipomponia, 350 
Epipyrops, 350 
Episilia, 196, 197 
Epistor, 1xili 
equestris (Cassida), 474 
erasa (Dithecodes), 343 
Erasmia, 350 
Erastria, lxi, 230 
Erastrianae, 225, 394 
erato (Heliconius), ii 
,», estrella (Heliconius), i 
aA »  #. feyeri (Heliconius), i, ii 
»» 4. ilia (Heliconius), i, ii 
Erebia, vi, Ixxxiii, Ixxxvii, lxxxviii, 
Eremochares, 72, 73 
Ergates, 463 
Ericsoni (Gnaphaloryx), 443 
erinnyis (Mutilla), 548 
F (Odontomutilla), 548 
Eriococcus, cv 
eriophora (Elis), 555 
ae (Seolia), 555 
Eriopus, 210, 211 
Eriopyga, 199 
eriphia (Antichloris), evi 
eriphyle (Erebia), vi 
Erirrhinus, 481 
ernesti (Diplatys), 21, 22, 28, 27, 35, 36 
Ernobius, 460, 461 
Erosia, 319 
erotias (Machimia), 698 
errabunda (Rivula), 269 
errabundus (Campoplex), 471 
a (Holocremnus), 471 
erubescens (Nysson), 110 
erucalis (Pyralis), 385 
eruditus (Hypothenemus), 490 
erythraeus (Litorrhynchus), 634 
erythrocephala (Oberea), 468 
erythrognathus (Odynerus), 726 
Eryx, lxxxvii 
Eterusia, 350 
ethalion (Charaxes), 51, 52, 54 
Ethmia, 717, 718 
euadrusalis (Orthaga), 367 
Euagoras, 597 
Euagra, evi, cvii 
Eubazus, 476 

Eubyja, 309, 310 

Eubyjodonta, 309 

Eucereon, eviii 

Euchera, 352 

Euchloé, 1 

Euchloris, 336, 339 

Euchromia, xcix 

Kuchrysia, 458 

Eucosma, 688 

Kucosmidae, 688 

eucyane (Napata), evii 

Endoria, 505, 506, 507, 510, 514, 515, 

eugenia (Cerceris), 80 

Kugraphia, 222 

Euhampsonia, 284 

Eulia, 677, 678, 579, 680, 681 

Eulocastra, 230, 231 

eulophoides (Pteromalus), 489 

Eulophus, 458, 469, 470, 472, 473, 477, 
478, 484, 485 

Eunotus, 480 

Eupelmus, 469, 470, 473, 478 

Euphorbia, 468 

Euphorus, 455, 472 

euphrosyne (Brenthis), 1xxxvil 

Eupithecia, 329, 330 

Euplexia, 206, 207, 208 

Euploea, iv, xxii, xxiii, xlvii, 169, 171, 
417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 423, 424, 

Eupoecilia, 1xx 

Euproctis, 271, 272 

Eupterotidae, 191, 283 

EKuralia, xlv, xlvi 

Euricania, 601 

Euripus, xxiii 

europaea (Ancistromma), 66, 105 

5 (Tachytes), 100 

Eurota, evil 

Eurukuttarus, 347 

Eurycarenus, 605, 611, 613 

euryclealis (Botys), 380 

a (Lygropia), 380, 381 

Eurycyttarus, 347 

Eurytela, 59 

Eurytoma, 458, 462, 469, 476, 477, 
478, 480, 481, 482, 484, 485, 486, 
487, 488, 489, 490, 491 

eurytus (Planema), xciv 

EKusandalum, 466, 468 

Eustroma, 323, 324 

Eutelia, 231, 232 

Eutelianae, 231 

Eutelus, 455 

Euterpe, 519, 520, 521, 522, 527 

Euxoa, 195, 196 

(Criekoevi _) 

Evergestis, 385 
Evetria, li 
exacta (Dolbina), 274 
exaltata (Mutilla), 536 
exaltatus (Salius), xxxi 
exanthemata (Cucula), 318 
(Perenia), 318 

exarator (Spathius), 460, 461 
excavata (Acanthocampa), 396, 397 
excellens (Heydenia), 489 
excelsior (Isognathus), lxiii 
excisa (Acontia), 230 
exhausta (Baeturia), 599 

5 (Cieada), 599 
exigua (Calymnia), 222 

», (Mesogona), 222 
exigualis (Pionea), 388 
exiguus (Bruchus), 470 
exocentri (Blacus), 467 
Exocentrus, 467 
Exochus, 457, 461 
Exoprosopa, 606, 616, 627, 

649, 650, 651, 653 
experta (Cyclotorna), 588, 589 
exsecta (Formica), xlviii, 179, 665 
exstincta (Hadena), 206 
extimalis (Evergestis), 385 
+ (Pyralis), 385 
extraneus (Odynerus), 726 
extrema (Deiopeia), 237 
4 (Sinna), 237 
a4 ab. unicolor (Sinna), 237 
exulans, var. 
faber (Ergates), 463 
fabius (Charaxes), xxiii 
fabrefactaria (Cidaria), 326 
facilis (Nesoprosopis), 725, 727 
fagi (Apion), 476 
», (Orchestes), 480 
Fagitana, 211 
fairmairei (Eryx), lxxxvii 
43 (Gorytes), 112 
falcata (Eecopteroma), 234 
falcatus (Diplatys), 22, 24, 30 
»,  (Ibiceps), 601 
falciger (Perilitus), 472 
fallax (Planema), 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 13 
falsidicalis (Syngamia), 377 
fasciatella (Dielis), 556 
BH (Elis), 556, 557 
5 (Seolia), 556 
fasciatipennis (Dielis), 558 
a (Elis), 558 
5 (Seolia), 558 
fasciatus (Aradophagus), 491 

628, 629, 
635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 
642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 

vanadis (Anthrocera), 

fasciatus (Ctenocephalus), vi, vii 
_ (Dasychira), 288 
* (Stizus), 119, 122 
4 (Tachyporus), ii 
fasciola (Corgatha), 227 
fasciosa (Ampelophaga), 278 
fascipennis (Megalyra), 463 
fatua (Catada), 257 
fausta (Lecithocera), 694 
favicolor (Leucania), Ixxxvi, lxxxvii 

eA ab. lutea (Leucania), Ixxxvi 
feae (Diplatys), 44 
Feisthameli (Sphenognathus), 428 

429, 430, 431 
felina (Campsomeris), 558 
», (Dielis), 558 
», (Elis), 558 
felis (Ctenocephalus), vi 
fella (Diplatys), 22, 28, 39 
femoralis (Eulophus), 473 
33 (Exochus), 461 
4 (Polyclistus), 461 
x (Pternistria), 594 
femorata (Chrysobothris), 458 
fenestralis (Thyridanthrax), 626 
fenestrata (Scolia), 554 
fenestratus (‘Thyridanthrax), 62& 
fenestella (Coptotelia), 701 
fenestrella (Coptotelia), 701 
fennica (Hoplosia), 465 
fennicus (Cerambyx), 465 
fentoni (Nodaria), 257 
Fentonia, 286 
ferreolutea (Siglophora), 237 
ferreri (Cerceris), 88 
ferruginea (Hadjina), 220 
ya (Siglophora), 237 
ferruginella (Acrobasis), 363 
ferrugineus (Systoechus), 608 
i (Tettigonia), 604 
fervens (Macrochthonia), 234 
fervidus (Pompilus), 560 
festiva (Kpisilia), 196, 197 
», (Noctua), 196 
festivus (Bassus), 478 
»,  (Pompilus), 560 
»,  (Promethes), 478 
ficus (Loganius), 488 
Fidia, 471 

| Fidiobia, 471 

filicornis (Tachysphex), 101 
filicum (Nesoprosopis), 722 
filiformis (Sichelia), 463 

> (Xylonomus), 463, 465 
fimbriares (Plossa), 348 
fininigra (Loxophlebia), evil 
fischeri (Cerceris), 79, 80 

», (Prisopus), lxxxiv 

( tchown) 

flabellata (Atteria), 676 
flabelliformis (Prisopus), lxxxiv 
flagellaria (Gelasma), 341 
a3 (Hemithea), 341 
e (Thalera), oe 
flagrans (Calliphara), 5 
»,  (Tetrathia), soe 
flaminius (Encyrtus), 472 
»» (Homalotylus), 472 
flammea (Scea), cvi 
flava (Chrysopa), xiii 
flavago (Gortyna), 468 
flavator (Bracon), 462 
flavescens (Noctua), 204 
iB (Thyatira), 281 
xs (Villa), 624, 625 
flaviceps (Nematopus), 596 
s3 (Priocnemicoris), 596 
flavicollis (Diplatys), 21, 22, 26, 34 
flavicornis (Rhamphus), "480 
flavida (Thyatira), 280, 281 
flavifrons (Scymnus), 456 
Ae (Sphex), 555 
flavipennis (Sphex), 77 
flavipes (Endomychobius), 456 
,, (Fidiobia), 471 
flavirons (Sphex), see flavifrons (Sphex) 
flavofascialis (Rhodaria), 367 
flavomaculata (Catasticta), 526 
flavus (Lasius), 180, 181, 668 
fletcheri (Diplatys), 22, 28, 28, 39 
flexuosa (Hypena), 264 
floccosa (Sypna), 246 
fluetuatus (Tachysphex), 101 
fluctuosalis (Nymphula), 371 
fluminata (Stenoma), 716 
foedalis (Isopteryx), 372 
», (Nymphula), 372 
foliator (Nototrachys), 474 
fonscolombei (Scleroderma), 489 
fonscolombii (Sympetrum), lii 
Forficula, 29, 41 
Forficularia, 45 
Formica, xxxi, xlviii, 175, 176, 177, 
178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 657, 
formicetorum (Stenus), lxxxi 
formiciformis (Cephalonomyia), 463 
(Theocolax), 460 
ormosa (Dielis), 457 
forticornis (Mycetoporus), 1xxxi 
Fossores, 62, 529 
foveolatum (Tyloderma), 483 
fraterna (Elymnias), 170, 171, 172 
fraxini (Catocala), 240 
»,  (Eurytoma), 489 
»,  (Hylesinus), 489, 491 
s, (Noctua), 240 

PROC. ENT. SOC. LOND., v. 1911. 

fraxini (Stereonychus), 483 
frequentella (Eudoria), 506, 507, 514, 
515, 516 
freya (Brenthis), lxxxvii 
freygessneri (Tachytes), 98, 99 
friesei (Diodontus), 68 
frigga (Brenthis), ]xxxvii 
frontalis (Phloeotribus), 490 
Fryi (Lucanus), 431, 432, 433 
fugax (Rhodia), 344 
»» (Rhodinia), 344 
fulgidus (Pteromalus), 484 
Fulgoridae, 582, 600 
fuliginosa (Choleva), v 
se (Eriopyga), 199 
. (Hyphilare), 199 
fuliginosus (Lasius), x, xxxii, 1xxxiii, 
180, 181, 182, 664, 665, 
666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 
671, 672 
ES (Stizus), 124 
fulvago (Cosmia), 204 
» ab. asiatica (Cosmia), 204, 205 
» (Noctua), 204 
»,  (Xanthia), 204, 205 
fulvipes (Eurytoma), 489 
»,  (Petrorossia), 615, 616 
fulvotaenia (Ophiusa), 241 
fumifascia (Encyrtus), 455 
fumipennis (Astatus), 95, 96 
fundigera (Machimia), 696 
funerea (Cerceris), 80 
fur (Ptinus), 459 
furva (Hypena), 262 
fusca (Formica), 175, 176, 177, 178, 
179, 180, 657, 665 
», race fusco-rufibarbis (Formica), 
fuscicornis (Sclerochloa), 489 
fuscipes (Cis), 463 
»,  (Systropha), 393 
fuscirostre (Apion), 478 
fusifera (Phtheochroa), 674 
Gadirtha, 232 
galactina (Bembex), 129 
galathea (Melanargia), xxi, Ixxii 

» var. lugens (Melanargia), 

», var. procida (Melanargia), 

», var. syracusana(Melanargia), 

Galeruca, 472 
galerucae (Oomyzus), 472 
»,  (Pteromalus), 474 
,,  (Tetracampe), 474 
Galerucella, 472 
gallarum (Pteromalus), 472 


( elxxvili ) 

gallerucae (Oomyzus), see galerucae | glaucotorna (Oruza), 226 

gallica (Polistes), xxx 
5,  (Scoparia), 507, 512 
gallicus (Miscophus), 131 
Gangarides, 283 
Garaeus, 300, 304 
Garleppi (Sphenognathus), 428, 429, 
430, 431 
Gastropacha, 136 
Gastroplakaeis, 166 
Gastrosericus, 106 
gaudens (Catocala), 240 
gazagnairei (Gorytes), 112 
Ba (Stizus), 117, 118 
Gelasma, 341 
Gelastocera, 234, 235 
Gelechia, 692, 693 
Gelechiadae, 692 
gelida (Nemoria), 340 
gemmata (Dialithoptera), 193 
gemmifer (Kerana), lxxv 
generosus (Marcius), 596 
genistae (Apion), 477 
gensanalis (Capnodes), 250 
55 (Circobotys), 384 
74 (Crocidophora), 384 
a (Zethes), 250 
gensanaria (Corymica), 300 
gensanellus (Chilo), 354 
geographica (Cacoecia), 678 
Geometra, 303, 309, 316, 324, 326, 
330, 338, 339, 342 
Geometridae, 191, 298, 396 
Geometrinae, 336, 397 
germanica (Cicindela), 452 
a (Panorpa), lxiv 
5 (Vespa), 127 
gerstaeckeri (Diplatys), 21, 22, 23, 27, 
35, 36, 38, 41 
ae var, calidasa (Diplatys), 35 
ie Nannopygia, 35, 42, 43 
gibba (Eurytoma), 476, 477, 478 
gibbulus (Mesochorus), 479 
gigantea (Agylla), 194 
a (Lithosia), 194 
be (Lomatia), 614 
an (Notodonta), 290 
ue (Peridea), 290 
giganteus (Acantharades), 597 
a (Sphenognathus), 428, 429, 
gigas (Leucospis), lvii 
gladiator (Diplatys), 22, 24, 29 
glandarius (Odontomerus), 485 
glandium (Balaninus), 485 
glaphyrus (Bracon), 485 
glaucopa (Stenoma), 712 

glauculalis (Glyphodes), 382 
elaucus (Ceuthorrhynchus), 484 
Gluphisia, 289 
glyphodalis (Phryganodes), 378 
Glyphodes, 381, 382 
Gnaphaloryx, 443, 444 
Gnophos, 311 
godefredi (Campsomeris), 556 
af (Dielis), 556 
5 (Elis), 556, 557 
Gonatopus, 460 
gonatus (Pteromalus), 460 
Gonepteryx, xxv, | 
Gonionota, 700 
Gonodontis, 302, 303 
gorgon (Epistor), ]xiii 
Gortyna, 220, 221, 468 
Gorytes, 65, 112, 118, 114 
goschkevetschii (Blanaida), 169 
grabezewskii (Hutelia), 232 
gracilalis (Scoparia), 502 
Gracilia, 465 
gracilicornis (Ectatops), 596 
gracilipes (Diodontus), 69 
gracilis (Campoplex), 484 
,,  (Cylindrogaster), 31 
»,  (Diplatys), 23, 25, 31 
»,  (Ephialtes), 466 
»,  (Oeme), 468 
gracilitarsis (Tachysphex), 103, 104 
gracillima (Ammophila), 73 
graeseri (Notodonta), 291 
graminellae (Pimpla), 483 
graminicola (Meraporus), 486 
graminis (Chrysomela), 472 
Grammesia, 223 
Grammodia, |xiii 
granaria (Calandra), 486 
grandificaria (Thalassodes), 343 
= (Thalera), 343 
grandis (Eriopyga), 199 
», ab, bicolor (Eriopyga), 199 
,  (Mythimna), 199 
»,  (Nigidius), 761 
5 (Stizus), 121 
‘ (Trichura), evii 
granitalis (Thera), 326 
granulatus (Brachyrhynchus), 491 
graslini (Luperina), lxxxviii 
gratiosa (Petrorossia), 615, 616 
Gravenhorsti (Pezomachus), 483 
gravipes (Exochus), 457 
greeni (Diplatys), 22, 28, 27, 32, 36, 
37, 38 

griffithsi (Diplatys), 22, 28, 27, 37 
grisealis (Orthaga), 366 
grisescens (Kctropis), 317 


¢ -elxaax "") 

grisescens ab. obliqua (Ectropis), 317 
35 (Tephrosia), 317 
grosvenori (Acraea), Ixvi 
guderiana (Charaxes), 51, 52 
gueneei (Luperina), ii, ili, 
», var. baxteri (Luperina), li, ill 
», var. fusca (Luperina), iti 
ab. murrayi (Luperina), ii 
guineensis (Dolichomutilla), 583, 542 
e (Mutilla), 542 
gulussa (Ammophila), 72 
», (Psammophila), 72, 73 
gummiferae (Hulophus), 470 
guttiventris (Vipio), 468 
gymnetri (Pimpla), 481 
Gymnetron, 481, 482 
gyrini (Gausocentrus), 453 
5,  (Hemiteles), 453 
Gyrinus, 453 
hadassa (Anisodes), 299 
»,  (Syntaracta), 299 
», ab. unicolor (Syntaracta), 299 
Hadena, 206, 209 
Hadeninae, 197, 394 
Hadjina, 220 
haemapera (Pheia), evil 
haemataula (Machimia), 699 
haemorrhoidalis (Athous), iii 
haimatosoma (Ammophila), 73 
Halavrita, 600 
haleakalae (Nysius), 735 
i (Odynerus), 726 
Halias, 236 
halitherses (Euripus), xxii 
Haltica, 473 
Halydinae, 592 
Halys, 594 
hampsoni (Asinduma), 233 
re (Nola), 192 
hampsonialis (Hypena), 261 
handlirschi (Miscophus), 131 
hanga (Cosmosoma), evii 
hannibal (Crabro), 134 
33 (Lindenius), 134 
hanningtoni (Amauris), 422 
Harpactopus, 74 
Harpactus, 113, 114 
harpagula (Bombyx), 351 
5s (Drepana), 351 
harrisii (Euploea), 424 
Harrisimemna, 213 
hartliebi (Cerceris), 66, 87, 88 
Hastina, 332 
hatami (Libythea), 20 
hawaiiensis (Cyrtopeltis), 730 
*p (Odynerus), 726 
hecabe (Chalcosia), Ixxv, lxxviii 


hecabe (Cyclosia), Ixxv, Ixxviii 
»,  (Terias), xxv, lxxvi, ]xxvili 
Hecabolus, 460, 461 
hecate (Amauris), xlv, 424 
hegemon (Catasticta), 520 
,,  (Eulophus), 484, 485 
Helcon, 466 
Helcostizus, 487 
helena (Hyperalonia), 651, 653 
Heliconius, i 
heliopolites (Tachysphex), 100 
Helonotus, 598 
Helophorus, xx 
Hemeroplanes, Ixiii 
Hemimerus, Ixiv 
Hemipenthes, 622, 623 
Hemisodoreus, 439, 440, 441, 442 
Hemiteles, 453, 471, 479 
Hemithea, 337, 338, 341 
hemixanthopterus (Sphecius), 
125, 127, 129 
hercules (Acronycta), 217 
Herculia, 369, 370 
hermione (Eurota), evii 
Hesperia, xxvi, lxxxvii, 563, 564, 565, 
568, 569, 573 
Hesperidae, lxxiv, Ixxviii, 169, 171, 569 
hesperus (Argyramoeba), 615, 616 
»»  (Petrorossia), 615 
hessii (Anthrax), 621 
hetaera (Catocala), 240 
Heterarthrellus, 456 
Heterocera, 355, 365 
heterocera (Exoprosopa), 638, 649 
Heterogenea, 235, 348, 349, 350 
Heterogyna, 62 
Heteronus, 486 
Heteroptera, 591 
heteropus (Ephialtes), 464 
Heterostylum, 613 
Heterusia, 350 
Hetroxys, 465 
Heydenia, 489 
heydenii (Ammophila), 74 
hiarbas (Eurytela), 59 
Hieraceum, 459 
hilarella (Epicrocis), 361 
hilaris (Aufidus), 602 
hiloensis (Nysius), 735, 736 
Himeropteryx, 297 
Himotica, 705 
Hipparchia, 1 
hippia (Entedon), 484 
Hippodamia, 455 
hirsuta (Ammophila), 72 
,, (Psammophila), 72 
Hirsutina, 154 
hirsutum (Nicobium), 461 

M 2 



(y elxxx, ) 

hirsutum var. longiventre (Nicobium), 
hirticollis (Scolia), 555 
hirtus (Dischistus), 611 
Hispella, 473 
Hispidae, lxxvii 
hispoides (Plaxomicrus), Ixxvii, lxxix 
Hister, 454 
histrio (Palarus), 107 
hobleyi (Pseudacraea), xci, xcii, xciii, 
hochenwarthi (Plusia), Ixxxvii 
Holcopelte, 470 
Holocremnus, 471 
holopyrrha (Cryptolechia), 704 
holosericata (Acidalia), 336 
Homalotylus, 455, 472 
homeyeri (Sisyrophanus), 611, 612 
homoeochroma (Nesoprosopis), 722, 723 
ea (Nesoprosopis), 723, 
homogeneus (Anthrax), 620, 622, 623 
Homoptera, 599 
hopfferi (Catasticta), 520 
Hoplosia, 465 
horrida (Mutilla), 546 
Hubbardii (Eusandalum), 466 
5 (Ratzeburgia), 466 
hubneri (Catasticta), 525 
hula (Nesoprosopis), 721, 722 
humeralis (Palarus), 107 
humilis (Acraea), lxv, Ixxxi 
», (Villa), 625 
hyacintha (Cnephasia), 682 
Hyalanthrax, 624 
hyale (Colias), lii 
hyalinipennis (Cephalonomia), 490 
hyalipennis (Stizus), 123 
hyalodiscalis (Pyrausta), 391 
Hybernia, xxiv 
hybridus (Pirates), xxix 
Hydrilla, 219 
Hydrillodes, 254, 255 
Hydriomena, 326 
Hydrocampa, 370 
Hydrocampinae, 370 
Hydroecia, cix, 220, 221, 738, 739, 
740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 
747, 748, 749 
hydrogramma (Cnephasia), 683 
3 (Coptotelia), 702 
Hygrochroa, 303, 304 
hylaeus (Nysius), 785 
Hylastes, 489 
hylesinum (Diplolepis), 490 
Hylesinus, 489, 491 
Hylocrabro, 727 
Hyloicus, xxv, 2738, 274, 275 

Hylophila, 236 
hylophilus (Odynerus), 720° 
Hylotrypes, 464 
Hylurgus, 489, 490, 491 
Hymenoptera, 63, 67, 719 
Hymenoptera Aculeata, 528 
Hymenorus, 474 
Hypena, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 

265, 266 
Hypeninae, 252, 395 
Hypera, 472, 478, 479 
Hyperaeschra, 294, 295 
Hyperalonia, 606, 635, 651 
hyperanthus (Aphantopus), 
Hyphilare, 199 
Hypocala, 246, 247 
Hypochrysops, xxv 
Hypoderma, xxvii 
Hypolimnas, xliv, lili 
Hypolycaena, c 
hypomelaena (Exoprosopa), 638, 651 
Hyponomeutidae, 717 
Hypophloeus, 1xxxi 
Hypopyra, 238 
hypopyroides (Enmonodia), 
Hyposada, 394 
hypospilata (Collix), 322 

a (Phibalapteryx), 

Hypothenemus, 490 
Hypothripa, 233 
hypsae (Crabro), 133 

»,  (Solenius), 133 
Hypsotropha, 356 
hyreanus (Anastoechus), 610 
Iambia, 213, 214 
iantha (Cnephasia), 684 
Ibiceps, 601 
icarus (Polyommatus), Ixxxvii 
icelusalis (Endotricha), 367 

»»  (Pyralis), 367 ; 
Ichneumon, 457, 475 
Ichneumonidae, 478 
iclhineumonoides (Methoca), 452 
Ichthyura, 297, 298 
idia (Dasylabroides), 540 
», (Mutilla), 540 

ignava (Exoprosopa), 644 
igniflualis (Herculia), 370 
ignobilis (Acidalia), 334 

»,  (Craspedia), 334 
Tlema, 393 
Illiberis, 398 
illitata (Cidaria), 324 
illiturata (Thalassodes), 343 
illudens (Tachytes), 98 
illustrata (Kuplexia), 208 
ima (Tipulodes), evii 
imbella (Acidalia), 334 




( elxxxi 

imbella (Craspedia), 334 
imitans (Lithosia), 393 
imitator (Delias), 18 

AA (Pseudacraea), 57, 58, 59 
impedita (Acidalia), 320 

- (Ozola), 320 

as japonica (Ozola), 320 
implicitana (Eupoecilia), lxx 

a (Phalonia), Ixx 
impostor (Bracon), 465 
impudens (Noctua), 202 
impunctifrons (Chlaenius), 453 
inachia (Callopepla), cvi, evii 
infequalis (Mordellistena), 475 
inambitiosa (Hypena), 266 
inanis (Chabuata), 198 
», (Leucania), 198 

incerta (Catasticta), 519, 522, 524 

», (Formica), 179, 665 
incertalis (Scoparia), 513 
incertaria (Crypsicometa), 300 
ab. plana (Crypsicometa), 300 
(Phasiane), 300 
var. suffusa (Phasiane), 300 
incertella (Rhodophaea), 362 
incertus (Catolaccus), 483 

»,  (Chamus), 414 
inchoata (Acidalia), 335 
incisuralis (Molybdamoeba), 617, 618 
incisus (Orthocentrus), 485 
inclusus (Mimeuploea), Ixxv, Ixxvi, 




incondita (Metachrostis), 229 

a (Ozarba), 229 
inconspicua (Dasylabroides), 540 
(Mutilla), 540 
(Synegia), 299 
(Tettigonia), 603 

is (Tettigoniella), 603 
inconspicuus (Pristhesancus), 598 
increta (Acronycta), 218 
incretata (Acronycta), 218 
incubitor (Spilocryptus), 490 
incurvata (Hypena), 260 
indagator (Rhagium), 465 
indeterminata (Acidalia), 335 
(Ptychopoda), 335 

indistincta (Macaria), 298 
inermis (Exoprosopa), 635, 638 
inexacta (Dolbina), 274 

»»  (Gadirtha), 232 

5,  (Pseudosphinx), 274 
inflata (Dasylabris), 544 

»,  (Mutilla), 544 
infracta (Thalassodes), 342 
inframicans (Cirphis), 200 
(Leucania), 200 




(Pidorus), Ixxv, lxxvi, Ixxviii | | 



ingrata (Thalera), 343 
ingratella (Scoparia), 502, 503, 506, 
507, 508, 509, 513 

| inimica (Macalla), 364 
| initiator (Bracon), 488 

»,  (Coeloides), 480 
innocua (Celama), 192 
innuba (Catasticta), 527 
inornata (Amatissa), 346: 
(Exoprosopa), 638, 651 
»,  (Lomatia), 613 
inquirenda (Molybdamoeba), 618 


| inquisitor (Pimpla), 460 

(Rhagium), lxv, 465 


insignis (Cerceris), 77, 79, 80 

(Destolmia), 284, 285 
(Passaloecus), 70 

,,  (Prosopigastra), 106 
insignita (Gelastocera), 235 
insontata (Lobophora), 331 

i (Trichopteryx), 331 
instabilis (Pezomachus), 483 
instigator (Pimpla), 480 
var. processioneae (Pimpla), 

insulicola (Odynerus), 726 
insulivagus (Nysius), 734 




| intercessor (Bracon), 483 

intercisella (Nephopteryx), 859 

| intermedia (Catasticta), 527 
| intermedius (Pezomachus), 479 

(Philonthus), Ixxxi 

ab. donisthorpei (Philon- 
thus), Ixxxi 

(Sphecius), 124 




_intermixta (Gortyna), 221 

(Lithosia), 393 


| interoceanica (Hydroecia), 740 
| interrupta (Boarmia), 313 

interruptalis (Hydrocampa), 370 
var. separatalis (Hydro- 

campa), 370 
(Nymphula), 370 
intestinata (Coenocalpe), 323 
intracta (Agrotis), 196 

»,  (Euxoa), 196 

intricata (Saurita), evii 
inuus (Hemeroplanes), ]xiii 
invenustaria (Alcis), 311 
ab. suffusaria (Alcis), 312 
a (Amphidasys), 311 
s (Boarmia), 312 
j var. sinicaria (Biston), 




Todis, 341 

ioleuca (Coptotelia), 703 
iphianassa (Mutilla, 535 
Iphierga, 585 


iphonoe (Mutilla), 537 
iridipennis (Ephialtes), 458 
(Pompilus), 562 
Fe (Salius), 562 
iridis (Lixus), 479 
Iridomyrmex, 577 
iris (Exoprosopa), 651 
irritans (Pulex), vi 
irritator (Ephialtes), 466 
isa (Kuripus), xxiii 
Isanthrene, cvili 
Ischnoceros, 465 
isodelta (Kulia), 681 
Isognathus, Lxiii 
isographa (Timocratica), 70 
isomeris (Stenoma), 711 
Isopteryx, 372 
Isotamia, 606, 627, 628 
Ithomiinae, lxvii 
ixion (Villa), 625 
iyenobu (Acosmeryx), 278, 279 
jacchoides (Exoprosopa), 637, 644 
jacchus (Exoprosopa), 644 
jacens (Pompilus), 560 
jacksoni (Amauris), 422 
jacobsoni (Diplatys), 22, 23, 28, 40, 
41, 42 
jacquinotii (Catophaga), 1x 
jaguarinaria (Arichanna), 318 
jancousci (Acronycta), 216 
(Calymnia), 222 
(Cucullia), 203 
»,  (Stenoloba), 229 
jankowskii (Acronycta), 216 
(Apatela), 216 
(Calymnia), 222 
(Capnodes), 251 
(Cucullia), 203 
(Dichagyris), 229 
(Diomea), 251 
(Marumba), 276 
(Smerinthus), 2 
Janomima, 161 
jansoni (C ylindrogaster), Bp 
»,  (Diplatys), 28, 25, 31, 32 
japonaria (Operophtera), 328 
»,  (Oporabia), 328 
japonica (Gluphisia), 289 
5 (Ochrostigma), 285 | 
japonicum (Orthetrum), 169 
Jassidae, 579, 580, 581, 582, 588, 603 
jermyni (Parhestina), 187 
johnstoni (Acraea), 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 
Uy, il, ORS aks 
f. confusa (Acraea), 












3, 6, 7; 


9, 10, 11, 14 


johnstoni f. fulvescens (Acraea), 14 

A johnstoni (Acraea), 13 
ab. octobalia (Acraea), 6, 15 
subsp. toruna (Acraea), 6, 7, 

TOY, Wal as) 

jonesi (Pseudosphex), evii 
jucunda (Cyanopepla), evii 
judaeorum (Ammophila), 73 

HA (Coloptera), 73 
julliani (Tachysphex), 102 
jutta (Oeneis), 1xxxvii 
kadeni (Dysdaemonia), xxv 
kamehameha (Nysius), 734 
kanakanus (Tichorhinus), 730 
Katha, 393 
kauaiensis (Nesoprosopis), 723 

ae (Odynerus), 726 
kekele (Tichorhinus), 731 
Kentochrysalis, 275 
Kentrochrysalis, 274, 275 
Kerana, Ixxv 
kerasphoros (Reduviolus), 729 
khasiana (Langia), 277 
kilimandjara (Acraea), 3, 4, 6, 13 
kirbyi (Odynerus), 726 
kirkaldyi (Tichorhinus), 731 
klugi (Stizus), 119 
klugii (Euploea), 418, 420 
koae (Nesoprosopis), 727 
koehleri (Purpuricenus), 464 
koelensis (Reduviolus), 728, 729 
Kohlia, 64, 115 
kolga (Norasuma), xev 
kollari (Euploea), 418 
komarovii (Cerceris), 86 

a (Philanthus), 93 
kona (Nesoprosopis), 722, 723 
konanus (Odynerus), 726 
Koruthaiolos, Ixxiv, Ixxy, ]xxviii 
kotschyi (Stizus), 119 



| koui (Creatonotus), 391 

kriechbaumeri (Nesoprosopis), 719 

| Labena, 458 

Labia, 36 
lacerataria (Poecilochlora), 397 
45 (Thalera), 397 

lachesis (Acherontia), 273 
(Campsomeris), 556 
(Dielis), 556 
(Elis), 556 

+ (Manduca), 273 

,, (Sphinx), 273 
Jachrymosa (Epione), 307 
laciniata (Telephora), 459 
laciniatus (Malthodes), 459 
Lacosi, 553 
Laelia, 165 
Laeliopsis, 165 



( elxxxii ) 

Laelius, 456, 460, 462, 467 
laeta (Exoprosopa), 637, 645 
laetalis (Eudoria), 515 
laetella (Eudoria), 507 
laetus (Astatus), 96 
», (Cylindrepomus), lxxvii, Ixxvili, 
»,  (Palarus), 107, 108 
laevigatum (Apion), 477 
laevior (Prosopigastra), 106 
laevis (Gorytes), 118, 114 
», var. pyrrhobasis (Gorytes), 114 
», (Harpactus), 113 
laevisuleatus (Odynerus), 726 
lamellatus (Oxybelus), 131 
Lamiidae, lxxvi, lxxviil 
laminatus (Cis), 463 
laminifer (Lucanus), 435 
laminiferus, var. minor (Lucanus), 435 
lanaiensis (Odynerus), 726 
lanceolata (Catasticta), 524 
lancifer (Xylophrurus), 467 
Langia, 276, 277 
languida (Machimia), 698 
Laphyragogus, 64, 107 
lapidea (Athetis), 218 
lappona (Erebia), lxxxvii 
laqueatus (Oxytelus), xlix 
Larentia, 325, 326, 327, 328, 333 
Larentianae, 321 
laricis (Bostrichus), 491 
», (Tomicus), 491 
Larridae, 98 
larvarum (Pteromalus), 478 
larydas (Lycaenesthes), civ 
», _ f. kersteni (Lycaenesthes), civ 
lasia (Villa), 625 
Lasiacme, 376 
Lasiocampidae, 161, 165 
Lasius, x, xxi, xxii, xxvii, xxxii, xlix, 
], Ixviii, Ixxxiii, 180, 181, 182, 656, 
657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 
664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 
671, 672 
lateralis (Scolia), 552 
laticeps (Eurycarenus), 613 
laticineta (Cerceris), 92 
laticollis (Baridius), 485 
a (Baris), 485 
- (Mononyx), 599 
laticornis (Nigidius), 449 
latifascia (Eucereon), eviii 
latifasciata (Kulocastra), 231 
re (Planema), 7 
Latiorina, 1, li, 148, 149, 150, 152, 
153, 154, 155 
latipes (Pteromalus), 469 
Latirostrum, 258 

lativalvis (Tachysphex), 102 
lativentris (Nabis), xxxii 
lativitta (Notodonta), 292 
lauta (Acidalia), 335 
,, (Ptychopoda), 335 
laxia (Hypena), 264 
lecithitis (Coptotelia), 703 
Lecithocera, 694 
lectonia (Boarmia), 315 
leda (Ephoria), 307 
5» (Epione), 307 
,, (Proteostrenia), 307 
», ab. occulta (Proteostrenia), 307 
leechi (Nodaria), 257 
Leechia, 355 
lefroyi (Diplatys), 22, 23, 25, 30 
leighi (Elis), 557 
Leiopus, 466 
Leipoxais, 166 
Lema, 471 
Lembeja, 599 
lemolea (Spalgis), civ, ev 
lentalis (Hydrillodes), 255 
Leocyma, 225 
Leodonta, 19 
Lepidoderma, 457 
lepidogastra (Exoprosopa), 636, 639 
Lepidoptera, xlvii, 519 
lepidus (Palarus), 107, 108 
leporina (Acronycta), 156 
leptocerus (Sisyrophanus), 612 
Leptoneura, 61 
Leptosia, 1 
Leptostylus, 466 
Leptothorax, Ixx 
Lertha, lxi 
Lesteva, lxi 
lethe (Acherontia), 273 
», (Kuchromia), xcix 
letho (Petrorossia), 615, 616 
Leucania, Ixxxvi, 1xxxvii, 
201, 202: 
Leucinodes, 257 
leucocincta (Polyocha), 358 
leucocinetus (Crambus), 358 
(Emmalocera), 358 
leucodesma (Eucosma), 688 
leucogaster (Anthrax), 623 
(Doryctes), 462 
leucographa (Mythimna), 197 
(Noctua), 197 
(Pachnobia), 197 
leucomelas (Aedia), 247 
PP (Catephia), 247 
- (Noctua), 247 
leuconoe (Deilemera), xcvii 
leucophaea (Catasticta), 522, 524 
leucophaeus (Systoechus), 607, 608. 

198, 200, 



( ehomav 7) 

leucopogon (Molybdamoeba), 617, 618 
leucoproctus (Thyridanthrax), 627 
leucopyga (Mutilla), 530, 533 
Leucospis, lvii 
leucosticta (Enispa), 225 
leucostigma (Macroeneme), evi, cvii, 
315 (Noctua), 207 
Leucotmemis, evii 
Liacos, 552, 554 
liberatus (Diplatys), 22, 29, 30, 32, 36, 42 
Libythea, 20 
Licha, 259 
lichen (Drymonia), 288 
lichenicola (Nysius), 733 
ligea, var. adyte (Erebia), Ixxxvii 
lignealis (Hypena), 263 
lignicola (Polysphincta), 464 
ligniperda (Cossus), 348 
lilii (Crioceris), 471 
Limacodes, 348, 349 
Limacodidae, 191, 348 
limbalis (Marasmia), 376 
limbativentris (Mictis), 596 
limbirena (Plusia), 244 
Limneria, 479 
Limnerium, 574 
limosa (Peronea), 688 
lincea (Ophthalmis), Ixviii 
Lindenius, 134, 135 
linea (Thyridanthrax), 626 
linealis (Paraponyx), 371 
linearis (Hypophloeus), lxxxi 
lineatus (Agriotes), 459 
lineola, var. cyanipes (Cimex), 591 
,,  (Eudoria), 507, 515 
»,  (Galerucella), 472 
»,  (Syrphus), lxxi 
»,  (Tectocoris), 591 
lineosa (Chaerocampa), 280 
,,  (Dadica), 221 
»,  (Elydna), 221 
,,  (Theretra), 280 
Liodes, xlix 
liquidalis (Polythlipta), 383 
Liris, 98 
Lissonota, 468, 474 
Lithobius, 453 
Lithosia, 1, 194, 393 
Lithosianae, 392 
Litorrhynchus, 606, 629, 630, 631, 632, 
633, 634, 635, 637 
Lixus, 479 
loangwana (Mutilla), 539 
lobengula (Acraea), 12 
Lobophora, 331 
localis (Odynerus), 727 
loewi (Lomatia), 614 
lofua (Acraea), Ixvi 

logaea (Rhyacionia), li, lii 
Loganius, 488 
logica (Argyroploce), 692 
Lomatia, 606, 6138, 614 
Lonchodes, 1xi 
longicaudis (Bracon), 489 
longiceps (Nesoprosopis), 727 
longicollis (Nysius), 733, 737 
longicuspis (Dactylispa), Ixxvii, Ixxix 
longisetosa (Diplatys), 35 
(Dyseritina), 35, 38, 46 
longitarsis (Anthrax), 616 
a (Petrorossia), 616 
Longitarsus, lxiv 
longitudinalis (Lomatia), 614 
lophophoralis (Nacoleia), 379 
Lophopteryx, 294, 295, 296 
loti (Apion), 476, 477 
Loweia, Ixxxvii 
loxiella (Cryptoblabes), 364 
Loxophlebia, cvii 
Lucanus, 4381, 432, 433 
lucens (Hydroecia), 738, 739, 740, 741, 
742, 743, 744, 745, 747, 748, 749 
lucetius (Dycladia), evii 
lucidicostella (Emmalocera), 358 
lucilla (Sypna), 246 
luctifera (Exoprosopa), 636, 642 
luctuosa (Cerceris), 90 
bs (Lesteva), ]xi 
lugens (Campoplex), 492 
»  (Sphex), 74. 
lugubrina (Limneria), 479 
lugubris (Aradus), 597 
He (Morimus), xxiv 
lunata (Cerceris), 83 
lunicornis (Didineis), 111 
lunifer (Lucanus), 432, 433 
luniger (Sphecius), 124 
lupata (Argyroploce), 690 
Luperina, ii, Ixxxvii, ]xxxvili 
luperus (Diodontus), 70 
lurida (Ctenopseustis), 681 
luridum (Tetropium), 468 
lusitanica (Nemoptera), lxi 
lutea (Ammophila), 73 
», (Cerceris), 85, 86 
», japonica (Diacrisia), 392 
,, (Kremochares), 73 
luteipes (Ephialtes), 467 
luteola (Galerucella), 472 
lutescens (Pendulinus), 596 
lutosa (Arenostola), 224 
», (Noctua), 224 
Lycaena, 1, 150, 153, 154 
lycaena (Okenana), 601 
Lycaenesthes, civ 
Lycaenidae, Ixvi, 169 

( clxxxv ) 

Lycaenopsis, 184, 185 maculata (Diplolepis), 491 
lychnitidis (Gymnetron), 482 maculicornis (Tachytes), 99 
Lycia, 308, 309, 310, 311 maculifemoratus, var. Hopei(Lucanus) 
lycia (Acraea), liv, lv, lvi 432 
Lycidae, 411 maculipennis (Anthrax), 621 
Lycidocoris, 409, 410 93 (Euchrysia), 458 
lycoa (Acraea), 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, | maculipes (Macroneura), 473 
2S Madopa, 252 
5, subsp. aequalis (Acraea), 4,13 | maerkeli (Triarthron), lxiv 
», subsp. bukoba (Acraea), 12 magdalidis (Eurytoma), 487 
», ab. butleri (Acraea), 4, 15 Magdalis, 487 
,, subsp. entebbia (Acraea), 12 magnaria (Epione), 305 
,, subsp. fallax (Acraea), 6, 13 magnifica (Halias), 286 
», subsp. kenia (Acraea), 13 M. (Hylophila), 236 
», lycoa (Acraea), 12 major (Exoprosopa), 637, 645, 646, 647 
», subsp, media (Acraea), 12 », (Timoceratica), 707 
subsp. tirika (Acraea), 13 malachitis (Canna), 215 
lycoides (Correbia), evii . (Telesilla), 215 
lycti (Eurytoma), 462 malaya (Megisba), 185 
Lyctus, 454, 462 maligna (Ancistromma), 105 
Lycus, 411 Mallodeta, evii 
Lygaeidae, 732 Malthodes, 459 
Lygranoa, 321 Mamestra, 198, 220 
Lygropia, 380, 381 mancella (Nephopteryx), 360 
Lymantriadae, 191, 270, 395 manco (Catasticta), 522, 524, 527 
Lymnas, xviii »,  (Kuterpe), 527 
Lyramorpha, 594 mandarinaria (Megalochlora), 339 
lysippe (Mutilla), 537 mandibularis (Crabro), 727 
maackii (Papilio), 169 (Sphenognathus), 426 
mabillaria (Abraxaphantes), 319 Manduca, 273 
i (Erosia), 319 manducator (Alysia), 459 
‘9 (Palaeomystis), 319 maniensis (Nysius), 732 
Macalla, 364, 365 manifestella (Scoparia), 507, 509, 512, 
Macaria, 298 513 
macarista (Iphierga), 585 mansya (Acraea), lxv 
(Planema), xe, xci, xciii Marapana, 259, 260 
Machimia, 696, 697, 698, 699 Marasmia, 376 
macilentus (Papilio), 171 marchicum (Apion), 477 
macquarti (Thyridanthrax), 625, 626 us (Apium) [i. e. Apion], 477 
Macrocentrus, 474 Marcius, 596 
macrocephala (Diplatys), 23, 29, 30, | margaritalis (Pyralis), 385 
32, 39 Margarodes, 382 
(Forficula), 29 Margaronia, 382 
macrocephalus (Diplatys), 22, 24, 29, | marginaria (Hybernia), xxiv 
2, 39 marginata (Agraptochlora), 344 
( Eubazus), 476 marginellus (Bruchus), 469 
Macrochthonia, 234 * (Piesarthrius), 463 
Macrocneme, evi, evii marina (Hemithea), 337 
Macroglossinae, Ixvi, 279 marinaria (Thalassodes), 342 
macromera (Pternistria), 594, 595 marisalis (Botys), 376 
Macroneura, 473 Marmara, xeviii, xcix 
macronota (Stenoma), 716 marmarodes (Peronea), 687 
macronychivorus (Pteromalus), 457 marmorata (Harrisimemna), 213 
Macronychus, 457 maroccanus (Stauronotus), 607 
macrops (Nyctipas), 239 marshalli (Mimacraea), lxxx 
. (Phalaena), 239 marthae (Stizus), 123 
macropterus (Litorrhynchus), 630 marthesiusalis (Margaronia), 382 

maculalis (Nacoleia), 379 Marumba, 276 


( clxxxvi ) 

Masalia, 195 
masinissa (Ammophila), 72 
Mastigophorus, 254 
matanga (Lycaenopsis), 185 
Matsumura, 46 
mauuensis (Crabro), 727 
‘ (Nesoprosopis), 722, 724 
maxillosus (Creophilus), 453, 459 
=e (Sphex), 77 
maxima (Carposina), 673 
mayri (Stizus), 116 
Mearesi (Lucanus), 433 
Mecinus, 482 
Mecyna, 386 
Medasina, 315, 316 
medialis (Bleptina), 252 
mediator (Perithous), 464 
mediterranea (Bembex), 130 
mediterraneus (Tachysphex), 101 
medon (Mutilla), 530 
meeki (Ogyris), xxv 
mefisto (Chamus), 414 
megacephalus (Encyrtus), 489 
Megachile, 719 
megaera (Discolia), 553 
5 (Lacosi), 553 
race caledonia (Parage) [i. e. 
Pararge], ]xxxili 
3 race  caledonia 
Ap (Scolia), 553 
megaleuca (Stenoma), 711 
Megalochlora, 338, 339 
Megalyra, 463 
Megisba, 185 
melachlora (Bryomoea), 212 
3 (Bryomoia), 212 
melaena (Lycaenopsis), 186 
melagona (Ochrostigma), 285 
melaleuca (Anarta), [xxxvii 
5G (Noctua), 203 
3 (Sympistis), 203 
Melamphaus, 596 
melampogon (Systoechus), see melano- 
pogon (Systoechus), 607, 609 
Melanargia, xlviii, lxxi, lxxii 
melanargia (Psychostrophia), 345 
“5 ab. albomaculata (Psycho- 
strophia), 345 
melanaria (Discolia), 551 
us (Seolia), 551 
melancholicus (Oxybelus), 132 
melanesia (Stenoma), 712 
melania (Catophaga), 1x 
», (Papilio), lx 
spe ey Raelnyas) 9 lixalx 
melanifera (Saurita), evii 
melanixa (Stenoma), 715 



melanobasis (Mesolasia), evii 
melanocephala (Micrurula), Ixy 
re var. brunnea (Micru- 
rula, lxv 
melanocephalus (Longitarsus), lxiv 
melanochroa (Hydrilla), 219 
melanopa (Anarta), ]xxxvii 
melanopleurus (Thyridanthrax), 626 
melanopogon (Systoechus), 607, 609 
melanopterus (Stizus), 119, 120 
melanoscelus (Bracon), 462 
e (Diospilus), 462 
melasidis (Diospilus), 458 
Melasis, 458 
Meliana, 202 
melicerte (Noctua), 242 
ee (Ophiusa), 242 
Melitaea, vi 
melliniformis (Philanthus), 93 
Mellinus, 65 
melpomene (Heliconius), ii 
aglaope (Heliconius), i 
(f. adonides (Heli- 
conius), i 
~ »,  (f. rubripicta (Heli- 
- BS conius), i 
Membracidae, 601 
membranaceus (Aradus), 597 
(Mezira), 597 

9 9? 

” ”? 

Memoria, 338 
mena (Parhestina), 187, 188 
mephitis (Dasylabris), 543 

»»  (Mutilla), 543 
Meraporus, 470, 486 
mercurella (Kudoria), 506, 507, 514, 

515, 516 

merdigera (Crioceris), 471 

re (Lema), 471 
meridionalis (Anastoechus), 610 
(Crabro), 134 
(Discolia), 553 
(Gastroplakaeis), 166 
(Lacosi), 553 
nS (Scolia), 553 
r (Stizus), 116, 117, 118 
Meritastis, 677 
merope (Papilio), 1 
Mesochorus, 472, 479 
Mesogona, 222 
Mesolasia, evi, evii 
mesophaea (Hyposada), 394 
mesostrota (Antaeotricha), 708 
Mesothen, cvii 
mespili (Anthonomus), 483 
Metachrostis, 229, 230, 395 
Metasia, 379, 386 
Metastenus, 466 
Meteorus, 463 


Methoca, 452 
Metopon, 471 
Mexicanus (Bruchophagus), 470 
Mezira, 597 
Miana, 209 
Miarus, 481 
micans (Bombylius), 606 
», (Orchesia), 474 
»,  (Perilampus), 454, 462 
micilia (Agyrta), evii 
micipsa (Ainmophila), 72 
,, (Psammophila), 72 
microdemas (Odynerus), 720 
Microdus, 475 
Microgaster, 458 
microgyna (Formica), 665 
Microleon, 348 
micromelas (Discolia), 553 
i (Seolia), 553 
Micromelus, 482 
Micronia, 345 
Microphalera, 284, 285 
Microrhopala, 473 
microrhopalae (Tetrastichus), 473 
Microterys, 478 
Micrurula, Ixy 
Mictis, 595, 596 
midamus (Euploea), xxii, 420 
militaris (Mictis), 595 
miltopa (Coptotelia), 700 
Milu, 729 
mima (Euralia), xlv 
Mimacraea, lxxx 
Mimesa, 727 
mimeticus (Lycidocoris), 410 
Mimeuploea, lxxv, Ixxvi, xxviii 
mimica (Lasiacme), 376 
Mimikana, 592, 593 
mimikensis (Cosmoscarta), 602 
Mimozethes, 352 
minimus (Cupido), 150 
minna (Hypena), 262 
minois (Exoprosopa), 638, 650 
minor (Astatus), 95, 96 
»,  (Catasticta), 524 
», (Cechenema), 280 
», (Chaerocampa), 280 
»,  (Hylurgus), 489, 491 
»,  (Theretra), 280 
minos (Mutilla), 529 
minuta (Gracilia), 465 
3 (Nola), 192 
»,  (Trachys), 458 
minutator (Bracon), 490 
minutus (Diodontus), 69 
mira (Corgartha), 228 
miraculosa (Himeropteryx), 296 
miranda (Abraxas), 318 

elxxxvii_ ) 

| Miresa, 348 

mirus (Amblymerus), 491 
Miscophus, 131 
Miselia, 287 
misippus (Hypolimnas), xliv, liii 
a4 f. inaria (Hypolimnas), xliv 
mitratus (Encyrtus), 478 
$s (Microterys), 478 
mixta (Molybdamoeba), 618 
mixtus (Anthrax), 618 
,,  (Lasius), xxi, 182, 664, 672 
,, (Monohammus), 761 
, (Mononyx), 599 
»,  (Systoechus), 609 
moderator (Porizon), 474, 484 
modesta (Agrotis), 196 
a; (Catasticta), 520 
moerens (Catocala), 240 
moesta (EKuborellia), xvi 
molata (Alcis), 312 
mollis (Ernobius), 460, 461 
moltrechti (Diacrisia), 392 
Molybdamoeba, 606, 617, 618, 619, 621. 
Moma, 242 
Mominae, 242 
monacha (Hyperalonia), 652 
monetaria (Notodonta), 290 
Fi (Tachytes), 97, 98 
monilicornis (Ammophila), 72 
* (Parapsammophila), 72 
Monima, 394 
monocentra (Cyclotorna), 577, 589 
Monochammus, 467 
Monohammus, 761 
Monomorium, lvi 
Mononyx, 599 
montana (Huploea), 418 
monticola (Nysius), 735 
montivagus (Nysius), 734 
ri (Reduviolus), 729 
moorei (Hypocala), 247 
morata (Machimia), 697 
morawitzi (Gorytes), 113 
mordax (Rhagium), 465 
Mordella, 475 
Mordellistena, 475 
moricei (Gastrosericus), 106 
»,  (Prosopigastra), 106 
Morimus, xxiv 
morio (Antaxia), 457 
», (Anthaxia), 457 
,, (Hemipenthes), 622 
», (Stenus), lxxxi 
morosa (Bleptina), 254, 255 
», (Hydrillodes), 254 
morosalis (Nephopteryx), 360 
Fe (Salebria), 360 
morta (Acherontia), 273 


( chexxvii ) 

moschata (Aromia), 464 
moschatus (Cerambyx), 464 
moultoni (Lycaenopsis), 184 
mucianus (Eurytoma), 477 
mulciber (Euploea), xxii, 420, 425 
sis var. duarseri (Euploea), xxii 
5 f. kalinga (Euploea), 420 
multiarticulatus (Bracon), 480 
multistriata (Cidaria), 324 
multistriatus (Scolytus), 488 
munitalis (Phryganodes), 377 
murana (Eudoria), 507, 515 
mus (Demas), 244 
Musca, 497, 498 
musculalis (Nola), 192 
Mutilla, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 
535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 
543, 544, 545, 546, 548, 549, 
Mutillidae, 529 
Mycalesis, 168 
mycetophila (Cephalonomia), 492 
Mycetoporus, Ixxxi 
Mygale, Ixxii 
Mymar, xxvii, xxviii, cviii, cix 
Mymaridae, xxviii 
Myrilla, 600 
Myrina, xcix 
Myrmilla, 541 
myrota (Sparganothis), 686 
mysticus (Callimerus), lxxvi, ]xxviii 
Mythimna, 197, 199 
Myzine, 559 
Nabis, xxx, xxxii 
Nacaduba, xxiii 
Nacoleia, 378, 379 
Nadata, 284 
nana (Kuchera), 352 
», (Mimozethes), 352 
nanalis (Pyralis), 369 
naninia (Phiala), 163 
Nannopygia, 35, 42, 43 
Nanophyes, 483 
Napata, evii 
napi (Ceuthorrhynchus), 484 
», (Pieris), 1xxxvili 
»» var. bryoniae (Pieris), 1xxxvii 
», ab. minima (Pieris), 1xxxix 
», ab. minor (Pieris), 1xxxix 
ab. napella (Pieris), lxxxix 
Naranga, 231 
nasicus (Balaninus), 486 
nastes, var. werdandi 
nasuta (Ammophila), 73 
,,  (Cerceris), 88 
Natada, 348 
natalicolus (Pompilus), 560 
natara (Lithosia), 393 


(Colias), 1x, 


natator (Gyrinus), 453 
naturalis (Odonota), 473 
5 (Uroplata), 473 
navigatrix (Xylorycta), 705 
nawai (Epipomponia), 350 
,, (Epipyrops), 350 
nawalis (Aulacodes), 373 
neavei (Dolichomutilla), 542 
nebulosa (Aplecta), xxi 
ss var, robsoni (Aplecta), xxi 
ir var. thompsoni (Aplecta), xxi 
3 (Cassida), 474 
nechus (Xylophanes), ]xiii 
Neesii (Coeloides), 466 
Nemacerota, 281 
Nematopus, 596 
Nemoptera, lxi 
Nemoria, 340 
nemorivagus (Nysius), 734 
Neolycaena, 155 
Neoponera, xvi 
Neoscleroderma, 456 
Neotrichura, evii 
Nephelodes, 211 
Nephopteryx, 358, 359, 360, 361 
Neptis, 424 
nereis (Margarodes), 382 
nero (Tachyris), lx 
Nesocrabro, 727 
Nesodynerus, 726, 727 
Nesomimesa, 727. 
Nesoprosopis, 719, 
725, 727 
neutra (Natada), 348 
nexifasciata (Oporabia), 328 
niavius (Amauris), xlvii 
nicevillei (Parhestina), 187, 188 
nickerlii (Luperina), Ixxxvii, ]xxxviii 
Nicobium, 461 
nictitans (Hydroecia), cix, 738, 739, 
740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 
745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 
55 (Noctua), 207 
niger (Lasius), x, xxxii, xlix, Ixviii, 
180, 181, 182, 657, 658, 659, 
660, 661, 662, 668, 669, 670, 
671, 672 
»» var. americanus (Lasius), 657 
nigerrimus (Lycaenopsis), 184 
Nigidius, 446, 449, 450, 761 
nigra (Dasychira), 270 
», (Selca), 270 
nigralbata (Pogonopygia), 319 
op var, attenuata 
pygia), 319 
nigraplaga (Oeceticoides), 347 
nigribasalis (Chytonix), 212 
nigricans (Choleva), v 

721, 722, 723, 724, 



nigricans (Didineis), 111 
nigriceps (Diplatys), 21, 27, 32, 36, 38, 
43, 44 
nigricornis (Sphecius), 125, 128 
nigrifumata (Alcis), 315 
nigripennis (Hyperalonia), 651, 652, 653 
o (Mutilla), 540 
nigripes (Neotrichura), cvii 
(Oxybelus), 132 
»,  (Systoechus), 608 
nigripuncta (Raparna), 251 
nigripunctalis (Rivula), 268 
nigristernus (Orthocentrus), 485 
nigrita (Choleva), v 
(Liacos), 554 
(Notogonia), 96 
(Scolia), 554 
»,  (Triliacos), 554 
nigrolinealis (Hydrocampa), 370 
nigromacularia (Euchloris), 336 
sy (Uliocnemis), 336 
nigropectinatus (Calosphex), 76 
fe (Sphex), 76 
nigrum (Dorchaschema), 468 
nihonica (Fentonia), 286 
nikkonis (Boarmia), 316 
5 (Medasina), 316 
nilotica (Cerceris), 85 
niloticus (Stizus), 122 
nimbatus (Oceanides), 732 
nimbice (Catasticta), 519 
niobe (Catasticta), 520 
nireus (Papilio), xeviii 
nitens (Celeopsyche), 227 
»,  (Corgatha), 227 
nitida (Nesomimesa), 727 
nitidulator (Alysia), 473 
nitidulus (Anastoechus), 610 
nitidus (Nysius), 732 
»,  (Tachysphex), 102 
nitrariae (Cerceris), 89, 90 
niveatus (Calosphex), 75, 76 
5, _ (Sphex), 75, 76 
niveisignella (Parastega), 693 
a5 (Psoricoptera), 693 
nivellus (Crambus), 353 
niveosparsa (Dasychira), 271 
nivescens (Dianthoecia), 206 
nivilinea (Edema), 229 
nobile (Callimome), 489 
nobilis (Heterogenea), 235 
(Phrixolepia), 235 
(Sphenognathus), 428 
>,  (Westermannia), 235 
noctilio (Sirex), lxi 
Noctua, 196, 197, 198 202, 203, 204, 
205, 206, 207, 217 219, 224, 240, | 








241, 242, 245, 247 


Noctuidae, 191, 195, 229, 394 
Noctuinae, 245 

Nodaria, 255, 256, 257 
nodieri (Oxypleurus), 464 
nohara (Acraea), 60 

Nola, 192 

Nolasena, 236 

Nolinae, 191 

Nonagria, 211, 223, 224 
nonogriella (Archanara), 224 
Norasuma, xev 

| norna (Oeneis), lxxxvil 

notabilis (Heliconius), 1, il, 

notata (Mutilla), 548 
», (Odontomutilla), 548 

notatus (Pissodes), 480 

Notodonta, 284, 285, 289, 290, 291, 
292, 293 

Notodontidae, 58, 191, 229, 284 

Notogonia, 96, 97 

Nototrachys, 474 

| novemlineata (Stibolepis), 163 

noverca (Pseudosphex), cvii 

| nubicola (Nysius), 735 

(Reduviolus), 728 


| nubigenus (Reduviolus), 728 

nubilus (Bruchus), 469 

nucum (Balaninus), 485 
»,  (Pimpla), 479, 485 

nudaria (Acidalia), 334 

| nutritor (Ophion), 486 

nyasae (Litorrhynchus), 630, 631 

_nyctimene (Dasylabris), 543 

(Mutilla), 543 


| Nyctipas, 239 

Nymphalinae, 171 
Nymphula, 370, 371, 372 

| Nyridela, cvii 

Nysius, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 
Nysson, 64, 109, 110 

| obductalis (Hypena), 264, 265 

Oberea, 468 
Obereae (Zaleptopygus), 468 
oberthiierii (Calcaritis), 307 

| oberthiiri (Euxoa), 196 


(Notodonta), 290 

| obitalis (Oligostigma), 371 

obliqua (Nodaria), 255 

obliquisigma (Metachrostis), 230, 395 
(Ozarba), 230 
(Paragona), 395 


| oblonga (Thyatira), 280 

Oboronia, ci, cii, cili 

| obscura (Hypena), 265 

,  (Myrilla), 600 
(Nonagria), 223 
(Phoracantha), 463 



- . 


exc ) 

obscura (Pseudacraea), xci, xcii, xciii, | Ogyris, xxv 

xclv, CVi 
obscurata (Leucania), 202 
=A (Nesoprosopis), 727 
i (Sypna), 246 
obscurellus (Sigalphus), 484 
obscurepunctatus (Odynerus), 720 
obseurus (Agriotes), 458 
a (Belomicrus), 133 
AR (Homalotylus), 455 
obsoleta (Tachytes), 100 
obsoletus (Acanthocinus), 466 
As (Proctotrypes), 456 
obstructa (Risoba), 238 
obtecta (Diceropyga), 599 
»,  (Tettigonia), 599 
Obtusipalpis, civ 
occidentalis (Diplatys), 44 
occulta (Proteostrenia), 307 
Oceanides, 732 
ocellata (Sphinx), 275 
ocelliferella (Nephopteryx), 359 
i (Oligochroa), 359 
ochracea (Catasticta), 519 
A (Euterpe), 519 
ochrago (Noctua), 205 
ochrealis (Cholius), 506, 507 
»»  (Pagyda), 375 
‘A (Phlyctaenodes), 384 
ochriasis (Nysius), 734 
Ochrostigma, 285 
o’connori (Phaedrophilus), lxix 
octavia (Precis), 56 
octodentatus (Bostrichus), 491 
octofasciatus (Sphingonotus), 75 
octoguttale (Thliptoceras), 383 
oculata (Bembex), 130 
Ocypus, Ixv, 453 
Odoniella, 411, 412 
Odonota, 473 
odonotae (Spilochalcis), 473 
0 (Trichogramma), 473 
Odontomerus, 457, 485, 488 
Odontomutilla, 546, 547, 548 
Odontopera, 136, 187, 144 
odontophorus (Belomicrus), 133 
Odontosia, 294 
Odynerus, 720, 721, 726, 727 
Oeceticinae, 347, 397 
Oeceticoides, 347 
Oecophoridae, 695 
Oecophylla, ciii 
Oedipoda, 607 
Oeme, 468 
Oeneis, 1xxxvii 
Oenochrominae, 319 
Oestridae Cavicolae, lvii 
Oestrus, lvili 

Oiketicoides, 347 
Okenana, 600, 601 
oleae (Phloeotribus), 489 
olens (Ocypus), 453 
oleracea (Pieris), xv, xvi, xxiv 
oleraceus (Diospilus), 484 
Oligia, 209 
Oligochroa, 359 
Oligostigma, 371 
olivalis (Stericta), 365 
olivescens (Licha), 259 

*i (Marapana), 259 
Olulis, 258 
omophli (Perilitus), 474 
Omophlus, 474 
Oncocephalus, 597 
Oniscus, 590 
ononidis (Apion), 476 
ononis (Kurytoma), 476 
onorpordi (Lixus), 479 
ooctonus (Pteromalus), 472 
Oomyzus, 472 
opaca (Mutilla), 533 
opalipennis (Notogonia), 97 
Operophtera, 328 
ophidicephalus (Papilio), 48, 49 
Ophion, 486 
ophion (Argyroeides), evii 
Ophioneurus, 475 
Ophiusa, 241, 242 
ophrysta (Antaeotricha), 708 
Ophthalmis, Ixviii 
Opius, 480, 483 
Oporabia, 328 
oppositata (Micronia), 345 

a (Pseudomicronia), 345 
optilete (Lycaena), 1538, 154 

»,  (Vacciniina), li, Ixxxvii, 153 
opuntiella (Marmara), xcix 
orbitulus (Latiorina), 1, li, 148, 149, 
150, 152, 158, 154, 155 

56 (Lycaena), 148 
orbona (Cyanopepla), evil 
Orchesia, 474 
Orchestes, 480 
orchesticida (Sparthiophilus), 480 
oreas (Systoechus), 607 
oresitrophus (Nysius), 734 
orestia (Acraea), Ixv, ]xxxi 
Orgyia, 156, 160, 288 
oribasus (Nysius), 734 
ornata (Enispa), 226 
ornatus (Bombylius), 607 
Ornithoptera, 16, 17, 18 
Orphnolechia, 711 
orsidice (Tetrastichus), 473 
Orthaga, 366, 367 

( (exe) 

Orthetrum, 169 paniscus (Villa), 624 
orthocapna (Stenoma), 717 pannonica (Didineis), 111 
Orthocentrus, 485 pannosa (Bryophila), 213 
orthodoxa (Machimia), 697 Panorpa, lxiv 
Oruza, 226 Panthea, 243 
Oryba, 370 panzeri (Tachysphex), 101, 103, 104 
Orybina, 370 ,, var. discolor (‘Tachysphex), 104 
Oryctes, 457 », var. oraniensis (Tachysphex), 
oryzae (Calandra), 486 104 
;,  (Pteromalus), 486 paphlactis (Gelechia), 693 
oryzalis (Paraponyx), 371 Papilio, xxxilil, xXxxiv, XXXV, XXXVi, 
oryzinus (Pteromalus), 486 XXXVil, XXXVili, xxxix, xl, xli, xlii, 
oscillans (Reduviolus), 728, 729 xliti, xliv, xlvii, lx, lxxv, xe, xeviii, 
ossea (Epione), 307 1, 48, 49, 50, 169, 170, 171, 350 
otiosus (Agrilus), 458 papuana (Myrilla), 600 
Ourapteryx, 301 Paracrama, 236 
ovialis (Sylepta), 380 paradisea (Ornithoptera), 17 
Oxybelus, 131, 132, 133 paradoxa (Catasticta), 521 
Oxycriptis, 692 Paraethria, cviii 
Oxynopterus, lxxx Parage, see Pararge 
Oxypleurus, 464 paragea (Planema), xc, xci, xcili 
Oxytelus, xlix Paragona, 266, 395 
Ozarba, 229, 230, 395 parallela (Nodaria), 256 
Ozola, 320 Paraona, 194 
Pachnobia, 197 Paraponyx, 371 
pachyceratus (Eurycarenus), 613 Paraptila, 677 
Ns (Sisyrophanus), 613 Pararge, 1xxxiil 
Pachylarthrus, 470 parasitica (Apenesia), 486 
Pachypasa, 167 Parasphex, 74, 75 
Pachytelia, 397 Parastega, 693 
pacifica (Hydroecia) 740 Parastichtis, 205, 206 
Pademma, 420 pardalina (Elis), 559 
pagina (Boarmia), 314 e (Scolia), 559 
Pagyda, 375, 398 mt (Trielis), 559 
Palaeomystis, 319 Parhestina, 187, 188 
Palarus, 107, 108 Paricana, 600 
Palimpsestes, 282 parishii (Cyaniris), xxiii 
pallens (Leucania), Ixxxvi, lxxxvii paritalis (Anoratha), 259 
palliatus (Hylastes), 489 Le (Hypena), 259 
pallida (Bembex), 129 Parthenodes, 373, 374 
‘,,  (Witlesia), 504, 505, 506, 507, | parva (Hygrochroa), 303, 304 
514, 515 », (Pericallia), 303 
pallidicornis (Bruchus), 470 parvula (Mordellistena), 475 
pallidinotalis (Nacoleia), 378 pasillus (Anthrax), see pusillus (An- 
pallidipes (Codrus), 453 thrax), 621 
“h (Euphorus), 472 Passaloecus, 65, 70, 71 
- (Proctotrypes), 453 Pastinaceae, 454 
AB (Sigalphus), 483 patagiata (Phiala), 163 
pallidula (Cerceris), 83, 84 paula (Mesolasia), evi, cvii 
palpalis (Caradrina), 221, 222 paulina (Appias), 172 
»,  (Lissonota), 468 »,  (Catophaga), lx 

paludis (Hydroecia), 738, 739, 740, | pauperculella (Nephopteryx), 359 
741, 742, 743, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749 | paurocentra (Stenoma), 713 

palustris (Noctua), 219 pectinicornis (Ptilinus), 461 
a (Petilampa)) 219 pectinipes (Tachysphex), 103 

pandora (Plocamosaris), 706 pectoralis (Pyracmon), 457 

paniceum (Anobium), 460 peculiaris (Papilio), xe 

paniscoides (Villa), 624 pedestris (Hemiteles), 471, 479 

xii. }) 

pelasgis (Precis), 56 
pele (Nesoprosopis), 723 
peles (Odynerus), 726 
pelinitis (Stenoma), 714 
pellio (Attagenus), 457 
pellucidus (Barypithes), xxvi, xxvii 
Pelogonidae, 598 
Pelosia, 392 
renee 65 
Pendulinus, 596 
penicillata (Geometra), 342 
pensilis (Sceliphron), 71 
Pentatomidae, 591 
Pentheus (Entedon), 469 
penthoptera (Exoprosopa), 637, 648 
Pepsis, xxix 
Perenia, 318 
perdita (Gnophos), 311 
perdix (Dasychira), 288 

», (Stauropus), 288 
peregrinus (Stizus), 116, 117, 119 
perflava (Mesothen), evil 
Pergesinae, 280 
Pericallia, xi, 303 
Peridea, 290 
Perigea, 209 
perilampoides (Pteromalus), 479 
Perilampus, 454, 461, 462 
Perilitus, 472, 474 
peringueyi (Mutilla), 532 
periphanes, f. acritoides (Acraea), lxvi 
Perithous, 464 
Peronea, 686, 687, 688 
perplexella (Scoparia), 507, 513 
perplexus (Litorrhynchus), 633, 634 
Perrisi (Laelius), 460, 462 
perrisii (Ammoplanus), 68 
persector (Hemiteles), 453 
persephone (Mutilla), 533 
persimilis (Hypopyra), 238 
perspicua (Hypena), 265 
persuasa (Apatela), 216 
persuasoria (Rhyssa), 467, 475 
pertinax (Anobium), 461 
pertyi (Isanthrene), cvii 
Petilampa, 219 
petrobius (Odynerus), 720 
Petromalus, 476 
petrophila (Eudoria), 507, 510, 516 
Petrorossia, 606, 615, 616 
Pezomachus, 453, 479, 483 
phaedon (Amauris), 424 
Phaedrophilus, ]xix 
phaeocrossa (Machimia), 699 
phaeoleuca (Scoparia), 502, 507, 513 
phaeophanes (Stenoma), 714 
Phalaena, 239, 318, 328, 362 
Phal.—Geometra, 304 

Phalonia, lxx, 673 
Phaloniadae, 673 
pharaonis (Monomorium), lvi 
pharnakia (Catasticta), 522 
Pharnus (Entedon), 477, 485 
Pharyngobolus, ] viii 
Pharyngomyia, lviii 
Phasiane, 300 
Phasicnecus, 164, 165 
Pheia, cvii 
Phellandrii (Prasocuris), 472 
pheres (Cosmosoma), evii 
pheretes (Albulina), 1, li, 158, 154 
»,  (Lycaena), 1 
Phiala, 163, 164 
Phibalapteryx, 322, 323 
philais (Catasticta), 522 
»,  (Huterpe), 522 
Philanthus, 93, 94 
Philereme, 322 
philippi (Tachysphex), 102 
philippus (Hypolycaena), c 
philoctena (Uropoda), xxvii 
philomene (Catasticta), 520 
philone (Catasticta), 521 
Philonthus, lxxxi 
Philoponus, 94 
phlaeas, var. hypophlaeas 
phanus), lxxxvii 
Ss var. hypophlaeas (Rumicia), 
phloeosini (Eurytoma), 490 
Phloeosinus, 490 — 
phloeotribi (KEurytoma), 490 
3 (Seeodes), 490 
Phoeotribus, 489 
Phlyctaenodes, 384, 385 
Phoenicoprocta, eviii 
Pholus, Ixiii 
Phoracantha, 463 
phorbas (Pholus), xiii 
Phorodesma, 339 
Phrixolepia, 235 
Phryganodes, 377, 378 
Phtheochroa, 674 
Phycis, 361 
Phycitinae, 358 
Phyllalia, 162 
Phyllotreta, 473 
phyllotretae (Pleurotropis), 473 
Physophoroptera, 408, 409 
Phytoeciinae, Ixxvi, lxxvii 
Phytonomus, 478, 479 
piagetioides (Tachysphex), 105 
pica (Proteostrenia), 306 
picea (Liodes), xlix 
picinus (Baridius), 485 
»» (Baris), 485 


¢ exe ) 

picipes (Dendrophilus), 454 
(Hister), 454 
»,  (Teretrius), 454 
pictipennis (Lomatia), 614 
pictus (Laphyragogus), 107 
Pidorus, Ixxv, Ixxvi, ]xxviii 
Pieridae, lxxv, lxxvili 
Pieris, xv, XVi, XXiv, 
Ixxxviii, 1xxxix 
pieris (Catasticta), 527 
Piesarthrius, 463 
pileata (Euryeyttarus), 347 
Pilophorus, Xxxi, xxxii 
pimpinellata (Eupithecia), 330 
Pimpla, 460, 471, 479, 480, 481, 483, 
pinastri (Hyloicus), xxv 
», (Sphinx), xxv 
pinava (Catasticta), 519, 520, 523, 525 
pini-abietis (Scymnus), 455 
piniperda (Hylurgus), 490 
pione (Petromalus), 476 
», (Pteromalus), 476 
Pionea, 387, 388, 389 
Pirates, xxix 
pirus (Pteromalus), 489 
Pison, 727 
Pissodes, 480 
pistaciae (Eurytoma), 485 
pistaciperda (Balaninus), 485 
pithecius (Anthrax), 620, 621 
Pityogenes, 492 
pityophthori (Cerocephala), 491 
Pityophthorus, 491 
placodoides (Callopistria), 210 
a: (Eriopus), 210 
plagialis (Pionea), 387 
plagiatus (Phasicnecus), 164 
plana (Nemoria), 340 
», (Sypna), 246 
Planema, xliii, xe, xci, xciii, xciv, xcv, 
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14 
Planeti (Lucanus), 432 
plantaginis (Hypera), 479 
Plastanoxus, 463 
Platigaster, 473, 477 
Platygerrhus, 488 
Platymischus, 454 
plauta (Lycaenopsis), 185, 186 
Plaxomicrus, Ixxvii, lxxix 
Plebeius, Ixxxvii 
plebeja (Allodonta), 290 
plesseni (Heliconius), i, ii 
»,  Niepelti (Heliconius), i 
pleuraemata (Leucotmemis), evii 
pleuripunctatus (Gorytes), 112 
pleurostigma (Ceuthorrhynchus), 484 
Pleurotropis, 473 

PROC, ENT. SOC. LOND., V. 1911. 


Ixy excxavis 

plexippus (Danaida), liii, 170, 171, 172 
plicata (Chlamys), 471 
Plocamosaris, 706 
Ploiaria, 761 
Plossa, 348 
plumata (Eurytoma), 481 
plumbeotincta (Coremia), 326 
Plusia, Ixxxvii, 244, 245 
Plusianae, 244 
plusiotis (Spatalia), 297 
plutona (Cosmosoma), evii 
Poecilochlora, 397 
poecilocnemis (Ammophila), 74 
poecilopterus (Stizus), 119, 120 
poggei nelsoni (Planema), xc, xci, xciii 
Pogonopygia, 319 
Polia, 197, 198 
Polistes, xxx 
polita (Archanara), 224, 225 

»» (Nonagria), 224 
pollionis (Lixus), 479 
polyacantha (Crimia), 597 
polyacanthus (Barcinus), 597 
polybioides (Pseudosphex), evii 
Polyclistus, 461 
Polyctenidae, lxiv 
Polyergus, 657 
polygoni (Hypera), 478 
(Phytonomus), 478 

a (Pyrausta), 398 
Polygonia, ili, iv 
polygraphi (Cecidostiba), 490 
Polygraphus, 490 
Polyocha, 357, 358 
Polyommatus, Ixxxvii 
Polyploca, 281 
Polysphincta, 461, 464 
polytes (Papilio), 171 
Polythlipta, 383 
Pomasia, 329 
pomorum (Anthonomus), 483 
Pompilidae, xxxi, 62, 560 
pompiliformis (Notogonia), 97 
Pompilus, xxix, xxxi, 560, 561, 562 
populnea (Saperda), 46 
Porizon, 474, 484 
porphyriata (Cidaria), 324 

ee (Eustroma), 324 

postalbida (Cidaria), 325 
posthumus (Ceuthorrhynchidius), 485 
postica (Cirphis), 201 

»,  (Leucania), 201 
posticalis (Agrotera), 374 
posticana (Rhyacionia), li, lii 
potamea (Catasticta), 521 

35 (Euterpe), 521 
praecisa (Antaeotricha), 709 
praepicta (Ectropis), 317 




( exeiv’ ) 

Prasocuris, 472 
Prasolithites, 707 
pratensis (Formica), xlviii 
precatorius (Xylonomus), 468 
Precis, Ixxili, 56 
predatrix (Mutilla), 531 
Preussi (Phasicnecus), 164, 165 
priamus (Ornithoptera), 17 
primulae (Noctua), 197 
Priocnemicoris, 596 
prisca (Cerceris), 86, 88 
Prisopus, lxxxiii, lxxxiv, Ixxxv, Ixxxvi 
Pristhesancus, 598 
procellaris (Reduviolus), 728 
Procinetus, 468 
Proctotrupidae, 454, 456 
Proctotrypes, 453, 456, 459 
prodigalis (Parthenodes), 374 
producta (Holcopelte), 470 
producticollis (Ammophila), 73 
profana (Mictis), 595 
Prolophota, 395 
Promethes, 478 
prominens (Risoba), 238 
propinqua (Ammophila), 74 

3 (Cerceris), 88 
propria (Elemana), 594 
Prosacantha, 453 
Prosopidae, 719 
Prosopigastra, 106 
Prosopis, 91, 727 
Prospalta, 209 
proteina (Acraea), 1, 5, 11, 14 

i f. flavescens (Acraea), 5, 6, 11, 


a f. fulvescens (Acraea), 5, 7, 10, 

12, 14 

3 f. semialbescens (Acraea), 5, 
6 ll, a4 

- f. semifulvescens (Acraea), 4, 

G7 Seti ve) 14 
Proteostrenia, 306, 307 
Proxenus, 219 
pruinosa (Cerceris), 83, 84 
prunalis (Pionea), 387, 389 

3)  (Pyxalis), 889 
prunaria (Dirades), 346 
pruni (Illiberis), 398 
prunipennis (Mecyna), 386 
pryeri (Cosmia), 223 

»,  (Glyphodes), 382 

», (Lophopteryx), 294 

»,  (Somera), 288, 289 
psammathe (Mutilla), 529 
psanmobia (Nesoprosopis), 724 
psammobius (Tachysphex), 105 
Psammophila, 72 
pseudabietis (Dasychira), 288 

Pseudacraea, xci, xcil, xciii, xciv, evi, 
57, 58, 59 
Pseudocoecus, ev 
pseudolutea (Diacrisia), 392 
pseudolycia (Acraea), Ixv 
Pseudomicronia, 345 
Pseudopterocheilus, 726 
Pseudosphex, c¢vil 
Pseudosphinx, 274 
Pseudostegania, 333 
psi (Acronicta), 748 
,, (Acronycta), 217 
», (Noctua), 217 
Psilocera, 471 
psilopus (‘Tachysphex), 103 
psittacopa (Coptotelia), 701 
Psoricoptera, 693 
Psyche, 397, 398 
Psychidae, 191, 346, 397, 590 
Psychinae, 346 
Psychostrophia, 345 
Psylliodes, 473 
Psyllocora, 455 
psyttalea (Amauris), xlv, xlvi, xcix, 
422, 423, 424 
422, 424 
pteridicola (Nysius), 734, 735 
Pternistria, 594, 595 
pterocheiloides (Pseudopterocheilus), 
Pteromalidae, 476 
Pteromalus, 453, 457, 460, 469, 470, 
472, 478, 474, 476, 477, 478, 479, 
480, 481, 482, 484, 486, 489 
pterophaennes (Odynerus), 726 
Ptilinus, 461 
ptinorum (Gonatopus), 460 
Ptinus, 459 
Ptychopoda, 335 
pubescens (Apion), 478 
pudens (Spirama), 238 
pudorina (Leucania), 202 
a. (Noctua), 202 
pugnax (Oxybelus), 132 
pulchella (Daphisia), lxxvi, lxxviii 
aH (Erasmia), 351 
pulchellus (Cheiropachys), 490 
5 (Gorytes), 118, 114 
Pe (Mymar), xxvii, 
eviil, cix 

53 it (Amauris), 


Pulex, vi 

pulverulenta (Hypena), 260 
pumila (Nola), 192 

pumilio (Amalus), 485 
puncta (Avitta), 251 
punctaria (Zonosoma), xi 
punctata (Catasticta), 524 

( exev ) 

punctata (Deilinia), 299 
»,  (Dilinia), 299 
5,  (Oboronia), ci, ciii 
punctatella (Orgyia), 288 
_ (Stauropus), 288 
puncticollis (Arthrolytus), 460 
punctifera (Katha), 393 
punctifrons (Macrocentrus), 474 
punctimargo (Marapana), 259, 260 
a (Sarcopteron), 259 
punctipennis (Exocentrus), 467 
vA (Molybdamoeba), 617,618 
punctulata (Exoprosopa), 637, 645, 
646, 648 
punctuligera (Laeliopsis), 165 
punicus (Diodontus), 68 
purdeyi (Rhyacionia), li 
purpurascens (Peronea), 686 
purpurata (Mutilla), 529, 543 
purpureus (Corymbites), xxiv 
5 (Iridomyrmex), 577 
pusillus (Anthrax), 621, 623 
puspa (Lycaenopsis), 185 
Pygaera, 297, 298 
pygidialis (Tachysphex), 102 
pygmaea (Corgatha), 228 
35 (Gracilia), 465 
pygmaeator (Opius), 483 
pygmaeus (Cis), 463 
pyocyaneus (Bacillus), 497, 499 
Pyracmon, 457 
Pyralidae, 191, 353, 398 
Pyralinae, 369 
Pyralis, 367, 368, 369, 383, 385, 389 
Pyrameis, ]xxi 
Pyrausta, 389, 390, 391, 398 
pyrausta (Eccopteroma), 234 
Pyraustinae, 374, 506, 507 
pyrenaealis (Anarpia), 506, 507, 513 
pyrenaica (Latiorina), 153 
pe (Lycaena), 153 
Pyrinioides, 353 
pyrochrous (Dindymus), 596 
5 (Dysdereus), 596 
pyropata (Eustroma), 324 
6 (Geometra), 324 
pyrrhocerus (Sisyrophanus), 612 
Pyrrhocoridae, 596 
Pyrrhocoris, xxix 
pyrrhogaster (Micromelus), 482 
pythia (Barymutilla), 549 
», (Mutilla), 549, 550 
Pytho, 475 
quadratricollis (Ammophila), 73 
quadricincta (Cerceris), 91 
quadricollis (Heteronus), 486 
quadrifasciata (Strangalia), 466 
quadrimaculata (Cerceris), 90, 91 

| quadripunctata (Anthaxia), 457 

quadripustulatum (Bembidium), lxxxi 
quadristrigata (Dixophlebia), evii 

.| quadrituberculatus (Macronychus), 457 

quadrum (Cheiropachys), 488 
quaternarius (Dysodius), 597 
quatuordocem-notatus (Oxybelus), 132 
quercifolia (Gastropacha), 136 
quercinus (Torymus), 467 
querciperda (Pityophthorus), 491 
quinqueangularis (Canidiella), 479 
quinquefasciata (Dielis), 558 

Pe (Elis), 558 

- (Seolia), 558 
quinquelinealis (Pagyda), 398 
quinque-notatus (Brachymerus), 133 

“15 (Crabro), 133 
quinquepunctatus (Crytocephalus), 471 
quotata (Coccinella), 455 
radialis (Astatus), 95, 96 
radiata (Catasticta), 521 

», (Huterpe), 521 
radiolus (Apion), 478 
radoszkowskyi (Bembex), 130 
radula (Odynerus), 727 
raffrayi (Diplatys), 22, 23,.29, 30, 32, 
39, 42 

raidhaka (Charaxes), xxii 
ramburii (Catephia), 247 
ramicornis (Eulophus), 478 
ranunculata (Cnephasia), 684 
rapae (Pieris), Xv, XVi, XXxiv 
Raparna, 251 
rapax (Stizus), 123 
rasa (Exoprosopa), 645, 646 
ratzburgi (Alyson), 111 
Ratzeburgia, 466, 468 
rectilinealis (Colobochyla), 252 
3 (Madopa), 252 
rectomarginata (Paracrama), 236 
Reduviidae, 597 
Reduviolus, 728 
Reduvius, 597 
regalis (Mymar), xxviii, eviii 
», (Oryba), 370 
»,  (Orybina), 370 

regularis (Oligostigma), 371 
relegata (Operophtera), 328 
remissa (Asthena), 332 
renisigna (Sypna), 246 
repletus (Litorrhynchus), 632, 633 
replicata (Sypna), 245 
repulsaria (Boarmia), 315 
resinea (Eudoria), 507, 514 
resoluta (Archanara), 224 
resutor (Monochammus), 467 
resutorivorus (Aulicus), 467 
reticulatis (Adrapsa), 252 

N 2 


( exevi ) 

Retinia, li 
retrogradus (Anastoechus), 610 
reuteri (Odoniella), 412 
reversa (Aphaena), 600 
»,  (Ulasia), 600 
Rhaetulus, 437 
Rhagium, Ixy, 465 
rhamni (Gonepteryx), xxv, 1 
Rhamphus, 480 
Rhinoestrus, lviii 
Rhodaria, 367 
Rhodia, 344 
Rhodinia, 344 
Rhodoneura, 353 
Rhodophaea, 362 
Rhogas, 574 
rhombalis (Bomolocha), 265 
nf (Hypena), 265 
Rhopaliceschatus, 412 
Rhopalicus, 479 
rhopalocerus (Gorytes), 112 
Rhopalomestes, 488 
rhua (Odontomutilla), 548 
Rhyacionia, li, lii 
Rhynchina, 260 
Rhynchites, 475 
Rhynchota, lvii, 591 
rhyparella (Nephoptery x), 360 
Rhyssa, 467, 475 
Ricania, 601 
ricardoi (Litorrhynchus), 630, 631, 632 
Risoba, 237, 238 
Rivula, 249, 267, 268, 269 
rivularis (Callopistria), 210 
robustum (Biston), 309, 310, 311 
50 var. parva (Biston), 309, 311 
a ab. albicollis (Hubyja), 309, 
(Lycia), 309, 311 
robustus (Systoechus), 607, 608 
romanovi (Deilephila), 278 
rosealis (Pyralis), 367 
rossi (Bacillus), 1 
rostrata (Bembex), 130 
rostratus (Litorrhynehus), 
634, 635 
-rothschildi (Ornithoptera), 16, 17, 18 
rubescens (Nysius), 732 
rubicundula (Microleon), 349 
rubida (Cerceris), 86 
rubiginosa (Ampelophaga), 278, 279 
5 (Cassida), 474 
(Chaerocampa), 278 
rubra (Odoniella), 412 
rubricata (Catasticta), 519, 522 
rubritinctus (Reduviolus), 729 
rubrofemoratus (Hemisodorcus), 

632, 638, 


rubropustulatus (Odynerus), 720 
rufa (Formica), xxxi, xlviii, 175, 176, 
177, 178, 180, 665 
,, (Hyperalonia), 651, 653 
(Magdalis), 487 
rufescens (Cylindrogaster), 35, 38 
,,  (Diplatys), 22, 23, 28, 38 
38, 40, 41, 42, 43 
if (Polyergus), 657 
rufibarbis, var. fusco-rufibarbis (Ior- 
mica), 176 
ruficeps (Corgatha), 227 
»,  (Thermesia), 227 
ruficirra (Hypothripa), 233 
ruficollis (Campsomeris), 555 
ne (Pimpla), 481 
ruficornis (Discolia), 551 

x var. melanaria (Discolia), 
a5 (Scolia), 551 

rufilimbalis (Rhodophaea), 362 
rufinodis (Gorytes), 112 
rufipennis (Polygraphus), 490 
rufipes (Bruchus), 469 
»,  (Eurytoma), 469, 488 
»,  (Metopon), 471 
»,  (Psilocera), 471 
»,  (Trichacis), 485 
,, (Xylonomus), 465 
rufirostre (Apion), 477 
rufitarse (Apion), 477 
rufiventris (Stizus),. 122 
rufocoronata (Mutilla), 538 
rufonigra (Myzine), 559 
rufopetiolata (Belyta), 477 
rufus (Catogenus), 456 
,, (Hemisodorcus), 439 
», _(Nysson), 110 
rugulosus (Scolytus), 488 
Rumia, 136 
Rumicia, ]xxxvil 
rumicis (Hypera), 478 
ruralis (Botys), 376 
rurea (Parastichtis), 206 
», (Xylopasia), 206 
ruspator (Helcon), 466 
x (Ichneumon), 457 
russata (Cidaria), [xxi 
rusticus (Criocephalus), 466 
,,  (Ischnoceros), 465 
rutha (Catocala), 239 
rutilans (Philanthus), 93 
rutilella (Cryptoblabes), 364 
sagittata (Larentia), 328 
a (Phalaena), 328 
sagmatica (Eulia), 680 
Sagra, 471 
Sagrae (Pimpla), 471 

(texevn } 

saharae (Gorytes), 112 Scolia, 457, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 
sahlbergi (Cylindrogaster), 31 556, 558, 559 
os (Diplatys), 31 Scoliidae, 551 
Salamis, 55 scolyti (Platygerrhus), 488 
Salebria, 360, 361 ,, (Tetrastichus), 488 
salicis (Apion), 478 scolyticida (Coeliodes), 488 
5, (Eurytoma), 476, 477, 478 scolytivora (Cerocephala), 488 
»,  (Stilpnotia), 396 Scolytus, 488 
», var. candida (Stilpnotia), 395, | Scoparia, xiv, 501, 502, 503, 505, 506, 
396 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 
salictella (Marmara), xcviil 514 ‘ 
Salius, xxxi, 562 scoparialis (Macalla), 365 
saltusalis (Obtusipalpis), civ Scopariinae, 507 
sambucaria (Uropteryx), 136, 143 Scoparona, 506, 507, 510, 513 
sananas (Tartessus), 603 scoriaceus (Odynerus), 726 
sangaica (Erasmia), 351 Scotosia, 322 
sanguinea (Argyroeides), evil scrophulariae (Cionus), 483 
< (Coccinella), 455 sculpturata (Notogonia), 97 
os (Cycloneda), 455 sculptus (Euphorus), 455 
a (Formica), xlviii, 178, 179, 53 (Oxytelus), xlix 
180, 181, 182, 183, 657 ~—‘| scutatum (Trypoxylon), 131 
sanguineum (Callidium), 465 scutellare (Apion), 477 
sanguipuncta (Mallodeta), evii scutellaris (Coleocentrus), 467 
sao (Hesperia), 564 ‘ (Odonota), 473 
Saperda, 466, 467 scutellator (Monochammus), 467 
Sarantus, 601 Scutellera, 591 
Sarcopteron, 259 Scymnae (Eutelus), 455 
Sarrothripinae, 232 Seymnus, 455, 456 
satanas (Acherontia), 273 Sebastosema, 305 
saturata (Calymnia), 222 sebennica (Catasticta), 526 
», (Cidaria), 326 secalis (Noctua), 206 
»,  (Lophopteryx), 295 ,», (Trachea), 206, 207 
»» var. hoegei (Lophopteryx), | Secodes, 490 
295 secreta (Mutilla), 534 
Saturnia, 344 sediliata (Argyroploce), 689 
Saturniadae, 191, 344 seitzi (Catasticta), 523 
saturnus (Charaxes), 51 seladonia (Cassida), 473 
Satyrus, lxxxili, 168 Selca, 270 
saundersianus (Nysius), 732 Selenia, x, xi 
Saurita, cvii Selitrichus, 484 
saxea (Larentia), 327 semele (Hipparchia), 1 
scabrifrons (Tettigonia), 604 »» var. algirica (Hipparchia), 1 
scalaris (Nysson), 109 », race scota (Satyrus), lxxxiii 
»,  (Saperda), 467 semiargus (Cyaniris), 154 
scaligera (Exoprosopa), 636, 643 Semidonta, 295 
Scea, evi semiorbiculata (Phibalapteryx), 323 
Sceliphron, 71 semiotoides (Pteromalus), 489 
schauinslandi (Megachile), 719 Semiotus, 469, 477, 481 
Schistophleps, 194, 195 semirugosus (Alloderus), 480 
schmiedeknechti (Tachysphex), 102 semisquamosus (Tychius), 481 
schmiedeknechtii (Cerceris), 92 semistrigata (Larentia), 327 
5 (Diodontus), 70 senegalensis (Litorrhynehus), 634 
Schoenobiinae, ciii, 355 senex (Discolia), 552 
Schoenobius, 355, 356 », (Scolia), 552 
Sciatheras, 487 seniculus (Pteromalus), 481 
Sciomyza, lxxi senilis (Calosphex), 75 
Sclerochloa, 489 »»  (Scolia), 555 

Scleroderma, 461, 464, 489 »,  (Sphex), 75 

( cxeyHi °) 

sepulcralis (Brachysymbola), 718 
sequens (Cercopis), 602 
»,  (Cosmoscarta), 602 
seriatus (Dischistus), 611 
sericea (Trisuloides), 244 
Serropalpus, 475 
servona (Acraea), Ixxxii 
sesamus (Precis), 56 
seticornis (Cryptus), 464 
setosella (Doreatoma), 462 
severa (Diplatys), 28, 25, 32 
severus (Diplatys), 32, 43 
sexdentatum (Sinoxylon), 462 
sexdentatus (Tomicus), 491 
sexfasciatus (Villa), 625 
sharpianus (Reduviolus), 729 
Shiraki, 46 
shuckardi (Pemphredon), 71 
Sichelia, 463 
sicula (Bombyx), 351 
siculus (Nanophyes), 483 
sidae (Hesperia), xxvi, 563, 564, 565, 
568, 569, 573 
», (Syrichthus), xxvi 
sieversi (Ichthyura), 298 
»,  (Kentochrysalis), 275 
Be Kentrochrysalis), 274, 275 
»,  (Pygaera), 298 
Sigalphus, 476, 478, 483, 484 
Siglophora, 237 
sigmoidea (Exoprosopa), 626, 640, 642, 
signata (Chaetostricha), 475 
»,  (Dielis), 554 
3). (ils); 554 
»,  (Ophioneurus), 475 
»,  (Scolia), 554 
signatalis (Pyrausta), 389 
signatus (Anthonomus), 483 
silacea (Aspidomorpha), lxiv 
silenus (Myrina), xcix 
silhetana (Terias), xxiv 
Silvanus, 456 
similis (Catasticta}, 526 
», (Homalotylus), 455 
»,  (Phiala), 164 
simillima (Tachytes), 99 
simplex (Cirphis), 200 
»,  (Crambus), 354 
»,  (Leucania), 200 
»,  (Sciomyza), lxxi 
»,  (Systoechus), 607, 608 
simplicipes (Dinetus), 106 
simson (Anthrax), 621 
sinapina (Catasticta), 519 
sinapis (Leptosia), 1 
singularis (Lucanus), 482, 433, 434 
sinhala (Euploea), 418 

Sinna, 237 
Sinoxylon, 462 
sinuicosta (Ozola), 320 
sinuosa (Hypena), 263 
sinuosalis (Leechia), 355 
sinuosiceps (Mutilla), 532 
Sirex, xi 
sisamnus (Catasticta), 521 
sisyphus (Hyperalonia), 652, 654 
Sisyrophanus, 605, 611, 612 
siva (Diplatys), 21, 23, 26, 34 
smaragdina (Oecophylla), ciii 
"e race longinoda (Oecophyl- 
la), ceili 
(Pyralis), 383 
Smerinthus, 276, 278 
smithii (Odynerus), 726 
socialibus (Odynerus), 726 
soldaria (Cidaria), 332 
Solenius, 133 
Solierella, 131 
solipunctella (Hypsotropha), 356 
solskyi (Stigmus), 68 
solutus (Tachyporus), ii 
Somera, 288, 289 
sordida (Fentonia), 286 
»,  (Varcia), 601 
sordidata (Eupithecia), 329 
Sorocaba, xxv 
Sorocostia, 192 
Spalgis, civ, cv 
sparsa (Thermesia), 227 
Sparthiophila, 469 
Sparthiophilus, 480 
spartii (Bruchus), 469 
»,  (Entedon), 469 
»,  (Tetrastichus), 477 
spasmae (Polyctenida), lxiv 
Spatalia, 297 
Spathius, 460, 461 
Spathomeles, Ixxvii 
spathomelina (Zelota), Ixxvii 
speciosus (Rhaetulus), 437 
spectabilis (Anthrax), 621 
specularis (Cerceris), 93 
45 (Garaeus), 301 
. (Nesoprosopis), 723, 724 
speculatrix (Mutilla), 532 
speiserianum (Ascodipteron), xvii 
Sphecius, 64, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 
Sphedanolestes, 597 
Sphegidae, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 
Sphenognathus, 426, 428, 429 
Sphex, 74, 75, 76, 77, 555, 560 
Sphingidae, 191, 273 
Sphingonotus, 75 
Sphinx, xxv, 273, 275 


(?sexer. ) 

Spilochalcis, 473 
Spilocryptus, 490 
spilostomus (Crabro), 134 
* (Lindenius), 134 
Spirama, 238 
splendens (Canna), 215 
5 (Mamestra), 198 
- (Noctua), 198 
»,  (Polia), 198 
splendida (Euagra), evi, evii 
5 (Euhampsonia), 284 
is (Euricania), 601 
os (Nadata), 284 
5 (Napata), evii 
»,  (Orgyia), 160 
5 (Ricania), 601 
splendidella (Dioryctria), 361, 362 
i (Nephopteryx), 361 
Spoelotis, 196 
spreta (Nola), 192 
squalida (Celama), 192 
ies Nola); 192, 
squalidus (Gnaphaloryx), 443, 444 
stagnata (Nymphula), 372 
stannusi (Exoprosopa), 637, 645, 647 
Staphylinidae, 32 
staudingeri (Paraona), 194 
Stauronotus, 607 
Stauropus, 287, 288, 289 
Stegasta, 693 
Stelidota, 456 
stellata (Borolia), 201 
»,  (Dialithoptera), 193 
stenocoryphe (Liodes), xlix 
Stenoloba, 229 
Stenoma, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 
Stenomidae, 706 
Stenomutilla, 544, 545 
Stenus, Ixxxi 
Stephanodes, xxix 
stercorator (Pimpla), 460 
Stereonychus, 483 
Stericta, 365, 366 
Stibolepis, 163 
stictitalis (Phlyctaenodes), 385 
stigma (Astatus), 96 
stigmata (Toxocampa), 248 
stigmatalis (Pionea), 387 
Stigmus, 68 
Stilpnotia, 395, 396 
Stizus, 63, 64, 65, 115, 116, 117, 118, 
119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124 
straminator (Opius), 480 
straminea (Cerceris), 81 
re (Therapis), 307 
stramineipes (Semiotus), 481 
Strangalia, 466 

stratata (Coenocalpe), 323 
streckeri (Kentochrysalis), 275 
Ag (Kentrochrysalis), 274, 275 
strenioides (Epione), 307 
striata (Theretra), 280 
striatellus (Doryctes), 461 
striatulus (Sigalphus) 478 
striatum (Anobium), 460 
striatus (Aulacus), 464 
“A (Lyctus), 462 
strigata (Dasychira), 271 
Striglina, 352 
strigosa (Catasticta), 520, 522 
5 (Hypena), 264 
»,  (Stelidota), 456 
striolatum (Sympetrum), lii 
Striphnopterygidae, 161 
Stschurowskyi, var. hyalinipennis 
(Harpactopus), 74 
5 (Sphex), 74 
Sturmia, xcix 
suadila (Catasticta), 523 
subflara (Euproctis), 272 
subflava (Catasticta), 524 
a (Xanthia), 205 
subfuscatus (Harpactopus), 74 
- (Sphex), 74 
subimpressa (Cerceris), 86 
subligata (Collix), 322 
sublittoralis (Nysius), 737 
subornata (Acronycta), 216 
3 var. brunnea (Acronycta), 
216, 217 
subplena (Teucer), evii 
subrufus (Reduviolus), 728, 729 
subsatura (Hypocala), 246 
v5 var. limbata 
sudetica (Eudoria), 506, 507, 510, 515, 


uffusa (Abraxas), 319 

»,  (Acronycta), 217 

»,  (Catasticta), 525 

»,  (Zethes), 249 
sulcatus (Hecabolus), 460, 461 
superba (Catasticta), 526 
superbiens (Tachytes), 66, 97, 98 
surianensis (Diacrisia), 392 
surinamensis (Silvanus), 456 
susiana (Catasticta), 527 

3 (Euterpe), 527 
sutschana (Parthenodes), 374 
suturalis (Odonota), 473 
sycorax (Dolichomutilla), 542 

re (Mutilla), 542 
Sylaon, 131 
Sylepta, 380 
sylvanus (Lycaenesthes), civ 


sylvata (Abraxas), 318 
Pe ab. continuata (Abraxas), 319 
a (Phalaena), 318 
sylvatica (Cicindela), 452 
sylvestrana (Rhyacionia), li 
sylvestraria (Acidalia), 333 
sylvius (Eneyrtus), 469 
Sympetrum, lii, 168 
Sympiesis, 473 
Sympistis, 203 
Synegia, 299 
Syngamia, 377 
Syntaracta, 299 
Syntomidae, xxv, evi 
Sypna, 245, 246 
syriacus (Tachysphex), 100 
Syrichthus, xxvi 
syringaria (Hygrochroa), 303, 304 
AA (Pericallia), xi 
55 var. parva (Pericallia), 303 
0 (Phal-Geometra), 304 
Syrphus, Ixxi 
Systoechus, 605, 607, 608, 609 
Systole, 470 
Systropha, 393 
Tachinidae, xcix 
Tachyporus, ii 
Tachyris, lix, lx 
Tachysphex, 65, 100, 101, 102, 103, 
104, 105 
Tachytes, 65, 66, 97, 98, 99, 100 
taenialis (Cryptoblabes), 363 
talpa (Polyctenida), lxiv 
Tanaostigmodes, 481 
tancrei (Dolbina), 274 
tantali (Tichorhinus), 730 
tarai (Reduviolus), 729 
tardyi (Rhopalomesites), 488 
targionii (Sceliphron), 71 
tarquinia (Pseudacraea), 57, 58, 59 
tarsale (Ateleopterus), 456 
;,  (Neoscleroderma), 456 
»,  (Trogoderma), 456 
tarsalis (Torymus), 467 
tarsipennalis (Nodaria), 256 
Tartessus, 603 
Tectocoris, 591 
teda (Phoenicoprocta), evili 
Telchinia, 170, 171 
telekiana (Planema), 4, 5, 14 
Telephora, 459 
Telesilla, 215 
tellus platyxantha (Planema), xci, 
tendinosalis (Botys), 390 
tenebricosa (Timarcha), 471 
tenella (Lycaenopsis), 186 
tenontias (Cnephasia), 685 


Tenthredinidae, lxvi 
tenuis (Pteromalus), 470, 477 
5,  (Saurita), evii 
Tephroclystia, 330 
Tephrosia, 316, 317 
Teracolus, liv, lxviii 
terebinthi (Eurytoma), 486 
terebinthivorus (Balaninus), 486 
Teretrius, 454 
Terias, xxiv, xxv, Ixxvi, ]xxviii 
terminalis (Discolia), 551 
- (Homalotylus), 455 
ae (Scolia), 551 
terra (Pseudacraea), xci, xcii, xciii, 
Xciv, Cvi 
testacea (Luperina), ii, 1xxxviii 
teter (Gymnetron), 481 
Tetracampe, 474 
tetralunaria (Selenia), xi 
Tetrastichus, 459, 465, 471, 473, 477, 
479, 488, 489 
Tetrathia, 591 
tetrophthalma (Sorocostia), 192 
Tetropium, 468 
tettensis (Mutilla), 540 
Tettigonia, 599, 603, 604 
Tettigoniella, 603 
Teucer, evil 
teutanis (Catasticta), 521 
teutila (Catasticta), 526 
Thalassodes, 341, 342, 343 
Thalera, 341, 343, 397 
thanasimi (Tetrastichus), 459 
Thanasimus, 459 
Theela, 155 
Theocolax, 460 
theonalis (Endotricha), 368 
re (Pyralis), 368 
Thera, 326 
Therapis, 307 
theresiae (Neoponera), xvi 
Theretra, 280 
Thermesia, 227 
thermusalis (Pyralis), 368 
Thersilochus, 474 
thersites (Odynerus), 721, 726 
théryi (Philanthus), 94 
», (Philoponus), 94 
Thestor, 155 
thetis, ab. coelestis (Agriades), xxii 
Thliptoceras, 383 
tholeraula (Eulia), 680 
thoracica (Dielis), 555 
39 (Elis), 555 
Pe var. coelebs (Elis), 555 
5 (Scolia), 554 
Bs (Tiphia), 554, 555 
thoracieus (Cylindrogaster), 31 

( edi; ) 

thoracicus (Diplatys), 23, 25, 31 
a (Mesochorus), 472 
thore, var. borealis (Brenthis), 1xxxvii 
thuyae (Hylesinus), 489 
thyalis (Botys), 388 
»,  (Pionea), 388 
Thyatira, 280, 281 
Thyreus, 134 
Thyridanthrax, 606, 623, 625, 626, 
627, 635, 649 
Thyrididae, 191, 352 
thyridopa (Coptotelia), 701 
thyridophora (Hyperalonia), 652, 653 
thyrsitis (Himotica), 705 
tibialis (Laelius), 462 
Tichorhinus, 730, 731 
tigrina (Hypera), 479 
,, (Noctua), 242 
tigrinus (Anthrax), 621 
Timarcha, 471 
Timocratica, 706, 707 
Timora, 195 
Tineidae, 718 
Tineina, 590 
Tiphia, 554, 555 
Tipulodes, evil 
tithonus (Ornithoptera), 16, 17 
toddii (Notodonta), 284, 285 
tollini (Litorrhynchus), 633, 634 
Tomicus, 491 
torasan (Artaxa), 272 
a (Euproctis), 272 
Tortricidae, 674 
tortuosa (Lycia), 310 
toruna (Acraea), 4, 7, 8, 9 
torva (Bombyx), 289 
Torymus, 467 
tosta (Masalia), 195 
,, (Timora), 195 
Toxocampa, 248 
Trachea, 206, 207, 208 
Trachys, 458 
transiens (Pteromalus), 482 
transversa (lambia), 214 
as (Tycracona), 214 
trapezina (Cosmia), 222, 223 
traversii (Catocala), 242 
tremulae (Smerinthus), 278 
var. amurensis (Smerinthus), 
trepida (Notodonta), 292, 293 
Trepsichrois, xxii 
triangularis (Hypena), 263 
triangulum (Philanthus), 93 
Triarthron, lxiv 
Trichogramma, 473 
Trichopteryx, 330, 331 
trichorda (Stenoma), 713 


Trichosea, 242 
Trichotaphe, 694 
trichotus (Sciatheras), 487 
Trichura, evli 
tricolor (Stizus), 121, 122 
»,  (Tachytes), 100 
tricolorata (Cerceris), 77, 79 
tridens (Acronicta), 748 
(Acronycta), 218, 506 
(Stans); Dloy 1G 
tridentatus (Stizus), 119, 120 
Trielis, 559 
| trifidalis (Crambus), 354 
'trifolii (Apion), 476, 477 
_trigonalis (Nephopteryx), 358 


_trigonifera (Prolophota), 395 
Trigonoderus, 460 
| Trigonodes, 247 
| Triliacos, 552, 554 
_trilineata (Cyrtojana), 162 

e (Pachypasa), 167 
trimenii (Pseudacraea), 57, 58, 59 
Tripanaea, 356 
tripartita (Sebastosema), 305 
triphaenoides (Ophiusa), 241 
tripunctata (Molybdamoeba), 619 

‘ (Oberea), 468 
triseriata (Paraethria), evill 
trisignata (Harrisimemna), 213 
tristellus (Crambus), 354 
tristior (Cerceris), 91 
tristis (Diodontus), 69 
», (Sphex), 76, 77 

tristrigata (Timocratica), 707 
Tristrophis, 302 
Trisuloides, 244 
tritalis (Pionea), 388 
tritici (Agrotis), 196 
tritophus (Bombyx), 289 

5 (Notodonta), 289 
trochantericus (Brachymerus), 133 
(Crabro), 133 

Trochilium, vi 

trochilodes (Peronea), 687 
troglodyta (Ichthyura), 297 
- (Pygaera), 297 

Trogoderma, 456 
trogodermatis (Laelius), 456 
troezene (Catasticta), 521 

54 (Euterpe), 521 
troezenides (Catasticta), 521 
truncata (Catasticta), 520, 526 
truncator (Alysia), 484 
truncicolella (Eudoria), 507, 515, 516 
truncipennis (Elydna), 221 
trygaula (Machimia), 699 
Trypoxylon, 65, 131 
tuberculatus (Ephialtes), 465 


( ccii ) 

tuberculatus (Helonotus), 598 
nA (Helophorus), xx 
tuberum, subsp. corticalis (Lepto- 

thorax), lxx 
tubifex (Sceliphron), 71 
tumidoventris (Hylocrabro), 727 
tunetanus (Stizus), 123 
tunicata (Cosmia), 205 
Ee ( Xanthia), 205 
turionum (Passaloecus), 70 
turritus (Spathomeles), 1x xvii 
tutela (Cheiropachus), see  tutela 
(Cheiropachys), 460, 480 
56 (Cheiropachys), 460, 480 
tychii (‘Tanaostigmodes), 481 
Tychius, 481 
Tycracona, 214 
tydei (Ammophila), 72 
», (Psammophila), 72 
Tyloderma, 483 
tylodermae (Catolaceus), 483 
tylodermatis (Hurytoma), 484 
typographus (Tomicus), 491 
uhlmanni (Antennophorus), xxvii 
Ulasia, 600 
ulicicola (Apion), 477 
ulicis (Apion), 477 
», (Eulophus), 477 
Uliocnemis, 336, 337 
uljanini (Sphecius), 125 
ulmella (Scoparia), 501, 502, 503, 507, 
509, 512 
umbratus (Lasius), X, xxi, Xxli, xxvii, 
xlix, 1, 180, 181, 658, 659, 660, 661, 
662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 
669, 670, 671, 672 
umbrosa (Ceratarcha), 380 
6 (Demas), 243 
“5 (Exoprosopa), 635, 638 
ke (Nemacerota), 281 
umbrosalis (Hereulia), 369 
undata (Anadiasa), 167 
undosa (Palimpsestes), 282 
undularis (Elymnias), 170 
undulata (Erastria), 230 
a (Eulocastra), 230 
unica (Nesoprosopis), 723 
unicalis (Zania), 368 
unicolor (Canephora), 397 
, (Pachytelia), 397 
a (Psyche), 397, 398 
a var. asiatica (Psyche), 397 
% (Xenocrabro), 727 
Uraniadae, 191, 345 
Urapteryx, 302 
Urodonta, 287, 293 
Uroplata, 473 
uroplatae (Sympiesis), 473 

Uropoda, xxvii 
Uropteryx, 136, 143 
urozonus (EKupelmus), 473, 478 
urticae (Aglais), 1xxxvii 
», ab. polaris (Aglais), Ixxxvii 
ustata (Lobophora), 331 
5,  (Trichopteryx), 331 
vaccinii (Cerastis), 204 
Vaccinniina, li, 1xxxvii, 153 
vacua (Hemithea), 338 
vagans (Thyridanthrax), 627 
valesialis (Eudoria), 507, 515 
validirostris (Pissodes), 480 
Vanessa, 173, 174 
van hasseltii (Nola), 192 
vapina (Catasticta), 519 
Varcia, 601 
varia (Melitaea), vi 
variabile (Callidium), 465 
variabilis (Hypera), 479 
varians (Semiotus), 469 
variator (Bracon), 483 
varicoxa (Lissonota), 468 
variegata (Acontia), 214 
5 (Aucha), 214 
ns (Calymnia), 214 
Be (Chrysostola), cvii 
5 (Philereme), 322 
variegatus (Leiopus), 466 
5 (Philanthus), 93 
variolosus (Entedon), 483 
varius (Anthribus), 469 
»,  (Brachytarsus), 469 
»,  (Bruchus), 470 
»,  (Pteromalus), 469 
varus (Croesus), 1 
velox (Tachytes), 97 
velutina (Drymonia), 296 
F (Lophopteryx), 296 
venator (Odynerus), 726 

| vaneris (Tristrophis), 302 

a5 ab. unistriga (Tristrophis), 302 
»,  (Urapteryx), 302 
venilialis (Marasmia), 376 
venosa (Exoprosopa), 635, 639 
venosella (Polyocha), 357 
venosus (Balaninus), 485 
venus (Hyperalonia), 651, 653 
venustula (Erastria), xi 
venustus (Philanthus), 93 
verecundus (Reduvius), 597 

Pr (Sphedanolestes), 597 
vermiculata (Argyroploce), 690 
BA (Euploea), 419 

vernalis (Calosota), 461 
vernaria (Geometra), 338 
veronica (Hypena), 265 
versicolor (Helonotus), 598 

( eet ) 

vesicularia (Caprilia), 396 
Vespa, 127 
vestalis (Bupalus), 301 
vestita (Scolia), 555 
vestitus (Tachysphex), 104 
vetustata (Dolichomutilla), 541 
vialis (Risoba), 238 
viatica (Sphex), 560 
viaticus (Pompilus), xxxi, 560 
50 var. nigripennis (Pompilus), 
viator (Diplatys), 43 
viburni (Galeruca), 472 
. (Galerucella), 472 
vicaria (Ilema), 393 
»,  (Lithosia), 393 
viduatorius (Cryptus), 467 
viduatus (Parasphex), 74 
rp (Sphex), 74 
viduus (Pezomachus), 453 
vigens (Hypena), 260 
vigintimaculata (Psyllocora), 455 
Villa, 606, 623, 638, 650 
villaeformis (Exoprosopa), 638, 650 
villosa (Elis), 557 
villosulus (Gymnetron), 481 
villosum (Anobium), 460 
villosus (Balaninus), 486 
(Bruchus), 469 
»,  (Dryocaetes), 491 
vindicatus (Pompilus), 561, 562 
violacea (Magdalis), 487 
violae (Telchinia), 170, 171 
Vipio, 468 
virens (Prasolithites), 707 
viretata (Geometra), 330 
5 (Lobophora), 331 
oe (Trichopteryx), 330, 331 
virgatellus (Crambus), 353 
virgaureata (Eupithecia), 330 
virginea (Dasychira), 271 
viridarius (Kulophus), 484 
viridescens (Peronea), 686 
viridimixta (Miselia), 287 
5 (Stauropus), 287 
3 (Urodonta), 287 
viridinota (Eutelia), 232 
viridulus (Pteromalus), 477 
viticida (Fidia), 471 
vittalis (Nymphula), 371 
»,  (Oligostigma), 371 
vittata (Hyperalonia), 651, 652, 653,654 
vittatus (Cirrospilus), 480 
vittifrons (Tettigonia), 603 
3 (Tettigoniella), 603 
volcanicola (Reduviolus), 729 
volitans (Anthrax), 623 
voluta (Meritastis), 677 


vorticata (Phalonia), 673 
vosseleri (Diplatys), 22, 23, 28, 38, 40 
vulcan (Nysius), 734 
vulcanus (Odynerus), 726 
vulgaris (Vespa), 127 
vulpinus (Dermestes), 457 
Wachtli (Eurytoma), 480, 487 
wahlbergi (Euralia), xlv 
wakkeri (Hispella), 473 
w-album (Thecla), 155 
walkeri (Amphimoea), ]xili 
wallacei (Saraptus), 601 
wataikwensis (Cosmoscarta), 603 
watkinsi (Catasticta), 523 
wealei (Chamus), 414, 415 
Westermanni (Lucanus), 432, 434, 435, 
Westermannia, 235 
Wheeleria, 182 
whitei (Nysius), 733, 735 
winthemi (Coccoteris), 594 
(Halys), 594 
Witlesia, 504, 505, 506, 507, 514, 515 
wollastoni (Mimikana), 593 
woodfordi (Neptis), 424 
wustnei (Didineis), 111 
Xambeui (Cephalonomia), 459 
Xandrames, 308 
xanites (Koruthaiolos), 
Xanthia, 204, 205 
xanthistis (Cosmosoma), evii 
xanthocerus (Chlorion), 74 
Fe (Sphex), 74 
Xantholinus, 454 
xantholoma (Cafius), 454 
xanthomelaena (Galeruca), 472 
xanthoptila (Antaeotricha), 709 
xanthura (Campsomeris), 555 
Pe (Dielis), 555 
3 (Elis), 555 
Xenocrabro, 727 
xerene (Microrhopala), 473 
xerobius (Odynerus), 721 
xerophanes (Kulia), 680 
xiphares (Charaxes), 58, 54, 55 
Xorides, 467 
Xylocopa, 169, 171 
Xylonomus, 463, 465, 468 
Xylopasia, 206 
xylophaea (Capua), 675 
Xylophanes, lxiii 
Xylophrurus, 467 
Xylorycta, 705 
Xyloryctidae, 705 
yoshinoensis (Corgatha), 228 
(Trachea), 207 
Zaleptopygus, 468 

Ixxiv, Ixxv, 


( eciv 
Zamacra, 396, 397 zenzeroides (Langia), 277 
zanara (Hntedon), 475 s var. nawae (Langia), 277 
zancle (Catasticta), 521, 523 i var. nawai (Langia), 277 
zanclogramma (Metasia), 379 Zethes, 249, 250, 258 
Zania, 368 zibanensis (Stizus), 117, 118 
Zarmigethusa, 320 zimmermanni (Phyllotreta), 473 
zelleri (Scoparia), 502 zoe (Pieris), lx 
Zelota, lxxvii Zonosoma, Xi 
zelotypa (Eulia), 679 Zygaenidae, 191, 350, 398 
Zelus, 597 Zygaeninae, 398 

Richard Clay & Sons, Limited, London and Bungay. 






For, THE YVrar 1911. 

I. On the Forms and Geographical Distribution of Acraea 
lycoa, Godt. and Acraea johnstoni, Godm. By 
Harry Evrrincuam, M.A., F.ZS. 

[Read June 1st, 1910. ] 
Puates I, II. 

AT a meeting of this Society on June 6th, 1906, a paper 
was read by Professor Poulton, in part dealing with the 
mimetic forms of Acraea johnstoni, Godm.* In this paper 
the author sought to show that judging from the outward 
characteristics, Acraca lycoa of West Africa gradually 
merged by intermediate gradations into Acraea johnstone 
of the east and south, the subject being considered with 
special reference to the remarkable series of mimetic 
modifications presented by the latter species. The final 
conclusion then attained emphasised the extreme proba- 
bility that the whole series of forms then associated under 
the names of A. johnstoni, A. proteina, etc., must be 
regarded as specifically identical with Acraea lycoa. 

In order that the true affinities of this complicated 
association may be more accurately established, I have, 
at Professor Poulton’s suggestion, undertaken a micro- 
scopical examination of the minute structure of the forms. 
I have examined the whole of the material in the Hope 

* “Mimetic Forms of Papilio dardanus (merope) and Acraea 
johnstoni,” E. B. Poulton. Trans. Ent. Soc., p. 281 et seq., 1906. 



2 Mr. H. Eltringham on the Forms and 

Department, the National Collection, and the Tring 
Museum, comprising some hundreds of. examples, and 
have made a large number of microscopical preparations, 
with results which it is the purpose of the present paper 
to describe. 

As a preliminary it seems desirable to give some 
account of the known forms and the present state of their 


Acraea lycoa was described by Godart in 1819 (Ene. 
Meth.) from a female example, and the author stated that 
it was not known whether the sexes were alike. The 
first reference I can find to the male is in Staudinger’s 
“ Hxotische Schmetterlinge,” where the difference between 
the sexes is mentioned. Fig. 2 on Plate I shows the 
typical western female drawn from an example received 
from Sierra Leone, whilst fig. 1 shows a male from Oguta, 
Nigeria. In the female the depth and richness of the 
ground-colour varies somewhat, though it is in practically 
every case paler than in more eastern forms. The male 
is frequently semi-transparent, and the forewing spots 
may be only very faintly discerned. Examples from 
Accra and Nigeria present no distinct modifications from 
the extreme western forms. The first recognisable change 
is observable in males from Fernando Po. These resemble 
fig. 1, but the spots on the forewings are now quite 
distinct, and of the same pale reddish colour as the discal 
area of the hindwings, and the whole ground-colour is 
somewhat darker. The females are still like fig. 2, but 
with darker ground-colour. These forms persist over a 
large area, extending without marked variation from 
Fernando Po, through the French Congo, and across the 
Congo State to Toro in 8.W. Uganda. At Toro several 
varieties may be found, since it is here that three geo- 
graphical races appear to meet. From this point the 
species spreads north and south. Between Lake Victoria 
Nyanza and Lake Kivu (Mt. Niragonwe) the males 
resemble fig. 3, whilst fig. 4 shows a female from the 
same locality. To the north of Toro in the Unyoro Region 
the male is modified in a somewhat different manner. 
As fig. 5 shows, the forewing spots have become much 
smaller and more clearly defined, though there is much 
less development of the hindwing patch than in the 

Geographical Distribution of Acraea lycoa, A. johnstoni. 3 

Niragonwe specimens.’ This form of the male is very 
typical of Western Uganda. The females are not, however, 
distinguishable from those of the more southern Urundi 
District, all being characterised by the extreme paleness 
of the hindwing patch. Passing round the north shore 
of Lake V. Nyanza and on towards the south to the 
Tiniki Hills this hindwing patch becomes more distinctly 
yellow, whilst the males have developed the same feature, 
accompanied by a darker ground-colour and greater dis- 
tinctness and depth of colour in the forewing spots. 
The male of this region is shown at fig. 6. Passing 
southwards and eastwards we find at Kilimanjaro the two 
sexes present much the same pattern, but the ground- 
colour in both sexes is now very dark, the forewing spots 
in the female are smaller, and the hindwing patch is 
slightly expanded again. The sexual dimorphism is still 
well marked. Fig. 7 shows a female of this form which 
is equivalent to the “ Planema” fallax of Rogenhofer, and 
the Acraca kilimandjara of Oberthiir. The species has 
developed to its maximum extent in mimetic approach to 
Amauris echeria and A. albimaculata. Northwards, in 
the district of Mt. Kenia, examples still resemble faliaz, 
but in several specimens the hindwing patch has a 
slightly edentate distal outline between the third median 
and the radial, giving the insect a marked resemblance to 
A. johnston f. confusa. In two males from this district 
the forewing spots are distinctly paler than the hindwing 
patch, and up to this point in the geographical range of 
the species this is the only sign of departure from a 
hitherto consistent sexual dimorphism. This Kenia form 
resembles fig. 7 on the upperside with the exception of 
the slight difference in the hindwing -patch, but the 
insect is generally somewhat smaller. I have figured it 
in monochrome on Plate II, fig. 7. On the underside the 
difference is more marked. In fallax the ground-colour 
of the forewings is dark sepia from the base to the inner 
side of the white subapical spots, the whole apical area 
being dusted with pale ochreous. In the Kenia form the 
dark colour extends beyond the first three subapical spots, 
and the whole of the underside has a generally blacker 
appearance than in fallav. These forms are of excep- 
tional interest, and are amongst the many valuable 
specimens for which the Hope Department is indebted to 
the generosity of the Rev. K. St. A. Rogers and Mr. and 
B 2 

4 Mr. H. Eltringham on the Forms and 

Mrs. 8. L. Hinde. The species further extends northwards 
into Abyssinia, and there we find that both sexes are 
alike, not having, as the Kenia specimens might lead us 
to expect, white forewing spots, but having all the 
lighter markings dark ochreous. This form is the sub- 
species A. lycoa aequalis of Rothschild and Jordan, repre- 
sented at figs. 8 and 9. It is worthy of note that the 
Abyssinian form steckert of A. echeria is specially charac- 
terised by dark ochreous markings and an entire absence of 
white spots. It is doubtless in mimicry of this form that 
the female /ycoa of this region has lost its white markings. 

With regard to the existing nomenclature of the above 
forms, the /ycoa of Godart applies to the species throughout 
its range until we arrive at Entebbe, and from thence 
eastward and southward the forms approach more and 
more closely to the fallax of Rogenhofer, which is identical 
with Oberthiir’s hilimandjara. In his catalogue of the 
African Rhopalocera Aurivillius makes the queried sug- 
gestion that fallax may be a form of johnston, but this I 
hope to show is an incorrect surmise. The same author 
refers to an example described as a variety of lycoa by 
Butler, and names it ab. butleri. The supposed identity 
of this variety with /ycoa must be regarded as an error. 
From an examination of the specimen there can be no 
doubt that it is a female example of the form subsequently 
described by Grose-Smith as Acraca toruwna, the position 
of which will be considered later. 


Acraea johnstoni was first described by Godman in 1885 
(P.Z.S., p. 537) from a male example, and the type agrees 
with the form subsequently described by Oberthiir as 
Acraea proteina semifulvescens. Now that long series of 
the forms of A. johnstoni are available, it is seen to be 
somewhat regrettable that this form should have acquired 
the position of the type, since it is in reality a rather 
rare variety. In 1889 Butler deseribed an Acraea, which 
he assigned to the type of Acraea johnston as its female, 
and this arrangement was confirmed by Dr. Holland in 
1893 (Ann. Nat. Hist., p. 248). In 1891 Rogenhofer 
described his “Planema” telekiana, which, however, is 
only a form modified but slightly from Godman’s type of 
the male johnstont. The hindwing patch is somewhat 

Geographical Distribution of Acraca lycoa, A. johnstont. 5 

tawny in ¢elekiana, whilst it is whitish in the male type of 
johnstont. The same author described at the same time 
“ Planema” confusa and “ Planema” fallax. The latter 
has already been referred to in connection with lycoa. 
Planema confusa is described by Rogenhofer as the male 
of Butler’s type female. In Baumann’s “ Usambara” 
(supplement) it is stated that both the male and female 
were taken. No difference is specified, and the figure 
subsequently published is stated in the text to be that of 
a female, though the description facing the plate states it 
to bea male. In 1893 M. Oberthiir described a number 
of forms under the name of Acraea proteina, the type of 
which appears to be a male,* and resembles the insect 
previously described by Butler as the type female of john- 
stoni, and is also similar to Rogenhofer’s confusa. The four 
varieties described by Oberthiir are (1) proteina jlavescens, 
which appears to be an ordinary yellow-spotted example 
of the commonest form of johnstont; (2) proteina semialb- 
escens, sex not stated,an example of which in the National 
Collection has white spots on the forewing, and tawny 
hindwings marked with dark inter-nervular rays and © 
exhibiting no trace on the upperside of the quadrate patch, 
though the latter is clearly outlined on the underside ; 
(3) proteina semifulvescens, sex not stated, a form which 
agrees with Godman’s male type; (4) proteina fulvescens, 
a form which has nearly lost the spots in the forewing 
and the patch in the secondaries, though they are more 
obvious on the underside, and all four wings are tawny. 
It is the peculiar variety which appears to have developed 
in a mimetic direction synaposematic with Danaida 
chrysippus f. dorippus and Acraea encedon f. daira. 

The next published reference occurs in Butler’s note on 
the forms in Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 113, 1896. Butler was un- 
aware that the pattern of Godman’s male type also occurs in 
the female sex, and therefore he regarded Godman’s type and 
his own female type as constituting a sexually dimorphic 
variety. He describes Oberthiir’s fulvescens as synonymous 
with Rogenhofer’s telekiana, whereas the latter is practi- 
cally the same as Godman’s male type, and further he 

* Butler appears to have thought that Oberthiir’s proteina was a 
female. Though the sex of the specimen figured is not definitely 
given as male, the author states, after describing it, that his col- 
lection contains three males, quite similar to one another. I cannot 

take this to mean otherwise than that the example figured is one of 
the three males in question. 


6 Mr. H. Eltringham on the Forms and 

makes Oberthiir’s flavescens synonymous with the same 
author's kilimandjara, Rogenhofer’s confusa and fallax, 
and Karsch’s octobalia. The latter appears to be an 
aberration of johnstoni, in which the yellow Spots are 
ringed with a darker colour. 

I have lately examined in the British Museum a very 
curious example of johnstont from Kilimanjaro. It 
resembles the fallax form of lycoa so closely that I hesi- 
tated to decide its identity from the external features 
alone. Mr. Heron kindly allowed me to examine the 
genitalia, and it proved to be johnstoni as above indicated. 
The quadrate appearance of the hindwing patch is almost 
lost on the upperside, though rather more developed 
beneath. Placed side by side with the forms of lycoa 
from Kenia above described, the two species would certainly 
be difficult to distinguish. 

The last form of johnstoni which I have seen described 
is the Acraea torwna of Grose-Smith. It presents certain 
peculiar features, and will be considered apart from the 
other forms. 

I have endeavoured throughout the foregoing somewhat 
tedious explanation to distinguish between forms which 
appertain to /ycoa and those which are conspecific with 
johnstoni, because, as the result of my investigation, I am 
convinced that lycoa and johnstoni are separate species, 
and remain so throughout the length of their geographical 
range. That of lycoa has already been outlined. Acraeca 
johnston? occurs in the Tiriki Hills and extends as far 
south as Chirinda in 8.E. Rhodesia. In this latter locality 
all the examples I have seen, some twenty in number, are 
of the confusa form (including jlavescens), The spots and 
hindwing patch vary from yellow to white. In some cases 
the specimens have all white markings. Plate I, fig. 15, 
shows a female from this region.* 

* Since the above was written I have had an opportunity of 
examining a fine series of Acraea johnstoni taken in Nyassaland by 
Mr. 8. A. Neave. There are forty-five of the confusa form, varying 
from yellow to white spotted, the only combination not represented 
being white hindwing patch and yellow forewing spots. One example 
has white forewing spots and dark yellow hindwing patch ( = semi- 
albescens). There are, in addition, four examples of a peculiar form 
of semifulvescens in which the forewing spots are not obsolescent 
as is usual in this form, but are as white and distinct as in confusa. 
The examples are all males. They have a striking appearance 

and form an interesting connecting link between confusa and 

Geographical Distribution of Acraea lycoa, A. johnston. 7 

The specific identity of all the forms of A. johnstoni 
would, I think, with the exception of the ¢torwna form, be 
quite satisfactorily established on the external features, 
but apart from my own examination of the genitalia, we 
have still further direct proof. In the Tring Museum 
there is a family of A. johnstont bred from ova at Neguelo, 
Usambara. To which variety the parent belonged I have 
been unable to ascertain, but the nine offspring consist of 
the following :— 

Three examples of the type form (= semifulvescens), two 
males and one female. The latter is shown at Plate I, 
fig. 12. The males are slightly smaller, and have the 
hindwing patch very faintly ochreous, and one has the 
forewing spots much paler. 

Four examples of the /ulvescens form, two males and 
two females. One of the latter is shown at Plate I, 
fig. 11. The males resemble this female, but the remain- 
ing female is somewhat intermediate, having the spots 
paler, and a considerable powdering of black scales at 
the base of the wings and about the inner angle of the 

One black and white female shown at Plate I, fig. 13. 
This form occurs very commonly at Chirinda, and I have 
also seen a similar specimen from Mombasa, 

One male shown at Plate I, fig. 14. This example 
is nearest to the commonest variety of the species ( = 

ACRAEA TORUNA, Grose-Smith. 

We may now consider the position of Acrea torwna in 
relation to the foregoing species. The ground-colour, 
especially in the forewings, is more profoundly modified 
than in any of the other forms. Whilst the present 
position of the forewing spots may be traced from 
johnstont f. confusa through the typical male johnstonz, 
the distal outline of the hindwing patch is much less 
angulated than in other johnstoni forms, at least on the 
upperside, a fact doubtless due to the close approximation 
of its pattern to that of its model Planema latifasciata. 
One feature stands out prominently, the palpi are nearly 
always entirely black,* whereas in all the forms of johnstont 

* T have to thank my friend, Mr. F. A. Heron, for first calling my 
attention to this feature. It is interesting to note that the genus 

Planema is distinguished by the possession of black palpi, though 
there is also in that genus a white lateral streak. 

8 Mr. H. Eltrmgham on the Forms and 

and /ycoa, and in fact in all other African Acraeas which 
I have examined the palpi are yellow beneath. I have 
examined three interesting examples of torwna in the Tring 
Museum taken near Bukoba, between Lakes Kivu and Vic- 
toria Nyanza. In one of these the hindwing patch is pure 
white and the palpi have numerous yellow scales beneath, 
thus providing a transitional form from semifulvescens. 
The second of these specimens is very abnormal, and has 
the ground-colour of the wings brownish black with just 
a slight suffusion of the characteristic reddish chocolate 
colour in the neighbourhood of the distal end of the fore- 
wing cell. The hindwing patch is white, and bears on 
the upperside hardly a trace of the quadrate distal outline. 
The third is of the normal colouring, but the forewing 
spots are very much reduced in size, that between the first 
and second median being represented by a mere streak, 
and the subapical band of spots is only about a quarter 
of the usual width. All these examples are males. The 
second specimen above described has decidedly the appear- 
ance of a form intermediate between t¢orwna and a female 
lycoa, and in the absence of an examination of the geni- 
talia would provide a strong temptation to be regarded as 
a connecting link between the two species. 

As will presently be described the male genital arma- 
ture of torwna presents no features by which that variety 
can be distinguished from the other forms of johnstoni, 
and I am satisfied that ¢orwna is merely a geographical 
race or subspecies of A. johnstoni. 


It now remains for me to give some account of the 
features which lead me to assign all the forms of A. lycoa 
and A. johnstona to two distinct species, albeit including 
certain subspecies or geographical races. In the first 
place A. lycoa is sexually dimorphic, and remains so 
throughout its range with the exception of the peculiar 
Abyssinian subspecies. In A. johnstoni all the numer- 
ous varieties occur in both sexes. The modifications 
of pattern which take place in /ycoa as we pass from 
west to east tend in one definite direction only, viz. 
away from the resemblance to western black and white 
Planema and Amauris models and towards a superficial 
resemblance to the eastern and southern Danaines Amauris 

Geographical Distribution of Acraea lycoa, A. johnston. 9 

echeria and A. albimaculata, together with a synaposematic 
approach to the confusa form of A. johnstoni, especially 
developed at Kilimanjaro and on the Kikuyu Escarpment. 
Throughout its range and variations lycoa presents a pale 
discal area in the hindwing, which, though varying from 
white to yellow and showing a very ill-defined outline 
in males from the extreme west, nevertheless has, except 
in some examples of the fallax and Mount Kenia forms, a 
well-rounded distal outline. In /ycoa the basal spots of 
the hindwing underside are almost always smaller and less 
confluent than in johnstoni, though this feature is some- 
what variable. A careful examination of the neuration 
in lycoa and johnstoni, shows the following differences 
(see Plate II, figs. 4 and 5). In the forewing of the 
former, the lower discocellular nervule is nearly always 
rather shorter and lies in a more nearly transverse direc- 
tion than in johnstoni. This feature is also subject to 
slight variation. The hindwing cell presents a difference 
in the two species, and owing to the pale colour of the 
scales in this area the difference can be more readily seen. 
In lycow the cell has a generally broader and shorter 
appearance than in johnstont. This effect is produced to 
a great extent by the fact that the middle discocellular 
nervule is outwardly more deeply concave in the latter 
than in the former. This feature is fairly constant, and 
is quite evident in the examples from Kenia referred to 
above. The most conclusive test of specific distinction is, 
however, to be found in the structure of the male genital 
armature. I have made a large number of preparations 
from examples occurring throughout the range of the 
two species and from the different varieties, and have 
also examined many others not actually dissected out and 
mounted. The accompanying plate gives outlines of the 
neuration, and also drawings of the male genitalia of lycoa, 
Johnstoni, and toruna. Fig. 1 shows the appearance of 
the first, and fig. 2 that of the second. The claspers are 
for the most part shorter and stouter in lycoa than in 
johnstont. The penis is comparatively short, frequently 
showing a kind of bilobed structure, and is not a con- 
tinuous tube, but is widely grooved towards its extremity. 
The uncus is comparatively very short, obtusely pointed, 
and bears a small process on each side. In johnstoni the 
penis is long and slender, it does not show a bilobed 
structure, and though it is grooved like that of lycoa, the 

10 Mr. H. Eltringham on the Forms and 

walls are less widely separated. It is in the uncus, how- 
ever, that the greatest difference is shown. It is produced 
dorsally into a long curved extremity, somewhat hollowed 
beneath, and slightly widened laterally at its termina- 
tion. Whilst all the forms of dycoa from its western type 
to its most extreme modification in the Abyssinian sub- 
species present no noticeable change in the structure of 
these organs, so all the forms of johnstoni, from the typical 
male to confusa and fulvescens, and the subspecies torwna, 
show the same form in the male genitalia, especially char- 
acterised by the extremely long uncus and slender penis. 
That these features are of specific value I have no doubt, 
since I have also made preparations of the genitalia of 
other nearly allied Acracas, and find that they present 
features which I need not here specify further than to say 
that they are entirely different and characteristic. 

The male genitalia of the torwna form shown at fig. 3 
afford little or no distinction from those of johnstont. The 
claspers appear to be more distinctly lobed, but this is 
a variable feature, and is found more or less developed 
in some examples both of lycoa and johnstoni. The details 
of the articulation of the claspers with the vinculum are 
apparently rather different, though this point is not at 
all reliable in a microscopic specimen, as the appearance 
often varies with the point of view. The penis certainly 
exhibits a similar formation to that of yohastoni, and differs 
in the same degree from that of /ycoa. The uncus is 
similar to that of yohnstoni. There can be no doubt that 
toruna is as distinct from lycoa as is johnstoni, and further, 
that so far as the genitalia are concerned, it is indis- 
tinguishable from other forms of johnstoni. It appears to 
be rare, and is certainly a local form and, as already 
stated, I think it must be regarded as a geographical race 
or subspecies of johnston. 

Finally, we are now acquainted with the larvae both of 
A, lycoa and A. johnstoni, and it will be of interest here to 
compare them. 

The larva of A. lycoa is figured by Aurivillius (Ent. 
Tidskr., Plate 5, fig. 2, 1893), and is thus described :— 

“The larva is yellowish without markings, with biack 
head and black spines. The thorns are scarcely as long 
as the diameter of the body.” The figure shows the larva 
as having all the spines black, including those of the sub- 
lateral row, whilst the body has no rings or markings of any 

Geographical Distribution of Acraca lycoa, A. johnstoni. 11 

kind. From a preserved specimen in the Tring Museum 
the larva of A. johnstoni may be described as follows :— 

Body yellowish beneath and brownish black above, each 
segment with a ring of yellowish white, edged with brown 
and divided in the middle by a dark brown line widened 
somewhat at the base of each of the papillae which carry 
the spines. Head black, and the first and last three 
segments ventrally somewhat darker than the remainder. 
Twenty-four dorsal black spines arranged in a double row. 
Eleven lateral spines on each side, the last two projecting 
backwards. Eight sublateral yellow spines on each side, 
the first pair arising from the fourth segment (Plate II, 
fig. 6). 

The principal differences distinguishing this larva from 
that of /ycoa are the dark-coloured dorsal area, the alterna- 
tion of dark and light rings and the colour of the sublateral 
row of spines. 


Having now established the specific differences between 
A. lycoa and A. johnstoni it remains to arrange the various 
forms in accordance with the facts enumerated. The 
varieties of A. /ycoa fall naturally into several geographical 
races or subspecies, and it will therefore be convenient 
to give them subspecific names. In the case of Acraea 
johnstoni only one such geographical distinction can be 
clearly discerned, viz. that of the variety toruna. Since 
the form of A. johnstoni which must be taken as the type 
(= semifulvescens, Oberth.) occurs in both sexes, I would 
suggest that for the sake of uniformity, and without 
implying the slightest discourtesy to Mr. Butler, that 
the latter’s female should be assigned to Rogenhofer’s 
confusa. The flavescens and semialbescens of Oberthiir are 
not conveniently distinguishable from his proteina and 
Rogenhofer’s confusa. Oberthiir describes the forewing 
spots in proteina as white or pale yellow, in jlavescens as 
yellow, and in semialbescens as white. All these variations 
may be observed in long series, such as those from the 
Chirinda District collected by Mr. C. F. M. Swynnerton and 
Mr. G. A. K. Marshall. In this neighbourhood all the 
examples of johnstoni appear to be of the confusa form, 
whereas the latter occurs in company with the type 


12 Mr. H. Eltringham on the Forms and 

(= semifulvescens) and also with fulvescens at Kilimanjaro. 
Although at Chirinda johnstont does not appear to produce 
some of the varieties which occur elsewhere, and as sug- 
gested by Prof. Poulton, appears to be influenced in its 
pattern by A. Jobengula, I can find no constant features 
which would justify the separation of these southern forms 
as a geographical race. I therefore suggest the following 
synonymy for the two species under consideration :— 


Type: Acraea lycoa lycoa. 

Godt., Enc. Meth. 9, p. 289 (1819); Staudinger, Exot. 
Schmett. 1, p. 85 (1885); Dewitz, Ent. Nachr., p. 104 
(1889); Aurivillins, Rhop. Aeth., p. 115 (1898); Poulton, 
Trans. Ent. Soc., p. 805 (1906) ; Eltringham, Af. Mim. 
Butt. p. 47 (1910). 

Sierra Leone to Nigeria. : Plate I, fig. 1, 3; fig. 2, 9. 

lycoa media, Subsp. nov. 
Fernando Po to Toro. 
= lycoa, Auriv., Ent. Tidskr., 14, p, 277 (1893). 

Male distinguished by the clearer definition of the spots in the 
forewings, and the somewhat richer ground-colour. The female has 
a darker ground-colour and slightly smaller and more distinctly 
outlined hindwing patch. 

lycoa bukoba, Subsp. nov. 

Urundi Country between L. Tanganyka and L. V. Nyanza. 
Male with dark ground-colour. Forewing spots medium size and 

ochreous. Hindwing patch ill-defined and ochreous. Female with 

dark ground-colour, forewing spots well defined. Hindwing patch 

very faintly yellow. 

Plate I, fig. 3, ¢; fig. 4, 2. 

lycoa entebbia, Subsp. nov. 
W. Uganda, Unyoro, Entebbe. 

Male smoky grey. Forewing spots much reduced in size. Hind- 
wing patch but little developed. Female with dark ground-colour. 

Forewing spots smaller and more distinct than in previous sub- 
species. Hindwing patch small and very faintly yellow. 

Plate I, fig. 5, gf. (Female resembles fiy. 4.) 

Geographical Distribution of Acraea lycoa, A. johnstom. 13 

lycoa tirika, Subsp. nov. 
Eastern Shore of L. V. Nyanza, Tiriki Hills. 

Male resembles previous form, but forewing spots smaller and 
hindwing patch more distinctly developed. Female with very dark 
ground-colour, forewing spots small and very distinct. Hindwing 
patch very small and distinctly yellow. 

Plate I, fig. 6, f. 

lycoa fallax, Subsp. 
Mt. Kilimanjaro. 

Rogenhofer (Planema), Ann. d. kk. Natur-hist. 
Hofmus. Wien 6, p. 459, Plate 15, fig. 6 (1891); Butler, 
Proc. Zool. Soc, p. 113 (1896); Auriv., Rhop. Aeth., 
p. 115 (1898); Poulton, Trans. Ent. Soc., p. 305, Plate 21, 
figs. la, 2a (1906); Eltr., Af. Mim. Butt., p. 47, Plate III, 
figs. 24, 25 (1910). 

= kilimandjara, Oberth., Etud. d’Ent. 17, p. 26, Plate 2, 

fig. 17 (1893); Butler, 2.c. (1896); Poulton, J. c. 
Plate I, fig. 7, 9. 

lycoa kenia, Subsp. nov. 
Mount Kenia, Kikuyu Escarpment. 

Both sexes‘smaller than in other forms. Ground-colour nearly 
black. Hindwing patch slightly edentate between third median and 
radial nervules. Dark areas on underside smoky black. Male with 
spots and hindwing patch lemon ochreous. Female hindwing patch 
lemon ochreous. Forewing spots white. 

Plate II, fig. 7. 

lycoa aequalis, Subsp. 
Roth. and Jord. Novit. Zool. XII, p. 184 (1905). 

Sexes similar. Pale areas dull ochreous, 

Plate t fic, 8, 9; fig. 9, ¢ 


Type: johnstoni johnstoni. 
Godman, Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 5387 (1885) ; Holland, Ann. 

* IT have followed the usual course in maintaining the first 
described form as the type, though in this case the form in question 

14 Mr. H. Eltringham on the Forms and 

Nat. Hist., p. 248 (1893); Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 118 
(1896); Aurivillius, Rhop. Aeth., p. 114 (1898) ; Poulton, 
Trans. Ent. Soc., p. 300 (1906); Eltringham, Af. Mim. 
Butt., p. 47 (1910). 

= Planema telekiana, Rogenhofer, Ann. d. k.k. Natur- 
hist., Hofmus. Wien, p. 459, Plate 15, fig. 4 (1891). 

= Acraea proteina semifulvescens, Oberthiir, Etud. d’Ent., 
17, p. 26, Plate 2, fig. 21 (1893); Butler, Proc. Zool. 
Soc. p. 113 (1896); Poulton, Trans. Ent. Soc., p. 302 ; 
Plate 22, fig. 2a; Plate 21, fig. 3a (1906); Eltr., Af. 
Mim. Butt., p. 47, Plate 8, fig. 13 (1910). 

Plate I, fig. 12, 9. 

Kilimanjaro, Meru, Usambara, Taveta. 

johnston, f. confusa. 
Rogenhof. in Baumann. ‘Usambara,’ Suppl., p. 326 
(1891), and Ann. d. k.k. Natur-hist. Hofmus. Wien, 
p. 459, Plate 15, fig. 5 (1891). 
= johnstoni, 2, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 91 (1888). 
= proteina, Oberth., Etud. d’Ent., 17, p. 29, Plate 2, 
fig. 14 (1893). 
= proteina flavescens, Oberth. J. ¢., p. 26, Plate 1, fig. 4 
= proteina semialbescens, Oberth., lc, Plate 3, fig. 29 
Plate J figs: 13,9: 14, 7; 15, 9. 
Nyassaland, Usambara, Taita, Taveta, Tiriki Hills, 
Entebbe, Kilimanjaro, Chirinda, Kikuyu, Nguelo. 

johnstoni, f. fulvescens (= proteina fulvescens). 
Oberthiir, /.c., p. 26, Plate 2, fig. 21 (1893); Poulton, 
Trans. Ent. Soc, p. 304, Plate 21, fig. 4a (1906); Eltr., 
Af. Mim. Butt., p. 47, Plate 3, fig. 26 (1910). 
Plate I, ‘fig. 11, 2. 

Taita, Kilimanjaro, Neuelo. 

is a comparatively rare variety and there can be little doubt that 
confusa is the ancestral form, and that systematically speaking 
this form should be the type. In cases of this kind it would, I 
think, be a great advantage if there were some agreement amongst 
naturalists by which the commonest form of a variable species 
might be allowed to take the place of the type in spite of its later 

ap ve doen gh utd 


Trans.Ent.Soc.Lond.1911. PLT. 

West,Newman chr. 

H.Eltringham del 


Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1911. Pt. 1. : 

H. Eltringham del. West, Newman lith. 





Se Set Co hon 



Acraea lycoa lycoa g. Oguta, Nigeria. (Tring.) 
o s »  @. Sierra Leone. (Hope Dept.) 
bukoba g. Urundi District. (Tring.) 
” 2. ” ” ” 
“A » entebbia @. Monyouyo, Unyora, (Tring.) 
tirika . ‘Tiriki Hills. (Hope Dept.) 
35 » fallax 9. Kilimanjaro, as - 
» aequalis 9. Banka, Malo, Abyssinia. 
Acraea lycoa aequalis g. Dareta Mts., Abyssinia (Tring.) 
Acraea johnstoni toruna 9. Mt. Niragonwe. (Tring.) 
3 3 f. fulvescens ¢. Nguelo, Usambara. Bred. 
(Tring. ) 
Acraea johnstoni johnstoni 9. Nguelo, Usambara. Bred. 
Acraea johnstoni f. confusa 9. Nguelo, Usambara, Bred. 
(Tring. ) 
Acraea johnstoni f. confusa ¢. Nguelo, Usambara. Bred. 
Acraea johnstoni f. confusa 9. Chirinda. (Hope Dept.) 

Prater If: 

Male Genital Armature of Acraea lycoa. 
t Me = »  johnstoni. 
- -5 sts a5 i toruna. 
Neuration in Acraea lycou. 
»  johnstoni. 
Larva of Acraea johnstoni. 
Acraea lycoa kenia ¢. Ngondo R., Kikuyu. (Ground- 
colour brownish black, spots and hindwing patch 

lemon ochreous.) 

Geographical Distribution of Acraea lycoa, A. johnstoni. 15 

johnstont ab. octobalra. 
Karsch, Ent. Nachr., 20, p. 222 (1894), Mpwapwa. 

johnstoni, Subsp. toruna. 

Grose-Smith, Pt. 57, <Acraca, Plate 8, fig. 1 (1901); 
Poulton, Trans. Ent. Soc., p. 303, Plate 22, fig. 3a 
(1906); Eltr., Afr: Mim. Butt., p. 47, Plate 3, fig. 28 

= lycoa, f, var. Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc., p. 731 (1895). 

= lycoa ab. butlert, Auriv. Rhop. Aeth., p. 115 (1898). 

Plate I, fig. 10, 9. 

Toro, Urundi. 

I have to thank Prof. Poulton for kindly allowing me 
to make use of the material in the Hope Department 
for the purpose of this investigation, and also for much 
kind help. I am also indebted to Mr. F. A. Heron for 
kindly furnishing me with sketches and other information, 
and to Dr. Karl Jordan for permission to examine and 
prepare figures from the material in the Tring Museum. 


[See Huplanation facing the PLATES. | 


IT. Some undescribed Butterflies from Dutch New Guinea. 
By Sire Georce H. Kenrick, FES. 

[Read October 19th, 1910.] 
PEATEs wit VT, 

I HAVE already described some butterflies of the genus 
Delias from New Guinea, and I now add descriptions of 
three more from the Arfak mountains in the north of the 

I also describe one species of Ornithoptera, which may 
possibly be a local form of O. chimaera, but as my collector 
did not meet with any intermediate forms between it and 
the type in any part of the country visited by him, I am 
inclined to consider it as a good species. 

It appears that Mr. C. B. Pratt regarded the female of 
O. tithonus as the female of O. chimaera at first, not meeting 
with the male of O. tithonus for some time. When he 
afterwards found 0. tithonus f in company with this female, 
he began to suspect his error, and he subsequently found 
the true female of O. chimaera, 

I have accordingly figured both sexes of both insects. 

Writing of 0. ¢ithonus he says, “'The day after we arrived, 
we each took one specimen of the male—one fortunately 
being perfect. Soon after we noticed a tree overhanging 
a steep precipice, with a sheer drop of 500 ft. to the river 

“Flying round and round this tree were many males 
and females, more of the former than the latter. We 
offered the natives very good payment if they would go up 
with a net, but the tree was of a soft kind of wood, and 
being in such a dangerous position we could not persuade 
them todo so. We ourselves guarded the ridge every day, 
but the males never once left the tree, so after some time 
we had the tree cut down, thinking that then the males 
would disperse and seek other flowering trees, but after 
the tree had fallen we never saw another male.” 

The first specimen of O. rothschildi, a male, was brought 
to Mr. Pratt by a native, who said that he had taken it on 


Sir G. H. Kenrick on Butterflies from Dutch New Guinea. 17 

Mount Koberai, at an elevation of about 8000 ft., but 
others were subsequently taken at 6000 ft., or even lower. 

Ornithoptera rothschildi, n. sp. 
(Plate Vio. VI, 2.) 

Male: Of the general type of O. priamus, but fore-wing narrower 
and hind-wing more oval. Upper-side : fore-wing black, with scattered 
green scales distributed in long ill-defined patches. Three of these 
are above the subcostal nervure between the end of the cell and the 
apex. Three are below the cell and between nervures 1 and 2, 2 and 
3, and 3 and 4, but they do not reach the termen. There is also a 
narrow band along the inner margin. Hind-wing black ; the disc 
covered by a large patch of gold, terminating in a series of points 
between the nervures, which are black. Across this patch of gold 
extends a tapering green band in which are 5 ill-defined black spots. 
Fold black. The under-side in both wings similar to the upper-side, 
but the green is more golden and better defined in patches and spots 
in the fore-wing. Exp. 154 m-m. 

Female: Resembles the same sex in O. priamus, paradisea, and 
tithonus, but may be distinguished from all three by the following 

1. The abdomen, which is hairy all over and heavily ringed with 
black, especially above. 

2. The absence of white markings in the cell of the fore-wing. 

3. The presence of 7 black spots on the hind-wing instead of 6 as 
in tithonus, the seventh being nearer the costa. 

4, The under-side of the hind-wing being much less white than in 
any of the others. In the hind-wing the black patch at the base 
entirely covers the cell itself, but on either side it does not extend 
much beyond the middle of the cell. Exp. 190 mm. 

Dr. K. Jordan, who has kindly compared these insects 
with the specimens of O. chimaera at Tring, writes as 

“The chief differences in the male are as follows: in 
0. rothschildi the green colour at apex of fore-wing is 
reduced, as is also the case with the cell streak; hind angle of 
fore-wing more rounded off, the whole being narrower, less 
triangular; the black interspace between central green 
area and green hind-marginal streak smaller on hind-wing, 
which is less elongated; black margins very much broader, 
the black spots much nearer the cell, hardly any green 
at outer edge of golden area; the green area which 


18 Sir George H. Kenrick on 

extends from black abdominal margin across apex of 
the cell, and encloses the black spots, is not present in 

“On under-side there is only a small green streak in cell 
of fore-wing, and there is hardly any green beyond apex of 
cell between the subcostals; the hind-wing is also very 
different from that of chimaera. 

“ Female: The fore-wing, as in male, more ovate than in 
O. chimaera, owing to the obliquely rounded-off hind- 
angle; cell without spot, whereas the three discal spots 
placed below cell are at least as large as in chimaera; 
black border to hind-wing broader than in chimaera, also 
differently shaped, the two posterior sections of the 
yellowish-grey area extended nearer to the cell than even 
in those chimaera which have a spot in the apex of the 
cell, no such spot in O. rothschildi.” 

Delias africanus, n. sp. 
(Plate III, fig. 2.) 

Head, legs, and antennae black, palpi with grey hairs. Thorax 
with yellow hairs below, and the usual white hairs above, which 
extend to the base of the abdomen and below the cell of the 
hind-wing. Abdomen yellowish white. 

Upper-side : fore-wing sooty black, a little darker on the margins ; 
hind-wing the same, but with an ill-defined yellowish patch extend- 
ing partly over the cell. 

Under-side : fore-wing sooty black, with a band of 5 irregular 
yellow apical spots: between the cell and the inner margin the 
spaces between the nervures are partly covered with white scales. 
Hind-wing velvety black, a curved band of sulphur yellow near the 
base ; the greater portion of the disc is filled with an elliptical patch 
of pale pink suffused with orange: beyond the cell is a singular 
black patch resembling a negro’s head and neck. Exp. 60 mm. 

Arfak Mountains, January 1909. 

Near to D. d’ Albertisi, Oberthiir, but differs in the 
shape and position of the black patch on the under-side of 
the hind-wing. 

Delias imitator, n. sp. 
(Plate III, fig. 3.) 

Head, palpi, antennae, and legs black. Thorax black with a few 
white hairs above. Abdomen dark grey above, white beneath. 
Upper-side : fore-wing rather pointed, and outer margin slightly 

Some undescribed Butterflies from Dutch New Guinea. 19 

waved ; ground-colour black; an oblique yellowish band extends 
from the middle of the inner margin towards the apex, it is inter- 
rupted at the cell, and a white apical dot continues the line ; there 
are four white dots on the hind margin. Hind-wing yellowish 
white, with a broad black border extending from costa half way 
round the wing and then continuing as a very narrow margin ; in 
the broad part are three white dots. 

Under-side: fore-wing as above, but the oblique band is wider 
and the spotsare more distinct ; hind-wing black, with narrow white 
costal stripe and broad angulated transverse white band, outwardly 
serrated. In the black margin beyond are 6 irregular pale spots ; 
there are also 3 yellow spots in the dark basal portion, and a thin 
white line following nervure 1b. Female very similar, but the 
Wings are more rounded. Exp. 50 mm. 

Arfak Mountains, January 1909. 

This insect bears a singular resemblance to some of the 
species of the South American genus Leodonta, in which 
the neuration is almost the same. 

Delias elongatus, n. sp. 
(Plate IIT, fig. 4.) 

Head, palpi, antennae, and legs black. Thorax black, with brown 
hairs below. Abdomen dark grey above, white beneath. 

Upper-side : fore-wing dull black, faintly darker at end of cell; 
an apical and marginal row of 7 ill-defined subtriangular white spots, 
Hind-wing white, with black border of medium width. The base 
of the wing fades into dark grey, and there is an ill-defined black 
spot at end of cell. 

Under-side : fore-wing dark grey with a whitish triangular patch 
from inner margin upwards; the marginal spots are well-defined 
and quadrate. Hind-wing white; a well-defined tapering black 
streak extends along the costa, followed by a white band: then 
follows a V-shaped black mark with apex towards the body and 
extending from costa nearly to the angle. There is a round black 
spot at the end of the cell, and a rusty ill-defined cloud covering 
half the basal area. Marginal band deep black. Exp. 52 mm. 

Arfak Mountains, January 1909. A single male 
specimen only. 

This insect differs from most of the New Guinea species 
of Delias in having the wings longer and narrower, and 

resembles some of the Australian species in this respect. 
¢ 2 

20 Sir G. H. Kenrick on Butterflies from Dutch New Guinea. 

The marking of the under-side of the hind-wing is quite 
remarkable and unusual in the genus. 

Libythea hatami, n. sp. 
(Plate IV, fig. 2.) 

?. Head dark brown ; palpi, thorax, and abdomen on the upper- 
side dark brown, on the under-side covered with grey hairs, the legs 
wholly grey. 

Upper-side: fore-wing of the usual shape in the genus, dark 
brown inclined to sooty, an oval white spot at end of cell; another 
spot, quadrate in form beyond this and between nervures 3 and 4, 
extending partly between 4 and 5; two rounded white spots nearer 
the apex separated by nervure 6; between these and the end of the 
cell is an irregular spot tapering to the costa and crossed by two dark 
nervures. Hind-wing slightly emarginate, dark brown ; a transverse 
white band occupies the disc, but does not reach either margin ; a 
quadrate white spot extends from the middle of the costa to the 
subcostal nervure ; fringes of both wings whitish. 

Under-side : the ground-colour is much paler ; all the spots are 
repeated on a larger scale, and in addition the surface is marbled 
with a number of whitish scales. Exp. 44 mm. 

Mountains of Hatam, 3000 ft. 


Puate IIT. 
1. Ornithoptera tithonus ¢. p. 16. 
2. Delias africanus, n. sp. p. 18. 
» 38. D. imitator, n. sp. p. 18. 
4, D. elongatus, n. sp. p. 19. 
. 1. Ornithoptera tithonus Q.  p. 16. 
» 2. Libythea hatami,n. sp. — p. 20. 
Ornithoptera rothschildi, n. sp. ¢. p. 17. 

Puate VI. 
Ornithoptera rothschildi, n. sp. Q.  p. 17. 


"ayo WeUIMeH] ‘4S9/\, “UAT 92° [9p FUotuy eocesropy 


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AL Id ELGL “POT 909 '2UT SUDL], si iiciecKiantiadeiih “ = Yo 


“UAT 19" Jap yyy soes0yy 

“owouyo WeULMas NI 4SOM 

Ald T6F “PuoT o0y ‘QU SUDLT 


TIT 39" [eP yybruy soeaxoy 


III. A Revision of the Genus Diplatys, Serv. (Dermaptera) 
By Matcoitm Borr, D.Sc., F.LS., F.Z.S., F.ES. 

[Read April 6th, 1910.] 
Prares VIL. VEIT. 

In working out the Dermaptera for the “ Fauna of British 
India” series, I was surprised at the number of undescribed 
species of Diplatys which came to hand. 

Six species, including African and American, were in- 
cluded by de Bormans in his monograph of the Dermaptera 
in 1900, yet in India alone we have now double that 
number, of which ten were described by myself, seven of 
them in the Indian monograph. 

A considerable number from other parts of the world 
rendered necessary a thorough revision of the genus. The 
synonymy has now been to a great extent cleared up, and 
there are no less than 33 species already known to science, 
including those first described in these pages. 

In 19042 I tentatively proposed a first attempt at a 
classification based on structural characters, and I have 
found this quite serviceable when elaborated to receive 
the recently discovered species. 

It is quite certain that there remain a very great many 
new forms yet to be discovered, and very probably the 
number of described species will be doubled within the 
next few years. 

Exceedingly valuable characters are afforded by the 
subanal plate, or penultimate ventral segment. 

This may be entire, emarginate, or more or less lobed. 
The latter is the rarer shape: there is a small rectangular 
lobe in D. angustatus, and in D. nigriceps there is a small 
obtuse convexity. 

In D. conradti and D. bormansi there is a small round 
emargination, but the outline is more complex in JD. 
gerstaeckeri, D. ernesti, D. flavicollis, and D. siva; in the latter 
there are two round emarginations, with a smaller obtuse 
emargination between them, so that there projects a trans- 
verse, sinuate lobe between the two deep incisions. In 


22 Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 

D. gerstaeckert there are two emarginations leaving an 
acute triangle between them; in D. ernesti the general 
form is the same, but the triangular lobe is more obtuse. 
In D. flavicollis there is a sharp incision forming two 
acute lobes. 

Where the subanal plate is entire, the posterior margin 
may be gently sinuate or straight, the sides convex or 
parallel, or the whole plate more or less rectangular or 

In D. macrocephalus it is very broad, subquadrate, the 
posterior margin subsinuate, the exterior angles rounded. 
In D. gladiator the outline is similar, and in D. falcatus 
and D. lefroyi; in all these the sides are convex, the 
posterior margin being almost straight in the former, and 
narrower and subsinuate in the latter. 

In the group with non-emarginate subanal plate, we 
find D. bicolor, D. vosseleri, D. griffithsi, and D. greeni 
with the posterior margin gently sinuate ; the remaining 
species, with non-sinuate, entire subanal plate, fall into 
two groups; the first has the last dorsal segment non- 
inflated: in this group we have D. jacobsont and D. 
annandalei, both Oriental species, with the subanal plate 
rectangular; if is more or less rounded at the sides and 
angles in D. rufescens, D. fletchert, and D. fella. 

The last dorsal segment is inflated m D. liberatus, D. 
raffrayi, and D. aethiops. 

In the genus Diplatys, we find that a grouping of the 
species according to the form of the last sclerites and of 
the forceps gives results agreeing fairly well with the 
geographical distribution of the species. At the same 
time, the outline of the pronotum affords useful features, 
as also the structure of the head. 

We find three distinct types of head. In one type the 
three areas with which the dorsal aspect is divided by the 
transverse and median sutures are not strongly differ- 
entiated from each other; the frons is not specially tumid, 
and the right and left portions of the occiput are not 
specially depressed, nor are they furnished with postocular 
keels running from the inner margin of the eyes to the 
extero-posterior angles of the head; the sutures are 
well marked. This may be called the normal type of 
head, as it shows the minimum deviation from the general 
type of Dermapterous head. We find this normal type of 
head in D. glacwator and D. bicolor. 

Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 23 

In the next type, which we may call the sloping type, 
the frons is distinctly tumid, the tumidity gradually 
dying out posteriorly, ending at the posterior margin 
of the head itself; the occiput is not strongly nor 
abruptly depressed, nor markedly separated from the 
frons, the transverse suture being obsolete, and the median 
suture nearly so. In this type there are more or less 
sharp keels running from the interior margin of the eye 
to the extero-posterior angles of the head: these keels are 
gently arched in D. lefroyi; in D. aethiops, D. gansoni, and 
D. severa they are strong, and the posterior margin is 
incrassate, so that they fuse with it, thus forming a blunt 
rectangular ridge at the posterior angle, this ridge con- 
tinuing to the median suture, which is short and distinct ; 
in D. jacobsoni the keels are sharp and distinct, but short, 
whereas in D. gerstaeckert and D. ernesti they are longer. 

In the third type of head the frons is markedly tumid 
and the occiput strongly depressed ; the transverse suture 
is sometimes strongly marked, but sometimes indistinct 
or obsolete, the tumid frons passing abruptly into the 
depressed occiput with no clear suture, but only brusque 
change from tumidity to depression. The members of 
this group, which have rather short and feeble keels, are 
D. siva, D. annandalei, D. conradti, D. angustatus, and D. 
grifithst ; those with strong, sharp, and long keels, are 
D. macrocephala, D. bormansi, D. greeni, D. rufescens, D. 
vorselert, D. raffrayi, D. gracilis, and D. fletcheri. The 
sutures are especially distinct in D. vosselert. 

There appears, however, to be no connection between 
the structure of the head and geographical distribution, 
since we find in each group this arranged species from 
various zoogeographical regions. 

In order, therefore, to approach a more natural system, 
it is necessary to adopt the structure of the apex of the 
abdomen and its appendages as our basis of classification, 
having recourse to the structure of the head and form of 
the pronotum for supplementary features. 

The pronotum is long and narrow in JD. thoracicus, 
but as a rule the length is but little greater than the 
breadth: the usual outline ranges between subpentagonal, 
subrectangular, and suboval. 

In some species the abdomen is strongly and abruptly 
dilated at the apex, the last segment being strongly 
inflated ; in others, the abdomen is less strongly and more 

24 Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 

gradually dilated, in which case the last segment is feebly 
inflated ; in others, the dilation is scarcely pronounced, 
the last dorsal segment being not inflated at all. The 
branches of the forceps may be remote at the base and 
arcuate, or subcontiguous and nearly straight; they 
may be depressed or trigonal. In some cases they are 
strongly dilated at the base itself, as well as flattened, 
thus reminiscent of the Forficuline type of forceps. 

All these above-mentioned characters are peculiar to 
the males; in the females, the structure of the head is 
simple and not specialised, the apex of the abdomen not 
dilated, and the forceps invariably contiguous and simple. 

The number of described species has been so much 
augmented in recent years, that what were formerly con- 
sidered to be dimorphic forms of the male are probably 
to be considered distinct species. It is obvious that the 
characters given by de Bormans are quite valueless, for 
the species were discriminated by him by colour alone. 

The form of the penultimate ventral segment is very 
difficult to describe in words, and often hard to distinguish 
with the eye. ‘The figures illustrate these diverse forms 
better than any words can ‘do. 


1. Forcipis bracchia ¢ basi valde dilatata 
ac deplanata. 
2. Segmentum ultimum dorsale ¢ 
fortiter dilatatum, abdomine valde 
latius ; forceps abrupte attenuatus. 
3. Elytra vix longiora quam latiora ; 
alae abortivae ; species indica . 1. gladiator, Burr 
3.3. Elytra valde longiora quam 
latiora ; alae perfecte expli- 
4. Segmentum penultimum ven- 
trale ¢ subquadratum, postice 
haud angustatum, medio haud 
impresso ; species africana . 2. macrocephalus, Beauv. 
4.4, Segmentum penultimum ven- 
trale ¢ postico subangusta- 
tum, medio impresso ; species 
fiedicay “(Oli Uo) bee. Wr Folens! porn 

Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 25 

2.2. Segmentum ultimum dorsale ¢ 
paullo dilatatum, abdomine vix 
latius; forcipis pars dilatata 
brevis, a supero aegre distin- 
guenda; species indicae. 

3. Segmentum penultimum ventrale 

) é lateribus rotundatis, margine 

: postico leviter sinuato; forcipis 

k bracchia ¢ robusta, leviter 

p arcuate... |. . A, lefroyi, Burr 

3.3. Segmentum penultimum ven- 
orale é fortiter angustatum, 

margine postico in lobum 
truncatum producto; forci- 
pis bracchia graciliora, fortius 

SP ae Te 

f arcuata . . . 5. angustatus, Burr 
D 1.1. Forcipis bracchia ¢ ane hand valde 
a dilatata. 

2. Pronotum duplo longius quam 
latius, parallelum ; species brasi- 
liensis. (Pronotum femoraque 
pallida, nigro-vittata) . . . . 6. thoracicus, Dohrn 
2.2. Pronotum haud plus quam 1} 
longius quam latius, vel aeque 
longum ac latum. 
3. Antennae segmentis 4 globulari, 
5 pyriformi (segmentum penul- 
timum ventrale angustum ; 
parallelum, apice rotundatum ; 
pronotum longius quam latius ; 
colore fulvo-rufo, species brasi- 
Rensisy ys. : . 7. gracilis, Stal 
3.3. Antennae peementis Seetibuls 
cylindricis vel subcylindricis. 
4, Occiput ¢ margine postico ipso 
incrassato, plus minus 
reflexo; (pronotum aeque 
longum ac latum; species 
5. Segmentum ultimum dorsale 
abdomine vix latius; colore 
rufo, nigro-variegato. . . 8. jansoni, Borm. 
5.5. Segmentum ultimum dor- 
sale ¢ abdomine dimidio 
latius; coloreatro. . . 9. severa, Borm. 

26 Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 

4.4. Occiput ¢ margine postico 
haud inerassato ; species 
africanae et orientales. 
5. Segmentum penultimum ven- 
trale ¢ vel emarginatum, 
vel lobatum. 
6. Segmentum penultimum 
ventrale 4  simpliciter 
rotundato-emarginatum . 10. conradti, Burr 
6.6. Segmentum penultimum 
ventrale ¢ emargina- 
tum ac lobatum. 
7. Segmentum penultimum 
ventrale ¢ emargina- 
tione transversa, lobulis 
8. Segmentum  penul- 
timum ventrale ¢ 
lobulis brevissimis, 
acutis..... «,...\. LL. bormansi, Burr 
8.8. Segmentum penul- 
timum ventrale ¢ 
lobulis majoribus 
rotundatis . . . 12. dohrni, sp. n. 
7.7. Segmentum _penulti- 
mum ventrale 4d 
medio lobo instruc- 
tum, utrinque emar- 
8. Segmentum penulti- 
mum ventrale ¢ 
lobo ipso sinuato 
vel emarginato. 
9. Segmentum penulti- 
mum ventrale ¢ 
lobo _ transverso, 
margine sinuato, 
utrinque rotun- 
dato-emarginatum. 13. siva, Burr 
9.9. Segmentum penul- 
timum ventrale 
d lobo angus- 
tiori medio pro- 
funde fisso . . 14. flavicollis, Shir. 

Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 27 

8.8. Segmentum penulti- 
mum ventrale ¢ 
lobulo integro. 
9. Segmentum penulti- 
mum <4 _ lobulo 
acuto; colore rufo- 
testaceo. . . . 15. gerstaeckeri, Dohrn 
9.9. Segmentum penul- 
timum ventrale 
3 lobulo rotun- 
dato; colore fusco 
velnigro . . . 16. ernesti, Burr 
5.5. Segmentum penultimum 
ventrale ¢ neque emar- 
ginatum nec lobatum. 

: 6. Segmentum  penultimum 
| ventrale ¢ margine 
| postico convexo . . . 17. nigriceps, Kirby 
6.6. Segmentum penultimum 
ventrale g margine 
postico sinuato vel trun- 
7. Segmentum penultimum 
ventrale @ margine 
postico leviter sinuato. 


8. Forcipis bracchia ¢ 
depressa, recta, vix 


9. Pronotum  rotun- 
datum ; colore 
fulvo ; species 
africana . . . 18. bicolor, Dubr. 

9.9. Species borneensis. 19. griffithsi, sp. n. 
8.8. Forcipis bracchia ¢ 
basi incrassata, tum 

attenuata, sub- 
arcuata ; (colore 
fusco ; species 
ceylonica) . . . 20. greent, Burr 

7.7. Segmentum _ penulti- 
mum ventrale ¢ mar- 
gine postico truncato 
vel rotundato. 

28 Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 

8. Segmentum ultimum dorsale g 
vix inflatum, abdomine vix vel 
paullo latius. 

9. Segmentum penultimum vent- 
rale ¢ apice rotundatum vel 
angustatum, vel saltem lateri- 
bus subrotundis. 

10. Segmentum _—penultimum 
ventrale ¢ angulis haud 
rotundatis (colore fulvo ; 
species indica) 

10.10. Segmentum penultimum 
ventrale ¢  angulis 

11. Segmentum penultimum 
ventrale ¢ lateribus sub- 
convexis, apice  sub- 
angustatum, ac trun- 

12. Statura majore; forci- 
pis bracchia elongata; 
species africana . 

12.12. Statura minore; 
forcipis bracchia 
brevia; species 

11.11. Segmentum _ penullti- 
mum ventrale 4 
lateribus subconcavis, 
apice fortius angu- 
statum; species afri- 
cana apie 

9.9. Segmentum penultimum ven- 
trale ¢ rectangulare; species 

10. Segmentum ultimum dor- 
sale ¢ abdomine vix latius; 
forcipis bracchia ¢ haud 
contigua,depressa, interdum 
falcata; colore fulvo. 


. 21. rufescens, 


. 22. vosselert, 


. 23. fletchert, 


. 24. fella, sp. n. 

25. jacobsoni, 
sp. n. 

Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 29 

10.10. Segmentum ultimum dor- 
sale ¢ abdomine dis- 
tincte latius, sed haud 

inflatum ; forcipis 
bracchia ¢ contigua; 
colore fusco . . . . 26. annandalei, 
sp. n. 
8.8. Segmentum ultimum dorsale ¢ 
inflatum, abdomine valde 
9. Abdomen apicem versus sensim 
ampliatum, segmento ultimo 
ceteris valde latiori; species 
orientalis: ose). ) sy 5 (5 Slo eberatus, 
9.9. Segmentum ultimum dorsale 
¢  fortiter et abrupte 
inflatum; species africanae. 
10. Statura majore; pubescens; 
occiput impressum; colore 
fusco, rufo variegato . . 28. raffrayi, 
10.10. Statura minore; glabra; 
occiput repletum; colore 
GPO Tos eh eae og) oD, BeOS: 

1. Diplatys gladiator, Burr 

Diplatys gladiator, Burr, (1905*) pp. 28 and 29, (1906') 
p- 319, (1910*) p. 41. 

This is a very distinct species ; it is one of the few with 
the normal type of head, with abortive wings and rather 
short elytra ; the coloration and forceps are also distinctive. 
It is described and discussed in (19101). It is recorded 
from Calcutta. 

Type in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. 

2. Diplatys macrocephalus, Pal.-Beauv. 
Forficula macrocephala, Pal.-Beauv., (1805) p. 36, orth. 
PIT, fio. 33 
Diplatys macrocephala, Serv., (1831) p. 33, (1839) p. 51. 
Es 34 Scudd., (1876) p. 309. 
Bs ‘ Borm., (1900) p. 9, fig. 5 (excl. 
syn.), (nec Borm. 1888 and 1894). 

30 Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 

Diplatys macrocephala, Burr, (1900*) p. 47, (1904?) p. 

Diplatys macrocephala, Kirby, (1904) p. 1 (excl. syn. D. 

Diplatys macrocephala, Borelli, (1907°) p. 346. 

This species, the type of the genus, resembles some of 
the Indian species with inflated last dorsal segment. It 
occurs in West Africa, in the Congo State at Boma (Mus. 
Brux.) and Stanley Pool (c.m.),in Benin under the bark 
of trees (Pal.-Beauv.), and in Fernando Po, at Basile, at an 
elevation of 2000 ft. (Borelli). The species from Burma 
recorded under this name by de Bormans are to be 
referred to D. bormansi and D. liberatus. 

I was unable to find the type in the Paris Museum, and 
do not know where it is. 

3. Diplatys falcatus, Burr 
Diplatys falcatus, Burr, (1910') p. 42, fig. 4 and fig. 3a 
in text. 
This Indo-Burmese species is described, discussed and 
figured by me in (1910'). It has a superficial resemblance 
to the preceding species, but the penultimate ventral 

segment is different. 
Type in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. 

4. Diplatys lefroyi, Burr 

Diplatys lefroyi, Burr, (1910") p. 44, fig. 5 and fig. 3) in 

This is another Indian species described and figured in 
the same work. The basal dilation of the forceps is so 
short that it may easily escape detection. Thus the species 
has a superficial resemblance to J. bormansi, but it is in 

reality allied to D. falcatus. 
Type in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. 

5. Diplatys angustatus, Burr 
Diplatys angustatus, Burr, (1910') p. 44, fig. 6 and 
fig. 3c in text. 
This Indian species is related to the preceding, but may 
be at once distinguished by the rectangular lobe on the 

penultimate ventral segment. 
Type in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. 

Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 31 

6. Diplatys thoracieus, Dohrn 

Cylindrogaster thoracicus, Dohrn, (1868) p. 59. 
5 5 Borm., (1900*) p. 12. 
+ e Kirby, (1904) p. 2. 

This Brazilian species may be recognised at once among 
all its congeners, by the long and narrow pronotum, which 
is nearly twice as long as broad, with parallel sides. The 
head is humid, with depressed occiput and sharp postocular 

It is apparently a rare species. Dohrn records it from 
Rio de Janeiro, and there is a broken male from Espirito 
Santo in the Brunner collection in Vienna. 

Dohrn states that the type is in the Helsingfors 

7. Diplatys gracilis, Stal 
Cylindrogaster gracilis, Stal, (1855) p. 350. 

‘ » Dohrn, (1863) p. 58. 
5 al Borm., (1900?) p. 11, fig. 8. 
» 3 Kirby, (1904) p. 2. 

. ¥ Burr, (1909?) p, 254. 
Diplatys gracilis, Stal, (1860) p. 306. 
Cylindrogaster sahlbergi, Dohrn, (1863) p. 59. 

iB i Borm., (19007) p. 12. 

This is a second Brazilian species, resembling the former, 
but with shorter pronotum, and dull red colour. I sink as 
synonymous D. sahlbergi, Dohrn, which differs only in 
trifling variation of colour: de Bormans (l.c.) suggested 
their specific identity. The globular fourth, and pyriform 
fifth, antennal segments are distinctive. 

It is recorded from Rio de Janeiro, Theresopolis, and 
Espirito Santo. 

8. Diplatys jansoni, Karby 

Cylindrogaster jansoni, Kirby, (1891) p. 507. 
Diplatys jansoni, Borm., (1893) p. 2, Pl. I, fig. 102, 
(1900?) p. 9. 
Diplatys gansoni, Kirby, (1904) p. 2. 
a 2 Burr, (1904?) p. 278, 280. 

It is a handsome red and black species occurring in 
Central America. It is closely allied to the following. 

The head in both these species has the same structure 
as in the Ethiopian D. aethiops, that is, smooth and humid, 


32 Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 

with thickened posterior margin joining the postocular 

The contrast between the deep black and bright orange 
red is very striking; the females especially have a strong 
superficial resemblance to red and black Staphylinidae. 

Type in the B.M. 

9. Diplatys severus, Borm. 
Diplatys severa, Borm., (1893) p. 2, Pl. I, fig. 3, (1900?) 

Diplatys severa, Kirby, (1904) p. 2. 

x . Burr, (1904?) p. 278 and 280. 

An all-black ally of the preceding, occurring also in 
Central America. De Bormans suggested that it may be 
merely a melanic form of D. jansoni, but the last abdominal 
segment is more strongly dilated and the body is much 
more hairy. 

Type in the B.M. 

10. Diplatys conradti, Burr 

Diplatys conradti, Burr, (1904?) p. 278 and 281, (19079) 
p- 508. 

Diplatys conradti, Borelli, (1907°) p. 346. 

This is an African species allied to D. raffrayi, but 
slenderer, the postocular carina shorter and blunter; the 
penultimate ventral segment of the male has a round 
median emargination, as in the structurally related 
Burmese D. bormansi, but the pronotum is longer. 

Type in the Paris Museum. 

11. Diplatys bormansi, Burr 

Diplatys macrocephala, Borm. (nec Pal.-Beauv.), (1888) 
p. 433, (1894) p. 372, (1900?) p. 9 (text, partim). 

Diplatys nigriceps, Burr, (19042) p. 279 and 284 (partim). 

Diplatys bormansi, Kirby, (1904) p. 1 (nomen nudum). 

ss > Burr, (1910") p. 45, figs. 91, 91a. 

This is a Burmese species which was confused by 
de Bormans with D. macrocephalus, and by me with D. 
nigriceps and D. greent. It differsfrom them all in having 
the penultimate ventral segment of the male emarginate 
in the middle. 

The superficial resemblance to D. nigriceps, D. greent, 
and D. liberatus is very strong. 

Type in my collection. 

Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 33 

12. Diplatys dohrni, sp. n. 

Parva, nigra; caput laeve, tumidum; segmentum ultimum sat 
inflatum ; segmentum penultimum ventrale parallelum, margine 
postico utrinque profunde exiso, lobo medio sinuato; forcipis 
bracchia contigua, conica. 2. 

HONS [EORDOLIAY 1 saul Ua er) 4 Ostet, 
PASAOLEMIA otis. wh ce ia el 5 

D. dohrni. 

Small and slender ; general colour black. 

Antennae brownish, second and third segments yellowish (ten 
segments remain). 

Head tumid, smooth, sutures obsolete ; postocular region tumid, 
not keeled. 

Pronotum bordered posteriorly with whitish ; about as broad as 
long, and somewhat narrowed posteriorly. 

Elytra very ample, pubescent, black. 

Wings ample, and long, of the same colour. 

Legs blackish, the joints yellowish. 

Abdomen black, with golden pubescence; slender, widening 
gradually from the waist to the 

Last dorsal segment, which is large, considerably, but not abruptly, 

Penultimate ventral segment ample ; posterior border with a deep 
round emargination on each side, near the corner, thus forming a 
medium transverse lobe which is gently sinuate, with rounded angles. 

Forceps with the branches short, contiguous, and straight. 

Java: (Fruhstorfer). 

This species is founded on a single male kindly com- 
municated to me by Dr. H. Dohrn, in whose collection it is. 

It belongs to the group of D. bormansi with round 


34 Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 

emarginations on the penultimate ventral segment, but 
the emarginations are far deeper and stronger than in 
that species, and more rounded, with a consequently more 
prominent median lobe, which has the angles more 
rounded. The form resembles that of D. siva, but this is 
a much smaller and weaker insect. 

13. Diplatys siva, Burr 

Diplatys siva, Burr, (1904°) p. 278 and 283, (1906*) 
p. 387, (1907°) p. 508, (1910!) p. 49. 

This is a large, dull grey-brown North Indian species, 
well characterised by the peculiar form of the penultimate 
ventral segment of the male. 

Type in the Paris Museum. 

14. Diplatys flavicollis, Shiraki 

Diplatys flavicollis, Shir., (1907) p. 104. 
» > Burr, (1909*) p. 339 and 340. 

This species is described by Shiraki from Formosa on 
the model of the old-fashioned descriptions of de Bormans, 

D, flavicollis. 

with practically no reference to structure; so from his 
work alone it is impossible to determine its true position 
with accuracy. 

Fortunately, I possess a male from Taiwan, Formosa, 
which agrees in every respect with Shiraki’s description, 
and I have no hesitation in identifying it as D. flavicollis. 

The chief feature is the very characteristic form of the 
penultimate ventral segment, in the middle of the posterior 

Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 35 

margin of which there is a deep and narrow incision, 
forming a pair of rather long, acute lobes. 

The head is of the third type, that is, the frons is 
strongly tumid, with well-marked transverse depression 
behind; the edge of the occiput is somewhat swollen, the 
sutures not very distinct. 

The pronotum is subpentagonal, a trifle longer than 
broad, and somewhat narrowed posteriorly. The last 
dorsal segment is inflated, but not very strongly, and the 
forceps are simple, contiguous, somewhat depressed, and 
straight, feebly hooked at the tips. 

15. Diplatys gerstaeckert, Dohrn 

Nannopygia gerstaeckeri, Dohrn, (18638) p. 60. 
i Scudder, (1876+) p. 326. 
4 . Borm., (1884) p. 372, (1900?) 
f Dyscritina longisetosa, Westwood, (1881) p. 601, PI. 
XXII, fig. 1.1-a-1. 
Dyscritina longisetosa, Green, (1896) p. 229, (1898) 
. 383. 
r Diplatys longisetosa, Burr, (18981) p. 388, Pl. XVIII, 
fig. 4, 5 and 16, Pl. XIX, fig. 9 and 4. 
Diplatys longisetosa, Borm., (1900?) p. 10, fig. 6. 
Diplatys gerstaeckert, Burr, (1901) p. 74, Pl. A, fig. 4 
and 5, (1904°) p. 299 and 282, (1910!) p. 46, fig. 7 and 
3d in text. 
Cylindrogaster rufescens, Burr (nec Kirby), (19008) p. 48. 

This little red Singalese species is fully described, 
figured and discussed by me in (19101). It forms a natural 
group with D. ernesti, Burr, characterised by the emargina- 
tion of the penultimate ventral segment of the male. 

It is this species whose postembryonic development has 
been described by Green under the name Dyscritina 

Type in the Berlin Museum. 

15a. Diplatys gerstaeckeri, var. calidasa, Burr 

Diplatys gerstaeckert, var. calidasa, Burr, (1904?) p. 279 
and 282, (1906) p. 387, (1907%) p. 508, (1910") p. 48. 
This is a large North Indian form, of which the female 
only is known; it resembles D. gerstaeckeri in every 
respect except size, but discovery of the male may show 

36 Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 

that it is a distinct species. Perhaps it is the female of 
D. rufescens. 
Type in the Paris Museum. 

16. Diplatys ernesti, Burr 

Diplatys ernesti, Burr, (1910!) p. 48, fig. 9. 

A small black Singalese species closely allied to D. 
gerstaeckert. It differs in the all-black colour and in the 
more obtuse and broader median triangular lobe on the 
posterior margin of the penultimate ventral segment of 
the male. 

Type in my collection. 

17. Diplatys nigriceps, Kirby 

Diplatys nigriceps, Kirby, (1891) p. 507, (1904) p. 2. 
Borm., (1900?) p. 10 (partim). 
Burr, (1902) p. 477, (1904?) p. 279 

and 284 (partim). 

Diplatys croiai, Burr, (1904?) p. 280 and 284, (19079) p. 

This black and white species is characterised by the 
form of the penultimate ventral segment of the male, 
which is gently rounded at the sides, with the posterior 
margin slightly, but distinctly, convex in the middle; 
there is also a median depressed sulcus. 

It was originally described from Hong Kong, but prob- 
ably D. croiai, Burr, in the Paris museum, from Malacca 
Peninsula, and the Borneo specimen in the Budapest 
Museum, are to be referred here. 

It is unknown in Burma, Ceylon, and India, though 
specimens of D. greeni, Burr, from Ceylon, were confused 
with it; and probably, also, of D. bormansi, Burr, and 
D, liberatus, Burr, from Burma. 

Therefore, several mentions of D. nigriceps in literature 
really refer to one of those species, the synonymy of which 
should be examined. 

Type in the B.M. 

18. Diplatys bicolor, Dubr. 

Labia bicolor, Dubrony, (1879) p. 95. 
Borm., (1900?) p. 72. 
Kirby, (1904) p. 25. 

” ” 

” ” 

Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 37 

This species, of uniform tawny colour, and head of the 
normal type, is known from Abyssinia and Eritrea. 
Type in Madrid Museum. 

19. Diplatys griffithsi, sp. n. 

Statura minore; colore fulvo et castaneo; pronotum breve ; 
subrotundatum ; segmentum ultimum dorsale ¢ haud inflatum ; 
segmentum penultimum ventrale ¢ parallelum, margine postico late 
sinuato, angulis subrotundatis ; forcipis bracchia ¢ depressa, recta, 
intus crenulata, apice recurva. 

d ? 
Leng: corporis: 0) 0.0) Smit.) 6. * 9d mm. 
a PHORGIDIG: cL hs pok Aor EMM oo. Co 25 mm, 

Size small; general colour dark chestnut, varied with tawny. 
Antennae with 15-17 segments, all cylindrical, 4th a little shorter 
than the 3rd, basal two blackish, the rest yellowish, passing to 
greyish towards the apex. 

Head broad and flat, dark chestnut, frons tumid, occiput depressed 
with distinct keel behind the eyes, which are very large and promi- 
nent; the frons is less tumid and occiput less depressed in the 2. 

Pronotum tawny, about as broad as long, anterior, margin convex 
sides converging posteriorly as the posterior margin is strongly 
narrowed; prozona distinctly tumid and metazona depressed. 

Scutellum prominent, depressed. 

Elytra ample, dark chestnut, tawny at the shoulders. 

Wings ample, dark chestnut; legs pale yellowish, sometimes 
shaded with brown. 

Abdomen parallel in, gently constricted in the middle in the ¢, 
smooth, yellowish at the base, passing to dark chestnut towards the 
apex ; lateral tubercles of 3rd and 4th segments distinct. 

Last dorsal segment in the ¢ not inflated, no wider than the 
abdomen, rectangular in the ¢, slightly narrowed in the 9. 

Penultimate ventral segment in the ¢ parallel-sided, posterior 
margin broad, sinuate, the angle slightly produced, thus forming 
small, rounded lobes; in the 9 narrow, rounded. 

Forceps with the branches in the ¢ depressed, subcontiguous, 
straight, inner margin serrulate, points hooked; in @  subcon- 
tiguous, straight, trigonal. 

Borngo: Sarawak, Saribas, August 1908 (Museum 
Sarawak) ; British North Borneo, Sambas, March Ist, 1909 
(C. Griffiths, cm.) 

This species falls with the group of D. greeni, character- 
ised by the sinuous posterior margin of the penultimate 

38 Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 

ventral segment of the male ; from D. grcenz it differs in the 
depressed forceps; from the Ethiopian, D. bicolor, Dubr., 
and JD. vosselert, Burr, in the parallel-sided penultimate 
ventral segment of the gf and broad sinuation. It is 
different in colour from D. bicolor, and much smaller than 
D. vosseleri. It is dedicated to my friend Mr. Cyril 
Griffiths, A.R.S.M., who discovered the female at Sambas. 
Type in my collection. 

20. Diplatys vosseleri, Burr 
Diplatys vosseleri, Burr, (1907'°) p. 201, (1909?) p. 253. 

This is a large brown East African species; the head 
is of the third, or typical, form, with all the sutures very 
well marked. 

Type in the Berlin Museum. 

21. Diplatys green, Burr 

Dyscritina longisetosa, Green, (1896) p. 229, figs. partim. 

Dyscritina, sp. n., Green, (1898) p. 383. 

Diplatys nigr iceps, Burr (nec Kirby, nee Borm.), (1898*) 
p. 389, Pl. XVIII, figs. 1-8, Pl. XIX, figs. 6-8 and 15, 
(1901) p. 75, Pl. A, figs. 1-3; Borm. ,(1900%) p. 10 partim ; 
Kirby, (1904) p. 2 partim, 

Diplatys greent, Burr, (19042) p. 280 and 285, (19101) 
p. 50. 

This is the species whose postembryonic development 
was worked out by Green, together with that of D. gers- 
taeckert: it was originally referred by me to D. nigriceps, 
but the accumulation of more material and the growth 
of our knowledge has shown that it is a perfectly distinct 

Superficially it resembles D. bormansi, but differs in the 
gently sinuate subanal plate ; it is the only species known 
to mein which the forceps are stout at the base and convex, 
cylindro-conical, quickly attenuate and slightly arcuate. In 
D. bormansi they are trigono-conical and almost straight. 

Type in my collection. 

22. Diplatys rufescens. 
Cy as rufescens, Kirby, (1896) p. 524, Pl. XX, 

Piicinats rufescens, Kirby, (1904) p. 2; Burr, (1907°) 
p. 508, (19101) p. 51, fig. 75. 

Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 39 

This is a rather large red-brown North Indian species. 
It is imperfectly known. The type,in the British Museum, 
is in poor condition. 

23. Diplatys fletcher, Burr 

Diplatys fletcheri, Burr, (19101) p. 52, fig. 8. 

Described and figured in (1910) from a pair taken at 
Madulsima, in Ceylon, by Mr. T. B. Fletcher. The head 
is typical, with tumid frons, depressed occiput, and long, 
straight, sharp keels. 

Type in my collection. 

24. Diplatys raffrayi, Dubr. 

Diplatys raffrayi, Dubr., (1879) p. 91; Borm., (19007) 
p. 9; Burr, (1904?) p. 279-282; Kirby, (1904) p. 1; 
Borelli, (1907) p. 346(?). 

Diplatys macrocephala, Kirby, (1904) p. 1 partim. 

This is an African species which somewhat resembles, 
and is doubtless often confused with, D. macrocephalus. 

Ihave found a specimen which is certainly the original 
type, in the Madrid Museum, labelled “ Raffray, Zanzibar.” 

It may be distinguished from D. macrocephalus, not by 
the colour, with which de Bormans was content, but by 
the slenderer and more hairy body, less inflated last dorsal 
segment, and depressed and regularly dilated forceps. 

I am inclined to doubt Borelli’s determination of a West 
African specimen, since the form is only known decidedly 
from Zanzibar. It probably replaces D. macrocephalus in 
Kast Africa. 

Type in Madrid Museum. 

25. Diplatys fella, Burr 
Statura mediocri; colore rufo; pronotum fere aeque longum ac 
latum, antice convexum, lateribus et margine postico rotundatis ; 
segmentum ultimum dorsale haud ampliatum, abdomine vix latius ; 
segmentum penultimum ventrale apicem versus subangustatum, 
margine postico truncato, angulis rotundatis; forcipis bracchia 
recta, parallela, haud dilatata depressa, g; ? ignota. 


Long. corporis . . . - . 125mm. 
imedorcipis arts pQndle ele 45) 

Size medium ; colour reddish tawny. 

40 Dr. Malcolm ee Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 

Antennae with about 25 segments, yellowish, 3rd segment rather 
short, barely twice as long as broad, 4th and 5th very short, no 
longer than broad, 6th a little longer, 7th about equal to 3rd, the rest 
gradually lengthening. 

Head brick-red ; frons tumid, occiput depressed, the posterior 
keels sharp and distinct. 

Pronotum yellowish red, a little narrower than the head, about as 
broad as long, convex anteriorly, narrowed posteriorly, the sides and 
posterior margin straight, the angles rounded. 

Elytra very ample, tawny near the base, darker towards the 

Wings long, pale straw-coloured. 

Legs slender, yellowish. 

Abdomen brick-red. 

Last dorsal segment scarcely wider than the abdomen, about as 
wide as long. 

Penultimate ventral segment truncate posteriorly, somewhat 
narrowed towards the apex, the angles themselves rounded. 

Forceps brick-red, darker at the base ; depressed but triquetre, 
subcontiguous and parallel, attenuate towards the apex, and gently 
incurved at the apex; inner margin finely denticulate in basal 

Keypr: Cairo. 

This species resembles D. jacobsont and D. rufescens in 
the straight forceps, narrow anal segment, and truncate 
penultimate ventral segment with rounded angles; it 
differs from the former in having the penultimate ventral 
segment distinctly narrowed apically, in this respect some- 
what approaching D. rufescens, but in that species the 
angles are not rounded. The pronotum is a little shorter 
and more rectilinear than in D. rufescens, and the colour 
red or tawny. It is decidedly larger than D. jacobsonc. 

The African species which come nearest to it are 
D. licolor (aw which the pronotum is rounded), D. vosseleri 
(a much larger, darker, and more robust insect), but in 
both these the penultimate ventral segment is more or less 

Type in Madrid (?). 

26. Diplatys jacobsoni, sp. n. 

Statura minore; segmentum ultimum dorsale abdomine vix 
latius ; segmentum penultimum ventrale rectangulare, truncatum ; 
orcipis bracchia recta, depressa ¢. 

Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 41 

Leng. tonporis:.>. 2/1.) 4. str 2), 6 Gm. 
oe MMLC N TALS pIp ya3) Ap y ai) Voy eit \) =» b 


Size small ; build slender ; colour reddish brown ; the whole body 
clothed with a dense, short, pale pubescence. 

Antennae yellowish, typical (10 segments remain). 

Head shining brown; frons smooth and replete; occiput 
depressed ; postocular keels sharp. 

Pronotum about as broad as long, anterior border convex, sides 
straight; posterior margin straight, the angles rounded ; slightly 
narrower posteriorly than anteriorly ; red brown. 

Elytra ample, brown, yellowish at the shoulders. 

Wings long and narrow, dull brown. 

Feet long and slender, yellowish. 

Abdomen yellowish at the base, passing into reddish. 

Last dorsal segment square, ouly slightly wider than the narrowest 
part of the abdomen. 

Penultimate ventral segment rectangular, truncate, rather narrow. 

Forceps with the branches straight, contiguous, depressed or 
regularly tapering, points gently hooked, trigonal; sometimes 
abruptly attentuated before the apex ; inner margin smooth, ¢; 
2 unknown. 

JAVA: Batavia, 29. ii, 08, 1 ¢ (leg. E. Jacobson, in Mus. 

The forceps may vary considerably. In the specimen 
originally chosen as the type, the branches, though 
depressed, taper gradually, and are gently hocked at the 
apex. Ina specimen in the Vienna Museum, the forceps 
are distinctly dilated in the basal half, and then abruptly 
attenuated, the apical half thus inclosing an elliptical area, 
recalling several species of Forficula. In other specimens 
in the Vienna Museum there is every gradation between 
these two extreme forms. 

This delicate little species resembles D. gerstaeckeri, 
Dohrn, in colour and in build, but is even smaller and 
more fragile. It may be at once distinguished by the 
truncate posterior margin of the penultimate ventral 
segment of the male. 

It also resembles D. rufescens, but the penultimate 
ventral segment in that species has the angles somewhat 
rounded, and the last dorsal segment is broader, and the 
build stronger and bigger. 

The narrow last dorsal segment distinguishes D. jacob- 

42 Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 

sont from D. raffrayi and D. aethiops, but in those African 
species the forceps are decidedly flattened, whereas in this 
species, though somewhat depressed, they are in reality 

Type in Leyden Museum. 

27. Diplatys annandalei, sp. n. 

Statura mediocri; colore fusco; pronotum pentagonale; seg- 
mentum ultimum dorsale abdomine latius et haud transversum ; 
segmentum penultimum ventrale haud angustatum, margine postico 
truncato; forcipis bracchia recta cylindrico-conica, haud depressa, 
contigua: ¢; @ ignota, 

Juong: corporis. . |v). f4/)<: 105 mm. 
SUMLONCIpIsicr cups Tsith. io f a 1 - 

Size medium, colour fuscous. 


Head black ; frons tumid ; occiput depressed. 

Pronotum pentagonal, slightly longer than wide, narrowed 
posteriorly ; sides straight, posterior margin straight, angles rounded. 

Elytra ample, blackish. 

Wings prominent, blackish. 

Feet yellowish, banded with blackish. 

Abdomen purplish red. 

Last dorsal segment black, ample, smooth, wider than the abdomen 
but not wider than long. 

Penultimate ventral segment rectangular, posterior margin 

Forceps with the branches rounded above, the under surface flat, 
short, straight, unarmed, contiguous and yellowish in colour. 

Stam: Biserat, Bukit Tapang (leg. Annandale, v, ’99. 
Type 1 3g, in c.m.). 

In the form of the pronotum, this species approaches 
D. jacobsoni, but ditfers in the form of the penultimate 
ventral segment: from D. rufescens, it differs in the shorter 
pentagonal pronotum. 

Type in my collection. 

28. Diplatys liberatus, Burr 

Nannopygia gerstaeckeri, Borm. (nec Burr, nec Kirby), 
(1894) p. 372 partim, (1900?) p. 11 partim. 
Diplatys liberatus, Burr, (19101), p. 52, figs. 90, 90a. 

Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 43 

This species is founded on a single male, now in the 
British Museum, which is one of the original specimens 
taken by Fea in Burma, and recorded by de Bormans 
under the name of Nannopygia gerstaeckerr. 

It is more nearly allied to D. nigriceps, but the subanal 
plate is not convex: the rectilinear pronotum distinguishes 
it from that species, and also from D. rufescens. The 
forceps are short, broad and flat, thus approaching the 
two following species. 

Type in B.M. 

29. Diplatys aethiops, Burr 

Diplatys aethiops, Burr, (19047) p. 280, (1907°) p. 508. 
: »  Borelli, (19075) p. 346. 

This is a small jet-black West African species, re- 

D. aethiops. 

sembling the Central American D. severus in colour and the 
structure of the head. 

Type in Paris Museum. 

In the British Museum there is a specimen from Dar-es- 
Salaam, which I refer here. 

30. Diplatys viator, Burr 

Diplatys viator, Burr, (1904°) p. 278 and 281, (19079) 
p- 508. ( only.) 

My inability to place this species in its true position 1s 
just retribution for the unpardonable offence of describing 
a new species without possession of an undoubted male. 

The original description includes two distinct species ; 
the true D. viator is a dull black female from Madagascar, 
nearly hairless, with a long and narrow pronotum. 

The male attributed to it is from Fernando Po, but the 
apex of the abdomen, with the essential characters, is 
missing ! 

The pronotum is short and rather broad, obtusely 

44 Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 

rounded anteriorly, sides straight and converging, as the 
disc is narrowed towards the truncate posterior margin. 
Perhaps it is the male of D. coriacea, Kirby, or D. feae, 

Type in Paris Museum. 

31. Diplatys feae, Borelli 
Diplatys feae, Bor., (1907°) p. 347. 

Unfortunately described from a single female from 
Fernando Po, according to Borelli; in colour it resembles 
D. nigriceps, Kirby, and differs in the form of the head and 
thickness of the femora. The former is purely a sexual 

Type in Genoa Museum. 

32. Diplatys coriacea, Kirby 

Forficula coriacea, Kirby, (1891) p. 525. 
es - Borm., (1900?) p. 127. 
Diplatys »  Borelli, (1907°) p. 346. 

This is another solitary female, in poor condition, from 
Sierra Leone. Borelli redescribed a female from Portuguese 
Guinea, which he attributes to it. The purple tinge, pale 
shouldered elytra, pale abdomen, darkening apically, 
suggest that it may be the female of D. conrradti, with 
which it agrees better than any other known West African 

33. Diplatys occidentalis; Burr 

Diplatys occidentalis, Burr, (1904?) p. 280. 
This is a small red species, the only one known from 
the West Indies. The type has unfortunately been 

Type in B.M. 


Bravvois, Patisor Dr. (1805.) Insectes récueillis en Afrique et 
en Amérique. (Paris, 1805.) 

Borevii, Dr. ALFREDO. (1907°.) Ortotteri raccolti da Leonardo 
Fea nell’ Africa occidentale. Dermatteri. (Ann. Mus. Civ. 
Gen. (3) iii, p. 345-390, 1907.) 

Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 45 

Bormans, A. DE. (1888.) Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania 
e regioni vicine, vil. Dermaptéres. (Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. 
(2) vi, p. 431, 1888.) 

— (1893.) Dermaptera. (In Biologia Centrali-Americana. Zoo- 
logia, Orthoptera, 1, pp. 1-12, pls. 1 and 2, 1893.) 

—— (1894.) Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine, 
]xi. Dermaptéres (2me partie). (Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. (2) 
xiv, p. 371, 1895.) 

—— (1900!.) Quelques Dermaptéres du Musée civique de Génes, 
(Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. (2) xx, pp. 441-467, 1900.) 

—— (19007.) Forficulidae in “Das Tierreich,” (11te Lieferung, 
Orthoptera, pp. 1-142, 1900). 

Burr, Dr. Matcotm. (1698!.) On the Species of Dyscritina, reared 
by Mr. Green. (Tr. Ent. Soc. London, pp. 381-390, 1898). 

—— (1900*.) Forficules exotiques du Musée royal d’histoire natu- 
relle de Bruxelles. (Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xliv, pp. 47-54, 

—— (1901.) The Earwigs of Ceylon. (Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. 
Soc. 1901, pp. 59-78 and 316-336, pls. A and B.) 

— (1902.) On the Forficularia of the Hungarian National 
Museum of Budapest. (Termesz. Fiiz. xxv, pp. 477, pl. xx, 

—— (1904%.) Observations on the Dermatoptera, including re- 
visions of several genera and descriptions of New Genera and 
Species. (Tr. Ent. Soc. London, p. 277, 1904.) 

—— (19054.) Earwigs of the Indian Museum, with descriptions of 
New Species. (Journ. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, (N.S.) ii, 
No. 9, pp. 381-390, 1905.) 

— (19061) Dermapteros de la Guinea Espanola. (Mem. Soc. 
Espan. H.N. Mem. 17, pp. 293-295, 1906.) 

—— (1906%.) A Further Note on Earwigs (Dermaptera) in the 
Indian Museum, with a description of New Species. (Journ. 
Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, (N.S.) vol. ii, No. 9, pp. 381-390, 

—— (1907°.) Catalogue des Forficulides des Collections du Muséum 
National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris. (Premiére Partie.) 
(Extrait du Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 1907, No. 7, pp. 

—— (19071°.) Ueber Dermapteren aus Deutsch-Ostafrika, (Berl. 
Ent. Zeit. Bd. lil. pp. 201-207, 1907.) 

—— (19097.) Notes on the Forficularia xvi. On Dermaptera in 
the Greifswald Museum, with Synonymic Notes on some of 
Gerstaecker’s Types, (Ann. Mag. N.H. (8) iii, p. 2538-257 

46 Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 

Burr, Dr. Maucoim. (19097.) Criticism «of Matsumura and 
Shiraki (1905), and of Shiraki (1905, 1905-6, 1907). (Rev. 
russe d’Ent., 1909, pp. 335-340, in Russian.) (Translation in 
English in Ent. Record 1910, p. 134.) 

—— (19101) Dermaptera (Earwigs) in “The Fauna of British 
India, including Ceylon and Burma.” (Pp. i-xviiiand 1-127, 
pls. i-x. London, 1910.) 

—— (1910'.) The Dermaptera (Earwigs) of the United States 
National Museum. No. 1760. (From the Proc. of the 
U.S.N.M., vol. xxxviii, pp. 443-567. Washington, August 

Dourn, Dr. H. (1863.) Versuch einer Monographie der Dermap- 
teren. (Stett. Ent. Zeit. xxiv, p. 35, 1863.) 

Duprony, A. DE. (1879.) Enumeration des Orthoptéres des 
régions Indienne et Austro-Malaise, rapportées par MM. 
Doria, O. Beccari, et L. M. d’Albertis. (Ann. Mus. Civ. 
Gen. xiv, pp. 348-383, 1879.) 

GREEN, E. Ernest. (1896.) Notes on Dyscritina longisetosa, 
Westw. (Tr. Ent. Soc. London, p. 229, 1896.) 

—— (1898). Further Notes on Dyscritina longisetosa, Westw. 
(Tr. Ent. Soc. London, p. 381, pls. xviii and xix, 1898.) 
Kirpy, W. F. (1891.) <A Revision of the Forficulidae, with 
descriptions of New Species in the British Museum. (Linn. 

Soc. Journ., Zool, xxiii, pp. 502-531, pl. xii, 1891.) 

—— (1896.) Descriptions of New Species of Forficulidae in the 
Collection of the British Museum (N.H.). (Linn. Soe. Journ., 
Zool. xxv, pp. 520-529, pl. xx, 1896.) 

—— (1904.) A Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera. (Vol. i, 
1904, London.) 

ScuppEr, 8. H. (18764) Critical and Historical Notes on the 
Forficulariae. (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. xviii, pp. 287- 
332, 1876.) 

SERVILLE, AUDINET DE. (1831.) Revue Méthodique des Insectes 
de ordre des Orthoptéres. (Ann. Sci. Nat. xxii, pp. 28, 134 
and 262, 1902.) 

——. (1839.) Histoire Naturelle des Insectes Orthoptéres. Suite 
i Buffon. Paris, 1839. 

SuHrRAkI, T. (1907.) Neue Blattiden und Forficuliden Japans. 
(Tr. Sapporo N.H. Soe., vol. ii, pp. 103-111, 1907.) 

Srau, C. (1855.) Nya orthoptera. (Ofv. Vet. Ak. Foérh. xii, p. 348, 

Be Wlson, del. 

t yw 

ffir Allis 
At nn 


Wris. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1911, Plate VII. 



C. Hentschel. 








Diplatys gladiator, Burr, g¢. Type. Calcutta 


apex of abdomen from beneath 

D. macrocephalus, Beauv., ¢. Congo. Head 

D ° 


apex of abdomen from above 
a ‘ beneath 

falcatus, Burr, 6. Type. India. Apex of 
abdomen from beneath 
lefroyi, Burr, 6. Type. India. Apex of 
abdomen from beneath 

. angustatus, Burr, g. Type. India. Apex of 

abdomen from beneath 
thoracicus, Dohrn, ¢. Brazil. Head and 


gracilis, Stal, ¢. Brazil. Apex of abdomen 
from beneath 

gracilis, antenna 

jansoni, Kirby, ¢. C. America. Head and 


severus, Borm., ¢. C. America. Head and 


severus, apex of abdomen from beneath 


Kirby, ¢. Type. Hong Kong. 

Penultimate ventral segment 
conradti, Burr, ¢. Type. C. Africa. Head 
and pronotum 


. siva, Burr, 



. conradti, apex of abdomen from beneath 
. bormansi, Burr, ¢. Type. Burma. Head and 

. bormansi, apex of abdomen from beneath 

6. Type. N. India. Head and 

. siva, apex of abdomen from beneath 
. gerstaeckeri, Dohrn, ¢. Ceylon. Head 

apex of abdomen from beneath 

PS DSK ote eS Pet 

x xX X X 

wale poe) Wee) ten iiten 


ae re 
A ; 
v I Oly oy mig 
hh ad ' pr 

Trams. Ent. Soc. Lond., ror1, Plate VIII. 

t \ 
| | 
! \ 

WA tn 

E. Wilson, del. C. Hentschel. 


bs bb bbs b b 




. ernesti, Burr, ¢. Type. Ceylon. Head 

id. apex of abdomen from beneath 



. bicolor, Dubr., ¢. Abyssinia. Head and pro- 

. bicolor, apex of abdomen from beneath 
. grifithsi, Burr, g. Type. 

Borneo. Head and 

qriffithsi, apex of abdomen from beneath 

and pronotum 

. vosseleri, Burr, ¢. Type. 

E. Africa. Head 

. vosseleri, apex of abdomen from beneath 
. greeni, Burr, ¢. Type. Ceylon. Head 

id. apex of abdomen from above 


. rufescens, Kirby, ¢. Siam 



id. apex of abdomen from beneath 
(from a damaged specimen) 

fletcheri, Burr, ¢. Type. 
abdomen from beneath 
fella, Burr, ¢. ‘Type. 

Ceylon, Apex of 

Egypt. Apex of 

abdomen from above 
22a. D. fella, apex of abdomen from beneath 
23. D. jacobsoni, Burr, ¢. Type. Java. Head 
23a. id. apex of abdomen from above 
23b. id. i ‘3 beneath 
24. D. aunandalei, Burr, g. Type. Siam. Head 
24u. id. apex of abdomen from above 
24b. id. 3 3s beneath 

25. D. liberatus, Burr, ¢. Burma. 


from above 

D. raffrayi, Borm., ¢. Type. 

of abdomen from above 

Apex of abdomen 

Abyssinia. Apex 

26a. D. raffrayi, apex of abdomen from beneath 















Dr. Malcolm Burr’s Revision of the Genus Diplatys. 47 

Note.—The above paper was completed before I received Dr. 
Friedrich Zacher’s Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pygidicraniden und 
Diplatyiden (Ent. Rundschau, 1910, p. 105), in which the author 
divides Diplatys into the following Subgenera : Diplatys, sensw stricto, 
Verhoeffiella, (type, D. aethiops, Burr), Paradiplatys (type, D. 
conradti, Burr), and Nannopygia, Dohrn, restored, with a new species. 
N. picta, from East Africa. 

These are based exclusively upon the structure of the male 
genitalia, but Zacher’s system does not conflict with mine. 

The question of the use of the genitalia for systematic characters 
in the Dermaptera is too new and too profound to be discussed 
without great care and consideration. 

Dr. Zacher’s brief paper above mentioned is a preliminary bulletin 
of his large and very important work just published under the title 
“Studien ueber das System der Protodermapteren,” in the Zool 
Jahrb., 1911, pp. 303-400. 

[See Hxplanation facing the PLATEs. ] 

( 48 ) 

IV. Descriptions of some hitherto unknown, or little known, 
Larvae and Pupae of South African Rhopalocera, 
with notes on their Life-histories. By MARGARET 
E. Fountatne, F.ES. 

[Read October 5th, 1910.] 
Prares TX; Xx. 

BEFORE commencing these notes, I should like to mention 
that I am largely indebted to the kindness of local 
entomologists and others for the information obtained, 
and I would specially like to express my thanks to Mr. 
A. D. Millar and Mr. G. F. Leigh, F.E.S., both of Durban, 
Natal, whose kind help throughout my stay in South 
Africa so greatly added to the success of my two years’ 
stay in that most delightful country. I should also wish 
to mention Mr. J. Medley-Wood and Miss Franks of the 
Botanic Gardens, Durban, to whose kindness I am chiefly 
indebted for the identification of the various food-plants, 
and for supplying me with their scientific names; all 
except those from Portuguese East Africa, which I 
obtained through the kind help of the Board of Agriculture 
at Pretoria. These notes on the larvae and pupae do 
not include any of the commoner species which are already 
well known. 

1. Papilio ophidicephalus, Oberth. 
(Plate IX, figs. la, 1b, 1c.) 

The ova of this (the largest butterfly in South Africa) 
are to be found, with careful searching, laid singly, usually 
on the upperside of the leaves of young saplings of 
Clausena inaequalis; they are very large. The young 
larva is black, with white at the posterior extremity, and 
after the first moult shows signs of a white central band, 
which increases in size and importance with each change 
of skin, while the black becomes duller and browner. 
The forepart of this caterpillar is exceedingly broad in 
proportion to the rest. There are two round projections 
or “knobs” on the centre of its back, situated on the 


Miss M. E. Fountaine’s Descriptions of Rhopalocera. 49 

brownish-black segment next below the central white 
band, and these are an unerring guide for its identification 
in distinguishing this larva from that of the common 
P. demoleus. In the fifth, the last skin, it presents an 
entirely different aspect, and though to a casual observer 
it still bears a superficial resemblance to P. demoleus, it 
is easily distinguished from that species, also by the green 
which now takes a prominent part in its colouring, being 
much bluer in tone; and the immense breadth of the 
segments immediately behind the head, besides the two 
round “knobs,” which are now more produced than ever, 
on the dark russet-brown band, interrupting the green on 
the sixth segment, this same russet-brown, which now 
occupies the entire underside of the larva, being much 
varied with lighter and darker touches and_ shadings. 
There are two small detached markings of the green 
occurring in it on the same segment which contains the 
knobs. The pupa bears the most remarkable resemblance 
to a piece of rotten wood of any I have ever seen. The 
larva, which was hitherto unknown to science, was first 
bred from ova found by Bersa and myself on the saplings 
of Clausena inaequalis, at Eshowe, Zululand, in the early 
autumn of 1908. The life-history is as follows :—On 
March 10 one young larva of P. ophidicephalus hatched 
out from ovum found outside. And on March 19 I 
returned to Durban, taking with me the young larva, and 
two ova which hatched out the next day; and the food- 
plant occurring commonly round Durban I had no difficulty 
in breeding them. On April 17 the larva which had 
hatched out on March 10 hung up for pupation. And the 
last I had hung up on April 25, having hatched out just 
five weeks and one day previously. They produced 
imagines the following August and September. 

2. P. echerioides, Trim. 

(Plate IX, figs. 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d.) 

This butterfly being also unknown in its early stages, 
when I went up-country in Natal, during the summer of 
1909, one of my chief objects was to try and breed it. 
The butterfly flew, though very sparingly, in Kimber’s 
Bush, at Dargle. And having one day succeeded in 
capturing a, I thought I would try and get her to lay, 
giving hera piece of Vepris lanceolata, the bush food-plant 



50 Miss M. E. Fountaine’s Deseriptions of 

of several of the other Papilios; but as she died without 
laying a single egg, when I captured another ? of this 
species at Donnybrook (4500 feet), on February 24, I 
thought I would try again to obtain ova, and this time I 
gave the 2 Clausena inaequalis to lay upon, with the result 
that on February 28 she laid eleven ova,on March 1 three, 
three more the next day, and one more on March 6. On 
March 7 one of the first-laid ova hatched out, the young 
larva at first was to me indistinguishable from a young 
P. cenea larva—black, with white frills at the head and 
“tail.” It was not without some anxiety that I waited to 
see if it would eat the Clawsena, which, to my great joy, 
it at last decided to do. The others all hatched out later, 
most of them on March 12, when I had moved down to 
Jolivet. After a few days the white “frill” behind the 
head of these larvae turns yellow-ochre, the tail-end 
remaining white. They fed readily on the Clausena 
inaequalis, and I have no doubt I should have bred nearly 
all of them, had not their numbers visibly diminished 
owing to their cannibalistic tendencies, which, unluckily, 
I did not discover till seven or eight of my small number 
had mysteriously disappeared, after which I kept them as 
nearly separate as possible. The larva, as it grew older, 
entirely lost its resemblance to P. cenea, and might much 
more easily have been mistaken for P. demolews. Descrip- 
tion in fourth skin is as follows :—Fuirst segments behind 
head ochre-brown, rather light, and very gradually shaded 
into white, after which a broad, dark-brown band occupies 
the better part of two or three segments, streaked and 
speckled with white. The two last segments are pure 
white. The full-grown larva of P. echerioides is a really 
beautiful object, of a deep, vivid apple-green ; the sides 
and underneath part varying in colour from a rich ochre 
to a deep, “sunset-flushed” russet-brown. The pupa is 
green or brown, and in shape is most extraordinary, like 
a shrivelled-up autumn leaf. These larvae grew very 
rapidly, especially after I moved down to Umzinto, a very 
hot place in the coast-belt ; and they all pupated early in 
April. I naturally expected, at this season, that they 
would now remain in pupa till the following spring; but 
whether influenced by the intense heat of Umzinto, or 
would naturally be producing an autumn brood in the 
high, upland forests, where echericides makes its home, I 
am unable to say; anyhow, on April 20, a fine f emerged, 

Larvae and Pupae of South African Rhopalocera. 51 

and before I left Umzinto, at the end of the month, every 
one I had was a butterfly, nine in number, and all perfect, 
except for a slight malformation in the wing of one ¢. 

3. Charaxes guderiana, Dew 
(Plate IX, figs. 3a, 30, 3c.) 

The remarkable dissimilarity of the sexes is the most 
striking feature in this species; as the 2 could apparently 
be classed as a small species belonging to the saturnus 
group, whereas the @ is like a glorified ethalion. I was 
unacquainted with the ?, though I had taken one or two 
specimens of the ¢ at Umtali (Rhodesia), in August 1908, 
when one hot sunny morning, in September, up the 
“Water Valley,” near Macequece (a Portuguese village 
“over the frontier,” where I was staying), Bersa and I 
simultaneously caught sight of a tawny-brown Charazes 
flying rapidly from one plant to another on the hill-side, 
evidently with a view to finding the proper food-plant, 
whereon to oviposite; so we stood quite still and watched 
her, and it was not long before, having selected the sapling 
of a kind of Acacia (Brachystegia appendiculata), she 
paused, and apparently laid an egg, then flew right away 
out of sight. But there was her egg, right enough, a 
bright green, unmistakable Charaxes ovum; and we were 
soon searching all the similar plants growing on that hill- 
side. Neither was it long before Bersa exclaimed, “ Here 
isalarva!” And there, sure enough, wasa full-fed Charaxes 
larva—quite unlike any we had ever seen before. The 
distinctive markings were crimson-pink on the irrorated 
green surface, consisting of two central pink dots on the 
fourth segment from the head, in addition to which a 
continuous line of pink splashes, one on each segment, 
ornamented this beautiful caterpillar on either side. We 
soon found some more of all sizes, though they scarcely 
seemed abundant on that hot spring morning (September 8, 
1908). This is the life-history of the green egg, which is 
now a f guderiana in my collection:—Hatched out on 
September 13, exactly like any other young Charazes 
larva to look at, of adull ochreous colour, with dark-brown, 
almost black head and tail. First moult satisfactorily 
effected on the morning of September 18. For the second 
time, again in the early morning, on September 22, head 
still dark brown in colour; but, while in this skin, 

EK 2 

52 Miss M. E. Fountaine’s Descriptions of 

gradually changed to green, heavily outlined with dark 
crimson. The third moult took place on September 27, 
and for the fourth and Jast time on October 3, the larva 
now being twenty days old. It fed for ten days in the 
final skin, hanging up for pupation on the evening of 
October 13, exactly one month from the day it had 
hatched out. The butterfly, which proved to be a @, 
emerged at Beira, on October 24. In the meantime, from 
the larvae we had found, I had bred a fair number of both 
sexes. The pupa is the usual shape of a Charazes pupa, 
green, with white lines indicating the wing-cases, if 
allowed to pupate on the food-plant ; but if removed when 
still a larva to the pupa cage, which was almost in the 
dark, the pupa assumed a pale, dull drab colour. A 
rather curious instance of the attachment of individual 
caterpillars to each other was observed by me when I was 
breeding these guderiana. Two larvae about the same size 
had formed one of these strong attachments to each other, 
insisting invariably in sharing the same nest, no matter 
how far apart I might place them on the fresh food-plant. 
And when one pupated and was duly removed to the 
chrysalis cage, his friend became very restless, and soon 
showed such unmistakable evidences of following his 
example, that I removed him also to the chrysalis cage, 
round which he wandered vaguely for some time, finally 
ending in hanging up as close as possible to the pupa of 
his former friend. The two butterflies resulting were 
both ¢f. Much could be written by close observers 
concerning the wonderful instinct and foresight of cater- 
pillars, especially those belonging to this noble genus 
Charaxes. How the larvae of C. candiope, when feeding in 
the winter on their food-plant (Croton sylvaticwm), in order 
to prevent their pupae falling when the plant sheds its 
leaves, will first take infinite pains to attach the stalk of 
that particular leaf which it intends to hang upon, to the 
branch it is on, by a silk web as firm as the one by which 
its pupa will be attached to that stalk further up. Also 
I once observed a full-grown larva of C. ethalion which 
feeds on Albizzia fastigiata (the Flat-crown Acacia), walk- 
ing slowly along a bare stalk, scanning as it went on 
either side to find a leaf; but all the leaves on that stalk 
had already been eaten, so he travelled quite to the end 
without being able to appease his hunger ; then he turned 
back and quickly retraced his steps, with every evidence 

Larvae and Pupae of South African Rhopalocera. 538 

of annoyance and disgust, till once on the main stalk, he 
deliberately turned round and began to gnaw through the 
one he had just left, till it dropped off and fell to the 
bottom of the cage ; evidently he did not intend to run any 
risk of ever going on that fool’s errand again! I believe this 
was by no means a unique incident in the life of a cater- 
pillar, for I think it is commonly done by them, and 
accounts for the old stalks we so often find lying at the 
bottom of breeding cages. 

4. Charaxes xiphares, Cram, 
(Plate IX, fig. 4.) 

This butterfly occurs in some abundance in certain 
localities up-country in Natal. At Dargle in a peach 
orchard belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Kimber, to which 
they most kindly gave me free access, I found the ? ? of this 
butterfly in dozens, feasting on the peaches, but the ff, 
strangely enough, were exceedingly rare ; this I afterwards 
understood being the experience of all entomologists who 
have ever taken this huge Charaaes. As it had never 
been bred and its food-plant was quite unknown, I did 
not for some time succeed in obtaining ova, though I had no 
less than seven captive ? feasting every day on my sugar 
and water and laying nothing! I gave them a selection 
of all the bush plants I could think of, as at all likely to 
be the food-plant of a Charaxes. But I had not amongst 
them hit on the right one, and this at last I discovered in 
the usual way by watching a wild ? apparently laying on 
a shrub growing in the high bush, on the top of a mountain 
(5200 feet). It was a big shrub with sweet, “myrtle” 
scented leaves; and though I could not find her ovum 
there seemed but little doubt that it was correct, as my 
captive 2° who had just began to lay now, but very 
sparingly, and nearly always on the net of their cage, at 
once began to cover this “myrtle” plant with large pale 
straw-coloured ova. And the matter was quite decided 
by our finding a few Charazes ova on it, outside on the 
mountain a day or two later. So when the united efforts 
of my captive 2? had resulted in 99 eggs, I let them all 
go,and only hoped I should find our “ myrtle” plant easily 
at Donnybrook, which place I now went on to, only to 
encounter the most hopeless weather with deluges of rain 
Two «iphares larvae from ova found outside hatched out 

54 Miss M. E. Fountaine’s Descriptions of 

the day I left Maritzburg. But I soon found that every- 
thing in the life-history of this beautiful up-country 
Charaxes was of much slower development than of those 
inhabiting only the coast districts; in which invariably 
the period between Jaying and hatching, and also between 
each moult is five days, or even occasionally (especially 
with C. candiope) not more than four, whereas with 
wiphares these intervals were much longer, as to begin 
with the ova did not hatch out under 10 or 12 days. Most 
of those I had, hatched on February 28 (16), and March 1 
(12), after which the remaining ova, though many of them 
had changed colour and therefore were evidently fertile, 
showed no further signs of coming out at all; indeed I 
have a theory that in their natural state, they hibernate 
as ova, or as very young larvae; but I have only just 
begun upon what still remains to be discovered about the 
early stages of this butterfly, for as I soon left for Jolivet, a 
much warmer place, my larvae continued to feed up well, 
though very slowly, and the first moult did not occur till 
some of them were 12 and some even 14 days old: the 
next moult, however, was rather shorter, mostly from 8 to 
10 days in duration, but it varied considerably in different 
individuals, as was the case of these larvae throughout their 
existence. For instance, the first to enter into the final 
skin was on April 4, and this was one of the last to have 
hatched out, and the next day, April 5, the last of them 
(with one exception which was far behind the rest) 
changed his skin for the third time only, this one being 
one day older than the one who had just entered his final 
moult the day before, and the same age as several more 
who made that change the same day. I was now in the 
intense heat of Umzinto, and the wiphares did not seem 
any the better for it; they were still feeding up extremely 
slowly, and several died for no apparent reason, in fact 
they seemed to be “feeling the heat,” and nothing would 
induce them to pupate, which as I now had many young 
larvae of C. candiope, C. cithaeron, C. brutus, and C. ethalion 
to attend to, I was especially anxious for them to do, 
though I had found their food-plant (Cryptocarya woodia, 
acuminata), Kafr name ‘ Umquotungwa,” everywhere 
down on the coast, growing more abundantly than up- 
country. These larvae were certainly very like their close 
ally C. cithaeron, the dorsal marks being practically the 
same, but the green was quite different, being much 

Larvae and Pupae of South African Rhopalocera. 55 

brighter with more yellow in it, and none of the whitish 
touches introduced as in cithaeron larvae. I now began 
to see that, after all the trouble we had had, my success 
with these xiphares was going to be anything but un- 
precedented; they did not like what to them was the 
unnatural heat of the coast, and though they still continued 
to feed, no attempt at pupation took place till May 4, the 
day after my return to Durban. The pupa was much 
smaller than I knew well in order to produce a full-sized 
butterfly of this large species it had any business to be. 
The remaining larvae got on still worse in Durban, and as 
the winter advanced almost gave up feeding altogether ; 
Mr. Leigh declared they were trying to hibernate, and 
indeed I think he was right; however, all either died, or 
pupated at last, and I hoped as they were such small 
pupae that they would produce ff, as I had only succeeded 
in getting one good specimen of that sex, owing to its 
extraordinary scarcity ; but in this I was disappointed, I 
bred nothing but rather undersized 2 ? (the last to emerge 
was before the end of June), and it has occurred to me 
that for some reason or other this species may possibly 
eventually be proved to be partially parthenogenetic, but 
this, on my part, is only a suggestion, and in order to be 
proved will have to be followed up and worked out by 
some one else. 

5. Salamis anacardi, Linn. 
(Plate IX, figs. 5a, 50.) 

I believe the full-grown larva of this butterfly was not 
previously known to entomologists, at least not when I 
was at Durban in February 1908, for though there was no 
doubt that its food-plant is Lsoglossa woodii, ova having 
frequently been obtained, the young larvae had always 
invariably declined to eat, so that up to now all attempts to 
rear them had proved unsuccessful. However, on February 
3, 1908, I found a full-grown larva in Stella Bush, near 
Durban, which I describe as follows :—Head shiny, burnt- 
sienna in colour, the ground-colour velvety russet-brown, 
with three yellow stripes close together on each segment, 
two long stiff brown “antler” projections in front, with 
rough pectinated spikes all over the body of the larva, 
though the two in front were considerably longer than 
the rest. It pupated two days after I had it, the pupa 

56 Miss M. E. Fountaine’s Descriptions of 

being suspended from a stalk of the food-plant, and was 
of a rich soft burnt-sienna, varying in tone according to 
pattern, and was in shape not unlike the pupa of a Precis, 
The imago (a ¢) emerged on February 17, after having 
remained about 12 days in pupa. 

6. Precis octavia, Cram; 7. P. archesia, Cram. ; 
and 8. P. cloantha, Cram. 

(Plate IX, figs. 6a, 6b; Ta, 7b; Plate X, figs. 8a, 8d.) 

I bred all these Precis during my stay up-country in 
Natal, in the summer of 1909. From ova laid by a 
captive 2 of P. octavia, at Dargle, I obtained about 70 
pupae, and of these, the six first to emerge (about the 
middle of March) belonged to the octavia or wet-season 
form, while all the rest were sesamus, or dry-season form. 
The food-plant is Plectranthus ecalcinus, the larva is dark- 
brown, more or less encircled with yellow stripes, it is 
spiky, with two Jong projections in front. Of P. archesia 
I bred a short series from larvae found at Jolivet, feeding 
on another kind of Plectranthus, apparently from ova laid 
by P. v. pelasgis, Godt., 2 9, as several were still busy ovi- 
positing over the same plants, from which I took the 
larvae, and P. archesia (type) was not in evidence at all; 
however, in April and early May, all I bred were of this 
last-mentioned dry-season form, with one beautiful 2 in- 
termediate between the two. ‘The larvae were black, 
finely irrorated with white, and had the usual spikes and 
frontal projections, the pupa had no gilt ornamentations 
as in P. octavia. I also obtained ova of P. cloantha, from 
a? I caught at Dargle, having by observing the wild 29 
ovipositing discovered the food-plant to be a small weed 
which grew in amongst the grass all over the veldt 
(Justicia pulegioides). I had but poor success with these 
larvae, in fact only bred six or seven out of some dozens, as 
so many died off at Donnybrook, why I do not know, unless 
it was from the intense cold which occurred there during 
my visit. The full-grown larva of this species 1s very 
handsome, head pale, bright, burnt-sienna; the underside 
and forelegs are dark-brown; it is striped throughout 
alternately with broad rich dark-brown and deep yellow- 
ochre; frontal projections much shorter than in the other 
Precis, not stiff or pectinated, but instead knobbed at the 
tip. The pupa is quite unlike any other Precis pupa I have 

Larvae and Pupae of South African Rhopalocera. 57 

seen, pale, yellowish-green, thinly streaked and slightly 
spotted with dark reddish-brown; also in shape with 
fewer and less acute angles. 

9. Pseudacraca tarquinia, Trim.; 10. P. imitator, Trim. ; 
and 11. P. trimenii, Butl. 

(Plate X, figs. 9a, 9b; 10a, 100, 10c; 11a, 110.) 

The discovery of the interesting larvae of all these 
three species of Pseuwdacraca, I can in no way lay claim to, 
as it is entirely due to the keen observation, perseverance 
and ability of Mr. G. F. Leigh, F.E.S., who has, however, 
kindly given me permission to describe them. P. tarquinia 
was the first to be discovered by Mr. Leigh, at Pinetown 
Bridge, Natal, feeding on Mimusops obovata, and after- 
wards in Stella Bush, near Durban, on two kinds of 
Chrysophyllum. 'The larva full grown is a remarkably 
striking object: head pale-pink, streaked with crimson, 
“neck” pale-grey, above the six legs, behind which spring 
out two long curved projections, the tips of which reach 
to and extend beyond the head, crimson-pink in colour, 
and pectinated ; the back of this larva is deep vivid green, 
of a “wrinkled” appearance, with a bright pink broken-up 
streak along the sides, where the green stops to give place 
to a pale pearly-grey; a short distance from the tail end, 
are two stiff, very pale-yellow projections, not so long as 
those behind the head. The young larvae in this species 
do not differ greatly from the full-grown ones, save that 
the frontal “antlers” are much longer in proportion to its 
tiny size, and the green is somewhat paler. They feed 
when young at the extreme tips of the leaf, gradually 
eating it away, but taking care to leave the mid-rib, till 
it becomes an inch or more in length, and the larva when 
not feeding rests at the extreme end of it, but when they 
get older this habit is more or less abandoned. The egg, 
which is pale straw-colour, is also laid at the extreme tip 
or edge of a leaf. Mr. Leigh also discovered P. imitator, 
and most kindly instructed me how to look for and obtain 
it in Stella Bush; Chrysophyllum natalense was the plant 
we usually found it on. Its habits are similar to those of 
P. tarquinia, but the young larvae differ greatly from the 
full-grown ones in the last skin. The egg is pink, and 
turns black before hatching. The head and “neck” of 
the larva in early moults are dull, pale greenish-grey 

58 Miss iF Pownteine’s Descriptions of 

projections short and dull white, tapering to a blackish 
point, broad mid-dorsal stripe green, of a much bluer tone 
than the green of P. tarquinia; this is outlined with dull 
white, and the underside is dull whitish, with brown- 
madder streaks and shadings; about the centre of the 
caterpillar is a remarkable and most curious arrangement, 
a kind of three-cornered piece of skin, which is whiter and 
seems also to stand out from the rest of the surface, look- 
ing as if it would lift up. This also remains in the full- 
grown larva, the prevailing colour of which is a soft dull 
russet-brown, beautifully marked with a rich, dark-brown 
design, with just a suspicion of olive-green introduced. 
At this stage of its development, the larva leaves the tip 
of the mid-rib, and generally reposes at the stalk end of 
the leaf instead, often sitting in a most extraordinary 
twisted position, with head and tail end erect, looking 
exactly like a short brown twisted twig. The larva of 
P. trimenii I never had the good fortune to find myself, 
though I have been out with Mr. Leigh when he has done 
so, and on one occasion Bersa and I held down for him 
the lower bough of a Chrysophyllum natalense tree, which 
proved to have a full-grown ¢rimenii at the end of it, 
about which, however, a bargain was struck there and 
then, so that that specimen is now a fine darkly-coloured 
? in my collection. I never saw this caterpillar except 
in its last skin, but the following is an excellent descrip- 
tion, since sent to me by Mr. Leigh, with permission to 
publish it :—“ It is nearly black in colour when just hatched 
out, and immediately covers itself with its own frass; in 
the second skin it is grey, and looks more like a lot of 
large, grey frass all joined together, but the head is large, 
also grey. It gets away from its food in a more extra- 
ordinary manner even than P. imitator, on a web of its 
own, about the thickness of cotton, which is also grey in 
colour ; I measured one and found it seven and a half inches 
in length, and the larva at rest in the grey skin at the 
extreme end. It does not look like a [butterfly] cater- 
pillar at all, as it sits all of a heap, with its two hind- 
segments up in the air, like the larva of our Wotodontidae. 
The third skin is brown, and the white markings at side 
appear, also the four projections behind the head.” The 
full-grown larva is a most extraordinary-looking creature, 
as it sits at rest in the same queer twisted position 
assumed by P. emitator, looking exactly like an old rough 

Larvae and Pupae of South African Rhopalocera, 59 

piece of twig from the tree it feeds on, with thick “‘ mossy ” 
projections on every segment, the four next behind the 
head longer than the rest, and curved forward. It is rich 
olive-brown in colour, beautifully shaded, and it has one 
or two crimson dorsal spots; the three-cornered side piece 
is greyish-white, looking exactly like a small piece of 
lichen on the rough surface of the “twig”; the head is 
slate-grey. The pupae of these Psewdacraeae, which are 
suspended generally quite at the tip of extreme edge of a 
leat, are as follows :—P. tarquinia, long, thin, and _ boat- 
shaped, tapering to a point, and it is green in colour, some 
specimens being touched and outlined slightly with pink, 
P. imitator is also green, rather deeper in colour, and the 
shape is quite different, having two sharp, well-defined 
projections from that part which encloses the abdomen of 
the butterfly, while the pointed end is twisted and flat, 
and not so pointed as in P. tarquinia. The pupa of 
P. trimenii is much blunter and more substantial-looking 
than the other two, it is of a deep rich green, the abdomen 
portion frosted with white and very pale ochreous dashes ; 
about the centre of outline of wing-cases, is a dark, brown- 
madder rather elongated mark, surmounted and_ half 
surrounded by a suffusion of pale pinkish-brown, the tip 1s 
blunt, slightly turned up, and outlined with brown-madder. 

12. Hurytela dryope, Cram., and 13. #. hiarbas, Dru. 
(Plate X, figs. 12, 13.) 

I bred a good many of both these little butterflies, from 
ova laid by captive ¢¢. They are considered by Mr. 
Leigh to belong in all probability to the same species, 
and indeed I could never have separated their larvae if 
once mixed together ; in all stages they were exactly alike, 
and though in the last moult individually they vary 
enormously, I have bred both forms of the butterfly 
indiscriminately from every variety of the larva; against 
this, however, I must state, that as far as my experience 
goes, the ova ‘laid by ZL. hiarbas, always produced hzarbas, 
whereas those of a dryope 2 invariably produced dryope. 
The larvae of these butterflies in their early moults are 
dull, ochreous-white, with brown blotches here and there; 
when full-grown they are covered with short spines, and 
the two long antler projections on the head become more 
prominent; their colour now varies from bright green to 
brown, slightly mottled and streaked with yellow-ochre, 

60 Miss M. E. Fountaine’s Descriptions of 

along the sides is a white stripe, sparsely speckled with 
black, and broken into between each segment. Under- 
neath it is green or dull brownish as the case may be. 

14. Acraea nohara, Boisd. 
(Plate X, figs. 14a, 140.) 

This larva feeds like several others of this same genus 
on Wormskioldia longepedunculata, a small, wayside 
flower, salmon-pink in colour, which grew abundantly in 
and about Macequece, a village in Portuguese East Africa. 
The larva is most difficult to describe, longitudinally 
streaked with pale and dark ochre-yellow, finely outlined 
with thin black lines, the spines are also black; they feed 
by preference on the flower itself of their food-plant, the 
salmon-pink colour of which is almost identical in tone 
with the salmon-pink colour of the freshly-emerged 
butterflies. The pupa which is suspended, is very long 
and thin in shape, wing-cases pale slaty-grey, veined with 
black, and the abdomen cream-colour with rows of 
ochreous-yellow dots, encircled in black. 

15. A. caldarena, Hewits. 
(Plate X, figs. 15a, 15d.) 

The larva of this butterfly also feeds on the flowers and 
leaves of W. longepedunculata; it is of a soft pink rose- 
colour, shading into yellow at the extremities, underneath 
it has a longitudinal white stripe between the legs, 
extending from head to tail; the spines are black. The 
pupa is not quite so elongated in shape as that of 
A. nohara, the wing-cases are pale, dull drab veined and 
outlined with black, the abdomen is deep cream-colour, 
with the rows of orange spots so heavily outlined with 
black as to be almost coalescent. I found this larva, but 
not at all commonly, at Macequece. 

16. A. anemosa, Hewits. 
(Plate X, figs. 16a, 160.) 

This very handsome, extremely active little larva 
occurred very commonly at Macequece, on almost every 
available piece of its food-plant, a creeper, identified at 
the Board of Agriculture at Pretoria as (most probably) 
Modecca abyssinica. I first discovered it, in the usual 
way, by watching a ? laying eggs; these are laid in batches 

of various sizes, some with about ten eggs together, others 



Fic. la. Papilio ophidicephalus, larva, young, p. 48. 

1b. 3 . » adult, p. 49. 
le. 5 pupa, p. 49. 

2a. Papilio echerioides, larva, young, p. 50. 

2b. ing 3 »» adult, p. 50. 

2c. + ry pupa, p. 50. 

2Qd. 55 3 7S Pa BOL 

3a. Charaxes guderiana, larva, p. 51. 

3b, z is pupa, p. 52. 

3c. % . a Dee 

4. Charaxes xiphares, larva, p. 54. 
5a. Salamis anacardii, larva, p. 55. 
5b. - , pupa, p. 56. 
6a. Precis octavia, larva, p. 56. 

6b. - “3 pupa, p. 56. 

7a. Precis archesia, larva, p. 56. 
7b. 3 Wp pupa, p. 56. 

er Trans. Ent.,Soc. Lond.,1911, Pl. X 

Fig. 8a. 






Precis cloantha, larva, p. 56. 

5 9 pupa, p. 56. 
Pseudacraea tarquinia, larva, p. 57. 
"> » pupa, p. 59. 
Pseudacraea imitator, larva, young, p. 57. 
19 ” 9? ” p- 58. 
0 53 pupa, p. 59. 

Pseudacraea trimenti, larva, p. 58. 
3 of pupa, p. 59. 
Eurytela dryope, larva, p. 59. 
E. hiarbas, larva, p. 59. 
Acraea nohara, larva, p. 60. 
4 » pupa, p. 60. 
Acraea caldarena, larva, p. 60. 
ns 43 pupa, p. 60. 
Acraea anemosa, larva, p. 61. 
5 A pupa, p. 61. 
Leptonewra dingana, larva, young, p. 61. 
a s, » adult, p. 61. 

Larvae and Pupae of South African Rhopalocera, 61 

having as many as twenty-five or even more. The larva 
is very easy to rear, and feeds up very rapidly, and it 
remains only about eight days in pupa; but where the 
difficulty come in, is that the supply of its food-plant 
should meet the demand, as it is a dark-coloured very 
inconspicuous little creeper, most difficult to find, and 
when a piece is discovered it is generally already sustaining 
two or three or more larvae of this same species. In 
colour it is a bright, shiny red-russet, shaded into deep 
yellow at the extremities, the spines are long, furry and 
black. The pupa is dingy-white in ground-colour, the 
wing-case the same, but heavily outlined and veined in 
black, the rows of abdominal spots are deep orange, very 
heavily surrounded with black. 

17. Leptoneura dingana, Trim. 
(Plate X, figs. 17a, 170.) 

I was able to discover the larvae of this butterfly and 
something of their habits owing to a 2 I caught at 
Barberton in the Transvaal having laid three ova on 
November 5, 1908. These hatched out in thirteen days, 
on November 18, and dingana being a Satyride, I thought 
they would probably be grass-feeders, and such they 
proved to be. All three lived and were doing well, show- 
ing no special preference for any particular kind of grass, 
which was as well, as they continued feeding for six 
months, in fact all through the summer, and _ travelled 
with me wherever I went. Early in May they evidently 
prepared to hibernate, as full-grown larvae, but owing I 
suppose to the unnatural conditions of a bed of cotton 
wool to sleep on, instead of the cool earth, they all died 
before the winter was over, so that I, therefore, never saw 
the pupa. The larva during its early moults is a pale, 
creamy yellow, with longitudinal thin, fine black lines, 
and some touches of deeper yellow, the head also is deep 
yellow. In the last skin this caterpillar is brown, much 
varied with deep, dark-brown, and black streaks, the head 
now is reddish brown-madder, covered with short, very 
fine hairs, tail slightly forked. 

1, The Studios, Sherriff Road, 

West Hampstead, N.W., 
June 1910. 

[See Hxplanation facing the PLATES. ] 

( 62°") 

V. Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria. .The 
Sphegidae. (Being Part V of the work commenced 
by the late EDWARD SAUNDERS, F.R.S., in Trans. 
Ent. Soc. 1901, p, 515.) Revised and completed by 
the Rev. F. D. Morics, M.A., F.ES. 

{Read November 2nd, 1910.] 

In the first paper of the work above referred to (Hetero- 
gyna and Fossores to the end of Pompilidae) Mr. Saunders 
expressed his hope that I would follow it shortly with one 
upon the Sphegidae. But on attempting to do so, I soon 
discovered that I was undertaking a task to which I was 
unequal, and so we agreed instead that he should go on 
at once to the other parts of his subject (the Diploptera 
and Anthophila) and publish his account of them without 
waiting for the completion of my paper. Later still, to 
my great relief, he consented to a further modification of 
the plan: that I should continue the work gradually till 
his other papers had appeared, after which he would 
co-operate with me in finishing it. So the matter stood 
when, in 1908, Saunders’s third paper (the Anthophila) 
appeared in these Transactions; and we then definitely 
settled arrangements for a division of labour, Saunders 
undertaking certain Genera, and I others, with the idea of 
speedily publishing a joint-paper which should form the 
concluding part of the entire series. 

Saunders’s illness and death made it impossible to carry 
out the plan as it was intended ; but he was at work upon 
his share of it up to the last. He had practically com- 
pleted several “ Descriptions of new species,’ which were 
found among his papers, and appeared in the Society’s 
Transactions for 1910, Part IV. He had also drawn up 
an annotated list of all Mr. Eaton’s insects (except a few 
which at the time were in my hands for determination) 
and had included in it certain of my own specimens, 
which he had examined and taken note of before leaving 
home. The annotations were mainly records of localities 
and dates of capture copied from the labels pinned under 
the specimens. Others were extracts from a MS. diary 


Rev. F. D. Morice on Hymenoptera aculeata. 63 

kept by Mr. Eaton during bis stay in Algeria from Jan. 
1893 to Aug. 1897, giving much detailed information as 
to the plants visited by particular insects, their appearance 
and behaviour during life, ete., ete. Occasionally (but 
very seldom) a remark of Mr. Saunders’s own was added ; 
and these seemed generally not intended for publication, 
but merely to identify a particular specimen about whose 
treatment he had not made up his mind (e.g. “Sp. ? under 

: age a ; 
arenarum in my box”; “ Large insect (like emarginata) ” ; 
“ Black wings!”; “Stylopised”; “Determined for me by 

Kohl”; etc.). The list was evidently written quickly, 
with many abbreviations, notes of interrogation, etc., 
sometimes in ink, sometimes in pencil or blue chalk, and 
blank spaces left for subsequent insertions of names, dates, 
authorships of species, and the like. In fact it has the 
appearance of a “rough draft” intended to assist him in 
preparing his final “copy,” and would scarcely be intelli- 
gible to another person apart from the actual collections 
to which it refers. But by working carefully through it 
with those collections,* and also with Mr. Eaton’s original 
diary—the latter having been placed in my hands along 
with all Saunders’s entomological MSS. after his death— 
I believe I have been able to incorporate its substance in 
this paper, very nearly in the shape in which its author 
intended to publish it. 

This MS. list, then, compiled by Mr. Saunders, supple- 
mented by additional records of my own captures, and re- 
vised and emended as to certain details after comparing it 
with the labels attached to the actual specimens referred to 
and verifying its citations from Mr. Eaton’s diary, forms the 
nucleus of the present paper. The parts of it for which 
I am solely responsible—besides the above purely editorial 
work—are these. (1) The introductory remarks, viz. every- 
thing preceding the list itself. (2) All descriptions of new 
or otherwise remarkable forms—Saunders’s own work of 
this kind having appeared already in the 1910 volume of 
these Transactions. (8) The arrangement in order of the 
Genera represented, and the occasional addition of sub- 
generic names in brackets. In all such matters I have 

* The authorities of the Natural History Museum, who now 
possess all the Hymenoptera of the Saunders Coll., most kindly 
allowed the Sphegidae to remain in my charge till this paper should 
be completed. Otherwise it would have been practically impossible 
for me to write it. 

64 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

followed Herr Kohl’s work (“Sphegiden-Gattungen,” Wien, 
1896). (4) Practically the entire treatment of certain 
Genera, which had been left to me by our arrangement, 
especially Ammophila, Cerceris, and the Genera included 
in various works of Kohl and Handlirsch, e.g. Diodontus, 
Nysson, Sphecius, Stizus, ete. (But I should add that I 
have rarely arrived at a determination of any doubtful 
form even in these Genera without at some time consulting 
Saunders on the subject, so that many of the determina- 
tions were really rather his than mine.) 

My whole collection of Crabro (sensu latiore) has been 
recently examined and determined for me by Herr Kohl; 
and, as will be seen below, some also of the names here 
given for specimens in Saunders’s collection rest on his 
authority. The same great hymenopterist has at various 
times given me or named for me examples of a great 
many little-known Mediterranean Sphegidae; and having 
these “quasi-types,” as they may be called, before me, I 
have been enabled to arrive at determinations, which I 
hope are correct, of several specimens left unnamed by 
Saunders. Whenever I have ventured to question any of 
my colleague’s identifications, it has nearly always been 
on the authority of some specimen of my own determined 
by Kohl, Handlirsch, or Schletterer. 

I have thought it right to enter into the above details, 
which might otherwise seem rather tedious, because I am 
anxious not to claim for myself the credit for work which 
is really that of my friend, and yet not to cast upon him 
the responsibility for imperfections arising simply from 
the fact that I, and not he, have put this work into its 
final shape. 

On a rough calculation it appears that very nearly 200 
Sphegidae-spp. belonging to 33 genera are recorded below. 
Of these, more than half occurred at Biskra only (!); and 
that half comprises nearly all the finest and most striking 
forms, and quite a surprising number of species and even 
genera (Kohlia, Laphyragogus, etc.) which were either 
altogether or almost unknown to science when we found 
them. Several of these almost tropical insects occur 
also in Egypt, on the border-line between the Delta 
and the deserts east and west of Cairo, and, together 
with the species most nearly related to them in the same 
districts, appear to form a definite “Saharan” group; which 
probably extends all along the northern fringe of Central 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 65 

Africa, and differs considerably in general appearance 
(colour, silvery pilosity, etc.) from the more European- 
looking fauna of the coast. As a rule, in these “Saharan” 
forms, the prevailing colours are pale lemon-yellow, creamy- 
white, and red (or testaceous) with very little black, 
blended harmoniously together, and with the contrasts 
between them further softened and disguised by their 
silvery clothing ; whereas of the “‘ Kuropean” forms, some 
exhibit strong contrasts of black and red, others of black 
and yellow, and many (generally small species) are simply 
black. On the other hand, it is puzzling to find (along 
with the gaily-coloured yet evidently “cryptic” Saharan 
forms, and confined to the districts frequented by them) 
a certain number of very large, quite black (or black with 
silvery hair-patches), and altogether most conspicuous 
insects, usually with the wings very dark also—belonging 
to many different genera in which such a coloration is 
quite abnormal or even unknown in Europe, though 
apparently yet further south than the Sahara it is not 

Of the genera which occur both in Europe and in North 
Africa, some (as might be expected) are represented by 
many more species in the former, others in the latter. 
Thus the timber-frequenting Sphegidae, such as Try- 
poxylon, Crabro (groups of Crossocerus, ete.), Passaloecus, 
Pemphedron, etc., figure little in the list of Mr. Eaton’s cap- 
tures, and scarcely at all in my own; though this, perhaps, 
is partly because of a collector's natural tendency to be 
attracted by striking and conspicuous insects and to 
neglect such as look to him ordinary and uninteresting. 
On the other hand, of certain sand-burrowing genera, 
e.g. Ammophila, Stizus, and Cerceris, the Algerian species 
are both exceedingly numerous and far more diversified 
in appearance than would be expected by a Hymenopterist 
familiar only with European forms. It might be supposed 
that the same would be the case with Mellinus, but as a 
matter of fact neither Mr. Eaton nor myself encountered 
that genus in Algeria at all. Our captures of Gorytes 
include several very beautiful or otherwise remarkable 
forms, but hardly any of the numerous rather common 
and deceptively similar species which figure so largely in 
the European fauna. 

Both Tachytes and Tuchysphex are represented in Algeria 
by many remarkable species. Some of the finest are 


66 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

known also from Egypt; others were described as new by 
Saunders in last year’s Transactions (Part IV), but un- 
happily he did not live to describe the finest of all. (See 
below, Tachytes swperbiens, n. sp.) 

Owing to the long time which has elapsed between the 
forming and recording of these collections, several insects 
which, when we found them, were “new to science,” have 
since been discovered and described by others, e.g. Anei- 
stromma europaca, Mercet, Cerceris hartliebi, Schulz, ete. 
The same may have occurred in the case of some species 
here treated as new, but I hope not often. The literature 
on the subject is scattered, and my own acquaintance with 
it far from profound. But Saunders kept careful note of 
such descriptions as they appeared, and inserted them in 
an interleaved MS. catalogue of Palaearctic Aculeates 
(extracted from v. Dalla Torre’s work) which I now 
possess ; and correspondence with Kohl, Mercet, Schmiede- 
knecht and others has kept me generally pretty well 
informed as to the gvorks that have been published of 
recent years relating to the Sphegidae of Europe and N. 
Africa. If I have inadvertently overlooked any previously 
published description of any of these insects, I trust the 
author will accept this apology. 

It may be thought that I have been almost over-careful 
to record all Mr. Eaton’s notes on “colour of eyes in life,” 
“plants visited by particular species,” etc. Taken as a 
whole, however, they embody a large number of facts, 
which may possibly hereafter become of value in ways 
which cannot now be foreseen, as bearing on problems 
not yet raised by scientific workers. Mr. Saunders, I 
know, was at first very hopeful on this head; though I 
believe he latterly felt some doubt as to the utility of 
enumerating, one by one, all the countless species resort- 
ing to such universally attractive flowers as Ammz visnaga 
at Biskra, etc. Still one never knows what dry bones of 
fact may have life breathed into them by some future 
Darwin; so I give these records as I find them. 

It must of course always be remembered, that preda- 
ceous insects like the Sphegidae may be attracted to a 
particular plant for various reasons—e. g. in quest of other 
insects frequenting it, as well as to suck the nectar of its 
flowers. But collectors who are also botanists will cer- 
tainly find it helpful on commencing work in a locality 
which is fresh to them to have a preliminary idea of the 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 67 

particular plants which are most likely to reward special 
observation. And to take the particular case already 
alluded to, there can be no doubt that the simplest way to 
ensure a magnificent series of the handsomest Algerian 
Hymenoptera—I do not say the best way of securing 
really important scientific results—is to spend day after 
day of long hours of sunshine among the almost mono- 
tonous patches of Ammi visnaga which fill the Oued of 
Biskra in the months of May, June, and probably July in 
a favourable year. No skill is required in taking the 
insects under such circumstances, and the only difficulty 
is to make the work of determining and preparing the 
specimens keep pace with the endless stream of fresh 

A matter to which I should like to invite attention is 
the great length of the period throughout which certain 
species appear to be on the wing annually in Algeria, 
examples of them having been taken in almost every 
month of one year or another. Few, if any, Sphegidae 
appear in our own country for more than a few months; 
and most of them are rather summer or autumn than 
spring insects. That a species should appear earlier in 
Algeria seems natural enough, but one would rather expect 
it to be also “over” earlier, which apparently is seldom 
the case. It looks as though, in some cases, two or even 
three generations of the same species must be produced 
within a year; for several of the specimens taken at quite 
late dates (August or September) are in as fresh a condi- 
tion as or even fresher than earlier ones. At the same time 
many species, and among them some of the most char- 
acteristically Saharan forms, seem, from the dates here 
recorded, to have a comparatively short season—generally 
appearing first towards the end of May and becoming 
plentiful a week or so later, but not occurring in the spring 
or the late autumn. As these records extend over six 
successive years, statistics founded upon them may have 
some value; but they would of course be more reliable if 
Mr. Eaton or myself had spent longer periods than we 
did on any single hunting-ground, or had continued 
indefinitely to secure further duplicates of species which 
we had already taken “to satiety.” Probably hymeno- 
pterists who are fortunate enough to reside in Mediter- 
ranean countries could supply information on these matters 
which would be interesting to those who can only visit 


68 Rey. F. D. Morice on 

them occasionally; but I have not succeeded in getting 
much light on the subject from any published material to 
which I have access at present. 


1.9. Alger, 15. iv, 98) FF. D. M. 

Taken flying about a wayside bank on the steep direct 
ascent to Bouzarea. Though I frequently revisited the 
spot no other specimen occurred. 


19. Azazga. Roadside bank going towards the French 
cemetery between 9 and 10 a.m., 7. 1x, 93. A. E. E. 


Specimens, all of which appear to me to belong to thiS 
species, were taken by Mr. Eaton or myself in one locality 
or another, in every month of the year except January, 
February, and October! Generally they occurred burrow- 
ing in sand or roadside banks; but Mr. Eaton records 
several on plants and flowering trees, viz. at Constantine 
on Ecballium elaterium; at Biskra visiting Huphorbia 
Guyoniana, Suacda verniculata, Tamarix (near the 
Barrage), and “a tree with blue flowers” in the Jardin by 
Fort St. Germain. (Since they prey on Aphids, it would 
not necessarily follow from their occurrence on a particular 
plant that they were attracted by its flowers.) 

6 2 g. Alger and neighbourhood, 4. and 6. iv, 93. A. E. E. 

1 gf and 4 29. Alger and neighbourhood, 18. i—10. 
iv, 98. ¥. DM; ; 

11 $2 and 1 9. Biskra and neighbourhood inv, 93, i, 
94, ili, 95, and iv, 97. A.E. E. 

1 Zand 2 29. Bone, 28. xi, 98, 10. viii and 25. vii, 97. 
A. E. E. 

1 9. Constantine, 30. ix, 98. A. E. E. 

1 2) Ponis, 21; xi) 938.. yA- Bao, 

22 9. Philippeville, 20. and 21. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

DIoDoNTUS PUNICUS (Gribodo), André (?) 

The specimens have the characters ascribed to his 
species by Gribodo, and two ? 2 quite agreeing with them 
stand in Coll. Saunders as punicus received from Stau- 
dinger. Gribodo, however, speaks only of the g as having 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidac. 69 

yellow mandibles, while in these insects the 2 mandibles 
are also more or less yellow (in some specimens very 
distinctly, in others somewhat obscurely). Notwithstand- 
ing, I feel sure they are Gribodo’s species. 

The gf seem to me identical with that described by 
Saunders in Ent. Mo. Mag., 1904, p. 202, under the name 
gractlipes (vide his account of the intermediate metatarsi 
and the antennae—the serrated appearance of the latter 
beneath is caused partly by a slight excavation of the two 
penultimate joints !). 

The species is larger than minutus—about the size of 
tristis; and, as in that species, the face of the 2? is very 
broad in proportion to its length. The clypeus in this 
sex is widely and arcuately emarginate, (the exterior angles 
of the emargination very prominent and tooth-like,) and 
has another curious character which might easily be 
overlooked. It bears several longish scattered projecting 
hairs, two of which—one on each side just above the 
“teeth ””—are excessively long (though so thin as to be 
almost invisible except in certain lights) and project 
straight forward far beyond the others—they are actually 
almost as long as the scapes of the antennae! In both 
sexes the vertex and mesonotum show under the micro- 
scope a regular reticulate aciculation, and are also very 
closely punctured (hence the surface appears opaque). 

Mr. Eaton records no plants as visited by this species. 
His examples seem to have been all taken on sand or 
roadside banks. 

ta ams. 2h xn, 93. Ack, Ki: 

1 ¢. Biskra; 17. iv, 94. <A. H. E. 

43S. Bone, 29. 11 to 23. v, 96. A. HE. E. 

19. Alger, 25. 11, 93. A. E. E. 

1 2. Béne, 28. xi, 93. A. E. E. 

Bed gue ye) Alger, 16i 1 to 2h. 1v;°98.) °F De M. 


This insect appears to me so very distinct from anything 
I can find described that I venture to bring it forward as 
new, though rather unwillingly, as it is a single specimen. 

The head, thorax, propodeum, and first abdominal 
segment are all exceedingly shining, and contrast most 
strikingly with the remaining abdominal segments, which 
are absolutely dull. 

70 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

9. Nigra, tegulis, genubus pedum omnium, et tarsis anticis 
rufescentibus vel brunneis, tuberculis nigris. Corpus, abdomine 
post segmentum basale excepto, valde nitens, subtilissime sparse 
punctulatum. Vertex (non autem mesonotum) microscopice reticulato- 
aciculatus; scutellum, ut videtur, omnino laeve. Propodeum in 
medio triangulariter impressum, subobsolete strigosum, angulis 
lateralibus acutis ac quasi reflexis, sed haud vel vix dentiformibus. 
Caput antice visum fere rotundum (haud transversum). Antennarum 
articuli intermedii fere quadrati ; articulus 3" fere duplo- (4 fere 
sesqui-) latitudine sua longior. 

Long. cire. 6 mm. 

1 OF Alger, 23. 1098. F. 1D, M. 


I think these insects must belong to Kohl’s species 
described from the adjoining Province of Oran. They 
have all, however, black “Schulterbeulen” (tubercles) 
which the author says is unusual in sehniedeknechtir. 

(They very much resemble /uperus, but have, I think, a 
finer and more sparse puncturation; and, so far as I can 
ascertain, the range of that species does not extend far 
south of the Alps.) 

1 §. Hussein Dey (near Alger), probably on Reseda, 
4.1v, 93. A. EE. 

1 9. Hippdne, on Sedum caeruleum, 16. v, 96. A. EK. E. 

Zeid and Ine VAloer ml iv te. v, 98.5) 2 Dae 


The following specimens belong to the most brightly- 
coloured form of the species (called d@ in Kohl’s latest 
tabulation of the Genus). The insect we know in this 
country as P. ~signis is, according to Kohl, another form 
of the same species. On comparing British “insignis” 
with these Algerian insects, I find that the head and 
thorax in the latter are distinctly a little more shining 
and less closely punctured, and that in this respect they 
agree with some Swiss specimens in my collection given 
to me as turionwm, Dahlb.—which latter is also, according 
to Kohl, synonymous with brevicornis. 

The nomenclature of the Passaloecus spp. is a difficult 
subject, but has probably been cleared up as far as it is 
ever likely to be by the paper of Kohl above referred to 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 71 

(Zur Kenntnis der Hymenopterengattung Passaloecus Shuck. 
Wien, 1905). 

Mr. Eaton records that his specimen from Alger (which 
is ticketed as a 2 but is certainly a ¢) was taken along 
with another ‘‘ burrowing in sand.” There must be some 
mistake, however, here, I think; for the other specimen, 
though superficially very like this, is a g Diodontus ; and, 
normally at least, Passaloccus nidificates in wood (posts, 
palings, etc.) and not, ike Diodontus, in sand. 

ih fy Alger6. 1v,°937 AH. BE. 

2 ¢ f. Bone, 14. v and 10. vi, 96. A. E. E. 

5 ffand 12. Alger (all on 21. iv, 98). F. D. M. 


1 f. Bone, 16. iu, 96. A. E. E 

ee Bone. (2: v.96. AC, Bi: 

Biddy ee CAleer, 7.11 too, 14,98. ..B. D. M. 

1 9. Constantine, 17. v, 98. F. D. M. 

1 g, 1 9. Philippeville, 20. and 21. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

The specimens are mostly rather small. Some of my 
own have been determined by Herr Kohl as shuckardi, 
and I think they all belong pretty certainly to that species. 

ae Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 15. and 21. v, 97. 

ee 2 a and: 2 9 Oe Biskra,, 21—-23827,.98. F. Dy M. 

2 ‘a é: Biskra, on Amini visnaga, 30. v, 93 and 19. v, 97. 

eee Biskra, 4-16. v,98. F. D. M. 

f1. Kef Oum Taboul (neighbourhood of Lac Tonga). 
“A species common in La Calle and at Le Tarf.” 16. vu, 

U6: fA. EE. 

Genus AMMOPHILA, Kirby 

My descriptions of the novelties and chief rarities 
among Mr. Eaton’s and my own captures in this genus 
were ‘published i in the Annals and Magazine of Natural 
History, Jan. 1900. Certain mistakes made by me in 

v2 Rev. F. D. Morice on. 

that paper have since been put right in Herr Kohl’s 
Monograph of the Genus (1907), and the nomenclature of 
the latter work is followed in the list of captures given 


I described these mistakenly as a nov. sp. under the 
name masinissa. 

2 ¢ g. Biskra, 29"inand 3. 1v, 97. «A. HSE: 

Pe Biskras 7.71 90 A. 


1 g. Biskra, 30. ii, 97. A.E. HE. (The type-specimen.) 

Mr. Eaton on the following day took a 2, which I 
supposed to belong to the above male, and described under 
the same name. Herr Kohl, however, is of opinion that 
they belong to two species, and that the 9 is identical 
with his a/gira (an Eremochares), under which name it is 
recorded below. 


Numerous specimens from Biskra in February, March 
and April of different years. A. E. E. 


4 f gf. Biskra, 25. iii and 8. v, 97. A. E. E. 

2 9 O“Biskra, 1: iii; ‘95eandeZo, in, 972, AC ee. 

1 2. Biskra (Col de Sfa), on Zewceriwm polium, 2. vi, 93. 
A. E. E. 

299. Biskra, 7. and 24. iii, 97. A.E.E. (Co-types.) 

One of these was presented to me by Mr. Saunders, 
and is in my collection. 

bf. Biskra, 2 =6.91,98.0 (ED) Me 
One of these has 14 (!) joints to each antenna. 


1 g. Biskra, “visits Nitraria tridentata and Tamariz,” 

2 ff and 1 9. Biskra, on Tamariz, 28. iv, 97. A. EH. E. 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 73 

3 29. Biskra, on Hehinops spinosus, 6.-8. v, 97. A. E. E. 
9 1. Biskra, 21. v, 94. A. E. E. 
Ride 2 ¢. Biskra,y 12v toi9. vi, 98. 5 FD. MG 

1 f, 499. Biskra, 30. iv-28. v, 98. F. D. M. 


1 9. Biskra, “resting for the night on a Ferula leaf, 
simply standing,” 31. 11, 97. A. ELE. 

This, as stated above, was described by me as the ? of 

4 ff, 12. Biskra, 6-30. v, 98. F. D. M. 

Selits Biskra. 5. v,9 (2. Ac HK. EB: 

I described this as the ¢ of producticollis (infra), but 
Herr Kohl considers the ¢~ to be gracillima, and not 
identical specifically with producticollis 9. 


1%. Biskra, among Zamariz, 3. v,97. A. E. E. 
1 2. Biskra, “in the Jardin near Fort St. Germain,” 
2. vi, 93. <A. E. E. 

1 9. Biskra, 16. iv, 94. A. E.E. (The type-specimen.) 


iba. sktago le vey Gee hl DM. Cl ype af 2) 
1 9. Biskra, 26. iv, 97. A.E.E. (Type of @.) 


23. Le Tarf, 17. vi, and La Calle (on sandhills), 
15) vit, 96. AS Reidy 
bo Bones 4, vii. 97) sAs Be B, 

2¢9,3 29. Alger, 27.30. iv, 98. F. D. M. 

74 Rev. F. D. Morice on 


2 é. Biskra, “ visits Ferula vesceritensis,’ 19, iti, 20. 111, 
ond 5. iv, 95: A. EK. E. 

Le 2 3 9. Biskra, 29. in—22. iv, 97. cA. EE, 

(These specimens are co-types.) 


1 ¢., Biskra, 29. 1,97. A: E. E. 
1 9. Biskra, 17. v, 97, on Ammi visnaga. <A. K. E. 


1 ¢. Constantine, 30. v, 95. A. E. E. 
1 §, Constantine, 16. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

1 9. Bone, on Cynanchum acutum, 18. viii, 97. A. E. E. 

SPHEX (Harpacropus) Eatont, E. Saunders 

oe 3 2. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 19.-80. v, 97. 

bets eae 4, vi, 98. F. D. M. 

The above are co-types of the description in Trans. Ent. 
Soc. 1910, Part IV, and those in Coll. Saunders stand 
above a label “ Eatoni ES.” In the author's last letter 
to me he expressed himself as still somewhat doubtful 
whether he should not after all list them as a form of 
lugens, Kohl, but mentioned the same points of distinction 
as are noticed in his published description. 

1 g, 4 2. Biskra, on Echinops spinosus, 7. and 8. v, 
OT ea Ee: 

1 9. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 31. v, 93. A. E. E. 


1 & Biskra,.28. v, 93. “AE: 

499. Biskra, on Echinops spinosus, 6-8. v. 97. A. E. E. 
1 2. Biskra, on Ammz visnaga, 2. vi, 97. A. E. E. 
204; 5 D9. Biskray 27. v9. .vi,98¢ 2, DB. Mi. 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 75 


1 2. Bone, on Euphorbia paralias, 23. viii, 97. A. E. E. 

1 9. Biskra, on Mentha rotundifolia, 10. viii, 97. A. EK. E. 

1 9. Biskra, 22. iv, 97. A. HE. E. 

1 @ Biskra, on Atractylis serratuloides, 11. v, 97. 
A. E. E. 

Mr. Saunders has noted that the above ? 2? “show the 
pale apices of the segments very slightly,” but that he has 
“little doubt in referring them to this species, as they 

have only three teeth on the claws, and the ventral apex of 
the abdomen red.” 


1 gf. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 24. v, 97. A. E. E. 

1 2. Biskra,; 3, v, 97... ALE. E. 

The 2 is pinned together with a grasshopper (Sphin- 
gonotus 8-fasciatus) many times larger than itself, and Mr. 
Eaton has noted as follows:—“The grasshopper was 
struck by the wasp during flight, fell paralysed to the 

ground, and was being carried off when the wasp was 


This insect is exceedingly like the last, but its silvery (or 
rather hoary) clothing appears decidedly thinner, and as 
all the specimens agree in this, and they were taken at 
different times and under different circumstances, I hardly 
think this is merely due to “ rubbing.” 

The @ seems to me clearly distinct by the following 
characters :— 

(1.) Pecten tarsale, antici pedis, et tarsorum omnium armatura 
spinosa ion alba sed evidenter nigricantia. 

(2.) Clypeus haud planus, sed in medio longitudinaliter ita 
elevatus ut tectiformis vel puene carinatus videatur. Apex eiusdem 
angulariter (haud arcuatim) subexcisus, 

(3.) Scutellum in medio multo minus profunde impressum. (Hoe 

in niveato ita suleatum est, ut bituberculatum dici possit ; quod in 
senili videre nequeo.) 

The measurements of petiole, tarsal joints, etc., seem to 
me a little different from those of niveatus, but the differ- 
ences are so slight that I should hesitate to lay stress on 
this. As for the ¢ $I can find no really satisfactory 

76 Rev. F. D. Morice oz 

characters to distinguish them, and it may be that some 
which I take to belong to the above 2 2 are really f f of 
niveatus. But comparing them with Egyptian f ¢ of 
niveatus determined by Herr Kohl, I notice that, like the 
2 9, they have certainly a thinner and less brilliant silvery 
pubescence, allowing the sculpture of the very slightly 
impressed scutellum and the transversely rugulose pro- 
podeum to be seen quite clearly, whereas in Egyptian 
niveatus the sculpture is wholly concealed. In the details 
of the alar neuration (form of 83rd cubital cell, position of 
recurrent nerves, etc.) they differ exceedingly, and this 
makes me doubt whether they may not be a mixture of 
two different species. But the 2? 2 must, I think, be 
distinct from niveatus; and they certainly are not nigro- 
pectinatus, in spite of their dusky pecten, having a far 
longer petiole and an altogether less brilliant appearance, 
to say nothing of their smaller size. Some of Mr. Katon’s 
specimens are darker than my own, but this, I think, is 
accidental—probably due to cyanide. 

1 @. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 28. v, 94. A. E. E. 

2 9. Biskra, visiting Nitraria tridentata and Tamaria, 
25, vand (28, 7 pen, Ee 

1 9. Biskra, on Tamarix, 29. iv, 97. A. E. E. 

192. Biskra, on Echinops spinosus, 7. v 97. A. E. E. 

46,02 2. Biskra, favto Oov1, 9S. e, Hey IMs 

1 §. Biskra, 6. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

SPHEX AFER, Lep. (?) 

2¢ 24,329. Biskra, on Ammi visnaza, 29. v, 94 and 15. 
v to 22. vi, Oi AC. 
ak aS eo ? 9. Biskra, on Hehinops spinosus, 6-10. v, 97. 

ran 4 ee 3 2 oO) Biskta.. 2. . NC 
The f f are all black; in the ? 9, agreeably to Lepel- 

letier’s description, the abdomen is largely red. I find in 
them all the characters given by Lepelletier, and this, 
coupled with their habitat, and their enormous size (some 
quite 36 mm. long), makes me feel sure that they are the 
species he was describing. Mr. Saunders at one time 
called them ¢rzstis, Kohl, and the f f certainly agree with 
the description of that species. But the dimensions of 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 77 

tristis @ are given as 23-26 mm. only; and the author 
does not mention any difference of colour between $f and 2 
tristis, but simply says of the species “ Nigra, nonnunquam 
paullum fuscescens.” 


1 9. Médéa, on Daucus setifolius, 2. vill, 94. A. E. E. 
bf. Biskra,’ 3. 'v1,98;- B.D) Mi 


Numerous f~ ff and 2 § from Biskra, Tizi Ouzou, 
Hippéne (on Ammi visnaga), Médéa (on Mentha 
rotundifolia)—April to August. A. E. E. and F. D. M. 


The 2 is coloured far more brightly than normal Euro- 
pean specimens, having the whole face, collar, postscutellum, 
lateral areas of the propodeum and a pair of discal spots 
on the middle area, nearly the whole of segments 1, 3, 4, 
and 5, and a wide uninterrupted basal fascia on segm., 2 
of the abdomen above bright yellow. The femora are not 
black, but only somewhat rufescent; and ventral segments 
2 and 3 are also not black but obscurely red and marked 
with yellow. Still I can find no structural difference 
accompanying this unusual colouring. Clypeus, cordiform 
area, ventral segments, etc., are formed and sculptured 
exactly as in ordinary bupresticida; and the ¢ 2, though 
more yellow than specimens from Tirol, Corfu, etc., are 
not very much so. 

1 2. Le Tarf, on Foeniculum vulgare, 26. vii, 96. A. KE. E. 

1 gf. Biskra, on Zizyphus lotus, 3. v, 95. A. E. E. 

1 f and 1 9. Biskra, 14. and 23. v, 98. F. D. M. 


Klug described his sp. from the @ only, and almost 
entirely on colour-characters. The present identification 
can only be conjectural; but if the insects now to be 
recorded are not really insignis, they must at least be 
exceedingly near it. (1 feel pretty sure that ¢ricolorata, 
Spin., is a synonym of the same species. This was also 
described from a only.) As neither author sufficiently 
describes the structural characters to fix for certain the 
affinities of his species, and Schletterer has therefore been 

78 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

obliged to omit both names from his Tables, and relegate 
the descriptions to an appendix, I will here give the 
characters which I find in the 2 before me, and also 
those of the ¢ f which I take to belong to them, the latter 
sex being hitherto (so far as I know) undescribed. I may 
add that these characters show that in structure, though 
not in colour, the species is allied very closely to bupre- 
sticida, but that it can hardly be actually identified with it. 

Q?. Nigra, thorace infra et in lateribus cum propodei areis omnibus, 
et abdominis petiolo (hoc latitudine sua paullo longiore) rubris ; 
facies cum carina interantennali brevijcollare utrinque, post-scutellum 
(interdum), maculae duo vel fascia interrupta basalis abdominis 
segmenti 2" (cujus fasciae etiam in ventris lateribus continuatio satis 
obsoleta indicatur), fascia lata antice emarginata segmenti 3", et 
segmentum 5‘ fere totum superne, flava; pedes pallidi, femoribus 
(praeter genua) cum trochanteribus coxisque fuscis vel obscure rufis, 
tibiis intus macula elongata nigra ornatis. 

Clypei haud elevati apex in angulos plus minusve dentiformes 
excurrit, et praeterea tuberculis binis subapicalibus instructus est. 
(Haec autem armatura paene “ microscopica” appellari debet !) 
Segmenti ventralis 2" basis simplex (hand elevata) ; segmenti ven- 
tralis penultimi in medio evidenter foveati apex recurvatur in medio, 
ibique ita excisus est ut paene bidentatus videatur (minus tamen 
acute quam in bupresticida). Propodei area media rubra (an 
semper 2), disco laevi, et in medio haud canaliculata longitudinaliter, 
sed basi extrema brevissime et subtilissime longitudinaliter striolata. 

¢. Feminae simillima, sed minor, minusque rufescens, Abdominis 
quidem segm. 1™™ semper (ut videtur) rubrum: sed thoracis (proprie 
dicti) nulla pars et propodei aut areae solum laterales, aut ne hae 
quidem,-rufo-pictae. Flavedo ut in 9; sed fascia abdominis tertia 
non segmentum 5" occupat sed 6", et segmentum 2%" ventrale 
paene totum(!) flavet. 

Clypei margo apicalis denticulatus. Segmenti penultimi ventralis 
apex lateribus acute denticulatis. Propodei area media fere ut in 
femina, sed (in exemplaribus his omnibus) linea impressa longitu- 
dinali evidenter in medio divisa. 

The following two ¢ 2 may possibly belong to a different, 
or even to two different species, but I am more inclined to 
think their peculiarities “individual,” or at most “varietal.” 

a. Thorax entirely (except the yellow collar, postscutellum 
and tegulae) and also the cordiform area of the propodeum 
black (not red!). Hind tibiae within immaculate. Yellow 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 79 

band of abd. segm. 3 scarcely at all emarginate, but 
practically covering the whole segment: also the basal band 
on segm. 2 is not broken into two spots but entire. Head 
with two little oblique yellow streaks or spots between 
the ocellar region and the tempora. In this form the 
body above is punctured much less closely than in that 
previously described, and its surface conspicuously more 
shining. The apical teeth and tubercles of the clypeus 
seem also to be more strongly developed; when the 
mandibles are opened, it appears from certain points of 
view actually “sexdentate”! 

12 Biskra;' 6. vi, 98: F:D. M. 

b. This agrees with the last-mentioned form in its 
shining and comparatively sparsely punctured surface, and 
(I think) as to clypeus-characters (but unluckily in Mr. 
Eaton’s only specimen the mandibles are closed!). Its 
coloration is very peculiar. The thorax shows no red at 
all, not even on the sides of the propodeum. On the 
other hand the 2nd abd. segment is not black and yellow 
but entirely red like the first! The yellow bands on segm. 
3 and 5 are deeply emarginated. The tibiae within are 
black-marked, and the head above is immaculate. 

1. 2 Biskra, 31. v, 97, on Ammi visnaga. A. E. E. 

Except as stated, the characters of these two specimens 
agree with those of the 2 described previously. Accord- 
ingly, whatever view be taken of their relation to signs, 
they certainly belong to the same group with it, viz. that 
of bupresticida. 


Fischeri, like tricolorata, seems to be an insect of which 
nothing is known except from Spinola’s description. From 
what he tells us it would seem that the two species differ 
very little in colour, but are certainly distinct by the 
structure of the front coxae in both sexes, those of jischeri 
having a remarkable spine-like (cuneiform?) production or 
dilatation outwards, while those of ¢ricolorata are normal. 
He mentions, too, that in fischeri the cordiform area has 
a distinct impression bisecting it longitudinally, which is 
not the case with the other species. 

Both these characters distinguish the two ? ? now to be 
considered from those referred above to insignis, of which, 
as has been said, I believe ¢ricolorata to be a synonym, 

80 €. F. D. Morice on 

i.e. they have the anterior coxae very strongly cuneiform 
(simple in insignis as in bupresticida) and the cordiform 
area is manifestly divided by a longitudinal impression. 
They are marked with yellow almost exactly as is the 
other species, and like it they have a ground-colour 
varying between red and black, but with the red con- 
siderably more extensive than in even the brightest 
specimens of zsignis. 

They differ, however, from cnsignis in certain important 
points of structure (not mentioned by Spinola) which show 
that they do not belong, as it does, to the group of bupre- 
sticida at all, but must be considered as nearly allied to 
JSunerea, Costa, though in colour, etc., they are exceedingly 
unlike that species. By Schletterer’s Tables one might 
suppose them to be his ewgenia, but from the description 
of that species it seems impossible that such should be 
the case. Even if it be so, unless | am wrong in referring 
them to Spinola’s species, they must retain the name 
given to them by that author. 

Three f # taken by Mr. Eaton appear to me certainly 
to belong to the present species. As C. fischeri in both 
sexes has always been somewhat of a mystery to hymeno- 
pterists, I will attempt a diagnosis of the characters 
which I find in the specimens before me. 

2. Clypei haud elevati pars apicalis (ut in emarginata, etc.) 
subtriangulariter impressa. Segmenti ventralis 2" basis elevata. 
Segmenti penultimi apex late ac profunde emarginatus, angulis 
eiusdem lateralibus ita elevatis ut quasi dentiformes videantur (minus 
tamen acute quam in C. funered). 

Caput nigrum; facie cum carina brevi interantennali, mandibulis 
(apicibus exceptis nigris), antennarumque scapis flavis (flagellis harum 
fulvis). Pro- et mesothorax nigra plus minusve rubro-variegata ; 
scutellum rubrum ; collare utrimque, tegulae alarum, et postscu- 
tellum flava. Propodeum (aut totum, aut excepta area media nigra 
rubro-bimaculata,) cum metapleuris et abdominis maxima parte rubra. 
Huius segmentum 1™™" totum rubrum ; segmenti 2% dorsum macula 
magna basali flava, venter eiusdem (an semper ?) vestigiis quibusdam 
obsoletis fasciae apicalis flavae signatus: 3°" annulo lato apicali 
completo (7. e. ventrem quoque complectente) flavo : 5'"" apice dorsali 
flavo. Bases segmentorum intermediorum superne in medio plus 
minusve late denigratae. Pedes flavi, coxis trochanteribus femori- 
busque rufescentibus, tibiis intus immaculatis. 

Caput superne punctis densis subopacum ; thorax vero et abdomen 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 81 

superne. punctis dispersis vel subdispersis nitidissima. Propodei area 
media, basi non aut vix striolata, sed in medio longitudinaliter im- 
pressa vel sulcata, disco eiusdem (etiamque partibus adjacentibus 
arearum lateralium satis late!) omnino impunctatis et laevibus. 
Ventris puncta crassa et valde inaequalia, partim confluentia, partim 
sparsa, partim fere obsoleta. 

6 (exceptis excipiendis) feminae simillimus. Paullo minus copiose 
rufescens, propodel area media tota nigra. Flavedo ut in 9, sed 
6" quoque segmenti dorsum fere totum flavet. Forma gracilior— 
petiolus praesertim multo magis elongatus. Coxae anticae (ut in 
Q) valde cuneiformes, flavae. Structura ventris cum ? congruens, 

32%. Biskra, on Polygonum aviculare, 30. vi, and on 
Ammi visnaga, 8. vu, 97. A. HE. E. 

1 2. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 24. v, 97. A. E. E. 

be Biskrasl6sve-9s. 8. Dy Me. 


This species is so common in all Mediterranean countries 
that a complete list of localities, etc.,seems hardly needed. 
Mr. Eaton took ¢ # as early as March (at Biskra in 97), 
and as late as October (Azazgain’93). They occurred visit- 
ing many different plants, as Antirrhinum ramosissimum 
at Biskra, Marrubium vulgare at Constantine, Eryngium 
triquetrum at Médéa, Ammz visnaga at Biskra and Hippone. 
My own captures of it were all made at Biskra and most 
probably on Ammz visnaga. 

15 ff and 5 $F at various dates and places. 
A. E. E. and F. D. M. 


A single ¢ taken by Mr. Eaton may possibly (?) belong 
to this species. It agrees with it at least (and with no 
other whose description is known to me) in being absolutely 
without black on the body except at the apices of the 
mandibles! There is, however, a slightly infuscated line 
behind each antenna running along the sides of the 
usual interantennal carina. 

In structure the insect 1s practically a gigantic emarginata 
(quite 10 mm. long). Dufour’s type was a 9, and he gives 
no characters but of colour; so that the identification I 
have suggested is a mere conjecture, and very likely wrong! 
Mr. Eaton’s specimen is entirely pale yellow (with the 


82 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

thorax slightly more rufescent—perhaps only a result of 
death by cyanide). 
1 @. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga. A. E. E. 


The coloration of this form is utterly unlike that of 
normal dacica; but in structure I can find absolutely no 
difference, except that the puncturation of certain areas, 
and also the fine oblique striae on the “cordiform” area, 
seem to be slightly feebler and shallower. Schletterer 
describes a var. magnifica of his dacica, differing from 
the type in being much more copiously ornamented with 
yellow: but the specimens before me not only have all the 
yellow markings of var. magnifica, but many more: thus 
the tempora, scutellum, all the areas of the propodeum, 
and the Ist abdominal segment, are practically yellow 
in both sexes, the vertex is marked posteriorly in the 
gf ¢ with a large yellow spot and in the 2 ? with a pair 
of obliquely converging streaks, the collar is entirely 
yellow, and so is the interantennal carina which, as in 
all forms of dacica, is very strongly developed and in the 
2 practically reaches right up to the anterior ocellus; 
finally, in the 2 even the mesonotum is not entirely black 
but shows two discal and two lateral yellow streaks, such 
as occur in highly-coloured specimens of the related but 
very distinct and much smaller species annexa, Kohl. 
(Mr. Eaton’s 2 specimen is greatly disfigured by the 
effects of cyanide, and also seems to have been originally 
less highly coloured than any of my own; but even in 
it the mesonotum and cordiform area show markings 
which no doubt were yellow once, though now they are 
merely reddish and scarcely noticeable, having become 
almost as dark as the surfaces surrounding them.) 

T should have referred these insects without hesitation 
to caspica, Morawitz, had not that author expressly dis- 
tinguished his species from dacica, as lacking impressed 
punctures on the tegulae and at the base of the pygidial 
area. Such punctures are distinctly visible in the speci- 
mens before me, so that, if the character be reliable, 
they cannot be caspica. Otherwise, both in structure and 
colour, they agree closely with Morawitz’s description of 
the brighter (and apparently the normal) forms of that 
species. I am much inclined to suspect that dacica, 
caspica, magnifica and opulenta will ultimately prove to 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 83 

be local races of a single widely-distributed species, which 
extends from Algeria to North China. I may add that 
the few specimens which I have seen determined by 
competent authorities as “ caspica, Morawitz,” are all less 
highly coloured than my own of opu/enta, and apparently 
also than the form which Morawitz origimally described. 
(None of them, ¢.g., have the cordiform area yellow!) 

2 gf gf and 1 &. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 17. v. 97. 
A. E. E. 

1 g. Biskra, on Ammz visnaga, 19. v, 97. A. E. E. 

2 oO. Biskra, 26, v, and 6: vi, 98.7 F Di M. 

1 9. (Label giving date and locality is lost; but no 
doubt it was taken at Biskra in v or vi, 98.) F. D. M. 

On 20. v, 98 I took a single $ in many ways much 
resembling the above, but with vertex, scutellum and 
“cordiform area” black, tempora with only a small yellow 
spot behind each eye, collar only yellow at the sides, and 
puncturation of abdomen coarser and more rugose. (This 
perhaps may be a specimen of dacica, var. magnifica, 


422,399. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 18. and 25. v, 93. 
E. E. 

229. Hippdne, on Ammi visnaga, 12. viii, 96. A. EH. EK, 

13,329. Médéa, on Hryngium triquetrum, 26. vi, and 
Peri, 93. 

3 9 2. Biskra, 24.—27. v, and 11. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

The single specimen taken perfectly agrees with my 

“type” from Egypt. 
2 Biskra, Vos vic 98. FD. M. 


I described this species (perhaps rather rashly) in 1897 
from a single ? taken near Cairo, and am glad to find 
my ideas as to its distinguishing characters confirmed by 
further captures of what is evidently the same insect at 
Biskra in both sexes. In all, Mr. Eaton and myself have 
taken there 3 ¢ f and 4 2 9, the 2 ¢ corresponding in 
all respects with my Egyptian “type,” and the f ¢ 
strongly resembling them both in colour and structure— 


84 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

in fact the two sexes can scarcely be distinguished without 
counting the abd. segments or examining the clypeus ! 

C. pruinosa f differs from the f of C. pallidula in the 
shape of the collar, which is much less profoundly im- 
pressed or emarginate in the middle; the 8rd antennal 
joint looks about as long as the 2nd and 4th taken 
together, while in pallidula it is scarcely longer than 
the 4th alone. Its average size seems to be a trifle 
greater, and its general tint is just a shade deeper—a 
pale lemon-yellow, while pallidula is rather creamy than 
actually yellow. The silvery pilose covering of the face 
in all my pruinosa f f is more conspicuous than in 
pallidula, but I have not sufficient material to determine 
whether this character is constant, though it appears to 
me that in pruinosa the actual hairs are longer than in 
the other species. 

Mr. Eaton’s specimens were taken on Ammi visnaga, 
and so probably were my own. He notes that the eyes 
of the ? in life were “light yellowish green.” 

1 9. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 23. v, 97. A. E. E. 
1g. Biskra, on Amm2 visnaga, 29. v, 97. <A. E. E. 
Ig. Biskra, 30, v.09. Hn. UNE: 

lf and: 2)0).9" Biskra, 72 -va293.. HsDr aM. 

1 © Biskra, 9;-vi, 98. FE. M. 


A species resembling the two last in many respects, but 
smaller and far more delicately punctured. It seems to be 
common at Biskra every year in May, as Mr. Eaton took 
it in that month of 793, ’94,’95 and ’97, and I found it 
abundant in the same month of ’98. According to Mr. 
Eaton’s notes it appears to frequent first Zizyphus lotus 
and then Ammw visnaga. 

2242. Biskra, on Zizyphus lotus, 30. iv and 3. v, 95. 
A. E. E. 

12,19. Biskra, on Zizyphus lotus, 10. and 14. v, 97. 
A. E. E 

22%. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 17. v, 97. A. E. E. 
229. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 29. v, 94. <A. E. E. 
1 2. Col de Sfa, near Biskra, 27. v, 93. <A. E. E. 
132g. Biskra,( v to: 9: vi; 98: ) BM 

10 9:2, Biskra, 20.:v to 9. vi, 98) > EDM, 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 85 

CERCERIS LUTEA, Tasch. (= nilotica, Schlett. !) 

I have carefully compared my single (2?) specimen, both 
as to colour and structural details, with one from Egypt, 
and can find no difference whatever. 

1 fg. Biskra, 7. v, 98. F. D. M. 


Caput nigrum, facie cum carina interantennali, mandibulis 
(praeter apices nigros) fascia pone ocellos, macula (vel striga) pone 
utrumque oculum flavescentibus. Thorax niger; collari, tegulis, 
scutello, postscutello que flavescentibus; pleuris sternis et pro- 
podei areis lateralibus plus minusve (in 2 opulentius) flavo-pictis. 
Pedes flavescentes, femoribus posticis (praeter genua) nigris. Ab- 
dominis segmenti 2" fascia lata antice emarginata, 4" (interdum 
etiam 5") basis nigra ; reliqua pars abdominis flava vel flavescens, 
segmentorum ventralium discis plerumque concoloribus. (Hisce in 
exemplaribus omnibus flavedo nonnusquam in aurantiacum vel 
ferrugineum transit, forsitan post mortem insecti decolorata). Alarum 
apices subfusi. 

Oculi divergentes sed leniter. Clypeus antice impressus, apice 
haud libero, Collare (propter impressionem transversam) postice 
marginatum videtur, angulis inferis prominulis non autem spinosis. 
Coxae anticae valde dilatatae acute cuneiformes. 2 mesopleurae 
(desuper visae) latera in medio denticulo acuto armata. Propodei 
area media polita ac nitida, in medio sulco longitudinali divisa. 
Petiolus elongatus, marginibus lateralibus aequaliter convexis. 
Segmentum ventrale 2" patella, ut mihi videtur, basali instructum, 
sed valde minuta, semicirculari. ¢@ corpus crasse punctatum, 9 
minus crasse sed tamen fortiter, inter puncta (¢ et 9) evidenter 

Long. 6-9 mm. 

This is evidently a very near ally of albicincta, KL. but 
judging from Schletterer’s diagnosis of that species, I 
scarcely think the two forms can be specifically identical. 
Schletterer expressly says that albicincta has no basal 
elevation of the 3rd (2. e. according to my reckoning the 
2nd) ventral segment, but such an elevation seems to me 
certainly present in eatont. Nor does he allude to the 
cuneiform production of the front coxae and the spine-like 
tooth on the 2 mesopleura—characters which he would 
scarcely have overlooked had they existed in his albipwncta 
9. (The latter was first described by Schletterer, Klug’s 

type being a f.) 

86 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

It is certainly nothing else known to me. It is not 
subimpressa, nor rulida; and though several antiquated 
and altogether imperfect descriptions might be strained 
into more or less agreement with it as far as colour- 
characters are concerned, I think it is really useless to 
consider seriously to which of these it might with least 
improbability be referred; and believe that an erroneous 
identification of a species already described is likely to 
cause more trouble to future systematists, than the re- 
description of it under a new name, which can be “sunk,” 
if necessary, hereafter as a synonym. 

1 f. Biskra, on Zizyphus lotus, 30. iv, 95. A. E. E. 

1 f, 19. Biskra, on Zizyphus lotus, 14. v, 97. A. HE. E. 

2 ¢ g. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 17. and 20. v, 97. 
A. E. E. (One of these a dwarfish specimen, hardly 
6 mm. long !) 

1 g. Biskra, “on the wing,” 7. v, 97. A. E. E. 


This very remarkable species seems to be quite common 
at Biskra. The 2, I believe, is still undescribed. As 
might be expected, it has not the dentate tempora of the 
?; but in colour and general appearance resembles it 
almost exactly, except that the yellow markings on its 
mesonotum are narrower than is usual in the §, which 
sometimes has them dilated to such an extent that prac- 
tically the whole area appears yellow—much as in Judea. 

I should describe it as follows— 

gd. Structura maribus priscae et capitonis valde affinis. Color, 
ut in ?, pallide citrinus ; mandibulae apice et parce vertex nigro- 
maculata: mesonotum nigrum citrino 4-vittatum: Alae hyalinae, 
apicibus infumatis. 

Clypeus haud dentatus, convexus, antice late deplanatus. An- 
tennae apice subtruncato uncinatae; harum articulus ultimus 
incurvatus, basi subtus (cum parte apicali articuli penultimi) 
rotunde excavatus. Collare in medio impressum, lateribus callosis. 
Segmenta abdominis dorsalia 1-5 in medio, ante apices saltem, 
(nonnunquam a basibus ad apices,) lineis impressis vel foveolis plus 
minusve elongatis incisa. Segmentum 1™™ vix petioliforme, 2° non 
multo angustius. Segmentum ventrale 2°" basi haud elevatum : 
5™" in medio a basi ad apicem semilunariter impressum, (are 
impressa pilis stratis curvis ita obtecta, ut credat aliquis segmentum 
ipsum profunde emarginatum esse :) 6" quinto haud dissimile, sed 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 87 

impressione pilosa magis transversa; 7" pilis apice non fimbriato 
sed lateraliter fasciculato ; 8°" penicillis quattwor (!) ornatur, duobus 
in medio marginum lateralium (brevissimis), duobus apicalibus 
(tenuibus quidem sed longis). Metatarsus intermedius gracilis, 
curvatus, mox post basim ad apicem sensim dilatatus. Tempora 
subtus haud ut in femina dentata. Ocelli postici inter se multo 
magis quam ab oculis distant(!) Corpus, facies praesertim et seg- 
mentorum ventralium apices, pilis argenteis vestitum; his tamen, 
nisi sub certa lucis incidentia, vix conspicuis. Integumentum 
corporis (exceptis scutellis et areis quibusdam ventralibus) sub- 
opacum ; propodei area media lateribus oblique striolatis et punctulis 
nonnullis obsoletis impressa nitore poene caret, areae eiusdem 
laterales cum dorso abdominis confertim sed haud profunde punc- 
tantur. Area pygidialis apice quam basi fere latior, certe haud 
angustior (1). 
Long. cire. 13 mm. 

Mr. Eaton notes that the eyes in this sp. are in life 
“light yellowish green.” 

22 f. Biskra, on Zizyphus lotus, 24. v, 94. A. E. E. 

1 g. Biskra, on Zizyphus lotus, 22. v, 97. A. E. E. 

22%. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 25. v, 98. A. E. E. 

1 f. Biskra, on Amini visnaga, 21. v, 97. A. E. E. 

32 9. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 23. v, 18 and 22 vi, 97. 
A. E. E. 

; : Bh Biskra, 20. v to 9. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

1 f. Biskra, on Tamarix, 29. iv, 97. A. EK. E. 
Bet te Piskras bev to, 9) va 98.) “FAD: M. 


This is probably the only recorded Cerceris which is 
practically black entirely—body, legs, and even wings! 
Certain parts, it is true, are obscurely rufescent, but its 
general appearance is of an insect uniformly black. 

It was described first so lately as 1905 from a single @ 
taken in Tunisie (Sfax) by Rittmeister v. Hartlieb, and no 
corresponding ¢ form has as yet been recorded. 

I must confess myself to be not quite convinced that it 
is anything more than a local melanic 2 form of capito, 
with which species, until Dr. Schulz’s description appeared, 

had intended to treat it as specifically identical. My 

88 Rey. F. D. Morice on 

reasons were—(1) That, on comparing its structure and 
sculpture in detail with those of a typical capito 2 from 8. 
France, I could find no substantial difference except that 
the latter had certainly a larger head,—and the difference 
in this respect is not greater than that between two ? 
specimens from Egypt (determined for me by Herr Kohl) 
of the closely-allied species prisca, Schlett. Their punc- 
turation seemed to me quite similar; and they agreed 
also as to the characters of clypeus, mandibles, petiole, 
cordiform and pygidial areas, ventral segments, meso- 
pleural (tooth-like) tuberculations, ete., ete. (2) That 
g g of capito occurred in some numbers (and not accom- 
panied by their normal @ 2!) on the same flowers of 
Ammi with my hartliehi 2 2; but neither then nor after- 
wards could I find any ¢ ¢ of similar (black) coloration, 
though I naturally tried hard to do so, for I knew, of 
course, that an entirely black Cerceris must be something 
out of the common and probably undescribed. 

I feel, however, that it may be rash to unite forms super- 
ficially so distinct, without more conclusive evidence than 
the above, and therefore follow Dr. Schulz in treating 
hartliebi as a good species. 

AO 9+ Biskra, 19.y to.22..v1, 98... EF. DM. 

9¢3,22 9. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 19. v to 22. vi, 

Oi. Ae HG: 

1 ¢, 19. Biskra, on Ammz visnaga, 24. v, 93. A. E. E. 

1a Ao 2S Biskrasveane vi, 98; ) tae 


From Costa’s figures I feel satisfied that this must be 
his species, though I have seen no other specimens of it. 
The clypeus is exactly as he represents it, very like that 
of ferrert (= propinqua, Cost.), but much broader than 
long. These Algerian examples, however, seem to have 
more yellow on the abdomen than Costa’s type; segments 
1, 2, 4 and 5 having very broad fasciae, which are scarcely 
at all emarginate basally. 

2° 9. Biskra, on Tamarix, 19. and 30. v, 97. A. E. E. 

24.9. Médéa, on Eryngium triquetrum, 29. vi, 93. 
A. E. E. . 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 89 

1 9. Woods near Médéa, on (?) Daucus setifolius, 8. viii, 
93. A. E. E. 

1 g Bone (“border of estuary—near the railway 
works”). A. E. E. 

I think these are all arenaria, but the § and the Bone 
a seem to have wider and less emarginate yellow bands 
(esp. on segments 1 and 2) than normal European 

(I am not quite certain that Mr. Eaton’s record of 
Daucus as the plant visited by the ? refers to the insect to 
which I have attached it, but that is how I understand his 
note on the subject.) 


This is evidently one of those pale-yellowish species, 
very sparingly marked with black (chiefly on the vertex 
and mesonotum), and with somewhat silvery pilosity, 
which seem especially characteristic of the N. African 
desert-fauna. Unfortunately all the specimens before me 
seem to have had their original colour much altered by 
cyanide, and I have no means of ascertaining how far this 
circumstance is responsible for the varying combinations 
of different yellowish tints (cream-colour, fulvous orange, 
and even testaceous red) which their paler parts now 
exhibit. I think, however, that these parts were not even 
originally quite unicolorous—some being probably lacteous, 
and others distinctly lemon-yellow. Abandoning the 
attempt to distinguish these tints, the coloration of the 
insect may be described as “flavescens sparse nigro- 
maculata.” The vertex is crossed by a wide black fascia 
which is produced in front (biramose) so as to embrace the 
insertions of the antennae. The mesothorax, the pleurae 
at least in part, and the shining “‘cordiform area” are 
black, and some at least of the abdominal segments (all 
in the f) are more or less widely black at their bases. As 
in most species the f shows a greater extension of black 
not only on the abdomen but on the head and thorax than 
the 9, ¢.g. in the latter the tempora are yellow or fulvous, 
but in the ¢ they are black as well as the vertex and only 
bear a small spot of yellow behind each eye. In both 
sexes the collar, tegulae, and postscutellum seem to be 
always yellow. The scutellum may be yellow, or merely 
spotted with that colour (or with red ?), or entirely black. 

90 ¢... F. D. Morice on 

The following diagnosis indicates the chief structural 
characters which I notice in nitrariae. It will be seen 
that they agree to a surprising extent with those of a very 
differently-coloured species, viz. luctwosa, Costa. The latter, 
however, besides differing from aitvariae in colour, has a 
very much stronger and closer puncturation, as will be 
seen at once if the abdomens of the 2 2 in the two species 
are looked at side by side. 

2. Clypeus apice in medio acute bidenticulato. Carina inter- 
antennalis usque ad ocellum anticum prolongata. Propodei area 
media laevis, nitidissima, impressione lineari longitudinaliter divisa. 
Petiolus transversus, cum sequentibus 4 segmentis ante apicem 
evidenter impressus vel sulcatus (longitudinaliter), area pygidialis 
subovalis, apice et basi angustatis, deinde subtruncatis, lateribus 
subdense fimbriatis. Segmentum ventrale 2° basi hand elevatum, 
penultimum (quantum video) simplex. Punctatura mediocriter 
fortis, nusquam rugosa, intervallis punctorum subnitidis ; partim 
(e.g. in scutello) fere dispersa dici potest. 

Collare lateribus gibbose elevatis in medio depressum, angulis 
inferis spiniformibus. Antennarum articuli 3 et 4 latitudine sua 
plusquam duplo longiores. Flavescens vel partim albescens, verticis 
fascia lata antice biramose producta nigra. Nigra sunt etiam— 
occiput (non autem tempora) mesonotum cum parte pleurarum, 
propodei area media (nonnunquam etiam areae laterales partim), et 
segmentorumn abdominis dorsalium maculae basales subtriangulares 
(interdum obsolescentes). 

¢ feminae simillimus, crassius punctatus, flavedine magis 
restricta. Caput postice nigrum, pone oculos flavo binotatum ; 
thoracis latera tota (plerumque etiam propodeum totum) nigra ; 
abdominis fasciae flavae angustiores quam in 92. Antennarum 
articulus ultimus leniter curvatus, dein recte truncatus. Clypei 
margo apicalis evidenter dentatus. 

Oculorum margines interni in utroque sexu fere paralleli. Alae 
hyalinae apicibus fuscis. 

222,19. Biskra, “visiting Mitraria edentata,” 19. v, 

97, A. E. E. 
282,229. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 15. v to 8 vii, 97. 
KE. E. 


1 2. Constantine, 16. vi, 94. A. E. E. 
629. Constantine, 14-18. vi, 98. F.D.M 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 91 


This small dark species, of which I found ¢ 9 only, in 
general appearance and coloration much resembles guadri- 
maculata, and occurred at the same place and time with 
that species. But, besides being very much smaller, it is 
at once distinguishable by its almost unsculptured “ cordi- 
form” area, and the shining surface of its head and thorax 
above, the punctures on which are comparatively small 
and sparse. The almost entirely black face with merely 
a small pale spot adjoining each eye (as in many 
Prosopis 2 2) 1s a curious character, and appears in all my 

Q. Nigra, nitida ; macula in medio orbitae internae utriusque 
oculi, et segmentorum abdominalium 3" 5" que fasciis latis apica- 
libus (antice in medio emarginatis) ‘flavis. 

Antennae fulvescentes apicibus denigratis scapis flavis. Mandi- 
bulae breves (in medio marginis haud dentatae) fulvae apicibus 
nigris. Pedes cum tegulis alarum flavi vel plus minusve fulves- 
centes. Alae apicibus haud obscurioribus subfumatae, costa 
stigmate etc. brunneis. 

Clypeus totus niger, forma simplici, sed valde tumidus (convexus). 
Segmenta ventralia omnino simplicia. Caput superne sparse, 
mesonotum cum scutello etiam sparsius punctatum ; pleurae rugosae ; 
propodei area media disco laevigato, lateribus subtilissime (fere 
microscopice !) striolatis ; areae eiusdem laterales dense punctatae. 
Abdomen superne punctis mediocribus subnitidum, area pygidialis 
anguste subovalis, coriacea, plus minusve rufescens vel brunnescens. 

Oculorum margines interni fere paralleli: ocelli inter se minus 
quam ab oculis distaut. 

Long. circ. 9 mm. 

3 2 2. Constantine, 16. vi, 98. F. D. M. 


This is evidently an abundant species in Algeria, and 
must have, I should conjecture, more than one generation 
in the year. I have taken it as early as March (at 
Cherchell) and abundantly in April 1910 (in the Province 
of Oran), while Mr. Eaton’s records of it extend from the 
middle of May to the 19th of September in various years. 
(It is rather curious that in ’98 I do not seem to have 
met with it, but possibly I may have given away or mislaid 
my specimens.) 

92 Rey. F. D. Morice on 

1 @. Near Azazga, on Eryngium tricuspidatum, 1. ix, 93. 
A. E. E. 

1 gf. Forest of Yakouren, on Lryngium tricuspidatum, 
19..1x, 93. | A, E. EE. 

1 ¢. Le Tarf, on Foeniculum vulgare, 26. vii, 96. A. E. E. 

1 g. Biskra, on Foeniculum vulgare, 15. v, 97. A. E. E. 

329. Biskra, on Amini visnaga, 24. v and 3. vi, 93. 
tAg ie E. 

1 g. Bone, on Tamarix (2), 25. vii, 97. A. E. E. 
19. Médéa, on Eryngium triquetrum, 27. vi, 93. A. E. E. 


This identification I owe to Herr Kohl. 

My specimen is a very darkly-coloured insect, the body 
being entirely black except a small yellow spot above the 
base of the clypeus, a very broad orange fascia (covering 
the whole of the 2nd and 8rd abd. segments both dorsal 
and ventral!), and the tegulae, legs (except the coxae), 
and the base of the mandibles, which are also orange (but 
this colour on the mandibles is very obscure—perhaps 
darkened by cyanide 2). 

The constrictions between the abdominal segments 
appear to me slighter than is usual in Cerceris. The 
cordiform area is dull, somewhat coriaceously rugulose all 
over without distinct striations. The mesopleurae are 
strongly toothed or tuberculated in the middle as in 
capito, etc. The clypeus in my specimen has unfortu- 
nately been damaged (probably by a needle employed to 
open the mandibles), and I cannot describe its form in 
detail, but the apex appears to have been narrowly pro- 
duced (porrect ?) and perhaps incised in the middle (?). 
The eyes are divergent. The mandibles simple (7. e. un- 
toothed within) and blunt at the apex. The surface of the 
body in general is rather shining, its puncturation neither 
very close nor coarse. ‘The pygidial area is barrel-shaped, 
slightly narrowing to its apex, and coarsely rugulose. The 
broad petiole and the segments following are distinctly 
impressed before their apices in the middle. The length 
of the insect about 15 mm. 

ee Biskras28. wv, 98. FB. De NM: 


1 2,2 29. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 18. v, 93. A. E. 
12,12. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 28. v, 94. A. EK 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 93 
3 Hae 4 29. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 15.23. v, 97. 
A. E 

1 9. *Méaéa, on Daucus carota, 8. vu, 93. A. E. E. 

Th. 23. 999. Biskra, 14, v—4. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

The species is excessively like specularis, Costa, but has 
a much more closely-punctured abdomen; and the inter- 
rupted abdominal fasciae seem to be always narrower than 
in that species, which I have taken freely in Greece and 
Palestine but never in Algeria. 


Abounds everywhere, so it is needless to quote every 
record. Mr. Eaton found it visiting Matricaria (Alger), 
Eryngium triquetrum (Médéa), Ammi visnaga (Hippdne 
and Biskra), Yewcriwm poliwm (Biskra), Senecio (Bone). 
Near Médéa a specimen was found at an altitude of over 
3200 feet. 

Many $f and tae from May to September inclusive, 
A, E. E. and F. D. M 


Found by Mr. Eaton visiting Nitraria tridentata, Tama- 
riz, Zizyphus lotus, and Ammi visnaga. — 

1 9. Biskra, 28. v, 94. <A. E. E. 

fe oeBiskne, 29: 1v, 05. Ave: 

24. Biskra, 11. and 24. v,97. A. E. E. 

499. Biskra, 30. iv—26. v, 97. A. E. E. 

it foAleer Al. 1,98. FE. Dy M. 

5 $3, 10 29. Biskra, 16. v-12. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

1 9. Biskra, 24. iv, 94. A. E. E. 

1 g. Biskra (on the sandhills), 5. v, 97. A. E. E. 


This is not (as D.T. Cat. makes it) a synonym of 
venustus, Rossi, but = the species described by Herr Kohl 
under the name andalusiacus. 

1 g. Forest of Yakouren, on Eryngium tricuspidatum at 
altitude of 2000 to 3000 feet, 3. ix, 98. A. E. E. 

94 Rey. F. D. Morice on 

22%. Bone, visiting Luphorbia paralias, 14. viii, 96. 
A. E. E. 

1 ¢. Bone, “commonly basks on stems of Juncus 
maritimus,” 4. viii, 97. <A. E. E. 

5 29. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 18. v, 93. A. E. E. 
i Biskra, 29.9v 940A, 1K, 
2°¢ 4. Biskra, 2ieand 23..v, 97. ‘Ay EO: 
8¢¢ and 2 22. Biskra, 5. v—4. vi, 98: FF. D. Me 


19) Biskra, 25-7. 08. 0H. iD. Mi: 

This is probably “ new,” but I abstain from describing 
it as such on a single specimen. The abdomen bears 
lateral white spots on the basal segments, segment 1 is 
red, the other segments black. It is much more shining 
on the thorax (especially the prothorax in front, and the 
sides of the propodeum) than théryi, the body seems un- 
usually pilose, and the spines of the legs (pecten, ete.) 
particularly long. 

It is not dewitzi (!), the only Philoponus (besides théryi) 
with which I have had the opportunity of comparing it. 

ASTATUS (or ASTATA ?), Latr. 

I have hesitated a good deal as to my proper course in 
dealing with the records relating to this Genus. By some 
unlucky accident all save one of my own captures have 
escaped mention of any kind in Mr. Saunders’s MS. list 
now lying before me. My determinations of these, there- 
fore, have not his authority, and this I have thought it 
best to indicate by enclosing them between square 
brackets [ ]. But a greater difficulty is that on full 
consideration I find myself unable to agree with the con- 
clusions to which (if I rightly understand his MS.) my 
friend had come, as to certain identifications of Mr. EKaton’s 
insects; and yet Ido not think I should be justified in 
silently ignoring those conclusions, and modifying the list 
he had prepared in accordance with my own notions. I 
shall therefore publish the list as he left it; and in cases 
where it seems necessary, shall record my dissent and the 
reasons for it between square brackets. As to the name of 
the Genus I should have preferred myself to acquiesce, as 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 95 

v. Dalla Terre and most authors have done, in Latreille’s 
emendation of his first proposed name, and written 
“ Astata” ; but this question I do not wish to argue ; and, 
as I find ‘‘ Astatus ” employed throughout in the MS, list, 
it shall remain so. 

1 #. Constantine, visiting Thapsia garganica, 17. v, 99. 

A. EK. E. 

1 9. Constantine, 17. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

[My ¢ is, I have no doubt, bodps, as determined by Mr. 
Saunders. But it is a remarkably large specimen, and 
has exceedingly dark wings—quite as dark as in /wii- 
pennis, Saunders. | 


1 g. Hippone, “eyes [in life] pitch brown, or rufo- 
piceous,” 15, vii, 96. A. EK. E. 

1 3,19. Le Tarf, “on Foeniculum vulgare,” 24, vil, 96. 
A. E. E. 

1 2. Biskra, “5-6.30 pm,” 11. v, 94. A. EK. E. 

1 9. Bone, “along the shore across the Seybouse,” 3. ix, 
96. A. E. E. 

[I took a 9 at Constantine 14. vi, 98, and 2 ff and 1 9 
at Biskra 24. and 25. v, 98 (F. D. M.) which Mr. Saunders 
does not appear to have noticed when he revised the 
collections, but which seem to belong either to this species 
or the next. See below under radialis, Saunders. | 


Described in Trans. Ent. Soc. 1910, Part. IV. 

12,3 2 2. Le Tarf, on Foeniculum vulgare, 24. and 26. vii, 
OG. ake. BB, 

1 2. Bone, “along the shore across the Seybouse,” 5. 1x, 
96. A. KH. E. 

1 9. Bone, “along the shore across the Seybouse,” on 
Euphorbia paralias, 23. viii, 97. A. E. E. 

[I cannot help feeling a doubt as to the association of 
the above {with the 29. The latter appear certainly 
unlike the 2 2 called by Saunders minor which were 
taken in the same localities with them and (at Le Tarf) 
on the same plant. But except a slight and, as it seems 
to me, hardly specific difference in the truncation of the 

96 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

radial cell I can find no reason to think that all the #2 
here recorded (after Saunders’s MS.) as minor and radialis 
do not belong to the same species. Their agreement in 
antennal characters, degree of clouding in the wings, ete., 
outweighs (I think) the difference of neuration, which in 
Astatus spp. generally is often erratic. And if they be 
identical, I suspect they are the ff of Saunders’s mznor, 
rather than of his radialis. But further, I do not feel 
certain that the former species is really Kohl’s minor, of 
which I possess several specimens named by the author. 
The ¢ antennae, to my eye, are not identical with those 
of minor, Kohl (det. ipse), the joints beneath being less 
convex and more simply so (not at all sinuate in the 
middle!). Also the ventral pilosity appears distinctly 
longer. They seem to me more to resemble the # of a 
Spanish species kindly sent to me by Sefior Mercet, 
under a name which I refrain from quoting as I am not 
sure that it is yet published. 

As to radialis 2, I feel pretty sure that it is really (or 
rather was when described) a “new” form. Whether it will 
prove to be more than a local variety of some species already 
described from other districts, is another question. Several 
of the characters which are commonly utilised in defining 
the species of this difficult Genus are, to my mind, likely 
to prove unreliable. Even such comparatively well-de- 
fined species as bodps and stigma are exceedingly variable, 
not only in colour-characters, but in neuration, size, and 
even sculpture; and many of the existing descriptions are 
based entirely on characters of this kind.] 

1 2. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 19. v, 97. A. E. E. 

1 9. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 25. v, 97. A. E. E. 

The above two species are both described in Trans. Ent. 
Soc. ¢.c. 


1 @. Biskra, visiting Moricandia arvensis, 10. x, 97. 
A. E. E. 

1 9. Hussein Dey (Alger), 4. iv, 93. A. E. E. 

1 9. Biskra, “near the Barrage, on the neighbouring 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 97 

hill, carrying off an Achetid from a stony slope.” 22. in, 
Sanya) Kp Et 
a2 @ Paskra, 18.4, and 15) 1, 955 12. iv, 97. A. 
2¢ f, 19. Biskra, 4-20. v, 98. F. D. M. 
299. Alger, 19. and 21. iv, 98. F. D. M. 

ie, 1 9. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 18. and 23. v, 93. 
EK. E. 

1 9. Biskra, on Moricandia arvensis, 10. 11,97. <A. E. E. 
Lt ate Biskra, 30. ii, and 22. iv, 97. A. E. E. 

if : Bone, 30. vii, OF; Ay Ee. 

17,1 @ Biskra, 12. and 14, v, 98. F. D. M: 

209. Alcer, 16. ii and 12..iv, 98. F.D, M. 


5 99. Alger, 16. 11i-4, iv, 98. F. D. M. 
1 f. Biskra, 16. v, 98. F. D. M. 

1 9. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 24. v, 97. A. E. E. 


This is by far the largest Palaearctic Tachytes known to 
me. In size and general appearance it agrees with 7’ 
monetaria, Smith, an Indian species. But on comparing 
it with the “type” of the latter at South Kensington (a 
9) I find that monetaria has the eyes further apart on the 
vertex, differently-clouded wings (darkest in the costal 
region and near the stigma and with only a small area 
slightly infuscated near the apex, while swperbiens has 
them perfectly hyaline except at the apex, where a very 
broad and dark band runs along the margin), very ditfer- 
ent pilosity on the thorax (simple erect griseous hairs all 
over it), and a differently-coloured abdomen (the base 
being black, while in swperbiens it is entirely testaceous). 
Nor is it veloc, Smith, with whose “type” I have also 
compared it. It is far larger, and altogether different in 
colour and general appearance. It seems almost incred- 
ible that so magnificent a Palaearctic species should not 
have been long ago detected and described; and this is 
probably the reason that Mr. Saunders, though marking it 
as a “new species” in his list, has apparently neither 


H8 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

named it, nor prepared a description of it. Limagine that 
he expected to find one, when he should be able to return 
home and consult books which he had not by him in the sea- 
side lodgings where his last MSS. were composed. I have 
failed, however, to encounter such descriptions; and as a 
search through the collections of Larridae (European, 
African, and Asiatic) in the British Museum (South 
Kensington) has revealed no species much resembling the 
present—except, as aforesaid, monetaria, Sm.—I can only 
treat it as new. 

What Smith calls the “ beautiful tessellated appearance ” 
of the golden-haired abdomen in monetaria is a striking 
character also in superbiens. The same phenomenon is 
described in greater detail by Lepelletier in his account of 
7’. illudens (but that is generally supposed to be a Liris, 
and it cannot, at any rate, be the insect now under con- 
sideration). Really the whole abdomen is clothed with 
minute golden hairs, but these only become visible when 
they reflect the light at certain particular angles; and the 
result is that, when looked at from behind, the abdomen 
appears chequered (like a chessboard) with alternate 
squares of hght and darkness, these squares shifting their 
position, and sometimes actually becoming reversed, when 
the point of view is altered. 

Nigra, dense punctulata; abdomine, mandibulis in medio, pedum- 
que apicibus testaceis ; tegulis ochraceo-flavidis ; alarum superiorum 
margine apicali late infuscato, basi ac disco hyalinis. Pedes robusti, 
spinosi. Metatarsi antici serie subaequali 6 spinarum armati, spinis 
his in 9 testaceis, validis, rectis, in ¢ albidis, multo minoribus. 

Oculi in vertice (praecipue in ¢) valde approximati. Distantia 
horum longitudini antenn. artic. 4 in 9, 5° in ¢ subaequalis 
(certe non maior sed ut videtur aliquanto minor quam in T’ frey- 
gessnert, Kohl). Neque antennae, neque clypeus notam ullam 
singularem praebent. Huius parsapicalis in 9 nonnihil deplanatur 
vel imprimitur, margine (in medio) subproducto, sed lenissime. 

2. Caput, thorax cum propodeo, basisque segmenti abdominalis 
1™, pilis tenuibus albidis subhirta. Praeterea facies, tempora pone 
oculos, latera thoracis plus minusve, pedesque partim (e.g. femora 
quatuor anteriora subtus), itemque margo mesonoti totus (7. e. antice 
postice et in lateribus) et postscutellum (non autem scutellum) pilis 
stratis vel substratis argenteis pulcherrime resplendent, Abdomen 
pube aureo-sericea revera quidem totum conspersum, specie vero, 
secundum lucis incidentias varias, varie tessellatum ; (parte pilositatis 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 99 

nunc hac, nune illa, modo apparente, modo oculos fallente). Area 
pygidialis pilis rufescenti-aureis vestita. 

g. Pilositas dispositione similis, sed pallidior; neque argenteo- 
(facie excepta) neque aureo- tam distincte ac conspicue quam in 9 

Long. 17 mm. (¢ )-22 mm. (? ). 

1 7, 1 9. Bone, on Statice, 30. vii, 97. A. EK. E. 
2274, 1. Bone, visiting Cynanchum acutum, 17. 18., and 
20. vii, 97. A. E. E. 

Mr. Eaton has noted that in life the eyes of the ? are 
greenish, those of the ¢ “ pitch-black.” 


Described in Trans. Ent. Soc. 1910., Part IV. 

2 $4,1 9. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 24. and 28. v and 19. 
yi, 9%. AEE. 

S 5,0 29%. Biskra; 18.v to 4. vi; 98,, .F. D. M. 

The ¢ taken by Mr. Eaton was stylopised. 


Described in Trans. Ent. Soc., /. ¢. 
2 ¢¢. Biskra, “near railway, kilom. 199,” 25. iv, 97. 
A. E. E. 


38 4. Bone, “on sandy ground,” 29. vii, 97. A. E. E. 

229. Médéa, on Daucus setifolius, 30. vii and 2 viii, 93. 
A. E. E. 

229. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 18, vi and 2. viii, 97. 
A. E. E. 

“ Hyes of f dull green”... “eyes of 2 green” (A. E. E. 


Described in Trans. Ent. Soc., 1. ¢. 
1 3,19. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 22. vi, 97. A. E. E. 
(In the Coll. the # is accidentally ticketed as a 9.) 

394,499. Biskra. “Eyes caesious, visits Zizyphus 
(abusincoxdy, Oi A 
OFidew poe Biskra;, 98.;. FD: M. 
H 2 

100 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

1 g. Biskra, “ visiting Amberboa lippit ; eyes light green- 
ish or light yellowish-green,” 11. iv, 95. A. E. E 

1 g. Le Tarf, in the cornfields on Ammi visnaga, 27. vi, 
96. A.B. E. 


1. f. Biskra; 9, v, 98... EF. D. M. 
This specimen was determined by Herr Kohl. 

TACHYTES AMBIDENS, Kohl (det. ipse !) 
i 2 Biskra,: 20. Wace. 0 pe. eI, 


2 ff. Between Tizi Ouzou and Azazga, on Mentha: 
“ eyes light sap-green,’ 13. vi, 938. A. E. E. 

1 @. Médéa, on Eryngium triquetrum: “eyes black,” 
26..v1, 03.. CAS Ba: 


Mr. Saunders in his MS. list calls this species “ heliopo- 
lites, Morice.” But I am satisfied that it is not the species 
described by me under that name from Egypt. It is far 
larger. The hairs of the face are silvery in the 9, fuscous 
or even black in the f. (In heliopolites both sexes have 
the face white-haired.) The pygidial area of the @ is 
different both in shape and sculpture (vide infra—in helio- 
polites it is tectiform, shining, and very slightly striated, 
almost smooth except for a few large but ill-defined 
punctures). The ff quite agree with specimens from 
Egypt which were determined for me as syriacus by the 
author, and so I venture to call it. (In rubbed specimens 
only two bands of silvery hairs appear on the abdomen, 
and Kohl’s original description gives this as a character of 
his species. But others in better condition show 3 or even 
4 complete silvery bands in a good light. They are best 
seen by looking at the specimen from in front.) 

As I am not aware that the 2? has yet been described, I 
give a diagnosis of its characters. 

Q mari simillima. Nigra, abdomine concolore, albido-pilosa. 
Frontis, clypei, etc., pilositas argentea, non (ut in ¢) fusca vel 
nigra. Segmentorum abdominalium apices fasciis latis argenteis 
ornati, revera continuis, quamvis, postice visae, interruptae videan- 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 101 

tur. Mandibulae basibus argenteo-pilosis, in medio cum parte pedum 
(tarsis, tibiarum apicibus, etc.) testaceae. Tegulae venaeque alarum 
lutescentes. Harum cellula cubitalis 2"* superne angusta, 3"* 
Jatior ; forma huius paene ut in 7, panzeri. 

Metatarsi antici spinis plurimis (12-13) longis sed tenuissimis 
pectinati. Oculi in vertice circiter antenn. articuli 3"! longitudine 
(vel paullo minus) inter se distant. (Minus certe quam in 7’ 
fluctuato.) Area pygidialis opaca, plana, dense granulosa (vel 
reticulato-punctulata), punctis nonnullis maioribus subobsoletis 

Long. circ. 13 mm. 

1 gf. Médéa, on Daucus setifolius, “Eyes light egg- 
yellow,” 8. vii, 93. A. EK. E. 

1 f,1 9. La Calle, 4. and 19. vu, 96. A. E. E. 

1 f. Le Tarf, “ visiting heads of Cynara cardunculus, 28. 
vii, 96. A. E. E. 

2 $4,199. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, “ Kyes of f¢ light 
yellowish green, of 2 dull greenish,” 20-25. v,97. A. KE. E. 

1 f. Bone, “ Eyes bright yellow,” 30. vii, 97. A. E. E. 

3 2%. Biskra, 20. and 30. v, 98. F. D. M. 


i. Biskra, 28. iv, 95. A. EH. E. 

2 ff. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, “ Eyes bright yellow or 
greenish yellow, according to the point of view,” 22. vi, 97. 
A. E. E. 

1 gf. Bone, on Luphorbia paralias, 5. vi, 96. A. E. E. 

1 gf. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 18. vi, 97. A. E. KE. 

(A very large specimen with red legs and dull-red base 
to the abdomen. Mr. Saunders submitted it to Herr Kohl, 
who considered that it was a variety of fluctwatus.) 

Sita: miskra, 15.-25, v, 98, F.1D. M. 

So many specimens having occurred, it seems rather 
curious that all were f 2. 


1 9. Hussein Dey, 4. iv, 98. A. E. E. 
1 9. Alger, 18. iv, 93. A. E. E. 
12) Biskra, 19> v, 985 FL... M. 

1 9. Philippeville, 21. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

102 Rev. F. D. Morice on 


“ee 1 g,1 9. Biskra, on Euphorbia guyoniana, 1. ii, 95. 
EK. E. 

1 ¢. Médéa, on Eryngium triquetrum, 29. vi, 93. A. E. E. 
5 oo; 2 29 Biskra, 2. 10,95 and 6-21. wv, 97" BoE 
2g 1-2) Bene! 3! ix 96and 31. vit, 97) EE. 
823,399. Alger, 29. iii-21. iv, 98. F. D. M. 

OE WPS edo Biskra, B20) hy 98) Fe AE 

(7) 1 &% Biskra (probably nitidus, but Mr. Saunders notes 
of it, “has the vertex rather more convex and narrower 
than in normal specimens ”), 20. v, 98. F. D. M. 


Described in Trans. Ent. Soc. 1910, Part IV. 
1 2. Biskra (road to Hammam es Salahin), 5. iv, 97. 

TACHYSPHEX, sp. ? (probably schiniedeknechti, Kohl) 
12. Biskra, 19. v, 98. F. D. M: 


Described in Trans. Ent. Soc. 1910, Part IV. 
1 2. Philippeville, 21. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

1 ¢. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, “eyes yellow,” 22. vi. 97. 

A. E. E. 

Lf? 2.0 iBiskra 20k 98: HI. ME 

TACHYSPHEX LATIVALVIS, Thoms. (Black variety.) 
19. Bone, “visiting Huphorbia paralias. Kyes 
piceous,” 2. vii, 97. A. EH. E. 


3 ff. Biskra, on Ammz visnaga, 25. v,93 and 15.-24. 
v, 97. AEE 

4 $f. Biskra, among Tamarix, etc., above the barrage, 
10. and 11. 1iv, 97. A. EB: 

Of these specimens Mr. Eaton notes: “Eyes yellowish 
green, Basks on the sand with antennae porrect, and 
though common is hard to catch, because it very often 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 103 

frequents spots at the borders of bushes and under the 
ends of their branches.” 

1 gf. Bone, on Huphorbia paralias, 5. viii, 97. A. E. E. 

1 9. Le Tarf, “visitng heads of Cynara cardunculus,” 
23. vil, 96. A. E. E. 

1 9. Biskra, on Zizyphus lotus, 25. iv, 97, A. EK. E, 

229. Biskra, about Nitraria tridentata, 21, and 28. v, 
Bio SA Hie Be 

32d. Constantine, 15.‘and 17: vi, 98: -F: DM. 

1 g. Philippeville, 20. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

9 f f and 3 2 9. Biskra, 4. v. to 30. vi, 98. F. D, M. 

This is probably the commonest of all Zachysphex spp. 
in Algeria, occurring everywhere, and under all sorts of 


3 ¢ 2%. Biskra, “above the barrage. Eyes dull light 
yellowish green,” 4-18. iv, 97. A. E.E, 

ae a... Biskra, 5.'v and fv, 98, °F. D) Me 

Described in Trans, Ent. Soc. 1910, Part IV. 
1 f. Biskra, on Zizyphus lotus, 30. iv, 95. <A, EK. E, 
24g. Biskra, “eyes light yellowish green,” 22. iv, 97. 
A. E. E. ‘ 
19. Bone, “visiting Zryngium triquetrum,” 6. vii, 96. 

A. E. E 


19. Constantine, 16. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

It would seem that this extremely common European 
species is quite a rarity on the other side of the Mediter- 
ranean! (Kohl, however, mentions North Africa as one 
of its habitats, and this specimen was submitted to and 
its determination verified by him.) 


Described in Trans. Ent. Soc. 1910, Part 1V. 

16 2 9. Biskra, 30. v to 9. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

Although the 2 @ were so abundant, I do not seem to 
have taken any $2, and I had very nearly the same 
experience in the same locality with the allied species 
ponzeri, The 29 are of course larger and more striking 

104 fe F. D. Morice on 

insects than their partners ; and it may be that, finding 
them simply swarming on Ammuz visnaga, I unconsciously 
limited my captures to what appeared the finest specimens. 
(Or, possibly, the ¢ ¢ of gracilitarsis were “over” at 
Biskra before I arrived, but this seems less likely.) 


Lf 1 9. Biskra- 16-24. iv, 97. ALE, 

1 ¢. Médéa, on Centaurea nicacensis (or Scabiosa 
maritima ?), 26. vi, 93 A. E. E. 

1 g¢. Aine Draham (Tunisie), 22. vi, 96. A. E. E. 

22°. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 24. v, 97. A. E. E. 

1 9. Biskra, on Mitraria tridentata, 21.v, 97. A.E. E. 

2 ft, 12. Bone, on Salsola kali, 19. and 20. viii, 97. 

2 ta 9. Bone, S00. -wit, (975) VAS Woe: 

From Mr. Eaton’s notes I gather thatthe eyes of the f f 
were generally bright or yellowish green ; those of the ? 2 
darker, bluish or sea-green (glaucous). 

89 9. Biskraa.v—7. vi, 98: FS DOM 

1 2. Constantine, 15. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

1 2. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 30.v, 97. A. EB. E. 

1. Biskra, 20 av, 97.) A: BOB, 
Dt Biskran ivy 96.) 0b. ), M. 


1 g. Biskra (“‘ Hammam es Salahin on the sandhills”), 
boy, Oi AEE, 

1.0; sBiskiras2 0); 498.;, ch’. .,.M. 

Mr Saunders has a note in the margin of his list as 
follows : 

“The ¢ specimen of this species was named for me 
by Kohl himself. The 2 which I associate with it resem- 
bles the ¢ in the dense silvery (in some lights more or 
less golden) pubescence which so clothes the head, thorax 
and propodeum that the sculpture is invisible. The vertex 
between the eyes is about equal to the length of the 2nd 
joint of the flagellum. The abdomen (which is broadly 
banded with silvery pubescence), and the legs are entirely 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 105 

clear testaceous. The front metatarsi with a comb of 
seven long pale spines, the two basal ones shorter than 
the others.” 


1 . Constantine, “ visiting Hehiwm caeruleum,” 16, v. 95. 
A. E. E. 


Described in Trans. Ent. Soc. 1910, Part IV. 
Oe Biskra: 9! vir 98.0" FD, M, 


Described in Trans. Ent. Soc. 1910, Part IV. 
io. Biskray 12>vi.98..- Ho. MM. 


3 $2, probably belonging to one species, and unde- 
scribed ; but without the other sex, and possessing as they 
do no striking characters, it seems impossible to deal with 
them satisfactorily. 

Biskra, 6.—12:'v, 98. F. D. M. 

A single f with the antennae evidently deformed. 

Biskra, 14: vy, 98.2 2. D.: M. 


19. Azazga (at an altitude of 1600 feet), 22. ix, 93. 
A. E. E. 

This species, and also the Genus to which it is referred, 
are very recent additions to the Palaearctic Fauna. Both 
were introduced along with a second species (A. maligna) 
by Sefior Mercet in February 1910. Mr. Eaton’s specimen 
was taken some years before the earliest capture yet re- 
corded of a Palaearctic Ancistromma, and is also (I believe) 
the only one hitherto recorded as occurring elsewhere than 
in Spain. Previous to 1910 the genus was known only 
as North American ; and it was first established (by W. J. 
Fox) in 1903—the same year in which Mr, Eaton made 
his capture! (Cf. Kohl Die Gattungen der Sphegiden, 
Genus 38.) 

106 Rev. F. D. Morice on 


Described in Boletin de la Real Soc. espanola de His.. 
nat., July 1907, from one of the specimens here recosded.. 
The species is so like P. laevior, described by myself in 
1897 from Egypt, that neither Mr. Saunders nor I had 
considered it distinct, and, in fact, I sent it to Sefior Mercet 
as a “duplicate” of laevior. In Mr. Saunders’s MS. list. 
it still bears the latter name, but I think he had not 
seen the specimens since the description of moricei was 
published. The ? 2, both of /wevior and moricei, are still 
unknown; the chief difference between the ? 9 lies in the 
form and sculpture of the “area pygidialis” (vide figs. 2 
and 3 in Mercet’s Paper). 

4 2 2. Constantine, 16.-18. vi, 98. F. D. M. 


Described in Trans. Ent. Soc. 1910, Part IV. 

The species, or at least the type-specimen here recorded, 
is quite startlingly larger than any of our other Proso- 
pigastra spp. ! 

Le. Biskra, Vivi, 98: “B.D: M. 

Described in Trans. Ent. Soc., /. e. 
1/o) Biskray 7 ive 98ou H, 1). IM. 


Described in Trans. Ent. Soc., /. ¢. 

4 fg f. Bone, 4. vi, 96. A. E. E. 

Mr. Eaton notes as to these specimens, “Eyes tinged 
towards the orbits in front and behind with brownish, 
this colour leaving the middle lateral space (from the jaw 
upwards) olive-greenish, and intersected subvertically by 
a movable dark streak that slants downwards towards the 
lower end of the posterior orbit.” 

ligfste Vari hi, iy96:. (A. 1. Wis) 


Described in Trans. Ent. Soe., /. ¢. 

320.4, 1 9... Biskra, BOsiv,.94 Ac HE: 

“ Aoile and difficult to net. . . . They rest on the sand, 
with antennae porrect and close together, Often near 

- Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 107 

Cynodon dactylon, and beside hummocks of Limonrastrum 
guyonianum.” (A. EK. E. MSS.) 
8 a4. Biskra, 6. and 9. iv, 97.. A. E. E. 


1 9. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 6. v, 98. F. D. M. 

I think I took at least one other specimen, but gave it 
away very soon. The same species has occurred to me at 
Cairo, but only 2. The Z, if I mistake not, is still 



2f 2,19. Médéa, on Hryngium triquetrum. “ Kyes of 
f reddish-brown,” 27. vi and 10, vii, 93. A. E. _ 
5 a & 499. Biskra, on Ammz visnaga, 19. v—22. vi, 97. 

ee 1? &. Biskra, 0) vo. vi, 9S. °F. DD: M. 


The synonymy of the smaller Palarus spp. is much 
confused, and Mr. Saunders appears to have had some 
doubt what to call these specimens. 

They agree entirely with Egyptian insects in my collec- 
tion which were determined for me by Herr Kohl as 
lepidus. I did not find this species in Algeria myself; 
probably I left before it had appeared. 

1 f. Médéa, on Lryngium triquetrum, 29, vi, 938. A. EK. E. 

1 2. Médéa, on Lryngiwm triquetrum, 28. vi, 93. A. EH. E. 

12 Aine Kriar, 22. vi, 96. A. E. E. 

PALARUS SP. ? (aetus, K1., sec. E. Saunders) 

Mr. Saunders considered this to be a 2 of laetus, K1., of 
which, according to Herr Kohl i. litt., Aistrio, Spin., is a 
synonym. As I only know f f of laetws (taken by myself in 
Egypt and determined by Kohl), I cannot say for certain 
that this is not its 2; but I am more inclined to think 
that it belongs to the species next to be recorded whose f 
was taken in the same locality (Biskra), and in general 
appearance agrees extremely well with it. (I believe that 
laetus is only recorded from Egypt, though it is quite 
likely that it may occur algo in Algeria.) But it must be 
admitted that the present insect agrees perfectly with 

108 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

Klug’s description of /aetus , except that the antennae 
cannot, I should say, be called “fusco-annulatae.” 

1 2. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga. “Eyes bluish-ash,” 
8. wil; OF. Ae: 


3d. P. laeto, K1., fere omnibus notis similis: sed forma segmenti 
ventralis 2", pyg ae et seutelli, certe (ut opinor) distinctus. 

Antennae pedum que bases vix conspicue infuscatae. Scutellum 
totum flavum, magis transversum quam in laeto, forma trapezoidali, 
antice quam postice multo latius. Segmenti ventralis 2" pars 
apicalis callose quidem assurgens, sed leniter ac sensim, haud (ut in 
laeto) a latere visa in formam tuberculi magni subquadrati elevata. 
Abdomen apice haud “ tridentato,” sed potius uni-mucronato (angulis 
lateralibus pygidii non dentiformibus, sed omnino obtusis vel rotun- 
datis ; apice medio solum in mucronem satis longum producto). 
Segmenta abd. dorsalia 1-5, quodque ante flavedinis suae apicem 
utrinque maculam minimam curvatam, vel potius impressionem, 
tenuem sed distinctam, plus minusve decoloratam, spiraculo haud 
dissimilem, exhibet: cuius rei in P. laeto ne vestigium quidem 
invenire potui. 

Oculi (nune quoque, hoe est post duodecim annos !) colore omnino 
alio atque in laeto; scilicet rufo-brunneo suffusi (in laeto potius 

Scapi antennarum antice flavi (in /aeto obscuri). 

Long. cire. 8 mm. 

The above characters appear to me amply sufficient to 
distinguish disputabilis ¢ from laetus ¢. Unfortunately 
the most important of them relate to points of structure 
in which the sexes differ, and cannot therefore be used to 
ascertain their respective ? 9. 

Two of them at least, however, viz. (1) the feeble dis- 
coloured impressions at the side of each abdominal yellow 
fascia (looking like a row of spiracles down each side of 
the dorsum) and (2) the transverse trapezoidal form of 
the scutellum and its entirely yellow colour, appear in the 
Q just mentioned, and called by Mr. Saunders laetus 9. 
On this ground, and also on account of its complete 
general resemblance to disputabilis 2, and its occurrence 
in the same locality at a slightly later date in the season, 
I believe it to be the @ of the latter. 

(I ought to say that in /epidus also, though not in laetus, 
I can see indications of spiracle-like impressions in the 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 109 

yellow abdominal fasciae, but they are not nearly so 
noticeable as in the insects now under consideration.) 

1 ¢. Biskra, 6. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

(2.19. Biskra, 8. vit, 97. A. E. E. Vide above.) 

Nysson BRAUERI, Handl. 

1 2. Le Tarf, on Foeniculum vulgare, 26. vii, 96. A. E. E. 
1 f,2 29. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 23. v—19. vi, 97. 
E. E. 

‘1 ft Biskra, 27. v, 98. F.D. M. 

I cannot find any records of the capture of this insect 
since it was described by Handlirsch from a single $ (taken 
at Sétif, Province of Oran) in the Vienna Museum. My 
specimen was determined by Kohl. 

The ? is therefore, I suppose, undescribed. As might 
be expected, its structural characters (like those of the 2) 
connect it closely with scalaris. The antennae, however, 
and also the scutellum with the adjoining posterior corners 
of the mesonotum, and the apex of the pygidial area are 
fulvous or yellowish (not black); and the latter area 
appears somewhat more strongly and regularly punctured. 
The silvery tomentum, characteristic of many desert 
species, is very conspicuous in these insects. The carinated 
frontal tubercle seems to me to be quite identical in the 
two forms. In fact, I can see nothing except colour and 
pubescence-characters to distinguish them, 


I am not sure but that this form has as good a claim 
as brauert to be described as a distinct species. It ditfers 
from typical epeoliformis very much as brauert from 
scalaris. The antennae are not infuscated except at their 
extreme apices. The whole pronotum, nearly the whole 
of the mesopleurae, the whole scutellum and postscutellum, 
and a great part of the propodeal spines are yellow, and 
the abdomen is principally of that colour, none of the 
fasciae being interrupted, and only those of segments 2 
and 3 being incised (triangularly) at their bases. Its 
puncturation and rugulosities (propodeal, ete.) appear 
weaker and shallower than in epeoliformis ~ f from 
Albania; but the difference is slight, and in all main 
points of structure it agrees with the latter so exactly 
that I cannot convince myself of its specific distinctness. 

110 F. D. Morice on 

(In one specimen the 2nd and 3rd cubital nervures are 
exactly confluent on the radius, in the other they are 
separated by an exceedingly small interval—about equal 
to the thickness of the radius itself.) The quadridenticu- 
late clypeus is exactly that of epeoliformis. 

Zio id biskra; Ol y.98. 1D: Me 

NYSSON, sp. ? 

19. Médéa,, 93. A. EH. E. 
19, Bone, 10. vi, 96. iA. HE, E. 
1 9. Philippeville, 20. v, 98. F.D. M. 

This is perhaps undescribed, but I think it better not 
to give it a name, especially as I have a suspicion that it 
may be the other sex of a new Spanish % kindly com- 
municated to me by Sefior Mercet. In size and colour it 
resembles dimidiatus, but is much more strongly punctured, 
the antennae (at least beneath) are distinctly pale, and 
the collar bears two transverse oval spots of yellow which 
are conspicuous and quite similar in all three specimens. 


1 g. Biskra, 24. v, 98. A- E. E. 

1 9. Biskra, 4. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

This species, | think, must be new. In colour it seems 
very nearly, though not in every detail, to resemble 
rufus, Hdl. of which the author only knew the . But 
in structure it appears to be altogether unlike that species, 
having a distinct though small tuberculation between the 
antennae, a different form of 2nd ventral segment, and 
a perfectly normal 9 pygidial area. 

Rufo-testaceus, argenteo sericans ac partim pilosus, capite et 
sternis nigris, propodeo (¢) et abdominis dorso (¢ et 2) plus 
minusve nigricante vel nigro (in @ solum lateraliter). Flavent 
antennarum fulvescentium bases antice, mandibulae in . medio, 
clypeus, pronoti fascia subinterrupta basalis, tegulae alarum, pedumque 
fulvescentium tibiae cum genubus externe. Segmentum abd. dorsale 
1™™" macula magna utrinque flava, segmenta 2-4 fasciis angustis 
flavis ornata, his in @ vix, in ¢ latius interruptis. Spinularum 
propodealium apices albidi. 

Tempora pone oculos satis longe distincte marginata. Frons inter 
antennas quasi in tuberculum elevata et plus minusve rufescens. 
Antennae in ¢ subclavatae articulo ultimo curvato ac truncato, 
penultimis 2 simul sumptis parum breviore. Segmentum ventrale 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 111 

2""" basi truncatum potius (sed obtuse) quam simpliciter rotundatum : 
segm. ventralia subapicalia fimbriis nullis. Pygidium ¢ bidentatum 
vel bispinosum, 9 simplex (haud ut in rufo quasi-bidenticulatum), 
Collaris anguli apicales bene definiti, in Q etiam acuti. 

Puncta corporis subcoriacei mediocriter densa ac crassa. 

Alae anticae venae cubitales 2 et 3 in radio haud confluentes, sed 
inter se fere tantum distantes quantum cellulae 2° apex a radio. 
Area analis alae posticae paullo post originem cubiti terminata. 

Long. circ. 6 mm. 


2224, 1 §. Constantine, visiting Thapsia garganica 
17. and 18. v, 95. <A. E. E. 

1 g. Biskra, 24. v, 98. F. D. M. 

Species D. crassicorni, Hdl.,statura parva, antennarumque articulis 
penultimis latitudine sua haud longioribus, similis et affinis. Differt 
tamen articulo harum ultimo simpliciter curvato et elongato (haud 
contorto) fere ut in D. lunicorni sed evidenter crassiore : item clypeo, 
orbitis oculorum, scapis antennarum, tegulis alarum, tuberculisque 
humeralibus flavedine omnino carentibus; facie inferne non 
argenteo—sed potius pallide aureo—pubescente ; segmentis que 
abdominis basalibus haud distincte rufis, sed poene totis nigris, 
tantum marginibus ipsis valde obscure rufescentibus. 

Clypeus evidenter tridentatus. Vertex politus, fere impunctatus, 
Thorax cum abdomine toto superne subtilissime punctatus, et 
inconspicue breviter pilosus. Puncta abd. segmenti 1™ sparsa sed 
distineta, reliqui corporis densiora. Abdomen infra pilis longis 

Long. 5 mm. 

This # seems clearly to stand nearer to crassicornis than 
to lunicornis, but to be in certain respects intermediate 
between them. Itseems far too small to be the 7 of either 
wustnet or pannonica, since Handlirsch puts the length of 
their 22 at 9-10 mm. and 9 mm. respectively. These 
species are only known from the north part of the Balkan 
district (Dalmatia, Hungary), and it is perhaps not very 
likely that they should occur in Algeria. 

It must certainly be a close ally ‘of erassicornis, but the 
differences indicated above appear to me sufficient excuse 
for treating it as specifically distinct. 

It differs from any Didineis yet described in not. having 

112 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

the base of the abdomen red, but whether this character 
is specific or individual must be decided by means of 
further captures, 

1 &. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 21. v, 97. <A. E. E. 


1 &. Biskra, on Deverra chlorantha, 13. v, 97. A. E. E. 

1 @. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 30. v, 97. A. E. E. 

The ¢ I believe is undescribed. It is exceedingly like 
rhopalocerus, but differs from it (as does its 2) in being 
considerably more strongly and deeply punctured and in 
having all the hind tarsi conspicuously annulated at 
their apices with black. (In rhopalocerus there is no black 
on any of them except the claw-joint !) 

Mr. Saunders in his MS. alludes to these specimens, and 
also that which I call rhopalocerus, as “rufinodis?”. But I 
feel sure they are to be separated and named as above 
(cf. Handlirsch’s Supplement to his Monograph). 
hujfinodis is an astern form, and not (as yet) known 
except from the Araxes-valley in Armenia. 


1 ¢. Sidi Ferruch (on coast to west of Alger), 8. v, 93. 
A. E. E. 

1 ¢. Constantine, visiting Thapsia garganica, 18. v, 95. 
A. EK. E. 

1 g. Bone, on Mentha rotundifolia, 10. viii, 97. A. E. E. 

1 9. Philippeville, 20. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

2 ¢%. Constantine, visiting Ferula communis, 14-22, v, 
1 ¢. Bone, on Huphorbia helioscopia, 4. v, 96. <A. E. E. 
I found this little-known species quite abundant in both 

sexes, always on Merula, at Hammam-bou-hadjar (Province 
of Oran) in April 1910. 


2 $f. Constantine. “ Both asleep, standing on all their 
legs, with wings half open, and chins rather tucked in, 
fully exposed—a few inches apart—on a leaf of 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 113 

Athamantha an old quarry,” 31. v, 95, 
A. E. E. 

1 & Bone, 23. v, 96. A. E. EB. 

None of these males have the antennae simply black 
except the yellow scape (cf. Handlirsch Mon.), but quite 
fulvous beneath and nearly so above until the last 3 or 4 
joints, which ave black practically. (On this account Mr. 
Saunders’s. MS. queries them as “ pleuripunctatus?”. But 
I have similar ¢¢ determined by Kohl and Schmiede- 
knecht, and the character seems to vary indefinitely in 
different specimens.) In one specimen only the sides of 
the propodeum are marked with yellow, and this is the case 
also with an Oran ¢ in my collection. 

GoRYTES (HARPACTUS) LAEVIS, Latr., var. (?) 
Lf 1 2, Biskra, 13. and 16.;iv, 97... -A.H. E. 

I give the name with a note of interrogation because I 
have reason to think that Mr. Saunders referred these speci- 
mens to pulchellus, Costa. Apart from descriptions the latter 
species is not known to me for certain. But I am quite 
convinced that the present insects are only a form (closely 
resembling in some points that described by Radoszkow- 
sky under the name morawitzi) of the widely-distributed 
and variable species to which I here assign them. 

The yellow markings are exactly as in normal laevis, 
except that the Ist abd. segment is immaculate. The 
vertex behind the eyes, the whole dorsal surface of the 
thorax, except the black middle area of the propodeum, 
and the base of the abdomen are red. 

Having compared these insects with many specimens 
of laevis from other Mediterranean countries, I find no 
character of structure or sculpture on which to separate 
them. But they are rather small (cire. 54 mm.) and differ 
from all my other specimens in having the hind tibiae and 
tarsi not fuscous but clear testaceous, segm. 1 entirely 
red, and segm. 2 mostly of that colour, but banded or 
spotted at its base with black, and with a yellowish-white 
apical fascia dilated at its sides exactly as in normal 

(Handlirsch, perhaps on Shuckard’s authority, makes 
laevis not only acommon Palaearctic, but even a British 
insect. This, I think, is a mistake. But its range is 
certainly very wide. It has been taken by Saunders on 


114 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

the coast of Brittany; by myself in Spain, South France, 
Greece, Anatolia, Syria, and Egypt; and it was found by 
Handlirsch himself in Algeria, though in a variety differ- 
ing considerably from that here recorded. If the present 
form be thought to require a distinguishing name, I would 
suggest “ pyrrhobasis, var. nov.”) 


A very small, brightly-variegated species; no doubt 
nearly allied to laevis, pulchellus, ete., and especially to the 
latter. The extent of red on the abdomen is unusual—it 
is not confined to the basal segments, in fact it occupies 
the discs at least of all the segments. Its white markings 
also are very copious—they occur on every segment but 
the last. The ocellar region and the middle of the meso- 
notum are black, but otherwise even on the head and 
thorax there is very little black except on the under-side. 
And the generally pale appearance of the insect is made 
paler still by the silvery pilosity which, as in other desert 
species, clothes it more or less densely all over. Unfortu- 
nately this pilosity conceals the fine sculpture (punctura- 
tion, rugulosity, etc.) of certain areas (especially the pro- 
podeum) so that any “characters” that may exist in it 
are made practically unavailable. I have looked in vain 
for any special peculiarity of a structural nature in these 
insects, but their general appearance seems unlike that of 
anything yet described. (In Mr. Saunders’s MS. list they, 
appear as “sp. ?”.) 

Caput antice lacteum fere totum, superne nigrum, postice (pone 
ocellos) dilute-brunnescens temporibus fusco-maculatis. Pictura 
facialis lactea vel albida fere usque ad ocellum anticum ascendit, 
parvoque intervallo excepto spatium inter oculos totum oceupat, 
In thorace albida sunt vel pallide flava—pronotum paene totum, 
mesonoti areae laterales cum tegulis alarum et parte pleurarum, scu- 
tellum,postscutellum, et propodei maculae 2 magnae laterales. Abdo- 
men usque ad apicem pallide-testaceum, segmentis nonnullis partim 
nigricantibus (sed parcissime !), apicibus omnium (excepto ultimo) 
albido-fasciatis, fasciis latis et, ut videtur, semper integris. Antenne 
pallide fulvescentes, superne plus minusve infuscatae, basi antice 
albida. Pedes colore simili, fusco plus minusve distincte lineati vel 
maculati, tibiis tarsisque vel totis vel antice saltem albidis. Corpus 
argenteo-sericans pilosumque, ita ut sculptura integumenti non facile 
dignosei possit, Clypeus simplex, apice lenissime late emarginato, 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 115 

Vertex fere planus (certe haud tumidus !). Ocelli utriusque postici 
distantia et ab ocello antico et ab oculo fere eadem (scilicet diametri 
sui longitudini subaequalis!), Antennae ¢ normales, articulis 
omnibus longioribus quam latioribus, forma fere simplici. 

Long. 35-5 mm. 

1 gf. Biskra, “Eyes sap green,” 30. iv, 94. <A. E, E. 

12.1 9, Biskra, 9. iv,97. A. EE. 


3 ¢ 2. Biskra, on Amz visnaga, “ Eyes glaucous or sea- 
green, 24. and 5£.v, 97. A. E. E. 

3 2 4. Biskra, 31. v and 6. and 9. vi, 98. EF. D. M. 

24 2. Biskra,.o, and 9. yi; 98. B.D. M. 


The 2 have the clypeus and labrum more or less 
largely marked with yellow, whereas Handlirsch says of 
tridens , “Facies semper omnino nigra.” Notwithstanding, 
I believe these insects belong to that species. Saunders 
in his MS. list refers them doubtfully to cyanescens, Rad. 
But with the latter as described by Handlirsch they agree 
neither in puncturation nor pilosity. Apart from the 
yellow ? clypeus, ete., they seem to me absolutely normal 
tridens; and I may say that I have a 2 from Palestine, 
determined by Herr Kohl as ¢ridens, in which though the 
labrum is black, and the clypeus mostly so, there is a 
small patch of yellow on the latter (towards the apex of 
its longitudinal diameter). 

I do not know whether the ordinary form of tridens & 
has been recorded from Algeria. There is none such 
among Mr. Eaton’s captures, and I did not find the species 
there at all. 

2 ff. Bone, on Luphorbia paralias, “eyes dark greenish,” 
Bevin, OF. A. Hy B. 

2 f f. Bone, “ visiting Homopterous blight on Jamar,” 
9. vill, 97. A. E. E. 

5 29. Bone, on sandy ground, 6.viii, 96, 2. ix, 96, 26. vii, 
oy. A. K, E. 

1 2. Médéa, on Lryngium triquetrum, 10. vii, 93. A. E. EH. 

5 22. Le Tarf, on Foeniculwm vulgare, 24, and 27. vii. 
po. A. EL E. : ; 

299. La Calle, burrowing in sand “near the water’s 
edge,” 4. and 15. vii, 96. A. E. E. 

1 9. Biskra, visiting Tamaria, 21. iv, 97. <A. E. E. 


116 Rev. F. D. Morice on 


Tridenti, F., simillimus et affinis ; pictura simili, sed pallidiore 
(subvirescenti-lactea), et paullo ditiore, (Scutellum fascia magna 
continua vel interrupta, postscutellum fascia continua semper 
ornatum. Abdominis fasciae omnes continue, fascia segm. 1™ 
postice haud emarginata.) ¢ antennis ut in tridente constructis, 
ventre inermi. facie semper flavo-picta. 

A tridente propter notas sequentes certe distinctus—(a) Ocelli 
postici ab oculis evidenter minus quam inter se distant. (b) Anten- 
narum insertiones a clipeo area frontalis oblonga bene definita (lati- 
tudinis suae dimidio haud (g) vel non multo (9) brevior) separat. 
(c) Femora postica ¢ subtus excavata in fine sulci huius apicali 
armantur (fere ut in S. meridionali) spinula wna erecta nigra. 
(d) Corpus minus hirsutum, pilis brevioribus et, ut videtur, mol- 
lioribus plerumque minus erectis. Punctulatio thoracis concinnior, 
aequalis, subtilissima, densissima, sine punctis maioribus conspicwis. 
(e) 2 praeter corporis flavedinem ditiorem distinguitur statim 
antennis pedibusque nigredine omnino carentibus (solum nonnus- 
quam leniter rufescentibus). (f) ¢ tibia postica fortius incrassato- 
dilatata sed minus spinosa (spinulis saltem brevioribus). 

624,299. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 18.80. v, 93. 
A, E. E. 

3 2. Biskra, on Deverra chlorantha, 13.v,97. A. E. E. 

1 f. Biskra, on Zizyphus lotus, 14. v, 97. A. E. E. 

3224. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 19. and 21. v and 19. 
vi, 97.) Al Rak. 

8 ff. Biskra, 18. v—4, vi, 98. FD) M. 
11 9 9. Biskra, 20. v-11. vi, 98. F. D. M. 


1 9. Biskra on Ammi visnaga, 18. v, 93. A. E. KE. 
224,329. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 24. v-22. vi, 97. 
K. E 

‘733,59. Biskra, 30. v-9. vi, 98. F.D. M. 


19,19. Azazga, on Mentha, “altitude of about 1420 
ft; 13, vi, 93.0 A... EK, 

4 $. Le Tarf, “on sandy ground,” 17. vi, 96. A. E. E. 

The ? seems to be undescribed. Comparing it with 
peregrinus § I find no distinguishing structural character 
whatever, and even the coloration is almost identieal— 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 117 

only the abdominal fasciae appear wider, through being 
much less widely and deeply bi-excised in front. (This 
makes the two sexes superficially more similar than in 
other related species (peregrinus, gazagnairer) where the ¢ 
is generally a more brightly-coloured insect than the 9.) 
(Mr. Saunders’s MS. alludes to another ? “ Near Médéa, 
alt. about 3180 ft., burrowing in sandy soil about 1 p.m. 
15. vii, 93, A. E. E.,” but I cannot find this specimen in 
his collection, and do not know what has become of it.) 


1 2. Constantine, 15. vi, 98, F. D. M. 

I am somewhat doubtful about this determination, 
partly because of the date of the capture, and partly 
because the specimen is a little (but only a very little) 
more highly coloured than any of a series of 2 2 before 
me which are certainly gazaynairei, taken by myself-with 
their males at Hamman Bou Hadjar (Province of Oran) in 
April, before any other Stizus had appeared. In this 
specimen the clypeus is entirely yellow, and the legs show 
no black markings between the extreme bases of the 
femora and the unguiculi, while in all the Oran 2 ? the 
former has a black central spot at its base, and the latter 
vary considerably in the extent of their infuscation but 
are never quite immaculate. Still I do not know what 
else it can possibly be, and its abdominal fasciae are 
abbreviated at their sides, and that on segm. 5 reduced to 
a mere central spot, exactly as in normal gazagnairei. It 
seems not impossible that the brighter coloration of the 
Constantine specimen may be a consequence of its appear- 
ance at a later date, or to some climatic difference between 
East and West Algeria; but it is perhaps rash to theorise 
about a single specimen which may after all belong to 
some distinct but cognate species. Several forms of this 
Group and those near to it have their f f abundantly 
distinct, but their 2 2 almost indeterminable when they 
occur in isolated specimens apart from the other sex; (cf. 

Handlirsch’s Synoptic Tables of the 2 2 passim !) 


In Mr. Saunders’s MS. these specimens are listed as 
meridionalis, Costa, but that species is not otherwise 
represented in his collection, and though its description 

118 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

suits them in the main point, viz. that the 8rd ¢ ventral 
segment bears a tooth, it appears to me that they have 
structural characters which distinguish them from the real 
meridionalis, Of the latter I have several specimens, but 
unfortunately ¢ ¢ only, from 8. Italy (Taranto) and Corfu. 
All these, besides being darker insects, with narrower 
abdominal fasciae, than zibanensis and very much more 
black on the legs, differ from it in at least three points of 
structure, viz. the hind femora have a definite and fairly 
long ante-apical spine (in z2banensis there is only an 
extremely short black tooth—more like a minute tubercle 
than a spine !—), the hind tibiae are simple (in zibanensis 
they are somewhat paradoxically compressed and twisted 
slightly in the middle, so that in a particular point of view 
both their lateral outlines appear distinctly sinuated 
inwards between their bases and apices); and finally the 
7th ventral segment is “inerme” (Handlirsch) in mert- 
dionalis, while in zibanensis its extreme apex forms a tooth- 
like projection, much as in discolor, which is distinctly 
visible when the insect is viewed in profile from either side. 
Mr. Eaton was so fortunate as to capture a 2 together 
with one of his ~~. It completely agrees with their 
rather bright coloration, and is therefore probably dis- 
tinguishable “at sight” from meridionalis 2, which, accord- 
ing to Handlirsch, would seem to resemble its own J, and 
therefore to be darker than the specimen before me. 

¢. Antennis fere ut in meridionali constructis ; segmento ventrali 
3'° dentato (dente plerumque minore magisque incurvato, sed et 
forma et magnitudine variat!) 7™ apice dentiformi, angustato ac 
reflexo. Femora postica ante apicem haud spinula setiformi, sed 
dente nigro vel tuberculo brevissimo instructa. Tibiae posticae in 
medio singulariter compressae ac leniter quasi contortae, propterea 
marginibus ambobus ut videtur intus sinuatis. Pictura opulentior 
quam in meridionali, fere omnino utin gazagnaire: §. Flava sunt— 
facies sub antennis tota: collaris margo posticus cui tuberculis 
humeralibus: tegulae alarum etiamque mesonoti margines his adia- 
centes: scutelli maculae 2 magnae triangulares: postscutellum 
totum : abdominis segmentorum 1-6 dorsalium fasciae apicales latae 
integrae (etiam in ventre plus minusve conspicue continuatae) ; 
fascia 1™ postice late ac leniter semel emarginata, reliquis bi-excisis 
ac propterea tri-lobatis. Fulva vel testacea—segmenti dorsalis 7™ 
macula magna apicalis: antennae (superne leniter infuscatae) : 

pedesque (exceptis coxis trochanteribus que nigris) 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae, 119 

Q. Pictura mari simillima: sed facie supra clypeum, etiamque 
segmento abdom. ultimo fere usque ad apicem ipsum, nigris. 
Caput antice latius (minus rotundum) quam in peregrino, fere ut in 
kotschyi sec. Hand]. in Monogr. VI, Tab. iii, fig. 2 

4 is é 1 2. Biskra, on Zizyphus lotus, 29. and 30, iv, 95. 
Fe Biskra,:7. and 20:-y, 98; F. D: M. 


12. De Tarf, on Foeniculum vulgare, 24. vii, 96 
A. E. E. 

1 9. Aine Draham (Tunisie) on Centaurea, “ altitinde 
from about 2700 to 3300 ft.,” 21. vu, 96. A. E. E. 

1 ¢#. Constantine, 15. vi, 98, F. D. M. 


1 f. Biskra, on Zizyphus lotus, “ visits also Nitraria tri- 
dentata and Statice pruinosa. Eyes red purple.” 24. v, 
94. A. EK. E. 

1 9. Biskra, on Ammz visnaga. “Eyes brown purple.” 
25. v, 93. A. E. E. 

124,499. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 30. iv, 95 and 21. 
We vino, A. th, Ei. 

Pa biskra, 20) y, 98. EB. DM. 


1 f. Biskra, “near Railway kilom. 198.” 17. v, 94. 
A. EH. E. 

Toe biskre, 14 -v lo vi, 93. . BF. 1. M. 

6 79. Biskra, 20. v—7. vi, 98; Hf. D. M. 

14,299. Biskra, 20. and 26. v and 3. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

The ¢ has the 2 apical segments and a streak at the 

apex of segm. 5 testaceous; “the ° 2 have only obscure 
indications of that colour on segm. 6. 

STIZUS POECILOPTERUS, Handl. (= fasciatus, Kl. nec 

1 gf. Biskra, on Amini visnaga, 22. vi, 97. A. E. E. 
This is a remarkable and interesting capture. As the 
f is unrecorded, and the 2 known only from Ambukob! in 

120 Prev. F. D. Morice on 

Ethiopia, Mr. Saunders’s determination of it was inevitably 
conjectural; but the insect clearly belongs either to that, 
or to some nearly-related species as yet unknown at any 
rate to the Palaearctic Fauna, such as calopteryx, Handl. 
(from India). It may be desirable, therefore, to give some 
description of its main characters. (Its general appear- 
ance is quite that of atropical,rather than ofa Mediterranean 
insect. ) 

Comparing it with Handlirsch’s Analytic Tables one 
arrives without hesitation at the dichotomy calopterys or 
poecilopterus, but there hesitates because the former is 
called “Species orientalis,” and the latter (‘Species 
africana”) has the propodeum red, while in this specimen 
the “triangular area” at least is black! Such a character, 
however, cannot be thought to be conclusive: and even if 
it holds in the $ ?, the ¢ may differ. 

The head is more or less like those of melanopterus and 
tridentatus, the eyes converging somewhat similarly, and 
the apex of the clypeus folded in at its sides, so as to 
embrace the labrum, as in those species. But the clypeus 
appears decidedly less elongate; and the eyes approach 
much nearer to the posterior ocelli—the interval being 
much less than that which separates the latter from the 
anterior ocellus, or from one another. The neuration is 
just as in the above species (1st cubital cell very narrow 
above, etc., etc.). The insect is entirely without yellow 
markings, and is black only in the neighbourhood of the 
ocelli, on the triangular area of the propodeum, and (more 
or less dilutely) on some of the dorsal abdominal segments. 
Its general colour varies between two reddish shades, one 
lighter, the other darker. The antennae are subclavate, 
the 3rd joint hardly as long as the two following together, 
the apical joint about as long as the 12th much curved and 
sharply truncate. The head round about the ocelli is 
rather tumid and glabrous; but below these swollen areas, 
the face is somewhat impressed, and covered with beautiful 
silvery flat-lying hairs. The convex clypeus is separated 
from the bases of the antennae by a subtriangular “ tecti- 
form” area (so raised centrally as to appear carinated). 
The pronotum is almost without sculpture; the mesonotum 
closely and rugosely punctured, the scutellum finely and 
sparsely so; the propodeum has much larger punctures, 
very sparse in the middle, but becoming dense and even 
rugose on the sides. Behind, the propodeum is not 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 121 

rounded off, but ends in a very sharply-defined truncation 
the corners of which are angular or even tooth-like, 
depressed and then reflexed, with a curiously jagged or 
denticulate outline. The triangular area is large, well 
defined, and bisected by a shallow linear impression. 

The colour of the wings is the most striking of all its 
characters. At their bases they are clear hyaline up to 
the points at which the veins begin to branch and form 
“cells.” The wpper wings only are clear along a part 
of their apical margin, viz. from the apex of the radial cell 
to that of the vein which André calls “ nervure posterieure.” 
The rest of their extent is occupied by a most conspicuous 
dark fascia, with a sharp, nearly straight, interior margin. 
It is umber-brown by transmitted light, but by reflected 
light exhibits a most beautiful blue and purple iridescence, 
which contrasts quite startlingly with the clear glassy basal 
areas adjoining it. 


1 gf. Biskra, on Ami visnaga, 15. vi, 97, A. E. F. 
1 2. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 25. v, 97. A. E. E. 


LO; hf. Bislera, dy ito 25. v,/98.... B.D. M. 

5 2 9. Biskra, 16. to 25. v, 98. F..D. M. 

I have little doubt that I am correct in this identifica- 
tion. Most of the ¢ f agree in every respect with Hand- 
lirsch’s description of one of the two % ¢ (from Syria and 
Cyprus) on which alone he based it, viz. that in which 
the yellow band on the 2nd abd. segment was entire. 
The rest are in all main characters exactly similar, but 
exhibit one or other of certain slight differences in colour 
which, I feel certain, are individual and not specific, 
e.g. the propodeum may show either more or less of yellow 
than in Handlirsch’s types, and in one specimen is black 
entirely; the apical abd. segment also is narrowly streaked 
with black longitudinally in one specimen, more broadly 
so in another, and in two black altogether. 

The 22 were taken along with them, and evidently 
belong to them. All the specimens (ff and 2? 9) have 
the basal segment of the abdomen distinctly red, and the 
yellow bands on the following segments uninterrupted 
and exceedingly broad. In the 2? the yellow markings on 

122 &.... F. D. Morice on 

the propodeum invariably unite into an entire arcuate 
(or semicircular) band—this is the case also with one at 
least of the ¢ ¢—and the apex of the abdomen is invariably 
a little rufescent. 

Having carefully considered all Handlirsch’s descriptions 
of the species assigned by him to the fasciatws-group 
(rufiventris, niloticus, etce.), and examined in the light of 
them the structural characters (puncturation, J antennae, ) 
as well as the colour of the wings and body in these 
insects, I can find nothing to which they seem likely to 
belong except tricolor. Characters of the latter which are 
conspicuous in them are the rather strong yellow staining 
of the wings, the dark violaceous-brown cloud over their 
radial area, and the clear exterior and inferior margin ; 
also the even thoracic puncturation, the narrow posterior 
and broad anterior, yellow edging round the eyes, and to 
judge from Handlirsch’s figure (Plate II, 10) the form of 
the apical joints in the ¢ antenna. 

I believe that the following specimens, which are all 
¢ ¢, may safely be referred to the same species. Certainly 
they now look very different from it; but only, I believe, 
because their original coloration has been completely 
altered by the effects of cyanide. In all of them, the red 
and yellow markings of normal ¢ricolor alike on thorax 
and abdomen are represented only by slightly-differing 
shades of sordid brownish orange. The pattern, however, 
of these markings seems to be the same as in ¢ricolor ; 
and, curiously, the yellow on the face (clypeus, etc.) is 
very little affected, though even here, occasionally, it 
inclines slightly to become rufescent. 

3 $2. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, “ eyes reddish purple- 
brown, 18. and 25. v, 93.. A. E. E. 

2 2 f. Biskra, on Zizyphus lotus and Nitraria tridentata, 
‘“‘ Hyes purplish brown,” 24. v, 94. A. E. E. 

(One of these is very small and dark, with the basal 
abd. segment practically black, and the band on the 
second segment interrupted. But I think it is only an 

2 ¢. Biskra, on Zizyphus lotus, “Eyes brown,” “ Kyes 
brown agate,’ 29. and 30. iv, 95. A. E. E. 

1 ¢. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 24. v, 97. A. KE. E. 

2 $f. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, ‘ Eyes light red-purple,” 
25.¥, and 22.:v1, 07. A. Hel 

5 fg. Biskra, 14. to 24. v, 98. Fi.D. M. 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algertu: the Spheqidae. 123 

(It is odd that the cyanide, while reddening the yellow 
tints, seems to have had exactly the opposite effect on the 
ved—expelling it and leaving the surface yellowish! In 
certain lights, however, a slight difference in colour 
between the (originally) red and yellow areas can be 
recognised ; though there is no longer such a positive and 
striking contrast between them as is apparent in fresh 


if biskrao ok. vy, 9o.,,8. D. M. 

© 2. biskra, 2. v1.98. 1. 1D. M. 

The ¢ has unluckily lost both antennae, so I cannot 
appeal to their characters to support this identification. 
But the colour, and unclouded wings, seem sufficient 


1 ¢. Biskra, on Zizyphus lotus, 24. v, 94. A. E. E. 

1 9. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, “ Eyes greenish, or 
glaucous,” 30. v, 93. <A. E. E. 

2 - 2. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 17. and 30. v, 97. 
A, E. E 

3 at Biskra, 28. and 31. v and 6. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

6 29. Biskra, 14. v to 3. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

ee Biskts, 24) ¥,98. FA DEM 


1 gf. Biskra, “about 8.30 a.m., “ Kyes olive-green,’ 
Bs, WL, Gos, A. E. E. 

i pt Biskra, on Zizyphus lotus, 29.iv, 95. A. E. E, 

1 #2. Biskra,14. v to 6. vi, 98. F. D. M, 

38 22. Biskra, 25. v and 6. and 9. vi. 98. F. D. M. 


1 g. Biskra, on Amini visnaga, “Kyes light yellowish 
green or olive-green,” 28. v, 94. A. E. E. 

1 9. Biskra, among Tamaric near the barrage. ‘“‘ Hyes 
very light yellowish olive-brown.” 30. iv, 97. A. ELE. 
-sVGig fo. Biskray 122 y¥) to:20,.v,98.. FD: M. 

124 Rev. F. D. Morice on 


1 2. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 31. v, 93. <A. E. E. 

294,429. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 28. v to 22. vi, 
Die Avie Er 

2 od. Biskra, 23; ¥ and 6, vi, 98. -F)/M. 

The wings in one of Mr. Eaton’s $f are discoloured in 
a very singular manner. The infuscation has vanished 
entirely from the middle of every “cellule,” but remains 
persistent at their edges. Consequently every nerve and 
vein appears thickened and blurred ; as though one should 
make a pen-and-ink sketch of the neuration, and dry it 
hastily with imperfectly absorbent blotting-paper! This 
seems to have happened before, and not after, the death of 
the insect. 


1 ¢@. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 29. v, 9 
1 2. Biskra, on Amma visnaga, 26. v, 9 
1 2: iBiskra; 20\sv.- 08:08 1: IME 

My 2 was determined long ago by Herr Kohl as prob- 
ably the undescribed 2 of intermedius. Mr. Eaton’s 9 
agrees with it, and his f answers to Handlirsch’s description. 
(The apical sinuation of the last antennal joint below is 
so slight that it might easily be overlooked, and the joint 
supposed to be sinuated once only !) 

This 9—still, I believe, undescribed—is coloured just like 
the g, and has the upper wings similarly clouded along 
their upper margin (more narrowly and indefinitely than 
in hemixanthopterus described below). The antennae 
have their scapes flavous in front, black behind; the 
flagellum is fulvous simply at its base; but towards the 
apex the colour grows more and more dusky, and the apical 
and two penultimate joints are practically quite black. 
The orbits of the eyes are very narrowly yellow. The more 
apical yellow fasciae on the abdomen are scarcely visible 
in Mr. Eaton’s dreadfully discoloured 9,in my own they 
are bright and well defined, those on segments 1 and 2 
are largely interrupted, that on segment 3 narrowly so, 
the rest continuous (though, in certain positions only, 
they Jook interrupted), those on segments 4 and 5 are 
bisinuate on their basal margins (but much less deeply so 
than in S, /wniger), and that on segment 3 incloses a little 

Ayo) Ay ie 
4. A.B. E. 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 125 

black spot. On the thorax the collar, tegulae, and 
humeral tubercles alone show any trace of yellow. 

3 f$fand 19. Biskra, 27. v-9. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

This and the next species agree in most structural 
characters, and also in certain details of coloration which 
seem to be constant in both sexes, and which do not seem 
to characterise any of the species yet described from 
Palaearctic localities. The yellow fasciae of the abdomen 
above, which (as in wljanini, Rad.) are extremely wide 
and almost or quite continuous on all the segments, are 
ornamented with a series of little oval spots or specks 
(black in the ¢ 4%, reddish in the $$) on segments 2-5. 
The spots stand out conspicuously in the middle of the 
yellow spaces surrounding them. On each segment there 
are two of them, one on each side. On segment 1 they 
are wanting, but instead—at the same distance from the 
sides of the segment—the basal margin of the yellow 
fasciae is interrupted by a little punctiform or linear 
incision, as though the blackness or redness at the extreme 
(declivous) base of the segment had just a little “ over- 
flowed” on to its yellow disc. The phenomenon is so 
similar in both species, that at first I did not doubt they 
were identical; but the characters given below make me 
certain that they should be distinguished. (Cf. the 
description following of claripennis, n. sp.) 

The 2 of hemixanthopterus is extraordinarily like that 
of uwljanini as figured by Radoszkowsky, and redescribed 
from the type by Handlirsch; but the character just men- 
tioned does not seem to occur in wljanini, and there are 
other differences which I shall note below. Uljanini f is 

Species in utroque sexu singularis alarum discis brunnea quadam 
flavedine infuscatis quae cellulam radialem, cubitalesque 1™™ et 
2"“"non autem 3"*™ !—occupat. 

¢. Antennarum fulvescentium articuli 2 penultimi basisque 
ultimi subinfuscata : artic. ultimus in medio fortiter ut in nigricorni 
semel flexus (infra haud bisinuatus !). Metatarsi intermedii ut in 
antennato (non ut in nigricorni). . 

Pictura opulenta. Flava sunt facies tota sub antennis cum 
oculornm orbitis interioribus latis: mandibulae (exceptis apicibus 
nigris) ; collaris margo posticus : mesonoti latera cum tegulis tuber- 

126 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

eulis que humeralibus: pedes que (exceptis coxarum  basibus). 
Scutellum in exemplaribus hisce omnibus rufescit potius quam 
flavet: postscutellum omnino nigrum est. Segmenta abdominis 
dorsalia aut tota flava sunt, aut flavo-latissime fasciata, flavedine in 
medio non aut vix interrupta, sed in segmentis 1™ et 2% antice 
plus minusve emarginata vel excisa. Segmenti 1™ basis declivis 
tota nigra, etiamque incisurae duo punctiformes in ipso margine 
fasciae segmenti huius flavae. Segmentorum 2-5 fasciae flavae una- 
quaeque utrinque ante apicem suum punctum quoddam vel guttam 
nigram subovalem transversam includit. Pilositas corporis albida. 

Q. Mari similiter sed multo opulentius picta. Nigredo fere 
omnino deficit, vel in colorem rufum transit. Antennae usque ad 
apices testaceae (nusquam obscuratae) scapis antice flavis ; facies tota 
flava. Vertex inter ocellos posticos rufescenti-flavo biguttatus. 
Occiput in medio et pars temporum pone oculos colore simili. 
Mesonotum lateribus basique in medio flavis, etiam in disco utrinque 
vitta lineari rufa ornatur. Flavent quoque collare totum, meso- 
pleurae (mesosternum vero nigrum !), scutellum, postscutellum, 
propodei pars basalis, abdominisque fasciae (ut in ¢) latissimae, sed 
segmentorum 1 et 2 bases, itemque series supra descriptae macu- 
larum ovalium flavedine inclusarum in segmentis 2-5, rufae sunt 
(non nigrae). 

Long. g 15-17 mm., 9? 19 mm. 


Ae Sle Oe Biskra, all on Ammi visnaga, “eyes light 
yellowish green,” 18. v to 18. vi, 97. A. E. E. 

Big el 2. Biskra, 26. v, 98. F, D. M. 

6 fg. Biskra, 25. v to 3. winiess') EDM. 

The males are very like those of the last species, but 
seem to be on an average rather larger. They are easily 
separated by having entirely fulvous antennae, bright 
yellow (not reddish) scutellum,* and the bases of the 
abdominal segments more widely black, the yellow fasciae 
consequently being reduced so much as sometimes to 
encircle the black oval side-spots only behind, and later- 
ally allowing them to become confluent with the blackness 
at the base. These mere colour-characters by themselves 
might seem unimportant, and those of the abdomen are 
subject to variation within certain limits—in fact in some 

* Unless darkened by cyanide as in some of Mr, Eaton’s speci- 
mens, in which case the other yellow markings are reddened also. 
In all mine the scutellum is distinctly yellow. 


Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 127 

specimens all the black ‘side-spots are surrounded with 
yellow entirely. But they are associated (in both sexes) 
with a character which I think more important, viz. in 
elaripennis the wings are entirely unclouded, in hemixan- 
thopterus always strongly clouded, and to exactly the same 
extent in all my specimens. The only 2? among my ten 
captures is coloured precisely like the $7, and therefore 
very differently from hemixanthopterus 9. Mr. Katon’s 
2 was evidently similarly coloured in life, but has suffered 
much from cyanide. (The resemblance between these 
species and our commonest forms of Vespa, e.g. vulgaris 
and germanica, is really quite extraordinary, but of course 
entirely superficial.) 

d@ antennarum flexione apicali et metatarsi intermedii structura 
hemixanthoptero affinis, illis vero ante apices haud infuscatis et 
articulis evidenter magis elongatis. 

Pictura in ¢ et 2 paene eadem. Flava sunt, facies sub antennis 
tota cum mandibularum parte basali et oculorum orbitis interioribus: 
collare, tegulae, tuberculi humerales, macula (haud magna) meso- 
pleuralis, latera mesonoti, scutellum, striga transversa postscutell, 
segmentum abdominis apicale totum, et reliquorum segmentorum 
fasciae fere ut in hemixanthoptero g sed inter se nigredine basali 
segmentorum magis evidenter separatae. Fascia segm. 1™ con- 
tinua, 2" distincte quamvis anguste (per vittam nigredinis) in 
medio interrupta, reliquorum incisae quidem plus minusve profunde 
sed tamen continuae. Segmentorum 2-5 fasciae flavae maculam una- 
quaeque utrinque nigram vel totam, vel saltem lateraliter posticeque, 
includunt. Pedes flavi, vel partim subrufescentes. Antennae in 
utroque sexu usque ad apicem testaceae, scapis flavo pictis. Caput 
postice, thoraxque infra nigra. Abdominis venter niger flavo- 
fasciatus, fasciis plus minusye angustatis atque interruptis, apice 
toto flavo, 

Long. ¢ 15-20 mm., 9 22 mm. 

SPHECIUS, sp. ?° 
lite dniskia," 25; yy 98s", Wad. M, 

This specimen is no longer in my possession. I gave it 
away without keeping note of it, and the above record is 
quoted from the “ Hymenopteren-Studien” of Dr. W. A. 
Schulz, who states that it has found its way into the 
Strassburg University Museum. 

Dr. Schulz considers it to be a form of antennatus, Klug ; 
but his very careful and detailed description of the speci- 


128 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

men leads me to a different opinion, I think it must be a 
duplicate of the $f described above as claripennis, n. sp. 
As Dr. Schulz points out, previous records of antennatus 
are limited to the eastern parts of the Palaearctic Region 
(from Turkestan to the Balkan peninsula, and nowhere on 
the African side of the Mediterranean). Again, from all 
that I can make out, antennatus (of which I possess only 
a single { specimen* and the Saunders coll. another), is a 
species of very constant coloration, with far less of yellow 
either on thorax or abdomen than any of my claripennis 
specimens or than the insect described by Dr. Schulz. 
Handlirsch, after examining 20 specimens of antennatus 
from many localities, has satisfied himself that the long 
apical joint of the f antenna with its inferior margin bi- 
sinuate is a constant character of antennatus; whereas in 


Hemixanthopterus ie caL 
Claripennis qeayite a. 

claripennis and in the specimen now in question (vide 
Dr. Schulz’s description) the apex of the antenna is con- 
structed otherwise, viz. nearly as in nigricomis. The two 
antennatus ff before me quite answer in this respect, as 
well as in colour, to Handlirsch’s statement; and in the 
absence of positive proof that the antennal character is 
variable, I should hesitate to discard the conclusions of so 
accurate and experienced a systematist as Handlirsch. In 
the present state of our knowledge, or rather ignorance, 
as to the possible variations of structural and other char- 
acters in Sphecius, and the precise distribution of nearly 
all its recorded forms, I think it safest to act on the 
hypothesis that two forms from widely-separated locali- 

* This specimen, I ought to say, was taken by myself at Syracuse, 
and therefore at the extreme western limit of the recorded range of 


Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 129 

ties, with definable colour-differences, and obviously dis- 
similar apices to the g antennae, are in all probability 
really distinct; and that, for the present at least, it is 
safest to call them by separate names. 

The accompanying figures, or rather “silhouettes,” of 
the apices of the f antenna in antennatus, hemixanthopterus, 
and claripennis (placed as nearly as I can manage it in 
the same position and viewed from beneath) are obtained 
by photography from actual specimens in Saunders’s and 
my own collections. 


2 29. Near Médéa (alt. 2980-3000 ft.). 29. vi, 93, on 
Eryngium triquetrum, and 12. vi, 93, on Centaurea 
caleitrapa. <A. EK. E. 

2$2,629 (one of the latter a dwarf !). Constantine, 
i6Pand 17.71, 98. F. D: M. 


1 ¢. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 25. v, 93 (“afternoon”). 
A. E. E. 

Me do 2S. Biskray 7. wv to 9. -v31,,98. 7 F Di M. 

Handlirsch (Mon.) mentions this species as unknown to 
him. Mr. Saunders identified the A. E. E. ¢ from com- 
parison with a specimen sent to him as “ galactina” by 
M. Vachal. The $f by Handlirsch’s Table work out as 
pallida, Rad., but they cannot be that species, as (apart 
trom colour-differences) the intermediate femora have 
rather long, sharp and quite conspicuous “ spinulae ” on 
their inferior margin. Dufour’s description, as far as it 
goes, suits them, and his type was an Algerian insect (from 
Ponteba). Mr. Eaton has a note, “ EKyes subolivaceous, 
light markings of the thorax and abdomen ashy blue.” 
(In the latter character, however, there seems to be con- 
siderable variation—some specimens having also a distinct 
tinge of greenish yellow—much as in chlorotica, which 
galactina superficially a good deal resembles.) 

1 2. Biskra, on Echinops spinosus, 8. v, 97. A.E. E. 
839,429. Biskra, 16, v to 2. vi, 98. F. D. M. 
Determined with the help of Egyptian specimens named 
for me by Handlirsch. 

F | 
130 Xev. F, D. Morice on 

1 gf, 19. Médéa, on Hryngium triquetrum, 29. vi, 93. 
K. E 

322,329. Le Tarf, 23. vi, 96. AEE. 

It will be seen that this common European species did 
not occur to either Mr. Eaton or myself at Biskra. (Its 
coloration is perhaps ill adapted to desert surroundings.) 


Many 2¢ 2 of this common species were taken by Mr. 
Eaton and myself from April to August, but curiously 
only one @ (on Zizyphus lotus, at Biskra, 30. iv, 95. 
A. E. E.). 

af occurred on Scabiosa iotundifolia at La Calle in 
July, on Nitraria tridentata at Biskra in May and April. 
Also at Hippdéne (“by the railway ”) and at Bone (“along 
the sands by the sea”). 


1 f,2 29. Biskra, on Ammz visnaga. “ Kyes of f sap- 
green, of 2 greenish blue. Thorax with light yellow 
stripes on black ground . . . abdomen light ashy blue.” 
hSsand 25. y.98.0 Acwbe Be 

2 £4. Biskra, oly, Os., AL Be i: 

1 2. Between Tizi Ouzou and Azazga, 13. vi, 93. A. E. E, 

2.4 ¢ and 1-2) Biskra, iw to LO: wi. 98) «BME 


1 f. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga. “ Eyes light bluish ash,” 
20.%; 900 A. H.W, 

224. Biskra, 31. v, 98. F.D. M. 

I have taken the same form exactly in Egypt (det. 


Mr. Eaton took both sexes (dating from April to October) 
in various districts, and I (at Biskra) 7 22 (an May and 
June), but apparently no f &. 

The following plants are recorded by Mr. Eaton as 
visited :—Lryngium triquetrum and Mentha rotundifolia 
(Médéa), Ammi visnaga (Biskra and Hippéne), Zizyphus 
lotus and Echinops spinosus (Biskra), Scabiosa rotundtfolia 
(La Calle), Znula viscosa (Constantine). 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 131 

1 g. Médéa, 27. vi, 93. A. E. E. 


1 f, 12. Biskra (‘‘near Kilom. 199”), 9. and 14. ini, 95. 
A. EH. E. 


1 9. Biskra, “by the river above the barrage amongst 
Tamariz,” 21. iv, 97. A. E. E. 
2 99. Biskra, 25. iv and 9. v, 97. A. E. E. 


1 g. Biskra, “ by Oued, Biskra, above the barrage amidst 
Tamarix and amongst Cynodon dactylon, on sandy ground 
loose on the surface,” 16. v,97. A. E. E. 

(?) 1 §. Biskra, 19. v, 98. (A Sylaon ; but perhaps another 
species?) F. D. M. 

1 2. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 19. vi, 97. A. E. E. 


1 f. Bone, on Chlorophora tinctoria, 3. vii, 97. A. EWE, 
1 % Bone, on Rubus discolor, 13. viii, 97. A, E. E. 

1 gf. Constantine, 10. xi, 95. A. E. E. 

2 fg. Alger, 4. iv, 98. F. D. M. 

OXYBELUS LAMELLATUS, Oliv. (= arabs, Lep.) 

Mr. Saunders called this sp. “ arabs, Lep,” and no doubt 
it is so. But it is the species identified by Herr Kohl as 
lamellatus, and as that name has priority, I use it. The 
Algerian specimens are exactly like others from Egypt 
determined for me by Kohl, and one of my Biskra captures 
also bears his ticket ‘ Jamellatus, Oliv.” 

1 g. Biskra, “amongst Tamarix,” 30. iv, 97. A. E. E. 

1 2. Biskra, on Ammz visnaga, 28. v, 94. <A. E. E. 

1 ee 5 29. Hippéne, on Ammi visnaga, 12.-15. viii, 96. 
A. E 

5 ey 1 . Bone, “Common along the coast. . Fond 
of settling to Haak on black or dark- eoiated clea” 
14. ix, 96 ‘and OVEN OC...) Ax Bs Hi, 

K 2 

132 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

1 g. Médéa, 26, vi, 93. A. E. E. 

1 f. Constantine, on Atractylis gummifera, 1. x, 93. 
A. BK. KE. 

32. Biskra, 14, 16. and 30. v, 98. F.D. M. 

99.0. Biskra,.2he Ws, Do. sD. ME 

224,399. Biskra, amongst Tamarix, 7. iv-19. v, 97. 
E. E. 

‘1 ft, 1 9. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 13. v, 93. and 28. v, 
94, A. EK. E. 
1 3,529. Hippone, on Ammi visnaga, 12-15. vin, 96. 
E. E 

13,19. Le Tarf, on Foeniculum vulgare, 26. vu, 96. 
A. &. E. 

842. Biskra, 14., 17. and 26. v, 98. 2..D.M. 
3 9 9. Biskra, 11., 14. and 16. v, 98. F. D. M. 

1 f. Biskra, amongst Tamaria, 2.v,97. A. EK. E. 
1 9. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 27. v, 97. A. HK. E. 
2.94. Biskra, 4.v, 98. F. D. M. 
3 9 2. Biskra, 14, and 23. v, 98. F. D. M. 


Some specimens are much darker than others, answer- 
ing, as far as colour goes, to the descriptions usually given 
of nigripes (e.g. those of Gerstaecker and Marquet). But 
they have all the strong puncturation of pugnax, and I 
think all may safely be so called. (One of my captures 
was determined as pugnax by Kohl.) 

1 9. Hippdne, on Ammi visnaga, 10. viii, 96. A. E. E. 

39 9. Biskra, among Zamarix (two very dark, one 
quite the reverse !), 4.iv and 1.v,97. A, E. E. 

4 $2. Alger, 22.-30. iv, 98. F. D. M. 

1S) Biskra, 14.9, 98. Doe. 

OXYBELUS MELANCHOLICUS, Chevr. ( = analis, Gerst., nec 
Cress., sec. D. T.) 
1 ¢. Biskra, 14. v, 98, F. D. M. 
19. Alger (det. F. Kohl ‘‘analis, Gerst.”), 30. iv, 98. 

1? Biskra, amongst Tamaria, 29. iv, 97. A. E. E. 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Sphegidae. 138 

OXYBELUS, n. sp. ? 

224. Biskra, 4. v, 98. F. D. M. 

These specimens were submitted to Herr Kohl soon 
after capture, and determined by him as “n. sp. near elegan- 
tulus.’ But as one has since lost its abdomen, and the 
other is evidently much discoloured by cyanide, I think it 
better not to attempt a description, and therefore leave 
the form unnamed. 

BELomicrus opscuRus, Kohl 
1 2 (det. auctor !). Bone, visiting Sedum cacruleum, 

10. vi, 96. A. E. E. 
299. Biskra, 7. and 11. v, 98. F. D. M. 

12,7929. Biskra, “on sand amongst Cynodon dactylon 
and Tamarix,” 15.-20. iv, 97. A.E. E. 
1 3,1 (det. auctor !). Biskra, 14. v, 98. F. D. M. 
243,19. Biskra, 14. v, 98. _F. D. M. 
22%. Biskra, 20. v, 98. F. D. M. 

CraBro (BRACHYMERUS) 5-NOTATUS, Jur. (= trochanterieus, 
H. Sch.) 
1 9. Azazga, 17. ix, 93. A. E. KE. 
299. Béne, 14. v and 1. vi, 96. A. EH. E. 
1 9. Hippdne, 16. v, 96. A. E. E. 


19. Alger, on Magydaris tomentosa, 5. v, 98. A. E. E. 
1 2,19. Constantine, on Thapsia garganica, 19. v, 95. 

A. E. E. 
529. Le Tarf, on Foeniculum vulgare, 24.26. vu, 96. 
A. E. E 

1 Q. Bone, on Euphorbia paralias, 31. vii, 96. A. KE. E. 
1 g, 1 9. Hippone, 15. viii, 96. A. K. E. 

12,1. Bone, on Chlorophora tinctoria, 3. and 12. viii, 
OF.) As BOE, 

1 2. Constantine, 17, vi, 98. F. D. M, 


Mr. Saunders has left this unnamed, It is like the 
Jast, but larger and much more pilose. In structure and 
sculpture it appears to me most like meridionalis, Costa, 

134 Rev. F. D. Morice on 

but the abdomen in both sexes is practically unicolorous— 
black. (There is no meridionalis in Mr. Saunders’s col- 
lection, and I believe it was unknown to him. My own 
specimens from Greece and Turkey in Asia have just 
been returned to me under that name by Herr Kohl, and 
comparing them with the present insects, I can find no 
difference except in colour. Hence I suspect, though I do 
not venture to say positively, that specifically they are 

1 Z, 1 9. Constantine, on Ferula communis, 17. and 22. 
v,95...A. KE. 


Ate, Biskra, 16sand. 25. v;.98..) oD: MM, 
4 OO: (Biskra, 10. and) 23.01v. 989 1 AON, 
1 g. Constantine, 16. vi, 98. F. D. M. 

All these specimens have been determined for me by 
Herr Kohl. Mr. Eaton has taken what appears to me to 
be the same form exactly, but Mr. Saunders seems to have 
had a doubt on the subject, for his MS. has a note in 
pencil, “n. sp. nr. clypeatus.” 

The localities, etc., for these specimens are as follows— 

1 g,1 9. Biskra, on Ammi visnaga, 3. vi, 98 and 15. 
v97,, Ay HE: 

Aft, 422. Le Tarf, on Foeniculum vulgare, “sexes 
taken in cop.,” 24. and 26. vii, 96. A. E. E. 


222,299. Biskra, on Euphorbia guyoniana, 22. iti, 
94. A. EK. E. 

124,19. Constantine, “f on Leballium elateriwm, 2 
on Ferala scabra,” 30. ix, 93. <A. E. E. 

1 9. Alger, 9. i, 93. A.E. E. 

1 2. Béne, 14. v, 96. <A. E. E. 

3 fg. Alger, 4.,15.and 21. iv, 98. F. D. M. 

1 . Constantine, on Oenanthe fistulosa, 7. v, 95. A. E. E. 


1 f. Constantine, visiting Thapsia garganica, 17. v, 95. 

A. E. E 

Hymenoptera aculeata collected in Algeria: the Spheqidae. 135 

229. Hippdne, on Ammi visnaga, 10. and 15, viii, 96, 
A. E. E. 
Pare os] Biskra, 14) v, 98... F: D. M. 

a0) 04 Biskra.S; and 20: iv, 97: A. H. HE. 

I do not name or describe these specimens, as they will 
be dealt with ere long in Herr Kohl’s nor now preparing 
on the Crabronidae. 

( 186 ) 

VI, Lxperiments in 1909 and 1910 upon the colour- 
relation between lepidopterous larvae and pupae 
and their surroundings. By ELIZABETH BRIDGES. 
Communicated by Prof. E. B. Poutron, D.Sc, 
M.A.,. F-R.S., ete 

[Read November 2nd, 1910.] 

I. Experiments on the larva of Uropteryx sambucaria. 
Il. Transference experiments on the same. 
III. Experiments on the pupa of the same. 
IV. Note on some experiments on the larva of Odon- 
topera bidentata. 
V. Notes on the apparatus used. 

I. Kuperiments on the larva of U. sambucaria, 

The following experiments were undertaken with the 
object of finding out to what extent the close resemblance 
of certain lepidopterous larvae to their surroundings is 
due to the adaptive power of the individual. — Prof. 
Poulton * has already shown that several species (notably 
fe. crataegata, A. betularia, O. lidentata, G. quercifolia, 
etc.) do possess in a remarkable degree the power of 
assuming the colour of their surroundings, and in the 
summer of 1909 he kindly gave me some eggs of Sam- 
byucaria, and suggested that I should test this’ species in 
the same way. "The results of the experiments show that 
it 1s one of the most sensitive hitherto investigated. I 
will briefly describe the experiments, before giving the 
details in tabular form. 

As is well known, the larvae of most Geometers feed 
only at night, and spend the day motionless in a twig- 
like attitude on the woody part of the food-plant, which 
in many cases they closely resemble, Prof. Poulton found 

* Trans. Ent. See, Lond,, October 5, 1903, and December 1892 3 } 
and “Colours of Anijals, " Lond., 1890, pp: 121, wz. 

TRANS. ENT, $00, LOND. 1911.—PART |, (TAY) 

Miss E. Bridges upon lepidopterous larvae and pupae. 137 

that the larvae are only influenced by the colour of the 
twigs on which they rest, or of those quite close to them, 
and in the experiments here recorded, all were kept alike 
in clear glass cases with white roof and floor, the only 
difference being in the colour of the few sticks placed 
among the leaves of the food-plant. 

The eggs, about 130 in number, were all laid by the 
same moth, and hatched between August 14 and 16, 1909. 
They were introduced into the different environments 
within a few hours of hatching. The environments were 
as follows :— 

A. Slips of white wood painted crimson with water- 

B. Black twigs of birch. 

C. Slips of white wood. (The wood not a dead white, 
but the cream colour of common deal.) 

D. White wood painted a pale green with water- 

E. Dead sticks of oak covered with grey- lichen and 
green powdery alga. 

The food-plant employed was elder (Sambucus nigra). 
The larvae proved to have only various shades of black, 
brown and cream at their command. On the pale green 
sticks (D), they became cream-coloured, on the red (A), a 
reddish-brown ; on the lichen-covered sticks (E) no lichen- 
like markings appeared as in the experiment on bidentata 
(see p. 144), but the larvae became a rich black of the 
same colour as the bark, and were most inconspicuous. 
Their sensitiveness showed itself rather in the swiftness 
and completeness with which they adapted themselves to 
the black and white environments (B and C), On the 
first day (August 21) that any were noticed on the black 
sticks, four became black on the back (they were distinctly: 
darker than any of the other sets), and three days after 
this all but two were completely adapted, 7.e. were indis- 
tinguishable in colour from the sticks. Those on the 
white sticks took some time to get rid of all traces of 
their dark markings: the first signs of the “bleached ” 
appearance were not noticed until 12 days after they. 
began to use the sticks (September 2): all but one were 
adapted in 2] days (on September 11). Notes were taken 
every three days with the exception of the first week. 
Those between September 29 and Qctober 11 are omitted 
ag n9 change was then recorded. 

Miss Elizabeth Bridges wpon colowr-relation between 

“WIOJ Yep 
| (, 95848487) aa][eus 
6 “(yyeourepun 
I9UMOIG TayyeI 9) 
Woy Yep peusn 
asejs puz 61 

“WLOJ 489} Y SIT 
‘aBvys JST | “Ose 
wiof yep yensn 

‘SdABIT UO a5P}S | 
puz el  ‘siayyo 
ay} ueyy Yyeou 
-lapun  JauUMoIg 

Loy | WIOF Yep 
a5vys pug Yous uo 
T ‘SdAvo] UO [VT 


yyvausepu ly) 

‘YslUaeds | 

|u0 Qf ‘SxONs Wo 9g 


"SyIVU YoRy | 
YSIppel YA YARau.epun 
UMOLG JUST T siya yng 
IV ‘LT yuq o5eys pug ui 
ITV ‘punoas uo Z ‘saavay 

‘s19yJO 94} URTy 
pur ssoyy, “JUST Z ‘uo; 
YyIvp J] ‘Soave UO ITV 

“yep LT ‘oyetpeur 
-Iequl [ “ys, F 
‘sdave— UO [TV 

"ysIny{q oye 
-Ipatiezut [ ‘yaep 
FL ‘uMorq 
Z ‘Seavey UO TLV 

aed | 
| JST] 2 SaAveT UO [[v 9G 

‘ayeIpeul | 

-19JUL TT “VY UL sB Ystny{q | 
ylep pure ‘yorq Uo UO | 

“yorq uo 

‘Yjeourapun UMOIq UO 
syleur yoRyq : yoeq uo 

| yortq aymmb syorys uo 

‘oper pour 

-9JUT G = “yorq uo YSs{q 

ylep OL ‘yorq uo uMOIq 
qYSI] f “Seavey WO ITV 

1 ‘SaaveT Uo QT 

ese] uo T “ystnyq 
5 ‘syos uo g 

"ysmnyq Apqurey 2 

“(qsinyq | 
| Ysiny{q aseyy jo F ‘Saavey 

Ayqurey G) Soavoay UO gT 
‘ssv]5 UO F ‘SYS UO CG 


Apyurey g “yorq wo Yoryq | 


“YSINT asoyy Jo g ‘saavol 
U0 EL “YSM]q sseyy Jo | 
‘ss¥[5 U0 F ‘SYOS UO F 

1g ‘sny 







‘SL ony 


I dlavia 


‘91 pue 
“CLPL “sny 

6061 NI ava 

lepidopterous larvae and pupae and ther surroundings. 139 

Autgsun = ‘soa ee] 
U0 g “pouTy-aqTyA 
Aurysun = ‘sos 
uo g ‘alofaq se 
Autys‘syorqs UO T 

‘yyeourepun A]][eIO 
-adsa ‘g sv yep os 
aymb jon ‘sse[8 
WO T Inq ‘saAvaT 10 

qsed ‘sos U0 G 

“a1 0Jaq 
se Aurys ‘soavay] WO 
qsoy = “UOJ Pauly 
-ayrya = AUTYSun 
‘saaRe, UO G ‘aLOF 
-aq sB yorq yaep 

Aurys ‘Joo. uo | 

"quivy L19A SOUL 
qnq saavea] UO TTY “(yyeou 
-I9pUN SU ,, aN[VA,, BWRS 
{SOUITR you ay})ssauyIep 
IOyUIeF YOUU pur Ue} 
-yed oj 049 WLM (ZT) 

-19JUL OT ‘Taz YSTT 6 ‘YIU 
-lapun uMoIq yep AIOA 
8 ‘L ynq Aurysun [8 
‘saavoT Uo 4sey =“AuTYS 

“10Joq Sv 

Aurys G ‘adojaq sev WI0F 

ayinb [ ‘erojaq sv 

-Japun UMOIG pur 
q se yiep sev oie 
yoy ‘9 ydooxe 
‘“) 8B SeABaT uO 

| esOouy, “Af 

sv yiep se Aj,1¥veU | 

qser ayy, “yorq uo kurys!) [ = ‘paury-eqrya = AuTYs | pouty-oyty Aurysun FT 
pue yiep ATATey [YS OT -Un J» ‘S¥oIys UO g_ | ‘ssR[s UO T ‘SHOTS WO F *¢ dag 
dq} Joor uo T ‘puno1s uo 
Z ‘yorq yep ypeusou 
pue syIVulapun yuUrTey 
‘ssv[B uo [ ‘A]}0UT)SIP 
| pue ysintq ‘souvrvodde 
| peyovetq B UJI JoyTSIT 
youu [ ‘aloyaq sev yep 
Ajarey pue Aurys syorg 
}auou YIM [ ‘syreul "U19} 
Urey UGTA Z SyIvUr your -yed pouly-ayty A ayvorpep 
| -sip ATITey YALA Z ‘saavey AIOA YA Inq ‘Aurys [[e 
‘g sv yaep se U0 OT ‘eu0s ozinb Z ut ‘sors ye you ‘yoeq uo yYsiIniq 
‘paapul jury AraA yyvou|se yaep se Al[etoued | exow ¢g ‘aIOjoq se WIOJ 
‘SOAROT UO | -LOPUN SYIVUT ay} aseq} | JN “[lejep UL pajou you | Y1Vp[eUroU gT “peyunod 
jog uy ‘syoysuo gl | anopoy ‘syos uo g |GET ‘SeadvaT UO ITV ‘gydag 
| ‘queuISas aTpprur ynoqe 
(apis yova uo { 4deaoxe 
\urey Yyeousepun syLew 
yaeq ‘Aurys Jo yep "adv\S PUZ TLV 
os oytnb you pur senyq ‘eBeys puzZ | ‘payunod ET ‘yQveurepun 
‘9 se ye yorq ‘q wytM poarduog | [Ty ‘syous ex] yYovq | Ayperoodse yrep os aymmb 

‘saaveT U0 Gl “¢ 

‘arojoq. 88 [IF anojop 

uo Aurys A]j0u14s1p nq 

you 4ynq ‘gq exT] “Yoeq uo 

‘aloyaq sv 
INO[OH ‘ssBls uo 
I ‘8308, uo F 

"al0Jaq Sv 
Moo ‘sse[s uo 
I ‘syols uo PF 


((D UL 4seqtep oyy 
sv JysiT se eseyy 
jo #) ‘“Surqooy 
« Peyoua|q,, ATpapto 


‘y1ep [[s seavel uo 
1 ‘gurey AdoA ole aseyy 
syoys uo g UL ‘“pRey 

-depun UMOIC 
yo pue yorq uo 
peurp-ayya Suep 
ITV - SeAveyT uo 
qsol ‘syor}s U0 G 

140 Miss Elizabeth Bridges upon colowr-relaticn between 

-op ae SYOVG oY} | puw syoys UO esoyy JO | ‘alofaq S¥ANOTOA *seAvo] 
ZI Ul ‘Soave, UO|G ‘ssB[S UO T ‘SoARIT | UO JsoY ‘SYOs uO EI | “LOJaq sv ANO[OD) ‘SaA¥eq, 
€ ‘syous uO Gl | uo g ‘syOIYs UO GT ‘ssu]B UO [ "jooruo[ (UO JT ‘SYS UO TF PL deg 
/wrei AyIp ve jo Apoq 
a4} SUIAve] ‘au0d ysowE 
‘aLOJoq SB 4Sal | BALI SHAVUL YaRp ayy “ysar 
(ayy, ‘SULULYS []Ys | e43 UT “Yorq uo yaep “yarep 
SOABI]| UO T ‘SOAB | [[IJS SAAROT UO oUO [| RUS /os ayinb you 4nq ‘gq se 
UO soy =«‘JOOIUO| T ‘BsvIS UO T ‘seAvy | ‘aLOJaq SBAMOTOD ‘SeAReT [[Y ‘SeAve] U0 ‘“ssEls 
I ‘syous uo G@ |UO OL ‘SHOMS UO TL | UO YoY ‘“syOS UO FL | Uo [| ‘SYS UO TT TL ‘gdag 
"yysr, eyinb ¢ 
‘payoweTq 6 ‘Aurys []98 T 
eyed waojiun ApIey & ST 
yoeq ayy pue ‘poystuea | 
Ul “SUTYOCT ,, PPB 5, | 
‘yyeousep A[peploop ysod ayy 
-uN SyIVU UMOIG ‘youq uo uIYSs pue Yep | ‘((UMOIG YSTpped Yor v | 
‘WLOJ PEUT[-o}lYM [YS GF ‘“SYAVUL Jury ‘yyvaudop | eulos) YJeauJEepuUN UMOIG | 
‘gavp Ayarey [py ddea WAT ‘syns sv qysIT  -Un UMOIG YsIpper Yor | sso] 10 etow [py “Largs” 
"seavo] UO g ‘syorys | sv ATavou ‘Auge YoU ‘WLOJ pouly[-oyyA YVp | [ ATU ‘seavey Uo gT | 
ao [I Jooruog | -depug ‘syoys uo g = ALOAT[Y ‘SYS wo OT "SYOIJS UO G ‘sSBID UO T "gydag 

40 SHOILS GvVad “WY 






I Wldvi 


“6061 NI SLva 

lepidopterous larvae and pupae and their surroundings. 141 




[ews [ ‘ssupypreur yurey 
IV ‘Sys uo OZ uo [ ‘SYS WO EZ 
‘Aurys pure yrep 
| ][S SeAReT WO aUO [[BUIS 
| I ‘ssuryreur quiezy AtoA 
‘o8ujs pig ‘JOO UO Z ‘paypovalq LoyeL Z “YOR, 
| | ‘sse]s uo [ ‘prey ivou @ ‘SeAvaT UO G ‘Os TONUT 
| $9081} JesuoTs [ITM AVA T ‘poyorayq Layer 
| anes pug [ {oseqys pig 1 ‘SYIVUL ayy UI 
| ‘gyIVUL JUTL] ITA Ward *poyeOSt [[e SYIeUT | WIA yoRq Wo yovTq osayy 
*pajou Joy ‘pajou joNN «| AUIP OL ‘SHONS UO LT | IY AL ‘syos uo eg | jo PF ‘SyoNs UO TT 
pue [ems [YS seavoy 
| uo [ ‘peel vou saoRsy 
| JOBUOIJS 9ALY Pasuvyo ot} *paqeost Jnq snonury 
| jo [ pue souo Sursuryo | -woo esu0[ ou ore SyLeUt 
| ‘aqozoq sv aMopog | ey} Jo z ‘syreur ystai5 | oy} g Inq [[e UT “seuT] 
foor uo Sursueyo | yurey AIOA YIM “TOAO | ayy oxwotpep ATA YALA ‘a1OJaq SB 
‘Bursueyo [ —“Sur8ueyo g/ yje aMojoo wee AyrIp | Youtq ystppar st yoeq ey} | Mofo ‘Z ynq pasueyo 
‘joo uo T. ‘Saavet uo TL ‘pale jo Apsopy ‘“BurBueyo | posaeyo oavy yeyy [ye Uy | [TY ‘Seavey, Uo OT “Bur 
“mn ‘Seavey uo ysoxy | -Sueyo [ ‘SurSaego |», ‘sseps uo T ‘seavay | *paSueyo ysat oyy, “Sur|-saeyo Z “urys pasuryo 
‘sysoys uo gq ¢ ‘Syorys M0 9 uo 2 ‘Sys WO FT -BULYLD F “SHOTS WO YS eAvey G ‘“SYOIys wo J, 
‘Q ur] Zuo Z ‘syuawIses g UO, 
JSoyIVpoyy sv yYSI] | seovty YIM Z “YlVp pur | 
SR ale g ‘payovetq | [[euIs ][ ‘seAve,T UO > i¢ PIYORET ,, 
are syovq ay} |" uo A[UO ysar oy} UT | Suryje3 ore aulos 
91 UL ‘“SdARaT UO | ‘syWOUTSas g UO [[TS $90BI4 | ‘arojoq se) Jo syoeq ey, ‘seavoy 

‘paq0u JON 

F ‘S¥HOYs uo FT 

aaey f ‘Sys uo cl 

INOJON, ‘sY¥oys wo gyT 

uo g ‘SHS UO G 

‘93 “ydag 

es “ydag | 

02 “ydeg 

‘LI ‘ydag 

142 Miss Elizabeth Bridges wpon colowr-velation between 

“Suyedad yy 

i ie 
‘ey, aune 


alo puv Jayaep | 9B you yng ‘9 ueYyy| GL 3q TLV 

qnq ‘y s¥ ano[op 


ud013 [[@ | P2UeLejsueI, OJ Usyey 

royrep ATIYSITS 

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lemdopterous larvae and pupae and their surroundings. 143 

Il. Transference experiments. 

In order to find out to what extent the larvae were 
susceptible after hibernation, some were taken from the 
black surroundings in B, and given white sticks as in C. 
In the same way some were taken from C and put into a 
case containing black sticks. The results are best shown 
by a table. One curious point is that the white sticks 
produced their full effect sooner than the dark ones, 
whereas in the experiments on the early stages the reverse 
was the case. 

DATE IN Bl cl 
March 11. | 8 introduced from B. 5 introduced from C. 

April 27. | 1 lightest form (as in C). | 2 still as light as C. 1 of 
3 nearly light, as C.| thesesmall. 2lightpink- 
1 slightly darker. ish brown. 2 smaller 
and rather darker. 

April 28. | All but 1 as light as C. 
This one nearly so. 

April 30. | Retwrned to black sticks. All as before. 

May 5. 4still as light as C. 1 much | 
darker. | 

June 13. | No change. All pupating.| All pupating. | 

Ill. Eaperiments on the pupa of U. sambucaria. 

When the first of the larvae used on the previous 
experiments began to spin, all were arranged in various 
environments with a view to testing the susceptibility of 
the pupae. In the first set (Table III) the larvae were 
left in the same environments that they had hitherto 
occupied. The results of this set show clearly enough 
that when the same conditions are continued, the pupae 
are as well adapted to them as were the larvae. What 
they do not show is to what period of susceptibility the 
adjustment is due. Prof. Poulton thinks that it is effected 
just before pupation, and independently of the previous 
environment of the larvae. The results shown in Table 

144 Miss Elizabet@Bridges wpon colowr-relation between 

IV point to an opposite conclusion. The larvae in this 
set were those used in the transference experiments : in 
the table I have repeated the results of B (Table III) for 

In the third set, the larvae were placed during pupation 
in compartments lined with variously-coloured papers and 
leaves. The results, so far as they go, seem to show that 
the pupae have a considerable power of adaptation, but as 
in this set I omitted to note the previous history of the 
larvae (they were taken at random from various environ- 
ments), there is no real evidence of the extent to which 
the pupal colours are independent of the larval. I hope 
to repeat this experiment with more success next year. 



: 2 with no cocoon, 1 darkest form as B, 1 rather 

(Crimson sticks). | — lighter. 

2 cocoon of old skins, etc. 1 darkest form, 
1 rather lighter. 

B. 8 hardly any cocoon. Dark brown, smoked 
(Black sticks). with black (Figs. 1, 1a). 
3 cocoon of bits of leaf. Same colour. 

: 6 hardly any cocoon. Cream-coloured with 
(White sticks). rather sparing smoky specks and streaks. 

2 rather more profusely speckled. 1 in 
cocoon of skins, etc., like these (Figs. 2, 2a). 

D. 1 slight cocoon, strong ochreous tinge with 
(Pale green sight black marks. 
sticks), 1 slight cocoon, darkest form. 

, 3 no cocoon, darkest form. 
(Dark lichen- 2 cocoons of bits of bark, same colour. 
covered sticks). 

IV. Note on some experiments on O. bident&ta. 

In the summer of 1909 I experimented with about 20 
bidentata larvae given to me by Prof. Poulton. The 
results are not worth giving in detail, as the forms pro- 
duced were exactly the same as those already obtained 
and described by him.* 

* Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., October 5, 1903. 

lepidopterous larvae and pupae and their surroundings. 145 

They were as follows :— 

(a) Black sticks painted to a dark crimson produced 
bluish-black larvae. 

(6) Brown sticks of sycamore painted with white rings 

2 2a. 


about 3 mm. wide, and the same distance apart; cream- 
coloured larvae with smoky markings on back. 
(c) Dark twigs of larch with patches of grey lichen: 
very dark larvae with green and white lichen-like pattern. 
(@) Slips of cream-coloured wood : cream-coloured larvae 
with slight smoky pattern. 
(e) Purplish-black twigs of birch: bluish-black larvae. 

146 Miss Elizabggle Bridges upon colour-relation between 

(f) Black twigs of oak with pink spots painted on 
them: bluish-black larvae. 

(g) Slips of white wood painted with scarlet squares 
(length of side about 2 mm.): cream-coloured larvae with 
faint smoky pattern (slightly darker than in (7)). 

It will be noticed that the twigs painted in geometrical 
patterns produced no corresponding effect. The results 
of all the experiments seem to show that although the 
individual larvae and pupae are able to conceal them- 
selves very effectually among surroundings to which the 
species is accustomed, they are powerless to effect any 
appropriate adaptation to an “artificial” environment. 

Bis Be yg | 
S is 2 6 Qe om 
eeESa Ss 50 mi | 
a) a =e cay 
WHPE. ay Bug ei 
& oO z - a Zi AS { 
Ae ee Sens a 

ema Pee He 
72OR ° o<s Zz | 
Aa me Qa Asa BQ | 
5 al tess A Bon p } = | 
FS --:-b=) 4 40o% | Fo | 
On8m | g | ee | SE 
ROm leo Hm | 
be < S = | #8 | 5 
Bs Role 
Black. | Bl. | Bl. — Bl. | 8 with not much cocoon, 3 in cocoon 

| of bits of leaf. All very dark brown 

| | _ smoked with black. 
Black. | Bl. Wh. BL | 2 in cocoons of laef, slightly less smok 

| ’ to} 

than the last set. 

Black. | Bl. | Wh. | Bl. | 2 no cocoon, 2 in leaf cocoons, These | 

| 4 of a uniform light reddish brown 
| | with very sparing black specks, 1 in 
| leaf cocoon, darkest form. | 

V. Notes on the apparatus used. 

The larvae were kept in clear glass cylinders or lamp 
shades, varying froin 8 to 10 inches in height, and from 
3 to 5 in diameter. The tops were covered by white 
muslin or calico. The floors were of wood covered with 
white paper: a hole in each floor allowed the stems of the 
food-plant to pass through into a jar of water. As the 
larvae became larger, some were transferred to other 
cylinders, so that they were never crowded. 

The pupae which were not left in their original environ- 
ments were tested in cardboard compartments (about 

epidopterous larvae and pupae and their surroundings. 147 

3 in. deep by | in. wide) with glass fronts, at an angle of 
about 45°. Both larvae and pupae were kept in a strong 
north light. _ 

The hut in which the experiments were carried out 
was roofed with iron, and was generally a good deal 
warmer than the outside air. This probably had the 
effect of hurrying on the stages, for the larvae never 
attained a greater length than about 1% in. 



Black. Scanty. | 1 light reddish brown, 3 | 
| | very dark. 

Dark green. | 3 cocoons of variouslvy- | 
coloured paper and , 
leaf. | 

Darkest form. | 

White paper. | 2 cocoons of paper 1 darkest form, 1 greyish. 
and leaf. 

White calico. 1 cocoon of white Lightest form (cream- _ 

threads, ' coloured). 
| Bark and grey | 2 cocoons of bits of Fairly dark. 
_ lichen. | paper, ete. 
Dead oak 1 cocoon of leaves, Exact colour of leaves | 
| leaves. | (Fig. 3, 3a). 


os Home> 

VII. On the early stages of Latiorina (Lycaena) orbitulus, 
an amyrmecophilous Plebeiid “ Blue” butterfly. By 
T. A. CHAPMAN, M.D., F.Z.S. 

[Read November 16th, 1910.] 

NOTHING seems to bave been recorded about the earlier 
stages of this species, except Rogenhofer’s record in the 
Verw. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien in 1875, until accident afforded 
me the opportunity of making some observations in 1908. 

Rogenhofer appears to have met with the larvae on the 
Stelvio Pass, under stones, when preparing to pupate, and 
gives us a very good description of. it, though, as it 
happens, without any reference to the one point that gives 
this larva its greatest interest, viz. the entire absence of a 
honey-gland on the seventh abdominal segment and of the 
correlated fans on the eighth. 

In the summer of 1908 I found Z. orbitulus ovipositing 
on Androsace vitaliana; my experiences are noted in the 
Entomologist, Vol. xl (1909), p. 105. Failure in a sup- 
ply of the food-plant prevented my getting the larvae 
into the 2nd instar. In the following year I followed the 
matter up at Arolla, and found that the food-plant there 
was Soldanella alpina. I recorded the Arolla observation 
in the Entomologist, Vol. xli, p. 221 (1909). The 
young larvae I obtained furnished me with one specimen 
in the third (hibernating) instar, but this did not survive 
the winter, I found, however, that it was without the 
ant-attracting honey-gland (and fans) characteristic of the 
Blues, and this determined me, if possible, to carry my 
observations further. The honey-gland is present in this 
stage in all the species that possess it that I have ex- 
amined. The question was, did it appear later in orbitulus, 
or was it entirely absent ? 

Taking into account the habits of growth of Androsace 
vitaliana and of Soldanella, I thought that to search for the 
larvae in spring on the latter plant was not very hopeful, 
whilst the tufted growth of the Axdrosace made the latter 
plant one on which the larvae could probably be searched 
for with success. The result was that I found myself at 
Binn on June 20, 1910. I knew approximately the places 



Dr, T. A. Chapman on Latiorina orbitulus. 149 

where the Androsace grew there, and where LZ. orbitulus 
had been fairly common two years before. 

The weather was chiefly to blame for nothing but some 
reconnoitring being done until June 28, when I visited 
the Tschampigen Alp (circa 7000 ft.), and with the aid of 
my sisters and nephew (Mr. C. L. Milligan) I succeeded in 
obtaining over a dozen of the desired larvae. 

The smallest found was about 6 mm. long, the largest 
14 mm.; 18 mm. seems to be the length of an average 
full-grown larva not specially extended. 

Several were found somewhat hidden in rather bushy 
plants of Gregoria (Androsace) vitaliana, but most were 
fully exposed, on or close to the plant, as if sunning them- 
selves, though one or two of these were actually feeding 
on the flowers. ; 

In captivity they will eat the leaves of the plant, but 
preferred the flowers, eating enough of the corolla to 
enable them to reach the centre of the flower, and they 
were seen with their heads buried deeply therein, and 
abandoned flowers consisted of nothing but the calyx, the 
whole interior having disappeared, probably uneaten 
portions of the corolla had dropped off. 

In the autumn, before hibernation, the larvae have only 
the leaves to eat, either of Androsace or Soldanella, prob- 
ably in spring they eat the flowers of the latter plant as 
they do those of Androsace. 

The larvae obtained at Binn were in the fourth and fifth 
(last) instars, except one specimen which was found with 
an ichneumon cocoon attached to it; the larva was alive, 
and remained so for some time, it was still in the third 
hibernating instar, the same stage to which my most 
advanced larva had attained in the preceding autumn, 
thus showing that I had obtained all the stages, the 
relative sizes of the heads of the five instars obtained 
being in a series showing none was absent. 

The measurements taken of length of head were— 

An exactly proportional series 

Actual measure. would give 
1st Instar ‘18 mm. 18 mm. 
2nd ,, oy aa yer 
Beds. 73 42 =, <.'} Gomer 
Ath ,, ‘GO 4 0 *.;; 

5th ,, ‘84s, ‘90 

150 iw +. A. Chapman on the 

In measuring from preserved specimens, the measure- 
ments are as close to the proportional series as one could 
reasonably expect. 

Already in the first stage the larva, when somewhat 
grown, has a colouring approaching that of the full-grown 
larva, and in the third stage they are, so far as my few 
specimens indicate, quite like the full-grown larva; the 
panoply of hairs, lenticles, etc., becomes more abundant 
with each moult. A full description of these would be very 
lengthy, and not convey as good an idea of the facts as a 
few glances at the photographs of the larval skins of each 
stage presented herewith. The most notable peculiarity 
of the larva in the first instar is the marked development 
of the hair of tubercle III. In most Blues III appears to be 
represented by two very minute hairs, those that approach 
very near to orbitulus as regards this hair are astrarche 
and minimus, the latter not a Plebeiid; in these there 
seems to be a definite IIJ, with or without a minute hair 
point, making up the two that are nearly always present. 

I may quote my description taken from the living, full- 
grown larva, though this is hardly necessary, with Mr. 
Knight's excellent figures to refer to. 

“Tt is of a bright, but rather bl uish-green (assuming this to be the 
ground-colour), with a brown dorsal stripe bordered on each side 
with white, and on the middle of each segment by pink. On the 
‘slope’ of each segment, centrally, is a short dark line or patch, 
obliquely placed, occupying the hollow above the spiracle. The 
obliquity is downwards and backwards, it is conspicuous on the 3rd 
thoracic and first 6 abdominal segments, but exists before and behind 
this, in most specimens somewhat obscurely. 

“ The lateral line along the flange is white, margined above by pink 
or pinkish-brown, more or less bright in different specimens, which 
graduates into the green slope below the spiracles. Below the white 
band is a darker border, shading into the dull olive-green of the 
underside. The spiracles are small black points. In one speci- 
men, the oblique dark lines on the slope are much extended, and the 
colour bordering the dorsal and lateral lines is very broad, so that 
the green ground-colour is very restricted; this specimen is young in 
last skin and may become more normal later, but cannot wholly do 
so (by comparison with fairly normal younger specimens). 

“The surface is everywhere furnished with black hair points, not 
very closely placed, and from these short black hairs arise, though 
without a lens one is inclined to regard the larva as quite smooth, 

early stages of Latiorina orbitulus. 151 

its very shining and polished skin adding much to or almost causing 
this illusion. The head and legs are black.” 

The form of the larva is the usual Lycaenid one, up to 
14 mm. long and 3 to 4 wide, according to the amount 
of stretching out; a trifle wider anteriorly, but of nearly 
uniform width from the mesothorax to the sixth abdominal. 
The 7th to 10th abdominal are perhaps a little less fused 
together than usual in Lycenids. Each segment rises 
dorsally into a low arch, and the lateral margin (seen 
dorsally) is a series of slight curves. The remarkable 
feature of the larva is the absence of a honey-gland. 

On July 4 several larvae had suspended themselves 
on the side or lid of the box for pupating. The carpet of 
silk is slight, the cremastral pad hardly stronger than the 
rest of the carpet, and the girth consists of half-a-dozen 
threads nearly all separate, and arising from a scattered 
base, but connected together near it by a few cross 
threads. The whole arrangement is very slight and flimsy 
and quite unequal to bear the slightest strain. 

As the larva approaches pupation the colours get duller, 
the pink almost disappears and the white gets dim. The 
brown dorsal line with a little white near it, the oblique 
brown dashes of the slope and the brown lateral lines are 
all much of a tint. The lateral line is lost on the thorax 
(owing to wings beneath) and the thoracic segments, 
especially the mesothorax, become larger. The head is 
quite sunk in the prothorax, the thorax is nearly one-third 
of the total length. 

On July 10 the first specimen pupated; immediately 
on pupation the pupa is of the same brilliant colours as 
the larva at its best, not the dull ones immediately pre- 
ceding the change ; the oblique lines are Jost on the thorax, 
but the white lateral line, with broad, pink band above 
and brown below, is very distinct, even where covered by 
the wings, which are quite transparent. After some hours 
the thorax and wings become of a bluish-grey (leaden 
lavender), the abdomen almost yellow rather than green, 
but very pale. The red dorsal line very narrow on thorax, 
but spreading along front of prothorax, head colourless 
(transparent glassy green). Tracheal nervures of wings 
very distinct in the transparent tissue. It may almost be 
called hairy, with short white hairs most numerous 
anteriorly and posteriorly. 

152 DMT. A. Chapman on the 

Twenty-four hours later the head, thorax and wings are 
very dark, a nearly black-brown, not quite obscuring the 
underlying green, the wing veins rather paler, a dark- 

The dark dorsal line hardly visible on thorax owing to 
the general darkening. On the abdomen the darkening 
is not quite so great, so that the brown markings are 
distinct on a brownish-ochreous ground-colour, through 
which the underlying green is still very obvious. The 
abdominal incisions (1 to 6) look double, owing to an 
intersegmental subsegment, present as a very narrow raised 
rib. The hairs are rather more evident, especially in profile, 
of a pale-ochreous tint. 

Later the pupa becomes darker, with little distinet 
marking except the paler wing venation. 

The first imago, ¢, emerged August 9. 

On July 1 a larva, apparently still in the hibernating 
stage, was found on the Eggerhorn on A. vitaliana, it 
rested on top of a small yellow Apanteles cocoon, whose 
tenant had escaped from its host on the left side of the 
first abdominal segment. ‘The larva lived for a further 
ten days. The cocoon gave exit on August 5 not to an 
Apanteles but to a hyperparasite. Inthe search for larvae 
of orbitulus, several of these Apanteles cocoons were seen, 
but were left alone, as their connection with orbitwlas was 
not suspected. 

There is at least one other parasite of the larva of orbitu- 
Jus ; a full-grown larva died and seemed to be hardening, 
and supposing it to be suffering from fungus-disease, it was 
put in pickle, so as not to sacrifice a better example. On 
mounting it, however, it was found to contain an ichneu- 
mon well advanced towards maturity. It was further 
damaged in dissecting larva before its existence was known. 
In the result Mr. C. Morley says in spite of the difficulties 
thus put in his way that he has “ little doubt that it is 
Cremastus bellicosus, Grav. f, an Ophionid Ichneumon.” 

It is obvious, with two parasites detected in my small 
acquaintance with the larva, that its being unattended by 
ants is not due to its baving no enemies, from whom 
ant-protection would be desirable. 

The point of great mterest in this species is the absence 
of the honey-gland. It belongs to the Plebeiid section of 
the Blues, which are generally regarded as the most typical 
of the myrmecophilous Blues. 

early stages of Latiorina orbitulus. 1538 

In order that this fact may be fully demonstrated and 
not rest merely on my apse dixit, I present photographs of 
the skin of the larva at each stage, and enlarged ones of 
the region of the seventh abdominal segment, where the 
honey-gland would be, if present. They show, instead, 
hairs precisely as in the other segments, or rather in their 
proper order as varying a little from segment to segment. 

The photograph of the prothorax (Pl. IX) shows the 
change in the character of the hair bases at the last moult, 
and both show very well the peculiar angular hair of the 


. The detailed plates of the pupa-skin show the nature 
of the sculpture and armature in different regions, in a 
way more easily useful to any one interested than a 
prolonged description. 

Herr Viehmeyer, who has specialised on the honey- 
glands of Lycaenid larvae, has only met with V. (Lycaena) 
optilete as a species amongst our Kuropean “ Blues” with- 
out the honey-gland, and this only on the basis of blown 
specimen in the Staudinger collection. There can be no 
doubt, however, that such evidence is quite trustworthy. 
It is tolerably certain that pyrenaica, the Pyrenean cousin 
of orbitulus, will be found to agree with it in this respect. 

The possession of a honey-gland is so universal in the 
Blues as to be almost a subfamily character, and one 
inclines to search for reasons for including in the 
Lycaenines those species usually placed in other sub- 
families that possess this remarkable organ. How are we 
to explain its absence in these species which are- typical 
Lycaenines, and cannot be located by any excuse outside 
the subfamily ? 

Why they are without it is possibly because they are 
such high-level species that few, if any, ants exist in their 
habitats; optilete and orbitulus, with pheretes, whose larva 
is practically unknown, are the species having their 
habitats at the highest level of all the European Blues 
(from 6000 to 8000 ft. in the Alps, rarely somewhat 
lower, especially in the case of optilete). What the numbers 
and activities of ants are at this elevation I do not know; 
it is a point that wants investigating. 

This may be a “ final cause” for these species wanting 
the honey-gland. A more important question is, have 
they lost it, or did they never possess it? If they never 
had it, then these species must be ancestral to all the 

154 ip T. A. Chapman on the 

other Blues; if so, it should be possible to find some 
characters in common to optilete and orbitulus which make 
them less specialised than the others, 2.¢. some further 
character than the want of the honey-gland. The only 
trace of such a character I know of is that the segments 
of the larva 7, 8,9 and 10 abdominal are less fused into 
one than in various other Blues, corydon and bellargus for 
example. On the other hand, if they once had the honey- 
gland and have since lost it, it is difficult to explain how 
they have regained the normal armament of dorsal hairs 
that disappear at the site of the honey-gland in those 
species that possess it. 

There is one point worth noting, viz. the structure of 
the Adoeagus. 

In a short but important note on this structure in the 
Plebeiid Blues in the Ent. Record, Vol. xxii, p. 101, 
I pointed out that this structure has a peculiar character 
in semiargus, optilete, pheretes and orbitulus, placing these 
together and separating them from the other sections. 

When I made that note, I had no suspicion that it had 
any bearing on the present question. How or why 
semiargus falls into the group is for the present purpose 
a somewhat obscure puzzle, but leaving it on one side, it 
places the other three species together, all of which have 
a high-level distribution, two of them are without honey- 
gland, and it would not perhaps be rash to expect that 
the third will be found to be so also, but at present this point 
is not known. 

These four species have one other character in common, 
viz. they are without the basal spot between veins 1 
and 2 of the hindwings beneath, a spot rarely absent in 
Plebeiids, except in Tutt’s genus Hirsutina. 

These facts suggest that these three species are closely 
related, and that they are derived from a common ancestor, 
who never had, or who lost the honey-gland. Notwith- 
standing that they differ in facies, perhaps more than any 
other Plebeiids do. 

The hypothesis that these species are at the base of 
the myrmecophilous species seems much more than 
doubtful in at least two respects. The myrmecophilous 
Lycaenids belong toa number of different sections, and the 
idea that they havea common ancestor in species of one of 
these sections, that except in this one respect are fairly 
typical numbers of that section, is contrary to our idea of 

early stages of Latiorina orbitulus. 155 

ancestral species, which must present characters that are 
primitive in several directions, and do not belong to one 
specialised group. The other difficulty is even stronger. 

There are other sections of the Lycaenids which possess 
both myrmecophilous and amyrmecophilous species, and 
their amyrmecophilous species would be equally entitled to 
claim ancestral rank. To keep within Palaearctic species, 
the Theclas are largely amyrmecophilous, yet 7. w-albwm 
has a somewhat ill-developed honey-gland, whilst Neoly- 
caena, Thestor and Callophrys have well-developed glands. 

If then these amyrmecophilous species never had a 
gland, we are driven to believe that these glands originated 
and developed, absolutely de novo, in half-a-dozen, perhaps 
a score or more instances. That such a curious and special 
organ, not found anywhere else, should appear so many 
times over in one group, always with essentially the same 
structure and always in the same place, and accompanied 
in nearly all cases by the remarkable fans of the following 
segment, is altogether in opposition to what we know of 
evolutionary processes, and involves too large a draft on 
our credulity. 

We are driven then to suppose that all the groups, 
some of whose species possess these special organs, have a 
common ancestry, and that those genera and species within 
these groups that are without them have lost them. 

How, in this case, can the fact be accounted for that in 
the species before us, and no doubt in others (certainly in 
the Theclids), the segment that usually carries the gland 
shows no trace of ever having possessed it ? 

When the honey-gland is present, the special long hairs 
(tubercles I and II) of this segment are wanting. There 
is, indeed, reason to believe that the honey-gland results 
from a modification of these particular tubercles. The 
surrounding hairs are also specially modified. In J. 
orbitulus the armature of hairs on the seventh abdominal 
segment takes its place as entirely in accord with that of 
the other segments, and has just the arrangement we 
would expect on the hypothesis that it was an ancestral 
form that had never had a honey-gland. 

The forces available to eliminate the honey-gland in the 
absence of ant attendants are considerable. There is the 
loss of the constantly necessary selection for maintaining 
it, a now useless and indeed wasteful organ must rapidly 
degenerate, but there is further a strong selective force for 

156 Dr, Toke Chgpman on Latiorina orbitulus. 

its abolition in the fact that most educators of Lycaenid 
larva have observed that in the absence of attendant ants 
the gland secretion is apt to exude and accumulate over 
the gland, where it decays and moulds, and infecting the 
larva commonly leads to its death. There is also the 
pressure of the common inheritance of the abdominal 
segments which perhaps deserves a word of explanation. 
It will probably require more than this note to make 
zoologists accept it as an existing agency, but I have 
myself no doubt that it is a vera causa in cases like that 
before us. 

There is abundant ground for assuming, without going 
outside the Lepidoptera, still less citing orders of Annulosa, 
more distantly allied, in which the numbers themselves of 
the segments vary from group to group, that the abdominal 
segments have to a great extent a common inheritance, 
and vary together (from species to species). It is probable 
in a high degree that this inheritance, which tends to pass 
from one segment to another any feature such as the 
dermal armament of the dorsal region which we are con- 
sidering is in continual action, tending to eliminate the 
honey-gland and replace it by an armament similar to that 
on the other segments, and that the honey-gland is only 
preserved, where it is preserved, by its usefulness, giving it 
an efficient selective value. 

A long essay would be necessary to show how this 
common inheritance, say, of the dorsal dermal armature 
of the abdominal segments, may be found enforcing the 
uniformity of these structures. Where they differ from 
each other there is usually some very special object in 
view, but in the mass of Lepidoptera these segments are 
identically armed and coloured, yet considering how 
various this armature and colouring is in different groups, 
it might be expected that a good deal of variety would be 
found in the different segments of one larva, much more 
frequently than actually occurs, were there not some force 
keeping them together. The identical brushes on the 
first four segments in Orgyia, the black dorsal pencils in 
Acronycta leporina, which vary so much in their number 
and size, may be cited as instances where these segments 
inheriting one from another is a much more probable 
explanation than the only obvious alternative one, viz. a 
common response to a common environment. 

Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1911, PL XI. 

Explanation of Plates. 157 


Prave XI, 

Orgyia splendida (Moncayo), dorsal view x 4. 
lateral view x 4. 


” ” ” 
L. orbitulus, dorsal view of full-grown larva x 3. 




4. 3 lateral view on flower of Androsace vitaliana. 

oy) ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 

6 BS dorsal view on flower of larva with left side of 
thorax abnormal. 

Left side of front of same larva, more enlarged and showing 
want of markings, the wings (?) are represented by 
spiracle-like nodules. This specimen produced an 
imago with left wings markedly smaller than right 
(regenerated ?). 

(See Trans. South Lond. Ent. Soc. 1910.) 

Drawings by Mr. E. C. Knight. 


Pare? XT. 

Fie. 1. Two eggs of L. orbitulus on leaves of Androsace vitaliana 
x 10, and empty shell, and one x 50. 
2. Eggs of L. orbitulus on leaves of Androsace vitaliana x 20. 
Eggshell x 150. 
4, Micropylar area x 350. 
1 and 2 photo by A. E. Tonge. 
3 and 4 aS F. N. Clark. 


The photographs from which the following plates are taken are 
by Mr. F. N. Clark, and are on the same lines as those with 
which I supplied Mr. Tutt to illustrate Lycaenids in the “ British 


Skin of larva in first stage x 67. 


Skin of larva in second stage x 40. 

158 My lanation of Plates. 

Skin of larva in third stage x 18. 

Puate XVI. 

Skin of larva in fourth stage x 19. 

PiatTeE XVII. 

Skin of larva in fifth stage (last) x 15. 

Skin of larva in fifth (last) instar x 18. 


To show dorsum of 7th abdominal segment (honey-gland region). 


. In second instar x 50. 
WY  jilanneal yy oe HOY 


. In fourth instar x 60. 
5, fifth eh eG! 



Showing prothoracic plate in fourth (1) and fifth (2) larval 
instars x 100. 


Showing 1, prolegs and 2, claspers of last stage larva x 100. 


Fig, 1. Leaf of Soldanella alpina x 4, showing how young larva 
makes small round holes and mines out the intermediate 
tissue of the leaf. 

2. Pupa case spread out x 6. 


Trans. Lint. Soc. Lond., ror1, Plate X1J. 

oto, A. E. Tonge, C. Hentschel. 
F. N. Clark. 


Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1911, Plate XILI. 

Nee if 

ney $ wh 4 

C. Hentschel. 

Photo, F. N. Clark. 


First stage x 67. 

Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., rgrr, Plate XIV. 

Photo, F. N. Clark. 


C. Hentschel. 


Second stage x 4o. 


Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., ror1, Plate XV. 

Photo, F. N. Clark. C. Hentschel. 

Third stage x 18. 

Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., rorz, Plate X VI. 

a Se 


‘Photo, F. N. Clark. C. Hentschel. 

Fourth stage x 19. 


S 3 
: : 
be 8 
x so 
iS =a5 
: a 
: E 
= ry 
: 0 
8 vo) 
S < 
$ ie 
if 6 
. B® 
s Ss 
x LE 
& fo) 
aa eunel 
Age ae Jk 
: s 

Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., ror1, Plate X VILL. 

Ae | «ay: 

Ss * 

Photo, F. N. Clark. C. Hentschel. 

Fifth stage x 18. 

Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., rgrr, Plate XIX. 

Photo, F. N. Clark. C. Hentschel. 

Honey-gland region (1) in second instar x 50, (2) in third instar x 60. 

Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., rgr1, Plate XX. 

. Xe ry 
Lan Pe 

Photo, F. N. Clark, C. Hentschel. 

Honey-gland region (3) in fourth instar x 60, (4) in fifth instar x 60. 



Trans. Ent Soc. Lond., ror1, Plate XXTJ. 







Prothoracic plate in 


and (2) fifth instar x 



2 ee lll 

Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., rorz, Plate XXII. 

Photo, F. N. Clark. C. Hentschel. 

(1) Prolegs, and (2) Claspers, in last stage x 100. 



Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1911, Plate XXIII. 

Photo, F. N. Clark. C. Hentschel. 

(1) Leaf of So/danella mined by young larva x 4. (2) Pupa case x 6. 


nt. Soc. Lond., 1911, Plate XXIV. 



. Hen 



Photo, F. N. Cla 


(1) Face and appendage cov 

(2) Portion of leg covers, &c. x 50. 

ers X 20. 


Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., rorz, Plate XXV. 

Photo, F. N. Clark. C. Hentschel. 

Dorsal head-piece, &c. x 30. 

S E 


Xs S 



















fth abdominal spiracle x 100. 

x0. (2) ee 




socmm § 

et ecete wine 
* - 

Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., ror1, Plate XX VII. 

Photo, F. N. Clark. C. Hentschel. 


(1) Ventral abdominal segments, 5-9, x 50. (2) Terminal segments, showing 
cremastral hooks, x 50. 


Jame , ony : hs ; 
* UPe tes nt,” 1 Eten inn re han 

Explanation of Plates. 159 


Showing face and appendage covers x 20 and portions of leg 
covers (and of antenna and. wings x 50), to show the lenticles over 
the tibio-tarsal joints. 


Shows dorsal head piece, prothorax, and mesothorax (of one side) 
of pupa x 30. 


Shows metathorax (of one side) of pupa with parts of first and 
second abdominal segments and of mesothorax and wing covers x 30 
and the region of the right spiracle of the fifth abdominal segment, 
with suture 4-5 in front x 100. 


Fig. 1. Ventral portions of abdominal segments 5, 6, 7, 8 
and 9 x 50. 
2. Continues fig. 1 on to dorsum, showing cremastral armature 
of hooks. Segments 9 and 10 (abdl.) are not here 
distinguishable x 50, 

@ ( 160 ) 

VIII. The larva ef Orgyia splendida (dubia). By 
T. A. CoApman, M.D. 

[Read November 16th, 1910.] 

I MET with this insect at Cuenca and Tragacete in 1901, 
and in 1903 found the larvae abundantly at Moncayo, still 
further to the north. My observations on the species 
were published in the Ent. Record, XIV (1902), p. 41, and 
XVI (1904), 195. 

Two excellent drawings of the larva, however, by 
My. E. C. Knight, have remained in my drawers from that 
date unpublished. This seems very unfortunate, and they 
are better to be printed now than not at all. Their special 
interest lies in the larva being decidedly ditferent in 
colouring from Freyer’s figure of dubia (Taf. 297), from 
Rambut’s figure of splendida (Fauna d’ Andalusia, Pl. XV, 
fig. 6d) and from Spuler’s figure (Nacht., Pl. II, fig. 13); 
the latter, from some source unknown to me, being most 
like it. 

Moncayo appears to be the most northern habitat of 
the species, the larvae are more brilliantly coloured, and 
the imagines have a larger area of orange yellow than the 
more southern or eastern examples. 

The brilliancy of the larva depends on the deep black 
especially of the tufts, contrasted with the white and red 
brown rather than black being the ground-colour of other 
figured larvae of the species. There are other colour- 
differences, which the figures absolve me from specifying. 
The species is certainly remarkable for having definite 
geographical races differing not only in the imago, but also 
in the larval state. 



GstGR sy) 

IX. New Genera and Species of Striphnopterygidae and 
Lasiocampidae in the british Museum. Described by 

[Read November 16th, 1910.] 

Sir G. F. Hampson some time ago sent me a col- 
lection of African Striphnopterygidae and Lasiocampidae 
for identification. Among the species contained in the 
collection the following seem to be new to science. 
Figures of the Lasiocampidae will be published in my 
revision of the forms of that group occurring in the 
African region. I have to thank Sir G. F. Hampson 
for the figures of the Striphnopterygidae here published. 


Cyrtojana, nov. gen. 

Proboscis aborted. Palpi porrect, hardly reaching beyond the 
frons, compressed, broadly fringed beneath with hairs, last joint 
moderately long, obtuse. Antennae reaching well beyond the apex 
of the cell, broadly bipectinate in the male. Fore tibiae unarmed, 
hind tibiae with apical spurs only. Abdomen of male reaching a 
little beyond tornus of hindwing. Wings broad, with the termen 
strongly and evenly arched ; costa of forewing straight, of hindwing 
slightly curved. Forewing with vein 3 from well before angle of 
cell, 4 from near angle of cell ; lower discocellular long and strongly 
angled near its upper end ; veins 5 a